LAKE LT1-- N-TY INDEPENDEN\T, EE3KLY -SUN 1914. FOUI ?AGE 81.50 PEU YEÀR m A»VAJiOk. Captures Second Plao in tun List of CounUes of :State Wfth Exhlb tsFair. TAKES 21 BLUE RIBBONS.1 W. E. Mier and E. H. iel: of Uborty v o tveIndivitW Eflsat the Fair. Lake Cot>'y for the third cenuecu- aUmet ba von honore aI the il.~ fioIs ulasfir, The honore capturai la-, <bu cotunt>' aI lb. presesl sesion cf tie fair Cassistul et second place &Meng 1the counîlos ofthle satue ton Ibm couat> dîmpla>'ad u I nividu&] uatilu of vogetubegaudgaiprodjiMà e'tinleqOf veguts.bht a" grain prod- nets. The 1ral lionoru ut the tain pv-re laken b>' Stuvuses Conu>, a-hidi, bas- talien thu tirethonore Lu tiedils. pIs a urnges iepast lire, >'ars. LAka coUal>' captured th. ecdndf bontorg for tie Iiaplaym eail>'. vin- nlng tliebueo nlhbon ile21 Instances adIl aucontis anI ta-ethirds. Tue bulk cf lie entrlemude b>' Lobe couat>' vote entrel b>' W. E MWer aldS. H. We l en ryvilbe. a-ho alaco made mua> Individuai en- Irise, Tue offerteof tho ta-o mes usa-nultle honoesforI Lae couRt>', wilci a-l no douit bu enviel b>' ev- «Ymr canal>th le satexceptins Ste- vuson a-hidi Il meUsua asproves lavinekbIle lb. heu«ibtllms. Té la.ek of appe and olier non- Perlebuhie fruits vus naticuable le <is UMM'$ .dimla>'. lIt mpered the exhhil teu a larm Ment, The muili- ne" orf the disuta>'a-usdue tuexetreme hot a-seller lnjuring aisi cf lie pro- jactabutor. 1ky MM'collbu remoeai tm4>,Ç faa et aia 8pragOuid. T'ha rtieisu miwee athe namue! lAke 00»nt> b>' lie 1foh0ioa menad lie swuap" ilves babyw: Lael b>'W. I. Mllur. xâe Ohw pulata ........ - Canota-----------------...second Red Cm6bimge-------------.. eco lerount q"l Boul Pumpkllu. ... second ZAleut uMd BouSquauh ......second Del Tire. Crocktnech Squasbeu.Firsl Coblrabbi .............Firs White Ots. ............ Seceel BIuck OBIs-----------------...second Vabx.-----..-.......-....second Becvhout................. Third Diaplu>'Tam. (Irasaus and Graie.Fii'rs Entèea by. E. 9. Wells. )Bprlna Wieat . .........Third Pu'1y Ohio Folatoea ...... Scnd Rurai Nea- Yrk Foatees -.... -irat fin Walter Iiiegli Folalees ...FInal Burpou m rks . -..........iral Bli o e . . .. .. .. ...Irsl White Giat-----------------...irst BoulDispia a>bsh oau ....-FIinal (This lacîlue 34kMods cf poaice, viiciicenlnet bu buot for aise, grain or smtinehm..) Ried Osions ................... imral BosS %I Rutablees.. ,....Secon BfsuaislbCarrela------------VýIt dRe Cabbagm--------------... ïrat ri.Argesl ad el Pempkln-....Fiat Best Thre. Pompkins-'...second Longet Mol Bul squash -F....inalt Beul Tire. Hubinrl quashes. VIrul Bouton Mara- squash .........Irals DeSta3cràOIMasemSquaahes. . . ..Second 70ev wImeuh melon-----------.. ral MRS. WHITE-DIES AT NOM0E IN SATE Waukutse pt. 29. A. P. Conraltoaa> receivai a mes- salle tellinot oeth11e IealbMonda>' in Seatle, Wash*$-of Mmr. Mary witIe, a miler ef bis siceaffl vte. Mra, White a-as formel>' Mary Green, daugi- tor of William GMRee, a veilu kuov Waugan reallent remareo. Mrg. Whithevus 72 retro eid aunI thuelliest 0f a taml>' et 12 cilidren, But ose chlld survives, Michael.of Chicago, vie iius'charge oethle Hulouceeroui eiate. ROOERTM. 1INGALLS.' Weil knoWn Waulceganbus,- ness man whose funeraJ was held in Waukeggn TuesdLay SAYS FEAR CAUSID DRL Je A. CONNELL T LEAVE N.eII~~ Relative of Missang Physican Says Latter Feared BoOfly Harm fromRogaskl. HE IS TO -RETURN SOON. waulkegan, sept. 30. That Dr. J. A, Coenuli of North Chicuglul Innocent of the char*. soe aduaunat hlm, that ho dis. appuertd from tihe clty for fur Michael AugaIcki would do hlm puruenal lnjury, ael that he vili réturu vitha, à few days ta mai. a OompIstue aenatof cte " In l"'ta cae, vus thet. ment maue te tlhe $M ttu moreb. Ing hy a youeman who o1almul ta bu a relaté»e of the phys5fan and wh Ii id ho wuandl, i boote.-'. aOMMitun l@is uhdo., but vie wluhed hie nom ueup- "Wii,' souiili te Chargea of Mra.1 Rogaishi he crestest,*"ho usuel, "Mra. Rogalai likouI et ber mWni ravieg le delirium. £ven ber oe aluler leciaresthe vornanu tanot ru- mponsile for li e alatements she makes a-bile mie la le ber pzesnt mental condition. "Here'a lie viole mlor>' le a out- shel[. Fer the, 1ma fea- mentis Dr, Conneli bal been treatieg Mas. R4> gaiukl. Sih niatesi upon makleg trequent colle te bis officeald lovard tie lau eh ai to oreerhonava>.trom hlm elflce severail imas. "On Sonda>', Miss Sanilleaics, a iten ot Mns. Rogakl. vent tle Dr.ý Cennelilund 1011 hlm liat Mns. Ro- gataki a-as going tu makeu in IreUble 511e tld hlm Mra. Rogainki iiuilt.oi ber husbuel a number oft fling l hilci *ho bal Included tho deltor's name und liaI lie bubanî bent on vengeance.,1I lWi 'c>'u iiajlbotter leave tea- for a f ew a- ut ratier lipa toits he chance of beeg iejured b>' RePgaiski,' Cie tbld blu. Dr. Coneeli dOcidel thus vas lie viser ceurse ald atonce lutl lie city. "~He lu valling,for Mrs. Rogalii ho regain iier rigil mind, inowin«. laI, a-lio iedoué sie viii exeberpf b af lie charges site madeieable Dide- lirium. Hoem«Ya ho IspÉt seing le BtRuIsaronaland let Rogalaki shoot a* bi. I gsi keepWlnletouci vith Dr. Connel? ualhi.bu usured eu be, inteusete rtura wvihilea loy layé to prseocut. ils divorce sui.» This utlsket vould sgem ho dear op much oethle mystery vbieh ai- lesded the lisappeancu cf Dr. Con- oeil RogMAli la t&Ud«ngto a Bon nepreasetabive on Tquala>clarel bis vite hal made a npitcaf- ilion te hlmtle vilci mli.e lale lie confideece aie ib4&eiaej inluDr. Consellil -he i ustrealins ber for an aliment bal b"ee lpqg,, ald tiati hao bakuatonadlegs orf'ber. iiogaleki ail liaI as leO u cote sure about 111. altomutioa bu voulu kcv -i.her «or qo 1lie veu tubo e elaotlm oa ael*lDr. COsseR. Mra Rc bu beeath* Ncje u eôpsai o0c ! le leno»oatnt . ~Pl behr lae-r. ConmniFupriva ludge. C, C. U a-prl viipremide ln Is'Ma oqa~ue cijUitm a rI fmn,41a iaI ise e d u ] <butaie vue resp Musd%' vin 1the gand jury covearnetarli SItKeeeb'wh The e wviiialun presîdlcetypg peetreMasetI, et li thpIki rOçcbgr onet of urt Cam. ieopie. are udel c vihm @PUM-Os 'iL X. tien. NT IS WAUICEGAN ATTORNEY APPOINTED JUOGE TO FL S13NSYKI9G~O ,TO YACANCY; LOSINO ASI'fRATS 1 ON LATER? Fniends of MaGfin an&Per- Lake Co. Agit acesSituation sons Check-up on, Tomi Gra- of Lookla tu That It Gets hamn, Lake Co. Rep. One ge in Sprng. - IS CHAMPION "'PROMISER.' LCIN CM SI U E Fourni mat 'Absolute Prom- ise Were Mgdo to Almost Interesting up for Con- t Everybody Who Asked. sideratio% Now Fol- F o that lhe appolntmuent of Claire WfqApitet Ulvardesea circuit judge lias beeji- le and ho untera upen hie dutiee The saiary ef circuit judge in $1.000 .00e, the reti'aspect cornes ta other a year. who spied a te psiton nt!nwlh". Th. appolUlmeat of Att). Claire Eu. vMb spra e the pie ton nu h awards ta 1111 thie vacancv caused b>' has benledtebeiee teyha -judge iteyl4 eathi.1)rovides for a chanceof tlaading the horior.trivihra sn aer v And,.seinlobt it le ail over nov.Judge' NWhItney. 41.1 in une. The eclu, thei're la a large bunci of mon le Lake cuit iudgtuhlp turni dates (rom Juneo comity vbo are trying ta figure out loit. Thtus. vie Judge Whitney died, boyil appnel wh tb chmpin Ithere vas a lîttie les han a year loft doubie-croaser in Lake (ount>' leu fi str whattheevenualty wI l.ieder 1he law, tihe go' -thon b he You cant finit a politicien tl luje power and lu uuected to MIi a va. - Cou.ty w as efot, ail aloUg, cofleel- cancy on the !bach when there is le tht representutive Thomas Gra- legs8 lim a yeur loftInl a terni. Tht. hum vas the. ean aWho vouid real>' lai vii>, trou'tbe stArt. candidates for - telbet the mue ta ho appointuil by the e 0oi & ibes busy trying ta sovernol-. lad tiihhbor'. - UD'GE CLAIR£ EOWARDS. Aed thatIs abore 1the 1&boepnches. Uad tuheuired terni be more FOR, nov that Il lsa&Il Over. 90 g oa un & yeat «M govoreor coul not Whose appointmIent by GoVern o Dunne at Springfield Fis a naturai Tom la bu es fou" ta have have fili e e snc> but a sPecial vaoancy open for past few months. bois the cbampion promiser«1W1L5ke election a-eul bavead ta ho heid.* Count>'. Il doveloPu tbat. Inthe ecae o!fPaul Gaver& Ufxpired Terni. M.cucQefii, tuetheecas etcf erry IU Tbe uppotatsat envers mereiy a TEN YEAR WATER FARMERaMISSIONa Prosadle the case et Claire Bd- peo>d of th e pired term ni le vara. om as"lbrnet, craa-y- the prlng, an eluction wiii hoiie "'i. DISPUTE IN" LAKE ARY 0F WEÀtilIS1 heart-I'i for hlm bel dc't la . an>'- e i district vbicb comprises Laboe boy. 11Wlnnebago, lfcHumuy und iione cou.. FOREST NEARS IND À (TO N CTY PRIENDS OF MaeGUM"FN leclare lies. Tha is ii blite regular judiclai I aapaai w . that Graham tbld tâemavithiail *the 1electioe, vltb tire. urne telie eiecteil i.oultlvesm at hfi. commendtmt li E lenlthe four c"iII Utilities Body to Close Hearing 'C. C. Copeland of Near Liber- a-oeil lieselected as the man fori 3.1<.. Other CanddAtea ln Field? on Service andi Rates Somnc tyville Speads Word of Goti ?8IUNDS OF FURSONS doeire Thal, a-len tbe torai t the iie»j Time This-Week. ïn WaUkegan Today. 1 bat Tam tld tin i wuascong tu appointe, expires neat sprleg, there, go th1e lirnît to bave HIM (Fersans) vliî ieOopposition In the.fiel for the PEOPLE EXPECI VICTORY. GAVE AWAY HIS FORTUNE. nnmed for the. Job. nomination la thegenerai bellet. Ail 17RIENDS 0F UDWARDO cl"gd u i before tie a#pb$uiaent vas Expeot C omission f0t OrderWa rm lyMco Get ai utong tbat tiiere wvas noting t t mudLi. l bboo 4eéral that, no Cmayt ae eFot, But a ivn o mtt thM rahm hj poinesdta p te atter vho W a-i, ainpadb>'the gev- Çrpnýt'eic ae en otHg ovhMc lmt for Ew~m, tiat bhobhl mal us-ur, otier menWo pàired t th and Give Botter Water. to VarousCharities. a Ablegatlen trom' Waukogan and~ par- thle place. Ie short, the situation Tii. clty of Ls5ce Ferest tg beleved akgn etl0 soalygongwthteman thdelut leon weaiIfpln a.t-3 ho nearisg the end eoflesten year Wu~gn et 0 sonai>'geîg vti iio ua etetasees t hooneviirel, i plns n- irpute over the service rates ot the Ct C (OQeiand. St one ime ail ta ta Governor Dunne' le Chicago. and &lpaled betere theaipoeltienel vas ceLakte. oForestoat made are raried out lktheorpitjWRter compan>'. Thehave le'ne ofteouy' al o)peui>' bld the govereer ta eau. Mr. mi r art U ~11 ping, Blte publice tilittes commission, 'Il'lesttai-mura and -ho recenl>' habu- Edvards. loere viii be a fiel cf candidates in whem liee cl>' appeaiel for relief ofutoeamsinrywrigI h n PRIENDS 01OF DIVER. 1the ont>'dem.- the race, ter lhe courts ýefused ta grant Il h.-conamimerywrnglthin causeetftechnidal constaeratiens, viii terens ofethle Roman Calhellc talth. ccratic aspirant te the position, maie I This belng tie case, Ute. Count>' 1 close lia hearleg thum veek. waa a visiter le the. cit> testa>'. Tii. ne bouatiihe Grahams vas for hlm in ii have te bewareocf.lie danger utcr ity Attorney G. T. Rogers and At-mnaho la considered an authitt'Ou but" s aIas buead Divor venu of iettlng Bone or soins Otiier ceunt>1 terne>' H.1. Buelier. representing th ho et ho CathoiiecchurCh shoves lie sanie part>'. Il vas naiturlta s slip tuahaead ot It as a reait et Lak~e voler compan>', cross examined wlt- sum li vuilfaor lmiilofr.CeunI>' iaying tee mue>' candidates In nesseesfor tie cil>' Tiesda>'. 1unuguai methodle inhmieml ar>' acl.- mune le wuldfavr ote- it>' Engineer John Eiteisoe et Ch]i. 1Ivities.Hoecoefinees hie aedîIYili t1 (.îCe 1a Tom, Il muet bu salI tiat Di. t he field. rage teetiiied betere Comieslaor Ibis section and aproacies 4GvIuaSiB ver vas oenaspirant viiein lie hi 14<iw It' Do».. Shaofet lie 0commission liaI usie iited of groupe. Hési#o» dsalong Pliysical vaiuatlon efthle I.Ake rer. lie masses, exhortinig the ricii and net persenail>' promise (Rer an>' cf hies1Tua Jediciai elecîlon, vie. tir-3e est vater plant, exclusive et reai es- poar- attike. Hie effo rts are net con- friands) liaI lie voeluune him support cicuit Judges are elected frnm eschl tale, a-as $122.325. find alteh gaining af oonverts te lb. ta bave hlm seece. jediciai district ;n the olate s«<i aher ltrlcsonwas a caled as a vituesm b>' told ofthle churcfr but, as lho ttee, The vord "doublecross" doeounl ap- a aupreme court ajudgs, viii aisg, tete clty et Lake Forent, vîîcus ispotýlie- ho lbs taenliihte aiR "In 1the pear~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ la$elclnr'blnv ia oh"di h rlMn oning lthe commission for a decrease .meuning oethle church." Hola tie It's ail aver, frientia ef Persoman sIdayhiJteri. i ernmî-lu ter rates In Lake iForest.anhrtmnyaicelaii<vt tlayIn une TIi i.aryfohenn John F. Kinez. cl>' ler'c of Lak, lie existence and meanîngs et tlet MacGUffn, a-ho dOn't fouli ii the lfaut Iatibt lira, candidates for the varions Forest, bold the, commission IiaL on chui'ih. Peevul aetlilvards for Iaadlng the parties viitb. beld liruee eks, li. account ofthle poor quality ilethîe-Wa. Mn. Copeluel résiduaoser lie,,rna bîonor heuaue It wva ybodys race fore lie election. ter suspiy two sciioci buildings b laines: river aongthe rcod btwes le vin, feeiliaI lie>' vere ilad &long isaldfles odu n ÀetvU.Hehm tiebrniunermoî Raiel iere Dangr Lies. This case le one vhich Iragged nets, hock apon lith esucf lthe tor- ,th brnk nde mst ffale eco..aiong In lie Lake CeunI>' courts -trontesthlat eurXounI ilM Me lu knoa-n tien.4 vîit Prernis ea uerigit and Il theretore le qut, apparent liatI yeurs and. sorne lime ugo, Ibis papen threughout the ceunI> as. a ma o 111 sret aldm , predîcted that nolhing mors, would bue vealli.and vas torueni>' a beav>' bal loft on onu aile o e t atmincase Lake CeunI>' mm ta the0 Dem- don, about il le lie courts bore, liaI icider. liar cnes ie s li te <.5101 ber of a hait dozen er more shoul the final setîlement mueI nov bu He %vas convertel a Catielic utthie jresoatatlvo crossel over onDtheotcli cons out avea-edi>' In the primat>' made by the state ueliîties commis- aie o1 21 yeai's. At tiat lIme lie vas or aide and met mone ofthle elior content for lie nomination for circuit sien. îî noea seeme tht secli ia tie conneelai vîti a banking institution teloa- frend. case-tie motter bus bee laid betone in Chicago. fellow's Mende. Ju<e ofth ditrct d ual Bone, th commission vîlci la now coul-. Mr. Copeiand spont tie day ber., Pemsns' ad MaGuMnc'aMfrende McHiry >'and Winneo b o iul "ch erîng IL. planning te returu 1t0 bie hoe.tua nov are cemparing netes andl le>'putî fo-tii ONLY ONE IMA, th lat -Lake LakelForest people compiale lie>' ýe.Ing- bLve cerneta lthe conclusien loit tb>' CounI>' tien a-oeil h in lie Umre Po.are long sîitenero andI he>' conteel wer. bandadt i e et lieu t buW, si tionasaaIlînov a is vîiiruerenice te tiey are enîliileu ta lie relief that opi wrli li uee be ihdou naete stale publicetilities COMMLOIson "(R N U i 11 tiathua ver uendiabi eu le t e repeblican candidat» for the o lg.cao gîve f hem. Fo er rg ey'baveL AN DU N coutylmlelsur-it hasnene becaume tee tougitthlie daller truilessly In lie ANDit oui hae ben he niemua>'men IN LAKE <OMNTY con- courts. 5Ail tii, tireIl nubason -: ,W E R $37 situation dli refurence 1taIle MaI- testai for the noinatbios. wserel tha lieauernepply ud b'ie E K V RE$3 Guffun.lIlarj.crovi aldthe Par- Wh.0 vwilent.,er CeonteL for the vbler comUnies'utvte nomi>' undnik- sas-Elvards crowd, bai MacOuaa nomintion hesides Zud" divarsi, exceelingi>' iigb. Water conhumers Business otflthe recarder's offce for or Perso en ossasalted. Then, the -for a-w, viti bis ppontmeat flling in Lake Forent a-lhhelb.privatel>' tic aeek rnding September 26, 1914: divands crowd ceul lnet.coClaghei icvamacy, b, ecrel>' WU. seek sie- ovedplant have beaorn bigod te pS>' Ne. et Trans(ers-S-3. te siimissloua j>etere aed aflir lie tien. le net keove. buta i, te sverlimes more for their voter No. et Trust Ileeda and NMortgages *Dpointr»n holp butféal loe han citizen$ et Wauktegat i ere 1the - appiiirnntbep bt ..l<bt Iwff aspirants before the appcltseaî vasplant 1s oa-ned mueicipail>'. 14, aluo lad beaeslad p 1to, th trOUa i sudo It isnuturea I ppeot lta"a 1tWhite h Forest >ipeople have No. of Instruments filed-100. througl positive promises vdi ~tcne iib el.beaue otliged le pet up viti a-batthIe>' Tliayqte oe-3,9.6 suie fowoepupree metevr'-sWIgenes it o e !Pftna the cliii bas bien an >intel-loigrade ot a mtn.oLa"3,92s mâ".fr bepuros o iaki »«Y sdat-uiealtyer wtsbiovs drinking water ail dur n ofe lme Rva al oaI. business quiet Iurleg <ici' fel ocibut, a-Rh binslscey t h sw e i.fliella 1.21 opus- le Julgo lie>' have berneiitlatiag ahich bas tih e eSe l n the oni> tarni bal et ba4,.,t bâm Xwari borne tor tho lut t lesyusy. il oulî an>' importabmce vas the tranufer cf 0t'urs ths l al,- -dm ff appear as If tiltm obleS are prac- tt itatharine fichlue farm e! 79.14 litat to5 r~~w, icou>' at anuend for:-lie>' fprnliaI c -one 11la101ccmmtalohfs lwu00*à arem le SectIon 30, Deerftel tova- ose bha vb, lauesc*$11 g 15n le il Wili ~goqi incevorably upon their piet ans!. vinoslpeLeo'DKlogfr nerno labo u t gpii»gIn0M& : Oni>' cause lie vatereonmpn>'ta ne- ccesideratjoD and Kellogg gave bock ra wu a, As ltt concuion, a W b»0poiblo duc, its rates but aMeatu g5v. a pain- perchas. moeu>'taI b.dfor $96,OO0& or rae t elr.Business Ofthe cir'cuit cisik8 et- but nbâhaÀao fiçe v a nuslg Iening the veek 0v- Sluieuum otslo e, .oesreto iit ou Mnend I mg te it belng 1the lutI vek cf, mai- mw neigubers for loeir bindiege und floral vice fer lieQOctobur treu «e"4 trthetes duini-'thwel aWMu ald eunt.,.There blni 41 suitdtàal- -- u- deti et George Se AWO th11e ein& bdn ui etrcce otae esfor tlissri#es 4M thefuneral.- i ....Ciarles#adi Clara StUes> vk1y4.+ 11 8bille for divorce. SEVEN CASES 0F INFATILEPAR-, ALYSIS IN Tu MYI With Exception. of Ode o< Case Reported Condfiton la About Same as Tuesday. CAUTION IS STILL URGED.' ,City Physician Says the Pelm Should Be Carefit Until tte Disease Disappeame A PARVENTIVE- MEASURK. ln vlew of the thrutened épI. demie ocf Infantile paralysie In the. slty, oaualng much ceua for the. wellare of the olildrun The Sun la Itad te print the fel. Icwinq advlc. cf a local iiyel- clan, pho maye the. pr.vntlw -eauaf eu ',h40 euof.4 eh bout, amide fromn queantin.: ".Use a spray cf moe d soi. tiseptc. Olyco thymollne, dilut. d onu-haif wtii blled atr. rnay be uéed; or 15 dro<a of oar- bell cidfnetur ounces of hall- .d water l oiatowdrnle tii".. or four tUrn= eay. "i.As tii> dieea»au.prodndule vrue or, garn i asuppoe.d te «ue ter through the. nos or threet, both nos. end tiiroat mhould be well epriyed." Waw£egang. sept. The number or cases of Iteatle paralysie unev numburs avoyn cams 1 cluding a case o1 spina mentambou wblch bas beem reportidaï elreet Otherwise there tgla Nt change l1.1the situatIon over Iuu&w. The miricteet kldetf&a iai=t»le being maintained. The cabes vblch bave boe r rsc o! up te the Prusent limaau, bd* lova:' F've yu ai au,oaumheos of 737 May etreet; oMld Pegotsiei have spinal MnifléI. True er de o f Oscar NuIt. Of 03 e'etroet Sittuuumenthe old urn si . -A. s daîl, 722SIg94M reet 'Malérice OH011M 17 yeuse .4 qf , ler of. Laillé &vomi& Pbj'stllubvisit MeAllaer uchools on T 4~ cRbej thol etatobu frnm8WI&W dayý Is addition the pusýi two mehoes iiiadaergà «MtIléëU Ical examinaîlonte deterulufe vbe thrje are a>'ocftisai ubt 4g Y9*ý toma of the. diseuse. If as>' thny viii butaked tulm ***ani " vIII bu kept under mwot = =vn3lj ln ure Il an>' ther amyn A s651r Cilty Physicien J. C.»"l40M. 1Impossible 1te tnboy th1 e-s.'w contraed. lIesea ethut vbl X àv passible thi.>'ma>' bave isqa e9W tractel trom patirnnts et 10~ 'Park or ocher north eosetoial, where tba dIseue olat. 4 *ay to ho sure of IL. An uerf0 slge lu that mo n»W caseit 4W eas. bave opcurrei vltlthe mg few dmy, ail bt es « ueg Ivo veeka 011. This, bovever, accordin te r rate>', shouai coltreit b a,»pele lng MW> lias cautions. lne agus qo ppie toeoxercise thb, trusant coq. te. ue" tiot ne acrecue4VbE Wmaya that if thi.e duleft l lel Tueuday»u Sma tetoloevu ed he esse en te obetd e nuIu"ly. The. advt@Qbtty e 600f' 11111 :1t ecboolsI la beftg conulderudé k W icuga the e me as la cuir vii#ere the diseae bas appeaffl ibp* the opinion of Dr. P"oley this' e wulnet lie advisuie _9 arnimer of cubes intromu. 12 i b. cas ees cati ho watobed b~,9e childen are La achool thm tb111e>' ue If the>' vere runaIng li theeits USSE OBLIGATIONS FORCE SALE OF ESTAT<, The estate ofth11e laut*Frud A, former Mayor of Obiceoo, l slid te salfy 41tafe'twube tereet on mortahrnu.JqL tii. Pipate 1ort &t 40éNuli day =rnldto, Mrm Busse, tthe vidot w e~ ne>'. Normasn V~1sd a admistratrW~tql h Thelàereonai ow>laqu S te par the ie s% 'J AC' PASSES AWAY, AT TuE SUNom0FFICIÉ. 6 J.1ce'. la 4q"d. lae "vas Tbe Sun offic bmIlogand vu$ und«a* 1>' the hiet k»»adog len 1 thé «. Ever>' *91 th* ut ty kmev hil10 naMe uaM <onande of grova-*ý. k bave pattai hlm.. One ar bis piléo Omo-W to oit on the steps. of *& 410111«W ' murs adualvtcb Pedeuigbw se the> pased an lhe sidevalI. "Juk"peaud away t is -milla litemi uas cauffed f romc 1l t- aflteedfot-m poo. deelneceesar>teusé ha bu wuadvaaced te an ug;m lsgbtIfa aaremit 1914. ;f rova IPASI .$1.50 Pm friii,