lier t te iIu ovbicbandts ler oi l "dau4 oufxbghu I-ut, tt cUld esy a aniïeopaerohich wen tohe fengv 00lm~'lhhll beasf brme.trb'on". .ooed ,et the vindor. thàt e 0 Ï%ÔW' thit1'ucule Gtby~IhCI,& bfr~~.~n~atrvllilethI e a~nl e ' F i E T tJ&'-aftenoeu Edward, tie lit. IWay. sèà ht~:vl a it-plietihitntft Oory avhue as i'n bu n11 " b WO8le ,s apl~rymddis oh a drûlgbt. mvhen blt li* asdfid *bry et theïr bte. wk. t tu rn",ea .creeu ndthym. vieu the long Waede qe"r la it M,0 tul Liti d~&4, So f r1 into&%mt he b.scre:n. It gam ibo aaIna t I, It s&ava,. ha e no tjou6fe libir' Li Mrs.I.., U- wHe eseaped unhurt no far as can ;'Môndày ovuldgvheu à, roufit eblild an . w* alemfda Wýtepttng a bulep on the fel tram à canage whiCb Wea L msur la mai S.Obaola Hurt AfW# $Ith DiVe. haad aiutcii o, Rot se.m ta be er.1 turning grpm WauXegau. The acci- the great api USO 5,tt 0t loua. jdent bapphed near the aon Co=n- domIdno f r4en mi- l 1, 0 It tk.5 lltJ~ huI~Or d Theu b. ltaneo je elearly 18 or more try club. T'hl tt tnk OU Its bead non. will long hdib *À i dalto It ak, a)Itlpýk ora runentee ttom the grouad and to tbtnk t#gtat nd aI>p"tfy ranelved nhgouarsdmin- or the great. Ibis la a fonditouffl mnaiý te asatta £ a eh80sriaus the 11W f.ilow eacaped sentous tIn.jury ho Ban- vas nemi.tea bain vwicte Uie aWnlst.-U feul and get ont et JO uncatbed. LUt ju if..shos v~ta Chld Cn esau bl. tivs yane f ielth 141W o svoa o6Mmu«%,*f T4ptoou.ab.thi.maoun ~iJiCe 9 O Souf "tbb* lb. Wtm dars T tpeeyhsdby east 11111*0 Lar ed eAI ete tbe a. Lareo 1h7 veo thm y lo th. s ader, et ronte tw' le My poasos aton cc 9d Ameasuait b u e. Murçig put-. ti*aà ao hnon paGl i d d lige.. Ilbelhertte,*M DoMbta ote a aduli ai l Jn. i vW" dLsoovemo d epaat U home. 0we h~ £ Rtea . sels",t.àsi]Ildw1od*~$PDti mon.y talma. t -.5. moeut buhs gaa-ras yO melin l". tlligope nsk 0f lt. on t miI. av ttatiOU. t1er. bay* e ata Bondt imaen"aer hms. n Pontmater Gsa4 Gealarusthat the. eitmer of thia5 ie*00.aquites abot money <iGbltdnarm mci téoer lIatbi? *q, te ok es se, -H asys that vtea osemt ing tho *Jquwtre iglaofalist tat 1h07 mout ao hk~e t the monet ivac"na li totou-itthat Un- »Y Ioasa thoy duwe inte ibg et- the uld tra- ma. 00i1. 6mnt »4« rmOl4e conipons. m5igEJ* by4roa1 thos nmp "uie ori ? aeAMs tol safeOl" M. Osl lad.U*r a haro »Dtb .orlpWfgl trom thon l» a *e UeU hby chonlaMM. Wtdsu, ct lit ILeeplng vîth th gehieral modern- Ity of tbhe r a~Iddititon bel.g made tot h.Coibu a moool lni Iis *ci y, thé achool rooma of lhe building arc to be oqutpped wtb many tes- tWr.. that aie novw and novetl nechaol- 4ou. Amogt the more important Nas- ttursae the Installation af the prie- '8"0 g9a" roof over the. roomsandsi fii e plêtg af the.plâteglas black. boars.Btb of the tated teatures au the latest departure iln achoal .iluipul.nt and are in use i nly a foi eftihe later scboola la the caun- <t. Tbase sahoola repregent tb. lat- or erected buildings ta Nev York Md Cllcago. Th. plat gsas blaciboards are tu b. added ta the valis ofthte nov ad-. Se*t we WLman'b utton Shoos -ý-Dnl and patent elâth and kid tops; high and loWv bcd; shoes well w orth $3.0W, for.1 5 tins salie ... 8 ]Roya' Engliah WlIEut- ton Shois - AIi moud leather; reg- tlar e-8.5 for. .2@35 (Sizes 1 to 51/2) Julia marlowo é 111 pitent and', velotîr. kid, button style, kidncy or spouilîceel; our rt-g- tilar $3 choit at .. 0 t h e r Julià Marlowe shoes, $3.50 and $4.0 irem« s am"l hôt ÉQM8ý-Inblaek, 'tan -.and suede, button and lace styles; nîostly smdll ses; values from $2.00 te $4.00; special at ........... Ohildren's Shos-Sef ,viel kid with leather, velvet and loth tops; patent tip; easily69 worth $1.00, for MILuIOn Sow DUxU leather, with ljesvy extension soles,; .4 sizes 12'to 2 .. .5' t Girls' Aprous-AlI overWolO'S wetr- percale; nicely Borne slightly soiled; trimnxed..... regular $298 1 Boys' Suits-Russian value ....... blouse*es and Nôrfolks; GrsSwae-aI lght and dark colors; gi s; szes up téi~. some sold up k2t 5 eca $5.00.; this week2 ,5 4; spec .... (Sizes 3 to .) Chlldeh's Hoavy Bb- Bo' Flamnel Waktat- b.d goouo-Pcr boys ana. ffgh inltary col2 19c girls; 'artexceptiq4allyî ~ kut.Poofpai......... ~IOSIB~reC~1in * VOen'. J rse bbed tlins steose ÎVré èalso Vest andPaaits-Not «Il Neno ~~Y1and sizes bgt a good assort- . &G sstsO fl ment-, our reXular19 ~Oc to . . ~ 25e garuxent st.. - Chldrs's ompars - epbroi, floune-Lghsu dargi- a~~;realy ~votl~59chamàs; some have short $,for ...... , scves- od asot SBd0 BWSuB-ment o! siziS ieglr -,nei0 r 5ma vl". 50e quahity .~!or .... ..for. ljolbut thiwstiab M Wsio i a wbe piwled et bomthe lb. ditttap 12tboiColSblis and lAnin sebacool b" il * ,s The plate glana hlackboards, are as the nayas ouldIt mply coustructed of pate glass. Týhe çlse aaaa s and blo*n surface vbiah te pahad black. Tbe plas la then Placd over a black bàcwgýouDd. Thi.e efct crestos a blackboard of very. deep b"lan w ell as one of-many excepttonal featltrff. Tie prisifatie glanssrot of aaita of a roof constructed of payes of glass pI&ed lni an angle. gon thttheb.lglt pasaing tlirough the. glanasln, albo re- ifteded on the lover surface of the pageo next ta it. nlIetgtt la tlidn dis- trlbuted equaUly aboutitheb. utrior of thue rocru. Nt stadava helng apPsi- ent at ny poInt: . The vork la tls*realna r4pldly on botb of the. structures àa n «iieCh case they are noarly r.mty Mfoccu. pancy. A stemun hettng plant lanov belng tntalled là the Lincoîn build- Ing addItion. Ouîr custoniers Burely gae lîhed the le derful assortments and low pric es_ o! Our 1 their enthusiastie buying. Whole chapters x the favorable conmnents woînen 'are making ,;iits at this store. Ever Just reeeived, !JýQ new. waists that arc the m'oit aýifuI styles and matrils 0, V&,Sbowriin Watikcgaîî t ' tlbe sur- prised k' sec jkIýihw $eautiful -&.waist yotl CB*,get-ire toinor- row. They aré ë tols organ- dies, trepes, ete.)' lu fle very Ëiewest desigfË., the giu~oni wi#Un about the new Fal *telling us that our styleiq>Are the best, our ass»tiiiits the hiMr- etand OLZ. priçesthe lowest to be fc>nd. aybèeý 11 intsisvrn- We:,re proudîndeed to hear abeh ï4w vIeqW* as do9 fren unbiâsed sources, and we a>~oa.I is evi- ~doned ini the beautiful styles, w onderful.sde Lton and tue ra ye1qe" to be found in the new suits ut thus êt<w. Are well qualxtkéd to uphold our reputation as the greatest value- givîng -women, $ store in Waukegan. WoMenIs Tuilored, Suite il PId us f Eif~Oe iOS< ~About 100 O;t dresses Fitielv tailored,ini latest Red- i h-nwFi tls rm j ingote model, lined with satin. mns1o ht egcla Velvet collar, inilitary button mnso hit egvla front, large lapels. Miaterials and eu«sfInl blaek, browin,, 7 are diagonal a nd etarnine bngen pe4 cheviots, in black, navy, brown On $10s tu.m 0 and green. î Worsted Pophin "tinS1long They i'am, n»de i -atâst Goal 8tyIat, aI *1ol0 basque styles, wi th long fronts These eae * 50àusqÎf - anad plaited ekirte. ed in fine wool poplins, broad- Materials, are erepes and. (loth and gabardines. Long serge, with e#tin aleeves snd coats witlx plâhm or fatîey veetee tirnies, 06.15. backs, with braid or velvet. S11k and Blaek, blue, brqwn andM gree. AI $1850.satin or crepe and velvet -'in A Large Nwâbm ot'Eqant blacrk and richest Autuinu col-. Long coat sufle of fine broad- Most fashionâble -basque ef-> cloth, blaek, rpavy, plumi, green feets. and brown. Equal to usual $35 BIeauntiful 240wDr "ss and $4 nodçls,. Sijge reast-, ni p 4qr ed basque and Russian style, itreet and patiwe1' wvth velvet militaryjcesr., yurda' . aI thé money -she :.can savenow'a dys. o r r o y o u c a n , s a v e ; a i e s . a.1. 0 GI!Mus e -loi.l tuo Only 100 o! tiç;;i;;t tins price, 50 i conie early. 'hey are in the ncw- ' est style and et the new Fail col- rig.MA*riaI is o! lustrons "pehlbloi" the very "near- est to silk" T;brie iyVet produeed., and is guarnteed to give great. Iweai.8ete uorwindow. For one hour Thursday,1 'to 11 '7'YmJ These -waistes sÜU for $2 and $3 ini any t? re*Z are good vl~ usay ft., (aises 6 t 1X Yomr.) We bought these dressesfrom, a' manufacturer who niude'us a gpe- cial price because we e»Ul4 use à large ("quantlty,"',sad Of eO'UM you cau only expeet.that we wll pas8a thé sa'iig te yon 10momro. Pretty gtqngêiansd jje ies ln stripes, th p9s, :eheckesud pa4Newest styles- andi* eororings;. Thurý- otWoenea's ý#, 191,4. 't IN col