Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Oct 1914, p. 6

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-' i LARE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY.. OCTOB EU 9, 1914. By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent r nuelty-Boyd'o Studia--Price igit. Mr@.. L.i,.Rouie spent a ew dayi lait vpsekvîtIrUmmJ. H.Aynley. bAbubetlr Kramer ofi liand Park, 8ukdSnday et the..8. A. Kramn.r Mr 'and àedrs S J Cnaploy -.pent Sun- ~djy vih relati ve.. iun (%i -ego ~iA daugiter vs.. borrt. A Mr sand Mrs. ilarme.King, *Suiidsy, OeC4ti. Mire. Sert Swan entertsined ber isters, "xlré. Glenn aif<hiagi, andl Mn.. :!MMbei t <rysalLake. a ew daye Mr. and Mis. 1) A .Ay neley otf igki 'the" Park, cItent Sîudtay with Mr. and Nil. J. H. Ayne.. Mn. and Mre. A L.. Fry, wtt>.rýe-ntly teftraed to Cliiagi. viuitAd%% th riends hers Bunday. MisIrenp Cuaninzheun oif Weuli.gan, wan the gue-it ofuLM 1 .- J hi. Sun- Mri. and S. A.Eramer epeut Sîîndey .Witl, F..C,. Eiig. ad till et Ivanlwse. It le quit>. giîirJIiy hlieveil tîjan îur Iviltlae in ecviiini itli tie rviit fle' tqpuiaip i.. exeedinîgly "dry'* but it lok& ratier s ciiiiu s wheu the, ledite. dind soali.. in the bon"-> The 'l w ork o i.tniîling a weill n <lie ~'U.elot wssJieguii lsut weel and as XGta pre@s.aedeptitf j aer a handred ý,pIet bas been reai bel On 8sturdey. Ot :1, et Area, thrre .*ers unted lanîunrriazc E, H. llîvlrd-iiu e~t Mnneapolis.. end l lureeIltlarttîo- lomeS'. The veddiiig wes ..alemuuîzu'd 'itl Windwhistle cottage.,thie home ofthne k. widè's parente. au th.- shoire aiflieuti- tI kE are. Rer Whlfie lllating. ,ýYeYonng couple I>.tt îîinedatly tar ý'4beWlnebega vhoe e <ey will ..pend bL1'Joneyinoon atter wieli they wili ,'etoboinatetFou .du Lac, i.. Ilie base hall seasoni vs..otiriallv ýé&o«d $undey vith the..annuel gaine X eilbthet ..urried andl single nien. latter were victunloua by lt.. score il la9 provlng beyoud a doubltibat asM lu a bar ta supremacy ln the A&OD pautme Tire ganse cas aeeee ngud many epecta. 4tt0tte ver>. pulled off by cmore of eW te. The sangle gink gut ati IWM- -and ield it sithougi tie fiâÎzîver.. lrying bard ail the ~Ige----------.......10 213a1 21-11 LDIAMlorrD LA"E Qally-Boyd'i tudIo-Price rgit. Ur» Latira B. Kanoe returned hiome fflday alter *pending a month with t$iende st Wau kefan. Ms. J. Bartiett aud ebjîdren spent a -compte ot dayi lat veek viti lMre. Mary *obn*oo aI Wautegan. -Mr. Lamwru..1'kof -St. Louis.. spent lait veek at (L.Mibli Thie Ladies' Aid wiii meet yul . r. 9riThuradey atternaun, tii-t. 1., Mie. Henry Wernterg sud daugliter 01o Uibertyville, tipi-uth<le tret oft ile ,Wfek with lMre. J. ltartlett. Mre, A. Rouie, Robrt Rouei., Arthur 11elland, Will sud Donald Poulîîîa wre Mayvoud viaitors Sunday. 10rity kndrevs and irienil ot Lake Fumaeit, vers calle3re et the> lake S unday. Niathan E. tletz.irt, Auetioneer. Liv>. *tecke and ParmeisSale.. a .peiaty. *Phons 46. Liberty ville. 52e4 ladépeaG5ot: More readars tabs ail Conty veeklie combine&. l*, Lripç, Preident. Qaalty-lloyd'os Studio>-Prie.righti. Mdiss Lizzue Erdmann ot Chicago, @pont the. past îwo weel.e et the home af ber cousin, Mr@. Emma Krueqer.' Mis* Leura Spregue, %Ire. Lena Hauet and Mm W H Coan sperît (le week-end with triendo and relative.. in Waukegan. Fred Townen i.. rery Riet with typid 'Air. and Mir@ AC. Richards speut Sun. day viti trieuds et Çvaneton. lir. aud lire Beileadori of Arllngton Higitearse visiting et tii> home oi thelr son. Chas. Who bas beau quit@ aie&. Mir. aud Mn@..-. L. Tripp and AIr. and lire Ed Blumn of Ares, open% Sundey at J. Rcî'iards. Mis Aima Kruger spent the week-end vilh ber motier and Mater. Edas Fry i.. visiliug relatives lu Wisconsin. M. W. Knedler and Ted spent Sunday witi relatives et Evetan. Mm liernian AMbright vas à'a Wuke- gun s i-ur Tue.iday. Mus. Peter.. sud hies laabé ai Morton Grave. sîlent Sanday et Art Peter@. Air, aud lir. .aibeviad son Robert, lire 1 ftlj.-aud isughrer Berthe ruotor- cd tii \ipersîiie Atanda. LAM ZLUIt.2 ansd tre <hec. Audews and Mr. and Ars. FrakP. Clark cere ctunty seat vitirs Aiatîaý. Jaick.Fox uanud EmilFraktranscite bi'îsiaees et Chicago 'iodar. A bigicronil roi.,,Palatine and Wau- cinude attendid the' ball gaine ber; Sun- day. The Lakie Zurich teaml got 't.LLW triîrimitig mcm, tiie. alatice H ckoîievhv a ecore 11)tii 9. Tho îravd e.rtaint> gol their morie,' a u.rtlî watching tirîse oId timer>. prlîriii. Mre andi >il r.. f HooftMiet enrtaiimed Hog iî Wallacr aî if .îe otfIpalatiue, Morîday. Robeuirt Iliu.. i@iofIltighland Part. viitd hie parente tht.. week. Mr. Porteuc and fteiliz. h, have lieeu living on the Paculon tara,, rîîed t> Aurore,Ilii. Mr. Jackel visited Irleîdsu rt Chicago Tueday. About tlîrtv uiiir iiiiters froni diflereut part. il nîrthern Illiînoiseet- teaded tire Paitoral Cîîntenence et thi> Piiisteitaii Ev.an3gelîcal cliurv-bhere Ibis, WARRNTON Hnb. Doolittie bas. huilt a new silo. Misés. FlorUp eand Mary Lodeskv ai Chicago, "uet the> week-end boe> witb their sieter, Mr@. Cuber. F'rank Guerin wv@a eChilcago> visitei Saturday. Mie Julia Ruddi@leviiting the..home folks this week. Mises Mary sud Cletta Con vay of Es'erett, spent th.. week-end,. tie1 gueâs ofiMieMarie Kelly.1 Mise Allanie Abrahamn baà returneil ta ber home lu ChItago ater a icw veeks visit bere vltb ber parents, Mrnsd AMrs. l3clicker. Haif Day Church 9-30 e. m. Germein Sunday Sehocul. 10:310 a.;rm. Ciureb Service. 1:30> p. m. Engtiob Sunday School. 2:30 P. ta. Preachiag. 7:30 p.nm. Preuciing. î .30 p rm. Tiursday mid-weekuieeting. Past,în. L. E. Tfioman. FAKE RIENT COLLECTOR WORKED IN RACINE ALSO. Tie Yake rent collecter wha varked a uorth sîde woman for $8 a few day. ago, atierated hi.. clidle came lu %iic.uiiegan. ace<rdtng ta reparts. r>-i ceived i rÔarntiat elty. le gace a r..- culpt purp,'ted ta b.e slgned by Rus.- sell and campauy. tiie nev avuers af the residence. ite la belleved ta b.. a Chiicago crooi makîng the imaller lakeshore clitie.-Racine Cail. R. F. Rouie Vice Prosidant. Irvng E. Payai. Casirla, e r Z~eerfe/d Qutliy-Boyvd'o Studio-PrIe.rigit. 1 Mies Arline Sutîl oi Chicego, vas the week-end guest t f ie AnnasPetersen. Mdiss Viola Engle of Chicago. waz the week-end guest of Mise Jennie Karcib. Trhe. P.c.e-T.....K...A .el.ct.on e AUCTIONSALES Al auctlon sales published in th* Independsnt are chrgîd for aithle rate af 5 cents a lins when mn arder for iludian bilrs accompaniessthe notice. otlrerwis the regular rats of t0 Cents par lino wili bo charged. Havlng satd my farm vîli ssii aI purblie mived$129frnmthe ivido of ah. etlouat thepremlsi utile vest of cslvd 829 ram lb.dirilo aitheLibertyville. on road knovu as Lai# Deenfleld Day procesdî. AÀf§nal itittlesa- eto ment vas amades pn, be panothe s 51555,OT. o motion Picture mane vée M isa pald STRAOT 7 for in full and tis rmnalde *vilI b. uesd Comenclug at 1:80Ooiclock, the foloav- 1torsehool sopplie.. 'FThe MAngie board ag piperti: 1 lsém or Harses, wt Witt boy a m e ". f b 1ýa reof2M0, 5 and 6 jeare old, velI matcied, the prooediveIl brake-sîingle or double; 2 cavs, 1 vIth calt by aide, 1 henry slirina..r; The girls@gÏ""' o01oithe 1 tisller il mouRir. old. 6 mant tisad Giammar tcbool .eibb- Jersey buil colt, eligible ta record, 2 1 Cino ir t'O"nof @hosto, about 165 lths. average, pure MNiessCrai enter* bred t1leter White, 25 chicliene. aIl pure tainireut lau Frlday bred brovn S. C. Legiorue; lumber evenlngr. The oi lite in Wagon vîti 2 sets ai vheels, gacîd ai Chius asud Japon fui and tie nev; top buagy, rubben tirs, lesther top. Cal and Mouse ru as a d.lighl @boit and pole, ail new; rond carl, spe..d Titinez& entertain Witt be given carl. cutter viii. shaft and porlo,.&al ew; Friday. evening. Oct. ,and the b035 Deering maver. bey'rate. Gang cultiva. classges vili exhibit. tan viltva wsetesiavel, 2 1-iiirse rulti- A Surprise Package social will 4i gis-eu ratais 8M-dise pulverirer. -t itrage, by the Dorcaoseociey at tli e 5-nrpîttlaplanter. rýesone eîîîî i auter, Reiîelt haine Wednedsyv May planlier, tîand-dnop pianle-. gîiîr eeed- ravis for the sac-commoîdationrîouitthcePr s'iti vultivaor atulîuviJanes- ittiiets cull sari. the.ceuter tai "lle 14 loeh valing pion. , I-necliii.. 7:30 r.rlock. set Iio,îrse evciiers, 2 haie o rn elieller, -SeckiPace uand Pure 1h'-cas the Enie e -l cc ker. 2% h, p bl,eal lu subi-ct ItAr. Cew<sSuîiday tuor- tie corndition. galiran)izei rot, tank, ing serincn. eoafotiiriin sith thle tîcesr t neiii- hay rai-k, hug rniek. set grevel vatîîun otivutersel Peai'>.Sundey. A boairs t - c.t uiieiî'slîae ,t iî lnuion service lIas helîl in tLluî.ited ,tenuuiug liai'uies,etiig4t ilni rutilainie'>.. Evan6elical vurrh i iî-heeaug. @et lireakinir Ibarneesý, 2 t', tP îlgî Rer. Liedler au Cracu Point. lad., b">.harue..c, I nes: 2 pairea811-.ii'ut lianui'eti., .ecccpted ar-ail ta st. PenCe Ei.augeiical liair- stable llankete, 3 set ii lewt inew, chai, h i5ui eeÉiIid grimetone, immm pulley. î1uu01M ii1 caIe, Rali Da sevics wli b hed i th ý7beelherris, .- 2 idder-l 2- it exteui- Kelly ey seviceswlll b. iet lu (ic 16 it rexstension, 1 12 i-t -arrier, Pe*t1 ack. lisedgick uit t. - tils-sldiug troungi, buioke and ru,1. I 2large ut 0 *e,)e-.Xi«1dgwckofChcago' cvuiilig keti les,vise. lin'.,- îîîîîi ilel, yull selai '3s~vt ire etrècher, 120> t!t iio. i rut.>., tir. T.lCliit,,il utChiîcago, s te -rutbe ' 5raaîiiig vii,, urel giirst at the hunieofIF. H. Meyer, Son- r.-turui Catuagý o eî cr, uîeat gvi1îilir, day. bu. eeed curn shrei, 3tabuu ýl uru Ni..,' El-la lliirneubert tertlieiud ei.vnentkn,1 o,.la.îîat Fnuday evleing in o buof alier tirlhiay. ecrn tadjr, 2 'Aernu baril ia!thi-utes. m ims..Jcicepf.irew. -aa pent ,'cvenal gaoud a.. n-uv. eilî cial i,-iicr nanîe, dive as the itiet utflier Ciler,AMre. Vsru. teArlw~t. I'wd..lead, 4 miii lai-20 gril. U Kie..t of Wilmett,-. vifiegar. tinsk andl otter îarîtie.. tco Mii..->Lillien anîd (;rai-e itilie enten- t1nuieruu.t"imen _luin uitt-u> S'aîurda , ,tihe )I- uîîîi-ttuvO u gnt vas o,., v Miss Florenueiir..bîîruof Higland Park. Aleuda.. F. H_ Meer. L. C. Mole, Th.@ nnde r8igned vil i ..l ut puliic 511e. Stereau nd riAdamas vers 5u>titl-In the..Jante,)ire tarir", 'tmile the gueste ofMilrs. FHitchcocikutf.ArliDg. .souhi i fEserett (un tan lseigbte, Tuesdev. TH L RSD <). i iie. 15 Irs. Fred Ktmbark anid cou Sherman of Ravetisvaod, w-re lie Sanday gueie at Mns. .Kimbante îuatlîer, Ars. Sarsah Adams. Almon Rover>.oi Chica-goî, waA lie we..k-end gueet et the hiomieaf W. A. wlîting. uomniencing et 11:30 .utirîî: '9 Head ai Hurse-ray bai-se. lu 'vre olui vI 1500; gray hanse. Il yr..îi o s'. t 1500; 4 yroai dappleizrer mareý, it 1450; b r-ad dapple gray bore'.% t 14oo;1>; raId btu,k hors>.. wt 13i11,i. earliun, sucti colt, brov hanse Il i.vrsald. wt 1100; brool rae,eUrs ait, et:1450;-2O Head The Ladies' Aid rofIthe St. Penle o: C.tlle-14 coceý. :î ringi-rm, balance Eraugelical r-itrch bell their annuel uiilking; 2-Yr-old blil. Holstein bnll 6 bazaar et Anderea)nebhail. mas. aid, 2 heiter calie s 4atos. aid. 2 Mm am.MaiiPI an Ilgo pelabeilere altes 6 macid:4doteu ebickepe, Lnd. as.aevmaitlid sud ir iselle15 inkt ane uewarly u.e-v. 3 in. lire iesvy Landau arowe vrsIng ie t ra. .wagon neanly new. :i lu. tire ieavy _______________ wagon. 4 mn tire cagon, express wagon, voad wagohn. toni buggy, heavy bobseleigh DANCE AT IVANHOE Dev, pair ligie ruanere, mowiug machine Tic Ivaniro. Lodge No. 101 M. W. W., new. hane raie, puli.erize,corn planter. viii giveedauceat Ivauhas M. W. A. sieder, drag, suli> esltivator,. waiting hrall Thursday igit. Oct. 15.. Good cntivatcr, "odand elublhe plaw. ieavy music. Tickets?;0e percou pie. Stabillni breaking tekw ieiuerly îîev.est dump iree.. A goad time asur.-d. bosidi, bey rack, 1 ihbey rape 120 tt - long, ueariy nevv, cargoubox. gasoline egins IYhWp. neariv nevw, 2 sets ieavy FATER 0f CLAR- ENCE BAKER DROPIS DEAD IN AOMERS Warren E. Baker, aged seveuty yearc. a irather otf Myron A . Bakýer, oi Keuostra. Iasd fatber of Asît. Post- master Clarernce Baker oY NantIr Chi- cagai and a -.n wldeIy knovu lhr..gbaul Ktenasha county sud North- ern IllnuI.i, drotipei dead et tihaioe of Jey Belley ilu the. tao! Mafrers, Kenostis county 1rlday afternoon. Baker Irad for years made bis home et the Baliy hume durlug th: sun,- mer moths sud trequently viatted bi& son at Northr Chicago. He ha" hem seemlngly in the hast a! beltb att Frlday sud h.. bad tiaten a bearty dia- ner wlth th.. membera of h.e atley iamlly at noon sud haul laugled snd Inked alter dianer vas cver. Durlng lthe stternoon ho had be worblu vîth'BaiIey In lie haienrent. A fvw minutes betore ho 1511 desd Baker urned ta Bsiley sdand 'Ila An -. tlng PrettY varrudo-n bO Msd I1arn golng ont and set udr the trse s«m ast a Util1e air, asihire& athlie lue- Meut Ire urued sud Jokad vi»i Dahiy. A few mluutes laisi Mrs. Ealey look. e& oui oi the vludov aud i»w Dakir Iayteg on Abs grouud. R. le 1 io" busbsnd sud vireixthey remebsi U*. er ho vau dead, It Atg o *tM deati vaU duie tua astc t leba disese. Warfen B. Ba'rsî v nou f Ais plongra >f enasia couety. He vaU bain vithln aatne.i Uioor thlie $Pot visie ils U1folees body Wve e e4 uip on Prlday atterom. Wb.s lu civil vsr broie out Mr. Ra81WviWUne» of!te tire flii !the Kenosha oouuty soi dIers ta enlIaI lu the roiuatestr ugi- ment and Ire saw four yesrs of au,' vice. Ater lie var ho tirred 10 Bomer., but later h.. vent to Naori Chicago wvIreons . ived ft my yeais. Hla s urvived by bts vtdov. une sou and tv0 daughtui'a InduPendenl ada--smd b7 IU,O ues. set iy nets, I15 scrç%bill corn, 350 bu. oste, 20 lotis eliu'ver bay lu bsrn, 15 taus timiitiy bav in .tack, Stark strav, large gsI. . tak tanki. 6 eau gale. mili tant, 3 eau gaiv. miili tank, many otier articles, (sýuaI tern.. ileorge Von>., Prop. Wm. Pelere, Anetîieneer. W. fi Staffes (lýrk. CI NEW l" 6ME LAWS IN EFF13CT OCT. i Washington, Oct. .-Âiusdmeuts ta tIhe DePartmeut of Agrioimture's regulitians for protection af migra. tory birds, publshedt tday, became eflecAlve today.. Theiesfect of ans of Absechanges la te, Permit on the Mssouri and the upper waters ai Aie Missisippi the îkooting et ail mlgr"try gaine birds for vicitiers la an epM UeBul fflo Ociober 1, 1914 tu ,Yauur 1. 19U. Atter the latter date tie Pre- hiblition wlI be lu fomcestatu. Other amedme«usdeuil prlncWmiy viti Abs Clos«d seau nfor vater fl ln Abs Various localltles. 'Fis nev regui"insprovide for a ctoe« mien n sons nufber 1 for al vater fovI f roza l).ember 18 tu September 1 nezt followlng. Excep- tions t he Airs deproeribe Abs open immneasU folics: ,la Mamchu»ettand Rhode Isand' bealnain Jsuuary i1a»4 Otober -1; Conmicut, New York, enyan ta, Idaho. flOgoMaidWssbngic, bWwves January ifth and Octaber 1;1 Nov Jersey hetweau Febri'1 iasd November 1; Mluue.ota. Northr Delo- t% and Wisconsin between December 1 and Bepteinher 7. Laie Couatys bit ivi.kly-NDE- PtNDBNT. SCI-OOL NOTES Iieerlield u-sie-le figh sciol trial'hall teeru vas defeateil by Leke Forest Academy ou tire A-ademy grourîls liva score t>f 20 ta 7 Isel Friday alternoon. A, large nurober ofthlb..ilgi seooal girl* sud boys cý-rstiere>. larooltfon tbeir tear aned tire Aeademy boy@ i vr>. out in tui] force. Au il is no> diagrace ta hoe deteateci luy a guiod teuli, Itcerfleld 11a9 Do bard feelings. againet ber op- panent. A large aumber ai people attended the Wer leture giron by W. M. Lewi@ ai the bigi scool auditorium Setunday even- ing. Molan.y Roduer AMagon vus clînsen cien leader otariIs year sud taîîk up hile year'i vork immediateily by ieading a test sehoal yils. L.ate Foreot College vas delptsts 'at- urday aiternuon in thre foot isîil gem>. viti Norlthwcstenn tiuiv.irmity by a sciure of 7 ta 0. FREMONT Air, sud lir. AI. tanpp speuit sunday viti Fred Wagner aud iamily. Mis. Julia Obenaut ot Milwaunkee., speutaslesw dgys vltiî relativeq bers. Rtose Heansen a1 Chicago, ealled au indo astew dae srecauily. flea. Obenani and tamiiy entertalued campauy Iran, Minneota a tsv days lust week. Mn. and Mir@. Wm. Steinmiller iud famiiy spont ttuuday vîi lthe latter,@ parentsiboe. Mr. end Mr&. AndrswRit ave@pnt Sum- day viii> Mr. sud lire. F. L. Wagner. Mmss tucy Hertel spent Sunday atpy Lae._ FIRST INFANTILE DARALYSIS DEATH AT HIGHL.AND PARK.t Earl, Littie Son -of, Wm. Me- Clory, Dies After, Fourteen Daysl' Siokness.. Earlte tIe ysr-old son of Willam1 McClor3y of Hlglrand Park. dled FrI- day, Oct. 2, fydm' - lnf e paralyslsc thls being tAbstiret death froin lii, chlldreui aliment wvich hbubit 1110.b- laid Park and other forth abois cli- les. One deti occuri-d a fsv day. ago n .Waukr#&1 Thre Meclory échild hs4been ici for ý 14 daLyo and fer a té* days iefore i1 dosAih. had bien V.ry loy.-, a Burtalsaturday% pinâts nt flghlaud 'Fhe Iudfflent lsde ail. Money Orýders. 1)id you krîow tliat aur B înk Mouey Onders are the . hat ineans of sending nîonev <liroîrgl. îliimail? I'hey are payable anywhere in the. United %ttes, &ru more c-anve- nient, and eaît lt-@s than 1'ostoffic-e rooney aiders. Call aud ask about then,. Miii Lucy Alexader Knott, daughiter of Mr. and l ro Henry Adaîie Knott of 21 EbAt Division Se.. Chicago, aud David Dangler of Lake Foreet, worp married ut the Fourti Preqb>-terian ehurvli Chicago, Saturday aiteraî.au. Oct 3l, rit 4 o'clock. Prdlick 9. lGad@, via several years &go ws u nayoof ut tuscity and live YeatBs go leit bems wltb bie îanîîîy tago tu Norws3r. returned toit week aud are aet pre.eüt Maklutis tîr borne vithId r. and lre. Charote* arfield King. Wodueiday evening a pîiaswant sur- Prise Party vas givon on Mr. and Mr@. Jaumes Davidion ut Laurel Av@. Mli Noma Butler, daugiter otflMr. and lira. Morton Butler, 1555 Ridge Ave., Evanston, aud Edward L. Ryern, Jr.. o! thirs citz wvesmsrrlsd Tuesday, alter- Doon, Oct. Otb, ai 5 a'clock ut 8t. Marks Eplacpat eburcli, Evanstou. Dr. and Mie. J. Notion field tjein trât "At Home" Tburedey atternoon. Mi. Jeose Masse has a@slier guet tuis week Mr#. Arthur Rytinson. Mr. and Miii. Johnt GrIffith spent the week-end lu Wiehali. Mici. Mir. and Mrs. Pbutîp James and tanily returned tant week ira,,. their vacation la tihe cam t. M re.Staley Fi,.lt iîng witl lier mothe in Baltetimore. Mies (Grace Eiiinark, vho i a. .pent the puiR two letarm lit (alîtrnin returued bhome lat.ely. There ar-e &".erael tk.em oftInfanrtile paralyoi. aroln nlt he e.oiit r i touiir of shetie belag lu Il>ighleîd Park. Baisey m.Ihaîîl tî»îk a nîuiler if lier putai..ta tait.Lciln Park Lit salut- MNr. anîd tMr.. Albert. Il. Ili k have returned troll)a sel"k in New 'i Urkt Dîr. W. S. litie ad tiamils bave uiii. ed la ta Chicagofri the tIi.v. e , Mi-..> Alna Qiî.i.sle îl-erted lmet wiek for Dallas., Teins.. where sitîe il teî,vh échoal tis year. Air. and Air. .Valler.. I>elfe it.are aje-ndiag a i..w wekini the east. mi"..Mars Denu ient îh.- ss.-end' val. trwnîle at ib-renld. MIr. and lMn. A. ('arpenter retîîrued ta tireir hrime inithe Vit3 ti>. eet Fred iBute, whîi Kraîlu*ted tfr L. F. laet j -ar anuding the cumneî-r acted a.. hie m aler aethUce wlumiîgý heari ..nov atteuding Harvard. Beii.g a ver-vme[! known voung min there are mais trieraistiers e) .> v ite ghlm iilutk in bis new v cihooîl lite. lIORSES ARE BEINEi IiDDEN IN COUNTY Sheriff Green Says He Is Con- fident the Horses Were Not Taken From County. MAKES SEARCH 0F CHICAGO Was Accompanied by Two De- tectives-WuiI Make Effort to Trap the Thieves. Sherlif Elmer J. Green veut ta Cl- cage Weduesday sud lu campany wlth tva détectives illed every stable la Athe Cii n Iau effort ta get nome tratM af Ahs tva hormis vbici vers stoien fuolà,>Lelte comity durlng. Abs pissent veek but alAbaugh Abe search vas conducîsd lan AbemarnAtioroirgi rman, uer plisibîs aotrace ut eîthon of tire boises vas iecuî-sd. "I am, cqurhnced Abat the. Abeves did nat take tIre horm, la Chicago but are keepiug thi nl sorte stable An Loi-ce'Caunty untilthAbseiaicb quies dovri and they gsi a better DPPOMiin- l' Wd dispose eftiheanimal,"tAeie sieriff dsctaf.d today. One 01 fe Ab basseas itMisufiosp & mion City miaimggtaismonoucf b is P a t r . 'Fb . la 't s e . ' A b 'MimaIi t ws belle rlhe sa& erb. stelen tram the western par t ofithe ccunty, bciug laken tram a haro aller the -étapie au tIre door had been prled ]toge. Iu bath instances the sier-lff's office vas uotified sud an effort was made la capture the thleres but ai- tiaugh the Police deparîmente of er- er3' clty snd lovu lu thre couufy aud al lt>. other cilles aloug thre Iake shore vere uotilied nu fisc..oi thre animais vag secured. Itle 1 ils tact, as muci. as anythiug else, wvicb leada ta tho bellef Abat there la a systemsatlc plau an foot ta steal boises n Ahi. vidanity sud theu keep (hem lu a place of refuge until tbey cau be drinta alarge dAy sud dleposed of. Tiers amuers to be considerabîe trutb ta tibIs Aeoiy foi lhe bors.. aftfr helng itolsu dlaap- peau so cômplately AIaI no etisi tIre. OuY aseus reasonable. If the thievea attemPted la ueach nome large cdAy after maklug (he st tIrthechamne o! éimelg apprebendea vould b. veiy This la uttheAi i Ie Abat Aers have bien a aniher cf boiseru teailaga ln Aie county but tiers iras been quite ait laterval ualec.the lait nuinier 0f Ibefla. Vtry few o! tir, hors..s tolen ever have issu reoovered io Aers mrs mauy viro taie thd saine viîw sas Oheriff Gréeu sud vbo Abnk Abat visa the malter li1m ai1 1oolved lA wW b o ud Aerse la aregular gantg Of tirvess et work sud Abat Aer have sousPenture or birula An ReColuty wiir tbiy -on;-Das 0bs09Monai. ma$WUiWt mach tsar et dlsosr. VOIJRRST DEPOSIT IS LIKE A MAGNET It drawa to it*eUl the small change that formerlly aaered and will in the end make you independent. Open a S.viags Accomao. 3% Interest TUE aCTIZENS' BANK ARMILL. ,Üuoe ii. B0"i our Bosines horne."' i t NA8qIANlK L!BER.TYILLE, 'Lel.'t Theodore H. Durit, Prosîdent. W. B. Smith, Vice President. -F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager Mon. DeWitt.L. Jones, Gen. Counsel T£LEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS T [IF Locht-inimel ltealty Co. (n t i ne ileeler iniiW iaciin terrine.. ref,îrt i-îîe.iîdralîle aitivity in lten..anîjt ariiancis 'liii ver ..ipiiîtiiia ceemta liave.' maije utIedittereiu inthe doirîauîl foii r i.. Ther- n. a uenr*%& l trlinn, liiivf>e'.er, tVint prives ilfthe tIi.t- ter île-(ilut tenm..iii rais>muiicie iam a i.- iii roflthle war vcii tii.. Sale i.. - u ig lot are a. liîlluw. I -> iacre terin, Tayloir Ce, Wl. . to W. A lainîîîîîî, îh-oi t %i. Prier $i 00, 1> 2 '-- a-rtri. Ta% liîr lCo., W i. ito 1ti 1'. Weniii.lorg. 'Spri nil. II lri-e $2.9i>ît Iiii 3 0 anuî rie.Tit.a u . ioCo Io W ur.Itaugiti, n., .ivoiîuPl. Priîce *3 500 (H), 1 -NO aire tarir, TaYloriCotiis-., t..I Il fttugliiiiaîît> u*linell Ili. Prire J.IK -a<o. I iai e lîî'lî ., lv ii. ,t , ,, . < 1tra lttîrrs, Aluros, Il!i. Prive «2 Sh te < 7 -i'i-amr terri,Tanliîr Cti i ,to Wrwii Mii ill"r. Aattiîi irîl, l'rios #7,>00 00 8.-11I2.-aire ltrin. Prie . e, Wl.. , t.. tiî. liz-iiîtki, Jie, Illt trie $ l.7$iO lJ 9-80-a-neltinr, l.aiglale lCo., Wim , ii A IF%' Strmir. toIliet, III P riles $,;,>î51 .0 IO.--i0eire targir. .aiglade Co , Wls,., -o ChlamA. Harri.,.A von,îIli, Prçeu $1.400> 0). i1.-.<> aicre.. PrivesCa.. Wio., tu, Frank ttiretîiî.Plilîips. Wi# Privé 12.-i>acre tenru,, Linecoln Ca., Wis., t.. tavil .-(iiiith, As u Il.. I 'r i-e $2.8O()t 13 -120-arce ltin, 1.lnerila Co . Wl.. .tii Cuerge M. Brown, Knox- ville lit., Priee $2,NO1) 1l - 21>-arre, tarin. Lînculu Co , Wl.. , tii lie.irg . I.Briiwn,I:Ktiî,î v ille. Ill., <for ils sou> Prive * 1600. I 7. 1-l ilacrptarin. Lincoln Co . W le., ie. A rthn lî r y.rivAbliiugiiu Ii. Prie. $4500,i 1t;.-40a-ro tara,, L.incolu Ca., Vi., ta Mark Woll. <ileadoîn, W,>. Prie. $150. 17 -16it-acre tarui.'-oln Co_ ,Wl., ta A. McAaviili,* Avo,11. Pr>>. $10000. IR -MO aires. Tayloir Co., Wis .,ta Frank Emit. Chicago heigbti, 111. Price $1200. 19-120 acres. 'Taylor Co., Wl. ., tii Wni. Hanscara, MineraI Point, W... Pri-e $1680. 20O-12f) acres. VanBIuren Cio., Miii , ta George Stuilva. thivego, . i Prie- $8f00. 21-80 uers fterin. Lincoln Co>., Wl..., to Marion Girey, Alî, 11. Frics $28100. H. D. BOYD, General Agent LIBERTYVILLE Loeb-Hammel Realty Co. MEDFORD, WIS. 2056 (Bank Floor) Marquette Ridu., Chicago Il 1 lever. 1

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