ait rni oéthe o rd Ubéa b eir i 4à w1o The moat drag Umotontaken hY the emz- O "Tia-11M.s RueadnCe t". MéiO ttiicqé W ý tVW strWt Boosto .ne actimon b mii oeu. h ia LoaOvs ÉNL.DED COUNTY FAIR. boud=ý00 asund Fah 1ruasN Day Sut a. ltad B~e 0 nutti'eéut W i'd Rrna. thé m» mawho r«kldéé cet cf thié M4 eh. m- mytnioly dhap. m chi* atténdlag thé lAke coin- or at thé mé"Y' etW Sembew. hle. b aoomel m» u m» - tbth m«a ~~ga ~ t éc threpotté ual a5 ue téYOMésma& mibe te tht cty te détersaMe If pou.. If thé y oun m rééldu ard Ryèn atmemId théetir clth 4ý4 1%0YéV ,om hm u édttIe kr a s hiprmqm. Thy drové la Wv trounds la a home m&W hug hét YOUMu Mmsveu »Méén oy- ýb pIéésréeý tthé emr, but la p4Im huh lSl a tortun hl»m U ger« avoieua &bout 'Wb* bédhêmutagoée I tdiamlioe loé ithobm-»""bt » Yom - -lm»---w ud vmbbeld *0 -cuété tw* bodo pud id ý it in»1at at ao wffd Mut et thée WeWabou Fman. rtléaam tut aésetéo rW ouAs that wwi). it çùud Mt li &« thé quet t lalm>hé mtébmam or etthoéImma *uIthat the Yom«g mon rmxem r*"y #ine a mtb$bUshty*nd tml hé o1*r Mbl tg te"g lm»ÀMviyt. résliuhe tu, vl thbt tipI thé *Oumi rêta ***cy frou wOW »rdhhatameluh lu t illpa touth*e tbé liWf mmi la* eurprism wum the oas Ocnemnng Bhshop J. h Nuiéhén.the metholmt Spi>ccDé hM tiep reident fla Zurich,. owtmelmad. tforthe vlclétion cf the ftritMy c f thé Unted Bitateéla an article writtea by hits and puhlimhéd. ln the Plttâburgh Christian Adv**Ue of *hIch the Rev. 3. J. Wallace la éditor. Condumn Medicne Man. The other oUlci laI the church who I coedeumnd wam John A. Pattés of Chattanose. chairman et the bock colmates cf.-the matit. fatçrerof a ptent mtdiine.. SUCCEFJ>S WOODS - Waefegan, Oct. 13. Louis 0. Stevensona cI looimngta, preaident of the mate board of par- dca», wam appointed ertay of state 'toft by Gov. Donne to i thé va- cncy caused by thé ucide of Hrry 114>ed. Thi e »wmcetry cf *taie ha s'on of the lete Mfl IL 5.tevoé. ProuMet Cev*" Ne . Ré 'gi btthé, 41150 for thé unéxpired tué-, or mul Jimay. 1917. Mr. Stevenona Sm vg Imown throughout thé staté eecaue of hM Atfity ln hie fther'é varlcm ealanm.- The election of Mr. t eveamon coent 44 a surprise to thé poItcéi taléat. goeu, th. tCongremumma ére B. ftrlmuer cf Lncoln mlght tan4 I a a consolaton primé for having iut out la, thé Unted Statu esfaetc,ýtà race te jItger C. Sullivma. VIgrcs &pii.tb4t 'wcdemw"' short a etlathétomd fd 01r c s4*teé fondéla hiem'o.0 w1dy amuie oft ofh ci~ f rumiomanad 84>. m té a 5ping8, _ ý , y. WHO GIVEs QurTCLAitt DEEIYTo ALEC BEAIIBiEN. Orvà tà" , Uptivulei te Bfaubien roper.y. lia conaotlm vlththé graatlug of thé dlverdu to Mr. Y. K. Orvia thié 1!é« by Judzé Ilicèrde mdthé ad'- tjIéâoa mde hy thé Interéeted par- -Lw , ~ ttat mttiemént cfrdiclal nad ý" vuMade 1cutélde eto ort. Ico lMio actshé-ré been revéed ~eut PA oucrt 110uds ma remut cf Wp*Wer itou lIed. Théy tulaldé - gNél aimttethé OMreel- *U,è 44 Wmt ureét, jumitnorth SUCOND - Thot Nié. Omovt - sianet quit dlaim deedé minnn t4p Alec Sé>ui.n taho monetwunty or moéPlaces cf propeuty ln Vàrý léta perm of' the ity andt o.unty. TIIIftD-R.port a"e thet the smôt<téméuthiol, the formor pro. mipenaflttorneiy mad wth him iw4%' sgaégtéd*bout *1%,000te $@kpm' la *ffl, uit property. won ber hoe.) * .é tiamfers on Moaday contala ttiq Irmiftof thé reidence from J. 4-Ç<. talaLacla Or'Vts, coonmiérmtlon trair emémé dmylcln pZ yqutit mdesbmU "Dry' la Alec méaublen Mnd, about iýiiboutboumé It cas éxplalaéd chat ;bO,,tamérsmeant., it eeis that ohaOrDevid :ýBéanién dlolvd lAqs .Partaermiilp nmine focyéarm g0 tiii Mr.l-Orvis transfrred to Mr. .Héihle h lterémtm ln certain plec. uo0éda partners, thé arrgagélpment lazsfer tMr. Beaubimtén t lethé lormrty Ahlm charé etOfie6 "t. laé~, Réérer lathe aeI*Ia~dit- the W w1ewsom b usiuer the olqami* étanoo, m#àabu't laielathé Sdoo. by'chlch tie ,ppérty wai la hé d4sd la, Mr'. UBhia.: ThuematSa~ ~çethdup fer smmi tUmeý b ai $ir. Deublén aculd- havé .ét&Mle Mlèm leasuite la cleer titié cà th* vieffltsrvol'red, ho did net do c. t la calpéd hie réamon hetmg that'hé exPtetda final settleMentlbe- twé.a3Mr. *014 Jùm.Orvls chlch vcdld briat aboet 415êr tietté Wthé blécée Ia qitéticé 4111»Mthe cest sutdé.* laîu cf îartttwa mus>ts, And, thèt prcv- ed la hé the gaie, for, chen thé dl. vorcé adué»Momnt wasm ade. It appéare qut évident fre. thé r..- coPaisthetopo f.the étlpulttonm matin by-Ir. <imtbmwlth hie wle cau that the, ip -thé quit lai eds tdel Nir, uéaules I évery instance wché partnéruhl eimwéd pévlouely 11.1cm hé clr4 miaiiéblé nfia uttlmt. Sot Eclg si Su. WilbUPUM oti uslated dît mlot dléic.eS dé" tdA,'in mald thst la thé tOtt]. Mn. t)rvi set cloueétla$20,00 lu cashi and wpe*qtyln ttian Sý thut formr ttérdoy By gétttiuasb homse cm WeeI utréel It Supreuuméd thet oh pe. ct nulni' ber rom. deace, h rôch r has houa még yermédb r t. Or-is moveul front thé clty to Waoonda and liter te Chkilcègoéré hé mcc Se. " bïééétfremi -th$ acUat recordées ogo4for the ceek ndlag Oct. lath: Nxusber cf Tratser-icl. Numbur of Tistbbedé and mort. Total number.,cf Instruméntm flIed-. Total ameunt of Loàas-$37,tSO.. Jackuenvllle. III..Oct 12.-Judge Norman U .omloaéy qipld the hizh schocl tultion 1mw. rftimih thé fWerm tbthélaw bham héeissmed thouebdoei*fcaamore péndlag la dlfferesat.eOuiles. Judgé -Jonéd1 héIethemsitiilplagtlqcr rdia hé wué reumu y th*, iît. mvle aitareA *9W M Ironeble thé I1st w emaoa *u y a flthted ogaréttor PU O" N IL tollet Mome JIt had a tend mortchi Lod Iýt au iudo&id. -ut 1e Kh7w*t d A thief of, decidedl y Imipartiul ~a W10 fp ffl rWa- t wuwm cium»der contral i. hom dénois réceitly 8gelaed ,éotrance te Disoogod . Dek. tommble foW s n 'o mtuMatthé 1cM théuxlllary lore Station amer 1t" frowa thé lire. Thé.. cm.mOt a gréaI éstreét la North Chcag. by brehlng The steameér Cty of Marquette, thé demi of duon .doné la thé, Marquette the lock on' thé dcc?, acorinug in oldstofth RO seaer salis ntad ibatevér lmethone wu bla ethé repcrtmad. by A. J. Lm.obla of cidat f té IIIutemém éillg et oerg. Wem bave net made am laves- thé North Chicgo tire departmont le Of lÇnôbs and tW&ukeg ahd & t>~ tiuation of thé cargo. Any lmulehffil- thée ity offciels. Thé thiet légIUuie tiamo of tire mmmiie lay et hér docks tn, ly covirél >y amurano.&aid chn thé his etémIn. te s]alnythlaa tbthél thé hanior slip hétcéua ton nàu laaecemp*nleand that, the coulid carry hdividing bhslm tfInh élévn Wco.,~~ ~ ~ Xk,4ru*e !évosae, te aIre her Muuethé. Pnrlclala* cf 81X pair of, hoao; ceme olot u agédte U but Metrip tiI, pafàte dirétiithât thé cargo medy foutet lire home and a écle wmto amag A t pmîl o h er entfl hébrotlksht'rlht loto Cblhm.cla or- Thé thef t cwu dcovéréd bY the fie ontcf ht arbr md mi. hé és.der thét théeom leg ht 11 omamttIy chier thé othér événing wch ile oueo ter li a Chlge andymoeter«alsmdiutéd. Tiie r& dtd oct réacthé led thé Ore tation lan aaoét ltm but t dl flo 'to et eÊgal cago anmd ce dc o t îbatiolpète équlimeat.Wboa h.a chbd théea- butuel.d ttopu et au kh«reos ~that thé toe" frons catér eme ery tien hé feund -thet the teck en thé Chtagoth Inurao.ocpanu.loc hty?' dont bad beau destroyed hi hélés (%ls» heimumeecopule tôt T4 M-w" the coe 1 bri lI for brokén opén.Thé-thf had thés m tiéélmoncflb cru ad ieviith - m«*., do»toca crowlu af tored théeéma l tat~ ionflba PM#$hy tftle*drdock for repal,ý ien 4 n ee, i hà u o 'U faywod wen on therue apOmo Mu P@ at8hérod about thé docks What dlmpco.ttcm or Pumé R ïthémi btondaW anmd made Wtu'ietgaa ç b a tt4bugmse. c akoth ax ëIno' thé Ueffl mohudul. qIh haniSmIuse. otd akcfthé nlom.l èuldno(h Thé e au"cf theéola hunisoi épèndyhIéct 1t hé Marqufe t hmd huacded fMr OS; . Ta émw thl ué.'rrylâ»doatwag' o o cè thé Chiommo trip and had béen ,~v~a atmé acrya u h dpéa éd ~ ~ ~ ~ ul ovUtlatéslpu lda ~ ~ ~ 3 inS the hellef cf thé North chiaig ed over loid -tetsip gattide th*f I lpolicé. Thé ffcecrm are aow looktag thé ftame cre dlmcvéred htwéé jmse foi 1r thé mlmremat. thé doks. Thé Maywood ondlcerm's IIj~ C IF iI wéré tirt notid of thé lire and pull. Inc along aide thé ocere of thé naî peading la thé courts cf Lai. Côuaty wco ln An y eaheét ime haul théhoeé Lakeé ounty rémdénte *01 hé ln- of a lmllB nature. la morn f he front thé Maywood playlng on thé Mar teréted la théemnnnoé«mét comng cemuthé utudént attends thé local quette ènd théelire cm. prétty céil us. ftem IackMovlUe.IllA.. a"d chchlo b M shool.The caesé cll hébhard d-rcnrtcé i.ct deprtmfflt $tata# the é09»14104 Of Jud"s Nosm"eé n it gthé Primet tom c-ort o arstaê L J~ei~Ithé aoutitqeet t chti, :Ue té t'li baeen té Méep Thé Bm-cm thé stmam u «Unc a ét. cûnty of theté eSC 'd ié Ot jd.dthvo h ce culer aMd it ttracted a armt crocd of t olllatory upon the direotmovcf casse boa nelt héén detefmîiéd. PePt. One or théeltrot Incidents la échol daitrcts cheréin ne hb Tiiere are mma cmmeé of the .1 <c.naéctlcn cth the amréwca cItés ehool hla Wtaiaé péy thé tut- nature pendlng la ethér countirné14 Petr Moyrnla axlty ome the tien ai pupils wch est. tInattend thé mIate la vhlch t has bien plan. Oire wmlimd off the pler. Hé w«m ish-bý Igh mçocol elsechéré. asueltottthé lac. Théesect trio. éd out and amathoe.sud, alittIe Int- Thé t'uIùàg of the. Judgem im cf Iter' tuée of thé varlétfl dhtrlets apparent- er a fcrèer feulalat thé river and e.t' bléà theré are tcc cames mec ly reWad thé 1mw aà untable. Oob*om-C. W. runé. ete-ctp . atiller. Ibés-u. Wa lmmto. T Clef-Jl H Obéecé M imA. Kdbniue. ompodu c mari sup«murauteé'Rele am e Q, Rl. Wr.t I.L u mto. th rtdedt Ithéeomfrence 0 smumud the »Veneir- 5aemeettlg moi Waé béld la -m etbodét bci.C *wm flaIdieg é l voleS wua m*Imé of tco dtt&cm cet fth lq e heceliei thé Chlioi and théeOhicégo South- chmrch foncérly on hé tedi&. la Oé ItIc0l Ib m theaJOA. duoed 1We w ane absolutelyi nguzbe1r we'have- liere are the faniesStewart h arie - sold herj excluWively. In this welI fkngwn, mot tiperfect ,'bakers and heaters, thàtat"mi'éro- War4to their mani' novel fealiures, many of whîch Ont héliesl:valut - ~ :able t I NQt.e»ofron the coq, pae. oour mllic ->kbut 'iei tii." r valcc"in rmal efficicncy not given in, ady other steve selingfor olittie. SA base burnerfùr hprd or.soft couL.12 in. tire Pot.- vithoist an q1 tee tsuu*lc re bado ot ceai. Nicely nickel trimmedand with la ic eled bletter bakinl"rl with drop dccv and t aperfect baker ,aid fnihed; a ttractive d , The one odorlem andu l*v cost cf tco>4hurdi one an excellent Iu-at 'itoues tole duce àçy. Large orn ment. Guatamtéed ier. -Spleodldly î.'Maintain ui. *Four hm f i t tbe NEW shipmenté daiy-'--each one prettier than, the 1ast, Nwith beaul fstles that we -have neyer shown. before. lun ail, a wààderful asscrtment of the most stylish waists ever ehpw n akea aaywvhere near the price. They are, without doubt, greater value than an3ý tore exoept Hein'a ever dared to show. Many of the iovely styles look to Ib.easily worth 1.50 and 2.00; -and you'il agree that. iueh charming waists have neyer been sold before for a price âe low. Women have long siàee oonceded that Hein'a in the one place to get the greatest. waist values,- and this wonderful offering, comîug as it doos, oniy servo« to elevat. this store agd shouiders above ail oithers. when it ornes to giving real' -values. Our ISsortments are flot eonfii.d to any am make, rather we have - ber. beautiful waists from many of the most renowned manufacturers. T h es e _______ waist.s are in voiles, both plein *and crepe weavet<, fancy, crepes and dainty white organdi... Ail beautîful new designs. Special while thirty iozen last .............. HEIN' S, FICMATS Now-that the time is at, hand to select your ne w coat yqu should by allmaeans select it here. W. are show - ing ail the new and beautiful cplors and styles at 1eswhicli mean great savings,7 8t$ Twosopecial prioes Bat. and mon. HUIEN' S FISUITS, Yôu cau $hop ,,J QVr town, end _you'Il not find the ~ Y large asortmsents, tihe .charmng -styles, or- the low price..that iare #IWays iii vogtte at Hein' ?sitiWvey nuits arelber àat.$25,,$16. .. ...d Wssfo~r CI&Nveu'S -Co&'ts Our new children's deparéanent f. brimfl of the neest aud beet oats f'I, tii he, e. very good stýj4e and mteia " eý i et ay SpecisiSWO a"d i 5>0Cuiss.2.98 Lovely Mtte coata in the nswfabrics, cape dia and *taIi styles, sizes te U y$ valuepapeis2é7Iu izýy, bm,-gmn, b1a.ék, &M~, ss to' 14 , ",vb to $5..........