Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Oct 1914, p. 15

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ff 4s àsêbouo om lut1155 igé t IL r. %Ees ~ as Judge of« ' Uléeir . .............«10A t#(* OsMaCWék of 100.......... l . . g ig.......... if4,â A. ihe. orne0daY r.tuming pou6. . 8. A. lui non ... .. . . . . . 01 . a a s s.Judge cf ............ 10.0 àas .iudge et :.............. 10.0 tWo deys as Cierk of Mdcian ............. 10.1 F.Hotié. tva days ma Clerk of 1180icel ............. 10.0 C. C. Gert. A. G. Ms4 asiiek o Ir eimg sotice. elle laboum............ 2. r A. 0. Noalier ~é dur rol rgPoil A. 0. Maélher. Obedury cht gbal- oIC ................. C 'rouf ce ving piacé... 8.04 .rctiesg boomba. . .... 2O' West Deorfled. 0.o. Rocheig o c. w. se10 0 Ueio..............10.09 C. . Hcrlre W 7 10:04 Linpoln F§ýxa , -.. .... . 1 OerO!d liet .10.0( 10.0f of '0 ....a~........ ......0.0 éeou...........00 R.S.BrZ d*. as Jude of mmoct.o..............10.00 J. C. B pan 25 ltv Jai 4i Hartr .........b....a.2.06 J. . R4 3Ihta..............10.00 Iodays aisJude cfo M1Hention .............. 10.00 PerdesasCyrkc T. 39*. ~VFUWy QGIMER 16,W4 1aseo » f ie oimtli. DefllSIXTH 1>04.j coitbl.......4.00 on Paci- Claims, outaille Waukegan AmIt. Claimed Libertyville, ni., Sept. 23, 1914. 1 - Sielde snd Iléerfeld, submitted the Noms. lFor What. Amt. Allowed. Board at Lakte Couitty CounV a $94.90 foUavinag repart: Chan Ge*'4180s aim pursuant te adjournment with1 . ~ _01111l", Third. 51010 cfof lipcl Lake Couty, s.. IjMcerie.i . ...... .8 9.14 Chai-min Welch presiding and the <>0~~ PrrvlîorssJg of ~ Set Terra, H.M. folowlig members pesint: ,0 Sbey a udeo îk*,5. 141......... 20.00 u aple r v1ao r a Bal-slow, Bange,t Electlan.............8110.00 Mr. Chai-ian and Gentlemen o! the C- Antees&Bons, Brooks, Conrad, Eger, Enimons, Ferry, ' FakM flr.BossU cbdfîperit& I vij dese. .......... ..... 23.55 Picke, Goes. King, Kirochner. Muether.t OC0 tva da"ys a Judge of Yogi- Committean Poor Claims. i_. Meyer of Fremnent, MiByer o! Wauke- 5.1c.............. 10.00 outoide Wauiogsa, fShields and D r. 5R.69 gan, McCullough. Rockenbach, Simi-. Ivodss s ude f ei. vul i me 0 eprttls JAl cf whlch le respectfully Oubliait. one. gtration cf Grant. Stratton oft .0 di i;, sJug o h ave ozsuin.d411 idaims ps-e- 1tedl.-Lake Villa. Walsh, Weich cf Newport, I t ElIcfiO. ........ ..... 10.00 sèete befoie them nd ureommend j G. T. .McCullough, Weîcii of Waukegan, Whito.-23. 11 Âdlh~or fe p&ytoecf of thse fcQotui ans ud tali Chais-ian. Absent. Supervisora Clark, Hold- 60 twodays as Clark of tfit lort lié diroc fto'lMoue ai-dorisWmn. J. Stratton. ridge, Itingdahl. Tuttie.-4. Élection ......... ..... 10.00 for th. soies-aI sminut. ta the sev- H. W. Ferry. Minutes cf preciding meeting readl ,94 trand y ioreukcf éal claimanti. o-wI#; Superviaor King moved IbsI lhe r.- and upon motion ef Superviser Brooks vodyi seor fsnton. port b.e £&Opted and adopted. k Superisai- Kirehuer moved te rM Iato ....-..._1.0Amsi. Claimed. Motion O051usd. L onaltér 1he report e! the Comittes torq dsys ai Clerk cf Naoms. For What. Ami. Alowed. Orsi report cf Prlnting Cemminlttees, on Pâées and Salaries as te the salas-y muwtiqh ............. 10).00 M. C. Boteford on bal tX lIte <ounty Publitul1 igj0 the eounty judge.f grocérlea ............8il6.08 sud PrimtW* Company, whlch v4e iW Motion carried..1 J. J. 0 Ba dypslD oie Chas. Berng I ferred baci te the (Commintes for fu-,1 Superviser KIrechner moved that et éecton ......... 260 ORI.................. 5.00' (her fi% 'ledsfton, wae made by Su- the salai-y of the County Judge Do ;à .Bjrd.Alfred mn.. peuviai o Mrdge snd on motion cff ixed aIt1,000.00 per year. Superviser 1 20Q .......... 36.00 sueoqlM-REaiustow thie clati vs. Eger moved as an amendaient thatle ose coday returning Cpoldi800 alôvif ftg lb. full amousut. !the sslary of the Ceiinty Judge bho bbo., sie------------.4.20C nMa 00e Ciye a" at ....... 80 upervIýe Kirachner moved that'fixéd ai $9800.00 per year. pl1e. IJ<h ' C. he bil f fIbe Ban-lngton Review h.ý Aye snd Ney vote belon caillait or h vért cf pouing plc, . 80CW . od.... l&IWdW 14.tevt to i uflos ahn Haft & John Conçu, j Motiheootn0100a le s fllva - Evcng bmah..-..2.00 i"t0adeT Dwt. etcre, 1o:a5.é57rédThos. îting Ai-e are Supervises-sI MI&& ..........9 2 Snmerviuor Uer nmov)ed thai hé mat- Sauts, Eger, Go.., Maetber. Neyerm $76.70 aRockfller Ca.. 1ee cf thé télpone ebih ie Couty eof FW-oat. MeCulougl, Ro<i(enbactu. $10. 0é01 Parmi b.elft iti the County Fan Eimena. Stu-ston o! Grant, SîrattonJ Clrfd tut.Sîssan, Commtteleo hVoili oer te sctie 0f Laie Villa, Wite-11. 1 0. L. Voiler sérvices ....... 19.00 Tise voting No are Superviser@s >00 tvio'day. a Judié of Zion IMerchantîlé Cc..Supervisera Sai-slow. Chais-ian of Sais-slow, Broks, Csmsad, Emmons, Eéi.i........... ..1000 edise. ............... 44. 10 Comnaillé. on Fees and Salaries. sub- erPc. in.KrtheMeyer H. O. Huber.- ýmltted th. fallboing report: o! Waukegan, Walsh, Welch et Waul- 0, tv-o days as Judge cf $661.74'State Of illents, Lakte Ceunty. ses. kegan.-Ili. I Eléoction .............. 10.00 Newport. Board cf Supervisors. Sept. Tes-m. Chai-ian Welch voted Nay and Su- onLyrs, D. Clav, Anit. 'lalmed 1914.' pervisoir igere motion vas lest. tva days ai Judge cf Naines. Fer Whal. Ami. Alowed. 1 Mr. Charis-insd Gentlemen of the1 Vote recurrlng on the original moa-1 NIcItIca.............. 10.00 C. A. Heydecker IL Co.. Srd ot ftpe-vtaors: l ion 1he samne vas cai-uied. J. E. COUX&Isd ds. ....... .......81 28.24J Tour Ccaimltttee on Fees and "-l Superviser Welch of WalfukeganIf tva day" as Cbesk of Michael Lux . aries woild beg lease te recommend'moved that uipon the procuring cf àAi éCetiofl.............. 10.00 l mdse .................. *90 that thé salo . ies or th, Counti- judge. on Fees and Salaries h.e reconsideredà C. A. tAirson Isaaic% Shiel Counti- Clffn. C ounty Treasuner and as te the saisi-y of th, County ClenIt. 0 two days au Cleri of Imdse ................ 16. 65 ex-Ofiie Ccunti Cllecter and Super- Supervison fIger.moved that Super. I Eloection ............... 10.00 ___viser of Aise.mente; Sherlf suad Dep- iije r Welch's motionnlh. tabled. l Agnes Diiffy', $ 46.79 uty Sheri. for the termes commenctng Aye and Nay vote being calbed for - t»a day" as Clerk of Antéecil. Decemihr?1, 1914, tue fixeS as follova -Superviser ligers motion va, lest uy I HElction .............. 10.00 Ami.CIained CcuntY Jtde, 82500.00 per-Ysear. thél follovlng vote: Those voting AyéI (I. L Vettr Names. For What. AmI. Allowed Counti-Cls-,$2800-00 per year sud are Supervioos Er.ger. Kln&g. M.faether. Oik "Ye 1 postiognoile Goodu-ici Lumber Co.,- necesssky dieu-klhtre. j Neyer- of Fremnant, MeCubougl, Rock- ef éléction...... ....... 2.50 celai....... ........ 1 9.76 Caiuiify Treasurer. ex-ornlfCia oniy enbsch, Sumonz, giration 0f Grant. J .CoenaSWin. Hillebrand Collecter 8td, Superviser nof Assse- Stratton of Lake Villa. White.-IO. 10 one day seturnlng poilI mdse.............. 5.44 mente, 82800.00Ver yeai- and oeces. Thos. coing No si-e Supervisea books,. etc ............. 4. 20 Chase Webub, ervcleri-hm.airetow. Sanne, Brooks, Conrad, Em- iland ParSk Pr@"aainde................. 27.13 saStheritr $2000.00 per year. nions., Ferry, Pick,. Goes, Kirsehuer, ' swt of POUJUg placé. 8.ý00 Deputy i- S«lf. $900.00 per year. Meyei- of Wiaukegan, Walsh, Weich of lobsa Bat a3o1>nGenosI.8 3.2 Superfiatea4ent cf Scheeole, $2000.00 Maukegani-12. C » eireoti bome....2.00Grant. $ 32peu- ygr. Aye anS Nay vote heing cailed forn O7.AmI. Claimed Expéiise., 111100.00 per Yser. 1h, original motion of Supervisor 770 Narnes. F'or Wisst. Ami. AlloweS. Allofhe h lai respectfully sobinit-, Weich va. cari-ied by the folîovint -Dees-Ild Flfth. Chas. Jisi-baugh Lumber Ca.. ted. vote: r Nenr .---. ~Gea. H. Sairstov. jTlsose voting Aye ai-e Supervisora K. Combe, Kars & MIler.................eci. Rpckenbsch. B airtov. Sangs. flieî, Conrad, Eni- tva dmors.sJudge cf ,IBumA.Pckeins, Ferry, Picke,. Gens, Kirèchnei- lo e . cto..........810.0 .mS............4.11Meyer 01 Wauiegan, Walsh. Welch of lohnG. Shrowra W. J.StratonSupes4ylsa Welch of Waukegan Wà.uegan.-12. )o tv-o day as, Judge of services..............130.00, moved filhtie report tue amendeS <te Those voting No are Superviser.s ledon.............. 10.00 lrend that tise salary of the County Eger,.KiCng, Mséther, Neyer cf PFr.- lotun Hisghis, 82.01 Clerk anS Coui- yTreasuruer tué 111,0 moi, licCullougil, Rockentsch, Sfu- o tva day.sesJudge cf Avon. et $2000.00 eacil and neceaary erk , Srto !Gat talno Ebection ... ..........10.00 Avai.ClameS hlire." 1.-e .Villj a. gta.-10. ILK Ce, Jr, Namnes. Feu- What. Aret. Âiboved. Àye and Nai- voté called for, Su perviser Welch of Wukegau 9 )o 6wôdm-. as Cirk cf lH. W. Keel IL C. Superviser Welchs motion wasa lest minceS that thé salriy cf tis Cobinty laci ........10.00 grecerles...........il29.63 by th, followîng vote:,[Clm-k hé fixed ait $3,01)0.00 per yéms, r Jasoeb P. gKiIsé A. T. Whiite TVile, otngAyew-r Supervisera A"é -IdNai- volé belug calbed for moi-vice......o........0 Bangs, Conrad, Ficke. Grés, 1Hoid-' SupftviierWéich's motion va8 lest- Nétib. .............O0.00 P. . Sissfer, ridgo Meyer cf Wiukégan, Stratton of by theisé oIiwl vote: Robert 4,. Sitoservice ..............8.00 Gs-snt, Vales, Webocf Waukegsn.- Aye are Supervisora b woedisaiuClés-k of 1 9. ' S1angs. Brook,, Conrad, Ulmoni, ElesUl............1.00.kegan. Walsh.vgaiciu of Waukffln5. Henry îç Coee, Lak Viti daretew, Brocks, C*$, Eger Ferry. 10. I 10 Oi pyvstlng noties 0 Nies . Lae vilai. . ioe i* Krche. M eMee fi .f Ferction .Am.........d2.50 , Kirs Fones-. t. Amt Neyer cf Those îotin oare eupervlsoa Foet McCu1léub, Rcckpnbaci,: â' tw U.&N Henry K. CoteC. W. Taîboît, F-mot1cfLie il. Iie. l-so, Fgerréeey, King, Maethé-, i * on, day obtaining bal- . .8 10 14 ratIonI eèa!f remant, MeCulongli.polcai lots.....«............ 430 Libéstyville. 1 fIenhach, Simone. Stratton e!of nt Heénry K. Combe ~ Ami. Claimed Suevsr1isaln0 Laie VillaL, Whte-12. cn g âs1 sturoing Pol ais For What. AmI. Aloved. maieS that the report of the Commit- Superviser King nioved tisaI 1he ré-E books. ... - 4 ,ýOjLîbertyville Lumber Co., tee tue accepted a dOIléted. T>. ~O .Pu- i clndoa . 189 Mlin poil of lise <ommllttee onTes- sund mi. . Pc a ci d wod ...... 118.9 Moton arre. iSalaries stand ass pproîed September l rattof pace .. 8()0 uba.Ms.- John E. Barrett. prealdent of! î5. 1914, except 55as amndéd la re- I H. K._os - .'nt. Cîsîmed the Laies County PbM-ers' Instite, gard te 1he salai-y o! the Countyi-iuîdget CO....................... os. For Wisat. Ami. Allowéd tipéased bei-os-ftis, BOasU aud ad- whiich lias ieconsidered sud spproved laups-,Lageacisulte IL Rager. dressed thie memier ta regard to the at 83,000.00 per year. euéhialhnis---- Ham ca......... 1 .0FarisuOr'. institut@ àansueS for an, Motion etri-led. ù - soiprst -9.9 30.80 fer theeon-,Tise follug tPétition fru- ram 0 I . 81 qid totali............... 00.2ýsuig yens-. Ishoplilcenees wve éprsiésnted and - -apéilés- irahne - il ! vlicl i fepecfuly stumt uperviser Sairstov moired Ihai t-e'rtad and upon motion af Supervisai I u-ht«yW Kirchet nýA o hc a epcfll umt Boas-S sppropriste 81.0for thie Conrad wvs. res--d te thise Uénse lisp: thé CI&çeptedaue<lér -O.B.Gno. Tai-RMI In lstats. Committee vils paver te 'sel: g Coeuris -lfims-snonemoedit BiPervior Eger movid liat thie To the Honorable Boas-S of Supervi- C Ué- pyet !mi lctou tath report bhosoepted sund adopt- Ccuuty Clerk lho sutlsoried auS la- sers of Laie Cgty. Ililnais. o 0 tan~ed truêted to extend tue taxes on tise TiseundeisigéIlt*%uuleaivter rnlcelanou~bii, - e Môi l ore&, Pro»«u-valuations cf thg' mveral 1ev-na or 1he Town of Cobe, té WCount- s u i m ol l n o tý ie c s * v l ip s - l s o r F t r é . C h a i - a n O ! C o i- at a r a t e t ia t w I I I O b t h éj i l i e nai c a s o e a h e r e b y r > u u l v e h h e 0 urenkàbmin o iônfei-rdw ~suio~o ilbf ulig uil necesary hy thie votionstaxing lbed- ycur hloorable th .d flgrant te prprcograttes taesepor-t 1ý W %lsnilted 8Wte,,ulo g report* tés, acesding toe, i bMntIet.. oInt iiz HitterbachïqtIJtSaaTow- I SupervIser Brooks moved liat tie Board fS *ýert aS" . -ieéxtend thie Thietie Tai as returti- iL la ai wlîaî s oble ,.lieFox Set .:t4., n, ed la hlmn. Rives- Holel Pu-opf0s-<qs itf 016Cuba Cftunty19eni tu uiîroced le isuethe-Motion cars-ted, Townshp.adrst 46s~rifie salé bisfi Cuny i-ass-r Ii- Ca <enbre o ie Supervises- (ons-adlmaiSte recon-,eOfniait, ligues-s d8b IN~Mi te an "ntor a il biais allov-ed at Ibis IDel-t Sc eor fCimtteo lc-at !1,Gs Oa.adye f thé y *on Public Building eiderrprio-o -teO let rto h Gnri Mation cpurieS. Clsnî iii bave te repas-tt ~Motion casrieS.Saen-illotuft. et ta B j ~~~rusts-lct the piwe4~~t o~itio $tpfrylisor GoBse 'oveS thaltisth ul ae -£11 i in préi-e-nddai SoiNsdjuu-nunU 1 cloc ~ a.M. en in and récommend Superviser Conirad mareS tiat theToeanVlieitIii0 S-a Nation case-ibd. hile def tle foliowlng, .50 Jui sand Clenis of mli voting lceeteiéaemélésr'spa 0 vepptiat t Me directéd to lsu» orIttiitts in the ceunty s-eçoive 5.00 per licenIS. It ,I .M. boas-S calieS 0- a!ehher tbsie luac-aely anS fo. pý*l8ltipevme >so è yiéiairmian. 5094 fIse- ves-aî amaunts te th. d* f egthueféieveo ili lées o naýP Clarnitec n -oeus A, l9ie 1 1110i115tu1s, ta-vit: côrdancé altil reéoiuitRa pased by thie etpsgô'*ne o ulw Ait. Clained IBoard April 24h, 1911. f iiisae DOU P ,,approveSdo a & ( oXbcwlfhéfss. A .Altttee Mtion cai-led.1ft1 883, àDf0100July 1, 1883. upon th li ere h ptto l â»gA ha. Ai Alwd. Mto edu0.' ,-.h ix cromplying ils siS act or thé dt Cwe atie thoe boai rd pé-els- SBartsov usovéd liat the 1ten eu-aIAsfembly î<Bd thé ton o! Grant te q- i orosk .... lÇ. 76C 10 o ét8pm th thieof tise tte! itc vilain- ame. b,.CounlyTIsesorer bel etéd ta 5O-1 Signed hy F. Muska quid 174 otisers. lt #asa oed15 Ie ienting ..............'1.50 cue an su itmîzé df, 'eh. ôü 1qtate o! Illinois. CoÏI ol c [Ai. s.ln o! th seveallfu gs cnhanSfs-,mTo the Honorable "rdo!upr I~~~l $~-~ Ieiin ogatd 9826 the County Ti-essJus-Os- md that saiS Iviseseof Laie Counlj. Illinoma. t II . caried joof thie Commtti-. AIU cf alici lais espcfully subrait- report lie read atIthile Ont day of eacli ThVie undersigned, being légal roter. tr on ssmeuts subiittoded '-ofulr esîthn- ie Town 0! Cuba;tlismd Count- Stsle<iflliae.~Lai Cunt. i1il A. Pick., Motien casrieS. . f Lake, isereby réspeütftlly pétition Bc - Chais-ian. ~~~~~~~Superviser Sangi Chaaof tise oui -oc-beBa- agat 1 1 fShovinSp.TenIAfred G. MatIhée-. Coinmittee on LUcenoé. téported tisaI Chas-les Frmis cf Cuba Townsip, aBi mi. . ~~~A. J. Wals. ts ittO fJh iéit -s ,license te keep lit sa revowofCuba th Mr-. OWam and, Gentlemen of!the Superviser Brooks mavél itit tise malt licence lu the TW.* af Cuba <10 Sd vbat la kuowa n'u eics Motel pr e Býl o<f 136 Il-eris: s-qurt lb. accepted sud adbpl.. Dlcnte &u bijlSsité !proporty ai salO Cuba 'Pevuhip. a th ~?li-'oaflÏOmsEr1seaAi uan ose-s-ed, aloès-s. dram shop for salé o!fnmalt liquors mi oeaaint thes évaouos plti- Supervisai- McCullougtu (tuis-innofi Superviser Welch et Waukegan oeiy, puroueittta10an açt Or thé Gen- ,= grrèa: « av blo r-Coimmitteon Poor Claires of »Akb éid tha.t open00tiip ringOfai- oresal Aiqseibly et thé State of Illinois, rreaw aa vé.e Siiédeansd Deerflid#lOgb f Î lUlnt nunrbés- « ta t'le l.ititd -* 14 titiem Cfitpov- Bc -f6m e*reporgpetlo# th Use lCD5 lNhl ie éerg cf Countt ltiéi1110 ¶b*ansd Vil- an DI tt o!iîthee.a ivéD ise paver ta 00f ld rigfit te' lages iulnin g ruubad*e te pi-o- ti le s t.s-=> St~tol110. .vide fou- afatlmg a. Ihé a aretahi Co ta UtLl - tlç ar-te. . sait liquots sgo éd or pua- c iton!. i r le ppi-Ôved Jimsue 1, I 181, 1 , tu force,'13 Amd jtMýL*111 b. fliléSv-li Clés-kJitly 1, 1883, upon 1ie.,,omplying viit 7t M I 1 vo rt It-1 Johnx Naro)Weta fCb Tvil licîn0alà iTiw Mule1 Hotel property in sai CUba Ta )Olt ahip, a dram shop tor the sale of Mult Liquors only, pursuant teauan et r thO Gacerat 4sembly éf tlie 8,#aa c tirmi pawýeSiofcf oattes. Ctim T* J110 Vtiin Dliceang dap ly anti te prgvide for erS'u.ýihîcnse ~.. te ret.iil malt liquors sepmvalIy îâd ~ m m s for punishing Persona holding such mee, MI seParate Ilcense for unlawful sale and gifts," approved June lîtb. 1914.,1883, Are oon toLo lni foyce july 1. 188g, upon hie l. ern- I plylng vlitb nid act of the Generai Assenibly and the Statut,. of thé gIste 8 8J F B - U of 11uneds, Signed b yPet Siavin enmd 66 othhrs. gWinhur Bangs..ChairmancfthéCOlgeSahf COmialte. on Licenso submitted the Fgw h. ~ folIoillfk reports: To the Chairman and Board of Bu- U01E NI ijervlsais.- Your Commte, on. Licene, bet leevé te rêpbrt tb« aty haie @U ÇM dgrj ed th. pétition 0t loirs Narow.lsfgr came, ceguuiad é a malt »lé,às 01.led y hier11 fie «M su etna peiius8610 3 film. s=4 that the Mme omMuoa t« fé >îaO '-ýW b requisite number oetunatitnthé the oféot tuf boeu"l' location la utale lée iow r w iglac.> k-YMa ft. iio- malt llcema., mmd récsMuéui litaaâfti nq4e-I e malt licos, b. grant té itli*do John ffsrowvof pc. it- (1&1" or,6' the sa'c u13&14 wlth -the law relative t10çlvln a on - atios snd rse ùomn o u asud payingt le bose tee. Harry A. Bangs. A. J. Walsh. This açtion wae tahen b To ~ ~ fm$ 1hafr f upr 51w quléa 8aaÎiY visera Iina d 9* 1IeSIMM. f cêUééoI. 1* 4 O&- Your Committea on Licens. beg th iwMnv': ý leave te report that tbey hayé lfIa £é amined the petitiona cf Charles NFrsch tj id.1tea for a malt Ilions. filed! by, hlmisnéwft*aRh auffeur biet ai *1e that the dame contains thé réquinte ge*açém vera oMtftid 116UMtiî number of Dames, that the location Pr te sultable and proper for amail li- s a tWN«ww*0 tense and recoMmend fiat a usit Il.the QPOUIIOU te OQXW4 t" -01001 cens. bc, panted 10 th. .ald Charles mcme in. manala. Prisdr uPün hi' comp#ytug Vifil lia Fer a nembèr d& yernis I it lmw rebattre 10 qiving a bond and . it paying thomiiceàtq te«. th cii 01*6vommm i Hm" yA. Beaug. s - w - *m A. J.Waisi. 511h 4qWteme 8314 oï E. LU aimons. baei e uqmu htka Te the Chairman snd Soard of super- rcafrW~c Your Çommittee on licenu te tiret cffle hio .ursferrsde i.pefébu g 2et UI>*S U lâbe U cens, ln Cuba 'townshipt beg ete.t rv u, ~4r repart tiat they have émauseo th*i but i4Mn smrnéad* tIsatthé potition "lalm the requf4ite numbér f a bût.i 1?Thot *e reconmménd that acason é b. grmWbi ali1"sa à *e' to the. petitiooher »=Unc hi. Iq U Ve «boj1lae IIs OS. necessari- bond snd paylmg tuà e t lo Har-y A. Bags.5SO E. L Bu=m. pirebbc *i età iU A. J. Walshu. , goyr. Supervisar Contaui m«« 1thal.@"à sud of1 of lhe reporteli £e am' d C*hf S adopfed ani thatcthe-ideisé hé '1fer grantéd te Jolas NaowUi4 <btzt lUe ¶top 13 Frisch asud ivuts Mitfgob&u«,resua t # Superîloor*ye- cf W&teOoa moiitéi 1w t#Lp4 gcoiot 1-19 li -.1 _ e r'eltembél- A. . 1914 byli b04ed le Couty of Lake lit tEié ffl mInoiu, teomitéIgnéiqeI sud théeS,.H aime uit(, Party of tis ;00 pn qfs Ti fluadréd and W "but*UftO Party eft ile aoo pre t ame a fifosoost oà" -0 h,à Lt - of the isoimi t#-keèer l 11is, 191tosmi01l Jcbb7 1914. vlth an utdEta t'he books af thé Causst=,smsuré'N"..f ed beforé the saotessérté the m" At thé Mi .-oumty bréame 1106cais c offic, amind th lde Ie = tor- NOIII cm s, made s e api'd)y av la canyboitaitu. ý1 .Sai Dai teS isii. 3 of,5 et . cf. Tise Ccisnty o **thé Blaté of 00UDlTm Illinois.. o im By Tltéâ1béH. Meyer 1. W. - Hoidtbogs, u- a fleý James G. welt4.. t 5 -Côfle. a WMvdUè'u 8, E. Buem&Audit 0Co., l' of. és w By S. 9. SilI. Supe-viso ios-emb-adé iiéîéd at tise " Bare- enteritocutroot i#» 4h. OQ Y E. fis Audit Co. sud cnfitu, eaO-#'"étpad s-e -epf sud adolIlceas-sol s. s-oaS. ' fou-sué Motion cas-ied. l»o Tise tull cf Wtyté Fus-niture Caom- »xm ,00th pany vs read and upon motion of Sû. .ileIs etrsviser Con-ad sîlovod for, $41.11a~ é *,é th Cleri v-a, directed te issue luc tOm l 4dô dcer on lie OôUbty Pressur;er mu Pa- 4, Th, è nent aof thegasie. ,lgpérvAci- radmcvgdthat thereé Il of HNs-m S»5,= f*stu .rpwoeptPA hg &fier sinallpcx =esse i leve « for t es- 0 an00sd thaf tise Clos-kb. léce to Itsut su os-dé-on lthéCoIPDMlTee ire- ln pmymént o! tisé sarno 11 Supervisai- King oAdinoedthé, toas-d lu 5015111>! Mie Limr J. 1. son, supmlnjaendent o! -thée 14>6 h~. luff Orptuauae. thwIta ng hsén fôr UAt- 'nlation. Supervisai- Conr-ad maieS tuai the saine b. suereéd "0 ;n the. minutes. Motion carrneS. Superviss- White moved tuat e Bcard enduzILa voté Ct tbuuite 1M. U4Wa##s and Mns. Ap.p ly for tslu eta1& invile, tin ndam ifly domiiend iM 0t conitin =managemnset è! tIse eonny lpau-ia, Motion car-led. Supés-vionrad rnoffdl tat tb BeanS adionra te Nenday, Decémé. ____a 7tIi 1914 .t10 10 cîciX A. ~ ____ Metion cafs-wq, ,.-as A. HEIUMis ltat. or!Illinois, lai. CQqtj. lm. <igiS à ev I iserebi- éwf'Jy os MbthJUe s a true amA.oe..+Êm .daa h é1y anuél rti it= 0 ri teoiby a"th0 i Okt*Ju# " hi *ii ir À -irim

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