Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Oct 1914, p. 16

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r~ount! 1nbe~en~ent Uaulieoan UeeItl~ 0un ~d~ COIt7folloung lb. receut -conference, ont belp but tuk that à .11 son b. movlug dY fer M«&s Néver befote bave so many làke county men1 Wiged at asiligle confoermne. ~eof t1he. Indepmndent bas been urged by a 11005 te make a tornia and'Getailed r.ply te an 1article in td ua ueighbàoring weekly ef amal tien lautwek But, wo feel that by doîug no we :ive unduuervid publicty to conditions it palnted U&d LlburtyvMle -,wblch aremsqrsetd b a MWto by It bulug temporlzed by loc" condition ooudt" 1 *Mwb Lbertyvle officiais are Fil ot dM upoýmsd budling. Therefore t. iv "my would ac=epL" Uo*13ng but tedd Md fuwtier aaIupboilo tt letatfor,-by pat1ng~w batoirus sy ftextimes wrong ImpreS- teicuaed dspte efo eexplain they're untrue. dieords bo probibt chidren In thair fiaIs but whe ; dgpl tg live 1ln Ilim unmolested 1" .ne defuen x i la thé. ptiMeo e. Itla a good thing that there le là Mfi"ols bU hprovideii a penalty for such atti- ~Wmud cbi*m. How mon eau talcs sucli a Stand ~y lau dod, la bard to conipreb.end, for, wbat Iemeuutitid l th. worlM than a child? If there la ."WbuIte*Uu vue follov -Ibisrule ot ~mg *Jld a ti eh'tneinent bouses, The OUA E t houw who th.y are It is bard tq blioes imase amjy i Wa*igan. If there are w'd like bmafIIle pulolty If th. opportunlty presenta e la 4IU5Uflei<b & Chicago church ef furnlshing 0 lbPSO a OWlite insurance poliey la a nlgty Oe. webMiffli b.ladoptod quit. genoraiy %.Tkowb pmitrdoees net get suMaioent »e permil t ly soide auytIdng for a '<tby r S foritsAuly Ilunse lieu iosddealy. Frequent- *1êri#"lOt *Dlulut to pu=%mithm canyluga I*e ir, f bOe*ur.a o u inb.provlded f<gr bina, Mm of $uWe4mmdie l é béier peser, the ~& bas beo A.Q w ., mlofti d«gbdftte Sub. onot uýe«f«tbum butight baie tae rOduo o SuppOrt even toiipea-py tâb 60* e0m le M1_ý wuo t's certain the. Asm bvu wonld lOt opps not efen under their tii 0* i4erla bsermon Sunday tbld aboutfoime of si*p aom mft a i1,a W a bl IlaOff ou -.1i&eaold ll tIe cm *w* msow tm.1attiude If wuldltutWqwusi. .lo mmdk*»ultâ-n mah&cours. MMllthos l4o WM Urgo aewsporu te lp lthe i, they la ibMpesug uponhibor hearens iU blie val.oMuumty *Wbci tey do net, in thoir ovu »Prfve OL Aid Il's a tact vorth nollcing fiat DL. wft buas tulo4 MOS eagregtien, thie .May, SeMvs ulrmaspreahors the .otier type are ber. and 901» tormrw. Tbatls the anaver! ATROOIOUS WAR TAL. la a great wrong to the people of tbis country to im- on them n im ue o! peace a taxof this character and Rtude. They eaff if a war tax, but it ies nply a mess- e is uconsderate.. To inake up the-deffiency eaued meoving duties'from foreigu commerce they, seek, to e new and heavier taxes on domestic commerce. Per taxes, business taxes, stamp taxesare the fu4orites l administration. The irnly ones that are spared are oporters sud foreigu -producers who are reIieve hfrm ayment o! custonis duties by wlich the Republicaus =ny years kepi 4ýhe treasur>' full.'-4 ina no proved n.ecessity for this tax. The war ýel»sdisloeated the ordinary business ut the world& e< to an end at any tme. These taxes once in-, Sromnain Su long hi power. The cause of the treàs- ýý egod the failiire o! their tarif law. They took *mý s tey that the gui ernment's ineme f romiis k*age usthe extravagene o! grants uf Cougres. da4 b. eured by economy, but that is somethiug for b«Ipubliemàa bave enforced one ecouomy upon k lâu te Iavieb and wasteful grautseoft ii, hs~ioeà MI . hem aucomuel other econumies- 109107North MU. OSCAI.. aUUI4. MANAOEE is~ei~a. iii. - - - a a STYISEfXN»GOZ AMo COL- IMAE "T * $.75. - At a Savlug of$6.0 A niost complete assortinent of ne* models in the loiig redingote lunes, in- cluded also are fashionable collegýe ~ccats fl popular novlty mixtures as well 4à plain materials. Coats that are good vailles at $15.00; specia1 at ........................ 5 HANDSMX"PEINTZESS" COATS . AT $16.50. This splendid lot of moats ineludes ouly the newest styles. They are ini the sea- son 's mont favored fabrics, in black'and colors of brownv, navy, green, etc. Some ;have linipg throughout; otiiers ge ,halit lined. An unusual vailue 16 at our low price ..16... .50.7 NOTABLE "PEZNTZES" 8,1IT - AT $14.75. Notable, because we don 't think yon could duplicate theni elsewhere at dou- ble the priee, and yet you get the saine style, materials, tailoring, lrning, etc., that is found only in higlier priced suits. AUi woolmnaterials ini the newest colors, I ciarmingly degigned along the most fashionable lines. Ail are guialsnteed. Veryj speeial...14. 15 in',who , wants the utmiost of sty1e,-the greatest sen'-', on, her new Fal Apparel will find them in the large assori depedale mercÎanise we h ave gathered at thîs store. sià, oIn "Printzess" "tSAFET T U in la £great deal aI fhldden mveminl t he'manufacture o f Women'asSuit$.. Whe n the atili ot t4.garment maker is employed tuaa good honest- purposee.teo maire suite of laqting ser- vice. it is a work to, be proud of. In "Printzeus" Suite you get the "all.hon. oit" tailoring. fabricu, lin- ings, tyle-that a lot of manulaoturers forget to put ln garmente under oth- er names. That's why we »y7 m bayrni a *Printzam" enat oT suit 70u rS assu.ed "ht thonren - «S afety First" For You! BMEAUILW4T PGElT Smart anil very attractfr, *aists of rich crepe de cyg e inee an« s .adow laces.A in ithé very ne* stylés- and have effective triùnunings; 2P a rat sllowlur.ý*j« W *4.16.$6.50 values. Faored crepe de. cygne, mes8aline and lola i r a great variety. Tebasque, the redingote and every good style is included in this splendid assortinent. Triînmings are the uewest. Ail arc splendid exanîpies of wonderful waist values ... .e79 1) LOVELY wKITEWAMU SAT 9c. Neiýy basque and vettee modela - igh rolling collar and buttoî fi-ont. Mater- ials are ail-over enibroidered voile, crepe, plain voile, oggandies, etc. Beautiful designs and large asa ortinents. All sizes. Ver'y sp- 95c eial; $1.;Y) value at .............«....................... Y .&LL BSiLK PETTICOATS, WOITK Ur.TO *4.50, NOW $1. B3rand new petticoats of niessaline audbffta u il9e eest shiades to niateli suits, dresses, etc. Have fitted waist and'deep Ilaited flounce. Onie of the mnost renarkable values ever 18 toffered-in a genuine silk uîiderskirt; very special.... 89PEINZE0" COATS AMMDSUITS UETN» CONX#8àgl k0. Reliability,. style, variety, nmoderate prices-these are the'facbors that are responsibie for the great number ut *25.00 coats and suitz that this store sels$, In no other garment will you find4 as much réal. value in a suit or coat at *25.00 as can be found i a" Pria tzes." Our extensive shewing-et thesle justly fanxous suits include beau tiful broadeloths, zibelines, cheviots, gabardines and ail other fashionable fabries. The styles ate absolutely the very ncwest -inany of theni exclusive with this store. Spieui1id tai- ioring-guaranteed-linings-exkquisite tritmanings k'amà a r-~ fect fit are fouind ini our "Printzess" suitsansd coats ai ..... BEAUTIFUTIE,44AT lmT. That's the secret of our miliinery section. Ail our stunning batls are. *created with this purpo8e in view- and froinithe hundreda of women who have selected their bats here the past week or so we know our bats fur style, beauty and low price are unequalled elsewbcre. 9'1ese for tonorrow. Beautdiful aIs eof1au vet- Both large and sWnall; ex- 3095 quisite trinuninge ...... Lly* TrMmed tats that have al- so triamings ot vlvet mdgl V ~ Ohldren's Velvet Hat&.-With ef- y fective trinmmg of ribboue; fiow-, ers, etc. $1.50 We*2.00 val- es at.... .. . . .,.- $1.50 __Faaicy Foatheru, owers, Etc* -50r. This.ia a saiple liitof feathertý, stick-ups, èe., Which are worth to $*1.50. One. o! them wil bruin5 your hat. Ver>' special 0 NeWecate fofrte chil4rez jut:reeiîved in ail the new ÜÏateria1p,' in pl*ain d in the popular.cape style. T<s coats are made by "Itailors to children," and they - s are abs&dutely Correct to 'the sinaUeit ee- détail. -1 ho1r ja kdis want are showa ut $1V $&*898 aB $5. We areshowiug the latest novelties in dainty neccw'ea in lace, pique, linen, etc. Several jarticularly popular styles are shown lu unmy O pretby styles; priced- ai 25e and............ i............. o NE*iDÜ'RESEFOEVYDA Mt $12.00 these cleverly designed dresses would be reasotiably priced, yet we 'vo 1uarked tliem $8.1'~5for a quick sale. ,Tbeyý are iu wool, silk aud satin combinationa in the ultra-taghionable STRIE?' AND PARTY DRES, Stunning new models in silk and wool and satin and velvet combinations. Long tunieeffects in basque style. Rich trhn- triipgs are of laces, silks, buttons, etc. Ail the, new Falcolorings are showu in this wonderfui assorirnent127 at............... 27 SPUUCIA Ow PRinES ON OUR ý 1- TARANTEN»SHOES Woneu 's shoe inu patent aud gun inetal leathers. Hligh toe with miitary heel.-às eut. Aliso in plain toe with the cioth.tops; fully worth $3.50, 28 at ..................... Womfeu 's low heel zhoes la gun metal, patent and blucher styles. Solid leather throughout; also Baby Dol24 slyle; $3.00 value at . ....... 24 Boys' shoes in gun metai leather with good heavy soie. Solid leather guaran- teled,.9 to 131/2, $1.75-'l to 2, 22 $2.00; 21/2 t5/2...... &P, COMPLUT ÂMRMigumOr S o 0FA Righi now ýwumen are tiikig aboùut, thoir uew F&ll under- wear. Here la the place .te buy it aud save at least 25%7o i 8 doing. WOýmEN'8 UNIoig UT. "MENTOR" UNON SUITS Heavy fieeced cotion - MigbOf 'igh rae fleeced cotton. ueck, 'long siceves, low nee One.otthegreatest garments eleeveless and Io* neck, àèrt ever produced; very 100 sleeves. Ver>' pspecial pec-ial at ........ Of wool, celebriýd"Mnor make; four différeni tyleýs. Heavy fliced cotton-. extra Ver>' special, $10, %t well made; aÜi zes. Reg * $1.50 ~ ~ - am .0, 24 ar *$25 quiiy.......7e $1»50 ATEEN PECTTI. - MOATS, il& ' Hi ghl1y merce rized Ssateen -petticoats, withr ýdeeP flounce sud xv c r i~ b b Il b h I b t' fi a a y' t] n u c J t. t' If t) fi t' o t) h t> h o Ir *1.0 ON PM, Cà _ C XIBTTE - E>npire s a i>' kaonusMi InS e.lublaek, white axà nat- **0W 12% -e patterus, botb.dark Slndd nher ral; heavy embroldered !egreaiesi stockiug asqd - lighÉt2 re id ahmre-aklucàtsai ol- evêr nmade for, wegr. hoavy dàekiug fleece gôe iiar 1klnd ors. A. glove- thai *W»I both sunagle sud double ---1Wl - " thrQughpui sMd have iveexcéllent my4p i>. &DOad tai Fi

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