Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Oct 1914, p. 5

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L K E O O U ~ T Y I 1 D 1 P E D N N T , F Ê Mh I A y , O C T O B E R 1 6 , 1 9 1 4 . a e Litidby F. J.DRUCE, Phoe l A C d e- T k tn fi uJob W o rk. Adeeralg r.te é" appllits. la,. Wbite of Ubortyvgào,pu*g The bdgi of th. cioqmnw tlOibb Aid ver. invitai 10 the borneof MUn gmsnTbomsocatai LbertIvilu at Tue.- dei attarnooa. mns. Win. Bauer 01o Waacondi, Me turned go ber home Tnasd*al ster apsui- lng a meek with ber son, Dlcek Ba.eiy. Meure. Fenlon, LewIs, Braudetter, liewbouae sud Thomion drove out fra. Cblesdo Friday ln the latter's car. Mise Made Turner tranoacted buoiaese la Chicago Tucedai'. Win.. Ellia. Who was Tory slck t ie bogue the fret of the vsek, la snomcwbaî ImProveci. The Wowen's club beld au luter"et!ug meeting at the houof lira. C. A. Mllers asat Thuredai' eveuing. Thoe udt meet- log viii be aI the home of lire 1C, J. Wielgm neDt Tburaday. Several fnom boes iii attendl an Easteru Star afiain atthe M idna Temple ai Chicago Thuradai' evenucg, ie Emma Turnerisehuuniee trui Prairie de Chien wberoe h a leso attendiug schaol. Sb@ ii romain home Inn thepreseut ai shetsunderttue datorso cure. Mre (jardiner sailed the lotb oi Ibis moaîh and it. ez pected home tht. ve.k. Mnr. Rd Book&aud dakaten spea$ dai's viitiug la Chcago lait ve.k, Mgr. Book drirlng into the city Sondai, sud brtngrng Ibeinhome. M@.. Fitcbh paclng sud p»laig tu àave Grayelahe, havi ng rentai eb oma ta a talIon. mbo wmliilosate bein th@b San fuatare. Ws regret bolmng re. itch frum aur midai. Ums.Lnels Palmestes of LlbertyvULle le a gant of M. &Md Mn. T. A. Rteynolde ibiarock. Dr. J. I. palmer, &it ondai fon New Mexico bits . miiisp.ndi!elfoevveuks 5eUug sud rsgaing John L.angsboagh traaiacl.d buinsu et Long LA"e Mondai'. M. B. AtwilI sud vif. mi i i@.,for I mua a& bout lb. Or# 0f Novemnben. (iet Your psnshaslgoard atthlb. it Store sud obtaîn s Standard Allai sud Rlioturi' aithe fWorid trs.. Drue. Ding Co. Md. nd udrs. E. A. Peay ofItolinas, entertaineci Dr. H. W. 8mith aud mîfeofo Chicago, Saiurday sud ruunday. lir. E. A. Peuy spent a few days leit week ln Chcago visitiug relatives sud trisads. "Whst Happeued to Joues." a comedy glvqea byhom ae talent St the rsysiake Opera Houes, Saturday evening, Oct. 3lsî, nauder the auspies of the idinet club, for the benets of St. Audrew'e Mission- isuy good specialtioe ii b. put ou aud the entertajument vilii h -la.ed wltb a daune. The play' aud epeclaltie ill be under thb charge of Mle Mande Fair of Chicago, a firet cam. lastructor. iterve sent tickets on sale at The Ilciail drugstore. This play mill b. iven atiltound Lake on iionday aight, Novemuber 2. Louk for furtber partiu'ulara ilu udt Issue. ,Assistant Chief Tyrreli Declares That Any Violators WîiI Be Fined Heavily. Wukegan. -Oct.- 12.- Complainte have been made ta the local police that unkunomu vandale aro b usy about tbm cti' scratching and marring the highlli poilhmd bodies et expenelveatomobiles. lu one ln- istance the car belonging tu a weoU kaomn local physîcian hian benu scratched on twa ditaereat oacasions. In other cases that have been oel-. ed to the attentioni of the police the vandale bave beeni scratching vulgar word.sud phrases on tbm bodies of cars where they wiii be tic ment un- ticeable. "It lookes aIf the cars mere being marred bi' someones flugernail,' As-1 sistant Chief Tyrrell sald thîs after- noun. 'although It la possible the dam.- age ls lelng Inflicted with the *point1 of a nail or sone other aharp instru- mient.1 "I have instructed the police to be1 on the lookout for ani' vandale of thîs nature ln the citY wlth Instructions ta place thrni under arrest whenever they may Le detected. Thxe practîce la one of the most detestâble 1 ever heard of and you mai' be assurred that the vandale, whoever they are. milI be mnade t0 suffer If caught. The damage to the awnPrs of the cars han been considerable aireadi' and we intend to do everyîlîlng ln our power to tatch1 the vandais.' $1.50 Standard Atas sud H.stogy of t hbc Worid WAUI.1L"IA Mdia.Fera Rntchinson @peut Bondai' éud Mdonday witb relativeselu Chcago. uen. W.. asely @penttheb. iret of the Vouk at Orsaysake vleiting St the hôme ut br »oa. Richrd Un. D. Mr. manpb hy àwisttg relative« ai H34lmad Park, tht. wesk. 1 i. a ofLII*tyvlfe, tnanacted hasts..,la our vilae Tnuda. Mr. »dains.'WIR. OSuer vlsted reIs th* at Pss4<ls IOW, Suua4a. Mor~JW.pby speni saturday The UM SiSnnoti are entert&lulng tW noin, lMs. Howard ofichgan, Dr. Batterfield and daagbâters, Veinule aad Jamt and Mn.. sud Mns. Ranger and daaghsersa 09Belvîdare, @peut Bundai witb Mis. Jeunie (Ireen. MilasZetier of Chicago, mai a meel- end fiuest of lils othillia Baner ai Heat cotlage. Ilus.lRuth Smih la spending the meek at Crystal Lah,. Mr. sud ire. Frpd Bauge haie ,uaved loto their uew reedeuce un oouth Main etreet. Mur. sud lir. V. E. [tavin sud cildren sud tirs. Chas. Davlin wEre Volt) vieltore gundeày. Mîr. aud lire Ruthiord sud fauily have moved inta the Ford bouse ou liaple Ave. Mr.insd Mmr Wm. Tidmsrsh enter- tsined aSdUlm fromin gaover Sundai'. 15tute Representatîve Fayette S. Muera sud C.. B. Dîcke, Pragresise candidste for sheriff, ca1ljedmie friende in aur village Tuedai'. Tbe Repubitau ral' beld ab thavillage bail laeb Qturday eveni«g m alargutl' atsaded. Glo: Ediaun Fois candidate for Cougrees anci E. D. Shaiefi, Blata Eepnetair.sudcdieda&tefor ns-ebsc. liai v«O uthe pnndpet upmeamasMaur <A U le outy cadidts. m ab os piseant Rosae Willi of Obrliq, 91., sd B. Deon et North Cicago, ocal is M ria and reltive, la oui ilg Mondai'. irv'lg Wbao.& sud Nlq jbrlrals womeanarrnlsd tla Cblae , edai. W. loin mlth 1h0 m"fs1rde in extandiag congratation. Ers. Wm. L.mpheri vidted relative@ asI rving Park Mondai'. As Many as One Hundred Chiokons Have Sme Taken at One Time Somne Places Thal Lake Cauntyla eis ng Inf«eta hi' a gang el chicken thevea mbase ruumtfcatlonnseeu brl' concolvabio la thé Iatormalion farisbei the Wau- jcegan police hi' the police depat- ment&inluasnumbor 0f the saaler toma, lu the sorne ilan. c«s mbole hOCk of chichen ayhav bEeautoien lnOnue nlght. Waukegax has heen free t ram sncb deprodatlong of late. I atrihute ibis lrgeli' to the tact thal not so ver' long ago a chicken Uiet lu North Chcago amascaUght ii2 th( act aud was chot sud killmd," As. aimant ('bief TyrreiI deciared. 'Be. fore that me bad cousiderable trouble front Ibis source. Then too, the tact tha. se caughl lhree or four chiclien tbleves lu this iiitly mai' bave bnci sumnethiug ta do *sfll the presenl con. dIion bure." Accoruilng to Mr. Ti'rraiil, te com- plaiute re'ceived byhilm tram ail parts Of tbm cOuty tale tst ae many as One hundred chie'iene bave beau etol- enu from one tarm h ouse in a night. TILi, basc occurred lu unI ona place, but 4u sevenai. "MY beiet Ia that these thiaves coime le froin tbe nutelde.t' he ead. I amn couvînced lbey corne prepareci 10 carry on the stealilg lu a ei'stema- tic Manner. Tbey have a wagon or au- tomobile msiing. Then tbey slip into soins citcken yard, twist the beads tram aevoral score chiclees and tuas- iug thon. lut0 a bag mal. Ibeir escape. In the majoiti' of cases Ibat bave heen calIed ta My attention the thetts have not been dlscoverad until the followîng n.arulng. Thon It le usualli' tçet laie ta securo auj dam 1 Uice lueniti' ofthebm Iheves. "'If anY Onue mrc taattempt ta dis. p"seOf a number nf chiclions ie Ibis vicinityI' t naturalli' mould attract at- tenîlon sud probabli' mauld iead to thF capture cf Ibe thievas. This leas me 10 belleve the chickens are dl'uîuosed of somewbare aise, proba- MYh iu Chicago." A tam werice ago Mr. Patter oI the North sIda dîscovered that bIs pota- 10es mire helng stalen. Ha lai' lu mail anud BiraS agun at the intrudersanau nigbt mben thai' nturaed. AI th@ lime bha-mas ual cure wbtbeî or 001 ha bit auj cml tbam. Mr. TyrralIl aya he bas learad n a round-about-mai' bat onue oft he Men mas bit but ha bas been unable ta secure auj evt. dauca trong anougb 10 slecijrm s con- viction. The tact that the thies >Wilh purchases îmr.unbbng le S5.iouni lhey mere heing walchdi seam- Core ne ansd gel jaur purchaeing card a0 tlahava tise eff9ct Ihat lt.elibes and tart nom. tauni ta>' more boling matcIed ses.- oi laeihavetae affect of iacreaslug lb. DRUCIC DRUQ CO. numher of lhmfts of that kinal that ilhiIlxail Store Graysiske 1 w re f#kIug place. A9iound .C«À-ke . AèPiew CHARLESE. IAISON, C.resoocidet Agent PHIORI24-J latohe bonus on Llancolk ' ime. for. tain' occupiscib: Dr. Martin adfemily. mmr. .C. Bal', vho udeiant a-a opsration ai tb. Jane McAiilstseO.pit&l a short limue @«o, bai rsturn.d 10 ber homne bers, mucb ituproveci la hesltb. Wedas.dSi' eveaing, Oct. 21, Jo.ePb Amana viii giv e .foarts.latéanal barveet baillSt hi* popular dance hall. Ticket. 75c. fiapper extra. Ail the popuisr dance@ wmliibobl order. A good tut.. asuroci. chas. Bueh, local station agent, je ejoyinuga meekse îmcatiou sud a greal- hi' needed rest. Seversi local fans men)t ta Chicago Sudai' ta attend the Soi-Cube bail gaine. paatmester Chas. lîrainarde auto le in a garage sasling repaire made necesoari' by i' u-o in ueCuttavt wîîe a larmera wagon St Elieburu. Mr. sud Mire. Dougîa nud Nrs. John Rlughes ofL baleVilla, epentSunday itbIî Mrs. Erma Strang. Mr. and tire1). M. White returueci f nom Ame.Iowa, Wedussday. , i' Mmr. C. C. Am@@ iormerly of Milîbora, dled at ber haome at Gsages Lake. Be.asd Mm. A. W. Batford returaed home ible meek f nom a Ibs.meshsok vacation. lai. A. W. BSlord attendit thefanerai 09 bis aunlla Chicago Mondai'. Mine Ponta baving spent Imo vs.ks wltb Min Una Mlot. neftwaed home Baturday. Mn. snd Mme. iGea. Webb oi Aptioch, mars Milîburn coller@ Suniai'. Irving Dunean aofPraff, Dakot,ls sting hie grandmotbmr, Mm jae Jamnh.on. Carl Bruckunrin taklag àvaatio n d le vluiliug ienda lu Chicago. i Royv. Elsea oi Chicago, OUled the palpit Souday la lb. absence cd Roy. A. W. tialiord. The Volanteer clasam iii bold s baue ams meetintai t the home of Mis. Margaret Gilbert, Saturdsy aitenanj. A lielouari' social mai' bid Weduas. day, Oct. 14, at the home of the Misses IMcDougali, Lakeuide cottage. [STRICKEN WITli PTOMIPOISON. INGi IN THE STREET C. DemitI Taylor et Palatine su. preme director of the Court ot Hon- tor lndge, mas elrlcken suddenly i' Il oL poraine poiaonlng lu North Chicago 1e.ariy Wednesday evenlng. Ha bad gone thera ta organîze a nom court. Hie condition wblcb developai wbîle lie wae ou the mai' ta the bail bacame isu serloue il mas neceseari' ta ramove ehum ta the bospitai. lunrnakiug the trip tram Palatine t mas necaeari' ta go hi' mai' nfChii- cago. Mer. Tayiwor sacured bis sup- Per lu a Madison treal restaurant. At te lime ha 515 not notice ani'tblng mroug witbtae food but attermard couceded lh must bave beau a taintoci condition ni the cornaci heat and cab- haga Ibat causad ieIs inmss. Arrivai aI Northt Cbucpga Mr. Tay- lor tolk the streel car ta Fourtmentb streot. Ho bad toit nome 11111e dis. treca u inbcstamach bmiie on thse car, but mben ho alilgbad bis condition ha- came auch that ha couid barl' mal.1 Ha taggered inta a conteclioneri' store on Faurteenth streat sud saul lu I the floor. The propriatar satmMr Tay-a lor mas 111 sud aummoned s pbi'sI- clan residing on Ibm sama streel. Thbm latter gava first aid trealmant ln au effort ta remove the poisaned foodi frh'nui te victim's ctomacb.c \tlr. Taylor aI once aeked that camnee oee L'eslpatcneui for E. F. Wilming.b Ion o! Waukagau wbo mas ai tIbm Court oft Houar ball maling for gr. Taylor ta appear. As aconanse he ai' riveS Mr. Wiliîglon summnoned aE Waukagan physîcian sud au ambu. lance. The victicum wse aken ta lbhe. Jane McAllsIer bospitli mbre forc sone lima his condition remainai ver t crilical. Ail nlgbt long Mr. TaylorC remainai in a more or lese serions con., ditlon. ibis morniug, upon ,bis ns. QuestlÏ WàaB removai ta is horne. Wben il hecame knomn thal *p. 'ifaylor mouli col bu able taonaii Ibm new, court on Wednesaai' nigIsI P. LU ifban of Lbertyvlll, s deputy of lb.e order, proSeed witmlt h. Ws% Thoreamare30 members iu thse iXe* court, C. b T aoen sd A. B. C uelc are buegrand suesad fJr ned..d in-1 prov emente wnicb tbey expert to com.« pitte thim tali. J. A. Davis of Wauconda. e iuuling claver lu this uighbarbuu,d t is of good uquaity sud fir yueid. Wm. Buaueyenlt of Amboy, lIl_ . pent theo week-end mith hiesBon lDean Sud tucuieli'St the Burr Oak farta. Parker Jtroe. of Vola, are hauliig thelr fan. prodoctta t beir nom home neor Avon Contor. 1 tPRYs to advsnllss la lhe bake Couuty Iudepondont, A. B. Combe placed a "si id.ln lint veuk a ansd by Salon- daT naglt of the sinm@ euh eerytbiug mai soid.1 TAYLOR GRVE R. A. Shea l bu psOrd pomesuor of a Dow Enit machine Mms.C. EL Lua"b vlit.ed et Thau Vandermai'. lim Ss. A nuniber of ibe aegbbore attended fanerai ni Mm..C. C. AmMet laituiday. T. A. Rogan in building a bain ior Oea. Oileashav. Mis. Marie Raarbagus of Wauhen. mllsd ou f ins da Wb»uiady. J. F. Wels la planning on building a mam bain thi. fIsl. Ralla $ba nf Wauksgan, visiteS bIl brosber Herb, Bandai'. Illuminated Clock, a Massive Att air, to Be OnIy One of Its Kind in This Section. Prababli' the moat novai a»0mS nive electricalli' conîrolleid cock l iis section o! the elale la te b. adi eu Bennn la the extarior of te Wauke gan National barlj building at the cor ner of Genesee aud Waabigtoi streots. The applianca mili iemot the largestt o ie kinS un Ibhedi'y. Il imîlI ha installad ou the corner 0f thE building ovarbanging the junction, ai the sidewalke. Thea dock M cool $1,000. The helaht of the ciock proper m1li ho 9 feat. The wldtb mili ha tbreu teet. The diarueter o! Ibe dial mili be 30 luches. It mii ll e piacei St a point fiirc eet tram. the walie. Theadual ot the ciack mill bu of sPecial construction en that fi mai' ho read for many hundred feel amai'. The dock miii he alacud an the corner oft the building aI an angle to both Washington sud Genesea atreetasgo ftatlMai' ha seen Irom auj point Itear the corner on elîhar o ettii Io The duailmli ba llumnated at nlgbt. The Ima diale wlll b. imade of Pearl mhite glass milb matai! baesi aroand each. The dlock in conlroiled la lita mai.- mente hi a mnter dock bocated In- Bida th. building. Tbm masler dock mainlains Ibm standard limie andi gai- orna th. bands of Ibe big cdock out- aida. Rien' minute the baude are movod tormard. Withlu lte cock are contaiued ive tabula, chimes, perfectli' luned, and tro. 4 te 6 foot in ieugtb. Tb.y ana sluspended lu Ibe encloeure aui are automatically slruqc i' ymagnat pro- pa-Ileibacnmai-s governed hi' tbe mas. te? dlock. It tnenetlmatad that Suring Ibm bus- lest hours of the day whee Ibm noise ofi Ibm street bas reached ieilszenith, te chimes can he beard for 2 bince away. Durlng the eveuîng or the hoUr5 0Of Ibe niglut when thb. slns are quiet ltaechîrneo milI ha hoard sai for smay s a hait mile. The chim- es are takan from thoce of tbe luuo aldeet sud mont farnous caîbadrala of England. ,The bels peai everi' quarter, haIt, tbre-uartar and even ba -u. Tht chimes mili ha as folioma: At the tiret quarter, tour, ele-- lb' eathrdral peal ofthebmWestmninster "Lord lbrough Ibis houx'." At thi haIt hour, eight bells.-Re- s.aA~.UM asL0i-the Wll.istmn.huine, At 1hoe three-quartas'--Twolv. bonis ôfth b eveilleý -At the *-ven bour--6ixtaat4 bote, the full Westminster uhimé. 1, L «l44 beub ibis lica lie Itourew guide b-t pomer lTki lanfuelom.d hIe atnftng ci ls improei'ug. Miss Suie Calugi ai Wbtewater, ie vistiug ber sater, tire. Cari Miiller. r le John Mitchell eutertauued friende8 mcom Burluttan over dunday. Ground mwu brolen lionday for a flne bungslow tu be built on Main etreet for F. M. Hamlu. What's doing? Mr. aud Mr%. H A. Douglai and tirs. J. H. Hughes viuitaci Milburn relatives OBITUARY Jane Palmes mai bora Manrcb 3, 1828, in Langport, Eog"ansd died st lb. homne of han daaghten, Mss. Thayer lu Laite Villa,.OCt. 5, 1914, etiisthe ai o 86 yeans, 7 niontha. Ai tb.e @MOI inetoeonsit. nemovsd tu BOmDerse:, mt vailtad la amurnage te John Paller, mho preceda hi l t bu great beyond slgbt i'.are ago. Tvelvs chuldrea vere borna toIis cople --aibi sMna ud four dangbters, savon Of mho. aranlat toeuroe the kmlo9sOfb devossd mother. Tbs, obllina ans. Waltes of Autioch, Alfred sai M»s. 000. ParroV ai1fisttisé, Wab.. Ja«»s0a Victoria, B. C., Chai. of Portland, Ore., Mss. Pack of Evatastan, gud Mma. Thayen of tht. plis. Tweaty gna-cllds " s urvive, tvinly-tvo g aalgrand cbiidren sud on. gnsat grasatgrand chld. Witb ber fnIly I "CametromEugland 39 eans &go, settllug at Lake Villa, wbere Ob@ bai beaa nucisunt #ver aic. She aud ber buabaud uniéeci mith lb. M. E. chorcb at Ibis placeenuialter comning bore, snd eh@ bai slwSys bocu a Wstbfol sud consattChristia. To lb. bereaveci famlîy me extend aur eym- k aby iVOLIVA DECLARES PRAYER FOR PEACE S' WILL DO NO iOOD t Zicu CiIl, i.Oct. 12-lu uanid SudesSadliveraS yeaterday alternoon aI the cai Central Zian Tabernacle, 251h sudri~hibgan avenue. Chicago, Vol- Iva baS nome startllng thingu ta saay about the prasent European mar and ils ultimata effeet au the varlu . ci- iez of the morid. '-,rn mtness o! the Gospel Aga lai Ibase lad S av.' aaid Voliva, "amii thc Most terrible timas mbicb the morid bas ever 9ccêe..Propheci' ls ha- Iug tulfile 10 the ltter. Over 800 million are luvoived Bt mar iodai'. The 1Tterkicb armiee ara mobilizing and the revoit or the Mobammedans te plan- neS. anS aI a single mord, there mili ho a Hou' War. Anarchi' mIli am.ep the earth sud the killlad mili lai' ou 1he bloOd-saked sali yhi'ebmmultipliai millions. *'I Ba' this afttrnoon ta Presîdenî Wilsea,"continuai Vluva, "laeIead of calliug for a day ot Prayon for ieace, b.' siould baie a day of national ne- Pell'ce. Let the people li down upon Ibeir fineas andi coufoasteir cusseicees. Lat thia nation cat.fesa bal Ila s a 6diesnation, Ibal It bas 1epeut thousauds of!-Soliaseon lôbacco anS aimost 200 Ibousani dollars on ilnxucallng liquars. LaI Ibis nation confuse Ibat fIoisa nation of Ibieve.. LeaItilowu up that uî bas farsaken Goul. Wbat Ie the use ta prai' for peace. Doe nI Iblul Ibhat Ibis countri' mili net gel île punisbmant. United States mîll get lier Jmat duserte. just as the nations of Europe are gettlug IL. Tbey are reaping wbhal lbey baie erumu. ibis mar la tIebm hginig of the batîle o! Armageddopn, aud theru le nuse 10 Prai' for peace bacause bbe judgmeuls of GoS are faling sud al the prayere lu Crlseniam miii col stop thacu. This nation le Dot praylng for Immediate pesce, but ul- timata peace. 'Oh, mhaî a bell Chicago ls!" saiS Voliva. I mander mbal fiodtinka of it as lie looks dowu upon IL. Mon ls Cod's lest mavamont 0f the Gospel Age. il doesn't make auj diferance mbat the people sai' or tbin'c. Thse ciûtes ofthet nations iii, fail. You- mai' ose Paris corne damu. or Landau, or Si. Petersburg or Berlin yel, Chi- cago wmliparisb. ibm iay ' miIcoma mhen Chticago lm Babjion, liii fal andl hundreda ot thousauds milI mal- iow lu pools of blood and motheis viii e&t the flesb om tbeir omu cblldren. 'Chlcago mili pai' Ibe penaly for re- Jecing John Alexaner en D.e.l. I ELSSELL l PQ)I The Commuat mas sbocked tu bear .s'ae~ .c' Of Mia. C. C. Ans» desth on Thareday'- MOrnIng, altboaghtb@y hue*s le ha.d basa lu pour biaMl for some yeang. A MMs. attie Bowling started lont Oniabur attanded tb.ebhurla t Mount Tbnrsda aveng for a trip to Waabinjg- Bout oeneer o âtoeay. ton, Orfon, andi Calforaaguing b: MM tWten" W sonAéher a "Yf C«a(10, ta $pend the wlntsr Mn tingrfttsa Dakdo a hrnswish k W. Bowling and famnUy, C. Allen YlMUagr.laUi.handktW.$ and othars. MIna. Bsvsgjuî andi' t hme àA à"I.daugbts, arnived st the .home Mdia. B. P. aMd us1. L. 81 vr n pffl of Or. s&d Mrs. Horace Tower un Wsd. > asd7la Wnsaa sd. of lent week. Laum Corsis t a few days ws r dU rmPutoWohv ber aiter lnwlt P-14 Mis. Bruce Poslna, Jo h0v Mr. and Mm à . J. Page @peut Sondai S Meat & h lrtof tb. week for la Waakefan. 1Ihel home la sonîhera llInaola. They E. J. Marris spult Suaday wlthbis a"de trip by hors. aud carnagel. parent@ la KanoShai E. L. Wad and famly and Mr. andf Mr. and Mis. J. IR. Corrna are vieting lMr. ClaItOa Dixon $Petit Sunday at G. A. Oeborai's famgy'dit Oz ford. Wl.. Unoa Grove wlth Mn. Dîzons parens& 1 The Murrie fanlli' went to Milburn W. 0. Rocker started Saturday for at Sunday sud callie on the Bonner faml:. buntif.g trip la WiscOnsiu.h The Yuus people are preparlng for a loverai of oui business men were 'alleda Halloween eutertalument. to Waukcgau ami week u officiail bnci- -jRer. sud Mrs. J. F. Huechincon wverec FORT HL over Suaday gueete of %Mr. and Mr@. f - :1 Rebll D&wson st Cicero wbile ini at- t A. B. Combe wae a Mcflenry cioitorl tendance st the annuai M. E. cunlerence.h Friday. Mn. and Mis. Earl Potter iipent Satur. M. B. Hu~oo and daughter /..iIa. moent day and Suuday at the l'utter hume. J a day with Mir@. Walter SykesrK eently. H. Potter ie able tu be ahout corne aud lan ihiiicecaste omurnipal curt. sud alrun lJamte seW.f FrnkF t-' attor aerqs W. Keru, aimas te co f aroqowercout.' afi1n hue eso ofatlawertcorte. ln os ta Sate aAtorty. ta l consînftee and fthe ouretheid that aIl finesftees sud forfeitre welb. cet prtheedchlfunwhih heetoforeiweut plto flershin fuud. iuerstedof couts, paJusnicerslofpt hi' ecerle 0fhcourts.1 nuritce ftheofeace, ta th counti perincthendtetot soysndshi ba tsidt e auta tr atourey Sude bi' hi. to rtheont of esuoh, th e cavnal8 thepet rlutadtofthe b&oasrciiugy ther ne pcea f tho balaeseli thf1., th. patmrneyot 1h.e slae. lh. stats si they adcbu nasitavn. lu diatsuAttorlb.esyison 1mai on- tug t te us Atarni' oierveictsdi thea b rofin ui srve nta crlali b. auIItabot cnstls.nTey meua hi' sl tomareclnathbe .tees omi"i Sclih. sai'a.1 FATAL DISEASE CUNIRE CAIIIIID TO ADJJLTS As wau.L Eastern Scientist Makes Im-. portant Disoovery in Infan- tile Paralysis Natter. b LOCAL STUDENTS WATCHEQ Develops Many Have Beena Forced to Consuit Dootor Af -" ter Visiting O'Hara Boy. 1 Waukegan. Oct. 9. Bacause Il i8 a knomn tact thal mani' higb schoi eîudent5s ad othar adults have beau vlsîtlug Maurice OHBara, mho, mhile abeut 16 jears aid bas a baS case ot Infantile paraly'sie, resldents of the cîti' as a mbole mili read witb '@eeu InteÊethe bmtobegran. helow. Il should serve te cause men'r- body' te realize Ibat mien adulte are BufcePluhe le the dîsease. that mx- Posur tlaJIl la net dangeraus lust lha- cause' thai' are no langer ciassaci as "chldreu." No botter aulbonity Iban Dr. Fiaxner la kuowe iu the scîenfAc woriS. Btaltimnore, Midl. Oct. 8.-Dr. Simon Fiexuer, bead of the Rockefeller tunst- Vtle for Medical Research. speaatlug si tbe Johns }Hapkins boupîtai anuiver- sari' celmbratian bore todai'. added to whatlibe hbnassreadi' publicli' eaid of bis mark an Infantilo paraysie.. A Year ago Dr. Fiexuor said here that ho believed hoe bai cultivaîmi the germ 0ft the dread disease. Formerli' IbIs germ mas boiioved ta ho Invisi- ble, andfil had beiau shomu that il paesses througb filters mblcb milI bold back particles as large as the ordinari' bactoria. Germ V.ry SmalI One.. iodai' Dr. Flminer reporîed that hi' cultlîating Ibm gorcu on a apecial klud ot nourisblng malaria! It became visl- ble mtb a bigh pawer microscope. and Ibat il la ai leasIonue-fi11h the si1ze or au' kuamu torm of bacteria. Wben haecuada bis preor announce- meut. lhe bad nI heen succeasslo in repraducing the dassase lu amîrnals b', inJectlon o! tbe culture of tis g ruu. tiy bis speclai metbodas bie aunouned Ibis purpose sud that acenruilugli' theproof is irrealeltibli' brougbl that the dîseaue le caucai hi' a gernu. Resprstury Tract Medium. The docler suiS lue belîeved tbm dl.- esse mas tranineittedib trough Ibe ru- spiratori' channele ratber Iban hi' in- suce, asse ornu bave beld. lie advanc-ed the theori' Ihat per- fedîli' bealîby persons otten carnieS the ternelu Ibeir bodies anS Intected children; Ihal Ibere mare "carriers'" of Infantile paralysie Jusl as it le lunomu that Ihare are "carriers' of typliold sud dîphtberia, wbo wblle transrnltling these diseases te othena, do 0 nefaer tram thein themoaiiaa. hit lasald Ibat sanme bigit chool sîudants who mare founi ta haie vie- lied Mauriee.have been ordered te paas a mudical Inspection hefnre ho- In.- allomai ta returu teaechool, thug sbomlng Ihat the faculli' regards the situation as crîticai. Indepeudont ais-rOsi by SOuGOt. DEFINES FINE POINTS ON N" STATE AIlYSLAW Under New Ruling Fines, etc., WiII Not Go to Constables But to State Instead. HANDLE IN DIFFERENT WAY, poiemagistrat« i lu Cokiti' m&nY Of mhom haie profited lnný sMail flanaucial masure hi' the col- lection Of fat fees sud beau' fines fnom gullible automohillets aud other aleged violators Of state laws. more shorn of their power ln that line yoa- terdai' bi a suprome court decîsion up- holding the coustitutionallty of the state's attorneyes salari' act. Beaides the 160 police judges affect- ed the ruling also puts a stop ta lthe collection of fines, Penalties aud for- feitures hi' the municipal court where the state le concerned. The opinion, handed down tn the caees ar State's Attorney Hoyne againet John Ling, a Justice of the peuce, sud Frank P. As 1 havé Rivéen ap arinig1 i mii at publie suclin on tbe pn.nsis, knomn u aiSthe H. R. BIol*lrge, Xmilqwmof ' Prairie Vev asud 8 .11.. nortlbiutot Long Grovi te l.Lae Zanlch rond,' SATUIIDAY, OMTBER g4 -~.. Conmeaclug aI 10 oclock a. M., sharp,. s thelillOing proporty: Drk bai mar, wl 1100, ase 7; cheulnut mari, lut90 agze 5; bai' mare, wl 115o, amit 16, 10 mlich come aU due.aPinapsa, Jersey bal camiug ir2 Yrs lu @Priag, 4 billes, inn Mancb, 17 shoals mt a"out 70 IL.euch, Denrng graia. blander, McCotpýk Foip. p binder. Dserlng mavr. BraiIIey'haju alks, Rock Iuland bey oader, Bnkee M"" lit ueanlY Dem, Badlay sulky pinm, 14 faii John Deere band plom, baud cittratue, poni' corn sh.ller, Bradley pulvirim, ,, limalby soedes, iBradlsy poatla iggs ean' uomw, 2 jbSriag shovei pio@, Moine sulky cuivatan, baud cultivatt*, , 7 shovela aeariy aim, Bradley' counra Planter, 80 rod cail, Fonr Leau sIGvegt manun. spread.r uomrly Dem, 2 *scî o steel harnow, pain bbhiisds, wboseà=i rom. fanalag .111 aaarfy n»m, 4 lâch truck Wagon mlth boSrde, avi' bailP.-~ î~ eprng magona, lgbl plafor. sprint magon, esetgraîsi planka, sel double barnnes. neanli'nom, old Sel doble bar. noua, singla hameu, pair Éfp mti, il2 coilans. 22 Inch; beav' lruck harass single fi' net, 2 bai' fonks, 106' l noé" wilh carrier sud pailey, scalding keithe, ealding tant;, gildaon, bey ru, materlng tank, 15 milk can, gaiv&anied milI tank, cook sloiela. barnes,chnk, elove, vise mitb drilla. lacabator boaide about 125 e09W, extension laddsr 33 It long, 13t acres bush coin cat with binder. 4 acrsfodden corn, mani' Ilge ton numerous 10 mention. Fr.. lunch at coca. legusi tenus. Benni' Evans,,Prop. Wiu. Peter@; Auctiamaer. G-- .Quentin, Clesk.,- 4u EPIDEMIC. CLOSES THE BARRINGTON SCHOOL. The diPhhis effoidemi n lB annlig. tan. bas becomo an, serions thal lbe bigh echool and grammar achool mers cloeed et noon Prîdai'. Orders wmoto Si- eo asaned hi' the nealtb oac eracio. ing aIl motion pîcture theatlMdst torblddiug the holding of Buni a hool outil furîer n tic s. AUCIION SALESI Agi auction sals ipublishsd iln tbe r Ind p.ndant aile Char d fti e t h.o rate of 5 censa lfePia aiedr foi'auction bige cco tahe natica, uthee.wlsa t oae ie iviS of 10 conte par liMm.wiub.15Musemd. The andlgusi l"vbkg dOWto quitermine end los to CWa08%W, WP monumenst of lîsubo., on , THBRDAY, OCT. 22, C<.nmeacing at 10 O'clock: &a. .ahsp the following propsrty: 8 Hos.s.-boy mare aged 19, mi 1400; bey lbonrs mai 17. wt 1400; dark bay boise, wt 1150; 35 hoaci of cattle-12 mileb cove, 8 freih came, two mith calices b: i", baisne apringers sud milkers; 23 helferM, Y*" « sud older, 2 brood sows, Il shoate, lum ber wagon sud box, set 5000 lb. Boîs@ter sprlnge, 2 truck wagons, 2 salit: - wagons, surrey, ruabout, Kemp 201h century maare spreacer, Emerson slky. plow, pulverîzer, 3-sec. bsrrow, 2-mo., hArrow, 3walilcgplume, Bousier seeder, Dais' tGale corn planter, John Deere sulky cuÎtivator, 4one-ho;aeecultivalora, drag tuiuth cultivator, 2potatohtlîers, potato diggor, licCorîniek mawer, weeder, lie- Cormiecron harvester, hay rate, bey rack. set boboleighé, corn aheiler, set dumup buards, scoop seraper, Mayvood scra.per, 8~00 lb. @cale. 2 set@ double bar. cese, single haruesa 17 milk cana, bha fork aud pulleys, milk couler, botter' cbora, square piano, wood cook *cla", 100 fomîs, 6 geese, 800 abocks of corn, 14 tons tîmothi' aud dorer hey, 6 toma dlover bai', 25 tons aloogh ha&, fi toâo i ' millet ha", 78 lba.cioverss"i,boefea: ebovele and MAuY other aiMe, to66 naUmeru« lu mention. Fnee.bthsi noce.. us" lterme. JobhnRsckatawulls. Prupý,> COL Dovais, Autser~. .- IL. .Rous,Clark. . AI.- .14 Ravlng nialai MYi'sotm erli 5 yas. I illM'astpubib*oà 6. iw - iair presisse, 2 mils. .oUihw -ot '1 ton et&"i "41 8.pIl 10110 ~ Uberlyvl, on 'i commen01nga-ebio:el. nid; a Milè sous aIlunaf e bellers, 2 «sal is. oe .W U*»4,- bro" ow w1mtlih, c'out 100>.îJdâkep eew luahs eédm, *s4 8 'e *.11 abou, s.mtop 1>04111à. lua"w~a nia Wing Macins, bore -audhinu rator, harsow, bad caIO vbo1 C mir, piom, bobsligh, lmJy ficrk aifo u gduddsto». cea e-' stor2 4111111 ý i bannes, double,0M shoots of corn, 5tous uplandbaay, 15 toastune bay, sack staw, 150 but. Os. ,Wbho.~ t at,100 bu. palatins. Rusid S. .lq of stovs wood, i9 milk cane, 2 2Q0.gafl,,se. and otber articles too numneroua *0 mon- f don. Usual terme. o.EWrPop R. B. Epher, Auctione. c 1

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