LAK-Eý Co 'NTY INDEPEN DE-NT WAUKEOAN WIEKLYSUN I Qt PASTOR 0F~PÀ 1.E.CuRCIIS r -te ýWatow o WNppl ZION PA$TOR TO LK. BLUFF. CNREiTOS AnIoiM ,1fr. Stlxr , so Choh-,m tat Nevel Plan Announo% in Chi-, CagsAnnounod cage May Extend to Other - Church in the State. Nover bave uiiere been su many changes lu Metiiodist pulpîta tin a'e GI VES PROTECTION T 0 NOME VoWÙuY ibllowlng lb. appelulmote Umaihe iinanualt Rock River coa- People of Chwrbof Et Finhany rucm".an tbla yeaa' Whou theC. ou-tObta $ 5,900. Polley for *venta I wsv o ed a ut nmeafthe theRev. H. W.Primc. ,0issImportant pulpita eftLlite coon-- ty bai beeu cbanged for th. couing Churcho, lu Weuttoauansd aim.. 74". viere cllng panitois froqs other con- Waukegf a vaDfot cbangd-the gregations soo May bare tea ofer conaregatlof eWau'eM nMethoilet Iliîr pastors free lifte larance poli- ohurch some Umie ago adoptai a ,edcî h ln e uomo setUUMblo, iatg t1at th. Rnv. J. W. ce ftepa ut nnfl l Ptunsten i.returmeti te theIi. tclChcago becomes prevaieni, sMd, trein charge. AUd. ho va. reafflolted by lia yaluei foaturea, t appéars tiatfit th*e blaiop. me le preldeat of tbi.@soon mes, be a gmSnerplan followcd mIaIsterS' nacctlon aMd is relemu by varions demonimatios.a bée la impotant lu bbce ees et hie Members oft1h.e piscopal Churci Peopleoand of the DitaistOiTs o e th e B~Kpbau»y, Chicago, anuoumeid cil>. Mouday ulgbt tiat they vowld lusure Whippts iL«»@ Ln*'tYvilie the lite et their rector, the Rev. Her- ons "' a* sneet I m ortntchni ehrt W.Primce, an lont as bcremalue that cmlii ho " maieouio f Wa*..o> th Uent. gan l inte pelpt ailibotyviltoln whicb 8ev. W. U Wlpple -asbemu Other cimurches are expectei te tol- Pantai' 5&,w - m e tyeers. % ,- the P-a, for an«ser sChurch appoutmeshow11etai Mr'. Wbtpple et the. RPhhsY -aunt l-eslitat Si béé. e.,, ta .ii ibe iiet i1a>Pesumra m hisesa 0oewt'lvoly *,h b er v ewc1at for teparmnt eIt * seg ob~ taie jkýom ae, ulu Th. p Us0 Suies Ecod S, drin TI.R.. Mr. Prime 0111 epreset- lat pa t het ti.fine uew o brt>vle e ai vtb sa8,MM ite isam .. tpoiq. Mtlt ehurci wa rected end de. fi 0111 cost $128 anualsly. This sam ý SUcemo? ai Ub.rty- 11hpadilbcbrbscicl. vifllaT . MRant ViIIarrive ai once wi 1h. Padu cfthecanI a esr Malu,. ta amsémecharge eofithe vork.IL h os f6 ms mMr ILb uasa eitei tbab lb.e Rv. A. 0. shall D. Tatootl. presideat of the club, Stiaxrd vould lsave Atloch and vas tbe originater of the Ie&. therefors itl lnterestlng xanote Ibal "A tragedy couvtacei me eoftti. val- hi, vas trsnsfrr.i tu EPwortit ciurcb, ue et the incurance plan." sali Mr. Bilai. Talcotb.'*The Roy. WlliaiaWhite J. C. Toaker, formerly of Lafie Bluff Wilson. the. rector of St. Esche gom ti,-amlntoeL churci, a kllled by a street on c W. N. Powedll luthe man s idforthe. nîglt ot Sept. 6. 1912. in.e 43 'No&rti Chicâgo. Per sme41Ime pant YeÎN ohd. tHc van survlvi by a vii' areugul "aIulter bail net been et- 0w and caeu nchiliren. fidtatia luhlb.Northi Chicago churci. "Ye12 knOw the average minutter lu eUPPUIee halUgbeen provici during ucI lb.e most hlghly peld manIn luthe tliatItere. wved. If anythlag happena Lu hlm ]I . 1. Pst. formerty of WankegsalItA famlly sufers. So, you lu te he At MEnj.og SNelgtborbood IlV. insormne plan viimiii. hlhm cou- cburch ýChicage No'tkv..t.rudistrict lented. It 0111 ha a big luducemeut for tfl U' Q C. erUga. lormerly te keep hlm from ecceptlag the cati. of Wankum a est tyDia, Aurore of another Parlai.- district. Two Vearus eRector. LAKIE sBLUFF OrnasM . The Roy. Mr. Prince la about U8 Rev. r UveetiSU rIW %M - csi od. He hans avile aidcee Methodist cbnurcb la *taedst 4 j;icuhter. He bas beea rector of 1he Lake Bluff chwd4, L.IL. Sbeem b@. VhUrý.h of the Zplphany neeely tuo 1"J the m mnet te Zo Cty. Mr. TeaTs. ilveetiani lihe mms uho bas bat the. "U fib ! I 11W'gat, athe icate-AlfK outalie forces la Silou mince ha bas OIIITUMUW À bom thlera, hla lut'lievei of tha conabtombst agalual lie VoIve fartes vikhibas becsufos'ei to cou- tni viti. lMe Uhoue biIsjob laI lie ha os f a cm e Veluas"iitelue equsly ese iern. Appslstucents la ReOWo r It ult Be",au lieusancilemiptala tue nEcoiud dtstrlela ém'elh- er lu a ie County or naby ubbie ta. loreel Labmounty peepis: J. A& MatlaebDistrict snlennteeet. Antioch Su Hickory-Em. X. 1b. Heste. Barrmeto-i. C. To*e. Capme-N. A. EMudaria- dry-B. B. Veon. Cbemua. a. lHoover. Cherr ally-B. O. storer. *iY"tslabo-T. A. Brevator. Bleutnt LbAk. G . Cabni Des PlIsnes sud River Vc-L0 Gueleko--D. J. elaulî. iliostwpn sd RIgvuO-0L« LAUCOUNTY M Robert Wieli Mintcu, theo Ild sou ef Davidad Jane Jobnelôi Eleto vam bom. nons' SEMA4iifuiesinre. ScotisaniFoi. UX, 18». Tic 1011ev- In& year ho okeVUliiWsparents sud tua oldot' brotiargJah4 ssiWillIam. tu, Amerlon, sud ta 1843 bis tmiy sel- lied upoO a faim user Autfb ll. la 18«? Robert 1haleo st-$q.<lallfr- nia, inmainbils hem. n~ptelu the Siurpriae Valley, wub.e ho ohm. realici. outil bis d4.51k ge ~ es Ing or ifept. 30, 1»14é TUl liti survive hlm: WIIipu, a~r w, ýCLIeUlw i, sund- Bavlq4, e on tic eh bomesteai bise> Ho aise léaessetuo a s- (. 'tisorge adapeti sa= #"ê4 cors, Ro»rt and 9lume&à, a m.glev.ea 0f ~isf .4o»- et' TERS AEEFI JN WOMNSUICIDEý MYSTERY ISURRU= HE SUICIDE é OSO OTE OF MISS MARY SULLI VAN AT: THE DIXON MILLER HOME, WEST 0F HIGH- LAM. PARK - WOMAN KMISS TW O LETTERS ARDMTLY OU TMANAGED TO ce F ID 0F- THEM BE- FORE 51$HE TOOK FATAL DOSE -UNUSUAL FEA- TURES SIJRROIJND CASE., TOOK WOOD ALCOHOL. t Th@ coroner'. jury r.turned àa venfiet after exhaustive ovidence a tc the effect that Mary Sullilvan m came ta her death ce a resui t tatiing poison. thce eact nature of 4 whldh lu unknown. Coroner Tay- lor cpoed tie victima stomach tae detereiine what sert of poison th. may have taken.- When ho finish. ed. h. ni&d: 'it looklc liiwood t aisoilol poleoning. but, w. can't detormine for cortainty." Htenry Strang wvs. foreman oft h. jury. Two myster-ous tetters. belleved te bp love notes, figure promluently lu the suicide of Mcry Sull'<an 40 old waibrees employed by MM i'. ionj Miller. vie llvec a batf mile ecet oet tie Deertield village limita. th. vtc-1 tlm's deathh lavimg occerred et 3:351 Tuesday et Lakhe Couaty bospitalj viféies'os e s mcmi allai It bai been touai ah. uasedylugupposedly from effects of poison '.u'u ot u- chat Ilatent. I The laquent vas betd at Lammen- HellanO'. undertstlng romo. Wan'o.. gan Wednesday a. m. and suih of!ta- teret develed, ameng the euSOO- lIa tenturesa ote unisugalsuicdé belug: 1 The fact f il itié vomin bIM bm gatug atOReeY fer à weeh pout ,-& Tiet. fer tus deys bom *.bu- teck theIi. ftadonseof palseR.gui esiuied 1w. lettweeabout berp p*on antdý ve sn kleetng lb.m. &. That she madeltt a point te de. etroy thons. Iettese before tatulng the. dons ulitoliende< bherlif.. 4. Thnt eh. refttis et ae mail. cime ghven ber by Or. Devin etof er. field cthough eh*esas ln Ireat pain. IL That *hoe know the poison te Fai talien uouid end ber 11%fe nd therofore refused teacaeve for Chi- cage te go ta eper 51er's ubere pre.1 voleum eh* miedei beaite go. 1 &. rhtithlfar 0etflavinegfte. main ln the coutry et Deorfildiun cnes the Mliers d.cided'bto roman net their sunnier hbee*Il vintar, May bave prcy.d on ber mtni becaueeh.e Mai te the cook- -Oh, i vMiidis hure if Mus. Miller etausatluler; I berea nebhlng ta do haro but u.rk, *et and ùmre.iller, vie. vîli ber husband han a fin. summer homeonouthe Mhai land Park rond, Oaa th i finitntews os the gtand. lOh. bld oethle dok having troubte getlng lie valtress up Tuesiay mers- Ina. havina ta caîl ber lwlce and Mns. Millr benoît ihaviug te tallaI that1 Phe get up aidset li, table. ie ad- ded that lie girl omemo daied as Îe vent about hem vork. After bfeecfsnt Mr&. Miller veut te ChIcalo, roture. lac ut her. 12. la thc. meantmo, Mima Sultivnbaia h ecome very'ac' i aud Dr. Davlg bai been cslloi tulce. lier condition grev vans. and oia Wan tien "nt iii lie Lake Conuny bocpitat. Mme.Miler stalsi laI Dr. Devis sud Mi'. Miller' sarchet! lie gl'a tritab sd suit cas but leuini ne trace, of pc6n5. baud aolellers. or any. linsat tdi cate viy nie demr.d te, ouiber 111e. Mrs. Miler déclarai! she bb ean lia tell provleasiy that site bai $2, lanome baook la Clplceý. Me *o dmie ii ot kbu o lie e a lie 1b adi the coek, MissaRlb»E 045m MWersi ic bedi uatl km<wi sauts but tionail It vasn sete Iae Mm e.Miller sali she imi heeli Mima *wiEwJl'bai aose, m". Wêgl Ybe l>«es mr <ateae0O.*" FL. it M iY.QCTOBER 161914. EIGHT PAGiS-. Motut5J7ieasoilstn.bis potîtua pluce b musasuam bis mont at uct 1 a s. ll ierd*ATnome la on the Rtat. Under fthe reg- AT3?CK. 0F poit wa ndlUI he Mi MuerIL? itration taw whlcb woutd b l frc toon tbe taMaItht.on ber Peturu OL ODYT rvdnteear a nie LINIIE fiomte clty. o#é began tarrange [(E vo povdigthe r amk Ulbept O !oi guelte oho bWI been lnvlted to e«inear oerl re-t e« luncheon and a bridge party. Whe: <iITI3R 1NANESIIl c.erraYot .ul hvetov«&SR a reporter calledl ber Tuesday sie ter untthe day appeoit.d fer MM eelced to b.e cedW because her Absecef_________ is-Unmerted S1am get e& hW r iI e beneo oena ei- g. out oo A'"etbnon Firit Day Was a Whole ino tim te ir W djn l hr O m One of the Peatures. aWoei andSIJtftIY 2t.àr"w as5 We t the hospîtal. Nil*liy the tuncheon and brIdge Partyvse brolcen up for the day. COMen s$und. Mine Rait jOtsooS, the cook, told of tise voman actIng4tiangely uînce a 'ceeb ago Mondayjâat wben ahe re. celved a lette? Vltçb ceemed tou up- set ber. Thon, Vil, On the folowlng TIbursday auotlis ltte*r came, th. grew more .traMe Jp ber actions. -1 ting il vusea love aU air and that the tetters may bire corne from corne mnu. She tried te tetllnme about the ai1alr but 1 did Ma encourage ber." seit? the coek. addit1g: "I caught euough of il to tlk that the liad a love affaîr wlth a istriet car conductor on the Cottage 09010 Une. (tler tie gave the name cf tbe DMeu to Coroner Taylor who ulI ommunicate ulth HAVE CHANCE ON THE ' Clerks BiisyMonday Copying SEARS LUAVES $17»0,00& off the Nains of Persons iTic wlll of the late Rchardi W. Who Voted Before. 1 Sears. founder of Seare-Rcebuck of IChicago. hais been filt.d lunthe .ake Wukegen, Oct. 14. 1 Ccunty court, showlng au estlmatsd Tixesday. oefe the irut registra-' t1onday di no brng ut anyvaluation of Seventeen illionsU of tiox daa dii nt blng ut auydollars. tPfrons te regimber. Alfo8t every. Hla wldow, Anna ln made executrir body knew thet the clerlia woulil af- o b saeuîotbn u eam Os fxtheir namea 10 Ibhe liste in case o h sae iaI od n eag tbey lied Prevlously voted--and thats tbe sole hoir le lhe veet estate. t hat the clerks lu ail the preclncts Tbe hoime of the Seare la shown to 9dl.] almost ail day: tbey coPled off thebe 1wOryslaee-4hey bave a fine nm- r namea frolu the Prevlous election reg- merbreo aesL c.M.Sa' *litratlons. died somes tue ago. The wiltt as r lucidentatly tbey attace4 names cf 010<1 for probate on Oct. 9tb. 1thO.. Who ePPeared ad asked 10 bave The Inberitance tas on tus enltatb nu îui orner ce c.e ute vwtim ss-ai'e- emPut down, tiseen IDal cases ha-o. Ilho on. of bie largecb ever pald tei Both MiL. Miller and the cook l'w ellier persona vie have uiov9d tu the claIe Ironi Late County as thie durired te k.ep bblenmre from, print te bauD mince the lest electîcuor uhOaoneeo eet, blpgest estes ever Illed because Jilmlgbt cosmuedIhlm vili a have moved from, on. precincb le an- fol probete. White the estimate tl! cape lu vhich ho vas fotdirectiy lu- otber. thenetsvnea ilo, bnli terebed. . eu Women Regietered. ipuraisers are lirougb. t in hallvod "ai. told me ' wat an auful tiing The noticeaile feur.eofthle reg-: t VIII aggregete much moe,lun tact, Il would lie to' Uve et Deeifieud ait lebration day oaa the absence of vo. s ometimee lie total atter appriso- ululer ln cane"h.Milters decded 10 nmer applicants oho vlshei theiri ment oflentimes Mons twic, ns muci ctay. She sai 1tête wvan nolblug 10 Dames pub down on the books. Fer iac the original estimais. do but work, est and sloep. Pie al- ii'etance eithte Besley matt bouse. wayc likmai ote ek about lie moen In prcrluct. there vas but one vommu. i geirlbut I u.v.r encouragcd ier a, reeldent of Water street. Viol* iFOI LAKE nic0 T ant cangd b. iatee. urge. uho appeared et the polelsfq' Hai lSudOccam. heve ber riane pnut oun. lb va: PL A TIU S Y about lie came proposition in th:bE DTR R À "called ber' at_6: là Tuesday andi cher preclucts altbougb In nome 'ans thi ivoke Up ulitha etant. Plie sali mny an tires or four vomen veto e oesK wnT tth D- @he bai iali a bai 4r.em and hatore lise. uho shoved up. eo sKnw !btheD- that ahe iad lr.flUeBlly tat me she On lie i7tb lbe day will b. d.voted fendants. Are Plannfine En- wasnaot able t leIep veli'becaae!f more te format- regletratlon in em n teriiig Pea of GIt te irems cie bai. SEMW"tetoeMcuday,. tic latter ielug givea up - écieup Vti lie iaby.4 auras Meiay mostly- toe opylua off the nmre* tof_______ naEitbecauaa, ab neeà4 pcaa.meh in courte- *W.. g- 1f 1 atful dreamm Suad V tThose uic..Dames are net touni the rl'x Lako sasonom aï tear> * "Wà ealicithe d6il, e s 01.Tues- on lie lista vien lectoc oas enousuit 01 the eaie*attorney hsvisg day atter @agot verr a"0kalter Mra. >Nov dd. ulîl have te g0 Urough liet B1led Informations against thens re. Miller vent to the City. ' ohobeleft Tfcrmallty et Evearlus lulatelr vol,.1 eu etly ciarging them viii emg JIl, her sud gave ber niedieine te ta'<Le, betore casting lhir balls. Thisa vII uor OU Sundaya, are set te coDm*Dip she okçd aller hlm doVa lite baIl apply le vomea an w.11 as men Tcureda&y morulua mnie. one, van about to lirov hersaitfover * tbe clerin or tudgee -io net 1mev 'l'h.genan erl hlle th at tII. men the banlater wien the Asmue canait oi-iaudei 1hm1 liey are legal rosi. aIl plan pleadinag llty vatisi' tha" ber.1 dc-nts and entlllod te vote. aolug te trial. Th. eor«Pt gpa'osiiat "S er.tused to ta re, Vie laéfflcla. The Sua bas boon aaked: If a per- thé state.1"aith. gecis" on thtei lu ho leftsylng: 'He domna'tl',mov hal son', nome le not on the regltratIa tth, maîter of evluece 8n a result of ails mie. I vaut te ile 5n$ 017.' llrt. des tuet preveut them votinsataIbaving sent dotectIvea Ittalc lins Deptroyg the Medicoine the etection? Lake reation viere they moie 'pur- "'Thon, sho vent te bei but Maie: The anaoer la this: Nol If the JUdg- obanea after vblcb the Informations gaverai trips te the bathrom and e8 lrnoo the applicant ani knov hlm vero Ouled iy lie préseciter. ût lu ltber told us elle lad deatroYed the or lier te be entItIed le a vote: sud said the salcouxuen desîre nov ta en- niedîcine. 'Dol if lie or cie lcaile te have nome lt'r tigîr pleu t ier tje* ac Lete,' Ai. Dnj reltal peraon swcar lu their vote. trial In court wblch wbuli ost.thora "We su lier bave th, bter. uhici 1Thisaregistration la Dot undor th* euch la the total and, lrmm the ro- sie bal beau kisclng beforo. As elie sy-stem demandai by the local optîdo sute ottaei by lie stale ta fermer etarte fer he bahroomOnce erces of the City lu a petîblon reefl- etateifertiebatioo an., h. y Ilenîeu uthe county court an tîis ge sirlar trials.,veaui'oaulltanbut au. bai theotlue letteis aud, plaqplthtem foi-m ef reglcîratien ban net yet beenau irilar trials, vouli reiullta but ao. toiçther, sie.twisted lise Up and techded upon sud vili hb. eet thle tîulna--couvlcon. as'erwarde vo couli not lid tient." Issues of the Novemior ebsctota.The auîtli7IIhafa ute20lo ('l'he bllet la tie tirev tient loto lieregistration ulîl taire ptace the , sa5e . -hofie o o 20 o souci'.)aslu formoi yesrs. oaci offense.. ourro Ir a=min leregistor be muet have -- ., Lettera Conlain Secret, b l ]ttung qualifications: Dd lie giri have a love aiP vîihi He muet bc an Amorican cîtlpn the. etreel car conductor, eI"er" Il earse olor over. '1 2. H mut hve llvIn thesta lui mtes, lelters contain lte stt'es- ai least ene yeur. south it ce euded ber llfe? 3. H-e muet have llved lu lie coun Thoee.oere questions uhiclu lie cor- ty et teast 90 days. oaci' end jury vere unaile to suive 4. He muet have llved lunlthe pro- chîcet et teast 30 days rosi causewvilci piomptei her toit- poils i lîlh. open a ect ' loca iog ber Il!e..1the mornlng sud 0111 rouait opeu tic R b~.i OeW ue, The Cook told lurther et her arrvaI grenier part o et, autimbsonLe ,in he iril rom whn té sae, er tutes de net préseribe isa ýýtXve tali grl ron vemuhâtu e cloe. sd a.d. giDocuments. frothIluaiathle mouth, bhuma hem fin- O hescodsu an ayo-rg Sem nd dbumplug ber bsaéto a tilul l the iepellua places open s the b.d. Pie scratchei the cook's etgbt 'cteck lu the morala u h. CLOSED OFFICE MIONT bon ad semedIngrQ«-Wl4 eit-cilles bbey romain open utiapn e --CAUSE TECHNICALITIES. has ce eeme lagriijismoil-o'clock lu the evenlua té give ail ~ Iata ber oient andi lîitg lis*eoolr v<rking Dieu an opportuaty *0 i'U 'thst ste bai a 'lied spot' th«Mo.lbIcter but lu the country dl5tite the Circuit ýIerk Broclcvay dli Dot wse tIthle poison vas causita lie close et tour o'cleck tuta le ail«oeanclose the reconder's ofic. Monda>- pain perapsafte th inécérof lb-' Is inalways destrei ut mAss aur pel, orbpeallr ie tiItIOr0f u-aspocsible regfiser on tbc gwMg aeven If lb vas Columbus- day - and Tiien on theiecon0Diday the 00a -lI tîere's a reasen thejrefer. Dr. Braown on IM. are revised. correeffland emplted Dr'. Brown. county phySdia olastc of Under lie 1lia h Judes * ver The recorder'@"s e tgte Qi one aibuila le ptiet eteteh.vonb.mllted to enter on the PMoI t141s4lite vhere the heur and minutes otf ua ati g b th pient She the ~ h-lmatDame or auy voler lu tlirresmco¶ papera la placed on oaci paper. This, ed'he osptal sie teà ria&1mntprecinct providina tiey res e a dcai, ireatblug very, elevlFYnd1 se.$M- i. bae Dot roved trou tbe p elIsecessry because firut file.Bi 18517 ear lie end." .Sie mo nM at eveD If be doe aet appear lthaeteirved in the mattar cf mcmlegee,. -lama " m a s uneble to reipuai te la persou. On lit oe OUbouv eet't. c. And, as Columbus Day la flot gu> aa~ t le tsts ed re*ui>sg oi1c mafi y la foi' ever o teNIr 1tvigil erally &nau a alegal holiday througt *Ii'. atve i b. t--.11 e ut tue United atea, Stlit e iSyuf Tb* OoOk tbld of sedoiber* oisvand offered ber a drirf<. bbe valtres of that sort liai lie clerk bas te ba N ooutOfltly aa" ~ S liaItais icllned. stating ai. dimet dicn. vorY caroul hecusinu-cam eem *ti1t toN berthe lbidlat,- bseWiev. wWood Aloeol w1tuhedt'i te Imortgage. aud îOUid tif à . me leen vâcti84 lore sai The festina cd the doctrt ani Jry- tiee fEco clon& ed onsomomopllCbtipu W»Jé h hougtAit athei'rogte. men 1vwas liai perape the voaman hitmd igtbaria.. Bc, Mr'. BtokwW&y' MWp Ils egroer sud tDr. Brolift SuWmat te"-'u oed alcehol uhich Ur& ,M"I: la te close only on' hffl gelye s *or*ont 0mbla fit ýVtU fie re. ter edmltbedwva. avallable If $ho .,aib- a Fourb cf JalY. Momorla W j.e 54tia4 ta. - ed il, boina ta a bollu thle upporvich are 9sceerallir neccptedsi l8M Ibe ook ais e ioiîth»b.woSubatireci. hcoliaye u Intecourtn. 1as Ssi * I~Ii- *0 Tiih.e, 0l syMIomathe dootors Th.ter~ ali. la tice.uttbs lic tUOti*tOaI.leO,11111U$I Dat - Smo- ulomi i5oBSq ut e-e jumu -v m Given 1.8k 9 ffolulms 99 iEdft ' TRYING T. ASSIST H4ARNLY.' In the Effort to, De mc, Edar' l8 Wsflng te Réfhot ont WhoteCounty. flecaus. cr the tact Uiat oMay a bandfut of persons reai the. paver m4S bactuse ltq weight eve a lunIta *IP communlt la limlted te Its 001o BUS '11 a8e cd the bellot that luo shoot iay tittle attention, ta lt.e ditUhulm- terence lu the ZMon indepEsdeot tan W.-k. Blut. because t r e AbmtgtaI unthir mlcatatement of tacts Md EUS. dItions cnd tbe gouerai reoection.i t4u scbool sgyntom of lako Couh<y, vi regard lb woi'th ublie ta cafti afttt lu the ulliues &a « a ., to mlarpremenam ta smutLe or atu such au thi. Lake Ceuty scbOMJMt boas ovaUbmt it 6cate _l0: olr-ctlou etfoone ma, aà trer 'DOvus lis' ou. obose OU P" le&"% , *e-r greuives. wtsiitoday vero »m«. the ticket becausésof t he !ast 4 ti@ho la amaklug -la bis '"eamStW luV' Tic ladepenicot sal:-- .e '-We sheud 1ko in oble colume orore O-.hL oif - opavîrntevoters iv~U Jobna.H HaMMWie.' abeulW soboomla, t Outi. .i' ebuu lcbo6ýhjýit e lIsÉ tyocooe e ii testh t. ool tare t-Viatp"« hc (The Moc. City conitreor ethle voliva cmow b lndpetdo ulim't 0coUSIS. lie blahestetsta"MisitaDi.Mook reehdenla neyer cêscedso tlW9 factice anythina te le o.à - sout lu*et.-eer10 hiogon si-eom liclats of IAiteCo*mtr lacflicent *ben they 15047*0 do not believe tb I OU eeOulSsq t mao.CMOM "y M4 - s Imagine iMiffes byelabtvs lix~ -sga1 Taii6. a veu tera* 111e s Tamhet ea t cuI>'Scicooe aU s heae . ldo40lti mulua Lefre bi .chooie are recegaussi le tic à amena lie mmnt oSlusiM 11 sOcL aieley'date. >t Simpson. sd beau fI O!tiooew, maie an onviaile record sélia U out tie claIe la held ta blailat ý fôr hie jrotrugave Mm&sewi ardîzation cf toblmg ubtké hua soaerally pdvanced tOues ,son c. -DX succha retwiresoeame U1 ' luilopoudeut appuiln MWp Coail. PIpehpa ilbp WeC mach sawace »ltý Iy glvea tu ahow bo* M* !vsil go làme dor Injustice o'e se fieen u »exes«' Spt tom.- Clai'. IL Rtn*qp. àmsiat là*couCmrué.Ueala veeQI govea y IftCea's la b MMW sil. aM 1us id1h »M a v fby vefl 1. a;aa. aW s.Sm aad - ftm- tilt. leistM t ImitbiL bav e eal-i- w t cblpolisiat. * - il tg d b tg d ë4w, ggg YK&R