- PROMM- Orders Taken for Job Work. Advertising rates on application. ~lj. Frank Fenton traneacted businegsslu Chicago Monday. Mis.F. C. Partie of Harvey, Ili., visited friende heme over Sunday. Mids Josephiue Maunn aiHebrou, vieited friends Iere bMouds.y. Mises Lillian MacNamara of Waukegan, laaguest at the Water.Godfrey home tis week. Mihael Bliuder sf t lat Tueeday for an oztended visit lu is borne IlbNew York glati. Hlmum Coombe and famiiy rtrrrned to their bonelu Oak Park ateu- spending the sutamer at thoirborne ai GagelLake. Mis. Carl Lwle isntaiued ber brother tram 0h10io hee k-. V.m. ohauke of Breous, Indiana, speut 8undAy wiih bis brother, E. F. Ohanke ataianeville. fr.. H.Cotien eaa mArtlocb viitor iant Monday aiternoon. You wili miss a good iaugh if rau tat] to ses "Wbat Bappened tu Joues" ,HalloweeDn igbt at the Opera Houes. Mu. i)anielà of Chicago, called on f riende bore Sunday. E. C. Hook mnade a trijý to Chiago recently tu nmeet hie imatier wseb ad jit .returned trou, a yearsi vioit lu England. lir. ES Wagner entrtrrained ber aunt, fltns. Richard Coombe of Oak Park, lait Tburgday. Tbe Ladies Bud met with lire. Orianido Book, Wednesday and @peut a Very pleasant alternoon. Miss Brha Boock Ionov employed at the office of Jo. Behiosser. is Nom Bizler in working at ths Timnes office. Jo. Turner transcted business ai Burilngton lat week. Go1 a purebasig card at the Rersl Drug Store iefors thel are ail goDe andS obtain anAlias and History of the World fre eiti f5tue. rues Ding Co. Sm *"WhaI Rappened to joues" ai tbe Opera Houne, 5,terday evsning, Oct. 81. Dr. D. Poil the dentigi, who is bers sncb Monday la kepi busy sAcb veet. E4eisnvoeais eon saie ai the Bossu Drugs@tore for the borne talent play Halloween igbt, Oct. 816t. Mir. and tMr@. S. Hamiin ut Rtollins. and Miss Lyrdia Edwarde were piesmsat calter@ he Tuenday. 8. L. Cardfeld returned tram the north Saturday wore be bad bftn buying a car- Joad o! potatues. Mis Olive Coleman ut Winetka, daolleS trieuSe bore over Sunday. The Congregationia Aid society were satertslued by tire. Mary Trhomson ut ber home ai Llberty ville lait Tuesday. Boventeen ladies vent and report a royal good trne. The Grayslake Ceuetery so.iety %el meet seit iv'. Ed Kappie. M p dues.iay, Oct. 2s. 4isitov.t welcome. The date ut the regular ru. etlug re changed '(unBc- rout Miilie sîpr er ,vîed lîy tîiîriîtîity Club. Tbursday evening. John iRussell of Sterling, 1 IL, jn.ttast Tuesday a itît lisivoh- n a J. J. Longabaugh. Tom Meade N i.ited ut îh.-,r.un ty s,at M unday. The AI. Rendes place., ppo iete lumber yard wae suld fast seeek t a Chicagu party and le noV urtderguing imlîrovemertte. lionit forget tu rend about ttte Comn. munity sutpper as Hooks bail Thursday, Ot. t29-. 't u vîilmiss a rave teaet if yuu dont attend. SAVOY PURE FOOD SUPPER Tithet.. nov fur sale by members of t..- Cuimunity Clubt. Through thte rutinteF oftiihe S;teele, Wedeles Company ut Chicago, a fourv course l'are Food iluçper willi be mevved ai Hotik'sitall, Thursday, (jet. 29 at 6:30l p. ri. %Mn. Os)car J. VugI, Pure Food Expert rom Chicago, viii lut oduce a uew ct-opera. tive pnblicitr teature. Tht., wil be !ollowed lîy a tew musical sesectione. MENU Soup) Savoy Cream o! Tomatoes 7 Saratoga Waiam Salad Sacov lied Kiduey, Savoy Tiny String Beau.. ulit Savoy !NlayonaimesDressing Fisb Savoy Salmon Croquettes wittb avoy Sweet anS Tender Peas Cream Potatues Home Made Roues Dessest C oiHawaiian Pineapple wltb Savoy lu resInMaraichino ,> Savoy Cote Cakes Bupper 35ci ents Indapersdsut: More readens tissu ail -countY wVe&es e.combineS. 1VAUCONDA i Mr. and lirm.Ambrome liabge returned Baturday frorn a two week'e visit ut Milwaukee witb Dr. aud Mmrs Bond. Ed Mill@ ofaiCllcago. V1ited a5 the borne of bis mottrer Sunday. David Mlicaiu returned oîn" Satr- day alter a week's viit with Mr. and, Uv.. W. é3.)McIîin at Libertyvitie. Mie@ Phyli,; Paddock of1tlou!mi Lake,i vieited riende brrsSundmy. eoznd <Cak-e CHARLES R 19 A ON, Correspondent - Agent PHONE 24-J *Mies Rtuth Kimbevly of Clîltago, spent tlualty-ltoyd'o Studto-Prie rigiti. Saturday and Suniday nt th, home ut The auction at Wckerham Brus, an lier grandparents, Mr. arud lirs. 'itasm.. Tues3day was wei attended. laviirr. TI&e My@titc Workers regrlar meeting Ili. aud tirs. H. E. Malmjan were seas hr.d ai the opera housesou Tuffsdrry Chicago visitons Wedneeday. evening - Miss Viola Cowies reiurned front Work of rras-eling the ruade lu tist Wuodotock tbonday, wbere sire base beeu viinlty le nlow under way, nine .earsoru visltirrginonde for thre pst week. . gravel being ou truck bers. Mise Nettie Murray of Chicago, wao We are lu receipt of a postai from Drv. bornetiver Sunday. Palmer, Who is enîoyIng a vacation lu Littlo Mary Murphy of Chicago, la ValleY Ranch, New MalcOu. $pouding the ,eeek vith ber grand. The neat dance ai Amann'e bail viii parente, Mu. aud tirs. C. L. Pratt. be given Tbankogiving nlgbt, Nov. 26tb.t Miss Beatrice Kimbali vas an Arlng. ton Beigbts visitor Saturday. isa@ Grace Murphy speut Friday lu Chicago. Floyd Carr of Barrlngton. vas borne over Sunday. Mir. sud tins. Joe. Tornisky aud daugb- ter Lucile of Cary, spent Surrday at the home o!ftir. and lire. C. L. Pratt. Lire. Henry Glding and ie. V. D. Kinthaili ere Chicago visitors Frrday. MarrIeS, bu Chicago, tlonday afiernoon F'rank L. Pearson of Evanoton, and Mdisg Jmni L. Gireent of Waucarrda. Alter their marriage the bridai couple went tu Eranston virere a vedding receptinu awalted tbemn at the homneof tbe gcoom'@ brotuier and isterinlaw, Mu. sud lira. Joseph Pearson. Ater a short boney- moon tiey wilI returu to the bride'@ home lu Our village, vhere tiey el make their future home. Tbe bride la on@ of our prorinent business vomen sudesatimnable young lady wbo bai cou- duced oui of ou ppular summer botels for the past tirrosjeas. Mir@.iR. L Strang st)sot the pat veek wiii MM. Alkes White Fox lu Wiscouelu. W m. Strang rotunsd home froî tire hoaptal vhire bs hmbas osuforoesverai weeks. iss Ailes Janien of ChicagO, spent tire week-end wltb ber parents. MiàssMinnis Hopphaa retuned 10 ber home ln Chicago flaturday. Mnr. Helen Webb la viltlug relatives lu Efflngham, Ili., br a lew veeks. Maers. Robert Strang aud James Campbell of Gurnee, are working on L. 8. Bannoran ew houae. Don't Mmsit. A g"od timo lu *tore fort 700.1 Mv. and Mnr. Wm. Frot of Volo caliedt on relatives and f alends hore Tueeday. Mié Rose Frisud of Mcileury, la vîsît- ing at the bomne of ber siejter tire. Eugeve Pbanistili. The PbrwnietlU'o bave moved intu their residence on Lncoln avenue. Mlis Sylvia Stuteman of Girard, Ill., i visiting with ber brother David and tirs. C. L. Thomsoun wam a Nit'Henry visitor tiret of the week. C. L. Tbomeuu vimited in Lîbertyville Tuesday. Mr@. Elien Hogzan réturned tohberbhome i Elgin the liresent week. Levi Watt had thse misfortune to ijure hie baud recen tly. 1 was neSssary to conoit a physician. Heis getting aiong nicely. Mmr. Walter Sykes went tolCbicago Wedneeday for a week's vinit. Her sister Zqlla wilI iook alter the bousehold duties. M r. Wbmsniey in workiog nit the Ciover- dais farrn. The marriage of Mii.. Kat@ Wagn er4 dautghter et Michael Wogu.r of Elgin, and Kar tPaddock, son ot Air, and Ars. Abert Paddock of Fort HW, Io placé Oct. 14, aitbhebride'@ byrntO b iti. The bride was att.ended by Mins PhyllU Paddock, sulr of the groom. A brotber of thre brideso served ae best man. They wiii be at borne to ibeir rnaay frieudsa i- ter November lot on the Fayette Huson farm. Congratuiasions are extended. A. K. Bain la baving s new cernent RUSSELL walk lad. 1- A. K. Bain was a Chicago business Tire Ladies Aid viii meet wltb tirs. visitur Munday. WiII Melvlle Tbuueday ruornlng, loct. Mir, sud lire. David 'Young aud cbildren 29. AeSadial initain s extended. I apsnt ffatuuday aud Sunday with rotea- Delegaiesm pponted to attend tbe 8.8. ts. alu Chicago sud Wlnetka. convention inf Waukegau are lire. Allen Mr. anSdtirs. Harnpbrey, havitrg spent Dixon, Miss s. C. Browe aud Miss Lanra the pffat veek wltb their nieýea, SMrs Corrne. gasSonS and Miss Foute, returned to . ier Mr - Critteuden snd Aoher eturrred borne in St. Paul. tilun. fromotheir Dakota vitit Sunday. C. E. Denroan anti J. S. iieumau tran- 15fr and Mire J. Il. Corris retuvned ou su.-ted businem ,iru('tîtago Saturday. ifOnday Týhey report Mr. ourne le Mr. and lire. 1Lloyd White of Waake- gettrug aiung niceiy aud bvuugbt back Kau amidSMr- and Mvs. Ailex Hughes and'tune sîtecimle[Itsof totatues and corn from talts- pcIti ittav wittiîMr.vniliv. bis arm W. J. wlîtte. lus' titver bas eturuied tram a viil A sbtuer a ilie , Rien NiirsFaye wîit rieutis 11lit îttaz. Itawl eut utbil.-ittute of Mv,ý. Ermai Miss A. sQuutJe (tif Ok Park, spent ttrang, Stuvîtav. part ufthi e -k us it tirs. A. C. Corrie. lir-. Glibert and IiLrhft-r Margaret 1 aýite aàuttîrtîtr attended tbe socl ai artd Sabel Butriner t î-.ted 'tirs. sîrîteun St r.. Murrî's in Kenustra luet week. Aniem at Hickor.vundeiy jWhatMHappened to Jones'A 3-Act Farce To bc Orven ai GRAYSLAKE OPERA ilouse 11ALLOWEEN Night Oci. 31, hy lorne Talt, fory Susdit ot ST. ANDREW'S MISSION Und., the Auspices oft1tht Mnut Club stsged by Miss Mande fair, ai Chicago LI ONE BIG SCREAM!Il! Coma. ad He&r it. Orchestra Musirc uer supervision o! Leors Price Miler. DANCEAfter the Show. DAN EMuic . Mton RESERVED SE.ATsatOte RerIli Dmug Store. Admission 5e&e' Pay willI bc given ai Round Lake on Monday evening. Nova-aber 2 FREEFREE! RE $1.50 Standrd Ad»a "dari iisory of t he WoriM With purchases amounting to $5. Corne lu aud get jour purchaslng card and atarI now. DRUCE DRUG CO. .Tise Rexali Store Ors yolakei SIe .Sui-r dite. not irupvove vevy Wauk egazî Sundûy. Mn. and Mv.. Ray %Stos ave the proud parent, uf a baby girl, P'erey Kebue o! Lake Forest. visiteS Barrey Amuanu 5unda>S Mn... Peter tityer t! Arltugtou Heighte, 'tleut a fow da3 s witit ber brother, Peter àleyer and tamiiy. lsth and Fmma Cook speut Saturday anti iuuday ai their btîme. Edwurd 11.rt..i.. îvuktng tur Barney Amanu. A dynamîie bomb whtcb exploded uLtîer the bakery ef Samuel Confond, iii Italian damaged the. building aud brûke windows lu many ueighhoriug stores.. The .sbock ut the explosion wa.. felt ten blocks away. Confond reiused te aid the police linbme smlh for thre person who placed the bomb. The "black band' 15 eusPected.-Ke. nosha News. 1tBriefs attackiug the validity or tire 18w creatiug thm public Utllite com- mission wilt be fileS In Lb. SUpmo Court ioday by John W. Bee%-wilr,> Cblcag's cerpqvatlcal couneel. The case ou whlch the ctt- orýCi. cage willltest the law fa tia raIftire Toledo, Western sud St. 1ouis Rail. Mail. The commission ordsred a Company to-mave eue o1 ltj 8tAtfnb thore. Oneo man vouchsafthelfr COMPL n EX N. mation thai she bad been ibere but E O ISGIEN abaeen sent1 borme by ber fatber. ERATION I ilY N Wien the case was c lied ttrrp as TO LOUIS E. WHUITE lat'ofýofWies lidio n Wua Case Against WelI Known Lo- reî.roachbhlc(t tr icter ilch ba, not been injureS iieîu.îii i..frîudu lisve cal Man s Dropped for the feu fvom tue stint ict1twii charges, Lack of Prosecution. j looked serions, the wu iîd îlot amount SUN PREDICTED RESULT. His Frjends.From First Have Been Steadfast in Belief of His Innocence. W hien the case of Louis E. White of 22 (isapel street, Waukegan, came ur for trial In the Wiuuetka police court Prlday aftMvoon at five o'cloqi,f it was disissed fer lack o! prosecu- tion. That snch. a course would be tahen WEas intIm&ted lu Frlday oveir- tngts Sun, thoq9rsdictlon being based upon statemeutS Made hy frieude of White who were positive lu their de- ctt.rations ofci Itinnocence. it le feit the. Waukegan man bas been doue a1 great Injustice by the charges made agaiusi hlm. only to be dropped wheu be î'oluntarlly Sppeareà In court ta de fend birnseit. %r. WIbte had been emPlos-ed a! the1 sti, station ot the eiectric lune at Win- r.. tka. One day the inst part cft ibis1 waîek, tbvee llie girls. appeared at the door of the euh station and ask- ed for the boanof au unîtîrella. One of tbe girts was a daugbter of one of \\'Itites best tdends and tbe tact that lts frtend Vas liresent in court Fr1. day niglit, veadir to act as a character wltness for the local man sbowed bis confideuce lu Whlte's Inuoceuce. One of tbe girls, the eleven year old daught er of Samn Hartzeli uofIWin. nttia, veterned home a itise white atter watchlug White at work in the euh-station, and told ber father that Whbite bad taken liberties wiib ber. Harizeli confronted Wbtte withth@ir ch'arge and the latter, wbileprot tng bis intiecençe, fç#.rud th.e oect that the story et such a young gr would have ou a court or jury,. ir Witbout takhtg Urne tO weigh the ccnseoueuces hofled. Wheu the po- lice returned tO Porve a warrsui ou him ho *ould mot b. fouud. After ho brsd bad tiMe lté iik over the Matter he declded thai thes ouly way wotilld hc 4J returu aud prove bis innocence to the world aud ho gave btmselt op to tbe fidis.. Ré'jtsinod Attëruey James G Wélch of Wauiegan as bis conusel and tàe hoaring Vas set for five o'clock Frâg nlht. Altbougb HartzAiihimselt Vas il, court, bis daugbter, fbÏo would bave been the prosecutilug *!Wnessal net -t,. m.rcb wben l-,. tute tant..un fîta îeaing.Fi tls frît *nd . ar-. .'n9rat ulat. ing hlm upon bit complete exonera- tien. COUNTY LOSES AN ABLEMINISTER In connection wittl the deitarture from Antiocb, Lake county, to Elgin of the Rev. A. O. Stixrud, the Elgin Courier says: "Rev. Mr. Stixrud wbo succeeds Rev. D. F. Bent a t the Epwortb cburch, was bom nl Norway 35 years ago. He came te Amevica et the age of 15 years and bas made hie own'way tn lite ever stuce. "Mr. Stizrud left a profitable posi- tion as traveling satesman to enter Garrett Hîblîcal Institute at Evans- ion. He beid student charges at North Prairie ln Lake county and ut St. Lukes churcb bn Chicago. Fie bas held the pastorate at Antiocti, Lake county, for tour years and the ctturc I lias been btghl3' euccessful under bisý direction. Rev. Mr. Sttxrud was married be- fore be studied for the ministry and worked bis way tbrough sctîool. He bas two sous. He exirects to be ln Elgin Saturday. and wtil preacb bis tiret sermon bers Sunday mornng'" Man Who Goes to Liberty- ville Methodlst Church. Plaiufield. Oct. 17.-A farewell ro- ception was given ln the Methodist church parlers last evening ln bonor et 11v. T. 0. Ream and tamiiy. Mr. Resm fdabes a three-year successful pastovate beres ad goés te Ltberty- ville, Ili., seheré 110 POureU the pulPit o1 a $35,000 church recentil *TectOd. The churcir was fitled laut eveniug' witb parishouers and fionde of the rstiring poster. A short musical and literary progremu, conststlug of duet by Morgan broiliers; reading, Mine Martha Wyiie; vocal duet, the Mise. Mildred and Helen Dtindore Vas gIven. This was followed hy addresses by the Revs. Beddoes and Hauptuhrer and responses by Reyv. keam and wlfe. dier of the church. 7-NOW 1 THE T1ME TO PLANT-,r"- 141Dutch-Romau Hyaeinths, etc. i-d B Lj.>jutt reoived these frorn HolUs nd d~ I are selling them at Lthe rigisi priae.. Suchis asChryointheapurna, ~ Cut FIower~ aZe tonsibe Meredith Ek>wer & Veg. CO. Visitors Welcome Phone 10 Lbt ie N The Old Order Changet.ht.' For the fit-st time in its History. the letîiitl Colîgressiori- ai District bas a Congrestimani wlLo lias sliîwn un initer- est in his (ittistituents otiier tliaîî tt. ilctiotlOfltle. In Oct. 1913a. ltî-itîg a recetis pe'rirîî, Couîgrenssm,]n Thîomsonî eanvassed t . .-ry precinct ofîthte Tentli District, callii)g on ail the i :îrîlîants ansd buisinîess people lie could rencli, îîîaking îer-sîîia1calis o011 O iffl ~ 0(1of iiïtttitts.ný At short itîl ervals during his terîls iii office Cougressînait Thomtsont lias sent an open letter to tht' people of the Tenth Distîlei(t through the p~apers publirlied through. ont the l)in.t nt, giving informations tiptin somne natter of penîling legisiation, togetlier witlî bis vjews npoîl it. Were yoitiu,, er able to secure a deinate îtnswer froîn lus predecessort- é) th is opinion on aiy titatter of public interest. Do you wis]J i) î-ward Mr. Tliomsont by releetion or do you wisli to rewa-rdl a inan who lit-ed in Washington al the' tittît, anid whose only apparent interetît in his con- stituents wa8 at election tinse, whien lie needed their votes? Vote to re-eleet Colugresman 'Thomson, the mnan who lias kept in toucli with you-the man who bas convie- tions on'subject of legiulation and todare express them. Read Congresman Thomaon'*,Camag Literature. It Wiil Corne to You Under Potage. Not Under Goiernuient Frank.