Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Oct 1914, p. 11

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L.AKE d'flTN9'VNDEPPI drnWàâlb 1 UiÂV. ( TOBU W~4 . s, Paze ~tre 4-t.A . - -.-.'%ý q - -- - --,--- s£-- L- -.J--.1. __________________ri____f CHANCE AV NOTICE. iav or devisees of .Jacob Rlehm, Ben. dian, in Lake Couuty, Ilinois." WÀ aN'rTo SENT-A farm of fromn TRI13UNE URGES TI4AT etat. ofIllinois. County 01cf . e.tor, deceased," "unknovu heirs t 1ev Iu Chafcery. Gen. No. 7078. 80 te,ù* ii',o a awherein Lake Te4OM86N BE RÈ-ELECTED' la the Circuit Court of Lake Coun- Or dovisees o! Margaret Degan. 2nd. The roqulsite affidavita having been Mch 1t. AdIodress WI gi rvn 0 o eCncg ai riuepit t>, December Tern, A. D. 1914. deceased" unknowu haireat iav orfilled ln tihe office oetthe Cerdon f the MVicrL' stroot. ne09 Te Ciang eo lTribunewhich ii b NiChOlas C. Vos, Ddwa.idVOIS, devIsees of Jacobi Sebastion. deceas- Circuit Court O! Lakte County, I 137-. i- l.Pojth olwgedtra ic l a George Vos, Elia Knopf, Mary Stabi , " 'ukuowu heirs et law or de-'1 Puis, Notice le theoforo hereby gven ..of Intenest to votens vbo desire to Parrme Harth and Emma Schneider, ~ u to ailiof the abovo unamd and un- know how to cast their vote for con- vs Nthld Flhmmi.Srtia».. iseso!Jao Sbatin.Sr, o-Iknn defeudants, that the o ive gressmatp next Tuesday: ua.Clam Weland, WilimUcaod""nuv eisa a nam egi cmplainants heretofore iied RE.ELECT THOMSON. Arthur iflîman, John George Wald. devis". or John Semour. deceased. their Uliiof Couiplaint lu said Cqurt Charles M. Thomson has been s uer, Prederlek ireinciberger, Or., Frd ad"n unknovn beirs at lav or devise io on the Cbaucery ide theroof, and that credit to the Tenth district ln every lgHrscib.s'ger. Jr, George Hlroslh Elen %Wlner, deceased," ud un a summous thereupon lssued ot or respect, and bas made an enviable ho..Iiel Hlrberger, Matias kunOvu overs of Or pensons lnter- said Court agaiust ail of the above record for courage, bard work, 1and Rîuoibsr.0 jls Hrschberg- l h oteatqatro! tich aeeadunknovu defendants. re- Intelligent ludgment. leba te or. Mary Brockmann. CarOline uortbvait quarter o! Section te, tui-nalîe on theogret day of the tenu lindspeen.ece, and public spinit to Wickersheim. Saome Mayer, lemni Township 43 North, Range Il Euat o! of the~ Circuit Court of Laite Count>', stand gluone among the Progressives basser, Sophia, Buts, Charles Glas, Ed.1 the Third Principal Meuidam;n'nuaI~llinois, to lie held aitih Court lioune lu the bouse for the repeal of the hub- *ar Gla, Jacol P. Glas, Em11 j.1 that pârt o! the nortios.t quarter of in Waukegan, lu sald Lake County, 9Ilas. Caroline Busch, MathIas Wielger-, said Section 28 described as foliovs, o i.S-tMna !teebn .- sh&, George WickeoshOii, "un- to-wit: Commeucis eta Bpoint lu tic D. 1914. as la by lav requlred and %nw or ilwo eieso onWest Une of the nortbeast quarter o!r,- "taovnwn gradBtectioor28,visees o! 6ohn4 vhich suit la aBll pouding. A.Viotndoae. ukonai eto 2,vihl 0. etLEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. boire ei 1ev or deviseuof o!Rbrt 8outi Of the notilvat corner thei-o- Cerit. - lewtt, dpooaaed. "usheovni,0r ai of; ninning tience Souili&long Mid Wuuu I. c.2.A .11.I -t ~ . .. lietd4f tOliver P. Stone, de- 1 West lin. 620.2 feet; tiience North 89 inl 1.Mle.Copanns i 3> > U > lap. vio oia i evordegres and 28. aN17J Solicitor. wvky-Oct 30-Nov 6 13 20 deise.., t Audrev Venes, decaed," fe t to a pot in tic conter et ithe pub _______ "uanknoWn boira et 1ev or devisees cf lic hikhvay, inovu asM ilman Ave- I 5M hJ.s>, ocasd, w uOnnuc; ihence Nort, 12 degreesi15 Min. Tii. Warren Cemetery Association L 'Ê G.M TH Rwi t1ev or devinee« of Elihu ln.u- ui East aiong tiececntai- o! nd idr1- -ii bavl e a bazaar t the Gurnee deoeade& "unknovu Sieirsn, an Aveuie, 6988' fot; illince Bout Woodmau hall Nov. 6. 1914. Supper Pr ireV wT. iio*dvses o! Nicholaus sicita, 09 87 dogrees. 69 miniifg Went,2172.5 alU b. sei-ved !from 6 p. m. until 83o i coased," "unkuovu heins at 1ev or fret t0Oie Place o! beginung. ituatod P. m. sharp. Progi-am at 9: 30. Miten rEA I t g G , ,,ioo ! 5ni-vSeodee le. n Lakte Count>' Illinois. AISO tic progrank second supper viiilie served. D M R TOR r j F "unknovu bers at 1ev on devisses of! noitbvcst quarter o! the souillaest Ail Persona interested ln the cemetery (JIDD T Jacob ieihex. dec osed," " n n v quarter o! the norhbest uarer o! ar reques to a snd donations tai L m±D A boirs ei lav or deyrseos o! Joshua In- Section 24 Townuship 43 Noth, Range Coi-a Studer, preeldeni. (lUruee, 111.FO grattea, deceased," "unknown hers t 11 Fonti o!th<- 5fi!hl lî tos 4 (>flwft RE SUR R Election Tuesdav. Nov. 3 _ ___________ t06-107 N.Genese Street The i~'n~ sStore 105-107 N., Genese Street Your vote and support will b. àppreciated. sidy to the shlpping trust ln the form The War ren of Panama tous reijsaon. This will bave 4-.b -piS lit Q~ was characteristic of hie quaIiiy. Woodmau Ma..Nq. 14 Il the people or the Telit1 district wiii be sérVSdëtrr2 j >;Poo"~ :3 want a representative with B bacic- P. In sharp. &Mrka 5U ah boue. puilQspiit sua afuture, If program SetQ&,Imoï.4Wxl bf»tvL 3 teqy wagt areprosentative who will Ail person5 itU4 itt8 ~~S count and count for the. right things tery are re0uetd tp. ln congress. they wiii 51ve Charle to Cora Saudor, Prèh., Guu MLID Ni. Thomson the rcusing majority hisl 2 1 i 3 irst terni deserves. WfCIy i YFOR RENT-Thyme aa adIa wlftO. oq oy. ~ment store 2100, U j Chie! Clerk-"It 1 amn wanted 1i vi1 S. Genesee Ilt. Nod1 b. vii ii. mllagr." Latest Âo-' Horn Purniture ch. ua 01quisioii-*Yia sMr. An' If you are flot business. % r i 1m swanted viier. viii rer lie?" 3. R. Dady or phono00 foie ~t~mna ~dkÉ 1'Pi, Tonh I.! 1< Sa voe D~IIved'wd S COMPM? Thes Stylish Fait Suits at ~12.75 art fully Worth $8 Mtroe Wben you can buy splendid new suite in the very latest styles, the newest materiale, and the wanted colora at savings utf5M. it urely vould aeem follv flot to taire ad- vantage of so unusUl Tonaorrh'd sale con- ista of 45 beautiful Suits that are taken f rom our regul*s * stock. Alil are in the Most clever styles, and the new faland winier coloringe are sbown in cheviots, gabardines, serges. wool poplins, etc. Alil suit coats have guar- anteed linings. A hosi of stylesfregular $20 values Warm Coats, the New Ètyles At this price we offer tbe largest assortmezit and greate@t value in coats that can be found in Wsukega n Every éboat we show et ibis price to- mIorrow i15ini tho newest style, alid are ex ceptionial y veil tailored irom the mont fashion- able fabrie in both plain and novelty mixtures. The price roppresnta about haIt their real valua for coats sucb as theze are neter sold for les- than $16.60; very &g"O9il geurdq, LAKÈCQOUNTYPS CAN Dl 0DATES $ 18.50 Tomorrow Witl Buy You a Stylish Suit Usually Sold for $25.0O bjovely styles that are endorsed by the most fashionably dressed women.- Materials are fine bfoadeloths, ga- badines, cheviots, and p'iplins, ini therýpular brown, green, navy and bar22charmiîîg styles &à%5 Saturday ............ Dressy Coats, Both Wafrm and Stylish, $16.50 New cape, college and fiare style uoalts that popular right now. The price 16.50 i. special for to- morrow, and the assortmnents com- prise many stuinuing styles that here- to fore *weré a qreat, deal higher. in price, tartan plaids, plain and novel. ty'miâtures. Very.spcal16,50 Saturday ......... LEW A. HENDEE County Clerk ELVIN J. OUWFIN Fo« Sherff PEAMY L PMl c ounty Judge $5.00, ý6.0 ad $700 Hat& in a Sale $2.98 Trimîned hais such as these are rarely sold for less than $5 to $7, but a special lot of 50 bats are offered here tomorrow nt the low prie. ë'df 2.98. 1 New shapes'atid',rieb trimînings ini the' iashion4ble voloriiigs aud combinations are ineluded iii this Wondea '1 offeriug. Every h&â ib à retdlica of the more expeun sv models, veryspffld $aturday .........I29 $250 and $3. Untrimnmed Hats $ 1.48 Charmin g shapes of plush and velvet in the popular shades j3oth large amd malI styles in the assort- men. _________ad_.00-vaues_______..........10 Boys' and Girls' Rose, Girls' Flouce Lied Warm Gmgt IM44,# Regala 18eluality Vos ad aabs,17c[ ad'eumSê.- Md double The regulËr 2e h ér oy ad îw- î ROSI. LEE MoDONOIJGH For Count y Treasurer Vote The Straight Repy bl ican kket ITU -:s 0AlYl NO V. a3tP ,1914 -"4 --t Pavet: iv. 'elc

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