LX]COUNTY tNDP FRIDA W&TOE 0 94 InTh*bU oVoi rO oRi T- MUlMu iu~ Â~ MA8UB - IMUNBO GRAHAM SHxURTLUPY LimlUig Maoure Wjk fUr Woflwn lni FectoriOetcM. tao 0moure, ]O I'Not Rs.ord dNot EOrde4 Anti-pfafl 11 -FOR 1 AGAWBT 1IAGATS bill Autferlxlf. osySorst Aporct oy for Crop 701 ot Ià<orfflFO BR» to ROPUI L CtvlÎws G8~FUiÎ;AGýAEL pporati of e*Ii sI-ElecContiesta AG MT 1 8K Not El» Permittlng Ouli~lno oprtonus AGAInIT ORNot Recorded 1 ,cean f aI-a îrf*eo f Leglelator-frot m A00u t PAC.OO IÂG X O { FOR Blsting Bill______voitI GANI flOPR Saloon Liceuses A T IORFOR ha Sla4.W pw r tevoerhs oÀ to e aulate ds ase ofintomsles*l or in ltuylfIl dos m t cange the . statu. le as enabmm gad giving the. peope la a County the right te decil. the. question fortlim- -Tht record of the vote ia found inRoe Jourasi on page 128L.Vote 66 for, msld 18 Munro For; Grab-m Aginit; Shurtleff popular vote of maui resideatial ditrict which would be free rati eetiSa of the saloon. A numbretof mrýgilj r quesasd through ltse Bouse by 77 votes, wvith 68&againat.Tii. record 0f Ibis will b. found in Houae Jomalip egemL~ Tii. Senate amendaI th= IIia~4 Portah!tiettiarand Speaker Xln 'r-preven 1 tI from coming u p atain in ils Houa. Tii. Bill di.d on the Sp.uuer-a aesc. 49=0£9 ~Er;,.GrauM Aunt ,br= Nt Recorded. rrbt ggBiule, o? -Làqm o -W'tu. dents at lte Mlinois University. Hjoua. Bill 215. The. titI.eft liiimeasure la seit-explana- tory and the. record of the. vote la touaI in Rouse Journal on page 279. The.BBll pasaed 90to 52 and is now alaw. ..1 Munr For; Graham Against; Shurtief Itot R.corded. Consttutional Convention. Smate Joint Resolution 13. Tisa Resolution calaI : for submtting te tWieopetiie question of whthtr or not 1hz, wvlnuel a Convention, for à new Con- two-thirda votei, the ReslV#on laful ýOf passage- Munro For; Grahama Against; Shurthff PrMsnt Nt Véotwg Homua. uiijt.. the first attsmpt onthe Pat of. the. Sate Illinois at mi ýO I p$ ý-.'tii. mes e - 0 'by 34 tii. rôriïf endon page 10 tti Houa. Journal. mhftr For; Grabaen AîaInat; Oh~il~ Agaitat -, 'Z'- Houme Bill679. Thé. "Gool Roada s 1 b en Sof no aval uh appros atoM.a ek* e i 'the vote le found onpwo, XM4 o etiHOba JournaL )KMinr P ér; Gru For; Shuztrm Senato BilD 5M. Apumbuer. o! C#WtI n Illinois a*uesiy4i operatlng eletrie llght pilante, tlp& plants and gai planta wit*iout layddl aüthor- thellouas 111 tbolafotnd on 1a 921 of the oa ora à[unr o Fr; Graham For; Shurtisif Not, Recorded. Boardo ps a Equafraton bai been the objet ofatcI for.a number of yeffl. Every rty plat- forai urged its abolition. TM MU Ipass.d the Uouse by-a votesof 79 to 45. Homs Journal page 1465. The Mmwre to vote ln the Senate, it bdà agl the Co"- mittee gMunro 1Por; Grahara For; Shurtlef Not wonian'a SU~Rp. Senate Bil 63. Tjaa. BMI.graatsdto, ý msu-the.right te vote on all except eoenatitionally namied ubilficias and on al public questions. Billd the Houm. by a voti of 88 te 58 ad record la found on page 1414-e wMm for; Graham Not B.,corded; Ohu~taifFor. This Bill méda a ropriation for a Com- niittee to invuia.ti crooked elections touaI, on UA"n*0 M tii. .I*oua.Journl Muniro Pr; (rhmAginut; Shurtîif For. Corrupt PractieAd. Houa. Bill 914. The. purpose of tlila 10 wai te prevent the. ezpenditure of large sunof omoneyby candidlates for publie oUIpsK It 'waa de- manded ln all party ilaUeraaa, It neyer cameto a final vote. 1%@ oely record-of how the. meaibers tool on thia nusuris found on Page 1878 of the Roum, JoçW'uxaL er. the. question arose, whsn thé Dii*as on second reading, by'mion of, John'Mc. Umlali, o trkeout thiae th.BUi Munro Fo;_,Çxrolmm Not Recorded; Shurtieff Not Recorded. House Bll 907. This important measure gave a commis- sion pouWer tu regulate ail Public Utilitie.. Itpased by a vote of 88 te 27. House Jour- Munro For; GrahAéi ?or; Shurtleff For. Intdati'e aüd Rfelrendum. Senate Joint Resolution 17. Tua' Resolution salhelfor aubmitting toe i.peppls tii. quselnof iwhether or not they would amnenl their Constitution by rnang aprovlion for the1. & PL Final b" ' ot4mdppg. h oa measure wag not effective becg l&r'2 votes were necessary ai rquirelby tii. Consti- tution. On a Prevoüé voteon tlies amne question, 101 memibers voted for the Reso- lution. Munro For; Graham For; Shurtiiff Againat r. ý1, I Leglalative Reference Bureau. Senite Bill 274.--dsfrapemnt This meaureppvî.e.fo emnn bureau te give information te the members of the Legiaaur n othepgblig concern- ing matters 6!l*éio.~>liÎmry duty in te, tabulate legiaiton jýiassel n other states and te pr.pape Inesaures ut the. re- *.qtest of any citizen in the State. Ti.meus- ure pasaed by a vote of 100 ta 9 and lin110w a law. Munro For; Graham, For; Shurtiefi Against. Llmitlng Hot*r otWoitrk r'Women in TactSl* Iftç.,, o 9 Houri. House Bîlli 82, etteint. The. acope of ibis meaiure nsaedi h titis. It pia.d the.Nouse-by a vote of 86 te 6 and the record in found'on page 1932 of the. House Journal. This Bill was amended te death in the Senate, where a provision striklng out tht ,prqsent ten-hour per day limitation waajse 1Mun". For;o Qr.kam .Not Recorded; Shurtleff Not Recorded. Ânti-Paaa Bm. Senatg ffl 32 1Mprvn Tits 'measure, 'ud ba.lÈned railroad companles Itm i, ng f ree trans- portation te public officias Similar bis hlbeen introducol in lhe House itbré.bu ai arulehliedbenklil ta partienlar BillpaWUeleu on the. Spasksr's tabirrlmtbr of the. Blouse signal a petition te have the. Speaker, brlngitup,buthoef,, .-TlIe on*-time the Anti-Pass Billcailb? a voe was on a motion whlch, ina ar ylpuae wasswhet orjiot, tt Iouaý wo"tliii up and co alder' thé. Anti-pas- bMessure. This motion failed by a vote -of 49 to 76. Th.e*wd.-of l2t&.WoMeinafound on pagë 1969 of the B ouse Journa, l 1 ob -, ý- Auti-pasa , isastOb- taiulthrflii ~ttrmes re where, by favrbe osrutofree transpgrtation la now abolihhed. Munro For; Graham Against; Shurtleif El» ÂuthoeiMn 00" ty~~dato p- propriate Moùqfor panc Imp voment, 1Aaaoolatln. Houae.IB111219.' The.aceffloi.this meaaure in stated in its titis. Il pusd by a vote of 78 te 0. The. vote la touadi n Houoe Journalpage 1880. àmunr For; Grsbare Not Becorded; frienda of Civil Service won out by a vote of1 91 te 43. Hous Journal page 899. Munro Against; Graham For; Shurtleif Againat. Appropriatton of $W,000.00 for lectonCots. Houa. Bill 922. This money was used to rèimburse mem- bers of thie Houa. for contesta concerning their smata. Most of the contesta were speedily dismissd, but lawyerg;' tees and ex- penses amountel te $65,111.06. This -waa an unwsrranm. raid upon the State Treas- ury. The i 'ufl ed by avote of97 to12. 0f those voting for the measure, 66 received a part of il out of the St*te Treasury. The record of ti vote ta en page 1893 of the HousJourba Munro Against; Graham For; Shurtîif Not Recorde<L Xilan Harbor Bil. Houa. Bill 38. The purpoae of this meaure was te dr.dge Lakte Calumet by fund, from the public treasury, iactdentaily making the. propert>r of the. Pullman and Knickerbocker Ice Com- pany of great value. This Bill passed the Houa. and Senate and was vetoed by Gov'- ernor Dunne. A similar Bill wu5 etoed by Governor Deneen. The record of the vote is found on page 744 of the Houai. Journal., Munro Againat; Graham Not Recorded; Shurtîcif For. Bill Permitting Consolidation Corporations. (House Bill 816) It was genrally understood that titis Bill was. in behalf of the linternatio lierveslter Company. It lbas been beforeltii Houa. at different sessions. Il was defeated by a vote of 49 to 60. House Journal page 1438. Munro Against; Graham For; Shurtleff Not Recorded. Increase of Salaries of Legisiators From $2,000 to $3,500. (Houe.. Bill 241) The purpose of thia Bill ia fuliy atated in the. titîs. It is commonly cafll. a '1Salary Grab." The Bilpaaed by avot of Sit 6o and the. record is fpund on page 1969 of the Houa. Journal. it falied of passage in the Senato. Munro Againat; Graham For; ShurticiT For. Blasting Bill. (HouaesBill 588) This Bill was good on its face, but wîth ulterior. pprposes In view. Many innocent mnembers voted for titis Bill with tihe ides that It Was a humanitarian measure. il, pass.d the, Houa. by a vote of 82 te 14 and the. record thereof is found on page 1393 of thé. Houa. Journal. This mesure 'Was de- feated in the Senate. Munro Agaizwt; Graham For; Shurtleif For. Saloon i:censes. - - (Senate 8111 501) This measure passedl the Senate and came te the Hous for final vote. Tii. purposle of the Bil l Wu te change a saloon licena. inte a property rlght. The Bill came up for final conileration thtres times in"tii. Houa., but on ici ocaall~kmoton o otponement for furtiier consideration was carried under the gavel. There ia no officiai record of any vote on tis fi. Tii. record is taken from other sources. Munro Againt; Graham For; Shurtleif For. The !oregoing record le coinPiled and the ezpenses of psbllhlgan rt 1ns Il are PaiLd for by a non- =11 =41,ther EP» .tos»tdv roted and lot theui. dee tocà ItWeslyevb n to their musi, Efl~iA AU» NEADUEBE li. tudenteet heýlnola Univ.lltY FOAGIB FOR FOR 2 . I FOR gaeVote Frauds '?OR ÂGAMBTI FO iNot ucïrdiwot. FOR 1ilFOW! v. cattli order tu of À ýrohibi a of 1 rbieh 1 f the y, the *tuber ,and ' with " TI ped 1 gor d meaxu Unend lsitua 0 Of i ber rer d it itres with t cataai1 mga dit Lhtole Jý-l