Pé4 gt _ __ _ A DVERTIS IN G RAT ES 5c per line eacn insertion Laesthan 6 fine S, 25c firsi insertion + FOR SALE F0OF use o Surit FOR hous. mien -(,;Or. + Wa bave a number of fine hornea for salaor reet. Dy mouti& Austin, Liberty- Ville. c2tI . FOR SALE-Oua Parior Bester aud i mrail Beat@r irs. M. A. protine. c2tf FOR ALE-410 Par live W ild Geee Decoyo. $75 Bay Marc, 1100 Ibo,. sound. gond worker. C. Zeis, Everett, 111 C52ti FOR' SALE-Good Bard Coui Bave Berner Baesting Stove. The Citizen@' Bank, Ares. C2uf FOR SALE-One ight horse power Internationasl gssolineeangine on trucks, neariy naw. i i be aniS on tee daya free trial. Inquire ut the Long Grove Mill. 3c4 FOR SALE-OIiioiis at $1 10 s bu, Beete ut 75e bu., CAàrrote ut 75e s bu. Csbbare at 2 cents a Pound. i i deliver ln Libsrtyviile aud Ares or ut ny place % mile wst af Liberty ville. F. W. Bcblicktr. v3tf FOR SALE m- Registarad BROWN SWISS BULLS; ame tram high-pro- ductag cowe and et right type. .HAW THORN PARM, P. . addresm Box il. Hawtbere Fare, Lake Couety IILOis8. Oct. 9-WIily 4t FOR bALE-Che@ter %ibite Boarr, Gis ready to ship and sure to p We ,,lfr the ick of Our sping cri pige. lt.gotratinn panera f rée. A neinher of S.C Whte Leghotrn Iock Thos W. Esger. Mgr . The Ositorn Area, lit. Phone Lberty ville 271N FOR SALE-tluroc Jersey Bogs- Iy pring pige of both sexes and yearling bears. Ail tromrn I mnws and by matured boare.1 THORN FARM, P. . sddremi 11, Hawthora Farm, L.ake Cc Illinois. Oct. 9-Wl CORN FOR SALE-I bave eght, bundred hushbels nif gond ear corn tan sat es of fodder oore for @aie M'ýCrdy, Libertyvilie. Phone 301- FOR SALE-Pure bred Poland pige, both sexes, ut reai-onale1 Alert.stahi, P. 0. Prairie Viel Phone 257 J-2 Libeprtyvilie. FOR SALE-1 Holstein Bull, 14 e nid. Phone 308-R. (jeuoKoin, ville. FARM FOR SALE-Bargain, 12 JLake county farn, tilner, 111, ouli an acre.BSeialatii couniry. be eoid by liecember let. For pi lare writP. i'OClirtttt1 & MCluer, Bryn Mawr Ave., ihiairo FOR SALE-Fairbaek s-More (Il Engins, ;) b. p., in good c<nditioi be @nld cbesp if takén hy Decexel Ccaffe "n le operation at 1ndet office ut any tim. FOR 7ALE-n 2-eal -id bigk Holstein and twoyeartiieg Holetels Baiead on psae r. W. Go6 mile n.w. o Ares. FOR SALE-Baled Timotby and Alaia. Potatots.Go.CWii vife. Phone 265-J1. FOR SALE-A ernaîl Stewart nearty 5w. Inquire thîs office.* FOR SALVL-Five Poland Chinai Chester White Brood Solive 'tho out pigo, aeo aeonue yeur old Chies Boa,. Ail ni these of gond Ieg. Phlone 14-W-1 Round i sddreee Lee Rumon, Round Lake, + WANTED WANTEO-Have purcbeselu, 19 to 80acro larnm. W rite @a pwrticelare. No agents. Addra. lbtdspendet offic~e. WANtT D TO R E NT - Fa rmnior ba.l»Dmg Marcb lat. 0Uwner 10 ambloWl. @tai. Cen gire hbt ç am.. Addreq the ledependent. Aply at ouait. Euperiendent pr.. Mifllag Compan, Rondot WATo POm tu dobo OlM W ot A ddau IL peaue rp oi iso a kerele Farm, mil e4ti A four 'a old HAW- aBox ýounty, 'kly 4t or t'-il aie, .J. 5P2 China Priepm. >W, Mi. 5rh3 monItho Liber- 6e3 28 acre ly $125 SMut articI- 1105 e, will ]r let. pendiet ti b grade ln BIlle 68e, 1ý t'Pl d baleki Liberty. 6p2 range, Qc2 or witb- Poland id hreed- Lake or or frofe es R. A., c-2-tf ,n obare. ) urnisb 01 reier- ly wark. ;Arcady ,ut. Oci cSework Stick. Mc Bal Mi ........... + FOR RENT + R RENT-Largô front, iurnlmhed ,for light houmekeeping, with free of kitchen, Corner Third street and ributt Court, or phone 184).J. c5tf Q RENT--Two large moins for 1ight .ekeeping. Frnibed. Mrm. .Iarnem yock, fjrchard e'ret. C611 RENT-DÀtonisud t'obrilfor two nor morne for llght hougekeeping. rThird Ptreet sud Burîhut Court, o blocice eouth of Macaroni faetory. one 180-J. eOtf MISCELLAEO'US + ONEY TO LOAN-011 lmrnpmved rpal tte. J. S. 6RIDLEY, Firet Nationsl ik. C-24 .RRVy IF VOU ARE LONELV-Tbe RI !lable Coniidp.ntl o urc,-u.. lb a large bueiber o weitiyeiibere- bers; of bath sexes., wisbing early marri- ffe. Desceription free. tirs. WrUhe, Box 26, Oskland, Cal. -- M u M. t.A 001114TY IN.DIWENDENT, MRIDY, OCJTOBER 30, 1914. RAM &,I~ iernait. nvidlous EltnttO'. FEW DÀU ff SUTS The employa Ioi uually much btter A. gentleman onea day approacheit (F Pleased than ounder the old way ba. the bosiery counter and asked: --Lt JN E A CAEcause now he le compensted auto- me ose scme ladies' hosierY." The t SIiW5IL AàIJII OF matically, whether hurt through hie floorman was astoelmhed ta hear the1 cTowe tault, hie fellOw employas' fanit clark reply. "Do you want it for your' *i~~i~55tWI~T or leaey other way. wif, or somathieg more axpeniver' COMP NSM O ACT The achadule ai compensation te al _________worked out tram the lose of a finger - ThisIs Gvenas te nesonor aya to the dismembermeet nof L SAETRNFI Snlimbeanad daath. There le early REL SÀT ÀNF S Ths sGiena ter ' eattlernexxt and ne long drawe out le- Furnshed by sWhy Some of the Lawyers gaI batlles with uncartain resuits. LAKE COUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. Appar athr Gum. Under the aId semr an Injured Abstracts of Titis. Titles Guarantoe.d. ________hr Gum employa hall te Institute nuit against Masonic Temple Bldg, Wsukegan. bis employa through an attoreey and _____ tus.<i the majority of cases ha hbad MEANS A BIG LOSS TO THEM promisme tha attorney at least one al!ai rge Iberg. lot -. liock 67, North1 ni ay drnaga h rnght olîct. Oct., 1914-P. J. Patten to Mary Personal Inlury Cases Areatn rate be tak lalonacan8ideration Pte,688arst soutbaast quarter, eto 7 l Recognized as Among the Evan If a Jury ahould raturo a verdict touwst Quarter1,0scto00.El the emPlaye alwayt appaaled the asea owhp. . C. $teMay,000. ,13 Most Profitable Cases. and the ltigatîon often tres was 'JPte taMrPte,13 carred ut fr svera yers ad I acrslu sections 29. 30 and 33, Ela Lawyrs e Waîegn a~weî asthe and tbe employa gat lttle or noth- t owf.l . W. D. $1. Layrsi Wuieg a el sClament Merriman and wife ta Dora elsewhere, have been bard bit hy the ingOccasionaliy therp. la a personal le- Goldberg. lots 8 ta 12, block 1. Deer- wo,1:man's liability Iaw. I Jury suit fiied hera in court but te theI field, and tract of land adjoieing. Q. Persanal lnjury cases between elrn-vrg. case It la again8tstmrn rail. C. $300.-1 ployer andemploya ar no araîy oa oany as the mnajoriy i C. E. Smith and wifa ta Paul Sev- plyrademly r nwarrthemad ectd core ofner cka end wtt , lots 45 anS 46, bock as will ha sean by a list of the casas1 the new 1mw. 6, Dreyer's subdivision, North Chica. an the court dockat. This condition It ta because of the extmting coui. go. W. D. $350. has rasulted becausa most ai the arn- ien that tha lawyer te glaomy and E. J. Vattnue ta0. C. Bruhîrnan, ployars and employes elect ta worki why the courts have net so mucb bus- Iota 1 snd 2, hiock 14, Port Clinten, undar the terme of the new law. The loe8ss te ersçpaîi njury rnatterm as Highland Park. W. D. $7.200. ernployer Il e rleved a great deal ha- ioiiflaly. O. C. Bruhîman te C. C. Collins. causa ho Imeures hlm haip anS whan lots 1 sud 2, bleck 14, Port Clinton, an accident occure, turne thea daim Independant reochesalal pouts In Highland Park. W. D. $1. ever te the liability cempaey for et-1 Lakea County. Oct, 19, 1914.-Ada Z. Adarns ta REPU BLICAN MONDAY, NOV. 2nd AT THE arm a AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M. WAU KEGAN HON. JAýMES E. WATSON 0F INDIANA One of the best speakers in the United States, WILL SPrAK. OTHER GOOD SPEAKERS EVERYBODY WELCOME Rememnber, this is the last, Meeting Of' the campaïgnq so don't forget- i the date 2nd Chicago. W. D. $1- MÂRRIÂGE LÔN U Estate of H. W. ButIlck (deceasedi) to illam own lo onwem aie 1 Belle Lout, Grand Furka, N. D...24- teWilim ow, otonwet id o iHJalmar Maki, Waukegan.... 27 Butrick otreet north of Wasington 1 Emma A. Meintzer. Deeriield .... 22 ereWkegn Q. C. D. $1. j Alfred Werner, Milwaukee ....45 stee. nean IEmma Wall,sme . .......... .. Walter Hornuth to eamuel Hornuth,! John M. Moore, Watertown.. lot ln village of Barrlngton. W.D4rc .Dnmre...... $1,000. Theo.dore. C. Misslitz, Racine . Estate of P. Hohenadel (deceased) Harry A. Drewm, Milwailiee ... 23. to, E. J . ruce.185.2 cres n ot.., *Al BUrn. same..........l 1 x The New Clothing "'-tore, at Libertyv ille, Illinoisi Bell System The Bell telephone protects home and family. In case of sudden illness it will brdng the doctor quickly;- 'n case of fire or other danger it will bring prompt aid at any hour of the day'or night., Bell sen>,ce is good insurançe. No home should be without a. Bell telephone. Chicago Teleph one Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephoos mi MONAY, Novembe T. A. REYNOLDS, r o p r i e t o r mm"m- ýf west quarter, section 25, Avon town- Mabel A. Johnson, sane....... . 1 ship. .Deed, $21,3288. Walter J. Klein, Milwaukee ...22, T. C. Monroe to Frank and Clara AIma Petters, ane............ 19 E. Lawson, lot 38, Oakland subdivis- George Wiihmann. Mlwarltee .... 24 ion, Grayalake. W. D. $195. Anna Selber,, mre ............. 24 October 21, 191 4.-A. A. McMIlla etCarles Uhi, Libertyville.... 25 ar.d wife te John Beck, lot on West Ethel McDowell. Marinette... 30 side of Westerlleld Plac., Grayâlakr. Willam H. Nathan, Chicago .-36 WI D. $3,000. Rcbecca Unger ane.......... 26 F. J. Baker and wife te Publie gs1r Laurence Goltra. Chicago ....22. vicc Co., 8 10 1-3 fi. E. 80 ft. lot 10 .,usuta Wielae.smre .......... 20 h:ock 7, Grayslake. Q. C. C. $1. John L. Territ, Chicago ......... 27 Chas. Sibley and wifp to p. G. Beera. MMarlan Warrner, sarne............ 23 N. 1-2 lot 2, block 3. Sbady Nook suie Aifed Nelson, Chicago......... 24 division on Lake Marie. W. D. $60û. Catherine Stewart, Madison...19 J. E. Brook and wlfe to Edward Arthur E. T. Blrown, Chicago... 261 Brook, S. 3-4 E. 1-2 N. E. 1.4 scti.on Caroline Flugel, ane. .... .2d,, 3.1. E. Antiuch township. Q. C. $. JoReph B. Proster, Mion City... 4 W. B. Smith and wlfe to Gco. Pris. Mary A. Poster, smre............. 4 tar. lot ln N. E. 1-4 N. E. 1-4 section William N. Steffen, Highland Park.'- 28, Vernon township. Q. C. D. $2) atharine C. Powttrs, Lakte Forest. Hlannah B. Johnson to Emely Ne].-%ILrvin A. Shoemplier. Grand Raptde22. son, lot 9, Hubbard's subdivision nfIdaO K. Ililger. Mlwaukeea......... 19 bic&'i 33, Highwood. W. D. $500. ,Joseph Ewig. Jr.. Mlwaukee....21- E. A. Cumminga and wlfe te mary Helen Detgan, sarne ... ...........18s M arco. lot 9, block 15, Wa a(gan Samn H. Blemenfeld. Milwaukee ... .21. Highlands. North Chicago. W. D. $250 Freda M. Schrarnm, ane....... 20 ttridget MeNamara te Hamr D John Becker, Milwaukee ....» Ycung. E. 36 ft. lot 9, block 8 -Smith ýAIin McCoy. Chicago .............2t andJ Adams addition. Waukegan. W Lewis E. Fries, Waterford, Wis ...2& D $1810. j Ida C. Erlcksgn. arne .......& We. are receiving Fal and Winter Gooda *iý al lfines ready to wear .for MEN and BOYS Rt id îiu'î~suit.. and O<)Xoats. sUiit t I o i f> tîl. rfî-olin Ile *~ ~ .-~~andl Bo S*Faîî llixvin- r..,. ,.. Fine lires Sliîîts and 1"atinel Wc lie.tll,' hlie t-v e b hr a t e d lIailu4-S Tr -ris r.. Iats andl Uaps». ( aov ntiti Miltfeli. 1. ekwear and A rrow (tîl hrs. Bootuis r'id l hteS iin ai igrade. Nlt-li's antd i BoyS' Swatr(tas <)tt l Ja-k et s, Vi asti .'lltier,, that hlie Iri .Ns l11it ..Il d-, %NIr tu, veat airtore.