éiîm6isd by Dr. Oout« if Wauk&e a aM6 allé Dr. TOUng0 ~. ~, ~wer vititit dmis Upiuuuasa111WUn- 1310AI~J~AI~M aN " and Pennock t hu ad ditrné a have beau piacl ades fiuaalmbm. I4EO~IA M 1tIY aÀfiJS Pauidlag and Ambro.. Wall an c who aboiil go about wltii the sceo lot.vislting erery home and laforni. 'Munro Bate Graham- in Boonengtep â* a uiste h But OGo'a8 ln871 Lak8<0e verybody lain,.-houft. veinatelmi. and MoHenry c*ntles. nedit.ly, th" *roimid place Ireir - bob is. udêfqiiranhne and iteep l on VOTE ON LEC(SLATORS. th.le toi't lweaty days. 1%.y v.r, aso toiui that la tios ehurt'fIVlck'eêueitmmunro et** Wîmevaccination wasode! Lake..44«!/, 372664M Ul!/ ecolts, the childieen could rêhuru MAclrinry 0M1 ' UP 3M54 jè* to aciodi Moniday vien It lattane. leon.. .. 3Uia 378 ~ suloL. Non. exceptiag those vaccin. - - - *t f alU viibe permtted t10 retua b TOTAL& 14637 140706 179 0747 10tomoMaday. Above la, shov thie vote on ltef$Mr cadidate. for li tthe ulatur&ýin-l the Elgittidistrict, omplling Lait Boonne ad Mcllery .10.41. As thiree ver@ eledIed, Il shows lImaI Shurtimf, Viciter ad Graham. on out, Munro 1éIsi the Io* fman. Sinrfleif. as usuel. wa" lgh ipen, but ihow,as i 0nomuch Ilaithelea as ln former yerse..Graaiet eSim filket la laite counay. while "uro va aecond. ihurlefand 'Jickierouïa a caserace ila Mcfeary. Sidtipul beating vichere thiere by leus fln »00, ile Vicitere beat Shunhie!! i Baon, b, aimost 80U. .- fluaro béat Onaha niatamoat tva .u~ one ln Bonne, but(Grahami gai 40Ô more thsanMuaro la 1.cfenry. vlic, a11,1 te i bi g iead in Lake o0ual71 Maie hi- bond Munro iy 8W0 ln die district, SMALLNX cA Supervisors and Two fhysi. clans Are Making Tbrough Investigation Today. Anether Sho iel Tke Oo. cioilcaw o i Mlwmubef rosd nortit of Wtokegan asclose db y lthedirectara l'ueaday *f.rn,*M. Il v as dous e a aImevea- tîve m»nri, tiovever. sud tMbe- eausq aMy of thi e lla bave iqea cl- poSit te amlpox. For the »LitwIo -wepti, itheteecier, %issRachel M. Q.Xv o tva wecits &go forbude her pm'ûgo te ZMoa City deapite tie tact tati may of lh, parents belong te Vvtives aith. Tiiere are tvcaty- tivo puptia l lithe scicol. The dimec- taoe 1.04. tuàt under the.circuln- etsthe safe vay vouli be ta close lie admool for tic preftsa. iIPf STRM! A tiundren stanD la Mveipier! ,%t nldeiglutoùcioNvember 1-2. en au imaxtne lui Cen you bént aTn'.wiat bit Waukefaa Moaday ,wd* t tel: 30 liutingMii about on.' eOlcSa'khe timorrnsg Th lite mt iis eo!thie iteM came1 VIehi tbder sean.te roll like on s sommnes a it. Thont camne ligit- nai, tlibMe inaland tire ver. ev anaI gist of vis as vell.la frt, 'ba5nder storm, mont cunai for tuas Waukega. NOV. 4. flue 0f yoar. Supervisor Conrad of Walzéau Tih. mld Wtie' aiofSaturday. Sun. and meculouth of Warren tIdl. mnt dey antd Monday tiieretore saw a eli- lag~~~~~~ ~~ wttot.Sludn. onr'mu la u ifreak ltom, for, at this ingwet t te Baudlnm'Conr.' iss rynr a&anow-torm Mould b achool distilct to tae radical ategl l mort urp@ect and more consistent tihe smallpox matter. They wero te- ?dy o lclady , da 911S811111111 ALE. b=oib n rcr oe Stat. Of Mlinos Conu oetLake. i. ln the. Circuit Court of Lak. Couaty. Otober Termi A. D. 11114. CHANCERY NOTICE. josesph Lelat, va. Mary Lelat. et ni. fiateo! Milnois, Coucty of Lehe. s. ln Cbancery, Oui. No. a"1. Crcut coirt of Lake County. To Public natice te hereby siven liaIt te Denamber Tenu, A. D. 1914. byi virtue of au order Lad decres en- John Page va. Eama Turpça, Ed- tered ln te above entltled cause, lu ward EL Turipa, John &. Paiton, Trima. the. Circuit Court of Lake County, 1111- tee, Riehard Nyman and Humda Rajala nolmu. ai the October Terni, A. D. 1914, Mathiu. lu Chancery. Ne. 7090. on the. lad day of November, . K 0. The. requilite affidait for publics- 1914. the. ubderalgaed Mnter ln Chan- tian iiavtg béen led la the. Office Of cery of lie. Circuit Court of lui.e the tienkoftheieCircut Court 99Laii Couaty, Minois wiii sii at public *ut> CunMy, notice in therefo,. hereby gtv- i 'on to thë igi;est and best bider for en n thie eaid Emma TUa'p9a., Riard cash, on Mondi#, the. 7h day of Dé,- 12. Turppa 4oha R. Fulton. Truilue, ember, A. D. 1$14, et the. hour of one fRichard NYman and fluimde. Rj"l odelock l inme ,Llecooên of aad day Mathàn, tint the. above »aied Dons- aiet t ",E do«i of ltheCourt Honse. 1pWl.inaf retofore bled iii Bill of la theii fo *autegasm Lake. Coimn- Compiit lpa aid Court on the. Cha- ty. inisl. lthe foliowiag desorubel 1 cery aide th.eof. ad tiat à anmmona promis.., attuMed la the (Jointy of thereupon tasued out o! sald Court Lats and State cof Minois, to-wtt: against the, above namel defandants, The. WIMet aof the -Boukhwest returmiable on the A ret day cf the. term Quarter « Set»on Thirtr4wo (32.) la of the. Cir'cuit Court o! Lakte Couaty. Township Porty-thm ree(43) North. to We bell et the. Court flouse la Wau- Rang e Reven (11) Mut of the Thîrd kegan ln al Laite Couaty. on the fet Priht4pai Meidiait, la Lahe County, Il- Monday ot Oscember. A. ". 1"" a Ilnols. containiât eighty (80) acres in by iaw required. and which suit la of land more or lent. stili pending. Dtd at Wauit.gs, IMinuois, thla LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. 4th day of November, A. D. 1914. Cierit. H13WARD J. NEYDDBCKER, Waukegan, Il., Nomember 4th. A. D. Mtter la Cbanaery. 1914. Beai. H. Miler, Sollottor for Coin- Leslie P. Ranna, Complainantes g- plainant. w ýkiy Nov 1-18 80 37 lkftor -I-Nv 6 13 2# 27 JUST A FEW OtNflM..1ES Day by day throughout the year we study to make thia as good as possible a place to buy ail the varied articles that a Jewelry store handies. We are encouraged li thé belief that our store is today a better shopping place than it ever lis bee à. For that reason we request that yeuti k witli us about anyt]îing yon tmay be needin.g i o' varis lUnes-tio matter what-no matter wvhen. Yoîî wifil ind ail our s@ketions very eomxpeteCOur. qiualities the be8t obtainable, and our priées as low as first-class goods can be sold for. Wè Invite you toeta ' wtl us at afly lime-that wè cati ho of servie bYeu. LÂt C M OUTPV TINDEPENDTII" RTV fiTfJi ~19 14 t *~Ç go danituroiria tuut it i.le aiing every past; 1 broya gelding, 3 year a st; tion Six (4), la Towaship lPorty-!our oirr me precaOýut o e0 tanip It out. 'q brown mate andi colt; i hay mare (f4) North of Range Illevomi (11); tl won Ibis *6j»j causeri the drastie and colt; 1 hruwn mare, 13 years IdPEsateof the Thii'. Principal Meridian; net K cio! qiiu&tring il t'4 nion .tock w elgit 9610 Ien: 2 poules, i cre..m c1:-tiecSouth on the towa lae Twenty- 1yaLM*I tat, place. or. 1 bM'wn, 2 years oid. tira(22) chaînaesamd Tlirty (3o>linkse; (IIR ASPIRANT Th'rle seeme sot thi.'slgiltei3t rené.- IG-- brood sowr . ..tience East Seen4teen <17) chaîns. riaiiulihJon to doubl litaI th, .Irîdemie wra NACHINERY-z wagons wltli box- and Nlnety-four 194) links; theace brought int ULie o iuîy by the lu- es; i1iiilo wagon;:1cora hInder; i North Twenty-two (22) chaine and' Carries Lake and Cook Coun-ý troduction of esposel catI! f rom grain bluder; 1 corn pltanter; 1 eeed- ThIrty (30) liks. and Iheuce'West ty Ends ofDiottipI ~ Chicago. Shouli ail th,. ca-îîe wiio cr: 1puivenizen; i walkiniuocullivator; svnen<1>can mptey aveice exose bc u-' ii ! ic idig citVator: t manure spread. four (94) liaits, 1tiith place of liegla-. atlve1y Ratio. dIsease the condition wouîî rne P. er: 1 gang plowr; 1 bieakine p io;ang cOltainlrik Forty (401) ar.'vrof tromeiy serions. 'iTse disease ln sucir i lay loader, Bide delilv.ry raie I laa more or legs. VOTE ON CONGRS. an instancominuit spread Io ai partts dellocrel wagon: 2 Pair boti-llgh: 1j fattd iat Waukegan, Illilnis. Ibis 4thi F.. <R> 7,04.of tue couaîy.lilght sUnreY; 1 drug. I car;t, tringle r1ay ro! Movemr. A. D. 1914. Watena (0.) 12a. be hrntera: 3 sets double harns. Thme <ru) 90"I do't know wvItlaction the ettat.' FEED-500 shocitsof corn inaIdteld; EDWARD 3. HEYI)ECKER. Abave lu ebowit the. almoxlîaîe vetenitmarian viii tae.. tr. Smith de-.O600 buahels oûts; t3o rouastray tm:Master la Clarcery. vote on Congteusman la thi enti e hn utind Ihrcrr lm odngé.sonai dieth, the. abovefg Oti itain1ioi no iI fansnIgMillI; 1 aei'addle sud air. plainant. wkly Nov 6G11 m 2,î tires baîag complme.wîimtb th@ecep. Il a ma PI&My he ifaected ciltle as tICleS icO numnerous tb mention. Alj '-~.- tIOa of a fev PysIcts Ilute h. eiwllas tiiofthe m>h av' b, ineo. sms of tea dollars or rader cash.__________________ cao end oftbe.%[Ulcj. d have bep pJi nd mburied lame. Oood ba*#able notes. The vote ln laite Counly was dietely. Wbetkerv r liaI ts wii Ml. . CAt\A I ~.-.,I 'don@ in Lakte C09.t y 1amnnot la a *IS.0.K A>.N Wtr-18.position ta Bay autominatvely. It ta&es Snîdngd.ltl rns o--W ,~ Tipswon-i7u, 2-.days for tlime *liseeta develop sao d cîeniwP.. liing oth ln tie.ditic ontit ofItjCon ty, êXnfPtttaloira fW'mali proi4ct Chicago, the vote wap: lsa- ~ 3 41 Wateros-11,077. ThoomsoniO17. It la noticed that uhile Waters car- rled the. distiet by aomethlng lile 1,5 vote@ over Thomson, thât the latter beat the. democratic candidate close tii 600 Votes ln Lake county. FOo" carrl.d the, Cfflk couaty Pnd of the. district by practlcajly the. "me proportion that he carried Itke coun- tY. Waters and Thomsion lead Wateri handily ln [ake Couaty but Waters led hlm Proportionately th, saeam1,l the Cook Mtunty portion. TWENTY*TWO CASESÏ; ICOntlan.d trom eOu.on*) with regard to the, rate et moretaliîv. la some instance. it lu vsry kih &Pdai ,.a otiiers not n0 hish. The govern- ment, howevpr. conaiders the dieuse Ref. 8.00 silk Piti- Csti 1.59 A great sielection o! beautitui Mçssalinead- Taffota Silk Petticoata are nov on sale at 1.59. Ail beautîtul ne v ahides. our regular 8.00 vaspecial 1.5 we iv111 net kaov uantli the expiran or thaI lime Juat hov many (*ase wiii dpvPiop. 1 douht If the itate Co- fcers vîli be aile, telli muci abouRt mu.' situation fer tva or three days.- The dimunue 4s lis name lmpiic#s a!- fi-tg theue td aimeuh,.Of er! at- file. l'icera fona la the. morihh and sores acar tih ofs maie il difficuit for the animais to, stanud. Eî-ery ef- fort viiili e made te, cotia.' the dia- eau. thet 'carne. territory andI 11la holied that it yl bne po,.Iqthlp ta pre- veut the furtrher sprearl. l-l.nry Sine. Auctione.rý MASTERS SALE. StatA of Illiiols, Coeuty o! leki.. r la the Circit Court of iLake Ctinrî. ty, October Termi A. D. 1914. John Boirniana vu. Louis ttohrmanrr, et ai. la Chaac.'ry tien. No. 6846. Publie notice le hereby gvea that iy virtue o! an order and necree en- tereri ln tieabâve entitled carre'in the' Ctrcurit C ourt o! Laite Coraaty Ilinoirs, aI the Oetober Ternim. AD.i*1914, on thie 2nd day or November, A. D. 1914,1 [i AUCTION. lteerudersigrred Mashar ln (hanc.'ry of S liavlng rentel niy tarai. 1-2 mlle th.' Circuit Court of Lait.' (ouniy. 1111- C norti o! SpauldlasS'Corne.rs, 1I vil nois, viii seflat public auction tii the Brell at public Aution hîgrest and beat bidder for cash. un FRIOAY, NOVIgMUR 13, 1914. Moadar. the 7111 day o! Decemier,. A.t the folowiai prropérty: D, 1914, et thre Iour of one.' nelock Ii 49 iead of catUe, 2 Holsîein bullil.' aflernoon of saId day althlIe Hast I ful bloode; 4 apiaiers; 2 cows oorç i or lue aleC viti calves by ad:23 mlehc cava î? h Cu Hu I heCt 3 2yea cl i.Kea~s y'arînu: jof Wautegan. Laite Counaly. illisots. 6-monhs od calIs.1h.'foiiowing describeri preomiseq.,ait- 6-mEs-old cancol, 2ratedlin the Coualy of Laite and Sial.' 1-2SESeItrosa colti2ois. yeara I old: 1 hay dolt, 2 yesrs paut; 2 suc- Il las ovt ing colte. black,; I blacit mer..41 Comneaclagut lime Northvest cor* yeeasaid; 1 bleci geliai, 's y.ars 'uer o! lie Southirest Quarter o! 8., - AN UNmI kUAL SALIE, itexfl WeV eertaiîly-ean if they iîped hel piiîg. El P. inaitters îuàt what, the leteet may Lie, il' it is amen- ahle to aveînrateIv adjusted glasses 4we t-ami correét jifl'Or y'oî. ET It'xYOITII dutty to present yoîîrmelf teotîur opti- e.ai d"prti)cnit for treat- ment. Lt 's volîr dîîty to do so ai onoce. C, Them iÏ jjq OTÈ duty to àupply you with thle exaet lenseg to remonve ail the îînpleasant effeets tof ah- niormnal vision. InI~Ios Bos. Jeelrssu Otaon u Ebott t S wt*bKi moes m Extra heaTi' lanneJette long Kiewminlupretty liaht ond, dark colore, nvde0uipi, istin sud 1. 00Kmno special.....7 48 "SîiI"Sitsb at liaif Prite 15.00 WÉ ~HAVE just received from a manufacturer 48 "Sam- Vple" Suits which go on sale to-morrow. Samples, as you know are the very finest garments t4iat ànï manufac- à - ~turer produoes. They are the onies.by which cnmlë "those from Missouri" and necessarily t'ne aiffi~a it îs possible in style-in materials, in lhnifîhth mings. It's a wonderful opportunity for yo1I to-mrorrow and select one of these lovely st à eg larly seil at 25.00 and 30.00 for onfly PM7 Cpu'ftre reluadeuIt, oi 91 town custo- muets onpuhae o.00M or moe '0", erurb 1erbes S very Womn -e hould KùOw th' t fB iini tg thb Place to Btty C caf The largeat stoekfi of stylish coats are to be found at this store. No inatter what kind of a eont Vonl waiît, wc havýe il here at the priée you wishi to pay. nles. are speciaL values for Saturdav andd ncxt week - - ~ Be~ifu~. grm.ts that are Warm, serviceable, chariln ~ .ys I~fflt qiaî l lsewhere at this. coats that absolutely the latest; di~ Itfp8ttAI rc ew colora and rmateriIls. Basere ABadai V w ~III Mt - s,ý4ý"l g oqptl fIàoér guarsi.teed té #lve abelàt. oàisetcxm tie Tollet E > imacelin Bt isi- muk. 0 regfalar 5secakes for...................ý 5 Kîzg. "r 7 coruKmr Kme ~m~y pefosa.paOT 4I!Elj~TES( cv39C lee SEI4NlTLS-CvA, Ors) ........ 'S. .r~4m1t-nOW c b ei">; 8qurt-aov....... J-% 000 &LOP POAILS-(Covers),;9 -12qurl sie-ac........ 08. ~14 flU AN'-ee) 460 PfttltVYUKETTLi- 060 PSEWaVR KETtLE&-..5 (s trong h » 4» 10 lOcim eat The wouder alcaner f.rr ter % telr . Re.- mois. iheau4 - k~~car~.a fe..etsd b-andm cule "Baby Min beautifuLln. o hte gfplendi wamah on 'r-' ay*-À6».JW () , lui , 'f biýk" !jktd" . - 1 -, . Il. 1 e ý ý ý.. 1