nMVfLÉ * A latte? r m Dr. J. 1. Taylor Prost. dent of lthebrcgaimanageMent- of 44r.ç e - SI te 'Mîd1 lu wbt - . I SES hitathe omiuntî W4d0e a m* t " i &l<lfell bat 4tlaw nnt *a isb et' Propor' Athtl o buc b.ae'p lwm Us.1 Mm facto. qth0,004en <at blanel. The wrter has llved la Ubertyvllle cootiauouel for 20 years. an~d moiti, many Uimes during that perlod baol * board the wlsh expresad <bat wa Wt& a dutabJé a*U4ordubahiel WU diu hbu use fOr »uWléc gtIer4z a& 99*3 entertatlpiegtt aad isaq,.ot- tOLAflb the spd ot a lmée kàon- set Canaeqèmtly. wm!-é9t 4so ar ecting the building kaovzi U tbo'PineV Nioýnal »*k. b lt ldtapiovie the t0wnw?~?Pi ioa- & izil-.and -,ouWap« .tQ lhe 9spoluf the twin >r yeare W W .b»~wiag.well téot Il Ioidd be~ *VWiYex m beicre <ey would te- idiLsa-tsor, dledgbd en the lavuui ment. The reenît of their action ras that the people of' Ubertyvilllo had placed at Ileir dIspomsau an uditorium tlot bu been admoired b> vr ii <o>rý oou ssarouadlns torDe. But the place vas 'no ore a opme& lglre w found t~ 1vl lage board dld flot purpoe tpemi Ul Mm th ipl for a" Purpose -ef Our oua, rithout paying Ir a Uglt Il- .sse, mil8 SModenPi an ausable. àk&Ï"d*dBgt-mener ovmiiand. wÎed«e4 eh b t isw fto ol nto the ordlomm o nder %,*$>«t nh1 f z.mu ilnthet It wasont oser- S T rbu-tb.s net toi varte 1 PRÈSa àai ttt *00 vOnlve ttao ieporer ta collect the toi of ed*lu4lipgo the],m hi point PWr<Rytw aven ton - ,lhooaglci e, 74m t be r an&l- aùl"è flaw i, aotlngmore "t f 4m, ;O* dtwr 1 A.1e wm ar I. R..Y aaaiU&buè#Y wem onceg lia w eo t f î e'oam, M'Y ]P. o ttAa AS O fthe b <but b. ilSe. *e a- ai dt hbai* tisI a ieqe' c C7te s l. It oulaisainIlat if yaur y daguaes to plac a tix onthlie huals au the cettcapecity. It ebould exfit oa a basis of tise iumber ot Dghts Folao a.bâ tese lix on th. movin*' mai lisat roPit>maIe qiSyRedulsWssl* a ~ ~ ~ 1 ..q hb uet lu~ N~ 11Wftpur"."ca = "rýan dther *g'faileV do nol thial thatIh licens, sasoutid arbltrartly bha lsd .ne thé geating caisucty, regafflese of the tact thisi Dur hall ta a larg, hall uni 01y ha used -for eqte*taMimants, cta *rger claaae. . . ,,4 -' If ymur haubrtblh hodW *sU.vestiat dUlrIm 'leallftihai ha tted"aU- Its ast- 1ng capaclty. re are Dntlg Co have Il -toerlon the a sve pluS. <batle, on a aiutIng bRalu ttisregad ia-h aum- laid« ta lis5the, hall la upai fertise t lcuig of course. Use pursOaas ilch arfl exemptfoaplias i o r ordinalica. ai 50 e m llng ta gty a lutnp auma W0635.900per 'iar for a licepefor lise- hallilfor aUl urpoiae As sisoun hi the aboya atatd'ent. the hall taflot paying, andi rhen ve bufil it, re adflot expet <bat il nauld pay a bfg profit for several îears to comme, but ne wouId t east 1k to he glveis an oporls.ity ot holding euch oulus'- tainatints and amusements ln theh al e su ronilbriasg ne&tas.rtura tufficleat tu psy expensea anal the interest on ou ivestmenl at tise rate of- 5%. We belfeve <bat If al pereonal feel- ings and dffereisces are put utile. and yaur hsonorabboIMdy ivi la ok.aI thls malter on a buinesbsa , ob If *e Mst oa the vlaebo"i-aud yo trorte ii «RIerctise &Is. ud bai muade a large Invealment tharein, <al yon rouit> aae tise lustice atour cla and re-eoaLsidet'tAsléUe u atter andi pau an ordiuiaisca along the above Unes rhîch vould be fair and equit-- ia ta Us . ;-, Raupecltliy ubuitte&i u UBRITVIILE -AUDITORIUM, BU Jý U' A-YLo@R. Preldent. Aller Il rau Md. la opan board. the lîceass omnitte, adjasumredaio an ai- Jotnisroojuand la a shorstlimo aex- ei tise rritdr ta joln Siei. lkr. Sawe. eot,5 a. uiaomm. aul..d lit tWW~ "di -daadm<l-teamais, a compondum yal led ltsa.1, e,ailal Dot t iwu li -thât 1<a f'lt th- àe#»cm~l uae i.;utnpiÏt9 oqulýtbleuiM ras- *e Inil' eau M 1tisaw a -a.-e-position '40 'W4t~A0 usedo"seuaI <1i-ameetng. ils aller .<lIsgaverai local affalai *enitè 10tiStise hall lad lsef e r,. q*ltfd a au eailte anawr adaitisa jbd- ixi itbot t c a mott naatsgdeekd- ~'m Sem 0tw lis"s lop la.ho-ba. - à4I e vain aie u~scept a $g0o,* cego s.gen and tbld himnrhst re ha»A 1;7awàa a ' . .. R &l1w<b i* hp:S I oala e, -Rli e moM me 1 tIwz,1he a tiqd thb,. tterMWwub uoogu.but ijelmi ta ht b a ogdmle ? ia, ,le eoeee etiscli mattera, ad tisha <aitd lai 0. ;bat uno hanl lta 'tara cf Ibis aglu tiea p~ lssolieasi. anaithat bot"~0SsSUgéhe f.455,lM.laelleg ait Ue board rofl 1 -"Waw "Dýt & suvieS eAnd mudo et Do,"aaisqL1* A1 t Oume. Rtat iriktcAm8 use c~om aay nglaM:Ioktrabr aught a mi mautrtue ueteod A 41aéAy ki me ib iit < eua aMs aeb a inamtila Wri 66Ma 4 WhO ladhlutm ÜMhatg1* bW aâ t co l, tJUat- Thlw I*g, laucame. ",but boe, nd*bt e dw45& e t4QJjWo b»" ceptfdrtwo en ai tatise aOr4Aub algat aer et h»a veol â i d r<5sto aaJ4os~hd mel~nand "M.aakupla Boutd of Trustees oethe Milage o tai. 1<m uIte, up e!bml AsqpfI 4O>0 er oauvors±atot of ittUe fty,' 1m01 151V 154111but ln 19-iaedlayveaslg, 1 bei hi suit here- My et W4AtoeIse. la.4 Megisais i sa~temet of nvemmeunI on lOlismputg. k 4v»4-ess uathe% -AuditorIuM ed cOuli.- lreboise for t,*kngý b N wube., V" »Pff Of em. 0oAnd wat !effori #ebae imlai. tehmasi dlbmusn< yJI ,-adtalUêo tmd wib4f wSb be1i. RenI~ ~ ~ ~ :0 prpry,,,, ."~io 3tov..or aqI aur lltmuIo Equlpntnt1 1136 Peit. J. .tAYLOR. -$16191.36 Pésidenit Dardi of Directors,i IraiS f rom JuIY 1, 1913, 10 Joly Mlitus 11914. 53 lsighte . ....$.792.0 At th* end ofna apm.rw ava.plu Actl ffl gteW xpense: té*b. ira. scitb. wv oi ýf n't a W-1 1411 '....... 68.69 the svtem~bxsim i.petu. .. .. . ........... 4.14 Deioan9 Properly chargeable. -*et&i>cTm.i- ettJEper mo ...$ 60.00 01v. s l, 4.-giese bmivh S ïàmdIfllranee......100-0 0 ineAt bis vomI Rea'dom afptela làagnaIet 6 7 ........80000th* 9=4-ame Os-h. l*M do Ih boe- u....1256.93 .,* . a" se rom the above ...... t a rtsu ni ieaenft t o 'auemsoa esugo pgv100sUil>WM hâbve o rent hi the 'COUis. WD* ' oued I'bm re kv b4phle-edsatgala order to tIc. D*awg et -me «g .iaily, Im t0liy,'Oblo QImak- iou, Uusgid. waat*d a uberld s»@W C;Is= f' ef b&tthere oSu Of A. st&t$Mos.nt. blvons imue m-etwaan 'Ir al. ais£iah'ple ta S . , e 4 * j' r lobêaIfba ht 5WsiUggg1 à<~s N~ .Vuyis~e,>tednt.'sev-e it a th* hott 1<a1,4 hpa muferi"a1rom vïol. Uio~i<Ne '~ri.e~- irt *5»,dbatbatsa of' diéOueses - 'for- Yarda Aix free -mî apply0f iafagelad be baiathe cdy ta glt hln piéaned ofiiil ested Thura0daj aru. Jracnvud a elved ife. M«k WÉa t bt l andt e id s4h miai .M V. Jackson bd" gqâlUigu tl a I i~the lat feyrdsula t.iSOL. ied at ure semsil PrbsWem-ioera eflevila b. an-rt b lndand anglaud e u . aaucdas.t b A O.Laatéar prei- II e du I. eeciat *4erbua»M donI0 lb. &0IJnc lokardthe prie* ifl tu5bt ots r lie.ilhabt et ,: âp14iattserrbetcOî sw el lly dlelafactlag aU c ýhlâ.aafng prob . ii ablî I **ho buiera. &Il0h c"* e*tui 'Wsd0.ed, pafer. ionbberer M. A 'Scon,~~ ~ ~ 'déim.18 Ift». ealhber Ithu Cebè, don o e Un"lvdS'bys and 1 sve 1*e f ohrBÏ Hb stockoommueia thé wardawl e- F oreti t recealve caille for slaugbterU Tbu.rsdey mornlisg. inSecftion la Speedy. T E Ti tbey are ciena& the i nspection viin be completeai emultaeously iltisahe Win M tct uldotise stockera, ad Trýe^ n "', d 'e4 UvbsL Pa#a ensuti . esonti ead. Tiss p eeo bu temle f4w W thate cttletaugis«t lu fotru- h foi;hde, oOoperaUion et theafetats 5lhà4&sî ' Ù1othaer polinteara quar- aghal ecoainty, la tbeïl. qtwt WNdiodbOt f lm dulit < &the total iuierba.deira te ta0t-4a ]h'=. rtis the t", arepoaneai for * dew Stthe yude.' spreadiag of the foot and mola Ais the raaeviag o! enu lefor imi- eu eidue.i.Tafrrte ipro- <b.uupy l flt ~~e~ tiensea, are oui, <.0 g9d t ta ha great AgI l e1a bo oloy aelaeeyn puii the queranuan.. Front Ilpartu of tha couali cotas Thlrhaset""- Qomntise comsP l#ln<s Irm armers <bat fipaters -Tué 'of rËb! hoda iIaaD4,vai. eta gbavaeino desira ta obey thse de- awaread Ner rsey - Puf irst eus fras o ie oosnty bori a a p VStà stNmbl *Ofae=.bain to f*se 'b, auuasent out gersi.l thea emspesat of cattlela aca~n4~aAg at ~t~bap. ~ 'mO ~ JO' cÙdmmeai »me from Wmakeg@a. Nawi4 "W le ,b - *6lieepremaiof .May oS tieM aue Qt, h. oiaba tiifoo ~a' sonl usna a ~mpt ad Perbapa'do'aot refallethse Unied mates verp taiseR rie!ý . danja.of apréedlag thse d<aaaee se".l of Ihm diothimn of aë4élcuI.raoing î frm moaa farm tu anotlaar. tare at, wVAmà >. ., ýptdpbwod sa orier -ue n imtast ê ýC "WP're goag te, Put a stop <o l "ade<eu UWg%** b %f , . *hovever." one faraaer dcard"if ý R ,et la tu6 W k «imre 115Vata drive tU"emoff et the o inlt 1*t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Î bLsiem aa'h, a-<,i.o e~i.I r, W 4 ue T'a gel ~h prtant h1~àp~&g amln. not isesîtate tudo no. ,* Ae UtU- Ail ei.tsd oos 11.1. e4 tiese huniers s o tla 810 ,If ~~ ~~ 5suu~~i- tia bntibue thiy Iid4wu hî show mbeae I&Oi th a ,â of couaty Aotelam, Varevae W.efI" afte« - thetti u but laitete Mtffl. "bavwb Wouien every In6tace vbtýe ocqsplati z -iodai Mte*& Mdetbey wgru eràmt ié o*eners sybulaads..t that they are prsioe=ue a siooei' j# j " 'b ishod. Tbq gay <bal thsebouatara aud wàmà 'clae l a aâpsalO'have ano, ls 6a ea or-tise U. '* ~ab*u. '- - ilfaré 0f othaf; r e exptr to MOiMade-4odwulsemwI la ha. itians ntlt ih4>.anuger'otf sprealng *1t~1t10tN4~ft *»btiai la mmy oc 1te *mmsathe.distte1 mudfi fer.. Uli e 0 thons «1ta. Q tJ,~~ ~s4 ae enuelqemtmERr ta ofolWy. Dr. . E. t = leit B»tt4itise1rQ~Irbsb pse-jlole , Oves Whsobava eMam e thie sr"ih esadition are assvel -bfl. M114% dora tisa pmninuka Swsdlge StemerNitau j Lndosi.- Nor., 0~,1a.~vde ««er mut*as blÏ"I er wern -aded ti ITs'" WtI~rd D. N iJK~ by anign l Iis manner teinala. ly raseheaiTisas hara 1r. liarsisa ba! saveral Inîmygota. lRe bs au ~ Nts"~yfu tirevarl o ulu b»0ý attlu esaf ISIJORU. t Ceiain 4 se has put ll4,for d&aaUs 0 b"4 ot the. x0ia s ov I. ÀEX -1 Ili halue4d W he iria"'bé ufpd ll 110 Ie u os ~as o Hgvo Beeni .ayr jWo egVisdded te y- lm Ubm b«"e inWaukom 11* lïli. sA4-jaqi$raai of a- et- DSI10 er laqUpeman -*Ist ar cet o ~a Mahlivre(ere.', s uinforme Afler having issotirneaihi1 brother ni lis tba s1mativead a fer ena- as dad for lt.ehlst lght years., Rab- lftlieh seW noatl* îrt gMïar rlcfis isîty noarly faint- lOe O udCim i ' ril fi a- daY, or tr *o ovhen ha reçus. melte vge si~ lilzéi ihi 1 a f6vvolée of'bis ho hWad, 11e *al-aowa volaSg brother on the telephoile ad Iearaad brother talklng <bat ha aiariyli4 llvf1* but llaain thebbut >of Isalh.: W- e e*bu î eau o vu<oge -a ahlib oe 4o UM. aaw- pria, anda'l iaaare coula nobava f COEu-M ttefr a fer mmoets di ba -saer«. -A few xaiptaliter recglalsae »liratb« -ur astyas th~ r~ téeio converaitlon isa eyaagb r ougbmmoue ianîsa ýll 'f" "4;k *b tre sbalntbanda and hia appieUftboe VêMon wgiug off tassas ' - W>IPsI*10 bis beogisat v St cogn,,e .tro brothere sad not Jqïo*-,-t& Muoofaaing tu., bn o seneaeistoSler la fourteen yoe. bad been. They- veuit te Mfr. Mai- TI s' 41<erentl ilamof roe5stoo $l lt hlp opi"ia <brs thse rioe Ibeai ti dhiaislparts 0& th, variai tory ie Îunfblied., On ifoniay litais andi IL «às.titis tac<vhfch kept thosimnoon Mr. MorsiIllaleaIdetisai lie ImparW.4 for many years. ;Would bavo'ttalduve to'atàMdt. >ji -,F. A. .Maxhll. tise long lost broth, i. siters bu» t he- premiUfe»S<t wr as a"c kmnis tlsUs h e iscis a lM perloaf Witt - DotlaW eb6 days, ua 40r sevaral years bad travail, troua bts8'vldj< nat tiasU. e~1toas.~j ou NerIds. Ha b ha ol ti6yuldF,A t1< la Aali' l i an .f . 1 inc't ha io'esprsauWmygreM - Eigbt yearu aI* ion <mhe empismi.Joi. XNy brother an&,i-ivrs 'aiDbr 1 tJou ouredmim ?«o .lrMarssa mat.- t oeht alit* paas.istoeb çSjnp~acodtledi 1<. Ôna daivfeW sa d enu foc t "'r délmtis "nTucli clown d or Ch acotiser very mmucis aitisr, lie. t~a4k iliàg and Dla cu ner of D -tes TrietroDat on 1fl~bs a~sd~r 'utihas rtltng letton." - týibte dlepicae -reçelve'in latise TJiIeiétti '.be~~$'tis cciesit, d.lilai ft4ht-U@bL, éiihéebld"hlo ame o h'.A. Mrab loid our detissUlite up te tlii. at fi,.e é 7f't o bârh o U at hm-i..Lila, -imnt te ha a tb-d «s, iïo anrsagréaat $ho*k'ta'*ta vithertirlaWaaakofaa. No 'fartiser 4'1&t *Ord- 'rai racaiveai and for aehemaea dui- vs gi See »t0f '*ishe tsbasue*Mouralng bis baoth. a sbe-èmM5~-u l dtiebd. * iaWr "faI br lise cabla, dipaichou be. a iabfula Dot aGIfusma.À Afew j"ai' et> .'A. Marshalil UtI tise ilai Ut oMstê= 'b , 'sa oa ru '*o sMd vent t. Tumloo. Mes- cupu' 'vrew t e '-ia cb@r, 1eé. *bore ha etablMiad a autoqè-b e us& e"-"d obasla» blé Wa0i aors.' SHe vas dbing 'a splendlum l si i vian tiahie Jsogis.ê-'LiWU ut 'a'ar'nle d Lecedo a te lMs, Dlief 1Jler. otha uuotate Amoaas. NigiI t o~ 3a4iWr.I mmse*m;i ith t1*e t Titis vas decîdd>upoa aa.ialllMtbé Maeting bald la the couacîl ebàusUia ai and> thevarlouspliasOf ac«Mf *re' scaedau iidad aSp. -It Stvà loi à tb'ttlim*ltQfl' tiaU~tUoa f eS'4oftisammielW portant <o bh- ooasldèed. Efforts eMUIW O sd ta gel rduuoeatm deuUr yeçak Of b.he, tivai - On u X.. l; ; h W . 1sIad'ad ldo lia.. wile tlis aMay flot ie Paisible afrugmmeto vnl le 'mie tahW@ aotr ervlice put on no tist auI'Uso - aI lençir *lu bàvr*6squafo*. Sod«liaasboullgoiftg sud. Ï010114 Ashiolsd"tbo I*»shea <a at né MM la- ter in boy ensil -libri Of thse oeu- ty be May liva. a.ai bave no féât about ~ aul rh evi.Arra»ea jaeitsviii-ba amae to have the Mie- id 4 t.a m se rrange *qlr lt la Impoasible ta, expçm e<h fimount -os hâtarat bt-lis lug aile. Pluea I 4e- tfaolng &*W, -- 1<-ta plass"i to t aetme tee tfelb igsa ednaim i1anseoutw t a lbhéiory Of tisa edl. Tise commtte. caenafra aaaeubceaIl la Meeting vitti a vM'y s*aOas5reapoada es the -pVert 'f Wuuasto. iop.'tishe cWW&Uta'la pailloUla. aiIll isoaat tIsaI b.- tweéa 87W MW $ 1100ý*mi 1e. rafla by ïinkbirptfon for <Me #ÜtlipOf tp*- ébaisisg pfltiWa"ad't&ls mam ofrt tendant axpenueS. - lDméïftIam a '"aîg Ude ta '<a @mi iit ùt isael~ dif reldonih -Tuera ie Mbe *leMfi? tir'< e 8%a . 'get<b the avis mtIh Wlifnistpli the cyclone Feace plalal aà, thd'Wtle 'Mlii t6dtvi sslslbltg. --1'buY.M . LA. th. Paiimb Houa' tl:*rà*aqMd * -dbct au *lIa hMlleinathe. dty ha*e bfta lIrert bpouta the . Mamttef 60 'tieus. im goashle tis e màdtt vol lirsanuaotagivé a coupie halultrIla eàtsbftstaroil s aeManY ewgOSSb etO -ish' htrias boe.' --j- i i thdty r s1tDlsANCM~ft* '~tt,.j4 ~ .~bl.ll~s dISO -* e -J, z. I i a i I 15c ii~ lic I~A~ s. lui MumlT T le 1. t'3 v.'~...IO b ' ' Bout1o"e Mk,. .........". or Saufag...... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 'ta ~ t........ ..e*.~ r vue .ue'-~'s ~ r-. ,,t s' vi "- ~ l:tcU4 c 55J.c. e~'fl' ~. ~h'-- - A ras ta'rni onLIl tIsgs 199a i. dioi fro t:egai tuure ever he w; tend in vit 4eeleL Pbi thut nota1, silli kt idri bstttei tbat or. lF Matie aut li "re le 10 a chi sCies. 1 Imin vomit Seat diseai fie s' from )agi p "Tbi and c, c',Ifeet <brou ln tht conta, Isars trans fecaed en, CIrc eaed c tht cc t.s bel fflurt, main nibrnit Hlmi wcrlc ans.i chargi lot rit I ti 5 ithile lus pro May h jWry im .The Ilttgat out of tise CI -basa Case Il salooan :Wel Porce. E 1vai toii Est. "s, .A diptois *t -t 1Bfl --f