LÀKE CÛOuNT>'Y, INDEPENDÉN WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ~VI.xxiiI-xo. 9. SIXTEEN PAGES. LII3ERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRIDAY, . OVIEMBER 20, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER Y.EkR IN ADVANCh! ýSEVEN IIORSES ARE FIRST IJUNTINGi IURNED IN A FIRE ACCIDENT 0F THE ltetttl kTiIAf SUNDAY . PRESENT SEASON Disasru Blaze on the Geo. John Richie of Chicago Re- * ~ Y U U Hetel Farm-Mrs. Her- ceives Full Charge of Shot- tel Saves 35 Cows. gun in His Shoulder. TeLk ouyIndoepend 1N NGHT LOTHS SM ACIDEN AT OX LKE. new home on the west sidec N IN T COTHESI E CCDETATROX LA.. south of the Libertyville Gar WEN INO BRNIG BRN.Victim Was Hurried to Chicago urdaty of next week. OuWo Work of Farmer's Wife for Hospital Attention-Was Saves Fine Herd-Losa la Careless in His Boat. The Independent, in ord $5,000, Hait lnsured. Fox Lake, Nov. 16.-The firt pboye a liOday on Tha l FINtE FIENO WORKING bsd accident of tbe 1914 buxting de&- Thuusdy, Nov. 26, and1 Ilie b nasifire r orr t s on occurred this morning about 8 the two following days e'clofis wben a Chicago man, John aoin fulà es .Itisomi te on" b Richie, vhille bunting In a boat, aW prwinn plant, wi Pr of rlà*àw 1» o tleJaob cidentaiiy îtruck hi. loaded shot-gun weks isaueon Weines He.MW&* Pil ii l e n andtiheb. eapon .exploded, îtrikiag 'a MgW* WW*" is rotm'Y'- hlm In the rgbt ibouiller. Asrias:oraodnsm tmd~'W .. fimls 1 iiochie came 10 Fox Laie Bunaay r. lueted 1n hava heir cOVY in t îb *reuWcs lle book o traling and:pent theday huntixsg InFox and -9, Uèe . osnt>', or sehother a boat andi îtartad out. exitarlag the _____________ tise o ii Of o thse grain hils hunting field near CrabaPPie Island. yatl id kthot ODRn$ulNear hlm athtii ime vas B. N. Il ~E~IINTORJI; *..~I~tl lios es urd. masc- germeyer of Autlocii vOino. b a a.t0j wÏ in to w I.bat alan s iiuuting. Ricchle vas M NA EW T IÇ 1 in abot ad val close te a bind M N C IIIE S 'aller libimurous barn ire S24daY which the hunters hati arectadt ters S IHef6.i1 moeuiugNov. 16th vien the iuge for hunting purpoees.Fi s hOt-gssn S aITHS T-U Daim O th@faim ownod by %Ir. steil- vas In th. bottom of the Iterm of the ___ ing mIai opuerm ib> George A. H-rtei, boat. In sonne mannar as hal mosat eryidanadT.J ele la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ w El anil.ma lm, about. tia gun vent off an, ett .he nr rmnadT .KIe inluowntsip, zîear i mer tua Ricebia vas bandixig over lI ef Waukegan Taken Into The stlmated 1o0" , O lMr such a mannar Unit the abat taak Custedy by the Police. !Stdlmacarrsi 120 inerane~ fulil effect I the flesh muscle, near eie building; Mr. Hertel ard $12001 the right arm-pit. He shoutetifrFAK GUE A UT on thea stock and conta îtds. eip and Niggei-meyer and ther un- Ille lou a vi severe, ixcuâîxig tar@ whobo hard hlm ruahati to bis Sustained Dislocated ShoulderIC arnang dattier th - :aid. They took hlm to Berri store _-Sister-in-Law Escaped In- 7 hormes and Dr. Shaffero! Graylake vau cl!- r ey arwy 1600 buaheIs of grain ed. le dresied th. axi'. injuries 1Ul ey arwy 26 on h>'wbicb consiatoti ot a deep haie about Frank Guber, who resides on aelvi-1 265 tou adiy 1 ohiacosvhr h so dere street et Warrenton sastairbed àa Harnes, buggies, wagons, etc. tered andi baU as large vhere it baddidsioatetishoulder and numer. woma Saes Gws. emered i th OPOsIt aie oftheoui bruise, and hi* slster-in-law, Nien "ça Hertel .waa the one Who dis.-&u. iar>' Lodesky wau badi>' shaken up rosai-ad thseIlire'anti ah. provati ber- ibe vi a Whlu 12 ièl id, 1Wwhemn li buggy In whlch thes>'wore rld- sit a bariane vian. alngla-bandeti. be theli pub aboard a train andti nild lng to Wuukog8n Bullu>' fternoon I fore thea iten of the bouse anti neigh- toeCfneaa4a vbra he vas te enter a wa truckt byamn automobile driven9 thers arrivi. she liati rescuein ail of hospîtal for further attention. Dr.b>' twa Wîukegan mon.. Guber waa fine rattila ruîhing lotno Oie hurnlng Suifer dedarati ha feit bthe injury brotîght taoh. office of Dra. Foi.>' andtr struclura anti gettIng out sauelY tie ouiti net uprOCe fatal but woubld be *Cllaws af Wuukegsin where his In-l 25 heatiof stock. NOLet nacov W. ai-y ainfuilforlolflertlon. 10,1 vherema, ail the hersas ver. vic- Ai the huntlng unisson le nov tful luiTe Wmraukeon mcars wre ri i tlzns, one emalil cat vhlch vas lI the on 'In tihelaits regiofi ami teIls cIt h N uea unmenwh wee c yard st bie tîme escaping. asap brougit maxi>'othffibout, acc. HNRYOh. car vi Oue hersa broke away'fremi ta man- den ts viii litai>' be numerOus froin THOMAS J. KIl il ger but, b> the tîme It had reachai nov ondunleas thîs flrait shodotlnig - tiie yardlils heati vaa badl>' burneti aerveî au a varning tc, otierg tn b. ohwr ae I utd d and It vai denîed adviiabie te shoot cr ilitaxit Chie! Thomas Tyr-,el ntat it liter. Thun. aIl tia herses on the vere lecked up for the nlght In tidî big tarin vere lest lI this blaze which A BIG BARN BURNS City' jafi. According ta the pol!ce i ploveti s maotdifficult on. ta coin AT PRAIRIE VIEW Erdman manacati thoîe vii approacb-c bat 6 FRIDAY AFTERNOON ad the icones of the accident witi a Il van In2 x the zponing vian_____ shot gun unlil be anti Kelle>' were disi-c Un. Han-belvas avakeneti, juil vhat iatos lz rda fe-armeti and belid b> tarmerslitvingn cauaed ber te vite bing unkn DsswnsBlz ria f nr ear the point wbere the accident o'-. Bbc epaysIlb vas just one o! tiese fOf ieyDet pt- cur-ad. On. of thea1,aiegedIt, i "Ihappenstances," thatasle avohe. taneous Combustion, have toi-n thelilcense number freint Rushes OutI ln Nigisgovin. tie automobile ta an effort ta pt-aventp Nlrq Hertel 5mw lhe fiâmes comiig lridiy ifternoon Nov. litb ire de- Idientification. The automobile vas aa troni the bai-n andi, yelllig to ber bus. stroyeti a buge harn on h.eJacels Ford. andi the to meni vho vera bandtiaxit the hired min that th. barns1 lolst tsi-m ose mile east o! Pri, driving It ai-e said ta, have borrovatic was afira she ruubi fron thse house ' iew, thne place being 4easeti by àm- i o h a og nahnige-t In ber tifor bine day teego on a quntatgFex bodnbrcoilg yton e lIThe tire lm belleved te bave started pedto.Teplc a htbt to on er lotin. B dong u. l.fi-om a pontaneous combustion in the men hati been tinking. liter developeti ahe.vas thne maens 0f grain foi-. thea bg structure vas filled thesxi ieacttie. for, bati aie vainte o te ri-m wîth nains hay anti other Cuber Telle Stor>'. tf but on ber clothas, 10 venid bise grain, aIl oe! vich vas coxsumeti. i- Gober wben seen b;y a Sun i-e-I been toe Ila for ber ta dia enter tihe Thlie bai-n iurnet inl such a manner porter siserOîy after h. accdent gavy virswera bbe love vere stanxiui- il vas ifassible 10 get alilo! h.abre!avcento!ll bansherses anti uow ouît antinnes. er. re ccuto toned. But runslng loto the burinllst or mini-ad "ysstri-lvrisay ois building trainsvhlcli buge clents or Neiglibors, seeing the big blaze, bur- ikg vwho bai been visittng at aurb svote vere enslng, she rusheti ron i-ed teoth. sûean anti formed a big 1 lace. wanted te take a Nortbvaitari bucket brigade hot the inâfmes ver. se, one stan. 1 im boanotiner anti quir«7v i(erra tinat thev w..-. usaile te checkt 1 train anti 1 va, triving ber te Wnuka. rleas.d the .ýattfe. cbasing tmens ln'tc,1 em an dthte bai-n ssiinedt te h.gais." hesaiti 'This vas aboutO fourd the sard if bthe',ame tins, On t?, 9 grounti. The barns standis near h. 1 os 1 Inoieti an automobile açi- wii ciii- as abI. te get tise last on ýolisse railroat d a al i-st reports rahnfo tePsadswa. werp hat an engluse spark ranssedt h. îorief bces niu n out. SSii, Oen sas cd hersaIt tbnt, vîsean 1ie Isut luter h. combustion thear>' other overtakîîsg us. b dti-vOn theh she reacisedtihlb.otede. ise vas ai !5-sadvaniced. rigbb aide of th. roati so hat they moist exhauîsted fi-on, ftic effort anti or-. Tiilw ois h. esimate l a sunut coulti tiass .The ma'chine fi-cmthe delthrough vbich aielbat passes varicrnesart aarus>andsei-cd rh Pu,_____ ewredwnclefO i-air vhei of thne buggy. lookadethe inen. o-.s !ehilue efr h tr rMot NiassLodesky anti myseit vera isat beau the meani of saving. Iate Oere ws no signofo a tira. Then beti tbrown eut. She tel! on top o! % Mors are Burnod sIl of a sitideis tiamai bss frein ses sie and this may bave been vbît i Ine meanlîmelitie nbat ipra era r5points in the big structure vhichmdemy ijrismore severe.Myl apitil> andthIe bu-ad maxi ant idMr. was liOxsOO feet In dimensions. On.e t val-e vialpatdIn a isantet -and i Hrtel bati arri-ted on the scean. repsort lit bit ther, n'ai an explosion. i mouid ne! gel tbenedm In tb Om. - Neighborss. attracteti by Oie lire alac, Anther ls that tncexiarism la 8us-1 Ou prevant myseif from aiighting I ippeare t t offer aid anti everYbotiy iected altisough ne direct suspiclis incivl>r" e staitet inlx The lire, howvevr bid are belli. The accident bappenet! aimoît In I reacsedth Oe hors. bai-n ta isucb an ex- Burins Wind MilI. front efth. home o! Samuel Woiey. c tout that nabot>' dareti go lI te re- Tic ira vas no bot tuat It burned 1 T.îc latter hn-tati out as dit flarr'e 'lase h. anImais andi their fi-atie th.e oden les of h. vindinilni and Ch-' D on h ibs efforts te escape tha eat vhfch vas putfil out of commissiton. A naighbor- oea-b>'. seraY oun hn netgbIverI upan tiien causeti a great nots. andtitng engluse vas brougit taOh. qcena ruiheti out. Mr. Cuber cali for e stampeda as the animais fought te aM Me vatOi I umlad i vaiusd tte minte get h. number a!flin car.b gMt ava>' frein tiair mangers. At sava the bouse anti other adjoialng Fi was t thia point tbait tue tO menb an.enina gt va> ntius ui lidixigs îo.lI h, andti.he villing araesaîitehv ti Oealbss ~L1I'ogb ue oorixio te yrd.H.bande ver. able te restrict the blaze idutabarvoe Mr W te v r.no l iva lail' bmuoi bou tis eat atte eone building, h. bai-n. tomb tern. o ev r Wer, n stl ni t] 'sdborl.iigha ouli fotha asa, Baud., the Ions ta lHertel uad Stol- froliii p osseaieand0 aitien. mc- "i fermer abat hlm. Ung, W. J. Smal test a nunîber of buge Iorbingtaosein rmaton, #c,&e Burnlng Ail Over. glas, eieigiis, etc vhich he ý,ati place odingt h nomto eev Neigihors wbo passaitiOie barns tise lui h. barns as Mirage fer the. vinter, (Continued on Page 89 flxiWeek ident will inove loto its of Milwaukee-&a., juit irage, on Friday and Sat- Aer to gîve ite gm- ankogivîng Day, iwUt to b. able to datote sto trmsserrins the tint »ud mail bazt mday, Nov. 25th. other contributors gré therefore is office next TuiaedS inornîng. OADY COU1e-IMS ABOUT TIE4URNEE 6i R AÀf E CROSSINEi Points Out to Publie Utilities Commission That There Is Need of Action Thore. RBUSSELL ALSO TESTIFIES. Officiais for the RaIlroad Were Present But They Did Not Make Muol, Défense. <5slslPiRint. 01 damgeraUS Crsmsngs fIieti against ditaient nalîroats vere beird Thursday, Nos 12 b> tihe 1111. nois îîubltc utilities commission In Chicago. Raîîîh J. Dits' et Oui-ne antiW'atf- kegan, ceuspîminet againgo, dangarous grade rrosing autOh. intersection of the Chicago, Nilwau'iee ant I B. Pans! ratîrouti cumrany's tract, anti a pub. lic highvay in ournee. The citizens ef Joliet andtihOe cei- misalonars of htghways ot tht cil>' complainati agaist the Atchiion, To- peka anti ita F. andtihUe Chieagi anti Alton rajirfuonatid utlttlonudti h. commission for a sub*dà Ltaiautn Chicago street wbei-e it le creaset b>' the main lIn. o!fbine tva railroada. The tlîhAndiSevenbth Wai-d Imisove- si4ff Éîeociitinns of .Jolietal aise asa cont~wàln bthm cala. Afteflihkring Oh. complatnants the commlisifes5 tslik bieinunder utisls- ment. (harles'- Rui;Wll, rolno>' uponlntdll tient e! gon oti i-Oîsw' vusnotier vho lastifle i vth Mr. sJIsV. A plat va, presentet sboving bine lAý Of th. lanti ut Oh. point in quest ion anfth1fie neeti of havlng a subway lnstalled offi- ciais of tb, rulroati sere proseiÉ buit binay matie littla effort tn put on* îli-eng defense. Mi. Dati>' terlar'd botta>' that i. id flot anticîpale ans tiacilon freina lb. stata board until tbbcliraito! lie I'ear. Ha sait!iliis Impsbression in that tnvesOigators from the, stale boird ai- reai> have mate an examinaion of the Oui-oea crossIng su the board vii b. abI. ta art inbî'llsc-ently vithout paylng i persenal visit t0Oth. place. Wantagan and i Lîfe Count>' i-- dents long bave asket that a subvas b. put in il Gui-nec isfore a danger nus accidenit occssrs andti Oe>'ai-e in hoties that tina etabe bosard vili decitie against the rali-oadci rmpîn>'. Througb Oh. pus diasa of Oh. Com- mercial Dsiry VNaclinery Ce., o! Clevelanti, Ohio, li the DavseMtXt MNachinai-y Ce. andtihie t-ma- eto the i~equipmnno tiNsorth Cicago tie latte,'vi'çitytids anothai lIns te IlOi long last 0f producbs vhicis hase matie a naine for 1**rth C'iciago ln the maxi- ufacturlng venld. The Davis MiII Ma- chinai-y Ca. airat>'naeofthlialargeat tauit machiner>' manufstturing con- cerns, lnthOe vent vilI WoOn as tua aqulpmant la moseti anti installad, Con- tInue the manufacturaeoftlta lne af. dii->machiner>'. The Clovelimd Con- Cern bas beexi ln opaittiax ibfr a nam.s ber ot years sué bai uucoeoded la building up a splend id btUiaem The acqUtuttbon b>' lieï Davsu tipl. of tMs Une vIS of course tg1bafl A'a their business andi camdiribly b.l crease, t>' ei oflint'tarea. lndep.nd.ilts sirli&«dUb iilng nu suIt bea.uueth#W rgriibji 1%» pe sons weekly. AUTO BANDITS LOOT LK. ZURICH STORE FRm. À. m. BoId Thieves Break in Front Door of Carl Ernst's Store and Gsi $300 Worth. LEAVE SHOES, TAKE OTHERS Three Pairs of Discarded Shoes Found Indicates Three Men Were in theGang. Lake Zurich, Nov. 13.-Tbe generai store of Cari Ernstl at Laite Zurich wsî broken io and looted of $300 Worth of shoes, boots and shirts suma- time during the early morung houri today. Entrance was gained by forc- ing ta the front door of the store wbich stands on the main street o! the village. The tact that tbree pairs of oid sho.., evidentiy discardati by the mob- bers, ware tound In the store andi that three maxi Who igtoppeti at F'rank'i place arlier in the evening were sus- picioua looklng and attracted atten- tion becauie oC that 1ac1.l lei n th. bale! that perhape theîe three mexi wer. the onai Who robbed the store. If iuch la the case, then Il li the as- cond gang of auto robberi to vsit Lake County withixi the week, for, this affair at Lake Zurich comas wtthin 48 houris afier the attemptedl hani robbery ai Area ten miles away tvhere the thie! or thiavels vere foil- eti In gettlng ino the banka siale and t4en hadtiOn abandon the auto wben Oh. car refuiad to meve. being ouf of gissollne. Men Stop In Village. If n'as ftit> li thseveln dsi lires Inen vin stoPPe Inlxian auto it Pmlnl Pianti place. nisedtheliadIr- EXTRAý MAES AND PRITCII ESON FREED OF BURGLARY CDARGE This aftarnoon (Tbursday) ini Justice of the Pecea Lyei H. Morris' court Barry A. Oates and Richard Pritebeion of Chicago, the two0 men Who were arresied un suspicion of beixig the oxien who attempted ta burgiarize the Citizen'@ Bank at Are& WeaxIesay of lait we, were given their frsedom., the cama being dismissed on account of i.ek of evidenca. Wm. Dean of Wankeaa, wam tbe de- fendnt'@ attorney. Mr@. Pritcheson and uitile baby. aiso a brother of the de- fendant, were at the triai. Deputy Sherifi Limberry of Libertyvilie, brought the nmen trami Waukegan for the triai. The Bankero'[Deiscilve Association could Dot mecure enougb evidence againot the mon t0 prossenle tiietn, aithough they wsre etI it.qî bapelinfthatOakeas mtiat man aoplie@ in the astempt to rob the bank. DECLINES TO PAY 15 CENTS F~OR MEAL; 7 CENTS ENOUiII' Wealthy Farmer Says He Fig- uired Out by Arithmetic Just What a Meal Costs, JURY FELT.__OTHERWISE. After Deliberation of Five Min- ,,!ts a Verdict Is Returned Against _Lfendan,!. actIon. ta Mcitanr>'. Tia>' sant George F. Robaerts, a veulth:- u- on- 8OMetîme loottxig about Oie street anti er reetdlng near Graylaka. lias sols- then tapai-ted tovird Waucondî. The ai the higi ceaI o! living Pl.obii.. belief liter va th ies" mou. a!- That is. ho bus soisadtte h 55ili ,W taer snrveylng Oie ovn, loft for Oiestisatibon but a jui->'ln circuit court country' exl> te, return lat..-tu hile on Nov. 12 refuset te ha convînceti ntght anti break lotutohe a tm . y the table of figures preajed. Au Thsis merxitng vian Mr.n', OinOent t ri-sit a verdict vus eurned ta theo star. ta open il. i.ho vnd thesa gaInst hifftInlxthOe umonnt et $17.635. fi-ont door ajar unît tt dt net tarte RoberOi* abjecta to paylng if teon lon tenostha th Plçe ad eencot, fori amal-be thiniti saven long ta sestUit lSln c ath ecnts: t0 >iouty, anti tbereôjy hingu a t-oud, Hutîl' l .tl9g about ho tala. foundthOrea nid pairse Q&ienes, dlie-ltcsberts ovns a tarin near Gi-ays- tarded b>' tre. flrie îp ho had imite. 1'?. renOad Itu starin te Mr. anti donnednew soeg i ffier plre. Fu- JS . C. Drago, lie nnderatmndixi dexnet na' ieailxitisi lac. Pr-inîg Obat ha lise vîti theinandi puy Obar inveatigatboti shevedtb fat dozens bis proporttenate siare o! Oie board. o! paiOnetfahfai anti finôtas valaus Mr. anti Mra. fln-go figuradil10out ail sorts e« ibirti bai ?een ttan tisat fifteen cents a ineal voulti hoaa froinh. store b>' tie mitinight visii. gaiy fAim charge Agol tbay DOt be tors. nt ssflP>di oweviptOHtno k atL enut Sîoep Abavo Star. anti a put of paper anti startad igurixig ir. Prantkatd fmily lise aboya Oie W'iaxiho a vudotnnehoaunneuneti i. store. lie bai been lnh. store ai bat i iguredti ttsiii uai-ao! Oie ioi-t ameuntedtieta jsa than saveu laie as 11:30 lxi lie ntgbt anti neither cn ts par mail, Me iniuxic.d hov- ho lier an>'of Oie fîmil'bohrdin- 5y caven ise voulti net haggis oser lutIle dlstlulbanca tiovo sirs. se. 10 lea<uit. 'natter.axind satti h. voulti Iii>'tle fui! avItient, the oîheru voritet vîti@asenenaspen mal. gratsealtls deupîta thetact tuat cMn. anti Mrs. fln-go protêAutà Ibey gi-estrouîtnot afford te !urnish hIi! i (ies- carried off à large amnount o! fur- mni, ton oventy-one cents a day er niehlngs. $1.47 par veat. They declinedte s- JusO hon' h.> couiti break ln h.e èpt tItis ameunt ?rom hlm anti me a front door o! liese tore an tisa main rèenlt hne paît nothtng. Bseerai veeis paBssati Final!>' tiheDrago ot tise atreét andti Oen carry off suci an case mnoJustice court, suixig foi- a ansaunt Of goods Wibboutb bcbg dis- boair 1bill of $37.65. Tine> receisat cescret, seetias ratiner strange. lb vas lP isflî jîdgMeinO. tiha venter umong vîllagars tbate, Robei-ts suti eha at ptenty or mon- y brt vount 0hava Il extorteti tram semaebo'dl ddflot hear or se. them. hun On bhab mannar. He appealedthelb 10 Is potsible bics- lefb lineir auto off s-ase leOh. circuit court anti Il came On aome cark spot a distance ava>' np for a triai tîbu mornsng. Mn. mnt from the store anti nase sveralt ripusOers Orage antiRoerts vera lise onfly wlbncsses pIaceil On Oie standi. between Il andthecstore. pacing Obeflr lisatitnnOtie inutesafler he>' stolen goots ln tbbcarsi ater vhlch, jreoret to thne jurroinbbe u' i- vith nuffiar carefubtv cboset, h,>' Itirncd wiibia verditt o ut'ribbs, ai brejîtt ram bina sletping village. K55e bine enlire jutigment. TookTher Tme.THOUGHT AMOUNT SMALL.I That the tmen vent about their Mol lelsuret>' sis ndicabt b>' h. fart ltaITOs"'n euto lm iejr Oba>'~Th teoit he tim 0e cange bneir ittheljury theytoo thetim tochane teir l hcrledtheinacase or tirage vs Roh- shoes foi- uew unes. Ifln giest haste5 cri, lnwhich J.OC.tirage asasl George bine> couiti have wa'tted until bine>'gel iY.tRoblerts foi- aisoard bill, voulti uvay inut bbey dît 001 Obe>' changet bave likedtel rentier a lai-car verdict isibie toe atitîel' iv e t ia Itiun thesa mounb o! damages asketi lit he sore nd ikel sawto t tht uicheplaitîiff. proves te bava beaui earb ceb a good it.liii. <'use îsas'tlv. Tic plilntiff as'iet Dldn't Touch Site. $:l7.5lýî andî insteati o! rentiaring a littie inoecorner W !tOe store sandaxs les', bise huit Ibis amnunt au autati b 005 b> bina defentunt. h. jury vas sonr>' large safe. but se far as conul ha seau îî rouit nul double the amount astat. Une maxi til t r>' bard to gel lotoilb. Roberts, a salli>' Graylata farin- Thie combinationo vse octeti ant i 1ke.-er, teaspîl lii, tarin ta Mn. mot Mrs. ]y' h.>' tam-et uîixg an explosive be.-3. C.linsco. This vas on lie con- ulterattun hat ho ha allowed te hoard cause 10 vouit ai-oua. the tamil>' wlîlîthem .Thse agreemnent vas that abase. hinasaite psy hi5 sbire oethlaecaent Suspîclous Laoklng Mon sesin. Tvo ver>' assptcsi loettag men vere sean toenexier the Boston res- taurant, Wautegan. this maruing ai 3 a'clock. b Sget a lunch. The>' drove vp ln a Ferd tourtng car,.'nia>' Bem- ci bp be ltai great hur>' and ate thofr lunch lni haute, atter vbtch Oie>' bat me lime lxi rusing te tino car ani "beating 10," That tua>' acteti suspi- (Contlnuedon page three.> out to get the car started. telllng him ho wouid hurq out ali soofl as ha beard the engine going. He did no, and, the men were lait seen drlving soutb at a fast clip. Nobody hiad beard of the Lakte Zurich robb.ry se noone hat! reason ta look It t th clouai>' vu s futuer Indicateti vian 1car te se. viether laeemoni badt! the leader o! tha pair sent the. ohen 1carloati o! sioci, bootsec 46 COWSAÀND 5 CAL VES KILED ON GOVT. ORDERS Execution and Funerai of ln- f ected Cattle ai Gumee Draws Spectators. SCENE IS DECRIBED BY 'FUMIGATEDREPORTED. Newspaper Man Who Witness- ed Slaughter Is Forced t Submit to the 'Fumes.' Gurnee, Nov. 13.-If you happes t.o meet a certain reprea.ntative ofthtie Waukegan Daiiy Sun anxd he amlli Ilke a morgue, dont be aiarmed-he bai mereiy bean diiintacted. Ires, diîlnfected 'trom lbe soie of hi& &hous to the top of lhts ceilar. For, said representative came ta Gurneaf tht, morning ta wtaeii the ex- ecution by state and faderai oBiceri frein the bureau of animal industry. of 46 cowî and Ilie @mai calve. whlcii bail either heen lntected witi the. foot- moutb diseae or had been exPomei t0 it. The elanatr took place Mn the lMc- Cniiongh feamandi by ]&te t"aaf- ttrnaon the big job of kiiiing sud buiy- lng the. big bard. the. Irst to b. 1Ue ia Lake County mince the. dims broke out, hail beeau finuih". The McCullough brother. wara thua minis their bards but th.eMate a"m0I vr- ment viii gettlo viti thora for tiigi lais: giviny tiim tILI.b"fut luf. the etOc, t. 'Thasea in Charge. The max inlxcharge o et Oie anO! alaugbtering h.&animais anti ai- Ipraisin; tQisf 'valué *aré: PERRY ZENOR, representing theo tederal bureau el animal industr>'. W. W. LICHTY, ef Woeotac*, as- rsaitant stale veternlnl. at i Zenor aid 18 a v"tOr"nandba beeu-. .,qkJnir $or 0he gosetufumetfo ome UOhm. ta Ibis lino 0f vavk. The tva max iebd been at Ounffl presiousi>', "Iovng oser the atuatian anti arranglng for Oie dlggisg oaibie trench li vici tii.cattie vers tO b, burtat, etC. These officiai, ver. at Oui-ueo oeil> thua morniisg. diivtig oser tram Wod- Isock. Ail vas li readinomufor tue eocutban or ilauginter of the bard. Hitiof tie ibord v&@ et Ile bonsa m Wodman hall, tOhOtbe r othMn u li Oie pasturo , itl tOtethle soutu Thea vaterixiartai destredii 50ta 115 thoseat the bai-n.Thia mach vaU Ot reai sick wvthth e i-as, lu fact, 10 vas nol perceptible an Ibm. Th* ral stet on,. ver. hOe«n. au lxi Oie paiture. Dlslînfact Nowepap.r Men. A repreasntatlva o! tie Suna anis- ed iOie harn luit atter the veterin- arien got tien.. WiOh Wm. Zosiler et WatIkegan lbe wattod IxiOth le field âmii looketi at Oie deeps tnnci. bai! filieti vlbh vatar. lI geing 01010 he bai te aulthIrougi the Yard on vicn the cibtla bai tredt atare. The veterinarles. evîdaxiti>'yttin a have a litte spor-t on thiasite, parmitteti hlm ta paiî andi Invastigate, tien vien ha ivturnadtiOe>'produceti their gitp anti, lnxirim ten- CeMMadet ID th, name ci the etate anti faderai gos- [ernmsinst: 'Serre, but yeusve expoueti yoursel! anti youll have 1t a edlain- fecteUt "Go ahead-perbaps I neet l,. sait is,' îîewslsatsei-maxi. q),, yoss ovo any ?stock.' asteti the 5 etei'aiy. "sreal iveso s~said lbescribe :s lic scisatchet is is hadt to maIe t'tir. "Weil, Iltidon'O malter, yen viii bave to subrait axivvay because thos, an-e oui- orders anti v ae te proviont tue diseuse sraatibng. u Yen eayu migtt s'ari-r' bon the soles et yetln- hos ta sanmetai-mer flair Wan.kegam." '-Weil, go ahead-4 can stand aMY- thtng once. aven fumisgaion," samli 111e scribe. Rubber Cout Put On. Sa, preduclng a White rubien caver- fng or coat, Opens inerely eitue tOP anti bottoin, the saOerilitmB uot teati>." Tie>' poked t 0 vOn tue mcnlbs beaudanti thon placeti&a "»Uldii contalioisi ftorunuideyde and potas- sium per sningeigiabn tîder tue coso$lig vhilhad ibeen tiginti> faut- aned about tue neck. "-Nov sand theO n-. uxthOe 5Mon mals. t impossible ta stand 10 a8" longer."»sai the vettilaP7. (Continuai oni page tblle.,)