Paire Tw& thecrsh nddaredbah r~ ein ~bd Prosperlty struck Gary, lut., Tée lubefore tecahad at lbc ire departmnent. b0ln 122oJ I d. ~tolomes . firulence itnMon- ï henbetee?1,50 ad hearda warlng andedthatan Blrm I D s2dmad m W ' auMW V~!,hh FIRE <iIJTSin ime ta gave theinacives fronti The Central departmnt îmaeaJIJaauyq a 2 eigee W.o15érétesmP.uter; awhen ba ewen1,50lndteel mieai n 'taoe a. s4=au 1 STOCK 6F T0(I~ERY belng caught under thre burning de. apendid run ta the Scnnearivig ISV3SJ LLE M N ton minVtes; heating to bclllng de- Witbc awr nselmisa hnt M f T 6 E YE e . , tsI 1tone" er acterai weeks' IdIenei. Addition.-I since local flremen have liadtsuch a larri was sont lu., The ir'e ha& beenffl. Y~1 uI1~LE The followhig dlsintectans destroy I]Men ta be put ta wark daiiy andi hy Buta. byyir g -Î_ p h %vaukegan, NOv 17, cose calt, auL'dued, hawever, before tiicy a.irivi ITa IIW UAJI4AJLthre "germ" ln one hour: end ot week, Il lafiipecled ai fiturt d ebi u ot vequlV0L 2Tî.W -ugama of vater ver. played on About 40 patronsu of the Arlington JI51.ii e uad ions. 0h 'u11111 be ie tw mj 'Thrft ires lithin a period of but'th, i., froin bove and below but ln oierbwahd teni Ucrobeci. c.ons&aaueSd . b"t aover iwabhurs vas.th41 record psuite oni tlis tact the pors !th iru aouwafl u iebtLsFoot and Mouth Disease Re- 2 oulno ahn oa *caepeitfi oc !800wi ena eoragolq u.M&.. tal)isbed in Waukffln Sionday Camie5s eemed but little Checked. the' barn was located a sate distance! SURS litState Board TeItng 4. Hydrachlortc (murlatîkl acb(l. 1 eMPIOyc i>ntMwea f15e-ek .E &lot hfrt alarniwua turned r Whle tbey coutlane lie e fotream ,sav, uniegsathre blaze wouid have' Farmers About -1t. .- ait-.40 oclork. the second alaru ai tfrant they coutldlie Sen qulte plain-reclied more alarming proportions. -The "germi'le uat easily kicled o l:.O oclork sand the third shotly be- .y fren. the rear. _____.abs_________treai foi-e tes, 'c'ocL. TIhe mouat arou N 8MOKE WAS DENSE* n e n» RE TELL HOW TO TREAT CASES. active ater blitig placed in a rcrirg. ire o' pate aithIe Toggery store' Derlng thse entire tire thc iremen t~~IR IIL rtrfroemnb on C.meeee bere tise Ovuers cWMlivere handicapped ta a gVeat citent' When IRt e rorane ans t sf-urlg h .i.~I E a a1lato s. by thse heav louds ot amoke. Thî i O ES IATAy osar Pdr mi k suiithey a e r aetard as he .I. J I I C Fobowiug is a liet ce. ;ae fire.- ~ seue hnvte a ori;I4~for tdie Protection of the -irvna 7:40 p. LGals tank osuon the l.uruing vot garmenta. The er Should Notity Board.teyl-Is szzkinie h sor as e_-_-and hie bord. thse Commission tuakes A D C O Mir Ê K S anas mobiOle owned by Jo,% ,nnUinid tsestreva s-dnsth(le toliowlng recommutonau: AN! Cour"e aplodad as_ ilt tod lnthe i1h51 ives lmo"t Impossible ta dis- I.Sat or f elhbs Doflot visit ftrarisor tuai "jets barn in the e igare ii rgtm ~ceraan !lerf. Tcd>etronatlt or oa.sucd a format bulletin deallng w'th vhors the disease leprevalent or eus- motel. Considérable pioperty The iremea vorepd larget~vli ytheTedyatroi te cuthbu e fo-otsdsselsLieadpcc.______1~ ____ won msnacad but the Ios w si eîise ar tüurh. They used thelr pike 1the aId James Bradley hamestead Just ther ct-ot ie asn, atsand. tdi.Dooprcaeedorbit' saii. One man , neiLvoles ta good adi-antage sud tun lis opposite the Armour place uer Ron- sieso la atracting sueb ieiioettrmlfc4 itits .h~~" i e 9.40 P. .-Tger 1tr e 10>th mes . ieauethe eu sitio t Hereelcertoby aster ln Cancery5and woTryamong rmiers, tla s iven , totus billec iili l South 001efte t slOt PrOCtity a - aBecause fore fleor :lacerate, the mentît. gutt b>fi..; Mnagr Ssygc. bats:djtscnî tea lglt thelie re froni84700 beid by James Doyle aoftirer-1 "Foot and mouth diacaseas180 Keep dotsted up. m n ert h storti plama thel i t sve. Despite thse vast allmant oft ee (,un au Apistious Ferer la an acute Alil stray animais, Inluiudlug n t *IAOO whicis he nir a s ea lly vater pourd upon thse dames t' hr eeliyarsl ia an-cIsd bigll>Infections and contsigiausansd pigeons, sliould be ltilled. ce"@red b> *ftsuI5ce. An v olumeh"afhamwee did*yUacreselnthta dl- disesse of catlle and other domestie Dont permit visiteasotIe-thans h.aetsd fui-sac, la wge"a ','lm ra oesdnt emt i nd 1: sold for $4975. Mr. Doyle pur- animaie, tise mont characterîstic fée.- ot'acers or veterinsians 'a lin*t-t Wh th probable cause of te ilm 1 .. htea"a. -appreclable citent. 't casng it te proteet lits interests. tures aofviiicb sleb.heerupitln of!"- Yaur animais. W i S elections Are the. Largest and Prices Ane vas aler eeven ociAoek betore the The tract is mhal portion of lbe or- siciee ou the Mucous membrane ot the AI buildings. tced lots. yardè, snd 1000~.M.DfetiteIes.y lît esttue of lireliat been extii- ima ;'arst h I oeta jub u nUcsi evc h qimn hudt ctb the Lowest to Be-Pound Hreaboute. et the home of Charles nqffman ?ia 64ar, nteodhmnednot D ntesi ewe h qimn hudb ettia1ýl of 42 Souh Utca Bt-cetsets gutsbt4. ATtisat lime the amoke and a li-t:li e sou Harrv- Bradley recieicd oes aud abate lte boule. The vesi- sud ecuitary condition. 1)iikii î, ù dVl. >itissur' iiiheî zoî of 428South ticà oreet st* -lli a a sil qulte dense. as lits shart' o!lte estate vhen t'.,iesl.ret,. formiug cankers sud ai- ti-ouglis sbouid lieparticulai-is- iInd,.- mi, hs trelisbei klwi fire to the hous.whhte the family BUILDING WAS DAMAGED. va' ý>li ttd. Illies, rigbiara,,, fi-ouicn t--maidl, aiaioi ietlfnis blailket Ilîîadq41Ilairte-l'S. TIhis i-oasoiîe ariie pre- are ofs ea . The> arled h cl e r. Sirikin " idlie as ual pré- Arniours place. e tand the land bi>lenderness of affecteti parts, os or Kýeet ail li t- stock off of th i;h p re l to g t' rli i i i l îîes l(-%-stoc-kle sKCed . rared ta place lise bas ta thée buildinc , aaîd ta i e ortis close lu $300 an acre appetîte. ismeness. emaclatlon sud Was.hetteî- iSetiolis aiîid hetter -valuets titaniîev'î - Thelarge sectliaioneto!eutaiedlns- d -iyminution of milk sccretc<l Was sud 111scaid ail ailik c*-ae uicba-nvey on ale rur.ig .s i reioua nd éinter-los-de-foe the ar ter ' lodgualr ecuugaIcoretavand lloe er, a Ms d scamagaiLA YE InT"Nlathe early stages, or in a muld t- ""ooas tisey are- relurued t0 the arus I fgom th ir i-t lire hor ie erecond considerabL>-. The oas te the building '~'" ~ ~ tek of Uic disease. tbe miN may pi-e- D8aetussuha in:ie T - îleiiiid grade AtîIî o s t algrut. waç tlUi-lm l 10h tise sOuts h hèlac ie s owmed by U then.sent Oaly a 1ew atinarmai cliaracter- tii-v sd lmcrack th ots areid lolteb. <eh..stores %-ou at central departm ents re poo ad M e s onl ap se ta be lu seistîcs, uch as the tlling of the s te- dr an c a k th bo ie b ul n t le AimAe.biusWadapert e ntei;, ue ntefeto nml. lnesii siz 5 72. woiild puy14.0 o h vhslr h eod ala Iws un-ii Tellrir0 iesoe rsue iiu E F AII ductiou luthequautity of n ugrad I teliseelaeD5 prevabent ILoaer Prettv- <-tlol-il bnî-de-is. lahnkt iid ieoinforte-îs la. Bevera) ar tise irein tl h h neiro h r se ed Fin SELc ci I esela. When Ilie disase ls fuily vlçlnlty spray hajrs tiso-olighly eith- - ve lave priced ait $2.25 Tggrylir sd-leaic upn hoa Voe-bcs-oue apecarance Ioday. Tise,;tevelopeti, or about thIbis bs-lday, ai- itIt compoundl cresol solution or s 85e pir,.ir' bee c a ron tra hie Central Sation Être liai damaged a larme liar- tftis h e tha Ak Pl e t llit mîkvasbably containeIa nflamma- solution of clos-inated lime mail . -3aues q <moded. la the Second alr .i clothlug smd ferihlne. Anetl, hiaFîWnd chaiPol ce 5dtie u n aI ml& od ing te e olowing di-titons A $.5 HilI k T 2.8et- o i-reltermanant vms damageti by w-1 - pFi Her Husband Who tr îiucso avrypo1 îoîfoi tne- bs T 12 bée as ed ioglimeSaine Uieo. ter and amoke and large quitllle Was Taken Sick. 14s gseatîY reduceil. Coas affected Water-50 gallons. S upe] oO,î iiiiesharp vind tâtat h'c troim lb.had lbe-epuntctured iy thse pte paisolu Ucmlgau o tedis- Cbborbnated lime, *acsocallati cîiîur- CIs ii excellti g.oit body aidawol sortit a" thé tressAnt voier maie of tise fisemen. Mach of the clotislng 1A tChicaga pair-r rteld tiis item case loale praeticaii lly a! rtiseir Id. of lime." abould b. purchaaed ounb Eaüli farî superior than 1181).Eso elleîît for seV- -qàpexpoanre extremnely unpîesant for hllent iebo 4r 1 Oa!>oniy venîng: avlmInv illk, but if thé dlsease laniuilu lun idpcae ste ukatce $,5î-ilI htiv elsewliere. l bîîil 29 beên tamllie UPon Mr. Snykin»Id i Charls Stulheis.a welliznow charattrous Sooases lis strenglis on exposure $.2 v.Ile o %$29 moep eTedteise ol! us le m e ntttwhiie posalbly lmight lie 110.81-! oaug attorney- vilh offices lu Uic one-third ta one-haif aitlie anna radbcmsaiolwrlies Ti ~ ' T ~ ~ a t--mllgon band very laue. Then Ic aSî alt1fi iest eFi*'Nationail szg: Building. is mye-, yel." The vater sulId h. luke Warin. $.8 l attîîi T& fl ic u fl tpe i va ul sspets- a ecoutld ualsec it that vay slow. He ý Tr~NrU ohy~ he mita liccomes tiianer. blulsis Strain the solution halos-e plaiaelu af ie of eut-Ia ket p. f11uusievers diacerui!Psi froin the als e lanaxiosu lebave the clau ti, t tPolice vere notIthed Ibis mni -audloy lu fat. If the utider becomes eprayer. Spray the hemnsmon alter ton blaîkets iii a gouil abiatadtusWthât tsilieceau seure aa ev 1I î Of bils disappearauce SaInsdar invoives tise talit becomesa aimy am tht'ecove arc turned out asch mniung. h Sz' wili u a>finfish. A ~r. 21yklna f lise Toggrr store stock oda ftlu.asotest tii. . iiglit andi vere asked la seek hlm. l9 enfovlsliandti vlcaua lie coto- If a case o! tise disese.lasnoticlil ou egt.Sz 8 Oi.renî.rkahle v a 1111 e at ~ u~ees- tsea v~ THE 14OFMAN Fl ML -He'caties!me UP 2ahau Il o'clack st-un.i. t may conlalg blooti sud de-. yaus tarinnolify anc of the follovlng $1.48 a 1)air lîie. $3.50 pair. 72x84 inchet3. ie toiats-o u a. The ire lu thc Chasles Haum- at en-d5 a ibI,' sait: bis vite, Ms-. pomIt a oeduiient aonastanding; theicj aliceris lus enneltCse hcgol-. ifl ArtdN hoie te l onttutieeriet a e-u oS.r. enntt ChutChiag lucAal3% h le cdc- Fil- filicrat00!rY . a u oebt tributd ta a deloctive chimies.. The -Oidinge treet. 'sudnd li e tisaI lie or. Bouseies no ce ogelyer teSp iector, Bus-eau of Animal Indutry, AT $1.75 B eCînforteî-s IJ.7U lq a vg bsý@san, -o wrhstea uma.,le:tsiilvmdacvrs l b ic1,goelta Waukesan ta Ss.a clieut. formes!.the mi* apnearing nif Tnnted States Departinut o! Agricul- nhuaî-blaîmkets tof national lath Tueaw te ela 411 tht savel a e ct0 e arelus-n aitliou 7.&- out slimy . anti po«ea alaitmssueCicag, a bas!0. lînoIl ads qui fee-e bali- fmoe relv. ized72x8 mut Ouesqo bIs-st, Ulipet 118411 iseu alioves! ta bos-ntes Minute@ 1cadiuj uP is client lu Waukcgan. HoIe uue.~talUl51l amnYards. Chicago. i ties, F i d u le( luceraesiz 28 'eclick MM@5id megt. Omo" culi- b bml rludmetamn WSCT ATE ,tis F ll obebd L -antise bamemetWindowk s ew Mbéte t w ~ ias >lSwdth 1lâiinever reaclieti tiscrt'He alvaYs' ln a mild fan by js-king savMW i CT ÂTE attentione en <> Tb- qm ilnire banme mlgbt bave been raced.'cairs-ed a lot o mauey vltb hlm- a"dor butierimlFî os- eaung bltti- orltaI. VOOt COmmisslouer sizes. $1,75 iete, S P05iUIlu ~ Members of te Hoffusan fauiliy 1bellot. lie lias beau bebti up andcieh~ tram dlSeses!cattle. 8ia .nacT, eaAT editlulIet.oai5A 2 sie<aiz( lte i, ot ondecoudilda basl> exaembm U ov Ou iei ibdsfievese.tiougis arciy, firnttise see-stions os- A0.bok -T $1112 T * .00 ee 'e ci ui tO-e Thiereturued hme bonu t liip. IMMSun imade huqul->- taday sud allies-Infectai mates-litisougi abs-a- vs. Doyle case whieli vas returneil tast ine ut ia fanous $5 quality blati- tisirly o aà a il nteed b40;ed Il te asllng- moey 1a maie sud îîore artieumlat-ly lwpiice- e4 aiil -on rts je Mecei- back te Uic coras- ud Dowtes-ol tle salehandsiens lu this at. Fîd>mo-invaepeai aor onifet.- hit a n d î-oiîre ÎÎW &Mm& leii.Clouds et amblt. e blr hidmoee ie'- ud n!nva oe ua ue- Children May be Infectes! hy ds-ik- .ludge Douneily Tuesiay aflernoon. il ieneeîie oîfrt huîul aiea lu the e tehen. fil -osblaning sdt it ec is vîfe sai: "He vent te Wan- lug MWavmilk-dus-ugtUic lime tl is-s- oe htDyeadNuawr ,var rolllup fs-at Uic establisment dmli.Thlkhe a nov4a nei tt D oye cageNat vere f ers a in d good-weiglit stores j) ilt together. a ev minutes laIe- rely hauenyl a l ILfaib-usinnes a niasd tben vent on cse leispi- ale t 'lThe diseaue gvlng - acqulllcti 0f the charge. altnoisecret I j Iyi.lunero oed&ar engoeo h f htNaula wae roundi gulît>' with ispart-r bakt.Fi ie htsn ert Julls inttt.maagr f* a l Di- blgcla!l.5Idta iMlwaukee. Euraute home lha vas risc te about the sanie syiptoms as Iey obr store, vbtch la oowe hi yIÇ 1111êl la sup>os-led i voodei pi-opSsud -ne' 1take cc-k, and.ti, allai- gl' the par- are ab.erved bun animal., Tise deatbiIuer. Lux. William FieRhrbui le io-ubealalem iecl iinl n lnIi aerr asnimhFO f aaa blde îakdh tata erle nlSve egbas . V o oi B IanI bis n arteiuanehoougnce altise loto t'al.te atgri eto aukeg . imdsae of atdeouchidieaedsbyean t' 8 lber aond gulIIy. The d a ise ue ac ia ab- l B iis ld a lit s ~oçt v«afa tal lea., He placed lise lin. loffiuau sougisl ta exlingslb ite nigbî. Thie porter never sent tIhe mes- p"r cent. lixci ai $1.500, The defaudauta ai-w - dumae t So.oo.De ais ttis~ ds- bimacif. He titi-c ses-es-alis mase anti Igotvos-s-ed. He's nov Thte 'gam" causlng tise disease bas' onceenutarei a formai molO4 for p i 1< d firont $4.25 to $10.(X). li1~caves-ai by lusurance. Insut-nscrs aaigsdan aechcshe-.-.. ae nial . etîlouI o! corte of voer o thelame »d hen o- hoe, ad &I rlgt." ever een.taoltedEWutBABYkowBLAN BAETB-59ET -59 oto 9 U$ltors ai-e expecteti ta arriverontae c tim tdayeýrnes! on Melis . blaeV t1h1dis U- -. lime ~'~>' - net semnte aveorstise demired effoct CAUSE 18 UNCERTAIN.' ic turued lu au alan, The blase wlas ln thiestore urtilten Min- was a subba-nonebu le1.enm, t â e s a f e r a i n e , ' l s . S y k i n s a m .ai t c e e t e t i ln e î i l ug u i l n l a I l esta4 "I leftv of te ces ter fodng Sharp,sard gi. M-. Hoffman tai aud addi-sing circulai-e. Tbiey le! î moruiug gais!lb. bai lot yel fis-us-os! s short lime aller 1 titi. My snov- up hlatsngbut dis! ue thiot I vfi l - latige of the cause af the ti-e vas re- lha large. He a#ld Ilcooldsi uexc. c«e rtim nquies made of Uic lire- ceeti $200. Men Wvis sacin Iclines! t biaise au Man pumned ln iBraeAct. ali.elaed fus-uice..Shos-tis halas-e Oua mavas bernes!and this nIt-t- léating tiestolre 1 lneiructci Nathjais rous of a iotel ces-e tro ltsoli ftaaeuhlMRta go luto he hasemaul tat WÎ;Wdteet tbrugis tis éw a-~: ~ Mds!put sumlent coal où the lis-e ta rnce f a pecullar uIreMI vhtel coeu18tri& - Vbtata rothsifiesm the fi-nace ecored cîith asîos and halei sud occuPlcd hy Jolie Conrasg-Si Ut *u al oUlrPee.Th rats vett.,sor a mtli furtlier protection. Thies aoutiincident accurs-ed about 7:10 o'eIook . have reutiere i lb Perfcctiy mal@. but anti reaultes! lu the sommolg 09 li bt se fa t tht thea ooring ven bbc the Centrail ire d ipatiast ta 0" T esurftc. vas humai avway vouiioseent seene. The, man visa as bornaWevas f, 1 -f 1a utO w-as taela. Of course Il nia>'thée mploy af Cous-ad. 'I l& we s-4dscgareta ibrougl tise regiae- reiuft of tis a bue-ire ai an automobtile0 -d i-6orgiale!..lalad. =Wu. L ever ~w-Sech tst0f3I* Sy, tésn tisatlilsetl irse tea a uaulty aI stationes! . laeheiar. TI fme s G Jom.IIft p u th ie baseueu-ar a live coal ci-eai by gazolne asd coming - I r.r.II I AIWbave rolleil ouI af the fui-nace lise engin, o! Uic cas- icaped tae Ain 4%ft Nathan Put an the coal. i an celioga! lse bs-s, arebeauifu 1 mceln o hebn iltéeae eutflcaPe, College Agadaryu eij ~1op dtWbIeDiared t et ta teet Wigthldiplayed iunaus st a adb tr COats or Rich Velomir, suite in thefoe g id bp M rm' ta th.irgbabilmly of tisinluextingulislug tue fdames. Wltdbo1, eblie, ioilt StYles, ail htgve guarantieed,. t 40 toantlf(uow. NIly nniy regr-etlelaqubck prsaence o! talait he pacel 4 dhricid , le"aiid .ini~. Ne ui o oe tW beflésisouitihave accus-ses! atdampenes! hIanfttaven bis iseead 1llo 111 e ui r gr tà» biehsIýuld rov ourbus cooy aproghedthé 6t# Novlty skïirts. Mgterials aRrW lUÊtiÔôns *m~ i-t'. Theu hie urnei off the 49wcg in L iIZg othibit- hÀiotsYioveity OM-pW t NAfROW £SCAPIL gazoline, despite tise tact that b bai i>aTi ; 1hali*5-fit. dm. déportaient ars-ivet haies ces-e licklng lts & fo wAs MM 8 ' s ad Juniors W OlC eS, tenbacay.- t*1 ýsaà ill . one o ote onint'lehed f tevlmth % 1 for wii 1icedý ' au l:. r--e e in homen anv. lint 01 thi plà tio sit titi me it i ari le@ tht ne is br, in, do 't Wý L&IM COUNTY INDEPIWDEXT. , pRin'A v- NOVÉMBIEit 20- 1qil