Pâte 1TibmU r~ -- raliroada - -ice vil be itirglslid by flic ~ ~ il l~C*)11CC1t' MY E LPLANS coxnecting wvtttaueg Ail antries 01 grains to, mIauheg)anmcehtp %"tiOniRA FL show yl le free of charge. _______________________________________________________press charges viiilic paid Ctzn'cammittea. Entran, A dspatch from New York says that Roosevelt, when! FESTIVAL IN CITY ehbtwl efe.Xai an effort was made by newspaper men to talk ta him, sald: 1___ of dalry anti 'armlng iml 'amn a private o! the malt private kind-I refuse ta be- stock anti poutry tee-I aud 'intmee.Roeetrfsn ob rtriwd Preparations for the Event Evi- ticles of use ta agriculfuri lntrvlwed Rosevit efuingta o iteriewd! an dences the Extensive Na- stock andi poUitry produuers 1ou imain.fitl We hadn't heard o! the big Bull Mooser ist ill etueo u~uicraacaîy II, ad outure of Celebration. ehibits ai the Caria show. THOUSANDS VISIT THE CITY. îtrff0taeiatnd, i t be hoped that North Chicago continues the___ -anücdpa fkeeping the saloons closed Sundays. -IRII Itlesbeen unfa.ir to Waukegan ta permit them W be open. Estimated ItllIBe Greatest1 i AU KE<AN LO( threwhn n hi cty.h is on Sun(as.Nr" hi- Event of IsKn Ever Held! when in4his cit the li Thys. orth 9,William 2M.ayhev. a %tr s-emfxq 4VW9 15said, saaBs ssued the edic t tai. tuey a- o W.thu ThisCity. cii war, wldely knowî, au stay losed there Bundays i future. The officials will bo Waukegan. No.I. people of Kenotba county, dl S1%w YAVnV .i.Atilg hnFAwhiso snckrt- L.18--1home lni Lake County on the Corn 1.AIl ex- fa, urers ýL L II A A Ipe ents, n nu lE psto tu e. ê -W gt.A" b liîstnagé "! ét. e tAJIUBUUUU J7 YVL3'.O43 v n~* ~ 'ue everl cmmues PPOIICUThe remains wili be lrouglit to Ken- anoi d thirste are directly affetcted. y Mayor Bidinger to take charge ofBisa on ffricay morning and laid at hie valous teatures ai the "Fali tes- reti he Bur? Simmons lot at thE. the WI.nter robbery season evidently has started. "nd, la"hv enbs'mln i h Kenosha City coemetery. - Kenosha, frgm wbat one hears, there's iable to be more of it this ,"ecassryý arrangements to lueure its News. i greatest success. William Rogçrmon. li answer toaia Wlnter than in the past several years because of the en- The progrant committee hlas beau question askini liis opinion as ta why oral conditions. Thus, it behooves people to well lock &ei busy îierfactlng mealse of the program the Nortbw«tefl rairoad wa5 "lait domu, lwilll psy women ta see that they are acoompanied a-i hope t as vre> t etrslande"Wtihe ue adsn tin a satha Itwll beof nfeestta ll ancy. It vas kaown aâ the Chicago; w posibe W n 0- ad, ncidntaly, attend. Neyer before has Wauka- l andQaena railrad. Ite terminal was t-1lp&y4Ven men to eep theiriwea'a e okther eyes open when Igý,' hlait an ppportunity t0 ha the liost Gaeng, l. Tht vas Grantsa home. tralng out nights. Ad, everybdy can furthr pro- to sucli a large numbr of people as le was the b gflt man wh reslded teet themselves by leaving loase change at home or in the S il ~Y he fa r a lo a Ha vas left handed. go bauks. It neyer pays ta caMr too much money-youre th crnshopoiyso'adta > n deferance ta Granit fey made the habe t ge a ol inyou poketan loe i. os nstitute railroad teftthandad." liale o gt ahoe i yor pckt ad lse t.The poultry fanciers wil hold their Miss Frances O'Boyie and Ntios Eva -~ exhIbIt ln the Dady huilding on South M3arsh vtstted with relatives andi Naturally there wil ibe resentment in Waukegan ta G.-nesee stre',et, aving given over the frientis ai Fox U.lae Sunday. the plan of the credit association, the association ýwhièh A r o ieue n upssot Amto o e ra a ai 1 te corni show. The poultry show coin- today before Judga Persons In the plans to keep tab on those who try ta evade their obliga- mences on the -3th of Novembar, andi Grant township drainage district mat- tions. It is from that class that the resentment and OPPO taxilblta continuousiy f0 andi including ter ln which a verdict of $300 damages sition will corne. But, it's been a known fact for yearS thue 4th of flecember. This wi allow mas grantai ana of the objectais aý that Waulcegan needed something like that ta proteet aitf lus,- interested iIn poultry, ample fi-w days ago. The motion %vas denled merhans wo eten crdit Bythenewpla, lunced imie f0 caretully inspeet tha varlous sud the objectais were given 30 daye mercantswho xted crdit.By te nw pln, lunc e s et ures of thke show and i wli exWbla in îîhich ta fie thair bli of exceptions years back with success for a time but abandoned later, 11105e attending the corn show snd ini case tha>' desira an appesi. it la the idea ta have a carefully compiled list of those Who lamiîers' Instîtute to also attend. AtoreyAlcBeaubien of Wau'ie- are ciassed as "Idea-d beats" and then, if they refuse ta pay As s spacisi feature the Poiiitry gan wss much gratiied on Sunday legitimate hbis, Wa give them publicity which will prevent association has furnisheti a lacturer when he laarned thaf flic naine off themgetingfurter redt ad, icidntalyhelpone0 stofaik on poutry at the Farmars' In- iis great grandffather. Mark l3aubien, them getingfurhercreit ad, ncientlly hep a s titae. The Farmers' Instifute wiil one of the firat white settlers lni Chi- nelghbor front getting '"stung." And, if one merchant i5 be lu a".seion on Thursday and Friday. rago. appears third on the niche of1 "lstang," why shouldn't he be charitable enough ta his "i . :and 4. Spekars on subiarta of famie men whosa names have been brother inerchant ta help warn him against the "stingee,' y general interest concarning farm in- 11 zeested i;a a guide in naming thei diistrv snd the home wtll have a place ~mmra all hcg h instead o! permitting him or her ta switch their trade next oun irgram hiliwil e an- tat thallr.lBe hien cago.stand doorand then beat the second and even the third dealer? îounced lâter. The membars ut the 8o ni-ar the top Indisates that tbareý It's a plan of mutual protection for ail who try to get their arious rommitteas o! business and is a verY goad chance tIat the Nle- justpay for erc andierofesional meni and cifzns of W - moin rla ll will e nam ati ater hm. jua pa fo mechadis. îegsn in genarat. hope ta assia8t i This wouid le ane of te htghast hon- _______________everv way tu ma'ie If a waak O! an-i ors tit couiti le canterrati upon i hm. joymenf for ail who attend. Free 1 I. rtle okten of Libartyviile was NOW IS5 THE TJME TO SUBSCRIBE ed caiona entertaiximeftwmlbe pro brou ght toNcAstÎ opalWd F OR THE LÀXE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. cAat atl os.Seilsr for appaxdictis. DO YOUR OVELR,'COAT SPOPPING EARLYI ID AND DO ITIIERE- Better Follow This Hint-You11 Save Time, Money and Worry- HART SCHAFFNER & MARX liave 1rovided tis with the iot Nt orth-w'hile 4uvv toats we have evet sctili f it to satisfY t uv (d tlîiîi % oti oliglit to ii i t OUavit't. U ert at this store yv i-aube as '"fussv-" -~ w,*ou want for you are cert aii tsi find thiugs von'1l likt'. A gt-eat stock to -litose frorn iii the wotrld's best wveaves, îiewest pattertu s, and latest style developmieiits- Best Values known at $15, $18,t $0,$25t $309 $35 A.ýîd, after your overvot and suit are bought, w e are rcady- fot vour uîîderwear, shirts, hosiery, and cap wants. The very hest, of course. And tht-n vour shoe needs. The greatest hune of the btst shoes for al the family-men, wonîeii atiîd hildren. No otliei place sut fllv iratly to give yoîî the very best-Nvhieh i- alvavs thle eheap- LGK9 WAUKEGAN, ILL. 119-1-21 Geneoe Street LAKE COUNTY9S AND FALL FESTIVJ Waukegan and - Lake Countý, cordia-Hy invites everybody in Lake County' and ail their friends, farmers particularly to join in this Laklïe C-oun- ty's second big educa- tional exhibition Cern SI ~Faj! T Free Educational Entertainment at the 'varlous theaters Reduced Rates and Special Services o ail rail roads ALL ENIRIES 0-F GRAIN'FR4ýt Fre!EXhiblts3 le lic. 3à.o FOR THE BESI TIME 0F YOUR Li! ALL WAUKEËGAN WELCOMES Y L.A RE Cfl(OUNTY lM1b1'>lXIUE\I'PlT t \'N\ -() ,l fqsJl4. sf5 anti ciii have Thi8 ln lai ticular inong the cid ai hie iTuesday. o"'li pi- Ile ru s of cot- )olIy ;9$a bee&- mred' ad ced., el Copyrkht lian Scha el*ýwp«ml"w INA ftima