Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Nov 1914, p. 13

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Nae Six. E.K O NTY DPN)N.PIA .~OEMBFR 20, 1914. 813NPGS MUT eý» T lre llgbacli and forth to the ngm ai thtei boum Det m*è. XsdIgee,1800 w handt and It la thought litg talla wil MUST REFUNIyTONlosý men have thrown them N aCif1,IO ~~~ l O>*I# .i E Prove tu be a mont lnteresting one. ' TOPARADE avay. a rie nmesui a lr k aga p arda y. hc ~ --- There are other fine numbera on the CO IUESYIT New, the question le: Wil the nom- olie enqorntara a Vete m0 uayr. O~-4T PogaMwhich willImalio the afair - SNT UNIID UTters for ALL back t1ickete bearing CITY F6 CESvoktg frW waed NnVRSRYII rowof An TOOPN OA IN PNHDOTrides they con produce or wiIl t il ppiy M llolo tigo i wt nd ÀIiM EThe Odd pkeliowa og I n f h nautomobile parade, starting at merety front now on? 1 IIA L~1Uvtvg lhhmanelewsMost Important ln the City. Fyoni the hlrnlv nRcn.M the Congres hoal Chicabo, and and- SUNDAY Clng l6 HlghlaWal Park, vi i be hlie ta lIIilities Board HolMiteUnusd la fRadical Change. ariiin.Celeblatiofl Whieh WiN Bt eldOIdoMi>ativ'ely humble legnning Ig igh~lebat.ond ak lng 0 aiev ed cn - ed But. the raling ta one of the mostt1haa gravit tteong and taoaes racou Montflly Tickets Represent important affecting Waukegau that iNorthi Chicago la enforcing the m is - cTBenvi aply u- to Be a igtPOne whangow throaenag aniaion a n rt scin2fSerdnrodN Rea Vaue olPnpl. asentue nrtratmtratoludycanla. A charge ,Prist by a noinher of her young1 the City. Tir ilb eialncrmn yeaa t ~~ tî te as by Felîx Povinski againat3efia nSturday Theln thought that there willi bc at a point on the new rond. Mlayor ORDERS CO. TO REIMBURSE.; company haa Do alternative but ta Rusatck wha rune a satoon on Prea.j vas the ltti. ladys etghth blrthday aukegan, Nov. 16. mnany viitlng Odd i'etlows from dit- Harrison, ci' officials, membera of refond tu Confimutersaait that la ieft tot avenue near liii,. Provlns'it tes- sAd a tliorouglily good time vas en. The local lodge of Odd Pellova held forent parts of the county as Wauke. the Chicago andt Cooka counti' roai es- Ruling Is VitaIIy Important to on the. monthly ticets. îlfied that lie wuslit the saloon Sun-. layaibthe ti littie peuple present. a npecial meeting on Saturday ntght, gan la a member of the Lake County ttebad.rpeelavao h WakeanPope h Ue ha il Cman D? day. Nov. Sth, vith other men anit ira. -Brues vas asaisted ln teUni tec psebln o lctadeoa ,Odd Fe'lowa association, an organisa- Associated Ronde organisationas at Waukean Peple Wo Us WhatWlil ompan Do? bought lîquor and saw others boy it! tortainment of the guesta by Mimte oeben a tet d legtion 'formed a couple of yearsa ga ta promInent Highland Park cltitena 'Viii the Tickets DIy 1Now. commnuters vho read the gacea. Other îtzisases vere caîi.d Marie OSciimaanThase pregentathepcnfention No the r 1.n.D.Ldebigtevrcamme5o I.prîiae hove item are vliat the andt frnm theni It vas brought out that ware Boatric@ andI Anna Cook, Helebh order ln Lake Counti' Into a cloner The new atretch of rond la a flbtte compW wil d Ln he mtte: TbY ýHutchînson waa elected to tbis honot Falowing general reCOMMenda- cmsrvld atenatr ibythere vere a number of men lntean d Dortliy Hale and Elizabeth Dz io. t. c h lc !T .Jn5w bond ef symvatlai'and brotherly feel- aid'a bal! long and Win forci a part lions niade i i.lliosjuucare vonderlng ift the ratlroad officiaIs. aaloon on tbis gtven Sundai' te nome The. Mthodiat Sunday tchoollashe puly anctedof bu ounhlirg. Every lodge of the orîer ln Luke of the.extension of Sheridan roa# tu uuties commision theie. o, 0 Crenovent te new ruling. mayo: vhoni Rusaiic tsaldlilquor and oti- cliosen the. lat Sundai' cf November it impossihle tu make lie trip. ianyl ersntdM vn h 1aoancaelI. hc lt ad Northweterp ratireaitbu le-j coins tha pnîce of the. monthîy ticket eras tateit that lh. treatedt Uimitoab as T der "dthey have invlted month a meeting ta haIt, aomettmes matal i viioomêmMornte .jurlailet- oued an oriter ta ail ticket agnts or. poaahbly but baritti'probable, re-liquor. ThecLtty attorney 'i. C. Deck- the. Pneabyterian Sunday ecol tu Tueaitay night will be an important In one citi' and aaoetlmes in another. tone« the LUncoln park boasi iirotidlng for the. redemption et fusea 10OeilI mOaflly tlctets at all. or tu automîng ui the case statedt tut chooae tii.maSe date. The. Preabyter- ueal the history o! the local branch the unused portions of monthly Teeaemn'bgcte 0teCtI*frmthe evidence it va8 ver plain dtins have afoapteit and thte tva Bon- Of OdtFlosa lylmrklt al huhTho)Rail Wnr. commutation tickets, aceoniing te, r thsuurb lkethre reabutthat Ruastcli haitsalit or gîven awaY day seboola vIilmake an effort to gel 24th anntvergary of the establtshmient! GisenU, oh, givea , t. man Wiio It la fnet the man vWho rehle a asî.,ntmat a-s aits sie-Ciicgo, viiere no aucli tickets ane tiquo-r ou that date and a etier vasa AU their flambera out on tht date. o! the ladg. ln Wgukeganu, An once]-.55$ tU$ ita ig i. ILHa donsaloers in corne. firut vbo vina botthe. mam Doon bi' James E: Quan. cliafr laued. For instance, Pittabura lias a violatioenof the law a fine aholit ..1 t 0 uev labeing erected ionlent lragraini as been armageit.On. the Ï11106 tithe-hs vWIlDdo Il bottr- voiiivaactly vbat lhe ta seng o! te emmisio. Te oder maay tselon. but no commutation t,, Imposait. He thought that vhen a Sherlan t~ronit hetveen llth andit lt th e 1mont prominent speakers ln ieo il persevara longer.- ýrhomaa 10 o oviie areacheu the corner.- 0r'ds o h redemption of ai ticket» are obtainable tiare tîke aient ca-.e of Ibis kind wan hrought to the streeta. Mr. C. B. lsayler la the hullit. the. atate cf Wisconsin vîli be on Carlyle, C. 0. Hughes. ilioseit portions of rnoaihly tlck- h ot io. attention of the ct!oll'ciala thai'y No Word Itere Vet. hui okalriecaesint -- -- ---------.-.e-- et. between Chcago and Aurore. iý-cl okatrtecs n o Elgn, Barrbnglon. St. Charles,.1lnqutnýv of the Wauliegan agents of leavcy il le tie tate's attorney and Wakegan, Wiituhrop lHarbor,.andlte NOrthwastenii brings forth the thiiia giye North Chicago the ame of Intermediate ponts. tatement that they have not yet l'e- Dtot enforclue ber taws. - ~~~ceivecitoriter5 comptylng wvîh ithe ru-_____ The aboee item in,& Chicago Son- i. i of thae*ommssIon as exslained MAYOR CH-RISTIANSENS day paper t, t-lialiy importnt te some; ln lhe Sonda Item. Uikaly fit vil BROTHER PARALYSIt ViCTIM 250 or mre W.nkagaàbt a io'tra-el; coiama n tme se tha peUt te Riend Chiristansan. brother of M: - - tck aud forth dalY belveen Cics- able. to cumPli vth il by thue bagin- yor Christensen of North Chicago dtd au. nlng of eIl month. tickets eaeii monti on. vltbere are__ _aIUTO ixti'rides ansi for vblcb they psy for. atlthe aie of 16 cents; a ride esch D I O way. The 25 ride tiekets case $11j.60_________________ belveenWtukugsk ad Chicago., W icifigures au nt co rtc47 cents in ] i aL ride. Foor of lathe mor vmueu via pur- rhas, the. niotils' tChetsvueau o the Msty rides ferbardly ay of them u ig sot e sV r go èoo Sundaim wW i'miaSat- u igA sr.n sV r oe andmmi"*Urother days Com niete éà the mSUti.Thereeaitthli.e o et the UOtli. 05. glace ter bave ElW'e Ve hpeît a lot oif monev lately roiding out bues obtaînabie, tissa cmiautue*, ouRigslcto. bave hitad-pare rides- lt on theIrn OrRn slei tickets. W'ba wve loft bavae ~s:s < Jusit now it suits us exactiv. 4M Suennaderd Volulms c»».the I l Ever- gem that ladies and gentleen iwear is tIckets Inicaishe "uMmte cosed, hére-e>very one. dm«te m un-« *i E Evçrv combinatitil of st.ones in eveî-y setting q co adert0 h that lis most in favor eau be seen. p~~sE I < While the plain symbol oif marriage is shown inlOu fbvaver. aomodag (0the tii. al weights at a eorresponding variett- of prices._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ béiC nJi5 J t.MYs e etmyar napsiii a pelem une lt.pwcbm& i EA nd a visit to Our store would, we kuow, prove ud. <UIEG NNNG S t da ,o emr 20 we eon eba t Uyfl teme' niteresting to anyoue interested iin Rings. plceon sa urae. ntir e mstock2f0Piano t~l 51li asI.o~ is OS 9cElWe in vit e iou. or 14Cents eeakriwpac n saeou I to k o P a o sN»y men have lbi a i » abftGA L IK gag the eftINGALt"S» B O$. at astonishing reduction in price. We are com- bav saedtub nshe JEWELER AND OatmLANS pelled to dispose of'a number of instruments to FHE HOME 0F STEWART RANGES AND HEATERS. make room for continuaiiy arriving paoas our contract with certain factories compel1 us to use a certain nurnber of pianos monthly. Bsiness has been slow, and our pianos are piling up ofl Tiils gIi1~k ~ $ t~~rtus, and we are so overcrowded that it is almost impo, il Heatrot ~frgt 275to properly show our goods. No doubt every family in need of a These. pianios are our regular lune of high grade instru- hater wiîî te enger to get one of tb ments, flot pianos of question able qUality, usually Fhipped ini ~5 O lautifiuî Stewart Stoves while te asat. unr eaiy-payxnett rn- Lhey tsor a "Sale." (Yo1wnJ tebrawti reaeh f alr ,- It affords an unusual opportu.nity to secure an instru- AII* . ment of "known quality" at a 'price. MoMW# s,- 1uj)p**M Should you be considering the purchase of a piano in the Abou ths woderul eate. Te ~future, -it will payyou. to investigate at once. About hreshows excly heat Te pîks Wo invite your inspection of these beautiful instruments. like. Noe hsexaelborat l ickee EVEN MAKLS, IUpright Pianos,, Player-Pianos, Grands * ~ trinînîings and the magsive perne(nbthing rered) in oak, mahogany, walnut. $1 i.00 -a worthy ornament ini itéeif. --Corne.while the selection is so great and varied. Do not let this large magazine; 16-iu<lh firepot. For opportunity sli*p by. Pay us a visit at least. Every, instrument brand new We. RIF liard or soft coal ; base humner of extra-. and guaranteed. Instruments gelected held until Christmas upon order. Al ordipaî-ily Iow eolîsumptioa. A power- _________ extras, such as stool or beh, cover, piano-roIls, tunings, etc., with every $7 Heatets - Ths b,. sale. Store open every evening during sale. teg,7BonnyOahk trs5.975 $*4 <aisA TILKM OF LESSONS FREL 'lYh. heater oif tremtundous power and minimum con - with every piano sold during sale. Cati phone 687 Waukègan for appointment s-e. ad or soft coal and wood; ribbed Oire pot. ally $30 EBDI'a Prtîy niekel trinnned. A remarkable saviîîg. m d The Reduction in price rtüiges from 475.00 to $225.00 A gea hg ,avngonIân't that Worth Savin g? Lot us, show you. - Apegreat ig lâv ro - size six ida.oh..&.

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