Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Nov 1914, p. 8

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^O VETIS IN G RATES Se per lineeaSca iserion tesa lhon 6 ines, 25e finît insertion . . +. . . . +.+.+.. FOR BATL + *s bave aienumber of âne homes ior -sae r ise. Dyunosi& Austin, Liberty.- ORSL-40 Poet Ilie Wid Gess 07reaa S l5are.11001lb.,ooundî droa worier. C. Zels, Eresî li. --- - - - --- - -- -c7 li 'FO VOSALIE - Regiitered BROWN4 SwM U oA; a"e tramusriglipro- ilUe ouws &"o iitght type. IUW- 32500N PARU. P. 0. adreai Box Il., fim eiFaim laie County' linois. Oct. 9--Wkly 4t FRSAL--Ounoc Jersey HoC&-EAr- Ir sointg 05ga ai iotir sezesand tour Ymrlisi, hast. .Ailfrn0.&lrge - ad »1ma by' mattted bains. HAW- «?UOU< ARM. P. 0. idures, Boxr Il. liatbm Farin, Lae Couant>, laia& Oct. 9-WIMy 4t FOR SALE-Firnloks-MoOI's aline ECals, 4 b. p., la gaad condition, viii 1111000114dbMPIll bSm Decembor lat. - Misss teapsriîlstaI lndepeVsent .~I.gdIlieu, s W.,ru s, eng t ie55 rs.mAices e «à O5. ,hs~ss c2 .....AMD...JONKEATJNQIS FSILECS .... *e......... VICTIM OF DARING ENM IN COURT lot l80 acres farme. W rite steting ailt JIftIfITfl lINov.UflCU patclr.No agente Addreos R+ A. assai .59) INa fjE1"J3A SWaui bo e gaPr est Independent office, C 1ti ernoan tire jury lu tir Grant tawna WANTE-Baarder annrnor by dey1 Man Who Is WeII Known inl ship drainage case relurneil a verdict or week. pnîvte amil>'. Aise ight Waukegan Bound and Gag- allviisg 100 damages latirte obje-- boueekeeping. Corner Broadwayva>und ged by Two Robbers, _ton._ Second St. Mirs. J. A. Deve>'. hp1 ___________________________ Jous Kaiig. onmnlya pomiet Tire $300 damages returued b>' thet saloonkeeper In Kenosha and veIl Jtrrr lu cauu'lY court* ffiday aiternoon koya lis Wauziegau. vas the vîcîimi vas for Walter Wiite tire principal LOÀN FfRI c f tire bodest noiriery ln Keisosira obector . Mr. W1hite mil sougirt ta se-1 Sonda>' nîgit tisaI anirstokn place cure muchiriger damages. Tire ben- efIn a seensl instances vere naissil TOTRLEED $7071% there inyears. b h ry ~ $1 ,10 tirrin vira ias charge of he lirTe jury Business of tier ecorders office ion in tire botlt orup,liai moams In tirh. Trejry In thre Grant tovnsirip tire vesi endng Nov. 14, 1914: intel. At Il o'ctoc ireo vent ta hie drainage case, vent ta Flir Laie an connmior tire nigirt Juat as liere neci- tirnda>' md vevei tire promises. Nuinier oi tranaiers. 84. nu tirs door, tva men vira, a iew dayg Tirey vere Sns practically ail day.1 Numirer ai trust deois and mort- previoasi> bail renteul a raom on eltis- Toae>'tiey returued andIl n caunly gages, 20. or aide oi Keingis, jumped aut on court litenei ta tire arguments of tire Toalinumber oi pipera fiel, 104. hlm, fastening bisaarme ln ucsncb 'a tltoys.Juige Periau5 complotai! Total aniaunt ai toans, 870,750. jmianer tirat ire could nut lgirt themt. ;i Instructions about elevea-tirnt> Busines durlng tire veek vas ratiter At tirelamne time tire> gaggsd i, oclock and tirýeucae veuttlatlie Jury. quiet lu transiers. altiraugir laina s etidi is arma about hmm and rushed At tva-thurt>' oclack thisafaternooa $12000 iigirer tran tire precediag hlm tirnugirlte door andita ietlie juin>' vs 5h11 ont, veek. bath room virere tirey rabehirhm. The came lsaonselunviricir a nurnier Tir enuteaiirhis diamandsanmd $4 ai property ouersriear lF'hiLake Tire oulytra nniens oaiinteret vere lIn monoy. Hie diamandi voesVatued, are prOoatlug a candemnalbon case ta lthe cauvoyance oi 31 acres lu section: at about $600, As they tenir bi cash, e ondemn a iorty fot slnip ai land fan 9, Liiertyvlle tovnsip, ieiag pat ai tire rambersaiduilîtei Oie>' vene dis- drainage purPoea.h. vaton for lamne thre aId Barnett tarin. tram Miler and appoînted riae oaithram aying: 'We la camne trm Fuir 3Lake. Austin la Auna S. Esentrot ion a nomi- vere tld yau alva>'î carried a big Tire objectons ciaimed tliaItirhe dams- ual cansideration. and the trinsier ai vad." i agesalaloweil thoin b>' lie drainage M3 acres ai tire Arthiur F. Sireldan prop- Piinned Drugglng Hlm, 1commtesloneni vere not sanfilcient. A ont>' it Ares ta tire Area Institution of Tire mon eacir iail a iypodermic 1numirer ai vituesses voro placeil au Business Teciruology for a nominal neelle inlirts poisession and thein firet lire stand iry bath iles ta gîve tieri consideration. Pan vas ta drug Keatlng b>' uslng 1 testinon>' as laetthe value ai tire land. A nov euhdiviian vas flied b>' Md-1 them. Hovever, farsnsme ime Kent-,Tire pices viied tram $100 ta $150 vin P. Oserman and otirera in the iug iras been quito ici vlth sicn aira- su acre. village ai Deerfietd cotalning S1ilota. salnandilhre egged them n ot ta do 0,! Tire ohiectora claimeil furtirer liraI Tire uev Kelogg subdivisionsa ilpromisîng ho woolnè in aies- th ie drainage dilcir voulil lover lire Wlntirrap Harbor are mading bisk>', tuniance if Oie> vonhl refrain tram levei ai Flair Lice tuly tires or four lthe Iota being s505 thrfougir H. 0. tone usîng fleedîes. Tirey shw .i » tent and ould lteare a mudd'shirn.. & Company,. Cileigo. feeling viren îirey consented ual t Tire>' claimed tirat muci of tirir landl A desil ar interest ta Wiukegan use the drug. 1 ou tiehre rosas aultairle ton suirdivt. vas flied during tire veni train tie Aften getting hii valuables, thme ro. sian purpases and tire>'teareil tint If Chir-cgo & Nortirvealeru aliroad1 tiers leit Keallng ou tire fbar andirur- thlie laie vers lalire loveraitire>' iîa. i e ,f, Wa S-a .Ai a.. ,......, a.,,.nIouhillho unairle te dispose aifl. lu Com5pn t t tU ty of11W aa,-----1rieinly-~lf- hOU u.nel, eapmah fritea oud-- - - - isos f f.I f00 4M5 9be 5 64001 modehou*il'11fo pening op Sand treet aong thre tata. auto wich was in waing. They es- response ta this itnesses for tire oth- D dimnO st5lf, «" enclomild gi caped before Keating made his wY 'er aide pointed out that tire effort ta fisq. ler N. F. Chamberlan, dotbsnvra] &c SHOULD PASTUERIZE MILK. to the window and sirouted for irelp. bave thre land subdlvlddhi ee e0ft SAL-A 4mos. oid Colt, baller Presence of Foot and Mouth sa about three days ago and engaged1 by thetpreg:nt Owners for a number 1 Iqlesmig et a gond rondbhome. -DsasnDitit atefom or wbich they paid. Tbey ofyar.C 0mdrvsc. J. Odei, râmae, 1il, RI. were egarded with suspicion as tirey In fact those who heard the ev- Cause of Comrfents. appeared to be ratirer tough-looking. devrce dlaIm the testimonv was rather, POI SAE-Sme ,rs7 ioar, ,adyWultegan, Nov. 16. No cnosiras been secured of themn ai- perplexlng and the Jurors have a ratlr- ZAL-D « ese oae raythongh ail nortir shore police were no- or bard problem ta decîde. of Wp servce. Fed Bersing, B 3. iberty- Since the preseflce of the hoot and ______ihe__________ccrrnce d 92 mouth disease among the cattie ln lidn h esainlocrec 511 tis district. many ctilens af Wauke. à;I cAEd5(heter White Pige, 2 gan bave commented on the neeofa etCs sNwPnigjM NA T3 fO motufl Lueu@mauLiet3 or striiigent rouinance iu tire cily Higher Courts and a Decis- Mc A BRDi W S g * OMI. Phoua 2be-M cOt of Waî5îegan, guisding lire eltraisce in~ A.,4tIC..k ___________________Of Impure milk into tire community. ion a AIited Eagely. L Y RrU Dfl E I EAÀS 04M . &ALg-Two young h!gh grade 'Iany af tbem are of tire belloft tiat Tht tire tulîlan for hirgb sciool stu- I %CJIIL i LI. il ofbmhrw utRin. Os ld enaugh (cfor tire City couneil abuid! rft an ordin- dents resldlng ln anotber district _____DES_ IN_ .srsloo Ais se n iller Whte luar, suce that sbould not only dernand +he must be paid b>y the directors of tben wt 200; mu'eeyp(or ureice. Pure bred. naipecîlnof ait daInles sblpping mik district in question, and that thre par-:Alëxander A. McKay, Who 'N' Ut,à i1@m,01. 800811 Lko, Phono 12 W 1 jtatbe City, as ta ianitary candi- en ta afi children residing lu an- out- Lived Where Dr. Foley Now w aIde district bave no rlgbt ta pay tire t#c3 ions, but toalaIe demand tbe pasteur- f uîtîon, la the construction placeti up- Livs, Dies Suddenly. ----------Isa1tIon ofa al milk and tbe steriliza- on thre Tultian Layv of Illinois by tire10 FOR S AL.E-iiosrnd. brown bors, wt.ion ar tire botties, ln whirch I:lais on- High Beciool autiroritisosfaiFreeport. Tirere was buried ln Gracelanil cern- 2, 140;"64. laquire 01JaOtto B. Otaon- lained. Ill. Tiis rais an entirely new pbape etery, Chicago, Sundîy. ans ai Wau-W 4u P2 (i tire condition. eaismn rnfltpoerrs- Mléi. Sone aoflire daines bringlng tallkit flta iSm there la strang probabil- kgu atpoi~u ine ai FORS MALE-fisme quille a numberofai mbtbe City. ilow tbe moves aifirah ity- of a test belng made af tire higir dents, Alexander A. McKay, a ma. Io 84ied Su*Sototern ta eoid setnoc. pasleurizing tire MIN and ileriliztng schoal tuition law as tbe resait of thre wbo, vii bora ln tbe Ctty aat- spent IA ami ab»,. à.' are&. 4C2 tire baIlles but Ibase deaers are ad-Freeport hîgir ichool autbornles de- many yeans ln tire communlty Pb(xrn it ly inthe inorty i thenumb ofc llnlng ta accept tb,.. 1,yment ai lui- wssrgln ln obcm n _______________________ y u ir mnolt l trenube alion for Jobn Britt. Jr., ai district 89, wa tugln ln a nan n FOWS'MAI-4 vacat lais at Liberty- Persans retailing milk in tire City. Tire iecause It was lire parents ai the of the5 leadiuz fIlinis cities. lir Mc-i uije. 1!., It. t10a1r il. Est irot.,leader of thre strict autation mave- pupîl, lusteai oi tire dîrectars ai the iKay dinil suddenly lu New York ni «r «me4. ideal rsîdeqit location, ments and tire originators af pasteur- district that lenderei tire money.The Tuesday, Nav. t0tb. - Freepont icirool autirorities bold tiratiMr ,IKyfmelwsarsdntt dàMg fort".sa i i . lloyd. Bir 447, Ized ilmik and teriliized e<uiiment 1l1 the money cannaI ire accepteditframont Kytomr w a sn te1 * <j~ iadils M. t~d a praminent dairy company ai this anyone except tire directors ai tire dis- ai Cbicagoanad vas wel nav vmtr - cly. Tirir warr lavande sanitatlan triet tram virici tire pupilicames. Insurance business. He vas barnn 1 POI tAE- fliîn4ta cmig'2luthre production ai ilik products Quito the cantrary ai this rule le ln Waukegan. lu 1852, andl moyen ta iel .VeOMMeffect at the loa-l iigir sclOUsaiThureChcgln17.Fewso erfH - gos... fitna ypare, oprnnglog; hasslnluenced tise otirer dealers ta are a number ai chilîdren altending Ciaol 80 -evsuucu .&Wb 3W, vou it laHlsten Bull, 'J Y55X5a large extent.lire localIinstitution tram outaide dis- 1 large dovjovu Chcaga roi estate 014. W t. Rayer. Libertyvillp. Phone Satary canditions in lire focal tIcts sudlu tire majority oi cases tire iholdings, amaug them ireing thre tee 267--1i9Pp-2 daîrles are ahowing good fealures scirool direttore are not paylng tire ta tho landl on vbich tbe Maltera; Heallir Outrer Clanrence Hicks Of tbe tuition. The autirorilies ai tire Wau- Building and tire Netraolîlan Block 9 FOR àiALE--4; lat.. FréAme House, fie kegan bigeS sciool hll lire parents ai rousi, iiujdrru-acolt bath. coud lty aîcompsaied iry Stale Inspector tire chilîdren prsonally responsîble stand. During recent years Vr. Nie- rooum,41 imournd Cuaney recontly made a round ai tbe tor tire tulion. Tbey figure It la far Kay hsd resided lun Nov Yo7r.anula il. s inle & -sti argalu at price dainies ltri tissectIon Tirey founil a tbe parents rather for tbem ta ese spent munh ir tbs imie airril. FlieA eoed. (4ui oaly H fi.Bloyd, Literty- fî iv î*î tis hich a uc ý1tath direcors pay tieutin îîî.cut rrngualteewchsas ulc la îug~e renls8abjetit payîng as a member ot tire Chicago 'thIn- carcected Iythi ie dairs mon. rowever. thre tuitliui thev muet laite tiretmater tic Asscitation. andl tbe Union Loague rnanY ciizns are of the bohicff that up wtir lie scirool director5 luntiroir clibi.Ho is surviveilby hies vdow 1 . . . . . . . . +.+. lire rosi rMenac-e consias in lireMill. district. Otberwise there might ire and mve brotirer, James R. llcKay of + FOR sod @r wtou ethàrb+n a constant igbt on irelveon tire localChcgt 1FI R Tbigir scirool autirorîties and lire di- M.Nlyliol ntreiloc . . . . . . . . +++ Patouri7zedco, tire botties torilizeil, foent scirool directire.Mr cKylvdnth redoe snd are urging agitation ta lnAtrce tir Aitirhe preseul limue tirere la a tul- nriorni and occupied b-tI'r J.,<C. FOR MENT-T'w.î large ,,miis 1fr lrwb tcly councilu ook jta tire 'al'ýr. lion case tram t1e local higi subuofl Foley, on t'ashînglon tre"t at tbe hbMseokeopina Furuiishol Mcs, îafileatbat bas ieen <arclidlatirte higir ravine. The \tcKa; tamily was class- courtse sud a decision la expectelaI- es L.y- oIrard alcool cti ACTION WAS ANTICIPATED. muaI auny tîme.Tihis case waa fusIl- 1cd wMI tire tlodgetîs. tire Mc'ristrs - ________ utod by Mr. Kuebker ai Aroasvira tbe Prices sud nibers ai tire promin- FOR REN T-ltou andi huard for twa WaukFe-,irr Nov. :: aid tire tlion ofihiIschildren under 'ont early resîdeuts Tirir bhne was mm o~r rouii furlght huuuekeepinrg. Stte Attorney R.,.J Dady tolay irotest sud thon starleil action considered one aiflire attractive: spoîs; G«e. Thrditu-el sud HunîbotCourt, fled an infratinon la caunt>' court 1againat tireseciroal directora ta camiselluir lfocre'IpttUpl0- tualsIokasuuti. saor',ni falory. agaînet (George Gehirrg, a Nort li ombe t.1rir. b ker lnA heoal- itcaordiînarruraunertirraugirour. &fiw s100-J. i-ti cago barber on a charge ai nsault ,orrîs anl an ap)peal vas laien. Bridge Nîmed After Hlm. t ~~ aud batter>' growing out ai an alleged Even saute aitire younger resîdents ~-POS SET 4-ruaBoseonFoi attack ons William Haslet by Geirlu4 ,ONE MAN WAS BURNED. I reifruer McKay's bridge. fi toud - .-..s~iunubd fduarod. Inqurre fev days ega. A caplas wll ire is* ou Washinigton sî tieravcaino 1i0mnt utn74 selfrGhu' perne î Wet Pipe Coming Into Contact Iefore tireliresont flied-ln cuivrnt a court la oc-ler tat lire me>' ie plac-aa! Wth Acids Causes Accident buill mauy vears ago. MKay'î bridge . . .++. . . . . under bond5 tan appear is court for Cyln ec o as go uamed Iecause tire McKay@ 4. mBOEL ANE Ul + triai. Iit Iraugt lire caseyl not ahlvdrgbtajlgi.Thon. viren . 4...... . .4. I . + Cone up until tire Januar>' termra Waukegau, Nov. 14. tire bridge was replaceul b>'tire pre- court.Tire suilden contact ai a pipe con- sent fil, tire latter ha alwaya iroon WOWE TO OAfa4>nimprwad oal Altirougir there bail beoisreporte ini seyng vater an ita surface vitircireut relerredin bta la'der reIdet as m - Ie êa J84 istK,. s, Fnal Ntional Nartir Chicago t0 thre effect that Geir- Icais camposeil ai sal ammaonia and Kay's culvert. i l mid il vas ttils --l ring would bie proseculsil for tire ai- znrMlell alepalnvrc r M a y attenr homtire McKaYs Ire voneand a pWancre oflau 1 afllegeul attac but tî vas tirougit tuis injue wo n a pntie et sce lant ubdivislans ln Waukegan, serutrai ln WAU 4Y OIS ARE LONELY-The wauld ire dans b>' moins of aveaning ai tire Cyclone Feuce campais>. F1- numbier, were nameul. Wàjk"OouO"detW auccassui club ias out a varng andl have tire case day aiternoon. Tire accident vas ans iq*rM Wof wait ealtir> gible Mets- tiresirei out lu Justice court ratirer ai tire mot peculiar that irai ever nub I5 bappened ln lu IisvicInIl>',.-The lulur- DEAUTY SOnijr Ufl5.LAR lign Rooth atbszs, wishlngedy marri- Iran b>' means oi an Information,. m asva .J elya aiIlvr A ASA EHM EF *g> eU pMdptioIres. Mm. Wrubel. la sald irowever tiratiS G5ri.g iai la iuperlntending tire construction ___MSSGE___ EF lex l ek. ad. C(W. p-O 2 MADy bi inlaNantir Ciricand salan d tire piacing ai tire eqiipinnt ofa i ls Hila Haiman. proprietar oi Svas feereul tiat it mlght h. diMeiutthOe uew galvanizing Plant blstasln- a ireauly sirop lu Higirlandl Park, ns- Pbem wsug Wmoutâ tuinll bo ta gel a conviction If tire cae came op slelled lin tire tactory. He w lvaievre- turning tramt a irani 3rlday, dete0teul 4s* tnbd fudlideuiltraleCity Pro- lu Justice court. Unuier tire pltu iy rru oaotfiefaeb>air lylga trauge aulor for a isat parlai I acI He tà a guest at tire Ar-ligton vas cigar stuoke. 1[lxaminatlan dia -psstg.erMpoodwtthme.Adureep Mihng an Information tirecase C"ieirtel lu thus city. cos ht$5ada lciOms A.Àom .140 . leârioru St.. up ia Count>' court rihtiranypc, ll Iht$1 n uelcrems k.~~~~~~~~~~ - 9 9 a7 hiigtdpndit ~'~age Instrument hmd tsa om eyld. 4»eýà,IlI 9P liinay barigIndpenontad#Toa byU,04. The Iiuntlan vas chraud, but «sa«W. W. is wl tir gv col le ai l ticl tir s vlu WIS Pei 1hg lot ta AI an AI IETHOD 15 INTERESTING. îJ. Allen, City Chemist, Ré- ceives Equipment for Deter- mining the Question. In tire tuture tire cil>'f ai Wiegaa Il ho hiuaa cusltion te determine vilir ractueis tire amount ai matter tiret belng tirravu mb tire taite ever>' ay vilir Oie sovige, Il vîh aisoeire Ivon tire apportuilit>' ot detenminiisg se amnaunt ai ianeign matte, liraI tire ,ster dria out ai Oie lakeista thre îiIa aiflire local Cil>' vater varia, ataina. Tiret move vii made posai- le tiraugir lie recelving Ioda>' ai paratu infr te put-liase b>'W. J. ioen, City' ciemiat. Tire apparatus conlstaio a et mt en parta, assemiriel i Consista ot au pPlianceviricir yUl driv tirs mais- ne tram a crucihte cantalnaing tire vwage, leavIng tire malter. Tir e - tn ai dnivlug out lire moisture tram he sevige la mile naplul tirugirtire se oi a vacuum sYstein. After tirs raIer la taken tram It tire malter lu ýaced lu an aven wvireaIl la <Inid As tire sevage la veigirei belons tirs rater la laken rm lt, It la also vigirsi îfter Il la dry, se that tire ierceutage ai tire amaunt ai malter iien tramntirhe sevage mal, ire gaineil. Tire appasatua viti prove valuabîs atire voof aiMn. Allen vira yul b. Xordei a hetten silvanlage ai gainiug he condition of lire laie vaten et vir- ou timo5 hy using tis nov methad oprove aut bis aIrer fildings. RERL ESTÂTE TRANSFERS Funnishod b>' .AKE OOUNTY TITLE & TRUST Coe kbotaincîs aiTitis. Tilles Ouarnteed. Misonie Temple Bidg. Waukegan. Nov. 12. 1914.-J. V. Nonecasanmd vie ta C. W. tIeiisgveîl. latIn lureseir r loIs 5 and 6. iblock 34, Highliandl ýa. W. D. $10. G. S. Fariner and vifs ta A. P. amul %moia B. Wells, latI13, biaqc 6, Webbr id Jensen'North aideaddjiion,. A. L. Blalanul tea LIl 2Paddock. ot lu S. E. canner section 3%,i.Grant ,wushlp. W. D. $1. Nov. il, 1914.-J. S. Hamandmil ifs ie C. A. Wieneie et aI. lot 9. hlacc 'l, kt Home subdivision Wsnucanda. W. 1)$205. A. P. Sirelilon and i vite le ltzger- id. lot 3, Ravine Siope subdilvision, crea. W. B. $260. A. F. Sirolion ail vifs ta Sarahr Cameran. loi 4, Ravine Shape subdvi- ion, Ares. W. D. $260. A. F. Sireldon and ilfe la Ares In- ilote ai Business Tecirnalagy, tract :flandl adjoluing Sirore Acres oubr- livision, Village ai Ares. W. D. $10 Lucian G. Yoe ta Cornelius DeMey- Lr., lots S and 40, Wailswerli subdivi- sien Waukegan. Deeda $725. * Catirolir Blsbnp ai Ciricago ta An- olo Mlenani, lot 3, blck 12. Exmaoc dition ta Higirlend Pari. W. D' $1400, N. A. iloy anul vite ta J. T. Panier, aortir part lot .1. Cuminga & Co's.* Northr avenuie aditioln, WVaulcegau, W. D. $3.000. J. T. Parker and i wlte l N. A. linyt, lote 12, 13 ail N 30 fi lot 11. block 2, Parieras Grand avenue subdivision Wau*uega, W. D. $1.000. M. T. Balle>' la W.R. Frnkns. part aot 4, Liads subirdvision ai lot 249, Laie Fores'. Q. C. $1. G. S. Farme ndmi vie ta E. 0. ail lice H. LaCirippelle. has la an d 15, blIoqt 6, Webbr & leasona Northr ave- nue addition. Weukegau. W. D. $i. Nov. 13,91-CHI. SmthiandS vite te W. F. ail J. G. Goyen, lotI 16, aci 1, Suitura luI subdivision ou Cir.nnei L.ake. W. D. $1. C. W, Leingwelt anud vIfe la lra H fleneon, lot 1, résurof aipr. block 34, Htighrlandl Pari. Q. C.S4.50. L. H. Lloyd and i vite lat'. G. lDe raeg, lots :13 sud 34, block 1, Lloy's subdivision. Higirvod. %.W'- '$7,50. Arthrur P. Siehlon sud wvitetaBar- ar lamnerais, lut 26,blocs i, Shore Avreis- Village ai Ares. W. D. $10. T. W. Sissitir sud vite ta Ilaltie A. Vauco, Iota b2 aud 63. Sirw'v, Long 1î0ý subdivision W. D. $201). Nov. 7, 1914.-A.C. Pelos nsud vife ta O0. P.Webreuberg, lois Il sud 12. btotf( t, Spragues subd'ivilsion Prairie Vii w. W. D. $1.0M. W. A. Roeiug sud vite et ailat H. A. Nelloarsen et ai. lots 22 and 23, bioci 2. lloirsg Bos subdivision. Round Lake. Deols $2. i-mmna Wicis aird huebaul ta Jas- ephr Turner. lot \W. sud adloinrng lot 6. Wls .ubdivision, Craysaei. 'Ç. I). $1. Nov. 9, t1914. .H .I-tller sud wiie et al te Anus S. Esentral. W. D. $10. M1 acres In S 1-2 section 9, Libenlyville tonshairp. W. O. $10. Alice L. Gilruliranul buabanil ta Fintit Rîrdeni, lot 15. blockt 3î. Bord du lac iBluiffs, NantirCicago. W. D. $400. Chicago Tille & Trust Ca.. ta Mary L. Deniels, lot 48,.blck l3, Kellogg's subivision, Winlbrop Harbar, Deed. $40. Blernard Hiller and vif e la John B. Wagner, tract ai land un S. W. 1-4 section 27, Grant tovnshrip. W. D. $6800. Nov. 10, 1914.-AIbrt Silverman ta W. H. Miller aud vife, E 1-2 N. E. 1-4 section 13, Vernan tovnshrip. W. D. $10. W. W. Grimeand vifs ta 1-1. C. Grif- fas, lot 20, Rase Tht-race subrdivision, Laie lireat, W. D. $10. B RING in a sketch of the house yoil would like to build. See what ar- ransgemnentsî you eau make with Duraud & Durand. Lid you ever consider that mîoney paid for re nt iniglit be uBed to- ward owning a home of your owni Under the renting system whefl you pay your rent you have nothlng to show for havlng ses t It. Build a house on the instaliment plan and eventually omn it -besides, you're living in It while pay- iug for ItL Remember, tbat Io the momt effective way of "preparlng for a ralny day." DURAND & DURAND Librtylvile Pai.No. 2 Laie Bluff PhonasNo. 456 Real Estate Insurance Collecion of Accomta R e nt ing PLOWERS FOR Thanksgiving Day CinRY.N I IS OES, CARNA11ONS SPECIAL SALE en PotWd PIàI, WNàls uh àM Ta1iy.% yminths, Nàroieouà, rdfsh, Finix Globe., 1MobFood, Se , s mtl.., oie. 64.wm OMM . pé.ui8 m ib Meredith Flower& Veg. C. Vlwt.n Wek.m Plom 10 Lbuwilvdk N --- --- -- O PPORtTUNITTES';, like ent, are elippery and liard to bold, unie Smmly seized. Tb.y mliuIe tirnougir the firîgers and are gone ere one is avare. Ta malte thre moat of opportun itiouu i tat may lie gniuuped by dveniing, une iThe iridnpendem.t'@ clair sfed pages. Il is a mnighty otuuive.pportuniy lmît ecapes those vho adv ertiq,.inluThe Indepeutient. Froet il,, tîî,upand. oi readers Tire Indepaudent la prtty surs t ifrd hur ir advertimer jual lb" opportunilles t tire h 0laataking. Bell System We provide extension telephone sets for business and residence use. For the busy off ice man who has many telephonie catis, a tele- phone on the desk at his elbow is a necessity. You can secure an extension telephone for a small addîtional monthly charge. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. endrews, Manager Telephone 0901 MARMRIGE ilcfflSuS. Paulino Raffay, Milwaukee..-..21 John Bonk, Waukegan-----------..21 LeRoy Kraig, Milwaukiee--------..21 Josepine Haplor, NaorhCiricaga..-20 Sophia Kicilanul, came-----------..32 Adolpir Adamvoic, Chicago-.....21 Clarence Stieil, Zion City.'........ M Lebby LPtepanek, saine-----------..20 Buella Frsanks. saoue------------..19 Patrick Caunars, Chricaga -.....55 Aimre Bengtiien. Higirîsuil Pa* ..-40 Manie Nevton, Liiè Bluff-.....0( Signe Chnitensau, ses---------î35 Mimer McCovln, Idaho fUis Idairo.23 John P. Ollé, Confiss, Win.a-.... 9Nana Cinltlanson, Burlington, Wis.22 Emma Burgess Milvaukeen -.... 40 Andrev Paulpen, Milvaukueea........86 Bisel V. Walshr Milwaukee .....2 MaYme PO$slng, m.s-----------29 Ethel Ognen sanie---------...---20 Bernard RiWder, Milvaukee ... 23 Herbert A. Smltir Milvauiee - .-..29l Neli Clark, aie- .....aa.23 Albrerta BrÉott, Predonia, Win.- - 18 (7Charles Ketinsn, Racine .......... 21 William Dniacol, Milvaukcee-...21 May HIarris, 5"me ..a........ 19 Catherine Cunley, lame---------..18Wila J. Bleier, Laioe sI ...... 28 William M. Pillais, Milwaukeen... -33 Rose F. Burnidge, -âme........aa 2a 4 Rose Lamherg, laqe-------29 GeOrge W. Wirtir. Chricagoa....... 8 Willia- Wegner, Hiiem*, Mlont. - - -25 Lattie MaCabe, sies........... 24 Ilenietta Kunz, Milvaukeen -...25 Herbert W. B. ]KUeIsler, Milwaukee 22 Levreuce J. Pigen, Antiacir...45 Jesaie B. Hanmm, sam* ......... 23 Elizabeth Dlat', sne........... 5 Robert Knampitai, K srab ........ 37 CharIes R. F'ectean. Detraît .... 22 Mentira Bohanna, lamie ...........415 Speclt>': Parm Lsude neassaby. si Ti aid reaU . la -I unie tire and cawl thre C"r T falio o vin "00 COS acri co>' bi bis et ths DI Née nu ait tmi a Il. tir ab en

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