DIJRING FiM IA Add AnehrFauet ra eRRANGE FOR'ACOESSE.S.1 Attaches 0 tt i o.n 151festival Do* là t> oputy tu at tseofl the Weovi ty.etmd. flieor ffeslu a Itet Tib e IMM be iocrm atWthehling ornlthe ieka #1UëY*boutved my eh eIgt to'm udto rets. -Nod uroati WIi .Ih wuta it u. Ilrhe feda stlcafsvs. Ain Or O$. J .1.Tila o! n!t *tvl» -b a ci m te .ro eusuut ot heIlu t i ntfiat a ,rae i vd ecao4meetingo.Caterait, alsnt v1r« i>' be vIDWsSit. tbII beauUi3. t.mtToilntof sIemba ai @f the roémeppUmfrauga- teUi edvâàesr , - b'fi gn vee i f.Oc autin r . t 111»OMetn3aet@ FORT AuT 'Pu à@ Dqalkkelya amdanc&tth WYbt le sai ta uve Imm me soa the, 1.1 blet gtLltstgs avar held In liAOplÇ tMpigWg*egmn sna th b. câaion of the. anal pasi Mis.ý to à%smonday vemiug Nov. *Wi. It Ws tated thaf ltum, tiare vW«e 280- Même preent to rke oftfie dinter son-ed b>'tisa -'. a. i -'U ittuladoldut th eléi> WMa-ld aibt dine. t thye Ut Ianaboid their Biott and SIlaite past ua&* iutla coprhbgdamNe ", Alw ý eM.Tua via lIt-!*der théiiêe i 1U.dovrth auocltI. "W si W %dil6 ubt Vnfipte crOM4.w liai~~~ ilWUd Ispt ni 1iut glsétat, t' t ~l avent ever lla4 lu gan, Judgn Imcm thé pltse*éaladii jmembCra iff tia IU'hero Tire vere man>' guotz f oinelglabring et jssd evpryiody sprted a M The Initial vait « Judge iidvard, 't e tl t aiptpýv*i la t hue cou, t>', bir and ittaps ite enn tg librethe *&y lie &c«.hold af court vorla, whIfle hi. u~ner is pleaning and the impression $e ha, created ai jthe outiet of bis orvice on thte ci, cuit beneh la entirel> ta Iis credt.- Harvard Heraid. Th1e Sun le in receipt of a letteï frai» John J. 'Brke of this clty Whoi la vlslting reltive. in Rosavihi,, 111i iPrais -see ho lntends golng ta Pax. ton aDd Loda In visit other relatives. Mir. Blurke la very profuse In bis pas Of Ro$Svihle, a town whlch, ho states, la at peace vitil the vorid, prosperous &nwlthgl a nIee piaüe In whlch to iehligabout 2000 popuiatlon. Husband Was Sentenoed to Indeterminate Senltence in State Penftentiary. Beeesuse lier ilusband bit off har r pffl,.Mia. Kal. Tuàkin, àaUnaYuo- haskaa..andoia dose. ather alas«. ithlistbgiAttorney' Wilam P. welae, todsY aglMeithat sha W ggat.d a di- vorce.Rer bill vas fle tutsicourtt h15 aftarneon. A soimmons vas 15511. and vas'served upan Vuskin as heoccu. plie aoei l n tae conty joil. Yukia W84 ffla on a charge of lislng bitte. qf his vife's nase and recenti>' vas f*Miii gulity by a jury. A fev dala Mo b eard btore Cirit Judge Claie, = ds ad wa af a u le- 40tumlnese sentence lu tthe state pri- sOR, Ilis attorney' bas net Yat doodai viietiier toacacept thi. sentence or thi. court or whether ta tako an appoal ta the suprêe.u-Cort*'. 2drs. Yuskin In ber bii vecitea tbat lIre vas married to Yuskln Pea. - 8, lfW mi fiec I viia.lain until May *11.obe eha"e hlm lfth ex- trêmte et at>. - t at at idifférent Umeàes .sruck boast, ciiokd and' kickt- 04l lier. On Marck -16. ahe say$, bre kaoak.d hbe dOvn-On J'aI>'21, sIre C Ys, ho Bot a.lY illoçkod lber doWn, da-hecokod, béaitsMd kicked hpr and then bit off heioel»U. As a result. she "sY@. she bas bleun dlfurani and madl. misérable for lire. l bas. been kobforsotie liltf e lime that lira. Yuskln lntended to trt divorce aetlosa. 4ANay U. S. AUTOS Orders Aggregatjng $15,000,_ 'M for Vthime.iw U-yu-te StudebatccrCompm q ny. Brittisisordnrafleottg suce ifia $IL00,oôi O Worth eta sttonohls, vasons. Modei, harasa" sud à. eqdblnmet à 0f iIak e rcfni secetti>'brouglut bàck fron flnhkl Wl Pýrederlck S. Fiai.President of thé tUiebabor corporalon. lu addition ta tifs oriar, vbloh mesaernpoyrneut ta thousands of mÇn, an Order for 500 automobile truekh baussaelt hy Bgin thie Tiiomma B.Jeffer>' Atomoble Céi5x pan>'of Kenétha, Wis. The Jàleobdn Automobile CoMPC*Y of Jackson, IIIcfr.. m100 las basi aardoti-a con- tract for 1,000.000'Worthior a uu biles by the French govornment. Anothèr big Brtish order, ]et ta, the Cudahy Pac'cing Company o!flSouthi ùïï7î arosait 0f lhis Cotitrmct theo Cuiail7 comr .'bas ne- iJagnMIfc i if 'à1ictan pln ti outh Omiaha.vhch nad bOeandoai for tAau dc th t eneral resunip. 94of o!business ii in stea tibia, 2.000 MtiquWho vers laid oit lesta pumg YesterdaY returned ta tbCir positions In tatlNO. 1 iandi the 8fldsa lràon. vertlng MiliiIn South Chiçago. The. nornml runnlng empioyniant ari the SoUthitClcago mille le &bout 10.000 men.11,no png %ty bai heen fmn- fllng Witi siltone- rfithat number a!-emnployas Theopenning of ebS 5w, muta irtoa te-ôt'<i employai jn- cludmltu sidltlnal fôree eut to 09 mon ilent "v.Up to shout f6,000. %il% isa Beu.poar, 1MISa %Anna Jen- f. set JIf MI. barE#h;Ôtt entertafD.i eid a On 1 dwr ot'fiéÏ .M , i uraday ex-en- ~tb'~i~Wiiosmarrage to l4T 'Otto Oarvella takos place in the near 1 je e' b'ee! Rctten*ald of ,Iuture, A mont enjoyable ev.ning- North Chicago wR the MaBusedis I- &a pn n~eIùt7 refresbmuulfs oVnug Ievre&49bosasMan ai- vare servod.f legel to ha ve stabbta ' tO 10 a col- The Jury In the isse ?f R. 0. Wall Fred 1wOltah t t'oi&wu.Aa,1 vs the V., 1. 'a XlI b1Ie $.00 a a. aga55. istaforSâr~ii 16. ta sied. I Borne fuma ago a colorai voman uaos 'r!t pf aWall *J 0did tes clfiei t '~.. 1'uiwm& .and ruebscitualiaWll Jones, vîo vis tougM f< averdict durlng the nit. Tii9 ,bave muiorei Cole Bradford. a coi- i edverdict vas turnnai n aPe4 i9'owsý*0n, couli ie10nd tecu. fora e t dsaW,-e r 1 ~~ ~ ~ dér datfiwa= b IJ s'a u le 'L A 1 ic4T' M - - N - -4 - -i k -i;1 - - V__1__-- p a g e in rle ç la Ui.H aoibere la no hurry bout 42T Y HJÇfbn men o1 Wue ona"tio Pj 011Y t Wo ead-4 cents If It bd r.em ay b ile Y b e foronela-las 50 cents more a baÏrri for beer. a Poker dec', containing tha eleven e' biu ~~~tends ta be PbostivE- berore lie allowa We hiavent heard yet whether Patrons andtev sptCrd.r tlea t 0 il aneproductt tarie broif tthara DAIN a P WenZto bÀ$; BEST lirecomRPlalzdng of arnalersi iasses r nc>! lie dock.ta erlgn it.ty ON vestigeTI41Iof the dIsese uere teI Tn@. 1each Year and d o JnclE::4t. ON W IS LI a WAUKEGSIAliDRaealtateperadnjW;r. ûtec ban will be lowered. This May b, 14I)IL' i Ra £tteTanf. Je(il aI llabltly Is re,-korneîlf.rnt City Phsiolan Foley Declared 0fhmontebha Ibmaen ilerst ideàMany Sources of Rvnet,1"Wt eunQiea Iysml Posutively Today There is wllI stand. Atebr1 ~ oenetWhc ak- PaYing for stamps, as they are re- 1he tax yar Stili Much Danger. ofthe public health and aafety àepart- gan Will Help Cover. I and other canveyances of tifle t sn10 carries on any business or Repors ht the 'tan againat Zion of the situiation as Dr.lt'oiey and bacfcgs realty when the sanme la flled. Every o t îîiat!on for eh-h sppecl taxes City Proucta lith tdb au- hlm UP ln the stand -he ban taken. Have you Pald Your war fax and bill of lading will demand a ue are iMfPosed hy thiý ac-t. without liav- ea wi hinte t ewedy r d- ________are you ready ta cent stamp. Quito likely thre rail- me paId thr-'thecial tax hlerein pro. s tyl yC hsce . . i This la a pertinent question right ronda wijl add oDie cent tu the freight Vlded, shall, hesides bleinglitle to ci iModsHedeclared thpsc AW ER now. as any person or fIrmn coming raie for- each bo)x or bundle. thre payaienh of suili sittelal tax, lie 0reporte were without basta and declar- 3 'YER S E 'o- undpr Ias provision n1uat pay Up Ly Persona who execute promlssory. deemned guilty or a mltntenieantor, and oli it es vea eu beforF Dec. 1 or pay thre whoie year's tax notes wiii bear their share of the war nîlton ronvictlon ihereof dm11l pay a thate r i earitat.He nrrv rasJ SlM 41J(FE S I nstead of eISht mônths, aian hecoq,. tax Whn business ta norial many fine of not more tîan $àn. or be Ina- ben illte.AN POPF S N ing liable ta a fine or imprsontinet promiaaory notes pans5 aer the coumin- lrlsoned flot more ILaîr six mîmîtha, "'hsbanVàn ot e, ii u tntili I E 13 C '40W vez'Yone coinrng under the iaw tr !tebnsdiy nI ato eVe vetî e 0fti. aalpox epldem. t muet flot expect a notice from the lu-n bear a TIs tamp cucuunla h iccî'n u h le has dlaappeared from ZMon Cty," À 1711 - a T hismp. pwili otcor. ha akld. "Tt moly be severai wek- tarnai revenue coliector, who bas12 cents for evar $100 or fraction -_______ before tiils condition deyelopas. We do b~.carge af thîs district. itas up ta you1 thereof. Zon uast onvi nc hances and j ~'~ to know whother the iav pute a tax Stam nP lnsurance Papere. lat pn.Arpoerch t"a th 1 onKO VAOBE61NS TRIP Mottre re. i unmtho dil reoedivorce case of II#yva E e hj' oni1ci unr business. Every rire Insurance policy lssued was bard fcelIteDdspte enrp- ecoloctor In <ChIcag. ,nasnltre. viii bear a ataiup. This probabliriyl]1 5ai*UYsw we iiile don ii.bar."srrng il oourroms l n ttâ4uj. ceved the stamps which are to haclie placed on tha pollcy by the coin- BACK TO MN FIE~iILD i».alt icod ofte vtavinboaao "ld ra te'scortM i lo1l at t0- Sffixed on iegal documents, Insurance pany. Every telograinoffared a belt.l craw t o!ed t ae boa r "O cur PRISONis le M that the fsituattion la cearing ln ZIGn day whan Attomj Ray 8lowler 114 policez, etc. Notification wiii lkeiy telagreb colnpany iusut bear a statu!) and that ftla quarantine le hein- 1 1e odraued lb e reod trlotiy. This statemnent lpîmîntlur ln the uit ooe pea rmhmwe hy r e tayiicotWuea e o WITT nOt Influence Wh*ukegan officiais -4aluntiolngt f 50 Wh" tiheiy calved, snd lis office wlîllibe open iars-and again it comas from file uil lai hivlng the. situation, hore. They '"tate as due tbe ý9~l$ a e - Cali- evenings from 7 untîl 8 ocelocit limaie conaumers ln)OClet-tho man Paul kovag, parole 'lie t4ker Ironsi ti say tk , 4t laspite of the fact tIaa ed at 3 oclock. rai~'arlér pm- edo temsae W h aMansfield, Ohio refornntalory, gun Otan strict tuuî'antine la being anforced It develiesi-giu- atl em Bankse Are Ceited Upc,,. trons of the telePhone company re- and box car tief, starieti on hie last tilst nev casa. might daveiop and lbe-fees amounnlng ' $50 lrb V'as The rt-ta ha lit by tIre var tax celves bis monthly bil b i h illfndt, Jaunt axer the country bInathIre wlil foe tbey boid bean dingnoaed a numA aare by fi eP tJtié utprflaC ac-susd h lnefr u ba'ai people mlght become cxpoaed t'Ion ofrh asr p6eg~ ~ the b rsai $,00o apia, blh py $1on sprofite oeIasusdth in fr bo akfrd nia ad w h we r ni sMd If thie ban lied bhean owered tlie The dafendent b«OTtheI tO. ttorea$00o al i nlla rftf town service, that tIre company has o orda011g ndNrhws>r cantagion might lie brouglit Into Wau- an amount of M-vlakCI he dessins imd surplus. This alone means Wau- adddafwfiue îht mean ha !s train en Monday Ici begin Iris journey aufficlant for serpeoeded by tii. '<ogan wiii py ovar $250 to tIrasoir. caiiod upon to pay a war tas on Iistu the Mansfield reformaîory where lis Tbree dIfferent tnmes ln the past torn~ eeyaset »0 ffsedthe c>., a rnment bocauno tIratotal batiks' taip.long distance taika. It's oniy a imali *111 serve out the remaînder cm a viien amalipolr bas axlstad ln ZMon Tr fnyIl .ifl OUelnIaiato nWue. 1h$5.0.Io feeii ta nttt The.> the localt tOfficiais [ttaxet Ô Ilip-leuetn of r50-uit anout-one cent on a message, but log srthOufat1is iio. the ttaCleants ofyZion tlny Aieooleers alit)eaters nuseuins or. vii ost Waukegan people qulto a euovag canfessed tIsa liIra roç- tit aatmetso!ZIn lt pope dipo tono!t4**ttconcert halls *111 Psy $21à t0 $100.,aw- fvdlasaya.Ta o.ms, an lt,,tobox cars ,te i I-nîte dof ed and heacdîsine ldbre n t-ermin. ,at- Threypla0. - . reraet 13.by DIg tu the caWicty o! the place. escape, the tegrapil and telpho e ndout and liait atoien greal. quai>I- This Une the bars vili be kept up un ' mitiappearoil tiemaof -- In Waukeo-an viiior butter, tii libers la Do douht about the matter. Pool ahd BUiliard Tables. ('olpany managerslnWueaw ZMon Ciy pupils attandlng schÔoi A tax of $ 5 la lavlad on ovory polho r-oqolredj once a montil ta make-ar-eais andi oc forth vhIl-blie bld in a basre h loead vîl go atlthe, arndr ntrU roeore i rbili llard table. and the saine amounttildavit tu the numbar 0f.elgrmacave near Itondout. Detecties it the bon la ramoyed. Those who are net at Kenosha somstt ,IllaUturday ntglit neuacsiey lni a bowling establlsh- and telephone massages sent. tepo ftandsteal îof the on vliIng ta Maire titeir home hpie for ami antorlng the"$mns$usry of thie IV nt. &temps on Pisylng Carde. tbdoutadse0fle o. the urn beng re nt alowd t arciioclistoo ti. f tae eiia ?Commnission marchants are taxed jWaukegan vili psy a fax of 2 cents, tend school. airmout ln front 9' ii sitar or the 120 eaol, white. manufacturera or ct-' as nov, on every deck of playing Tbe Warren cenîctery association ,oDeisr. f l italre f tha s lno m a d hurh 0110l'1th~fie coutthasn-gars vill Dey $3 up for eant 100,000 carda purdbaaed by individuals o. Jold tieir inazaar Fier. 4II P9114 aIl br- Mion are unuer qlmraatne for new ducs wbich vas eyîat open. cigars made. Ever s tirce Oct. 27,.san- îubs--vrovî,llng the dack numbers Dec hall. it If you know a goodthg when you see it, you11 buy a Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit or Overcoat. eVost men and young men take pride in.eçonomy- you'requÉ undoubtedly one of the 'nu^tmber; - you want your clothes t oklk oemte than you pay fôr thern-nQ idea ýof !deception at ail, but Ç just as ýan, indica-ti.on of how weII you can choose; how cat'efully you càn buy. Wl Igh9f1ner &'Mari clothes, the kind we oeil he, are ý,vrth a lot more than vou'I1 pas' f oi ou canlet youri seareli hegin and ci here. Ware these good C1othEs 0 [OU'LL be proud ouf your appearaie; of thte Yfac t iat vi 'esaved moneyv that vou 've aa&ved tinte; fliat yoîîr ciothes havt' îmore Sstyrle andi aie of the rtehe8t niaterials. You'Il fiîîd no moi'e attractive offeriiigs than the' soft front, three button sacks with the wide roliing lapels, ini fiî'h American and foveikri wveaves,.as iow as $15 )aiid $18; others at $20, $25, BO6YI3CLOTHEB- Setlnall- fine anld good. The' latest in fasimi and (sut, andi alwtîys the' hest in niateial. ýSîits alid*Ovt.rr-îa):ts, $3-to $10. Shoes foi.ev mtie, alnd alwavs tite hest. rs i 1942 Nrt Geuiifee Street. 01