Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Nov 1914, p. 4

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N~~e Four LAKE (ojrnTNTY12DEPlI> T, YTÂ, NOVEMBER 27, 1914. vbe Pour 1 Lak e County Independelit Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Numbor 1, LibertyviIle 'Exchanige. hKntered sr, tue Postotlice st Lbertyvilie, Ill., as Second (,la@@ Mail tiatter Officiai Papîer for lýaite tounty. iaoued Every Friday. Adertialua Ratesliade Kuowu on Application. SUBSORIPTIO N PRICE, 81.50 PER YEAR STRIGTLY IN ADVANCE M. . WEBER .......................................... Reidont Manager, Phoneoe RAILROADS AND THE GOMMUTERE3. It is reported that some of the railroads are endoavor- ing to add to their revenues through an increase ini com- mutation rates. It is said that the low rates existing in many places were voluntarily off ered te the comimuter by the. ralroade y.ars ago when otiier rates were higiier tlian they are now. The man who lives in the country and has te use the train te go and corne from bis work every day is a poace Ioving citizen who is rarely deflant, and seldom complains of th. accommodations offered. H. knows that he is as a general rulo dopendent on the railroad, so that ho cannot croate a reduction in price through an appeal te competi- tion. But while the commuter of teday is not able-te do much dictating, it should be remembered by the railroada, that trolley lunos are extending ail over the country, and wi1h btter roada, automobiles are also requiaitioned for 1hese daily rides. The prosent commnutaion fares on rnany roada are cheap beyond dispute; but lier. are reasons wy th.y should b. so. The. commuter fumljaies a constant traffic. He carrnes littie baggâge, and bis residence in 1h. sub- urbastMinulates a profitable freight traffic. The suburb- anite helpa te build up the country. The roads carrying tiiese paisengors te and front 1h. largo cilles should re- member ail this and give lhe commuter every possible boneit. Rondout had a roplica of 1h. sugar refinery disaster Saturday with 1h.e exception that tiers vere no rosi fatai- lies However, 1h. incident recails the rofinory traged and aoseves as aremainderthat, wherover food la ground tiers ln always gmet danger of ixploulOns, the fa*trovolv- lng mlii beng susceptible te metalIic substances with consoquent explosions. Thinga Iýbegn te look brighter ail over 1he country, and, as moona America gels used te lie fact, that the war abroad BHOULD) bring prosp.ity hors, then will AmUen- ana "tt lu te lake adwanlagein ail linos whoron before "i counry depended upon Europe ln the malter of pro- duction. venlually this war should prove a great boon forithh United States. WUt a possible rais. in price of 1h. monthly ticketsi betveon Waukegan and Chicago or the elmination of the Suadaq rides, and wilh the, Jatest report tiaI 1h Noih- wustom en.o1her roada, rnay abandon thé mue of the 25- ride tickets between.Iiee and th. metropolis, il looka as if1 the. activlty of1h.esmats Ummllescnmission, lbâte"dof bringiug advantages te 1h. commutera lunlb.esuburban district, are forcing a decided hardhbip on them. And, the question a, oan one blame the raliroad? Tbey're bulng forcsd and fougt, they' re bln odeed do Ibis and liaI repaEdlesL of business 0odIio=- ,why siouldn't il folo*thlaI Ibey lu turu avait Ibemielves of al l heweapofs of defense they posses anad figl back? I'. naluralt's hmai nature. Looki perbapi as if lhe commission, in- ibid of endoavoring te mû.e it appear il is doing some- tblng big, belter leave well eîongh aloi. in Ibis malter of rates lu 1h. suburban territery no long as th. people wtio are footing 1h. billa are not kicklng-and, te date every- body in Waukegan and othor north shore lowns hmasesem- ed uatisfiod vith tho rates ito Chicago via the. 25-ride and montbly tickets and th. agitation te 'reuce",sas te, bave orinated with the commisson ratier tian i lh lie .Kddg? Zonai ~/ews ~fof L<» er<yv/.//e ~ Mirs. Maud Sabin of Antioch wam the gnest of Mins Carnie Chard on Bunday. Contraetor C. B. RBeus.and is gang of mon are erectlng a large barn in the fariing district jnst south oi Round Lakte. Miss Carrie Chard attended the Art and Travel club at the. Shermnan Blouse, Chicago, on Tueeday, the guesi of Mr@. Alexander Ray of Hawthorn Place. A sbow troupe from Chicago bas taken the New Castie botel where they are rebearsing a play. The com- pany came t0 Liberty villo te gpt awaY lrom te noisy ity. Manihai Limberry Tuesday merning arc#edt Jas. Kingberry vite delared ho la employod on a farin sentht ov, for t.ryiug te cause a disturbaue sud faiied to heed the olilers waruîng. The man vas nuder the influence oflilquor. Re vas ined $3 sud coota by Justice Danir Thte basket social given Tuesday even- ing by tbe Mystia Werkers ast their bal for tie benefit of . L. Bubbard sud famiiy, vie recenti, lest thir home by lire, vas weil attended, the baskets brlnging *RI. The ladies served collee ho ail. The evenlng vasa@peut lu dancing, Hapke furniab e menie. Jas.H sund E. F. Swan veut te Ivan- itosTuesday te attendi the uerai ser- vire ef thoin cousin Harold William@, who died in Clorade, the remans being breugil te ivanube.for buriai. Ren. T. E. Ream, pator cf the Libertyvilie M. B. aburcit, oftiited at the ser% le. tir. sud Mrs. jEImer William@, the younat ma's parents, reside i luonliey. Ill. Tii. deceaftd was 23 years olti. Werk 0 o iyg the vaten mains on East Park avenue was tarted Wedues- day, lihe trenches baving been compielet on that portion ot the water extension syotem. The dâgging of tronches un the. Newberry avenue and Firat aireet ex. tension in about hall completed. tir. lýger, vho bas lie centract fer putting lu the. tve extension@, expecte te bave the vont completed vithin tii@ time re qnired by the conîrsat. L.CHPCH.NLWS I] Mothodist-EpluCOOIt. Urvloeo mit Suaday vii h. eléd boil moruaad .Il v.sing aoithnuai l im la tbe morting st Il o'ioek Bl. T. & ýwli prsacb a sermon onu ho tapie, Lte'. mountoain nnd Valley." lu lhe v.iujç the.aubjecr, of ltheshort bermon wiii ho ',gore Forme of Bondage.' Bpocla .inbnga .hto, .voningservie. Th. public lie eordtalinuited. Tbs@LaiMe' Aid ocl.hy vililioida ueeting aezt veek Toodav altennoox, Dac. lot, at 2:30 Wclocit lu the chureb paitiore. Mm .Chturchill. Mrs. Jame. fA« a" M ULppiecoît vii entertain. Ai membors anti friende ar nii. Thon. vw lb. au Epvonth teigne Sr vice of apealal luerest nezt Bandai evenling. The subWec of lthe lesson wil te, "IWUiiam Taylor, Pahimer oz rire, Conlinuta." The. mouthly busines meting ac socialeo f the. Epworth Leagu. viib hsld on Saturdoy svoming of tiis va as thes ec)IUTCiLm es- ordlaliy inIT-e *lior ran lviii ho held lu th chutait audllodiunmaturday vealnga 8 o'clei.- Praubytarson. gmlomiug vorsiip i-o &a. Babba selool 145 a. m. M.i tarmln Hhdiavor 6:45 P. im. kmUof cfLhrh ;7«y Weda. yovsol a a7:45. El. M. Atibunt. Pasior. et. Lavrenco Epescopai. Cdy-Communsoï ry ïSondy7A em. Fmtâunayiamontlo:Oa.0 Moruiag Prayer every Sanday cel above I10:80 a. tm. Sunday echool 11:45 a. m. ,AUî Boly Day@. Holy lCommufflon iK a. M Bl. EutAARD S. WHITE, PrletInhaSr SISTER OF MRS. MACKENZIE KILLED INAUTO ACCIDENT ICIII y0F WARIJIN REPORT SUYS BOAT OWNER WILL SUE Happened m ,Orange, Calif., on 8ATURD>AV, NOV. 21, 1914. Thursday-Complete Details Accoding to a report received byý Are Not Yet Known. barber men ln this city this morulug, the city of WitukeganiN letu be uamod .%,ra. G. A. Mouuaey or Monrovia, ai the defeudont lu a suit. vblch On- ,California, s15er of Mrs. J. N. Mac- telleta it o 1.000 damages and irensie of Waukegan, vas killed and vith A. Giflarson. the former ovuer ber husband sud son Edgar ver. ser- 00f a cargo Oftttoos brougbt te titis iously InJured ln sn automobile aecci city on the. schooner J. H. Stevens as dent at Orange. California. about th complainaut. It in alse stated lu twentY-flve miles front their home the report that goverument authorities citY some time Thuraday atternoon. oere Intending to exact an Indemulty This vias the information conveyed te0f 11300 in favor cOf Giflarson, through Mrs. Macktenzie lu s telegrsm Ibis the Iinstigation o! the latter. mornIng. Sihe le prostrated vîit Juil bow true lhe report lo cannot grief. Both site and Nr. Mack<enzie be determlued, hovever, it emanated Intend te leave for California at the 1trolma &source Of auihorllY on local earUleal possible moment. laite maltera. Il , la std hat te Exact detalse of the accident are mani. vho la nov mentioned ai theo net kuown as merely te meager complainaul. had voiced bis intention facta ver. given iu the teilegrant. of makiug such a move belore the Front the dItpatch. bowever. it wa schooner sailed out of the. local port gathereà that Mr, and Mrs. Mounsey the early part of this week. and son vée out driving in their ma- As details cf the matter are lacklng chine at the time the accident haplit caillot be determined on vitat Pened. grounda tbe man bas Ouled or Inteuda Whether there vas a collision, whe- te maite hi8 complaint. lier the car turned turtie. or juat The trouble il la stated ail grew eut boy the fatal accident toek place k of the action of the clty Officiais here net kncyn but these facts jU belIr Zorclng te wer r ethle cargo of imparted In a letter which the dis- îe>tatoee te purchase a lîcense, entail. palcit aid would follow. It la liinown lng tbe expendilure of $22 before he bowever, Ihat Mrs. Mounney lived btheg lcan retailing the POtalees at the eight minutes after the accident, local wharves. The man paid the Il The husbaud sud son were removeui ceuse but b. was flrteln is stale- tn the hospitai where at lirat Iions ments that the clty could net demant feared their injuries wouid be fatal lit as bis cra:ft vas licensed as a frelaht but a thorough examinalion revealed carrying boat under the la%8 of the, ethe fact that tbey will recover. geverumegil and ltat it vas accorded G. A. Nounsey ie an Oncle of Geo, the right et dioposing cf Ils cargo ln Moflnaey vito up to a short time ago auY maniler tie owners might s". fit, vas emPloyed at the drugstore forte- Tilais .aid that the man vent trou erly conducited by J. N. Acktetnzle bis city te Nilwaukce vhere h. ln Jbut nov conducted by Flred D. Peters stigated tbe suit and aise laid the mal aGeorges mother. lIra. William Moun 1ter hefore the officiais of tb. bureat e ey, lest ber lite viten the aleamshbip of navigation. *Emprensaof ireland sanit lu the St City officiais appreachîed on the mat * IÀrence river. Tiug the tvo brotb- fer today. stated that they bidnot a, wers, Wlliam of Chicago and G. A. eof yet been notified ef the filing cf an3 el CaUiforDia have both Teat their sncb nuit, nether bad tbey been in vives wititin s short perlod cf time as , ormed of any action on te part o thç rotait of accidents. the goverrument. as slated. J. N. Mackieni recently dlsposed Jo! hie drugstor, lu order that he and Public not ice s ereby given tht ni hou vils migilteavel for bis wlre's to-vit: Novembon 20, 1914. there vs bealti. Thoy lnlendod bo viit CaCli- isaued ont of tite Cinit Court of COc fornl& sud p*y r isil it p Mr*.' Mac- Couaty aI the suit of Leursa(). Wallr h ens aiter i d kvory ehoet George C. Wasli, voreby theo sad de 'time. Thon afîsr a trip te Canada fondant, George C. Wall, vas adjoine ro titoY plannod te roturu te, Californie. and retrain.d fromt sslling, aokino r, herýp 1he7 vii maire titeir future tranderrngn,.or otberwvhse scumbenlg 10 home. Il bad beau somn. utIle tim anosyolfbis al or porsonai proprty c lu aloMrs. MacKeaLziiO bu ion ûr auy part thorol until tho lucher 0*1 aiter aud aseitad been anticipating of the. court. Alil purcea, purporte the long viseilsahe would have beea u prcbaars, prospective purehasers an her. aIlcter parties, ace hereby varusi th@ a Nr. Meuuiey sent te telegram to the.alonesaid iujunctien la lu fulfert n- %irs. Mtackenzie white lylug on a cet sud offsectsnd liaI lhe lating ove lu l the hospital. removai eo, or transfer of &Dy ef tt es f_______ aforo menosiproperty viii bo cel PUT sidersi an inînlugmebt o! the. ights :'WILL WOMA PUT' th. compîsnant horein sud i.. tics br- vith according to iaw. PASTOR IN JAIL OI AND i FESliiosfo o 'PAY BIS BOARD?1 be le'h .45 *Pt W00 rge patrons. Aid, from the way things look now, il appear NOTICE liat lie patrons are te b. "slung" because of the Parties vie ouboanhhed fer bonok@ o! activity o! tiers who do not buy lies. tickets. the. Meredth Floyer & Veetable Co. viii pieuseco Ithe Lakte County Sa. + tionalfBank andtlaitetem op. Odicors bave roduetexpenieandsunremaking sa CATTLE VS. HUMANS. 'ficer aI Princeton, Imd.: b o fit. plant sud il 1# important The nova item below con-, "'Fourleen couies af- liai smail bill., ha paidt 10resIors the cred 0l of Ie )May. tains food for thougit and fe<3ed witi lie foot an & i fthe jI B. t.ger, i'nesldent. serious conideration, siow- Imouli disease. Situation ing as ildoos,lie abilityaidlgrave. Ninety-two countios Thc divorce cas"o! Aberitige deaire of lie federal goveru- alfected viti humai tuber- "1"" etm' r i"' h vitle, vas ment to figt for aid even .culbais. Situation serene. Na- Attoruey Weicit represonting te ps&Y for lives o! live steck,! lion aid state value caWa at plainiff. Tie itusbsutd 5Wed te di- whereas in lie case of hu-i $60 oaci. Wbat la lie value vtace ou elatutony araundi, usming mm,,no rosi concerted act- 1 f a humai baby?' William Werminston Mid George is- er, twe Zion Cty mon. Mii. J'li.g ion la or taken by "Dr. T. Victor Keene, la alieged ta bave hem n ud 10t ir lie national or dte gavern- president of lie cily board company ou, day lutt aummer sud ment. The %tM follows: of healti o! Indianapolis, for oeme 11 lime ie olourned luinte Indianapolls, Nov. 20- 1 said yesterday liat 'lie ceunty ali becau»s ai fIid ta psY Tic udlusplisstae bardstate vil bs. $3 la every the' One aaned againet ber. o! esii ysteda. roeivd1dollar bast on 1he foot and' lb. <iDwlnglehrai fro moli dseae a a rsul o! Want. For Salt, OU ad@ ln lh$ IN- 01 muthdisee a a rsul ofDEPENDIENT resch 15,00perOnos tu . .Zlik bul iftuberculosis ts year'." wokly. If Rev. Venerable Refuses to Pay iudgmeuut It': Said Mrs.j Evans Could Do This. MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL.1 Pev. Wm. A. D. Venerable expr.osed great surprise Titursday a! larnoOft. viien s jury tu circuit court returuof a vordicl ordering hlm te a py leMm. Fannie Evans a verdict of $600 dam- ages for ailogodl ibel. Thte colorsd paslor saiti be firmmIY ,xPated freint lhe evidence thal ho vould ho se. qultted. i. can explain ilt Only freontlhe tact taI aie vas a voman anti svast- voman e aI laI" ie sid. *"According te my notion te ,videuce lunlte case titi net bear ont lte verdict. Toesay putling lt mldhY. Wiytyhlb verdict declares ln se many vords liaI a col- ored ministen bas no rlgbt te sllempt te settle lbe affaira ln bis ovu citurci." lmmediately atter -lie verdict hadl been read Attorney OTvis, represeut- ing tb. minister, enlereti a formai mo- tion fer a nev triai. The date fon bearlng the arguments vas net sl. Mni. orvis Intlmatedt tiat h. Intends te carry tic cas, as igi as May be ne'.esgary. Under tb. lava et civil lib.l, suait as Ibat charged againat Rer. Venor- able It la impossible te Imifeisen hiuM if he dos net psy the verdict ex. cept lu oee ay. Under a tont judg-, ment oethIis ciaractor viiere lt tu (laimed liaI malice la provetil t in possible for th. Plainhliff te Place the defeudant l in 1f11! bdosnet pair thte intgmeut. providing the plaintiff viii psy thes board o! defendant, viler there This aMnis le $3.50 per vei. lin other *ordo, if Rev. Vyan-! ensile dose tptte &MonteOflte verdict atter judgmontlal entered," providlug lte cas, e 1n ot aPPeaed or i s nev trial giren, Mm. Evans by pay- Itig fifly conta a day etau have te pas- ter piaced lu jail and kept lier. se, long as aie paye the board bill or h. doneet alpy lt.e judgoUst The case ibas Proved an sjusingoto no fan asulte nature O!flte lestimonyi la concornsd and lteos. vitehave at lended lte case have beO.i repaitifor temr lime, but aI ltaI the goueralho iof la liaI mOe.expense ahonld o b, saddled ounlt.e counîyt! ilflu pos sible ta aveid lt. IStoves and Ranges We have a complete stock of "Stewart" and "lRed Cross" Ranges, Cooks, Mot Blasts and Base Burners Big Stock-Rlght Price Schanck Bros. Libertyvi lle I I TEN DAYS' FREETRIAL q You can try tdus beau- tifuta Victrola FREE in your own home. 1, vnîakîng smail m:ntily pr:ylliectspyeu vii sho-inovo a Vjutrola the. greateet 4 R!ai nitiici îinstrumî.ntm. Anid il lîiîiigs te you ic hever' haipt o inuier -fi tevery kn. ing amid îîiayveiin te very ast vay l'y the% ecry Ihast artistpe.'l'lieide- ai place lu luaru the ucw -lai- ce jel4inchehomu. aoi hare the VicIor ioi absolutely indi~- ieOOl)le. Pirice S$V, to $PMri. Try the New Dance Records H. BReGE Ubortyni ed Mme.Stephens' Beauty Parlors me Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dresa- er. ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatinent nh)V BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Phone 100 0i. JobrF Pinmige CLEAN WORK A FLLCOÙtT There is nothing in this .countrY whivh has developed more than Life Insurance. This institution iii a sy@tem throughi whicli a lîealthy mati îîîay arrange to have money ho bas not yet earned paid to his estate should he be taken hy death. It is no sclieîîîe îor guessing uontest but a sc-ience fonuîded on the. mutltiplication table and the table of iortality. Thle importance~ as well as the depîli of the thing may he illustrated by the fact that the. highest matheinatical course in a nuinher of leadiDg jîniversities is Life IDsurance. Get postedl for yourself. JOHN IIODGE District Manager. Michigan Mutueillue Insurance Co. ~1 D I el b

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