LAKE COITY 1IDEPENDNT. VRIDAY. f Ddby F. J. DRUIDE, Phonoe Il IOrdors Tak.u for Job Work. Adv.rtlsing rates on applicatiotn, Boyd's tudio-U&ve Xma &Photos takeuin Nov. 15%jdtgiventbat moutb. .%Ov. lDth, theday of the Xmam sale aud chiellen pie supper glven by the Episcopal ladies pruved lu lie rathpr a gala day witb tlîcm, as it goes down ln hlstory as tie dey in wbiclî tIiy pur- ea*I thelr lut, wbere tb.-y hope %oi eret a cburch in a year ur so. 'The tact that the ladies have lieca wurkiig iles thanr a year sud coutributed $400 to- ward the- lot and no- have a lildingf fond in the unauk of $54) sbowsiethat tbey havie bâton dingwoume vîrk. The Minuet elub au urgabizstion ofthteyouug îiroîp1i whblcb las been urnanizcd buît elgbt montho, aleo deserve honorable mon ti )n- îug at thî Murne as they donat@d $10 towarul the lot. Altbotzgb the- nuinber of memborsfiti these orgairization iare snali ot numleriug rover twenity tive i soleblorganization, mortci-rgil niiud better workers vould iii.bardto tifnd.t Iltover the ladies iof the iul ac we, ai the ruembers ut the aMînu.t Clubf-el very much l2dslited to iirte puic,îiî.io bave been su ready andit svîhlîîîibetii e tbema lu tirrwork aud einrirtaliiutéte Tbey bave iu riturn tri-il nt naili time ri-îve- tbe pululli'the si-ny l-t. Sortie of the affaire have 1i-nlu 'it or:i et a ibig .penfls but they batse a a, jriv-1 big asuc-eras ehowîng thiat tliei- 1ufîit. lbas. Kueliki-r wbîî )Lm ' v-cii "ri ths vwk lât the Pest wek le abile- tii iv out again. Idra 'A i Vay air-]l oo11, i- lu (lu agîî Tiîurtlday. lditor New boijs.- uaýns (ia îllg.) ,iul buîsnîess Tbureday. The chivken rpie suliper uanîl xnias sai- Dettidthe- ladié-softhe i.St. Airv juillîl aiut$i20, < nHoliday stimwk em1111w arrivilig and v i vimuoun base ail i1-erWllrine to showv Son. Tbe Reiaff bStort.-i>ruce The basket socili eld at ovtu s-boul bons@@ dyeeasgJ>tvh-e fit of achool ibrary priuved a hlauxcwre. -j % bou&44-i waacearrd <tutu theblaltrts. ' Revêt-ai trom Orayalake attendcd. UIlms (ynotbProc-tor of Llbartyville, »pent several days ofl ast vert vltb mi"s.Emuma Wagner. lmausie Whitahead returnerd trom a vilit su W*nkega lent Mrinday. Mrt. rand ira. Dugdale nef-e Chicasgo vieltoru Mdonday. Dr. J. M. Palmer made a businems trip tii Chicago Monday. Work la rapidly progr*.-lg nu t i h n-w Weater lover. (tUtr 'ubberGonads areronuid.. front regular ranimer. That's wvb'vythey lest mu lo)ng. Al guaàrant.evtd goode at the tii-ail irUg store-Lruîe IrugLCo. The Pegaty Green (o., luoniitîngif i trime talent vui lic a t tii(Crayefalie opera bonse, daturday ev-nîni-, Nov. 28, In a blgger usnd btter rule than esrr. If Son lote good] dramea. eou-dy and mostieyou vant tiirlSe ibere- the, bave sgurnesing out of the c iruary taottfer Sou. The play aud skliree whleh bave ben under thbe diretiunof iiIrmv. 1. t6. White are full ut ait and extremely tnnny. On. u9thIe chieft etures ot the svpning vilii b.the full chuorus iîîîîludiug solos, due@suad mals quartette witb orchestra muait hy thirteen pti-es., under tha direction ot Lere Pryce Miller. Tbose taking part are amoug tht- hi-t talent thât wr bave in tovu and you are sure tuoneta $1.04) show tor :1-,tif yon as..the Psggy iti-en Coned.v. maMhul Papa. «À man la nyer sucoafrul until ho la mal lp borrow monay. If ho cma borrov It sudesacape vayingil tbacL ho la more than succeastul. rathev bas boom vory loucces#ul; ho la son very bashtul. Wby. ho*@ no baibtul vhen ho borrowa money he can't get ap enough nerve to sale àan u fatek lt back.-Exchauge. Dldn't Interest 1-er. 1 see (hi-ces a great deal otfi-fIt lu towu about vivisection," safl Mrs. Eat Side. WeIi' replier! Mrrs XVest Bide, lî've ralsed a tamlly of ergbf. at tbey alutUe of them eciir hieu vlvsectlouated and noure out em bas aveir caught stnalfpox eltberr 1 dont take no stock lu t.u-Livingptou Lance. ORDER NOW WiII there be -a Victrola Thei Rexall store Orsysiako i WAUKE4iAN BÀLNKS MATTER 0F JUST SEND MONEY TO THE ~ud~Ck Ck 35 CENTS STARTED NEW FED. RUSER VU, 51evewi t nag. si ER LBLS jWILLIAM A. ROMING %I.1-(lu fiîu Both Local National Banks Re-' Cort,.sîpide,,t - Acut ci tur "- ,sý 'ad 'S ster' 1-cks,)n to Make ceive Certificates of PHONE 22-W uit-e îsE i l uî ii t P.iz,, tu u Dfîct O ot noer Membership. ______________ 'TP>:isi Ir.E- \Isia lluîh FndSeRted AREIN NEW BANK SYSTEM.' Rîd'As tudhi-unve \11îas Plhuis Tii- vîtper sud mi-le XVaiiegan, ovtIe taui u Nov. 15% dis. iliven tiînt li Lu i l A i 4 I ii ii <ii 1- atron . ate Il.C. Hi-ude sud fan)l m isi i tr w ei"1atti-tiiif il d al é,itîi lda n\t 15- l*lcuu,n oýk h lî tti io t s 0f ticers of institutions Approve lianlbuldig lNt ond>. i l eeuin- hoe, lcli if oe a-s-u an New Departure-Oppose 1 rdh-oaurasaLbe ttll- n Mis oiyijuryuuiui iInunnithsenni Eais gilsilii- -orabMn. ý rd Fay w l i ie Y ilI. i sî IUî IPît b t ýH ' nier-.vanf s agorî ii. i t<iii.% i e rlati a W ar Tax. lastFridayauudSaturday helpiiîuî il n l iî.c i Mtd . . bGyotui-s-i iuiida ou ni rgeu ,fic. il ,I idithe i-fi h-r Tii- First Nationial aud Vsaukrgan j Sain Tarrant sud lamilytif Chli, aiu.).ih4ucr ticnd, lMr$, il. Il vIi i firoîght Ilii i aIn(iiîglu i-g Xirs. vatis NatiohauilmsksiofdWaukegin bieM%%utoile hie'lail)it$'oiilda nuagi-- Nainna iaki f Vakea bveiwpei îitoro here lest Monday Si-n ii ctgt i iîîusuf i u nmadhl lusymleutf ltthe furet installmeut r Ill üsAngas novd bsirt i-tti fuir 4i iscIii-ntion ot stock ii fhe- ni-wlsud ingorance oteeup@tas ilic îýja ît iadly tianjited. Il i l. ,K. talci u T e ref u - uti,,ii -iji'àii ni-ealr servi- lanking sesteim, wblch tînuid ing. Jlii i . sti, îîeta ul.-ituiu f -huuiihnu(ilut Ili(, ihiu-l l, ig it wa a i nstit utid flne atuil Mntanrs.rank îepifini îuila o cii li-il whhi - eut faluto ifi-ct îasf _Nonday. ëeNI ldM -.I f hu'1. 'l le- li.iii l lu li P i- atigali uniItev.XVilI Tlîc iinî us ceevpd îertlficate 0f memn ver- pli-ssaut colieris a iiui iiu- utof 51c5 iniriiago M, 1 uiulihum A. I).\cîii'nrul n iruer pustur. E C Webbre %iiilu husuit us îîu s fin iii- i ii eî uot hershiljinluthe tiiw system, fîeaclugi '- a' rasviain cireî îîî-îîti a ilaveariuthe 1 H.F. Gieiete ans-nLi C i'aiu nustur i ort-l thie signature utf'iW. G. .XlAdoo, sc-Tueeay. lartido i- i-a îweluilo 1 l, i Iiîîî ncicut sco.atfatcdnts cnAt e retar-y ot the tceasury. The local Soiil o'-n aiia îuuutîuii ~ îulete t t i-Uitî u lb cotf At i -alst ianits uade payaient of the ilnst lu- Ed MeCormick vas Pe-eu ,Il ouuîr 4- t8 cis tutr îar ti-s avituus ai-,'iuuits vuel i- s u tsllii oheutii s- stalaient antid i-î,uiited toyard the lamt Tnp@day. u wi-i.-lvtlî$1 ()il t.îîkc f tus î1riivt fildon the lstanul. fi-serve fond. The depoais are with Chas. Liligi-utelder, teliiioilmlifv l'ainda i ffa t autcI luuinseems at lt, î \ euîeîable had the- regional i bnkItn (hîcazo, located flgsurance Coimpany".epeaiaSz-i-ttaux agretiiienit- îihihue ciurînh huard Ili whnt 'is dcslguated as district No. @xsiet Toi-iday*vuîlu hW. fiRusiig £thueuir -"------ ii' c ich lie was5fo neccivi- $5 n Sun- 7 ot the fedi-ral reserve systeru pay- local agent. MiIZ.UR li.Jiyun sd liai e hi, :iîlriuail ari- pud f0 mntu uot the tull amoufit a tuole ruade The Ttiatik-uii,,Iîu Xri-siuses ai tlîc f fiî'agii (Oue Sunilai aboutifa vear -Nihi a yp r.builii-,j IP. % d e.avStesviirt le1> .fluîulau t.i, sii-iul igi iith eiholî-thiî a.,is liitltuuî large ivuihin s r-anuv'huiii tiiiiuru huusfi.icdu i-da aif- %Ir..i To pruvîde for ias m tiofuthflicfirst vas ni-il att-nul--ti, li.îi, lunr llîtraîu I reuuui -giiuîiga ti lii- 1 u-1,, u,îgitii ui-nu fI-iillIuulullt instalîruent ut the stock and the ne- i c-derrd. in-cT>o tLl ut'Il i-cuirens. baill ent 8îiî.u9i n u gold <coin snd day vitb 'Il r. liîd-uriilut illulu tiira in thuis1 i 1i uuuîî us. FanîuiO -ai., htl I'uuidiieti-d golo u-ntlfctisti ud llletntullyîaund' luili-tituveuusiualvlitdaîu c Mes tiiun- iuliluiilhi 'theuuu Tmui culili or uttac lia uscuu li clt carry $45.00>0 with the- r-glanai batik- siA[tiauti« hllhiTuircdn> luiis. suleuri rouiOii ca u i s oieu. sor f a gluiay chunnu o rTh ea The fYsukegari National veuf lu $41,50 raJMe ..F itraad-,ll.. IýiiieNfra ilw cu . T eps iu gold. EM rd aiii ldi .1friI lu t f11 ahauul5 ii.î ~Eînb&îgei us luidt ug %lci . islue rsuggi-sted ihat -nu- lasIluisuthe Bankt Officerg Pavor SY@tem. Ku a ulîîui1ai1vf 1-ud iss itiu Mure %imiteul tI.i- i .ucu i f.., Il fr 35 ci-uts out ot ibis fund. The affiners fth oclNtinl ihMr. I dMrs . err S idnvi -' enat lalait li.uuîui, IliITo thîs ale ujecicd sfrcuu.oP.fy s good liing. ltht if nul ensoile t unks tfa ban more trri-ly, fi-cause it 8tcad (,uthtet- îld rets-ruerequirenienl ut la pe-r cent under the nationîal fusnlslîg art.t ti- ni-w prou ision requifi ing but MI pi-rn-t agalnst fîme ci-r tiltrates. If a lank Iluhflefidemi nue sirie systeru gels ioanpd ni) fou ic' t eau furn lu ts lotus fo thei-r-sers î hank ton discount,.ftac<ai-hi. and bu-i ha, the ifi-rt ofrnakitihe- luirr-enu v Mes. A.f allie cpitfFnifain u I.te M r andf Mrm3. iilliigssuif mou e fronul the- JiitînHouuk fammta Liy aki- Mr, f M.- Xiads -fent Tliîr.laî uat flue ti tî. of lic r uauglitee. Mri- I bar:iy Kikt t tlei-aiuI usi-dil fn uMir. EA. Perny ue day lest wi-- Mies Mary Hot @peut t4i- atter part .1 Jât eekat ii-ertvlu situation more i-Initie. Thi,s .,scm,,________ oune ut the oiSeiaIs oft fluelocal han*s' ssld todsy ought ta make it fractîenll1y1 UR 1 Impossible for any national bank ta' get luto auy setrions dlfficulty. as re- lief la qulckly at baud tbroîgb t he The chicken pie supuer aud bazaar vas meanus ofthe federal Set.vef I attended . Noarly $4W1was uetted. Manne Ravival of Busintess. [The eoc-t ' vat bdra. J. R.COuvris vas f la belleved thaf a big revival ofqolte weill ttisndid. The udit meeting business le bouud to cone throiib yl ha wltb Mrs. Henry the uew finauclal tysteni. tiar;-rs 1 Mra 16. A. Siver in entertainig ber declare that the ni-w plan wl elîmin- brother, MIr. Terryli ofi lowa. ate paniez.fil vii malte moni-y avait- lMra Crttenden an ousber atteuded able lu ail parts of the counfry sud the innerai out Mc,. Critteudens tbrotber lin-vent hoardlng ItlunNew Yorkt clty. lu Oicagn, une day last veek. Manufacturing r<ocernsIn luWauke Citford tîtrdu wsqlt al gan are sure ii lieh enefifird. if la! bururd white fixinug the auto lent Thoma sald, hi-cause wlfh the séùuring ef da.y nigbt. lower rates ur unîcresi, nioxey is sure naHno fRneadMq Io )p ree. ad h,,Indstralsitua. Kuere of Keniieba, epent the week-esd itou ougbtto fa hiuie the hîisf if ha% ,witb ire. .A. C. Corrie sund attcnded the f ien lu yearv hbaznar. Thelocl bnksthi nirnig rreiv- The mnt; rin8o Allen Di-sîn wpi e ed word f bat aIibe closeeut business a~ reusu ou Nov. 191the Chicago tederaf nisi-rue very sorry Io I-arnutfi pointul acuiieit. liauk bad ou deposit truru 806 baiks iu A Il bopefor a âpeedy recovery. Th aii- us idi Ah w51iiIi lilI, 'u u iii-iuitrilurodavi- u. Mcý and Mrs f( hi icuii j» îi-t Mli- il-heu Saffur.1ilXiiniuf i i E. A Martin tnîllusai miii-in t t 1 u i i, ast r- SELLS HIORSE FOR $20; (il EN CHIECK; PROVES-VÀLLJELESS Now George Junjclauf of Zion City Is Trying to Find One- Armed 'Peddler.' Ci-uni-c Juicauf of Zion City bas asked Sbcriff Elmer Green ta ki-ep a Iocfiout foc a one-arm-d rua, r-pr-- sentîni- hirue si-ta a pedller wbo hi- says dcfrauded hlm ont tfahorsi-ou Wi-dnesday lun amannor that rlssllcd the fauious honte trade ot David fia- rmm Acmuoru iuîg ftoti- stuc> foi-the Sbinift bu% LIuniclaut, a middli- nged man Stuppîd 8f bie horne in Zion City u fuVei-u-day sud repr-seuted hlm- si-If fillieb, - r.Hi-asked biru if hi- hsd alux lorses hi- wanted to si-l thi- districf the ismontuf !,;2.9 1. ~The niniter vas enfertainesiat Ni.If-gia lssti-ccuttbo Banka Oppose VWar Tait, aud lira. (jeu. IlFocrie. SunidaYiigliit. i- happeuicîfta i- lu uced of a hurse The haniers ut Xaukegan are said Titi- u-mmui ty visgreatly Obock"-ulat that finie. fa hic ulipiuvid lutt-e eaction of a sdgusr ebn tttCrin hie Junjcfatif lad a rather oid boni-e var tas upon the baukingI- nstitutions died on Moud",. Nov. 1(hinb. u s atii- that i- nas wlling to dispose oh as a tevy of Si bau li-hi-i-n ruade ou tannumin luPortland, vitere slIe lhait -one the animal lîad about servebi-s sne- i-a-h $1,000 ut the capital stock. sur. tor treatruent. She bad led nlutliis tulni-as. Ili- exhibiti-d hlmehifore the- plus aud undlîidcd profits. Thetifait Ii, vîuiulfy for a number of yeara. Sus0pi-ddler, aho iisaald bis nauiei-ai to i- pald an'sually until tfs Sset la ne- ruoved wlth lier parente ta tOregon tva lu. N. Johnston. The- latter iooked the pealcîl. On ibis hasts the W'arfîigau yearsi ago. $ibe va- a great favoirite animal user carefuIly. Tit-eevas con- hanisviii psy the followiug. imongtbi e youug pe-ople. The tamify siderable liaiglini- about tue pci-i- Flrst NationaI'--$i00. have theeYmuPatbY ut thi- wbui@e i-fii-but Johusfon fiusiiy agri-ad f0 fuy Waukegan National-$ 1.000. ruuify In thi-r afiction. twenty dollars ton hlm Sud pnuceed- Si-cuity Sa' ings-$bii- sO tu write ouf s cheio n ti- Si-co-- Peuples 8500.i- Ity lBant of Wauki-gan foc ibai TIeti- 55 s r,. lue pmiii hi-re fier. iè' GAGM SLAM. Jamnouni. 1. TIse lankers ohet tu if on te' -J Iujeliiuif aduftfs i- ri-asan i-round tbst te hsuking institutions, Mr.sud Mrs. E. S. Fasulknern nir- ta lie- suspicionssuddasec pied the are- clasased n'itlî business enterpirises Rosi-rans i-ilIums Suuday. t-hei-rnl gond faith. Johnsfon urove n'bich are regarded as tuxtucies in- ilonrge Kapple- sud Robe.rt Kerry -fic aasevithutiii-hbrse aud thnt ta fthe chuded liInfte isi heung lbowling. bit i.aukegau vîsîtorcs Muuday. fbâtt flials,icin si-en of hlm. The liardvs,îpool, thestres. n le uses and oth-bie sla iedpoi fthhre i-rtorus >t musnuîîîa'hî heauh~ Fred %fan Zanit n'as in Chicuagouucti-i> -lailedsps- o ii-io 'rfraciauemn h( a cdat lata-if ekfor aîf elie could gi-i someahîure dlspi-uaid wilî. if flue nione> is lie -11.))adMrho vaso ssetii l cd foc fhe nices-luies o if le Tite-4evprai dash îî bisparestls. eulu Jtclijliintt eohaso- bunkerns feel thaf if iue lanks art, tsx si-a ly iîtîlslaiusatter lie lîauf nluscd thei deal, feeling- vid, the fax shoulul al-iu iiie euiendi-d Iiss Pltîîuîy mcvii atteudeul the useul- thornuglili satisfied witb iimseif Ion, îu uflier comrcieal i sin uch s ai- ug ioi %Ie. Larsn eof iErîi-stuountndMiss hi- su n hic as gladi f0 dispose outhic groci-rici-. nent Suanki-ir. î,.uerie-. h:a ntis uitHghlanndPark Tliaiik-.siviung bncp i-u ut liii ie. Hi- cai-fies ils gi-fhi-r wah induvi iaI .tueîueri'.e's. ' i-cheik iiuin K u5 ivlwene hi- Man smîpi1 Slulisv tutti uelul s 'uiýjzn-gsui ueifunukîîno STATE'S 20 INSTITUTIONS siedi tvuî ueesent-i Mrili. aîd Nlre. scd !iýitiinuul itîîiîiig sîraighf bhomeu Wn. S-liee i- deiiî uîîied iu came 10 Wauki-gaiu CARE FOR 20,278 PERSONS. hnl iherii- or not the check hiaîl ________ fI lavenn- ce-tîly r-uns cdttî- "c hieu ail i-ht. Hi- hsd nu misi-ivingi- Sprngfield, I., Nu-v. > igite-i uuuu sifliimi nothues .deat in lu Wî, nti on u srl ihdi e n couni-ction wlth th ise infy itati- 'iuiri ienvi-es uveny Snday at 1li:o au ligt d uibtairecelyAtihe to s charitablie Institutions ut Illinois yen- ! îu.. lu iîub uiigttareit f i-s A th bni suhmltf i-Otoday 10o ov. Dunne l alarinvaute"u'l".whi-learucî t bat E. N. Johuaton dîi nof ci-pont coveirni two yi-acs by flue shahc- havi- au scouit thi-ri. Thi-n hi- furni board of administration tbmuugh Ifs Red Tape. cd the ulaiter over te the ahenîf. pr-aident F'rid J. Keru.l Red Tape la thn 'buiwailt of inferlor Johueton 1s8di-acrtbed as a man Tise report shows that lu the - tvtn- 1I mmde. Language la sald te conceaI about itty years oltI, wIth his nlght (y institutions under the board' cou- thought; ced tape paralysas actill arru anputafed. Hi- vrean- a ndy- trolace20.78 un>tevsud5.21 irn-Poticlans use ced tapi- te CrtSt Of-gray ninstachi-. trl ae20,78 it esn d ,21eu-fici-s; ititout f. gavi-cument vould b ployeta seîsmple t bat everybodY wouid Un- It I la fithatthe Institutious drNaew. fy 'ol açmlih~d«of .1Irlah Uemuue. have 8,12:3acres cf Iilable landI wlth bg results, lol oknttiuenthe tapa ACaordlng s un agaesU a total ci-aI estate value of $2,571,189., itn t . ennts Id-Lý9 g rleh o g l#tia acut ws I Dalny cattle ovited number 1.188 head. rd.Llu .~puritounclng Iet thl euserd l sud the total vaine ef ail stock ovni-i âko Coutya big «k - lkIolpe. h eletsu ie lsr le $145,849. PENDENT. c-ateul Atv a durect n-suIt lieuv. \en i vahl ltw fuun- hll îilien haled ilîto a jus- ti e gcuî ii luNortfh Chficago onia, u 1uarge of îisluruiii a nuligius mlut- ing. butf bol lu finicii lusu uîas acuîuuitted fus a hlirs Fýýaîlig in fuis i l uisluargecîl hat tIns' fini-mlle suithîdrea (rom lier li't-elîaud ifhgood fi-llowsbip. lun otben suords %ihi ias ousted tront the cluurüis That -t.arted the abol- churcli fi-hft. It appears litat stme sided witb 'Ars. Ev ans and stme wltb the patr. Chiarges sud cunter charges were nmade f rrriy. The climax came when 11ev. NVenerabli- pubtlsbi-d n stati-Dent ut the affaîr. This publlbed state- menît caos-d Mns. Evans to sue hlm fon lîbel. Mauy amusiug Incidenîts are deveiop- lui- ln the trial. Oui- took place whiie Mure. Evans n-as un thei stand. Attoc- ney Orvis n'as cross cxamlnlug the su flus Hi- dri-w tror hi-r the tact ilia, site iad came troru North Caco- lins. Hi- asked heri-Ifi-hi- evi-r had knuwu sr suad suds a anu.mentiou- iug bis nrue. Mcv. Evans fhougbt a momitent sud thi-n slîook hi-r hrad. "Nope. tsii ir heered fi-Il o' hlm. ai-ti, replied. Attorney On t- dcii ed stili deeper. Ji- i-pilied euf thi- ifaul-of tti- in tiri que-stlin andltIin askcd the wlt- hl -.if vie reuuembi-rid hlm. . builigly f nemi-ml-r hlm-wasut lie m tu hluiband' she demandi-d. 'Xere you l-gally maccled to him?" masithInnetiXqiuestioni. Coiurse- I %vas l-gshiy inannied t imus liat flidu you take me?" "Haven >ol tbe paliers to show t' i t?" "Puliers? Paperi-?"sh ie demande lu ni-li- i-mura. "lu course1 i nt gc no0 papi-ns. Titiy didu't havi- no si eoîîfnapion viten vi-got marrie Titey*vi onhy luad aIchl thlngs dou duire ftoneflclst foi or flve yeau 'fVuin e i-ut rarrlvd they didut nu fiarsan,',Titi-man Iie Just says1 the uoisati'Arn.-takes you f0 hi- mu nîhe.' sied lie just toit lier anudtfi waial fluent tIi-ne as tof0 t - t-Sourt of a commun-law lîsanniage "i uiiuuuu au-tier il i-as a cotrat msarnalge linailtîuîueuîsunuuî nuariug( XX"- Muz uuannlcu j-si fil sanie.- Return tlieir money if Dr. Iiess Stock Couic 1 Moes not do as 1I daim. Jî QiiefBe. 1-la d e,eedFrom Evervlcidy wsviu ,listick iýr poltry inuet ou rely liein ter ted in tbe generoUs n1i.r miade r .hv lir hlirt Hesi-tbe weil-kn)own vetertmié aud mert.ier of ttiinn of Pr. îlelces and Gar.Ambiand, Ob in. eo4 In'3 "Sa sure amn 1 that Dr. Hess Stock Tonic viii maike stock haal- '*A thy and capel the vorms, that 1 -&nt you te urle your custeas- crs to boy it on the undcratanding that if it do..s not de as 1 cam if it ducs not psy then.suad psy thei n -to iseing back the ernpty packages to yoi. and 1 authorize yen te raturas tlicirno.iey. The firn of Dr. Hess & Clark wiii proteet yen in every case. Under thcse trn oney-bsck guaatee yen ame te tell Dr. Hess Poult.y Pan-&-cc-s te make poultry healtsy and1 help heu, iay, and Dr. Hess lnstant Loi,,. Killer to kilt lice on poultry snd far-n stock." We, 'have a ugod il p of,îtii,-ahîo, vniduvtv or)nansuad we stand liai-k ,f tii.-glarall wli vil Plr. esi bas si-lt [ls LAKE VILLA PHARMACY B. J. Mooper, Prop. Lake Villa, iii. Dont Miss Secing ..- The Peggy GreeiConcert Comnpany At the GrayslakeOpera House on piv 9 Featurng. .'M Saturday Evening Aujv. 2 Misa&Lilian Adamss lu "Thea HouasAcres tihe Way" Miss Ethel Melberg in "Tise Mexicun Rose" Conduding vitii "Frank Glyn.'s Wifa," a farce 0 Elaborate Musical Specialties Curtain rmises pmonptlyfàa ADMISSION 25c and 35c Tiackets an sole at Rssali DrMI Star. Don't Fail',To See It! k FOR SALE One of the best 50-acre tracts oflIand in ILake Comatg. Situaied on both steam!and electric raifrmds gasa.ndlelecticitjlimmediatelg availalildcn to "cod school and church. This is a bérgain iI:"taken at.once. fr particulers adisem * P. O..BOX 23 ARIEA IL Telephone 16i-R 'a" sud partlcularly the Incident lu whlcb BARGAMIN 10 D Ste hiasked that lie hi- given the 35 cents CAIM du dii-hm. On that occasion, i- sald. jol Murs. Evans ruade sncb a disturbauce, 'e! , mhile liewans praying thatIl,, atter- I ward r-.fused tea show bier to parti- C u 1 Nlr.lnsu drisididdtu kuni-o vt-I îaeiitti uinouwi di r orn fot nue i-yen itaî secured a i tedl thst later hi- sa-une uît warrants unri- troiîfli-n finsi iuushaud lini-a- fuý i-er ari-st on a change oh dusturb- ofli thfa(mf tluaf site bad muarried tal ce tgp rl-u etn We have si-verai bargains in uod îu'etuu.r-a'tisrpîll ie TIi- ias i-eyli-ieompletil rodsyi auttomobile@, tva- andi fivo-paa-: i-ga ise. 'ruif lunnt indications sud ruay golgi-r carI, priccil from SIS75tOý$40è. "li dîdîu'f ueed a divorce. Hei- lst t ii I ury uino> i nOt i,,i- fis atitîoun. Terrus ta relable parties. l'bis in 1i1ipaîniîllu' iii, anud dicîl -- Mas flic ru h- tjtiîCte buy. lts t01ul Icelanîl lia- nofthini-on Gary,i tluiuso oiiii i llIm hi- iiid I od.1 , l titi-malter of burnîni- Pi-sut JUST N OOR Co. "Iid Aiîuf4 gif a letter friuui liii fori fue~l. The ditoos i-y bas hi-en -Lbryvu uo)If len tellili 'Ille?"sade. that titi marols i n uasd anound 'iat miiproduce if?" h7arv shound lu su extclleut sud a- t M~Aller nine yeacs? )u yuuIiai-st lnuestifble quantlty ut Pea ulhik. Misfab Orvis, lthaI I saved th'fuirnf whleb buns well sud salkesa S ER I hi-f fer ail tîsese ycahs j-ut to show f hiat alruovfi-quai to that ot coal.Trie & 'n r 4 to te" ow dd A knw tht tti-Scores of for-h-n familles are taday fi-oubli- nat gola' te happen'" living lî-uut warm hy turt tines the AT RIAI59NABLER T. Another wlîuess whose tesfîîuony ttini. he'ýing hi-en cut and carried te ERave the beet 01 aooom*- v as armoslug was J. D. Hunt. a former the homes ct thi-,. familles hy titi- catiom -aU box StaUa, dent-ou ofthte North Chicago cuhi rci loin. vomi-n andI childc-n. It Is sald elMerieoe<I helP, etC- Ouî bis owu admission Il vas brou today tisai the dlscovery tisai Gar-y Addreua ant that i- vaa once convîctes nd pi-st vasti-quaIti ti-hi-bot Irlih pat senved lime lu thse penîteutlary a hal soived thei fuel question wlith a M1iRRY rU TNP cl-atigeof manslaugbte-. cri-st uîany poor familles it, Gu7 t iek*?dL Rev. Venerabie hîmai-if boit tti- vioru coaaInsd wood ver- torlbldden >.fA- stand about il a'cloeki. MHe gave tise iuxtesi-. tacts lu tii- case lu detail. He reiat- ed aIl tii- Incidents ot the chancs figist Tise Indepeudent leada aIL Thi n4epofdO«t 1«4adaIL. .e 1 L