LAKE CouNÏY, NDEPENDENo WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXIII.-NO. 11. TWELVIC PAGES LIBERTyVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRIDAY, 1)ECEMBER 4,1914. ONE TO EIGHT s1. 50 PER YEÂR IN ADVANC1h VIJIRTY VILLE MUN E5FOUN» WITII UL* - LET IOLE IN RAD Behef la, That,. Wm. Suydam Committed Suicide Attiough - Cause Is lJnknown. #V*AS WORKING IN CHICAGO. iCoincident Is That His Mother Committed Suicide About E Four Years Ago. William Suydsm, la W.l known Llb. certYvîlle Young mon, %Val found dead ln Chicago Sst. Nov. 28 with a bullet hoie bn hl& temple. Me Woua bsisother ef Fred and John SuYdam of Libety- ,ville aud Adoiph of Chicago. The '-od Suydam homs la just uothwest o L#bertyville. OBSERVE» TIEIR 1 GOLDEN WEDDINQ - Waukeg&n ,Nov.27. M. and Mrs. George Butler o! Mas- sena avenue eelebrated Ibeir Golden Wedding anniversary on Thanksgiviog day. Twenty guesta were present. Tise out of town guesîs were M. anti Mrs. Bannes of Racine andMiss Marie Qllongs of Zion City. A gnoup o! Pic- lunes of ail Ibose prenent In addition té a picture efthtie four generatloos ce- presenbed. were taisen. Congratula- ions were recellèd in a letten frntm a qon bunfBritishs Columbla who tfound Il imnpossible tw ha present. Dinnen vas serced ai two-thirty oclock. Taken as a wboie tise aS air proved 10 be a mont enjtiyabie one. PROTECTIVE ASSN. FORMED BY FARM*- ERS0F WESTERN COI POULTRY EXIIIBITS GiREATEST IN 1115 TORY OF THE SHOW Entries Include'a List of Over 800 Birds of the Finest QualityandType. SUCCESS IS QUITE EVIDENT. Entries Are Made From States of Wisconsin, Indiana and Iowa-County Leads. Waukegan, Nov. M Weil desierving lise tille of beiugi "tise greatesl exhibition lunlise hialocy ot te 1liinois Poultry assoiation. tise pouitcy show nov In aession lu Wnu- cegan ln nov tise mecca of thousauda of pultry tandiem lrom near sud lar . Sentel uthtie grenbest lanciers aod au- lisoilies o o tuainu lie ccuntcy isave Tise deeased lmd ieit lemuloyed lu attenucute UliIo 811eli oen Cis'icago for tihe ai îwo yeara, going Lake County Farmers, Tired of in g ou dlofa ciamingolthe miadtoe tisere lnom Lîbetyville tp 1telite Continuous Thievery, Have weaI organizallon bhal isolda ls au- lime oftrl.- deatis ehu td lu.nen em- Banded Together. nual sow lu beuis.-i ltorm aItisîcazo. pioyed by te Triggs Fiait coiOpS!y <f Tise grolt of-aexrta altter mstlng au ~'uIton areetý He drove anu eupecrlciseto fI1ý eryato truc fortireconcrn.WILL SHARE ALL EXPENSES. ehinstionindtha lt. neriya toonnd He liaitbeen rooming vils bisabrts- ber o? esîilits -titiS as1 5great as ed Adolpis ai 328 Sangamon sîreel. Plan to Share Amnount Neces- tbey hase avoîl, still tise quaiîy of thie When Adolpis arose Iis mernong bu sary to FoIIow Crimnals exiibilas as as good as bas ever come ,nssed Wiliam and leokeai about tise Wh Ro Paes under tîtir attention, lu al usure b ous for hism. His searri teot hlm Who _RoPlaces are nearly .tu)exhibils ni lise sitow. 10 tise bath roont. Tise donc vas Iowa.Idî a ic nsnad Ilinois locketi. He ralledto ibs broliser anid As n resuit of tise continuonsa talni 'ce ndtiana'c luWis esih a iîn revne noreapons tirore dnwn tlise le viici Sas annoyeai farmers lu r ,rone nteehbt.Mn recelveiofget l trds on dlsîlay isene bave door. His brotirs duati bodv was western Lake county, lunlise townsips broogisi duwn nwands bu Cisicag*-, Nes lying on lise floon vîis lise revolver O r nul. Avon especially, taruters Yr n ilakesos beide. A bulaI bhole luniis temple of tisai section have organizeai a pro- sboedtia aue f ens.tective association andi n future,1 lu .Ariait 10 te quartens outhlie pout- The anaer o th IMh copan 1 ry shtow would evîdence lils gretnîîsa Tisemanger t tse iaiscomanytend 10 have aystematlC protection or:uts nt iîtrsea esng visen asket shout tise affair Iis aI them places. ecetos ahane l ire - ex Wbte ou alua îisubte d on lot lernon said hie tnew ot nothing whiscb essneusr'0tatthexses lite xhîbilon uIlding bIs final az mirthave causeai Suydan t 1 taire Tisesoclety thsus lormedla1op tae mutiwition uid isi o apenldtypaes liesa ad ieerate something it b'seL tiCoP'fir t thehbsofpindtys hIsF own lr.H adteYoung in glieth LkiCu t ,toflowl. Tiere are row upon nov et a1-ayh~is f a? a ,thes'quW e . -Herse Protectly.e associ.ation alticiscop letbngjsy ulbar lu tirimie disposition but always had bas uxîsted oc msny yuars sud vitose ctis re tclite bildng an nuîre 9seaned 10 te ihappy. No troubles formation alded' much bn protetinge îug lote buldindand.mb 9pseto libupreylng onu imliHs- r armurs and ecivotembers frutti bs ngiThe sttcupnr tolnd te .i brtr c"camnot accounb for lise Ira Is-huvs tî îtîîrs a unPtocdlaî :ely cu-k S-o tar tison are twcîîtv Iitottetitbecsiiditey trc go lu Iwlt tuhie ttnîit triiuc o?(ifîle atain and ît ni, apectliar coincîdence tiatIl of te newsocit. aod tieir tplans urnId tusl iabsl -d wa uit Irour yeacs ago thtisaI . aSuy hi' Wlien saotenîer tutalus a lo,ý ten s i t-- tîlite los,;ttsta iiarn rt-tht utWiliam cnmiled udsasa IIome. a env. or grain, te s id.. t,. i anLing Serseu toeufo f t-r menibers nl mme lorwardsnd itusîlays loti-rositt 1ot onu I dis- cilatr-ýn lie coltar o? their homne In a- ivit-întrtltule a <erain a -itt is c lcrtnhe I rhtitI Touosea 1Àler5xx l Ite. Bv aa tîlI stranger coin- stît hiasu ts riccsacy tDrnt lu arl) lih ce n a cofp lu îînofou oruste t-I- n as ihe voung man viso ii.-"intîprit %xioht as lippen gui 1 tvo?:2ýpl opt h ilto ht ý,a ;s nit dath who roud bs tievr.y 1lurkt.o f si plettritl : p n P ho to 1 i ahern -i. Icel eais -houtndbistofotrxl11w iii IIlAt is î-iotk ta texv ex- mot lu ..~. hul's' tle s tt-d ixtlrv tf \\hte tc Orpinz-ton e Site had lîcen mis,,ed hut Il vas Inuîr sdt i;i1,1cr We- sere trdbylr.I-ltnoytfta Iliîott persapq tisai site iad gone I hheill isîto dîtte ftr thnî bîuod- lîx ad bs hIctrl îtît. ian- aof nt ît Iu th,-Ironte os n-Lablior Tise fol- liottîrdu lrot iPaxton alsi-i-ek anud Ct n hc n-u, oeo lowig ornng hensite flled to y situsid taIttex are o? salue llnest sîrecteOs of thaI lx te o? t istc -lntnerttuc eis nOttinwing eO 10 I i n 0t e world. jot ii u articrsue aseacis as u jfro ~< ousn flio lugtrais n1tAter geting Sîs itearing tiset ritor sttuted foc ber and i llim found itrins tisir retucli lere at aSfturc(, isot cî ooi cut s m berhodu. le neser compietely ne- date in ta-se Ilie colulerles do nt alcifont copt oi.bam cooied fro10 the sisucitlieceledon aÏiate. s farmera liate confronîcri n itis. Iatsing ai each lu inspect tise that ccý&den an Il i possbleIta ilis thiho ry forcset eral yeacs. l1eimnuti o lcin ihn thi- a ocaion ant lb t posaiblu th I at Oe yteaicad Ccasionally ise pauses lb bis tour of lis ma ha e ssOsomulîue a vtitet-ir' -ibar-- nes sytemticsudinsapectio untn 10 lifote sorda 0f a causing ite1 commit suicide nov In se ace tired o?, it. \Wose banded t otiitlho 1atlgneryws c se e rualiy dld laite bis ireuasap- ce-liertt-rlpit a stop tîu h lotiswlishirn xiio lnignal ceane eth ae lil1leeotpan lheplt sl, ngagod ini a lontg ttrade on tise mer- ________________ iroi- saters nateialiy. Hundredslatotînd e hîcs vax.ouiuogs ts o dollars vorbis o? iodore habeen Cniun i a hog h ROCK ORD'W( D-- '1'.,tand seeng hatIt a u tousetoialea. th is lator la gîten a vlew et R ~ ~ D W O - uiattd. ue0einht, eIelakenthe0'u e verY tYPe of lowl. Thece are l %E~N ÇP Iii>IFU T by bue borna' and are golng to lry our - e'Mras fclrscores o! best tu do so.- m KAKtypes sud doriens oI bapea. Tise hua l dosogreat horde ut lovis are clocking, ON R T K T El crOwlng, etctcdwn nuio ON R T M l~ QIJARANTINE IS w ielcltsuems to add zes1tu tlieex Insurgent 'M odern Weodmeu at IEr nfi IVHure eue may vlew the splendid ex- Roektord and iu Winnebago oounty IM I ION 11i'NY9 hibition eitered by R. B. Counolly of b ase ounte an appropriation 10 aid In carrylue tise rate question 1t lse BU tT LA E 9O 'ntdStatua aupreme court. Thsi a ct ion wva s akun anIan crent meeting t jiela i ilatIse Forest City. 'Tirty-tlve coonlies o? Illinois îodav Tise question of visether or 001Ilb were releaspotifcom tise tedecai quar-l would lu e hua to dlsand tise insurgent Iaultne whisch vas lmpoaed when ted society(. 00w tisat tisere le no eai ruas- foot anti moutis disunsu sas at lIer ou 'for litsexistence, vas conaldered, ieigit nmong cattie, abeeti sud ioga but Il wsnducided 10 continue tise ersud which isas placud an emtiargo tilt- ganizatiobi fer a feW moulis aai least ou iterstate commerce lu lise stock 1 and wgtc thlie prueresofthlie baIlle uelveen quarantînetà statua.i lu te courts. d I'oden anf onder issued bhy lie de- Tise insurgent wig o? tise Woon parîmeut u agriculture certain aire- man aoclty asaî tise United Statua cified counties utIlilinois, Wsconsino stiprente court ta decide visether fra-1 and Iowa are relieved front sume o? ternal onganizatbons rau raiese rates tise restritins that hati been placedt wilisool consent of tise enline memben- tîpon tiet. Tise order provîdesa tisa siiî. Il la a question tisatIintenests caIlle for Immediate laugiter may bu tise whole fralernai wold. andth ie de-!I aippeti trôm Ibese counties. CaIlle1 cision erthtie court wilI ise awaIted 150 soiay be received fon feedlng pur- vils nu l111e aiixiuty, especialiy oul poses, but may no1 bu siippeti out for tise part eofofficiais o! socleties wicis eeding alsevisene. have Increased rates ecuntly er are Neither Lake nec McHfenry couutyi going lu put lucreases Into effect are among tisose front visici tise quar- sisortly. 1 antInebas been litlet. Anti, Kenosisa Tisere la ne rate batlle wilisin tise county bas been atidedt 10this bt o? Woodmnan society at tbe present lime I cuntIes quarantioed In Wisconsin. but tise Insurgents say they are going Ail exsept eleven counties lu Wis-1 tiscougis iti tise ilgt visicis they consin andi twenty-one In lova are re- have begun In tise courts. leaseti by tise onden effective Nov. 30.1 grade apecimena o? Rose Comb an( Single Comb Blrown Leghsorns. A lit tle ftien on une vieva lise classe lered by Chtarles R. Lyons of Ibis cIl] iici consisîs o? Whsite Croate( docks. Biset Poliah docks. Bluack Tail d Jalîuese nums. Tsen on suee roso comis and single <omit typer Tisen one sees a large suries ut exhil its o? White Legsocos. there being 1 enîries of dillereul raInera lu tsi ty pe. Theru are 5 or 6 entries t Brown Leghsorns. Tise coopa rontalning tise large un îry of Parlridge Wyandottes unlere by Malt Dilger are nttnactlng luturea, Some o? tise bMrde nf tisaIdlsplay ba, caplured lise final prîzea lu exiitbi ai Chsicag, New Yort andi Milvauteq Tisure are lange classes et Banni Plymouths Rocta, White Plymoot Rocks andi Pantridge Plymouths Roc-mî Tisere te an extensive dlsPlay Of Goli L n Wyandottes, Wite WynndottE andi Columblan Wyandottes. Black Langsisangs ot splendid fori anti type. buity BuSf Cochins, ai Cornisis fowls are tisere. Tiser. ai many types o! bantains. Tise Sq - -- -------- . P NAPE" BFILE*.ONTIOS. He BLUKE INDEPENDENT IS Business of thse Rcorder'i office for thb e.indng NOVember M8, 1914: STATE ÀID ROAD; lIAS PÀSSED AWAY NOW INSTALLE» IN Number of Truit Deeds Bhd Mort- Mns2.IUCI!_UNFINISIIID Waukegan, Nov. 27. ITS NE3W QUAIER Total number of Instruments Ilie Thomas H. Burke, 55 years old. re- -132. siding at 419 Hickory Street, passed BgW el fLk o« Total amount of loans-$68,250. AotTit e eto h away thia moruing at one-thlrtyB 0uieshsbe bikd~igts Work Will Have to Go Over o'ciock. followlog an illness ot the last oe noIt emnn Business bas bM brilai d1irsprithe six weeks aithough lhe boitbeen ail- MvsIt t er ref week and several transfers of Inter- Uflîi l exL pin. Ing for about a year. Death la attri- Home, i ust Finished. est have been fIl.d aMong them belog- buted te a comp -ication of diseasea. the aisof te BMop oliproprt>Mr. Burke was born In Lake Forest at the corner of Northi avenue and COULO EXACT PENALTY. and for years conductedl a farm on No. ISO MIW UE VN . FranlinStret o W . C PakerforSheridan roid Ten yeara ago hie anominal considerttip The Peter This, However, Is up to the time boid devoted hie tîme to attending Building Isa oeOn fra Hobenadel jr. estate have sold about State-Work Said to Have te Is large ptoperty holdings. Be- Country Weekly-Good Im- 220 acres In Avon townqbtip teoresed VeySowy ides bis wife be leaves two daugh poee,. Vlae H. an and Jon Mnou lkl Br- rogessd Vry lowy. tera, Misses Helen and Mary. He rvmn for Vlae H. Vn Zadt,3oblMasn, hl Ba. _______ eaves two brothers and two sisters. ron and Wm. H. Pester. reapectively namly: Frant.i William, Elien a.nd TeLk onyIdpoet h for an aggregate &Mount of about Work bas practicaily toplted on the iAuna.The Lnkral Monday mornlng at th $ tate aid rondi at La'Xe Villa and tenna.Fumo aik aI ch rcb of t mbig weekiy of Lake County, published Charles W. Russell and wlfe aold to % ery littie If anytbIng more wIll be maculate Conception, Interment at 1at Libertyvilie andi owned by W. J. G. i. Dorance and L. P. Whitmer 214 doue toward conipietlng thte contract Oskwood cemetery. and F. G. Smith. lant Saturday moved aceIbscios2 n nNwottis fait, Charles Russell. county bint ts new home, a building erected township, being paft of the id Peter uperlinendent of good roads declaredFR N for tbe e..pany by W. J. Smith, edi- FairpyPaat. rgery ora o odav that the work will have lu be F À I)ALIU IS 13or. and standing juat acrose the Fnal rny esati pon and Wfor G a n aanom ni etsrn. hySre etf rom the Site where thse ialaeteAug. C.Anderson anu lier cent of the wock reman to i E Im$590 neuet laveropne at ed.blsh wife about 99 acres ln S. E.quarter of doopEfD cc fl J m emuy ew lulqalws bu at.d.hth section 29, flenton township for $16,.1 Up to the rrenent time about 11111? FOR LVJJ OF I MB ThsPsoe ide ut lvltheaper a mod tel 880, tis belng tise first farm teolbe tlîosaîîd Teet of concrete ronlas a oele fgvn h ae oe leased- o-en laid andi ibere la still tito thon. newspaper plant, witb ail possible ii_____ nd test more tu, lay. The macadam Farmer Living Near Rondout, ligbt and convenient lu every respect. IAAuIflflV shoulder which is placed ai eltber' ThruhAtryOrs be building la one story because litla8 SM L P XVICTIM sode of te concrete wbilh occuîîieq Tro. Atodey risos vted eclusively te the eoar SIUALLrUÂ te venter portion wbere te olt S'n.heE, n jboffice. Tt stands jbat South aCaTuKaINTS Cf' "' _ trael cones, bas not heen laid and ---i- of thse old Quentin garage on Miiwau- lit' U~I W t wili bave 10 go over util apciog. Nic HIGHLAND PARK IS S-UEO. kee avenue and was erected on a lot Russell says the work bas progreased whicb the Independent purchased NE ;T KE OCTY vrsowly snd lbe blames tbis for tbhe fo Gerbarsi Shreck. NER T KIN O vrait a tera wsntcomplete te usaSisAe p F!ied 'Tise structure was erected by con- long ag heradws o in the Office of the C ircuit traclor Thomas Corlett of Lîbertyvîlle, Dr. Taylor Confronts Man Who At te preBent lime a little grnding Clerk Today. and Mnl. Corlett spared nonpains or ef-' Cornes to See What Is the la helog doue, but titis ls merely lute.-fort te erect one of the montstlzb- Matter With Him. gel tbe road lu better condition for ~ in Waukegan. Nov 2a .I tanîil and beat finibed buildings ln winter Tbere wlll bie no more pour- FrankDatn a weli nw a e Libertyville. The front la of ced press- îng of concrete outil next sprîug. reaidiug at Roundout places the value cd brick of flutest quality. , A CNFERNCE S CALED. The, finimoft (osltz and Jobnson of Of Oe of is legs et $25.000 and for1 The plate glss arrangement la per- CON FER ENCE IS CALLED. I~~~hat ruason ls seukiug to recover dam- iastefna nLk ony i Oak Parkt bave tbe contract for pUI- agea lu that amount fcom lise Elgin,.astefns i aeCu i Decisin of wo Othrs Th t tg lu the roid The contract amnounis Joliet and Eastern ralcroad -fortea the trmwrl engo ope n He abou $25.00.Canusetsseterms f of a leg ln an accident about two theretore very expansive. I ando He H sCse auss Hsty the contract the road was te have menthea ago. Tbe pracî,pe of tise suit lit Ihat il will last a lifetimne. The f Remnoval to Chicago. iencmîîdb Otbr5 erywa.s led ln circuit court tbis afler- whole front la glass, practic&lly and bee ccpleed y Otobr 1 Nerlynoon by Attorney Orvis. TheaccIdent man montha baveepassenesinceLtisatiapiened at Rendout. Dallon waa thse office la altoated in tise frgni pOIf two manthe aavedpaloto Coroner la C Taylors office at Iàbertyvîlle Frlday1 time and tise work la net yet coin- drlving arrossan raiicoad ccoaing at lion. being ronmy and ight andi airy morinzandsai insubtane: pieted. nighl wben a frelebt train. whicb lt wllh the desîred, frontage. 1tiste eust mornn~ ad sad lusubs~ncela said was inproiecledl by IIgisa Do ioc a sick aIl00 m ve j is 1îovided that lu case the work bcta bhm ilslewscuht The building la furnace heateti, Han- and -c liat ails me?"li not compieted on acitedule lime a s0 badly I itnd to lie ampotaie", ry Eger itaving isad the contract for Vioc lo*cd' Then lie gasped! penat y of $10 per day cao bc cbacged Suit For Divorce. lnstàliing the plant. cortk t ien I\yuha \sal iliatOel f nren townshipi' On the roof ila apatepi ashestos pot 'ad t orone. snl tie herIis willieb enforced la up thtrouch Attornys Ileydeckec and ,_op tiretse îc o e csspatiesicae s erl t orgensOn todavfilied a inul for divorce rooflng. gunranteed Io lbe absolutely tr lT:il, hPn caespealie ae dultfotagainat bis wlfe, cisarging desertion. ire protlf and ot unusuai wearing y r i' rhnaie Supervîsor "-ated unle's ceai damagc Dom te lie savs tisev were macried January, qualîties. .ger anti af'.c te siliervisor ioked 4bll u ie .,ebrotlO- l oiglt ln lwa on P h tnr tch sîs id lbu believ.- dcýlav can bu sown and unloss re 4tohe R 20, 1)an, Ive-ogpherutirOc- Inba the tress ipnit s bepape ta l ia ceadl disease. i, a bonus altacbed wiseceinth ie col n-t or o rt S-2 wen aw is wife letIc eto.k.- tstrP ;'hool Il and eail tract is giNen more mouey pro' ding itin and hisfailed b celeurn. was herso e w hiw rin rtuei peru tir, vol, ".t' 1.t -2an suggested 00 one bc gtthe work doue abead of lise Sues For S2,O0. neglect bence mtachiniste from tise 11, !1'e r , sonner Salid than 'isedule. There la alan a forfellure A Ies in assumpait ln wblch dam- 1 clty were called, and. lu tearing it -don-. secs of $Ot are ased. wassilied ln down. lîîey nhipped back t0 Chicago c1 1 .t,. - ord trip b Lib- clause inite cotract sud It lale ci ercuit court ioday hy Geocge Latjier, î'tlict. a îtepatentlu ise ouId exî'rîise lis option ii n oforcing e at bie u ines der tbe firm 1he wocn parts wbicb are ail being ro- i-antirie 1, î c- un-fuliy guarded in tiisriante of 11e Lser Iron Works. placed witis new parts and.we hi I r, Ta, lare iM u'cl atos ptiî îtpoîts-lttlbVinesei on uitas tlafilniaited. a pactically 1ew Fanrt t-Ipatient, Dr. Foiey tites as te Finkelatein Machinery and peswi aebe îolea es sait] at oncecd hecauelte rondt wau itotfl)nlisesd ron uompanv. Flunkeistein la the 1priisiilhv enpoi ,a os 'i-p it al.îtox ail rigbl. Ibhis year but saya there lu nothing man sito bas the coniraci for razîng Onue wbicis was thocougbiy overbaul- U("ouec 'rting ili tht man, Dr. Tay- wlic caitlie doncîte aott il onw. the local pianotstf tise Cocu Producis esi or Col"tnd liru iod1)ýn worklng on S Tîtveoore ite luc trig t make the Refinu company. The suit wns Tbe ecection 0f the building as tise farm sWest ofintrîN Ille. tisatibe hnd siarted I)v ont of town attorneys. persoual property of the Independent lf'ut recentlv te art rom Chicago aud mat of0?il. Thi upericsors are t10orSueshmeighdland Pank.etla tIrat lic like>cip î.a'iî-ted the disease iteet next \lottday ai wblc iethstey OilIn R. linen of Milwaukee todayfoIshme10dawy itrntg 0 ih tlo eicopîuiî will laknit pte natter of sliowing in teLaite County circuit court Start- ?com altera Indicates tbe pressent owu- Se. hecatîse lta> is Cicago case, etîntes 1ttie conîractoca foc rom-rîted h against te -y oft l-ll8laud ers' bellef lu tbe future of Libertyville Dr. Taylor ai onr b ok the man hart ilPack and Rerelver W. O. Johnson (Yilse îhey would have contissued ianet- tu bis home in Ci(kago. lu the Menuai t, Otd worklte Chicago and Nlilwauikee electrirîg u, nnma mpratpr otlimtise doclor's oeitce waa thorougis- rallroadlo.BtasamtIpranpu ifumieaied anîdIlite tarm lwisere bie ~. fl Hansen relates tisaI on Ortoher 30. ef tbe tlinving village, tise ludepen- worked wns piaced linder quarantine LK OR S HOW Plli e tcanaferred by deed te lte dent waa enlllled 10 a home o! Ile sud fumlgnted asr weli lu tise buildings eiectric ralin lots five e laine in owu and ncrordingly plans were miade )f'wbere bue bad heeo during hie stay. A5 iUTHi leand Park. He sald bue mecely lu- ie Because thte maitisnd been wander- AI> IfW tenided to convey a portion ot thesse te provide Il, a atep whlcis bas causes! Jintg about freely. nul knowlug whal LE AONW UKE A lots. lie sava bie received tise land commendation front residents who alled i hm, lise fear la a number of per j ljglll~va f A. C. Front. Tise rity of Highslandi were satisited te noIeln lise grslent The reasortlite man was bustled Ntise land lu question. lHe sakisaI tise itack te Chicago is iecause big home defendants bue summonedi t0 appear ln teresîs lu tise village and thus piro- xle there and Laite Couuity officiais court heennd consent te bnvlng tise vide tise permanent home for this dont cane 10 assume the expiense or Extensive additions are being made crcrections made lu tise deed. grant weekly palier, lise biggest, livest Ifcarlug for Surtit cases wbeu, tiey nealit lu lite wterworits plant or te rity of tn ms up-to-date weekly ln forth- ýh belongelesewitece Laite Forent.Tise additions contat nilnr',,L o? üftise Instalilion ut anoîber iller and JU Y ECsID IN Patrons ofthlie paper are cordialy t- Itrigisîs because o them beaIl are n s,"dlmenlatIon tank. Tise improve-J R l r îios a- attrncting otucît attention. ment ablith representt anu expenditure inTAELT lvite dto visit the uew office when ty her ae gme hiken lnprt n-ofover $1,00 will grenlly increaa . ise iV OR Of WU1HAN ilu ljberlyville and osue wisatan attrae- yd There are ganlthe ityes, luc capncily ut tise tlant. it w111 likewise .tv n cnejn om h ae d aln, ovelîtgtIIo? ite ype. sch eller assure thee cilizens tisaI liey -Aller afewmiuts'd 11ibea ton ireadneuethmts ae l. as doîck wiie. patngles, blackt, ced, aitl-ai le sccocded gond water. .tise case ot H. touinon nnd Ray Fnwler han acquired. s pit stock. Ilnoy %Waukeganlles regard tise pro- attorneys vS Mca Pearl iBerry, huard- supîtly as be of value te Wautegan Il. Mason. tise jury ruled li faort s. sdmalards Tite lame dock dis a, s leson lunlise bellerment of tite tise diseent.u The Jury cntede >"1111*V ru- play asho iuctraNluscovies, Indieno cils- wnbecsysent. Tise fact that titlinasmtirh as te womaund ai d TOOK - 12 Runuera, T., uca and Pekina. Tisece Maukegnn la neacly len limes as great tise lnwyers tees to tise amorit e0f KReR. e ST V at are tiso tarleties ut ludian Runners,!lu population an Late Forest carnies $47.5t1cart i taI aisebitad id a sut- ot tawu sud white. 1 weigltswith tise lesonu. Sicient nînoont. jI il ýwoujiil alun aeem 1e prove tisaI The attorneys clalmed tees ameant-Uuua bb 'Reotda Tise displav o? Rhsode Island Red. ct . rîtb galued liscougistise muni- lng ilia$5t0 whlcb thev claimed as due Unsa obeyRpotda n- and Whiste P.ahis la by fan tise bent cîpal ownersitip of tise watec worfus titi-m for services rendered lu de- Electric Station at Little td ever nhowu by lte organization. Tise plant, inamucis tisatishe plant aI londing \IrB. Blerry lu a ceceul separ- Vlaeo ra et.Whie rpigto dsply nteredbyIaýeForest is owned by a corporation ste ntnlntenanc e action against ber VillgefA___ t.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~n Wconrîigo ialyetee boat ofthtie latest methode otfluslîand Aitlite close of theise sas- te Mire. J. H. Ilartiley centaine one heun[trentine water. wbLre tise Waukegan hioual case in whlcis Mcar. Berry was Il le ceported tisai, tise latter part O! ns valued aI more thian $300. plant is munipally ownud and aIl et. the sîtucceantol conteuder. tise court tise week. rolliers one nlgbt entered 3e. Tisere are allia novelly dîspînys or forts lu add a llterlng systum t1lils derreed tise vomanss usisînd pay lise elerni railroad station at Ares i equiptitint have beon trustrated. Ilimony and aiso pny a portion Of thse id rabitis, pigeonand pieasants. Tise 1 1tise Waukegan plant shouid dis- attorneys feus. TtSP latter amnOuntan oktefratheovadte tis latter dlnplay hueln fucnised by tihe ,pay a goodly anrount of profit on ils exacled lotalled $60. Tise money waa atove pipe whiclt had i ben lnstaffl s. alate argirulttral departmeul. booka every quarter, as tise valer la îlaced lunte banda of Circuit Cleilj tisera >01 recelltly. I- Amone lise display of Englîis game hein gpumpud cheaper and tise plant lrockway nwailIng disposition. Tise Who took lise heating apparatlsi, tes antms re agrop o fin bid la more ecotiomlcnlly maintained tisan attorneys demande dit. Tise womnan where they tol ilte, or what causei as bntaa ae agrop c fie brdsauY on tise norti sahore. lfowever, l laid daim 1telise amount tise attorneys Itbe m 1 ak a raid of Ibis sort, la Wicis were iaîcbed from eggp la sanld.tise profil Io very asnl then busl.,ituted suit. anaccountable. Tt vas tise Most an- 'm fl'ought te tiis country luna valise by tise meaowile, Waukegao citizn llat Slnled te attorneys Inlend lu usual tbe!t reponted ln tisat locil ,nd an Immigrant. Tise awarding of tise muet use water Inferior ln quelit1 eai tise case. ln soune tinse. No dlue to e thle voe lieI ethtisaIgven tiseIttzens of LakIi Th palutiffs weru represenleai hy bas heen seori but. Il bo stated tise? priss ar no in orceandwl ýt, i on tenh th aliesleir P..V.Orvia visilu Attorney W. B. are certain cdues wvisicimay Iinid t& ans completld Iis evenlng. lowO. Smlis nappenred foc the defundent. lise eppreisenalon of tise robisers.