Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Dec 1914, p. 12

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Ipelih blec-os o th-con-.-. ave.'d 00 Itfsa, Gift for Family : AU- Bee" s degfjJsi-.usaOf ta aIne UP the IsOrney Esgerbrai. Lah Baya lie lftends 7" 1(R"lO FLATj' s ein wagted in the past beranse the matter. appetiling tc, the hllher oliers lni [armera didnt know where to, markiet May Appeal to Governor. rgehe ltlmately faite ta get action B*Ep ç ç 0 9 thefla At noun today when hebai enwto. 4 1 13OWS AT ALTAR. unable to get action started. Ie de- IS LATEST SCIJEME clared lie miglit appeal te. theegov Mr. 'end Mri. R. C. Barton OfNe iCcadued ý»M âze ne.) ernIor wllb a reque8t te order local <'erlîcle, tod., are speîîding a week ______ f~tinied~OU anî,orte oenable hlm tri lay hs wltb Mlr. and Mrs. Thtomas Christiani, American Company, with 10,- rahie-ie ore ftie propel- body for North St. James airer-t. They are for- vo'r3- orry over what bcd bappelle l uustratîun. îber Wankegait rteiets, Mr. Itarton 000 Agents, Openis Riv- 'Wr-se Of te publicity that halld atr toPotofice 'rneetll'lite stalr-'s uttoruceys îîoffice h j:8 l ig been a gror-er tiare years ago.. _______îiivre-ijonary t'owers lutcselle matttergl, Nr. cund Mrs. Fred Shaddle of Love- elîle not (ir e oar-rcpI lits Invita- .und bdues nul. have le mose wtth de- lail. (ol. visiteil Miri. feoge iBrown, W ILL ADV'SE FARMER. ltinte, tiiarieeit h ar-k herause lie 19,termination un'ilpe Isces fit. Thue 216 Fairvir-w plae,. cand Mrs. Chiarles a 'r-lesttt. lt 1di» wjt flic law In ont'.- persona who ran compiel ar-tion Vr5tîo andi fantily a fr-w days thia Plans for uic: lfing r-thetir-ii. on, ptuî1dh trie) turascuy lb 'Ifý!Sjutu 'te akorn lte governor oe-t, he at- week. of dollars otfrrodutçs forfie fartii andi, wlîo would stand r-ven for a ers and gardebbcrg 4 t flic t n. cd îriest off ile ei-bti e statritîr-fis wifi States wrre annour-red 'Tur-dai tir- witIiotit lakîng a.tion?" the American E\Vrr-stomnilan- AS HSARO TIME CET- The r-untpany througtîl . -tagent:-, TING WARRANT tln the lUnited States la ready 10 n l ljt ten tt]thle Sein tIb li ail the plan Into operallon. .O n th utfer aitcd oulu iroubir- grttlug a warrant of th ite td Sates cnnuatly lîuu abaintt lather Stukel. lit belntg reli- dreds or thousands uf datliars' woribdn la lsip n te ofcaA V I ,7T,ý I N of produce goes lu wcsle rar-h 3r-r, diii nu rarr- lu gel 'u-ii u pn liti- il le sali. because flic-farinera do'flot iiiiistat edjuiplplasaîît aaiar. - 1'o get ailtruc concileption of the îad - kpow wliere, lu ýtheir surtptus Juîstice1-e W-l derlned te Issue a -vanlgrs whlch you can obtain by lit rehas- products. warrant but rxpainrti t , Assistant -~ frmti tr roîiiati d WI igItrta ogte. Stter's Attornîey Rulyard Ibat lie re- igf- hs tr, esoilvii i' d The exress r-ntaues te bthrinei r-aeffle Father Stikel lu tegal mat- -V iSilbite. We have sa'dneitber titie nor thette marketa te the fart. coller-ftIi'- tira Néiîgi;ttale Taylor decliued a n y to innke olîr stelre, an ideal Jewelery PrOdîjee. sud dispose of Iflnl the r-i marranjt ije'flita lc sa attorne F hi î lics wilbout sny co8t te the tarernr. ctilhortil t.I The Comupany'@ rcommislsitoîjn l je th- \"Ir. Rinyaril saiti he '.outeil prosn- talned lu the lurrease l busIness. vb - sue,(tr-iot iai Wh the warrant i ot -Itand> hiii i liant t'oirslsy, umanager ofthIe ilr-tart t ---lai- u it aunj h ta ltnitOl oltiict Etiîtt ment, sald. ti- s n rr-e wtjani Illjîjiglil cppt3 le. ha ltatvi t-sor inIhi_______ i tNI We rovide ilwith The prôuce r-n tir-sold m r-h caslie,1-ny ia ssaîjî vt uil-tXeyî chelistinluthe vittes berase the lre .r aen ttrrlo o u l -oliù <-tt liîrl i flst; af the rommssion nierchauts are -'nidNitr Itun 'Nardt. and Il lu tiolliti-r a-ltisf- he-esi avolded iii the tarnto-r-osunter titan. t tî -boulit ttakr- the hin; - sptti<tol sof h <otIt i r, "The pieu aboutt tend te equaize 1 titativ- iu. Ifiil wiirrantWi talioril. iutttvdesir'e t<î xtXillt. -- thie upltof ftoîîdstufs lu the varions o' ourse uvir- nli î'rou-jtet ii- 'tj-qie. le Parts of the country.'* fr. t'oîîrlay on ifs iments."'liaittI lipublicappl e jates these convernenees îSq said. "Ag it la now Wr- have artll'jriat Stclî-s Attorii) >aiqy raidehI ir-he nvidned hlly the fat tthat our Stoî e is ttle 1Met-ca forj valnes for truits and cillier lîroduce lett the nîtîer iniiI.r Iunilvds <lift S~eekers. XVe assure yoti lina vat-e ,of yoîîr visi t- I fine.part of the couintry aud ex.liands au-ose liie wa tt i qtowîj tliat eicuv pos-ible eouî-tesy andl at bention will he paid- -tremePy lew prir-es-in another part orj whr-u Ibe nuitier was ieiblIrfor"e yo whether you buy or- not. Quality is always cotîsitl-( the country. Thai's why farniers l-t is office. 1 vred at this esta bl islhnien t.. St) when we quitte <aIr prlice8 thier applea rot oc the grounà railler I li a>s lie Itisires b liroseu-ute. than piack filet and ship ftlera te ta readyIo su igu a comptaixît andl basi they mean soinethlng. suother Pari nf the couOlrY wbere the wilmuesar-a tu rovr- the aaulit ou they don't know anyttbng about the jillin, agit bIs nife. Thug. slure filou- markiet. j day. tLait lias i-cii ruîuîîtîg circies Witt Find Oversupply. a bout lowni tryiug lu get ar-lion IN G .A.LLS BRO 'J'IERS IlaiOunr mission after flnding out .sîainstth11e p riei-t Iut derlares îîo - Jow~~eleis and Optieiatîs where the oversnpply la te point outi ta the fermer where lie May send lis gonds t0 advantage, Witli unr orgeni- - - THECHRISTMAS STORE. 19DH*:2 LýJ7 - zation. coverng 76,000 miles we rau ___________ mOve the Produels qulr-diy front oun-e XR SPC L section uto anoiter." ALe FPCIL XTR î-SPEGCIAL Mr. <ourlay esaid 2 perrcreut of the REX-LYE 9c GOLO OUST 17e ___,Th .ig -ittve e No 'Phone or mail AUCTION. sl'll. 115v t o <rdeîs. Ouly onie Haviug reted îuy tarni, 1 wl-j8pi _)e(,il$ bo<x to a enstoni- ai Publie Aur-lIon ou ty plice-on Mil - ( lieîe.1, 1118 e.W' e (1 i e sdlaY Vankee rosi, Iiree mles nesi of Wa-' tjîîî-î. -kigan, one-haif mile norîli of Spuix ing corners, two miles east of Our- nec and six umiles soulis ot Wadaworh. un. entdeDec. 9. For W d ed ye ee tpà&Jjd u tiommencng at, the folluwlng W d e d y t e eS u e d u stock and tarin. mahner, vis: Flfty- T One bead of catUle: 23 milch cowa. 20 'lk 1 C ri:ecrs, 4 cows wihraves byaide. Ba1rg1113 on Nome iRequisites 3 Iwo-Year-uld hetters, 8 yearlings, 5 litils. one full blood. Fourter-n lead oft herges: I1staillon, Jullus. 8 years old. 1800 Ib.;¶1jman colt. 2%t4 yeers' old. : 2p- 2 lack sucklng -colts. 1 black mare.75. tour years' old. 1300 Ilis.; 1_black gelil- Ing, 5 yesrs old, 1360 Ibs.: i biownu t a golding. il yrars« old. -1300 .Ibg. 1 brown aAt3$1.69s.. m a ta5cbanexd mare anti colt, ose brown maure. 15 ' At 35c-ths .t3 îh ne otable reduc- At lic a a large ra yesIàg ot, 950 lits.; 2 poules, une At 69c- A (e ý ula r 45c picture shows ion on Univer- eavy galvan- t 2.19. soid raiser, 19 inches ereani coller; other bronu. two years' Well made white enamel the 48c Ber- ai Sad Irons. ed' kcraisa bird ca- wide, 7 inches o14, 1 socret mare. 12 years' old, 1200 metal f lour lin ketle. lîke illus- i ettl ~îf3Rg trb esHnrxdt;o ev Il. eciey.led ec:2 obeholding 2516. faton, 2 . ofered. 49 .arly $2.00. 19ç. Idfor 2.7chroa in. wagons wiLtm boxes. 1 siltowagon, 1 7 hr if corn biuder, 1 icorn planter. 1tulvear- Izer. 1 walkiug culttvcttir. 1 ridlug ru- tîsatur. 1 menure sipreatirr.1tgang " Plow, 7, eiarks ror;,. 200sabolis outcrrn i fiîid. 600 bit.ýiels ut rsias. 5(1 ton- li of -i b-rt-îay. 560 bales traw. I1rcru sîjielter. 1IItîY leader. 1 breakitig orAt2c Tee aoid Plua. 1 vIde delivery raile, 1 dr-uio tt $.> t1CEch tg t$.9ad$14 crsât waon. 2 sels ot bob leiglia. 1 At 8-5C À A 13: ÀA 1eEc:Sa t$2 ad$4 < lgtsorr-y. 1 tirag, two sets of - - -i>h-îîifdlcnb-ladeklVs1id -'A1 ot iife bxs brnrs. 7umtît cana, 1 fauning luji. îîî'lhî îlatiuîîî h 1) a <ît-letht- niveî-- leatherette trav- Maesp tr 1sidaesabielle. 1 sow anud pig. ,also 1 t ' t> N ,I '(1,iîastgtil kie. ling hagg thiat -cd herc,Always brood aows. $ize 1X- * rt Iilj>t-r ag slkid.Aw swere pie 1512c Frça- uit cnis f ale 1,; -t $1 sizt-; Ii-tîsh1 I.NI[ia -ý stdd i o.15e. At 14c, and $1.75. Two At 39c the 50c MIlS. OMtAR S. CARMIAN. t)wner . t'l made 1»l(,X,.t -18(. kind. sze .Style, wide guards Htenry Sine, Auctioneer. Edwin Siaulding cnd Elinard Hul - =- lingswarttj, 'tcrkioc.wkty-1t 1 AUCTION. At 8e, A gî îcd w À.f Pln -tturilay ba-c- 5,ai Itii iirtiurk. lig Ilî t-j V VAt fi< lyItîinv-'rsal Ai34c, a 50- 1 wIl BI ell aitiublir- aeli-t tan ttefollew , 1 , i- jfoot cloibea linsQ, ins prcitert y, ouiit trin ilte Lyonu, 1).î otîg At 85c: 11<ai vy ii if'S.Aguaranteed the -P, lae, rtiltlj f---. North <I!Ir-ao. 1 Ish tlî ait %wllow tlot lîes 'lOt iti-l. At SC. .5 beat. 29o. rego- *Iorwitoras ltikhose5yat tI o I bakets 18 9 At 3 for SC, plein 0118 1I X L toir-t At 34c the 72 uid, neiglit,125.>. ta urc, r-.veau oed, ltatjv.f pN> !i y 1cn- -'stal tuniblers paper anîd a fL.fine. Saine 8 Yeara r-ti, ni-igt u r;roainiarc. fîr î-vcry duiy use. tîickeJed lholdjer. breede-d, F, yi-cru .s rtutI finit. (,i qai tle: 8 cons. C, rlt-,rs.14 îiv.ý 80Ou r G re a test Oi0 -A11u effickns; 14dcAs-Paroiar 1.50 Mop etcliea; 4 in-k Fr. I tiuî;rkiii ii op uffer A 25t 011 rC-ai t piew, puiverizer, 'I it- - liit î,r-.Anexceptiona. ', - "ern l nte. .aytraÀ-top 4 4-. 8 T_ . s.l. a'i O'SHEA & BIDINGER, TIIE HOUSE 0F MUSICAL GIFTS EVERZYTIJINO IN MUSIC' 20P> 211 N. (lenesve St. Twe GoaRoe sons Why Yen Sb"tt4 uy a Vis. trois fer Christmas lrbt: eurch thlb.whole world aver sud You'Illnutl Sud another CifI Ibat will brn ne s Mnch plesanre ta every infini ber cof the famlly. Secod: Our easy payment plan te respousîble partie@ places tIIs beautiful gft nlght lnur atrhe pramptiy on lhe date yon Vaut It delîvered. NMake YOu oi alctonrîglil uaw. Don't dolay. 9ke 9intzs3 tore 105-107N. Genesee St. « Mr. OscarRubin, Mgr.eà 105.1071V'. Geîu.see St. ANNOUNCES - -FOR- - To-Morrow Friday and Saturday A Wonderful Money Saving ke4 Sale of High-Class T HE entire surplus stock of a manufacturer who makes nothing but high grade, dependable FUS are offered in this sale at -Prices Averaging More than 1-3 Off T IS shipent consists of the most beautiful and highest class lot of FR$ hateve cam toWauega. Evry iec isperfect in manufacture and qualifies are the very choicest long silky tur skins, rich and beautiful in appearance. EVERY character of FUR is represented and they. are of assured Lynx, Monkey Fur, Exquisite Mink, Hudson Seal, Beaver, Ftc Opossum, Ermine, White Coniey, etc., in separaté pieces and sets, the conservative as well as the newest 1914-15 ideas; furs such as you'll be proud to own. FURS-.--the Royal Xmas Here are the Wonderfully Gift Low Prices'at which. these CANTA CLAUS delivers iew things I-J that bring so much j oy ast furs, Pr ilb od because pretty and use-ful as other Fr ilb od gifts May be furs are practical and eati1ekP=ndMfsrgur necessary. Anybody, muan or wo- -&a~Nc ue n ue eu man, eau buy furs in this great *sale pricn, $5 ta $90 with perf act confidence of their re- Iiabîlity and low prices. sale prices, $2 to $65 WB WILL hold until Xrnas any furs oelected in this sale that niay not be wanted until thot time. BEAUTIFUL SETS, regular pricas $1250 ta $100 sale prices, -$7.50 to $75 te'1-." ofUl Br'Wi à mS whI.-h ont'o It.Il in'ye fur e * Wl Inepor thing and fi tndlct The ansd r one C trict, fr-l wa Illinoi in Jui ty or la arr bomnd bo" *gîjiity lie la Tisent te 'el- ni the notl. the e la les sud. i Nol grand fac Jui of thE wth dattol Coulât tanr-e ty. Lak Dec rep haw her indl -isi exil i nqt lis J,, ten, elle erge f nu. cal thet tair- Ti Toh JliI ie Hir Ci Rob A.i The vAt aed - wlth J 't, f 4 I J-j m da D YOU kuîow of any othcrr Iastiîîg joy and pleasuie than aViotroja? Jtlst àpeud a hait houî- ou- more in oUi- stor-e 1-ooms and we wiIl bit deight- cd to demonstrate this won - deril honteentertainer and sV(-'I'llOXplaiti t<) yoîî Our-very eaisy terms of sellinir. We have many different styles of Vit-tors and Vietrolus rang-mg ron..$10 to $250

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