oï.1914, BS. VS. BUSINESS MEN lm cC'6ri ville fe0ms- DEBATE ANI) BASKET BAUL 8L100, pupIs W&@asagreat tsucee IIl To ineure Publication in the Indepen- Mark ",lwrbwle mattndîng the audience with the anîuunt of ekîli dis. dent. COPY must be in the office nolister lnvriya 'b ,Ili., mspetThanko. Pla-yed in the manâgeîuenturtbequestion Not il Moving Picture House than Tuesdlay of e.ch we*ek. Advsr- glving wtth bis ParenIts, Mr. and Mre. and Ili doli very. he gnlmn but a Picture of a paticrs, notclye tse takE. E. Ellsworth. Liberty ville need flot taie a back seat FpartîSmuhaho noticethetul.whenl it cornes to oratory, for wu bave t h0a f c .F r e . t h h a tte d t e f l t e a s t t n w h o e a u e x p re s s t h e m e lv e o (Addtio.i oca New onPag 4) vereity et Chanipaligi, Illtopent a tew with hîuuency. (AdtinîLoa ew nPae4 days lat week wt b is larelit. Mr. and Me fteetee pk rn oe 49 AleT rebtier of .eer.eW., coledtono ly, white thes choo tea m had rte G r o le t r frieno here M:dayed Mi:eNorma Lee Plek, wbo attends the te agmnsadcoulte ilu c H o u s ey twina, a girl and boy. ré. Paul Macuuatn. eiually powerful rebuttal as the close. Wll Gould o Cicgo pentaltu .inTalrperformod the saute Hu eGeu. tloag spefit Tb&nkegiving at the g igwith bis parents, Mr. and Mr@.s. r!e u h negative, and Il @she did home of Mis@ Ettsi Boyle of Chicago. J. L. Gould. Firanklin Gould returtâd flot ebon luite am mueh ekill as lier You'11 'Win Our Gratitude A littie daugbter wu& bora 10 Mr. a d with blm and @pont Suîîday there. opponent, elle made up for it with I determination. By Testing Ou Prompttude Mr@. Clarnc toiby Mond lt i îiet c , iy, Nov. .0t. Mieses arriet Butler and Isabel Carl- C. Ji. Averill acted as dhtairman. The. Mm@. Henry Cater ha@ been (fuite sîck son and Graes Smith wbo are attending iudges esere: itev. White of Libertyvilis, t ber home north ut town. forteps the State Normal at DeKalb. 1i l., spont Edwin Gobrsclît and 4tty. Chas. Elag Âsk for "Club Blouse Brand" week. rte atTbank givlg t their homes here. ofl Waukegaa. The deso a @g « on.Zt o i ednto the sehool teaoî,.,, w rd- MmweryHeey, Iwbeo fias ý Caîdron entertalaed the lSswlug Club of gentlemen Illieodi tely rempunded withi quicGS e sktheler.eer ore ethe M E Sanday echoul eti tbe home ut a Ye,.Atter aréwasatrmrsb T ibR ty0 0 8eMra&d tir. Arthur W itne r te 1r. Jssie D&viee6Motdayi1v:ttg. Atty. King the auii~enredistbanded. Parents Ot a litle girl, born Wednesday, CîaoTlpoeC naiaodbronteirgrlsngaolwichl Meats and GroceriesLee. 2nd. oeC na d ay ndWa"ide n.Sie .Dr Cliampaign, 111 ,spent Thanksgiviîîg pay ied ibpanue le8.C.oN. durn h iteent robtieries have caumed un active witb bis Parents, Mir. and Mis.Mi.E. interuulesio eteec inal urbuttae deouand forSale iejiosit fluxes et oUr Andrews. andte li O eilsin utthe fnlîudg a loalbnk.John Knnesh bat resîgned bis position weare greatly apprevijated by the audience. George, Fairbanks uf Chicago, eetaas torernan Bt the Sler,-ditli l'lower & The udt nîght, wiliîdb ae Thanks. f e days test week wîtb lus auni, Mrs. Veetable Co. and a iii I,ave shîrtly for guigîihtebsns nntre D ress Shirts for M en 50 "WDait0 livng hicaowsre e wlI uaîngo«igre-n.:il.aliThe: * spent several days recenîly, aith his The- Epaorth Leagzu,- .oî al hell Bt thetunlillascrut4 u1Th Dl ).,,Les- M.E. uhurch last.4alurday vt-iu@inmten tl ooýbod ly Taiiensr, Careî nc ejl tobt od, Lly ~Irnd rsR C Hggîe een me jlargsly attended, he ,,evenîng a3 lrneLosI.Ianl tl Ohr@a piAtohai o e ofgaed, ater Tyo eetesaso hgmwil 15j F.Ziegler there-. hm whidh retreobments wterrvd aIrecs- trsttl-ius-.he The clection utfiffics-re ot the Siysti- e EwrhLau iteM .for lune outiot praîtîve. Tay lor anid O i X~~~~~ @ ~Wrkers wll lis-bbllI Tusda.y evening, ehu d sI on, etn tteLn-lpae ue tîvgae, and D , *. , In hirhall eh rc Thankogi vi niii hî lit kriiik t sn-f l'i igili ,ehuiil i,iiil i t dittlliît to duo o (j.J Ioloci wth about tlnî ty troru the unucI aitI, tileuîi l'.i)tes v er, out in Geoirge B. Jamison uto Cherry Valley, L-ague and dongregation in fittendaL .- nuiiilisrs, and ftc he îîoig mam con- olL v* ted his aunt. !urs. C. M.EFuler e* t us aci-ek Tuesda i. A new sanItary dr îîkng toiintain a s tintions. Both ides lia dt te r faits ln M lr. and Mis. Win Leyet)ek entertaines-to replace the une wiiw nr ,lt 'ut Mfr and Mr@. Berwyn ut Austin, iver repair several BASKET Bo 1fr *lekst acek Thursday. invtes theul a i sis costomprs A ET AL O ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~Th e o a l B.le be a b lo d g e w ill h a v e t i u se th e f n ta n I F u a ' e s n a . N o . 2 , t s S y teani ut Libertyville went to vanhoe noiaion ut oticers Bt their hall this Saturday night at the town hall there aludedfeated the 1leanhoe tealla by the week Fidav cvs-nhng ailI be twoluterestlng basket bal gamnes rut t .The f.-aturem kttu .~ ui, uo 'Ii a-sk înehccl ItheIi,-Hgh choulise Iiraysilks Ilîgbgaule wtre the playing (ut Taylo r and The degrec of a man'es artorial perfection je decjded more qr ew ifeu automobile througb the Griffin tichool and the Boosters vs. a fast North' Warren and the deciiose Iîands-d out ly -9) Garage ni Wankegan. Shoom fcam. The boys hope for a good M 1r. naile. by hi@ drets shirt sesection flian by any other item of apparel. * b OOJlcîntIisti t r nmoutoftbtelr'frieed@. The lins up: * The quality, the patfern and the eut ail enfer in to give that0* Theîanmleeto fofies VcoI vanhoe epeea tuchtht isîngceestueîîrfuty apontd an.0 * ilCNo. 192 ,. ýA. f , aili be beld 1fr-and §Ir@. Berman J. M eyer enter' M. E. GYM speialtouh tat istngusbe te prfetlyappintd m" nxtTnesday svening. taiaed their daugbter, Mrs. Barry E Tayl-1o r........Ifi F ..... unI.. ofer Boles and hneband and fao dbldren ut arrer ........ ,F .......hamberlain Select your shirts where tueo is vealized and you wtll fiud * Aaron Stafford and tamily moved the Deerfloeld, and their sua, Orrna P. Meyer,, 1'. Protîne .......C................ ..itz an asartment worthy of your seloction. l'ou aili appreclate f t the week from thes tout houses to wits and daughter Estella aund Mrk. Warren..... B G.fi........... ..Rtifie 3 tht. when yoa seceOur line of Mens@ Correct Drese Sbirts. their reeldence on Broadway. Frank Berman oft ltoseland II., Thankg- Tattersall... ...... hannenteil Mtoek lfbld Johnson o uAni. aho giviflg. e vda ol arce te noet ad ieimntig an th r- pe t week with MiseGramoe Bond, lire. Sarah e srrngton Io reported as The entertainînent giveu ndtler the mthe ssur danos hat f he i. morig ntaditcion tegmain ith of * ne to ber home Sunday. dangeronely sick ai the home of ber auspices ot the Energetîc8 Clanseut the the ssuanc tha heis ecurngin dditonthemaliult of Mr@. Earl Corltt and lîttîs daagbter dakugleter Ida, Mr@. Ed Gien, at Chicago, M. F. Sonday echool, wao largelya- service. The prices mun froîn * orna, opeat trom Friday f0 Tueeday et ahose home le hm basheu slck tor th,- tendd i ttenmbers@wlch a w ith the Badwin family la Chicago.'peut twu aeske. lier sons and daugle. given by home talent and bcbng muâet ~25fl O John NIilsot leIntyre. Iowa, tand borhebave bs-en called to ber bedmide Pleasîg to th@ listenersq, WabtsArthur 1.0 t< ~ ire Ans Cardut lîiago pnd several t1ilDes, bail givef Miuwaoneut as panost and SatudayandSundy wth he Nebom Te St Joeph@ Parie hal Iv. e Joil as rieader, turniehlied theountaide e . .iI r ~ d ~ jIOfameily boe.sthes town bail Mna eeigwàs talent. 1Mr. Enudeon showed consîder. J. B .S Fsorseao h.&benoa. atfended by a very large cruwd. The able skil on bofle piano and urgea. *Everythlng for Men *empîoy uf J. W. Butier, ltt lMon"iaY Pried adui. ao gravethe dase MIes liDonnel beid the infeeet utfber *IETYUX ILL. *niglet for Baldwin, Wls., abers be will met.re d a unîtluper la fthe s-audience throungout theentirs program.- o ~ ~Phase 14* make hie home,.et h tar rvdueu h She fias a volce ot drarnatie power and - si-Sots ut the ys-ar la that chulch. .-- Mi«ut.... ... Fi.- - L PETROLEUM Carbon STAMIARID 011 COKE Fuel without a taule M1L LER'S CREEK SHINEY SOFT COAL Scranton Hard Coal AUL SIZES-PEA TO GRATE WASHED EGG COOK STOVE SIZE POCAH ON TAS F0OR HOT WATER PLANTS Red Comb Poultry Foods FOR AUJ FOWLS-4Uj SIZES Arcady Dairy Feed A PURE LAKE COUNTY PRQDUCT Libertyvil1le Lumnber JConîp Down by t4e Olsi Dep.t jBasa there 20 years. PIaomi47 . A.Bisbop, mgr. lis-causenu dliii, no m00f, nu a@ll, ail beat fuel that'a right. 1B8i-anse it lias les thlîuu 40 IbR. asb fa ton. l'uvet Sold. lecanes- if is alwaye uniforuîu, oI-an, le, 3tunt-, mure Ileat. îefactury 1(1W 00sf Illnois cuixl. Bei-eue, slow, s-yen- burning, emokelee, enufît-sm, ashicuis. lkeanse if gefs mure, bs-t fer eggea, ramiec ail flic chickm. f i(-cauote cows kee ) iei flle",gie m ore il luughî.e un lîrofeini. i îd<aiUe sefuuuk e llut ouniplete,1la rg es14t variety, luice alîd su'rvis-e rigbt. Were Ll)oatloed iitillyou are Chiao W@ a-Ob eam, Who le attleding P tclademy ait Elgina eet Thanke- Moaday mix members ut the Royal fi, Dg aith hW r Ents, Bey. and Airs. Neiglhors asat ta Chicago to attend &t ;Ream and larnuîy.. the Laie aad Cook County Scbool 0! ch r. ad Ido. . R.Andews nd itiInstruction anddOiesn Adoption at the gr andu lie.A.If Anurdra ndbitAuditorium on Ladaflesîtreetabers 628 ef spea lat Thmda *ath fr.. candidatesacre ialtiatediatothatorder. Pr sasà parentsi. Mr. and M'. C. Altrsportbavlnje spent a pLeaeantday. lii DIpIà et DesPlaine.m Calvin Reeu ut Chicago, @pent The Sewing Club which meset. Svery Mi Frlday eviOng and whleh consiste ut tai al day. last assi with ber ant.'MIsse. Beatrice Carr, Helen ad Kat@ C. B oag. AMr. lleed @poent Sun_ Carroll, Amber Colby, Blanchi Oshurne, t the Hong borne. Haxel, Editu and Buaeaas male and bert Wright, Weeton Waldo and iMadolyn Zouk, eatertalnedtuorîhe genle- y »Y 0lendori utflieloit i1nversîty a etnofutthe cruawd fast Saturday eveniag É" -t Wl,., @peut Thankoguviag bull. aitte borne utthe Misse Carroll. The ut their born e es, iret part if the cvsniuîg wan @peut in and lire. l'ani-I Les are entertala- gam,, and a general good time. About e-o neices, Air..- Wesley Perry oft 10 o'clock the gentlemen acre reqosete le, iua, and M vs. Chas. Logan to go ontto the dinlng room and find fk CityIll., thîs wassi ubsîr places by Enans ot the Damse@ rbey would lied on the place carda.sick 4Mary Thomeon ca tertained the naines acre nsed entiree and àit. iut St. Aéiirs-w* Guidd ut Grays- fdoubttuî if mume ut the boys bad heard ut a dînner party ait ber houme on tbus fe lesnce@ the daya ut happy ehiid- way fast aeek Wedaesay. houd. Partnersa erse eiected by meanu@ is, a bu'3 and a girl, were bora t0eoofna tape-lias- The smallest girl hîaving ad lire. Albert Schwandt, ut their the talleeli man foria pantner and vice- on the Macoufila aim eatut or versa. The mufîper scas served by ttiree tyvlls, Tueuday oil tlis week. charmiag alitresses eeipeclally iîiported .H. T. Masua and sua Harold tor tUs ocasion. Aftteuppevtbegueste Jtrorn Thureidav oStuyatehen tertaiaeds-ach uuher b>' »tories, songe il ir. Hrr Nihoatuai Austn.andvs-itation. and ail dejiarted îust lasuti mpi-at Tbankoglvlng daybtoeldib. ItYoung umen and oas Young lady te goverrniuueif ll service es- luin undur Civil Service Examiner CHAS. D. PROCTOR rdL. F-artzenbera et the post iere hab staturday. Tb@ examina. ot general knoaiedge recetned I S R N E sM -a rni lihe cxanlnieg office la Ü. ifelsuite ai Probably b. FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE. ,b> 14r. Sebartzsnbery ta@il it assis. Of tlm nlsecontentants, PHONES 154-R AND 60 betrom Nui-th Chicago, on. tram UBERTYVffLLEý, LINOS obth ot.here being hum Li berty. vaeshlp.1 -rîect efiiniiation and uer interpreta. ie abilty le scb tht 8el aries ber idience lu tui] sympathy wîtb ber aâras-fers as the>' are purtvayed. Ber Tacelul and dbarrning pemsonalit>' Isana sd'ives uset lb ber work and as redict for ber a succeanul and brillian t ture as a reader. Thos Energstii-. uîae idluth their fs-a-lier, lire. J. B. lcO(uttln for the culcees ur the -ater. i'ou can reuch MM00 persoae week-. thi-augh the independent. FRED JOUNHEIX, P~op. - - -. - - ----- --.. - -. - - ____ 7SÂCRIFICE MPiANS SUCCEgSS It takes a Iittlî- s.crific( alid «aIittlî* %%.il, i) WII'r tti 8ajvILapart of yuur r îîýliEigs andl put it itit l aViîgs aeu-oulit, biît it uletls Sulw ESui 3% Interest on Savings 3% Wliy Not "6CoaI=up?"e Ail orders for coal booked now will ho delivered at present low prices. As cold weather sets in, Btîrtirg the calidi.' at I)Otl (î-îds doeuuîî .t îîîake hi th endis net." A ht-t--r w-ay iii t<î hiiuîotîr î'niable- hilgli-grade cual. It Iir0(liiis thg- gr-atsut attiurt it ht-at wi In' ths sîulît îi oiimut of au-he&e. M ( In Wintertime yOu musî liai-e hast. Se wl,7 flot hs.y when, it je cheap' OP LIBERTYVILLE Phone 50 MHIEGOEREBMS VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phono R 030. LIETYVLE M 0 aeinteil sHE COSTn ve. vey Io man know@ that, and su ulocs the- lusbnnd %%ho gcua the bill. 'Vhat'e wby more sensible wouuîc-u hian c-ve boy thu-ir cakes, pas- fry, bread andl other things broni tliie bakery. Its sheaper andI I LIBERTYVILLE BÂKERY CORSETS, Soiiîe eicellent Iîîodels iii the new, ititîcli - wvutt-d Ktyles in our stock., Xmecrican .Paaoy STYLES Numîbers 119 and 1(tuj a r eëf'ne examlulett of theH(e in iuoderate Iîriced goods. Ask to s-te tiîttiii. Blankets. and Flannels Weare 'liowitig this fali au exc'ep- tioiially fin.e if Blanjktî andi FItia;îels. Cotton Blankets li gri'y, taitianud- white, with colîîred bords. -Exc-elletit values~ at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Pretty Patterns in Outing Flannel lit mtripc-s and eheckm, in various colors suit- able for uight gowiàs, etc. Also monte dark. or pieces used for undermkirts. A wide se- l-ction of tiieme at W. W CARROLL & SONS COMPANY North Store, Phono 29 2 STORES 5South Store, Phono 31 r Why do Pople Buy?-, 'South Store, Phone 31 ýi m Lake County National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits, S$100,000.00 Total Resouroosm - . 750,000-00 OLDEST, LÂIRGEST AND STRONG. EST BÂNK III LIBERTYVUJIE Y-vieirx North Store, Phone 29- 2 STORES