LAXE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRIEDAY. I)E(EM1WhU 4, 1914. SEdited by F. J. DRUCE, Phone 11 Orders Taken for Job Work. Advertusing rates on application._ UJnversity Giee Club, Dec. 17. under auspice. 01 Epworth Lmague, at Lberty. villa M. 9. church, The banquet anrd dance wbieh was tu be given by tha Minuiet club for the meui- bers and thair tripnda thia Friday riuht bas been indetlnîtely pastpoiîrr'd The club will hold ther regular iu-ting at Strange bhail, Fniday ereiîg, l)ec. 4th. Ail memnhera are reqluested tu ha present. The ladies ofi St. Andrew's (iuild were entertalned t a dinner party at thre bomne of Mr@. Mary Thomrson at Liberty- villa lm&i Wdns'aday. Mma Thonisan fla au excellant entertaffier aund everyone bad tebbset klnd of a tima. At tluie criticai toue whe bao toireIt and rnouth liss'aealu beconinx su rral't evsry fariner sbould bu uslug dlifctâî,ts to prevent tireir stock troui this ex lp-11,r 01 this dread diseuse every pe rti sl.auld ha tai.en. Tirer, hrîrîr,- Ieti.r thau Krelo 1>11tirr jl t', ge lhemâ t thre tRexail 1>. rg S"i-D. ru c lrug (;ia Airs. C. B. MiIis wutia Wr.,. ru iîrragîr 01 buâaneau n anday. Thomna.. V. ami ,ajiirl arn',rrdr rwr Jay tilrttlrrri i.'t r~ir~irr uf daye trip, r'iî tl ti.- '.ti,,I par 'n fr4' Co , gjrur.d tir a grrdlîr., .turriai I rrli g air,]nttri ,Ji r-at citri , r tiir. ir Mi.-Pau rr' c jeîtif llrrr'r ira',. i r.i - t crrt'rlrt r rln lii 'r riir l'urlri ùA lia'caru] -rr!ef<ruo- r'r ad M r. E..Meyr of rystal Aozind CRÀCk 1 ae%'BRLRMAKES H. srE riunde bi(er'Mdar inTHE MISTAKE 0f i hlicagr Wdn.rav M' 01ri Miss (irfire Mrrphy fils rl"rrrdg thie anmet eilrt ethJ'Y I J'dîie'-rr IG IYS3ELF" week infHighîlanrd Park. 'WILLIAM A. RO8ING 1 A i riety Wa grrr'rlt'y Ar. Aidel t ! oresodet get ai "turre, atthe i'rrrror ,, sA dîreda ab.- ,- Ed ifloa of Chicago, vrsite(] i orepndn - er Ba. rlj't r'rg ii rerrîvop Rouuer Tmînkesý boiuerf Ili@ uother uver Surriay PHO1NE 22,-W the lirur." He bell theattetion, 11- He'd Re Retter Looking R ob- *MisaI Nettia, Murra;in Of Ehîca. set ____________________ audience fromu tart tir firish. ber if He Shaved Self. ber Thankogiving vacation ait ber tatbersi(Jeu Mitchell anrd Mis. Steffa Ker V'î 't r.~ (i, rtem hmInourvlage, h dne i Ju Àmtis pent faidt Tbursday artir Ar. andd Airs. Il irJrtg'r'. N 1,cr r'or rtir ttI ir Is. fcry UGoldinrg mirent giviug evenlng was Bgreatsucrts.. liii' Wm. Mitcellin Chir'agrr aeIr10lnitdI Thanklsgrvirrg rfavut trieon.lîrirt Ar., 'hundri-ri eeenty tickets were srld. o il t r rtrrar'rrîcrfwî and Mrs. C. A (irridrng in 1 Hori'G.r '.apouîiutatr acefe o ntn leh lî b a'n j eoV.cintyre. rmDetatripenta'dafti rrrldnfî' Ara.Rafler erîtr'riaiirr'îî a irutili 1 Dr u n'iy Of Chircago. ,ras sonrinrmour rtrr-îts Iraents aee. a4lst - ,thhjl'Af( t.rrîtîirp'ri'î la Miss Marc fîlu'rr f Rllins.rrurais aC. G. lrairrard HenryrrF. fie'ie eaud Cliesromite),wbs .d Iua. nigIi, ons Pleasait r'al' ir rlr ir age Sairrrdav.W . lîottirg w r tirag r irr' rfi n fîîur'd in Eacor r'n irte ata-' ir foî rti ,[r rllrr' cr- c Mir.autr] Aflrm.. i,, tfeay ar fe Monday tâtst was t alitr'u s the Laki, hosîle i,,' tai i n ' ri ghil.. r r r r r îr i nr, r VAi n- 1fr 'areth Cicîago' waë abliRed U fir, -Iiiili.irdnedge'rs barbrer 11iI1 rn Twenty- prou a rrenite a i a iaîy Iry bfr rît l in . Nrrtirmr denis ft fro nu 'it JINr . arfuaei B be r î.r [ t Net seet h 1 i i i-fan rre suriav 'A,(".2![tlt. rrtn-nr- i) an olire sith Dr. l.lmin ciif ' e frits hte d ai th %%rl>r 'i t ., farf r eei rrir rrr'ts.ia u batik building and wilifire fier,' ttre'iays ltt oh w sd iaau w udn vrtiirjs Ili. si PN le oft1'vd -rO fa ad.sirrth rl 1 we.son lie bomea. thorîght ilr -s rr, trî " vru scalpi, forser, flies AIerU-ihein k' ~~~, rf E'deusbas @tarîctefrfoieatî In Air. anrd ArsJohn \iî'lc "prt scçlëIer h talaia ) 1ý1II n aiiu i@isnew boulse in Rosirirg usmllir fi îeî days last week wiil 'ir'ng1 rîtrcr Utesr ater lieretrnrrl'farî.r>n hrisrtar rearida.yIl orrlhe touil titînior'kerlSqtepiÏng art,] If thre vweatherpperrîitsne lî tf fa t Arthrur Lareon ifri 'Zrr,ift, bilsTr*'insideIreuoifced in thre tioonffglrtr Air. au Are. is. TorîiuLky au( rîunhed ta complatran. turned tr i fs haine. daughier of Car,, @petit laiikrgir r Aaîîîfi. u ALirrrvi. u-si.r' MrrHiuyr îrner r' r-ntire p sare, f [Illg, ar., flrrt otIeof wibAi ur ir ' .I' serrsaydiirfirait rfar rkgurnt ofhfer struanri s, i î'rthe tract dîrir style ar t hev r crwerrrlie 'rari Lvi, îfrrrr~irtrrîaud . IfAlairu a-t the Foîrest Glenn ('r,'irrr,, r %eu e' hr asotrm r"r.Tî t ranr'rrrtr'i r' nîir t E4lir, Friday f i rhuudy rrurarrf1 fi,,'r'. r, . J es, ir îc i ea I-r' 1 herf a flshorght fic m ',n 'fie il r M r ar,]AIs iealta. bru nrn arru']s'sin IRundlo,f ke iît 44". ftlIehIfay shopfin rng rinîicago, Firrdav anîd final i s' ocatei a ria n (r rrrirfi ng Iroifrt it lîrita Tfurmaan(] arrrlrday %%ithiland the "gt,st rsa:kii light. 'rsnbehind ast rs'Se r relative- and fricirdsin Chicago. Ifl anrd trs Ittrir ttrtt, r , rrtij g do na h , c fiilrsttALrrgif rOfa'. ru- er, 'rsrrrr e'tceeteI'n at James Rings. grarbed fuî, [', Ivrfli c i,lrrand told tie [uI îui rrt hecf' lce'nt Veduudasi ) îrt b 'r )il ' on atanfor ifim, tbreaf- ttie last nrf tire w ai- t lr'fir n i r ri-arîftMr.fcrsiri rvI d wua i r ir.'r, ' r3 forca r errng ta shoort i hle rfared to run.TIr, pli'l eLii iI,'lle rr rIn..rfir f ia î3 Ielrtatu s" _1, an gare no trouible. fioa'ver brut A ia.s fritiir tlIr- rr' as rrr t irieri are umcii tttrir eI I rerf'c l lie P rY iea d -l - eItrd y w le o te toiý ttfn e g at 'lranufrgiirationr (athrîlr ie c urce l)a 'viud.-r rt,re,' îrr a I ir, ýniifrlI griuts at ltsreAvery fhonte a)]tftle finie fil refip all ed Io go free'. Tui-rlalIer I e. y r-fi(JiuinpTIýire srahson of Mir, rrIAi ne. Ilino.ifîtrear'iiig the sationlire 'ras earrhý o u i'Nrf f'h lir gr r rire -tit-îrîs fiirrn i [ Nit ery 1f i il Ir ltiia ed ftY Assi stanîft'Ch ief (Yi p1 . ,',- AV f1. 1 at I , i lt a tir Aler tIe r, Atr h IRUaSSELL Ilo"..".'..."~ï~~.fA r,]crfer in Srr' r'i,' eth and r tld anid S ierfa i Poien an haîl irer, tIre rtacs a vr'crriîrtrîrî tise e~r gr'Farria. r, formr r ei-lrent (George St rei r Ii fit. 'irrket r tir' tait o tirrie rrir'rrrrg of confirrmîation aird, ro.' ,-1,,f'r 'n, jz, I _ i ' i Ite t irs brime rtl i 'r11 ealt diro t r wo uta' rar r Irîî. tire iiifrrrtatrîiri rf titri. trr,nn ir re hfrrrrî !- ce.,trru- f ixie" n ici' lie aund Iis rt- r,,,acfa ew, ahuIch r rne aftera'arcfs irlr'tifrf a drin tr iti'îrrit e rit tie ro-'ru r -, t ' hrni, ,trtirdîr, - rriorg , 12 . v ars agi). Air. F'ac r' rrt î f re e nin lu Irarng trcrn stîne for frîred'-a s tllîrrrîrr t r-lliîrc klurrrî'a tn a, t 'r r ' tiIz isl l e. d at.,' f i n u airrrg fîritb loir m tliat't o i d eriitth tbarrber shiot" The Irirgiarr t[rrpoilr folr rrt he in' r -de rrt Irs lr.n- ' J' ,r , %,'r' rig 'retu,,ilr.u'nd age. He car,', , a îîrrw iersed f)trerirei'f't sud toff titi' rrorv I1,sfî,'n i-rr ie.l gril" tt "'ri rp,','i.tir nrrî i-r, c r t1iirr f jZ r,i 'rne I't rîîrglrt sr - i '.ter ,fi of ho,,' lrr'elrrr'reii Irie storr " ' irb- tire r 1ir,,i ti ir'rlf'ir sre AiI vit X- e'î i,'-,le in,' rIr 'r rirr'ii.i r îîraloir mg a lîdrfcr a!tiere lai oi lîrriietz's lt Nr,'i4fr. 'cilntr r"rfoti ttr'rrfaillie'. i ',k ru torn ,,ri'siePndeding thr' irr îras jîmped 1 'o t,.rl r t ts tar fu 'strip K u ', c a wrrlt rr -ialoir1 lroirgh a trop doorr ni o the irartrer 1'~~~~~~ r[ .fip,.r.r'f. .,,, r ,n tîi r rls fiir s "rfi-St ' irtrnits (ni n'l'liiî ikr~rrri r a' tl 1sh i elîrt w. ifefoce ',earcr'hiiig acouud rI r'1.i ii r, irii;Ior rTlr.. 'îî ri .rrr , trrkg t ,tr r 1Or'1 liriret- ' tr, i IlA.runnàounceme.nntuui3 s,.lt ioendU) h raésan perrt A11 1 oo n d ,neIo eM rt ýfis rrrl- rnîergcrau irirr iz v i'îrand Mar.ii 'rt inr t ri '.1 'B. rore ufth e e t ra-i-r ahê tc e if a a rsatrM i is. ~(ieii teletrzr, r ot lt The attention of the public is invitcd to the qMoiitali Arterim " ltIn__M-1;by Cottrîtrgre td usi andf ndsenhipra led rotanoio "ActpovsiotooteIncreasey nate g-rorid a ir ae sure t,,fnrd )Li'. waM Il.l ru r iand daughtur r,.I l. rr- iseo n(ftrirAf iii,"gar rrf,0rel.îres riade hs o totieowas er é yCoandad nild n"c oiIce M rr n îi T, - f en ,f f r n i u , . E c aid o k I( lnipnUrt'rgrnt l r , in i, ec in om o h e b t go d th e In te rn a i R e v e n u e , a n d fo r O th e r P u r'. 1) rfi1 pit AI4 i rait re ' ni, -,' i ,nfA t s i cria. at' ti-t r sIian rsudAre rile oud find, -heu he wassurprsed poses: I Tîratirugiira arr rll, isrecille I r, and wI crut I, 'f'rtrnrra' r nons' ,,' trirth'i, n A s Ar rIrilr ao I r f rs. . v ha e e ralg o rachar utrru rariterTtn-tli efrlîr ue tr agn rha leth dry i ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M tairia '. minBîtu rnde MrgfarnnMe re. har],kenrîrere tZntifazor sirops irr fir-rrd iiTflItmlf'h indr strlfi'to, et aitri tr arr aun A r .rlalieeetht bankiu afil r' ra nirne î n tri m ill'irar %viriil rm ilti n .a d II .1, i .Iirrig danI it rir rr-r ies n i it %%rift, - 'New Era" but [Iris lu alIre suuceedcd 0 cirs[ i ri'nr , în.or icorpra-tionnir tirg or uperarug auy ru. l ul dv on n getting. er , r r t l ie itirre oc fire-r on îater uvtn tr ryday. ee ouaag sofA gs a D ArhrSadr oftf -its it. rr fron ivirgrin Afi r, Talfrrtt was in fcrrr. ia'.t Ou heînîg cross examfned hy flic po-alrer tixciXf'ratin fru ach tiorîroaî ivns tatemecitu uIth hoonuiîanîaî t iZenda Ais -Tiranke- day ntth[le t'irrn rdî,ir' il Mt, i er Iackit ur -t lime. 2 r u, 'irtrrr'n ni-if nîerliHe, a a vIe hisD am emas Johny ed y Irens ,trofinteir, rrre uint , o a lifriir r spe-, rctiverds- gismg Ilrtr , rt ,at u le airîrt 0,r -t ri rt i a~cf I.e re ' i t A lin-pae nts irni'. tAl'fie.eragr r r r. er a ,orsou & Smiba l u ee mtroe -o py erri i, ic,,f tib,, f i ru ilirt(-euImcrise x cnersao- gissuu art Arr ktearîgf r rt ingtheInitîr- ' rite ro.i f a einrrr esirIlfrr a' til ' artrt o nsn & mt L m e c m arylou r -rrr'rrtrc ftri epcieexh ,ti Js .lu iLYellgrt ri b ueallag tv, h, tr A. B. rfaof ,Zior i trs' about Isso A>cars ago. nrfr canîd irrunsriited ithence river their fines Mr.isera.rrf trrrtev Cauirrbe.A . L, r tarin,,, a rlr c e. an t hinîe MILLBIJR.N auI har I s'efed Zion Cft ' ou aud off rnnog ~c , usdrgndror fuc ushiachmagesutor5cent- o' N-tic eSuiilrerieiriur feratr Anirvif CithfMruand s. l r et _______ d.uring tIarime. Tepolice are dr rîor e saillirrpero, dfocnalr crpsatiomsasne con- E. f' Hîrînt ranear ted iurries, Si-tes nf ring Llie Certain ofItls Reward. ILtrrL Irrrt, nifinit,Ws , apr'ittirs makîuc urrher inveutirattorîs and sesrrusie-adjeruS-norcroato HL Tireaneyer va-r a great fîsttutloe 'l'hankrrlfg v tainrî itilrtheon- rrîe ;rct tailev austreng nfutîfri Itdn uer' COLt FC-"IFROM 'lFE RSON PAYING FOR chi. iifr, lTirlas'Fu vr< or a great mari [bat dîd not sonner o ls, tti irat tIi-fIs ttat Irase orrred withIn r TE cEgrt' rit covrgstio ieniagexorcne naditon Floriua and Even Califor îatrrrecels-a lireres-erence cf msuark cceJIil arr f.1. S. tasor itrain- tIre fasifea' Menthe Infittou<ity. t h ,,I hre u ieirslo ovrain GL Challenged to Produce More kirnd Theodore Parker. S ored l i. u irn'g. Tuasday Auong ilrets darirtg furgiarfes ariltesdpronfnrrcroainshlinun J Ideal Weather in Nov. f r 4 fiik-'nflaracter Artrst arnd t an attemfrt no wrer-israrlelunlIre 1)'rs'inn rie raid ,rrttecînr nf iternal revenue cf rîreir e' Tiroe r,, w oni-efao r fo ires un i ZOîr Lti'erir , tre n ld ertrtainer of!tre, INortîrnesteru depof. a sale lu tIre -rrîedrcii. Ar. atîdirs. John Amrnn of A tri ,iffiornia, FlorIda ArizonaNa-AAi-rew d,,TIeThre ooIrseatc ure look,-fi-r' hudy reriri iNothciteir'feih Iouea al l (obounrse, h aot raureensal'eig heIn. @petit Trur*day wi utin<rey Aniraitn Ae'.lco and tire Bermudas. Aaulegan paeaiclrpmil - iet od, v ...1Copyngwt teaoe eurenn ovrn tecb aud tui..challenîges you to produce a Thanks-I c tc bi,. mocning absu [lie rear fj- . i rfiu- nui, tlîsoi & Snmith umher comlranys ecton of [bis [ax, the Telephone Company will, bcginning ritnez fi'lt des r n rreî-turideaf f tlemd morejewlarstoeumualla Heny0fl]tireat Rn 'rirao-ceembr Ie, 914ryolestoreptroaltiPulicStaion Aiî,,e lbtfairi rurnun h rot ~ l le or. fIrs-ou please. More stiuler-r 'r part ni tire Leader store, cauglut lire fof -irvt Ilefiar tniParkndmil]fards.flce n ada'er tn etIed ofoa tCoaf latter prnt nf thi, i i-e lanrt nir hflue Vttrs ity enjos'ed Tbrrsday frnt a s'park wblch came iroin a ci- rt ,ratuintIre Zion Feed store, Hoyt's ail -the ta, of one cent for cach message for which the charge je For. amoug onher tfrugs, Irere' a lfr lire Tue lire deparHicktryas Ifouens- MiessBarbara Arîrarrî 1 c u-rîtIirrday showi'nîg reured in thms eommunif r'niaurlid extiuguýtd[he blaze be- Mwcaharrr-s it,, ickorys viaiitd 1. I m- ryaîrpeared for [Ire ar- subsribers nthyolsaern fracsu mlg- art haine Tursday ahi-b gave Waukegan and foirtilunuch damage bad been doue. Had fwdu ctrc~ î,,,r Isvcnt cused. when a femp,s'ry Irearfng wash-- 'a Ela>-trnuWhatrn anr i scer i-tr-ire ro f viy) the most beautifiu Thanksgiv-c(lttire secrred a better start tIre en- Mrn, ar Aineiaiph Weatcu ndj - ritireïi,' cered <hlaie uouJAf Ir 1cg eehn o f g wesgIrer tra t esen teotdea[ 5set-'itre-Leader StAore wIuht h*all eà 'J4»uri-f Wfreatorni1.spreùut evera iouds w'éte llxedSI -nicago04141 aura ST-fl Wbeahmn, 111 ,-mipent it Trurday anrd ïct'.i- em cf§ Ân reeaî'l: ,.4.Ihraeië T iera ipac @wWirtir- trer',. parent@ aitheb day witht leif- C1).iooktamil.y. 1l-Me-curry was no ta 70 asomrereaiuei'u-d Tire ern~r oon wenplarse - .amfnatlon watsad. ___________ ~~~ay>72; even au fatsas 4:45 oclock lit lf2 45 oclcuti~!iemous'e asng ________ - -. --- - "'.-'.'.'.in iront ai thre Sun oflice it stood attifre depaninrenri as.cailed [o tIre John MAr. and ui'.r- ni-Iffoglas arnAc i-n5c cT I GAGE'S, 1tJýî '.162. fritter Ini- i Nineteent tireet and John, Hughre ,irLake',Villa,""" ent ES3IULEiN HAVE YOU A SUGGESTWIN? 2-People were seeu sltting Iu rock- Stnerrgian road An over Ieated stoce Ttiîansgivn ig rm i Irs. Errant, Stcang MisIn Kiri niA ueaus,-tIng chairs on their porches, and IFn80ttad causeUS Tllbn aiiu uiler iats, a Afu t, pnd hefir shirt leeves, thre women bein a it ole to Ire Iurned lun[Ire Misa@tt'ssîe4irrett e ganme bttor ai Tca UoiigKa i ie ene i .piiI- itwaos h oheadeon thir e'. under [Ire stos e, Tiredamage pi-eert rtinrg FOUND; MA&N lELD ______________ ir.G. Kpl.hedans sligîri, 1aecnni.ursajAissRfc The Ladies* Aid sifl ltrid tireir rext 3-Boy8sud girls sacre seeti piaylug 1liitndM_________()ei____hos___c asstlo heLieCoinv nepiilntiifLk ottitysmi meeting ait irelirrre orîtAn. JonlaiCase-bal al as laufootbalf, the more unir, Keindfall,[ie boy ai lbHaintes audrit lnt Sraig oai (urn-, ai-ltLk rli t I14l'4111'I sLkrt.lît' i Iruu. ii 44Ai rac rnsnn Is-y. 4 Thanksgiving day 5a rt. om thecnded iii,' baskt '.riral Bt the Hl,. tkat-".1 SIl< nv fZil ity 11 r'l I VY P4',I w Autoctawefe sen dfvlg with 1;îi'rrnrood unfrorîf officiais reiused t ban,1ý- Iý AI d v-e8in E ey- 4. A tost ele en rilp n day scinrrr f t e rri,' r-r'eulng. r tri-,rcnr nNi)%-.16.,ltas ju-t nie i onue in% ite(]. their tap* and wind-shiefds dasansu an ci-pt, fias beeni, paroled to Miss Mary, Yo s a a Ollilv faradtherI'îrfûî-ts wn are Dr. lctiurttole and MissAir. mtrri tis trîtrubrerinswriaujjAIr ,,n',nr ni ritencinîrt judre and[lieiltMI, B.Mooi..ilà fili( ilA'att and tte police o C la r d f L ib in ty n ru e , r s lic d h e e T î ru m - 5 - M a n y p e r s a n s s a c r e s e e n a b o t I l lt ir' rn r i[ t c r -r, <t fie ta k e n i a c k o _ t i n( l t i i \ d - l r j ' i i e e e v r a t day, Master Fr-n spnr thrie resn oI tira thes lake front and samne even weutthen mrtanage at L[5k,'luff. Be wassit gr'uug erîl AIr mmi% Mnu.c flIas.el* (inirlatirLkerellY alt n hel.hole week sith lis 'gravniuntotler :rs, Ef trtfor shart rasas, gi\rnn air uedical examrrîaîioun Irs Dr. Bt 'nAirit'i-rinn >, ri , ,l n nsiff i Il o i rI,'r- iiiiS ii JI4 'fiit' "II'N (î 1 6- auy tolats toalu long îls,îni'a nrr ras fournfbie I1, rp re o nmt IrlidAi, uAnrt, m Arrt ,'oi r, n rrr lia[rt-i nrttrrironiortird 1fh1-5'f4 Chreven Into Chicago and back.lsus.- tn.t1 i todt Pilri uIis t' tgfn-ut in Aaukecia. fis..ff u.A I Msa@[Berthra lailnrrsimIn-l reativers 7-Maru> persane, sith sumnmer-like narnemis f4 A N. rv'i.\ iii arti[rred tae alprTuerBinet clin AD esren lastfritkAr I>n Neinrwnri omilletiii-ktIr f'laid',ngnntorolfil believe mu iotiand ilmi44 1 1-tirif I ilikagt police (e1ltvf s fil( lu Warrn inrstSheridan Road-juatIlike au a sumtifurarriagetf"eurse Iras freîî 'rire.rt'.dfpast r,1-' r r,,'ir lrnnnrrnnmrîtîr'nrfine irefi Tin-i -it in Tire tiret luarte-i3 conf,'rreetwii le m c a- r îiagrf tcuon o i, f11b- Ms i, aisrinfI'ayiit r- r tr'Ill rnr ilitrrneortrne t fuaThvig ift'A l tisî Il llt tA'Il lî î Ih h A"-fl s o t Iraid fiee,7, a Il1h0 a. mni BthAe chureIr. 8.-Furnaces sacre &hut ail as tfght inn n, n AfrcAnaSppc li' t- t k rn-eS 'udosstiblecparets, tîtîn, nn' mm of <urses rom Hu ' ' - r- ArariArlaidCrrirtAarte elightesi heat was nat necessary: M.adJiiisj , adto l tN te i Speut t'Dvidrm Caitrlmnor an Ars.doors generally were ceeu ajar. r_______Polio,_hofChicao,_mirentaltertirelIsertof-/ i'naslifîî t(011l.nicagri, sîmenni InnveIr iTf gU eo. Kaîrpn l, e r n . 9-Caupfeasltting very clase tai- aIrdy'ad il da wtît rniitir.i t it io liiteenfdî'fedSler Ge.Kpl.geiher an beni-hea lu caurt huboruArAseINUSDatrdy rrf rniratisthbe ouiiir,,,rrunZîmî nidlrler eprtd ue square durlng tise evenîng. BA G ISI SD MrndiNIr, P're AIitrnald and iiit; "igirl fmîsy sudliras Ireeni co- A" lelriI ~i1hl n E. S.,Faiinituer anrd tariify etî'rtaini' CR nhlrrii nffAniieta II- uuiye rtn rtrigii rnti, fîrao oIc -sii-iîar ' i t i'lts and f'11 i hiee wi-ugad <ecp i'lniu rîiiuern i iat-I 1-fWhfle tome cold-water bathens 1CA S- tir- t fiiie'haetIl. \ii'i ni ri'i ifrein aoiceItîra cnplyfonloernonTai may have gous lu bathlng at thre lake. witb Ir aM Ar s Mr itaiii AYoug.i(tlt tirilt( ein il giving. -na case af that klnd of braîn ailection, r ' t mîlie tolenmanimaleitndii was reported ta, the Sun nar ta the Misca hiara Iinnt utTuosday fnr fn'iimI tinn n ecriptan tiaits.1*vrla and 'c fth neleieitý, i aiiy r1f4o, taken as a sciol. ian s-ou Ina ni,, r.. tri' osir 'as Iderntifier!fonM s - - r r'r, ic oufelwilli, irv h O R DR)O , )2R 1".V ne o mone fideal. more balmy and a î ir i-i Aîîî etrite:ii , nlmninrhi ,, îî,-,Ie«-î i, Mlnatrsf iiiirnl li Ali'IA~4, îtf~'1 iî flhhAîtt inyu o ethis Xmas? id otrnu darkened sky, mo TeIrrc'fn si'et ei lin, ,,,,,n inicngri AA.lin%'fnlelfie a iNflia i1hPIa At'lf t1ii M udnr)irofting to fterfere wir aunX1'r-Ia'ecses cral lirgamus iluseddirurer, i-,rr:nt tir"rn'u 'J lliffkrle il1 E11111 .1( AA itlllît) îîk te if lupeîd1 lon-r aujn arthndr g ltIruit uni, uas 's i ecoIr ea goye n ar[r l, tl'i inrl, 'lnd rîmiiltiree.or wetfu < j ,jhB I AR iiîî I<fr- - o-eY otcauroseacdrhAfin wlîrîfe wri mun illaerecorfeakgdy Olaautoujouiile, twn aand ilve-pasacu- A. H. tentcabas retnrned iruîelirit iil r., ri' rgfrt fiera ls [lot yr'et imfftf îi \rNAau r r'.AOI.tee Irin SOmoc piaetic asery TIre weatIrertmain made Iis[ory for gr 'a-r iiccnlfronutr i71Y to S4C("IiIio a, m ruo ai i ii i, mtmcsîroliu i'rI ' (s meuIer ofth[Ie farify. tnfnish'ffinis year fur uis commuily - * - Imii')if ef lfhhhlA'n-l]'Chicago.ftbut411 S iVt.lriyt(suppositionituair-i anmd teeoeeefuIosfuIapyjTristelianfe rpartes. 'l'iis l MAr, an rrî.AreA . .'ain anrd Drot rr n'rtgiraf Stn-ritfi Greenr tinku I - -g ionislwiedint-kinIY spirit ic ureno ta place pour ede-. ~and fnaîrkfnrl tîn I fiwas s5 Il PlIdatheflimure ta lirA',elle"t 'l'iairsginrag 5'itl Ar. aud Airs. th rrun-i-f ni.% pri a stopito tire' 'r- fiilhi' tîîîliu( ta nt b.diaapoined litc anus' rtber focalifi'tIraI waseOin- Claru-nîr' Ifimurar Park, Rrdge.f. I, t -ofi rcs' treits tiat have Iafffcei DRUE RU c. ioued afrove caua maire a lietter sho ____________ b hIilt i id( <4 flîif\ OTfr i tm iIthdil The Rexail Store Grayolaka wsrd or fueser hnid tirir peace. I Libertyville Telmeedu ed IIn s i toii- lhAImnm rsa atir pl, alnia,' for ailt rr Ar snrcthfng ralitiaute. tire Irrgis The Partin-Palmer "638" Latest 1915 Streamline Body Six Passengers-In Coznfort $9750Eupe 115 n. W. B.LeftHandl)Dnve38 H -P What Can You Do With $225? $1 200-$975=$225 fE-rv ir'ar tor id er". uint ir-rn-for $22.5 Ereryman who conitemplatee 1ruriîîn.rng a f$1200 )autrrlirîttf av,, $225 when lhe bupq the PARTIN. l'A LMA 1R s FI 1' Six.Pnurre 'rfo ttyNoon. lias errer dared chat- fenirr' ur nnirrrit thar itre PARTI N- PAL1,M ER "3«' s positivels thre grea't- e t au to, r, irir'r vuu at $!175, ornlthre A rîrrianu orarket. Lle tid rrtr' tat tiePr INl'AI NILEIt -3s" made the unirrer'edented bu' cu-- [rt t il' Tijr'pr , ha r i. r -i-n IrtoIrîr tr'd il rr r'r[le wrrrfd. Fr r ir Mane trr Cali- formra, lenrrrr aa trr therri lrf, .and ini r-serv Foreign r'auurtry you will lind thi' P 41111 NP A lME *im(î ':t." li,-cr'rrrbrei'ng abjirentri are gaing iowarri frréon or ar'trrry trr ail fparts r! the -wrrrlî erery day. Wr,'ranrt Vu nirI NA EtTlI 'ATl the P ARTîN-PAIAIE '38" and deter. rire- for NorrrrrN Si-i [ fror'tfn rîrthtrr(- rut mairscar at anv pries that can giva saujri wrr', triai rîudorllar fordlrrfrtîran the PARTIN PALIER :ts.' WATCH FOR THE PARTIN. PALMER "20"t Phone 245 S.J. CROPLEY AREA, 111. Announcement