ADVERTISI NG Sc par lino s»Ch insertionl 25c firat insertion Vaisavo a number of line homes.f tt., Dymond & Austin, Libert Il, l., Iote 50x15ILFut st front 51gb gonud. ideal renfident locatio obu i ucash. B. D. Boyd, Bx 44 IrIUbLl. licd I FOR SALE-Now 5-room modern bom .Boo etalor, glasts encfoeod sfeopf pofeh. ,Inquire N. F. fhamberlal FOR SAE-76m.. Id colt, ba broiron, makting of a good road hon Addsss C. J. Odel, Grayolake, III, 9es FOR SALE-Duroc Jersey Boars, roi foreservice. Fred Honzing, B 3, Liboli vill. li FOR SA-LE-Two young igb gra ShartborniBuill . One old eoougb .ervice. AIRo One Chiter White Bo wti 200; ready for service. Pure hit W. J. Amann, Round Lake, Pbone- 12V 9e3 FOR SALE-6 lots. Frame Boue rousse, &aIlmodemezot bathB o Ie.This Io a mal agloa acked. CafI earfy. . D. Boyd, Liber FOR 8AL-k-Houso and large fot Ar, good location. Two large porn tooMlaty haUt on bouse. Terme cash monthly Mane. B. L. Tripp, An lot FOR SALE-Baeffl Rock Cockerefo. #LMOO seh. W. P. Rscketowelfer, Area, III Phous284M2. 1bp8 f ImOR SALE-oso 00mb lied@ oi deir- able blond lihum. Cockerele, $100 n);1 (lock, $2 50; Puflets, 75c.p; Hong, $1.00 *P; Ps.. (10 lepnales. 1 maie). $8.50 up. Cmi1111 or write, Kimbalb-Triggo lRed Yard@, Lberty ville,b1fl. cf otf i FOR SALE-13 Duroc Jersey tboats and 10 pige, six weeko old. Wmn. Gosel, Aveu, l11. 1Op2 IFOR SALE-$ome choice ingle co=n 'White Leghorn Cockerele, cbeap if takeu yatuce. Gseo. B. Kouis, Pbons, 303-1R. Iliti COOKERELS FOR SAXE-Rose Cnb Rhode lland lRed@, Rose CornU Browen Leghornc, iarred Plvmouth Rocks; ols3o eome White Pekin l)ncks. Gordon Rtay, Area, Pbone 296-1R211cý3 FOR SALE-Calie Puposud coins dry wood. W. H. .lppley. Phono 212-J. "lp2 FOR SALE-A ew chcie grade Jersey co ue mo10f reshen boom. inquire t oid Gratton stock Faru, coul h of Lfhertyville ou Mlwaukee Ave. Gardon B. Crowe. Phone 272-W-1. 11P2 FOR SALE-* r6t6il edW Wb&64*' 8 wks old. Apply Otto Holm, Damond Lake, Aea, P. 0,, 111. Tele 28OW-2. 1 Ipi FOR SALE-About 20 lbe..of dry pîcked cses. lathors. John Ahart near ilendeo putiosu. ilp2 . . . .L.A.E.U. . MONEY TO LOAN-On lmproved real ..àtt. J. 8. GNI)LE, Fiet Natonal Bout. c-il-tf MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-Tbe 11eiablo Confidential sucoful club bai lérge umber 0i wealthy efigibie mem. berssof bth sexe, wlsbing early marri- age. Description f ree. Idre. Wruh4T Blox 26, Oakfamd, Cal. P-11-2 WANTE-liave purchers loi froin 19 toe0acres farme. Write slatlng ail panteelar. No agents. Addrees R. A., I.s. eofize. c-Il-tf WANTED-f'or Our bIve pet show aIl vsrleties of animnais and fowls. Ap- ply Lionls hasemerty, WNaulegan, 111. Wkly 2t WAMTEO TO RENT-40, 40 or 120 «ac. a.Osshrat. John Richardp, Dcx 57, Brol, Win.. 1P4 viiis eà Mas 1 persona wooii fi- 1 nmhetia ndspfsdeft. .. . . .. . . BLOOBIIOUNIJSFAIL ....4. + ...... TO LOCATE TIIIF; FOR RENT--Tifo large roomes for ligbI bonmekeping. Furnisbed. Lre. James À À D NA I 1P . . . .. .Man-Trailers Lead the Deputy 1 .. Shbrif and Party to Farm- + LOST and POUND + house one Mle Away. LOSTWooen bx cntiini tea faBloodbouade. the fear of ovildoors, LO5-WodenboxcoftI;g iafled Wednesday to locate the tbf et valves and fitnge, helween Area depot wbo bas been cveatlng sucb terror and my farta omle. wet of Are&. throughout the western part of the + Uhberai ewarl for return of same. B. =ouf lfte, particularly in western +. W. etafiord. Phone 282-Wl. lici 4b ll~îe and Irsmont. True, the mantrallers led the deputy sherlft and +. i paty tn the homne of a (armer FUUND-A sray bore.. Osener cmf where thu trafl seMed to end but al- for have sain. by provngyroperty and pay- thoj»gh a searc4 waffant vas soeur-, ry tmg for tht.notice m4 ilcharge.. Wm. ed'bnd the. boUC. ald barn ver. Po. eaen, fLubrtrvgle. Phiono 283-RI. searcbed Pafntakingly fnoIncriminat-, ing evidence coud haeeured. ty 1iC8 The bloodhounds vers rougbt to nie. ______________ Lake County from Paxtoni II., at the Ion, Instance of the protective association, 0f, 111E I C o twenty-flve fsrmers living fn IUb- 47 IYcfALEUtI JÀSO ertyville and Premont vbo have out- tf. fered lusses at the bands of! the thief >~ CEr El IT whblas been worlng in sucli a dar- no, . afHI 89 IORUV Ing manner for lthellst tvo or h >ing montbs. It vas thougbt tirat the EA IV I hi I D blootihounds vould succeed wbere ev- un, £ LAU I i4LV M E.vILerY other meana ban failed. O Tbe dogs vwer. ltokn to Fremont lu - an automobile contalning their owuer, ,ter Alexander McKay Leaves Many Sberiff-elect Griffin and VePuty Sberlff Millions But' Forgot That He the RadIce ferrm as this vas the last Lived in Waukegan. place wh:r: a theft bail taken place. for Borne lttIe inie and finally one ,ady$100000TO ART INSTITUTE of the.n raised bis n0.e 1, th. air- and rty- gave vent to a sonorous bowl whlch Forme indiatedhe had struck a scent. I Fre Waukegan, Mani Left "'Thisevas followed for a mile and ra $200,000 to Varlous Char- led t0 the home of another farmer. *Âki I*a*There the hounds stopped. Tbe off- for itauîe urganizatlons. 1 cers were surprised. Tbey had n lar, a u thrity to searcli the premises with- md. N. B-Mr. McKay *pont hl@ oarly out a search warrant, so tbey waited Wl Waukean-but Waukegan unt!IlTb ursday morning wben again was't emebaed o te elgtes ex pft Waukegan for F'remont. armed l~ ent In the disposition of hi. vast os- ihasac arn.Te erh tate. It rscala 1the tact thst James led the bouse and barn from top to e,6Henry Smith, the mutitlmillonar. wh bottom but were able 10 fibd notblng Sud wa born at Miiburn, Lake County, ou t of the way 'IThe officers were ilcesndmovs awy whn syoun ma, Ibaffled and bad to give up tbe searcb. tyý aiso forgot the place whoe ho *pont Tbe Paxton man bas taken bis doge tf hie early lite, for, In the wili which i borne but l le said be vili ho recalled disposed of ninety millions, nithor the nextltime a Brobbery takes places t uMiiiburn nor Lake Ccunty race Ivad In order that tbey May again bave an e vo smetlnwn c 1ihodfriond. effort 10 tral the thief and perhaps re- ai"s îo ore in the "~me position of ho- deemr themeselves for tbeir fallure the tbrough motions vbbcbî vere sugges- An endowment of $100,000 for thetieo hwigaernabus.H muantenauce sud enlargernent o! ýho-T R E À I û Npu w n w ogte"admd M uuger collection o! panings vas co '~ ilarvu a rush for the bouse. arrbvIng just as given ta the Art instibute a! Chcago tht A L~Ia ie ire hadl beon put lumder control. by the yl cf Alexauder A. McKay C U L SÀ EWriv- filed lu the Probate Court. Cook couna- jLN E8 $ ty Wedueeday. Two vol luov Waukegan young NÂARRIGELI NS . Mr. McKay la the son Mf James Mc- couples vere unlîed bu marriage leste Kay vhen tornerly lived ln the place Wedoesdsy eveuing sud a tird couple Wbliamn W. Warner, Chicago... 6 nov ovued hy Dr. Foley ou Wasb- ivere wedded Thureday atternoon. A Anna M. Schelp, Mlwvaukee-....34 inglon street, Waukegan. The Mc-'îîst o! the marclages tollove: Arhur G. Seyl, Racine............ 241 Raya are rernembered by older rosi-1 Larsen-Wrght-Wcdnesday evening Martba Lyncb, sama ............ 221 dents o! Waukegan because the taml- i a 8 o'clock, Arthur Nelson, Hotchkiss, Col ...26 ilv a-as prominent bore for many Sarvella-Sutherland - Wednesday Porobby Hagen. Madison ......... 25 yoars. evening at 5 o'clock. H-arold Larsen, Gireen Bay legal age Libe amounts ver. bet ta the Homo Otermnan-Jack-Thursday afternoon Allice . Evans Higbland Pl. legal age for Desttute Crlppled Cildcen. and at 4 o clock. Abert Hill, .Joliet............. 22 t0 the Mary Tbompson Hosptal for Larsen-Wright Affair. Edos Bock, sanie............... 21l Women sud Childran for the erection 1 liss Florence Wrigbht, daughter o!ftHcnry Panduro, Mlwvaukee....10 or permanent buildings. The rest of NIcr and Mrs. James Wright o! 124 t-ardaie Hengel, same . . ......... 25[ the estate. estlmated ut $2,600,000. la<tonavenue. vus unted in mac Irvînei..Adamis. Milwaukee...M loti 10 relatives and frends. race Wýednesda' eveniug ai eigbb ,lartha Hopi). samo .............. 201s bled in New York. 'clockî ai the bonie of thebi-rides par- lced NIb Callaiin. Kenosaa...17 .vIc. McKay vas a retired banker '.jt, tu, .îgot L.arsoo of (hicugo, 1ev. Therosa Golofi, 'Milwaukee .....2 vho lived ai the Blaclistone Hotel,. \\'.thidester îresiting. The couple Cl-ste 17. Foi-, Milwauke....... g'-q Chicago. Ho dled ln Nov Yodk Nov, acre attended bis Iiss tlancb liamon ldua Schultz. same ........ -.....21l 10 uithIe age of 62. 'if Chicago and .1.W. Knorc o! Hunt- ae .Mlake .2 TUe ilîl is daied Feb. 7, 1907, sud cI. 'Il on. The last is a lroiber o! the tnesT iiueiilsaee. 1 attacbed 1Io Is a codcil dated FeU. ,l, aid lhev iîad ii otseeneactiob- Norma I. L. cher,,sanie . 21 ,1914, vbbcb lrovîdes that ail per-c i îh er l id b rl Walter L. Killian. Milwvaukee ...271 sonal effocîs. ieaelry, turnture aud 'tee for lie sole purpose ut betîg lice- L.iile Iiriilei Green tBay ...21 l the like and the property eb 25 Wa- cni t aIli! sisters weddlng. )irs. liermn Kliîsmatî, Milwaukee ..... 2'2l busb aven ebal.go 10 tbe vbdov. 1(tharlIes IVoke oft LaGrange svho bc- lira. Madellne R. 'vcKay. ýfore Uer niarriage vas Miss Fatînie \lartba ilooshi, same.......... ..I The codicil aiso trovidea Ibat Fred- bariner,layed NIecIîlssohn*'s 'cd 'Xfred Hould, Chicago ....... 1_ erick T. Hoyt shall receive a s501 diot( murcb. l'ell Curtis, sanie................ 471 equal 10 tbree imes the yearly sal- Thtebride aore a guwn of pale blue ioetPlacRate.... ary vhlrb be le bu receipt of tront me0 cbartieuse îrimmed vitb ornientai Rbr ilsU aIe.....1 ai the ime o!fniy death- and that Ro- lace Sie carried a bouquet o! wbbte Fmama Ilergel, aime............... 33 bert \tcKay o! Pittsburg shahl recebve roses. SUe vas gisen assav ly hec Ot1o Sarsella, WNaubegan......... .22 $111.0100. tather. The brides mid vore a govu Eli Sutberland, sanie.... ...... 221 Others of lhe BeQests. lo! pale piu'ý satin lrlmmed vitb silleIA iksemn.Wuea .2 Other bequesîs made are as Yoliovs:sbadov lace.Ai sem n Wuga....2 « To a brother. lames P. McKay. I The aedding sas atletîded hy 80v lors Il. .Jacb, sanie........ ...... 19 $1 0,00; (u EleW. SIcKay. vldov of 1 e tive people uAd proved t0us, 000 l INIbi iammau. lMilwaukee ....21 e brotbes. John A. McKay, $25,000.,lofthIeîretiest o!fte year. The bouse Floreuce Kleter, sanie............. 22l 1sad 10 Irma, Ler daugbter, $10000; tu va prettily decorabed bu pairne. au- Franklin Torres, Tampa, Fiorida . .273 eaob o! the eblîdren o! an oncle, An- tmmm i eaves. floyers ,and terne. A gos McKay, $25.000; 10 a cousin. Hel- weddîug supper wa s scred. C'laca (ulkoske, %Ilwvau.iee....21 eu E. Ferguson, $25.000: tu three otb- NflBe Anna Scbumers caught the Glbert Oison. Waterford, Wbs.... .213 r couins-George A. Amour. Allison briides bouquet sud accordiug 10 alitazel Nelson, same............. 23 1V. Armour sud Mary G. Wbleouso-- traditions sbooid ho the OOxt tu ho Paul Sebîsmacher, Y%ýukegan ...22 $50.000 each; te Madeile Robinson, wedded. Mr. Larsen ba employed bu Clara L.ciner, sanie............. 20 Hotel St. Andrev. Nov York City, Chicago but the couple bave ual de- $100.000; 1u Burton Jchnson o! Mil- cided as yet wbere tbey vill reside. Water Corne]], Mlwaukee . 25 waickee. $100,000; to Thomas Niorford Ssrvelia-Buthorlànd Affair. Frances Rieblky, sarne...... ..... 22 of Buffalo, $25.000, sud ta Samuel B. Miss Ethel Sutherland, daugter o!f Algot Il. Larson. Chicago......... 21 H lathaway ut St. Louis. $10,000. Cotractor sud lMre. John A. Suther-FoecM.Wihaugn...1 l and o! 123 Rldglaud avenue, sud o-îFlrne0i rst.Wuean..1 *15ek.ndWhtsNetCo tu-. 0 arvella wore unlted lu marreg Auguet H. Kuender, Keuceha ..i StriMtly speakins netior black nort Wednesday evenlng at five oclack. Mary Kalitcb. saute............. 28 witeaaticoalort hieen rarycul-Rev. Ganster of Chrst church officiat-t. loratio Il. Niece. bincaln, NeU ..234 whie i a olo. hlt beug cilng. Tbey vere attended by MisesMlrdied ivuk . 1 Bossie Spoor sud Dvlght torrov. The' ors, andi black beiug su absorption of vedding vas a very quiet one. the Henry Firkiios, Milwaukee ....26 &JI. Bodies that reflect al lie raye o! roupie and their attendantasismpby EdiIh Zerreuner, sanie............5 th un are cailed white; thoBe thet gobng tu the Cbrst cburcc rectury Richard Rtobert$, Mlwaukee...46 rflioct snie raya sud absorb othes-swbere tbe ceremony vas perfornied.LuuE -----2 are called red. bine, green, etc.;thanse Tbey iett bmredately attervard on u ndtoBm........3 -that absarb ail the rays sud reflect Iheir wedding trip andi relurning viii Enîi C. t-rz, Cleveland, 0......26 mone are called black. eside on Nortb Sheridan rond. ! May M. Roesler, Juneau, Wis ...22 M. Sarvella boldo a position lu the 1Ch-aries J. Simmone, Evanston ...39 office o!fte J. W. Barwoîl plant. TUe Winitred E. Adamis, sanie.......... 30 Hall Kilis Seagulse. bride up 10 ashort tume go vben she cesignod, beld a poition as as- Iu a thuuderatorm at Teeomonlh, sîstani bbrarian et tie publie Illrary. Waukegau, Nosv. 30 England, lb la recordeti, so mruch ball Outerman-Jack Wedding. Thomîîas Coyne, aged ietveeu 73 * o stcillaro sx. elilia li IMise Merle Jack, daughter o! M r. sud %(t 3viars nid. died at is home on vas strevu vlth the dead bodies a! and Mrs. James B. Jack o! 208 Chapol gulsa and other ses bîrds. On blree- street, sud Alvin Osterman. sou o!fi boy sienne Sunday niomnbng sicrtly nquartera o! a mle of shore, 300 dead Mr. and Mrs, Louis Osterman o! Beach after a oclocb atter a iligering lbness. igulla wr. couuted, ail kllbed by the Road, vere uni ted fnui parriage Thurs- l1ie had been ceident cf Waukegan for ball. day atternoon ai foyir o'ciocl at lie bthe last 22 yusadhll-e et borne o! the brid% parents, Re.ivaea hd00ars- George Dufi y presldlng. Tiey vere O! Labo county over 60 yeare. Ho * atlended Uy Miss Maud aruant aud vas bornilu lreland, but came ta tuis Il Cromwell bad mo royal hicod ID fa is Russell Jack. About forty-tive people country iu early youth. -vein. The cantenton that sncb vas vere present. A weddlog supper vri Funeral 8-30 a. ni. Tnesday moroing lb. case failesi vhen put to' lb. test. served. Tbe bouse vas preîtily de- The Old Protector heolned ta *,h corated In cirysanthemunis and terne. e t the Itouse sud 9 o'clock atthIe !la kuova slb.h "Gentry.- Hiseuhnl The bride sud brides niaid aci church o! the immaculate Concepition. raul lay in bis genu n d u vqr ere gnwned ln wvifte ýrerie de Meeor Burbalinb SI. llarys cenietery. ahi vii-pver H. ~hlod' as uttrlmnied vltb ciifrft 4-ad lace. The b e le aves the tolloving children: abl wWpowr. ie blod" u jitbride carrled white Uses sud- liej 'plain Nnglish blood, and cauld luan» brides maid carrled Ignk roses. ',ira. A. H. Asiley. o! Hopkins. Mmmn.. wsy Im ta baye e rept threugh Atter thse receptionan sd votding John, Mlartin, Mre. Elizabeth Van AI- -solndres s veu- ince lb.efiood2 super the couple laft on à vedding situe, lira. Ellen Gaiîavsy, Mns. An1 trp. Tbey vili visit Mr. Osterman'e nie Green sud George, aIl o! Wau'io- old home in Kentucky sud Mra. Os- Indapandoul sde-read by 25,000. termane, former home iu Ohio. 1 gan. oemer 24, 14- ochcbKo. sinski and vIte to Katarzyna Szweda. lots 2 and 3, block 9, Wasbburn Parla, North Chicago. W. D. $10. C. W. Taylor and vite ta J. Ernest Brook, tract o! land ln sections 11, 13 and 14, Est Anîiocb tovnsbip. Q. C. $1. Jobn Griffiuth and vite to W. H. Jack- ett, lot 5, Rose Terrace subdivision, Lake Forest. W. D. $10. v ile townsbip. Q. C. $500. Pbilip Rockenhacli 10 0. G. llet- E. J. 1>uffman and vite 10 T. G. Huif. man, l36 acres ln section 22, Liberty- mtin, lit acres ln sections 35 aud 36. Vernon township XW. 1)$4950, N,)%. *22. 191-. Edwin J. Gray, bah ln 1. L . Lovell, loi 13, block 52. ln City of lligbland Park. W. D. $10. (tsaq. NW Russell and wite 10 G. .. tiorrance snd .P. WhItmer.216, arres in sections 2. 9 and 30, Newport township. W. D. $1.1 %%Vni Il. M.urîîhy, Tr. to W. P. Simp- "on, lots 19 andl211, tîlock 18. 1n a suh._ division lu section 5, L.îberly' ill'x township. lieed. $250. B. N. Parmentor and vite to Mid- ýil,>on Sii, lot 1, lr FP.N. 'iatts inl'it0ol1 Cily of like Forest. c.C. $¶5. C2orize K StockIng et a] extra. 10 Earl ilarron, .7, acres in S. E. qrý section 27, ln Avon township. Deod. $¶:3096.,2. G-oý E. S3tocking et aI, extre 10 Win Il. Pester. 4o acres tr S. F. 1-1 inection ?fi, in Avon townsbip. Deed, $5000. Nov. 27, 191 4-S. C. 1.itwiler andi wile t0 Pen Cossotan. tract o! band iln P. FE 1-4 section 21.,.4von townsbip. Q. C. $1. Sarah A.. Meade and husband et al to J. C. Jurgenson, lot 13, Tweeds eub- division ut Fox Lale. W. D. $450. F. M. Lindsiey and vite to B. F. l4oyl, 40 acres ln N. E. 1-4 Section 14, Waucunda township. W. D. $10. W. 17. Toîl and vite 10 W. C. Par- ker. part bots 51. 52 and 53. Carres ad- dition, Wauconda. W. D. $1. Thos. Eamnshav and vift 10Reuho Lloyd. N. W. 1-2 lot 3, block 1, 1High landl Par'e. W. D. $21()Ù Noveniher 2i, 1914.-F. WV. Corniel and vite bo John Griffith, lots 5, 6,7 and 8, block 45, Lake Bluff. W. D. $200Û. Jchn Griffith sud vite ta F. W.1 Cor- nilsh, lob 9, block 47. Lake Bluff. W. 1). $10. Mary Mi. Shav and bosband ta Pizen Banda oncertbu5. club, lot 341, Shaw'$ third subdivbsion on Fox lAbo. W. D. $10. J. L. Lyon sud vi!e et ab 10 H. S. Ibusîbu, lot 50, Shaves subdivision on Fox Lake. Q. C. $500. Peter -NiGrain aud vite ta Auguste Luedîko, N 38 foot lot 3, bloccb 6, Tif- tsnys Ibird addition Waukegaii. W. B R. P. Davidenan sd vife et ail1 Adelside Davidson. lot 2, (ex W 80 ?t.) block 65, Highlad aPr'e. Q. C. $1. John Griffith and vite ta Peter Moyers, lot 32. Rose Terrace subdbvi- sion, bake Forest. W. D. $600. John Griffith sud vite la Edwin Bur- ges, lot 31, Washington Circle subdi- vision, Lake Forest. W. D. $10. John Griffith sud vifeto t John Daw- ie, lot 32, Washingtoni Circbe subdivi- sion, bale Florest. W. D. $10. flJRI(IY *,agta Furnlahed by 1 LAKE COUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. IS ITIRIflflT ED IU Abstracts of Title. Tilles Quaranteed. Masonic Temple Bidg, Waulcogan. BY A FIRE ON -ROOF ov. 21, 1914.-Mary E. Goe et al taL R ungkans sud wife, E. 1-2 Home of Hiram Ferry in Ben. block 7 (ex lots 1 ta 15), Chicago ton Township Catches Fire Hghlands. Wl. D. $600. " From Chimney. John Przegrocki and vite to Joe Harchut, lot 13, block 14, Dreyerà sub. The Tban'ksgivlng dinners of the division, North Chicago. w. D. $266. familles living near Superviser Hiram N. A. Greeniaw and vift l a 0o . Ferry's bore n e oton township vas 8. Kerr, part W 1-2 N. W. 1-4 section suddenly f terrupted and tbe dinner 34, E Antochtonship. Q. C. $1. guets Of the entire neighborbood G. S. err to H. C. and Ruth Kerr, turued Imtofire-igliters Instead of tur. atW12N .14scin14 key-eaters. PanrotWnlN. W.$2000., The. honora for eaftng miglit bave A i'och twnsh iWfoD.îNo2eM W gone to Cbarbea Bartow o! Wauke- UnP. N . C&g adW10 fI. Nel1-2W gan and John Burgesof Beuton but nn18, r* 1Blfi. W 30. N .2. they aiso added tbe bonor of lire.=o- LaeBuf W .150 figlters ta their boIt sud turned out Johin Grifffth and vifeta0Chrls Lai- ta ho rosI firemen. son, lot 49, Rose Terrace subdivision, .At tbe Ferry home. vbicb lies lest I*Lke Focrest. W. D. $W0. a short distance south o f Mr. Ferry'& E. A. Cummbng. and vi fe ta F. A. tarm, occupled by W. C. Wedge. At the Ferry home tvenly relatives had Peskator, lots 1 and 2, black 6, Lenox gatbered' for dinuer; 'st the Burgess subdivision. North Cbica.go. W. D. home acroos froin the Wedge home, $250. relative. badil uat mt down ta partako November 23, 1914.-J. P. Dawson of turkey, etc. ta Emma R. Moore, 411 acres lu sec- About tbe came time that Mr. Bur- tions 31 and 32, Newport towuship, gess sav the smufweleseuiug (rom the and lu section 6, Warren townsbip. Wedge bouse, the guestse t the Ferry Q. C. $10. borne ta the soutb saw tbe emok.e and C. D .Smhb and vife ta Mande M. aIl made a ruel4 for tbe farm ta the Colline, lot 5, block 44, Higbland aPrk. norîli. IMr. Bafrstow leadiog tbe w5>y. W. D. $730. Mr. Burgess bad proceeded hlm 9 Est of P. Hobenadel (decd) ta P. sbort distance. HVuad.tato adbscin It sa bappeus that a large valer 12,Vnsud 6 tacnt owabipn seedio. tank le alwaye kopt fillled bIbe alitie 82.5d3,Ao twnhp e o! the bOuse toâÏsupply tbe bouse vitb Louis Hlostmeyer sud vite et aI 10 water. By tbe time the mon reacbod Betty Hotmoyor, lot 32. subdivision of tbere tUe roct vas burniog bard. Mr. block 10, Graysla'ie. Deede $2. Biarstow and Mr. Burgess rueb ed mI csC. .Alsbuler and vite ta lIse B. tbe attic. tbe Perrys followod and It Alebuler, part lot 12. Scbooi Tris- did net take long for tbe former ta tees subdivision of eection 16, Wauke- get on tbe rof and others began gan. W. D. $1. passing palls of vater up la hlm C. L.. Hand and vte 10 J. N. Walt tbrougbi the opening of tbe roof. In and vite. lot 12, Firet Addition ta ibis way by qutck and determined Washington Park, Wankegau. W. D. work, tbe ire vas soon extinguisbed, $1 700. tbe damage entailed being about $100 A. 8 Benson sud vite ta L. A. lb is believed that the ire started Dro-ck e i o .blc ,Pwl' froma sark roma cimno inan-subiivsion on Druco Lake and land other portion of the bouse. adi. W. D. $2000. Mr. Wedge vas out In the field aI P. L. Starnes and vite te J. G. Haz- tbe tie the tire broke oui. His vite sard. part lots 4, 5 and 6, Powell sund rang tbe dinner bell furiouely but so Hutcblne, subdivision. Waukegan. W and Mr. Wedge knew notbfng o! the Est of P. Hoenadel Jr. (decd) to Oire until he bappened ta lok tovard John Mason, E 80 acres S. E. 1-4 sec- the bouse snd sav lMr. Bairtow ontio3.vntoulp W.D$80 ______________tiein roc. AnonieownsciptW.ves$7g00g cbants' assoclatbo. cord the îîaseiug o! many o!fIthes- Ho says sncb an grganizalion evon- 1blons la Waukegan le the consensus tually cUoses the "dead beats' tram ' ar opinion bu the Ciy. The bellot la a commnoty; ln bUe case a! "poor founded au the tact that rnany o! tbe psy" il tends evenlually ta btter bbs saloons are known ta ho payiog @malt standing. dividende 10 theîr ovuers, white nomie Thbe plan le ta bave a permanent are really operatbng ai a boss, consid- secretary elected later whose dotY erbng the higit cosI o! tUe lîceno, viii ho among otier things: vbicb vas recentiy set at $1,000 a To look atter bbe nov arrivais ln yoar. tbe cily sud gel their responsibihity lni Several a! tUe saloon ovuere a! the credit linos; ta note ilepartures tron itcly base admited 0151uless bus- the city o! residents: ta keep a came- luesa condibions pick up or unles fuily compllod card-Indet systeni on somo unforseon circunistances arise which eacb person seebing credît le 1 Ibat tbey vili go ont of busineos lu tbe rated as to vbethor tbey are gaod pay,1 spring. That lie experiment Inulged slow psy. dead-beats, etc. 'lu by rnany o! the saloon leopere Mf This data lsa10 o f ept on hand for mabtaiuiug Ibeir business ulider lie the benofit cf mewberis seo. by assI- iigb itcense lias pcoved a losiog one, lng tUe seretary, eau gel Inormiatbon la stated. as la oy wIudividtlals have tabou came The general business depression le o! bis generaily ln Ibis sud other aloo blamed, as delerring farce la the cbtios, In cîber vords, lUe applicaul suceese otfniany ofthne ostablisi- cao find outIfb!lbe leaniaking a mlstakie ment.. iTbon Ibisa stateti that the dry by exbond ing credît. Inquirles are ail sentimentlin Waukegan bas incceased 110 be made (rom the secrebary vioso greatly ln tbe past yoar. Many cîti- [Information also la coilected and vol- tons vbo vore vont lu days cf old unteered by varions ierchanle vbo 10 stad vlthbhie foot cn the rallIng tomn lu such data over to himn. One sud a floiv.g mug lu bis baud have in marchant beli another-bmaugh lie bale years listened 10 the leaebings o! eecretary. but. no marchant pereQuslly tbe drys that suci a practice la bar- confers vith another about a persou's fol la nol only bils constitution but 10 Iredît. Inquiries of cne merchaul 10 their regards toc hlm, as. vol, the secretary are nat divulged toana- Il le prophosled Ibat liot bonss han other merchant. In other yards, lte bon saloons. viliipase into obliviou ou secretary le lie central unit about May rirat, noît. Bomne observera are vbich ail members vilI vork sud gel evon proue in assert tiat there vili dosired fadta asetst theni ln baud- hoe mauy more. ing credil socounns. SIIi as the trade talls off lu lie sa- On the face o! Il, the association. i' blons day hy day, the brevery agonts It ls properby lauucbed sud maîntan- declare that Ibeir business la roally ed, vilI vork vouders among nier- lncroaslng, Wagon deliverles Increase chaule because itvii prevont dead- vîi tUeh deccease o! the saloon trade. Chic dentl vhS. hlm vont supp griol he ci tbat «Aî tRiffl t0 et iNÇ hand lm are short Whou churc Pathi la sit ua liW OF bombaworklnt and iil ena4be tRam THE M M Oiru e 10 o eable 10 decline rakis and 1110* aar4auJW5jAay imat. advertlslng. WAIIIIAIILAU CII The eecretary vilI lbe paid a sub-_ IWÀUI QM LÀ NCH etantial salary no b. can give ail of l5J is turne ta tbe dubles or tbe oilice. PROTECTIVE S SN The dues viieboflied by the dirue- tors at a later meeting sud villIlke1- Movemnent Oesigned to Enable ly hoe on the slbdfng scale plan, the amaller merchant paylng boas than tb. Mercant to eepTab on larger, poussbly based on the number Credit Seekers. of employes maiutained ln lbe store. Mr. Dewond tugg*sted thal meat- The Waukogan Rotail Mrchants' lnge ho beld once maCh month, vftb Association, a branch of tbe Illinisl occasbonal meetings and ban4nats for State Rtail Merchants' association membersansd vives. Me Pr=p- vas aunehed at meeting Tueudar ied10ekep c0os« tab on lb. progterna evenbng la the Waukegan couneil made ber.e hy the nev organisation rmins, th. temporary offIcers eiected vhich viii secure a Charter from the being s follows: state association and get aIl the as- Preni4ont-W. 0. MeKluney. siotance that body coin rendalr l. Trie Secretry--C. H. Burnoît. local branch yull pay one dollar a yaar Batrd o! dlirectO«: L. J, Yeoiuasi T. per, capita 10et.estatte association H. Durit, U~ W. Lewis, AI Carney, W. for iltese adrantagea. 1. Lyon. That a substantiel and permanent organisation la fairly started vas prov- FRNI)LY WREST- ed to ibe satisfaction of the. (orty or more merchants who alteuded the int- LN O T IN tial meeting sud tbereby endorsodl thea If B T E E movement.IN A F Y ganîzation vas further evidenced ft ____ the remark of C. F. Dewend, socretary As the ontcome of a triendly vreat- o! the Ibîfuols state association wben ling match whicb 100k place lent fl- lie salli, 0f the eigbty merchants Of day morniug at 1440 South Sheridan your 11510 lu Wau'egan wbom 1 vislted. rond Jmat acros. lbe .%Wukegau bovun- ouly one deciined ta attend the meet- dary lino Jacob Beze's, 26 Years old Iog but bu admitted lhe vouid corne recelved tva lnlfe vonde, one aver Into tbhe organization inter. EverY 1 the boart and the other lu the arm. ne called upon said bie feit the need and Prank Skrbec. aged 27 bas been o! such an organization bore. This arrested' charged wltb commtting the le mot unlîsual 10 gel sucb a unani- crime. imous expression (rom nierchants. Accordiog 10 Bezeb ie hanad a party L. W. Levis called tUe meeting fil of mon vere ln front of a bouse on order snd W. 0. McbtnneY vase eet- South Sheridan rond on Frlday morn- ed ieniporary president and aseumed lng vben the question o! wrestling the cbairmaosbip of the meeting Il .i!vas hruugbt nut. Skrbec va. lu the Yagervas narinated but vitbdrew f0 party. le and Bezek badl been good Nir' NicKinnoy's tavor. AI Carns-y. friends up ta Itir ima. The two o! uomninate.d vitb SMr. Burnett for fera- thera began to scuffie about snd acon porary secretary. witbdirew lunbis a- tbey were engaged fn a wrestliog bout vor. to test Ibeir provees. Telle of Plas. Bezal proved 10 ho the stronger Mcr Dewend explaloed tbe PurPose, and tbe more clever of the ivo. lia of organizing tbe Waukegan mer- succeeded fn piuning the shouldere of cbante as a part o! the state associa, bis opponeut to tire grouud. This vic- tion. Surnmarlzing. be said some of tory vas greeted viti asheout o! ap- tbe essentiel advantages o! hlonglPg provai by the mon gatbered about and to sucli an organization' lncludad: tbere vas mucb gond oatured raiiiery Co-operatIve huyiug. al the expeuse o! Skrbek. Shorier bours o! labor. Tbe latter. according to tlezek. Profitable systernatie delivery. ,sîîraug to bis feet. maddened almosl A record o! new arrivais sud their to a point o! frenzy. Wbipplug out a ratings. 1boîte lbe ruabed ai Leze'i snd tlunged TUe recordiog o! removals and quick the koife bno bis client. Tbe oext action tor a settienoont ln case of ne- hlow caused a wouud lu the victimes cessity. arm. Th, abiolisbing of indiscriminate ad- Tire others presentIinterferred hy N ertiiing. ii ie aud Skrbec vas dravu avaY. Localiilrovaineots. ;lIeu-k laid the affair botoro the police To facilitaIs, commercial and social aid fie Police sarc eedbu aring inlercourse belvoori merchauts si-kbec unîler arrei ibis rooniiiic Il., The p rotection of our lterrsîs wa,, given a beariug betore P~olice -tgnst adverse legislation. the use O! llagîsîrate Taylor aud adioltir-il ha;. th1e Inftuence vo bave ln se uring fa* n-,.,1,Wdithe toItson Itezet voralile legislation. îî s as loiud os .-r bIo11w ranid Success Depends on Merchanta jur t ra i targc i- utauult a ils a Mcr. Dewcnd satd as a fore- "ruing -ai s, %siiii Inteot to kill. ' our ,î-.oclaiobuu sutlie no greater IIlt-i id ai r, ibos d a ,il tIa. ah o! lour ier banîs makes, ;.' Hoeîrged ie neeessilY o! get tixig aIl merchants loto il if il is fi)U b,111111 LICENSE IS aosucces.sgli,)wing tIbtit i îlli c iii Imndd l i sr p and usf SW~AN S0Nfii 0f SEVz iout. relilo ERAL SALOXONISTS Ho said thal sach au associat ion. i _____ alilih wilAlo oluttîr fie raling e , Many of the Local Saloons Will Pvryresidelît wo sskerelit in the ely ilv.vlI 001 l bell, tbe merchantsi Pass With Coming of Li- dlcoctly btlilt vîli opmilite îeoipîe i cenSe Reniewal Day. hionesi lIe ciled Instances wbere in Tlît with the comning o! the flrst o! obcer cille ibis bas bei-n tire resiti. i Nlay snd fble reval o! saloon licen- à - 1 ýrea- M