LAK.E *COIJN-TY INDEPENDENT WAUKEOAN WFF3KLY SUN -OL XXIII.-NO. 11. PART TWO. -IB ERTYVILLE. ILL.. FR[DAY. J)ECEMBER 4,1914. FOUR PAGE 81.50 PER YEAR I>AiU ; ILUWS AT ALTAR IN SUNDAY AFFIR9 SAYS A PRINCIPAL Louis Lah Tells Story of Sen- sationai Incidents in Mother of God Church Sunday at Chld's Christening. ~PRIEST HIT ME, THEN SGUGHT REFUGE BEHIND 1 CHANCEL AT THE ALTAR.' Lah Doclares Prlest Visited His Home and Apologized to His Wife WIth Request That She Strike Hlm in Revenge. 'W'ukegau, Dec. 2. Lltis-ah sud bis wife. 1416 Wads- worth avenue were the couple wbo. on Bundai' afternoon were struck ful lu * the. face hy lather Joseph Stukiel, PriMa of the Moîbar of God churci, on Teutb sireet, accordlng t10 [ah aho tcday gave det.slis of the sensatlonal occurrence, vhlcb, li seelus. happeneâ rigbt ID front of the sitar of the oburch rather than lu the home. Sensatlonai featurea of the affar am Nveced bi- Lab Include: FiAST-A visil te the Lah home TUseday aftsrn.on hi' Palier Stukai Wheo Ioglzad te f4,,. ULand aaksd bar t. rtaliate for hlm biow hi' *11k. th@ hlm full In the face or aima have ber huaband do no. SE[COND-Refusai of Mm aLh or h« husind to sccept lhe ipologi' but aseumne ths datarmined stand tuat thlic demand full recoursa of the avew THiORD-Ravaiitlon thât prisant1usd Orlevanca agaînat Lih who printsd In SlaVoIC papais of Chicago for whom ho la s correspondant and In which ha ased th. priest of dermsnding $3 ffr chriftsnint s baba. F OURTU-S$ttment of Lah It. «Iller priOt hid @truckt hlm and hie W«14, ha ian back bahind the chancel rAil et theAfatir And Li raftsd 1 , m tethe laster hi'foiiowing 1h. primt thare te retaiaeeforthe sltick. ordered ail memboe Of the cirislaning parti' out of the eh" itand the baby Iherefore was OM htchrlatened and la net as yet. Lii Telle itou)'. 1.«b vas Itervleved hy the Sun to. day md revealed vhat la perbape, the mMetSensationai tale of Ils 'ind ever keoubted lu the comimuniti'. Hors la [ab's stony: iuieudaLY mY vfe sud i vare asitet iY lins. Tony Vaientlnlnh to annom- PMIy ber ID the rburrh vbere she had &rt1ed wth Fatbvr Stukel tu bave Mec cblld baptizeti. We vent lu sud tige vwOre a numbar of othens there. "Tii. Priat amked ber ber name. 40190d thal of the chilti sud then ast- ed MW. vbat my came vas. (1 rnlght 1 Oiglt bere meution that. orne tme &90e1Ilnserled lu a Siavonie Paper. Chicago, for vbicb 1 amn correahu. dent, tue facl Ibal Palier Stukel. vie, a mem ber of bis ciurcb banisi ui$1 for a ciristealng, tbld ui il VOuli cOaL more. I wrot Iis ut> as & Moi uusu$al tblug tocaune bola suppoeed la do tlis ithvlut extra Mage. Naturally he bat! fel ag- guIeved atisearticle.) "I tbld hlm Viat Mnaume vas sud ho came baci vlth these word.: - Oh. youars lie one vbo put &It tiat stuffin the paper, are you", «And I rePligi: y«. vas liere auy- thlng vwrong about Il. Do you vaut tu cbarge $5. «Wlt t Ial be pulled hack bis iefb baad u mkdme, aud, as thc blov âiied off MY face.,l it tMy vif. ful lm tie face. Rune I. Atan. «Witb liaI Palier Stuitel nusbed beci of lie chancel rail le lia sitar and naturaUly 1 vouid ual foilow hlm lite .tadesecrate lb byflghîing. 1 Icft the churcb aI once vhen hetld me te dlean out sud my vfs folowed sbortly aftervard as did thie others vham tha priet ordered out of tbe churc i aIonce. «I vent awaY huntiug Yeterday afternoon and vblle I vas .avay lter Stlel called ut my bomne.- Aska Fongivenosi. '"He told muni' ie is vas son'y 0eOVW va h bd happeneti sud hold heu ià Substance: I ask your forglvenes SMi Ulve youor your hushandth ie nuiWt ta stnîke me lu the face to mate «P for the blew I gave you. - "» il vt ld hIi mhe did uoLwtah te o hlm sud ha. loft. apparenbli' <CiBIIiul npage four) BLOW ON READ RE- SULTS IN JNSANITY; lJERINfiON WED. Albert Price of Lake Villa Has Been Insane for the Last Several Months. CONDITION GROWS WORSE. Dated From the lime He Re- ceived a Severe Blow on 111e Head Quite- Reççntly. waukegan, Dec. i. (Wednesday Price vas adjudged ln- "ane at, a hearing lu county court.> Severai months ago Albert Price of Lake Villa got Into, a ftght ln th. vi. cnuit' of Loon Lake. At that time he received a severe blow on the bnad that rendered hlm unconaclous. As a resui t of this biov he slaaid to have been reudered Insane. A Petition ask- lng that he be adjudged Insane vas1 filed ln couutY court this nuornIng byI BORDN COMPANY TO MAKE BUTTER UNER A NEW PLAN Big Condensers, Hit by the Tariff, to Buy Surplus MiIk for Butter. NEW PRICESANNOUNCED. Seek to Keep Factories Run- ning Despite Demoralized Market f«r Canned MiIk. Bordena Condensed Milik company made the announcement Tuesday through the superintendents of tbeir caverai factorles, that rommencing to- morrow morning they would engage exteuiveli' ln the manufacture of but- ter. Wth thlm end ln view the etatement vas madIe bto hir patron,,; that al rnIik produced by thom would be re- ceived at the factor'v. Since Novem- ber 1 the company has taken only the John urratton of Lake Villa. tC0ufti arnount coutrac ted for, Tha prie to Judge Persona set thue heariug for ten be paid for Det-ember milk wiii ha o'clock tomorrov morniug and atlbat 11.8r, a hundrpd pounds for the time It viii ha determned whetber amount contractpd for at the com- or not Price hould ha sent te au In- mencement of thp wltor season. Ail ane asyium. Thome vbo kuow of the surplusmmlik lu exceas of contracta case feel l1t1e loubt but thal Ibis -i1i ba pald for et one cent a hundred viii ha doue. above the prires paid by butter manu-j Aller Prie recovared from the ef- facturera b Ibaîir patrons. bamed on fect of the biow vhlcb left a mitic- tha prt'e « butter, lu deterninluz able $car on bis face t as uoticýd Ibiýs Piýka. the nompany wii laire the that his miDd wam affected. At limes average prie of butter for the montb It became s completesbl#ê'c. He b.- and the average amount of butter gan 10 forget scquaintances. At fat lu the miik deilverad hi' aacb fan- timas he hecame morose and ugly. 'mer aud viilpsytem accordîngli' Au time paased hle condition be- 1for the surplus. rame verse sud the fear ls feit that !f' Se oKe acolsGia be1 la slltved bisFlberti'eha mai' he l alowe hi librtyhe ay n jAncording in the superinteudents of lime becomne violent sud inJure Bomne-, the fatortes Bordens company lu- oneP.1 tends teo engage extanalveli' lu the Price vas hroukht ta Waukegau to- mnfcue fbte-o xe hi day snd wam locked up lu the nounti' fattories lu operation sud consume al jeul vbere he viii ha kept until bis of the rnlik matiehi' their patrons. trial. At tbis tirne few facts are The action vas matie necessary. Il la kuovu about the exact uxmanner luni aimeti. ou aecount of the duliless off vhlrh be rereived the lov ou the the market for Amat-an made non- bond. densed milk, due to the fact that the renent raduction tu the tariffen ou. ( ST TESATTORNEY dened mlk as left manufacturera STAT es I Ird of freig mil tomarkt thair pro.- EXP CTSTO iI3 12 duel lu tbim country' ai a price eo 3 i1(ears >4go, Siec. lat 'rhree years ago Tues., Dec. 1, 1911, W. J1. Sîîîith and 0. . Smith pureliased fromi Frank H. Just of Lihertyvilit. The Wauikegan Daitv Sun and the Lake Couîîtv Iîîdepeifd- ent, having but seve raI mnîths previouslvY sold to ..3 Iluingerford of (arriii1, la., the Watukegan Gazette whiehi tliey had owned anîd operated for five years. Threc years ago Dev. 1, 1914, Messrs Smnith asisîîîed a financial respoxisibilit *% whieh would have staggered the average mnrwhlîo ad ti, rely on their owvî resoîlîces forf suecess, for, it is reeaIIed, the sale prive of The Sun and Indlependent ivas,$4O),()OO, then adinitted to be a ver '- good piie for the propert 'v iu tht condition it then xvas in. But, Messrs. Sinitiî liked Waukegan and Lake voîîtit«v, they saw a big future foir Libertvvillc, as w~eIl as as ýVaul- kegan and other parts of Lake countv, and thev m-ere xill- ing to stake their all on the vePnture whielî, Cveiî to thein, seeined ' one of great magnitude.1 Three years hav e îassed and, Iooking haek ovet tiiose1 years, the owners oft tlî<.se two< flmnîr-iisilig ll)iIi.atio)Iis have thîe satisfaction oï ieaiizing that thev have greatl 'v 'mlroved the papers iii their gelierai toule and îîews values; they have improved the l)roperties fromn a nieehanival staîidpoint in man.v îeiqn.ts; they have aided iiî harnion- izing factional feelinigs xxhich existed ini the eoîniîîunit.v at that tiiîue and, theY fei, anîd have freqiîeitl 'v becît told su, that thev hav-e raised the stanîdard (of îîewspapeîdloîi in tht conîmunity. flu puîrchîasing a bîig property of the value of tiitese two papers it xvas natîîîal i lat the iurchasers tint îlot flave ail the iioîiev uccessar *v to swinîg sîîch a deal-so, like other îîi xw'lo swing big deais, the.- liati to Ihoi-ro%%, aiîd , mci- deîa ,g-jvc back a iattel mîortgage on the p1,014-t, Nvhiie lias heen hel(l site tha t titîte hY Mus. F. H-. Just. Now, with threeYvetos jîst haviîîg elapsed (thuee vears is tht lite <of a vhattel ni 'rtgage) it is wvitlî a great dentl of satisfaet i ii that Mni..Stîitittodav cati say: That t daY tiiere nu lonîger exists auv chatte! iîîortgage covering the r<)perty oif the lmke 'oiinty Publishing anîd Printiîîg (onîpany. That, during the thre years xx-e have installed on1e ofj AccordiDg to Sîprintaudauî E. S. as a No. S machin yiiea lnt hti l(N' PWYL no0f lbe Elgin fanIon' sud Super- a o aýie PEOPL INDITED lutendeul C. E. Levis of the Carpen- That a large' job press xvas instalied in the Wauîkegan teraviile factory. surplus rilk viii bc office anti a miediumn sized press ini the Libertyville office. Is Getting the Neoessary-Docu- set andth Ie creani tairan frornIL At1 ment inShae fo Grnd he factories viiere Ibere are flot but- That, oin the day the thue xears is up, the Libertx-ville ment inShae fo Grnd ter mrng plants tue cream viii ha office has hîcninîoved into a finle building erected l)y W. J. Jury Next Monday. shippedte other factories havlug fa- Smith 'or its exclusive use iii Libertvville, one wx idci xviii cillîles for the mantufacture of butter bc a perniaîtent home for the Indcpendeiît. States Atornei' Dadi' experts io se- wher lt vilii h made up, sud sent to That, siilee titi-e years yeaî-s a go, the inevliaicatl, etli- cure about twaive indictments vheu the market. toî'ial and îtffivt forces of the txo plants, at Waîîkcgan the December grand Jury couveuese TaulE *iiemed -ftiraii'. aînd Lihîertyxilt have been hîrougrht îuî tî a stanîdard of next Mondai'. He is preparing the ne- tust vhst demaud thera viii ha for .-~ 1 ba butter ta unkuovu, accoulinin1 efficieney xxhitii xx'tuld be harîl toi ext-cII ii aîy conuîiitinity ceasr>' evideuce wbich vîli ha pre- the supeintandents but thai' Basent whcre conditionîs are similar tî tinîse fotnd in tItis eoîînty. sented hefore that bodi. that lb le evident that the deniand for That, dtîriuig the three ycalrs we have gainied tlîc confi- Uip ta about s veek or tan days &go condensed mliU la limlted sud lbe oUfI- dneo epeinW uea-Lbryvleadoty tuera vas an indication Ibat the numi- riais Of the compani' sche , tls cou- dneo eil nWueaLbryil m utyn ber of casesa teha presented befote dîtion etcluaively ltebereduced ta, Lake county. the grand jury Kttl t erm vouid bc lif. That, during-the three years we have had 110 serions ratier amil. However, <hoing lbe Many farmers vho have bhen lu the crupinwt ypes oprosadflth heub lait vettuere bave beau a number habit of contractlug for mliihave plie n wityh any ers or p he nsiti eethat rthe b of Instancesa vbe umen have heen heen addiug isngely to bheln daîrlea eerl boued aven le tue grand jury snd during 1tue violer mentheansd gsttiug best interests of the county. the"e cames ail viii bave ta be dispos- tie ane price for ail af tueir miii. That reeîîtly we closed a deal for a long-termn lease on ed of. The change viii mate considarable the building occupied by The Daily Sun on satisfactorx' Mr. lady la securng data wlbb re- différence tomorne of these. termns to the mwner and ourselves.y gard w escb rase. He ais Uiat ut> That, duriiig the three years the paid subseription Iist 10 the preseut lime no cases of more D thn rdnay mprtnc hvebenSURREdNDERS TO of The Daily Sun lias inereased over ONE THOUSANI! taed b is intention sud hoe 0100dm and that a proportionate and satisfactory increase was aiso mereiy a routine grist o! indîcîmeuili. ULIFRKIE1NU AT a seciired on the already enormous list of the hIdependent. Sever'Ialiaths, agatuil vhom In- That, NOT ONE MONTH- during the entire THIRTY- dinîmenli vIn be askeîi are cluargeul SHERIDAN MIONDAY SIX MONTHS, has the NET loss of subseribers been as wlth burglary. cmnevIth plain ian- geta h E AN nohrwrs V R O T cean sudmone fer baving beau mled1 geta h E AN iohrwrs V R O T up iD cubblng arapes. Tisse ane cases Lieul. Max Roielareter vas dolng FOR THIRTY-SIiX MONTHS, there lias been a net gain that ail bave came eutIli e course lu bis office ai lte. Hudson avenue of subseribers of The Daily Sunt over its losses. And this of routine police sud justice vont, station, Chicago Monday, vheu ho was done witliout premiums or suîbscription coxtests of the maJOnIbi tY ftlum bavlng bean vas swaienad b>' s bearbi' sclap on, any sort-jîîst the natural growtli of the paper based on commenled upon ln lie pressa e liebi bacit. Be turusi and! recagnizeti lime lie>' ot place. Rudolpb Goudeansuol frienti. Afilerlits news v-alue. A record like this tannot be duplicated Tbe state's attorney sami'. lat upt an excbange ef greetiniga lie lien. by xnany papers in the entire land. nov bo bas no Intention et asitng for tenant vas urpI>nsed vhen Geede aic. AND LAST, that we are able tu say tîxlay that not only ludictrnota lu any casas vilci have ed hlm 10 pub hlm in s celi. heen tapI under caver. He doesnot "l'mi tined of veltg the etrseeb," doem no kind of a mortgage stand against the Lake County expert ta bave soi' cases Oftbits be sad. Publi8hing and Printing Comnpany now, but that flot one chanacter. Geede bati entenel lihe any several Share of stock or any interest wbatever ini the Lake County Yet----oc-----edta o needeto heW ueanDiySu s0wMdb . Circuit Judge C'ýie Eldvard. and hdyear g.ed11'e a ndtte l fh d epenbden oer ThnW .uSmtan b States Attorney Ilapb lady' tin> elmeler radé together Iu a taxlcab te nbd te hnW u.S ihadF .S ih ed home Monda inghltr&ma s intin Fort Shernf. vicre Gocde nmin- -So, taken as a whole, the three years whieh have pasd trip tc lbe souliers Suat of theê Utle. enci. have been most satisfyin' to the ownero of The SVn, whô, Tbey report liaI lie veather w-s oc, att bis tinte, se"ig that ft Je an anniversary of imiportance varn fer god <uck buating. Thp plan of eieniug Aa l Sciléhe te tbe4i, desire to " etl tak her myfri-'n- "and ID lic iigb m@cboof vas prédaaito'"" A man named Oua a uiiu;the Boad of MAcati it télf r b ien-associât« Pfr their assistance, co-operation and dieil suddepl i i'aIfigilauti Pari iun uir meiU' Tnèýosy utb r ?kû gs& èma1 elp, Mdntii6 o tthefr employes'for their',oya1ty day, tiecoseitaIlng ai&WhliqilamIbtl W'C aeiWOia-I* 4g#~4 js ew foronr~po a~etn wsfournI ho lied bfruhoe imprIttuI% --~il'cfleis.Te He «gikbut â ivmnti ,«*&1ýdndsl*nwefpblcto ALL.POULTRY SHW CUPS CAPTURE» BY LAKECOUNTY MEN Proves Fact That Lake County has Better Poultry Than any District in Country. PERFORM AN OPERATION. Valuable Rooster at Shows Got Into a Fight-Had Part of CombAmputated. TME -UP PURCL&S Of A ROAD OU¶WI At Least This le One of the Matters Slated f0 Corne Up Here NextWeek. LONG UNDER DISCUSSION. County Supt. Russell le En- thusiastically in Favor of Buyinga Road Outfit. Waukegan, Dec. 2. One 0f tbe things which wyul un- That ail the prise cupa tendered to doubtedly corne up for discussion suid iners at the poutry exhibton of posibly action at the meeting of the. Laike Cotinty Board of (Supervisot the Illinois Poultry Fanciers' associa- wbich opens next Monday viii be the tion. now ln progress in thus city. havr purchame of a good ronds otit. ubuý beau captured hi' Lake county exhib- matter bas been Up for diOuessou ftore vas stated iuy Supt. Cnapo of the before but the board et one of #s lait show today. In the. sane breath Mr. meetings decIded to put the ftnal de- Crapo declared that the great success cision over to0nmue meeIting bil Wa- of the LAke county men sbowed be- ter. From sources spparently reliable yond ail doubt that [aie couuty la the it la said a decision bas been reaced hading district of the nation for rats- te bring the malter up for ae"ctina Ing tboroughbred poultri'.1 He bastea the present Urne. bis contention on the fact that pro Charles Russeli, county supefinten. babiy the hast arr&Y of pouitri' ever dent of good roads. la entiusiast$aafy on exhibition la beiug showu at the l n favor of the purciase et the pro. locai poultry show. posed outtlt and bai declarl on a The lisI of ibbon winners aiso l1 ume of occasions tuaI b. considers cluded many of the Waukegau po ul- iunri es t e of wiéty cma ec. try raisers. Judge Haie of Chicago. tuethconyoldmk. who Judged the fowis bere la one of A complets .iroad building outilt the beat poultri' authonties ln U te ould cost ln the nsigbbonbood of lountry. He arts in the offIciai capsa-1$4,000 or $5,000 but lis outil wbicii city as judge at the big rniddle west would saver the uteeda or Laka Poultri' exhibitions heid auuuaîîy at Counli' could be puifcbaed for $3j.. the coliseum lu Chicago.1 The hlher pnlced outfits ame useff A sugica oPratin where the roade muet bu put in lu at hepoutr shw h ws emorn ed 'a manner to conforte b igier stand atHi pulri sowtis mrig yaistiuauare reiuired for ordlnary tIr. Brinkama. a manufacturer of acuty.od.M.Rseidcae weil known liue of poullry remedies othrywlb rods.Mb uildi oui oet usd generalli' througoujI the coun- lng S2,50a roce!lbulding utficoli tsu d b s uatuduea tbe accomplisbed lu Lakte Conty adthc local exhibition. The operation vas rsiswudmr hnmi t o performed on a rooster, a Black rte utay.udmr ha ueu o inuorca owned, by William Dalel the omay. htl elt i on~ -f th Mi. th-rosterwas-U-ashould bave two or Ibrees mci outils# oop lth six otner ioosters vuen1 it engaged In s figbt . Thle comb of the fovi vas ueaniy severed. The cdoctor vho la a graduais froni liepsir. (terrnsny, peuftrmed tbe bperalion. The roosten lais nprovluug.1 It vas leanued today by officiaimso the show that a Lihertyville man badf 18 valuable chicitens of tbe Wbite Wyandotte variety cooped Up raadyl for shiprnent 10 the local exhibition. Thai' vare placed lu the cooia over plgbt ready for shipment lu tb. morn. mng. Wben the man vent teolook af. ter the birds ln the rnornlug he dis. covered that ail of them had been stol- on bi' thieves duriug tbe night. Mani' visitors are 'arrivna the show fnom long distances. Mr. sud Mrsi. Pred Shattai of Lovelaud, Col., osme to Ibis citi' yasterday for the sole purpose of attandlng the axbibi- tion. DIES AT FOX LAKtE. Greuter--John Grenier. Mondai' st 1 s. Mi. 94 bis borenneiD xLàke, ho. loved faîber of Margaret Brovn, Ni- chois sud Puant Gueuler. Services and hurli at St. Boniface Pldmi' at 2 p. Mn. Pred Zoehier sud Heuri' Olcottbave tinimaed up bhe wvan etfumugatina the bulings on lie MbCauuih place. Guru... bre, the foot.meuth dtzease vas diacevoesi»sea ue ago. Tie> apsul two daym et tb. test. This Thuradai' marnlng tbey loft for Union, McHenny ceunI' ta fumigabe the bans o! an tnfected place tiere aond ister <bey are golng tu Antioci, Laite County la fumigabe lie fsrrn there vhicb deveioped bis dîsease. Thai' are woriting for tbe federel veteninaries. William Schwartz, 215 Chsnut street. emplayed as a boer agent hi' Samuel Schvatz, Laite (ount>' repue- sentat,îe of the Pabst Brevini' Cern Dani' saym be vas lie victlni o! titres darIog blgiwai'meu Mondai' nigbî 5ai PIxe Pointa. juat veit et Nonth Cit- cago. He Baya ho vas relleved a! $57.60 ln uashsd a watch. Tbe ai- legeil robheny toat place about 7:130 o'cboct. Robent Mutav of Weuitegaispent Wedneaday nlgbt vith ishlm itier, Mrs. Mutaw et Ournes. Si. mSUR continues veli' peoni7felleving the. aIraite vich ai. sustainei l unday luit tu gel the praper resuits but maye that because of the matter of goal Ibis vould be ouit of lhs question. Rsea&44 - hovever, tuaI one outfit là fo IX vase &Mount u of 8 Whep the cmanieïra of thc bea toou up a discussion of! l i atter lait nommert Iere vers eecrai vi conoeded tha l lie outil vul b. au excellent lbiug . 11.7 visbol tu bave more Information' OR i ps#c before they actei. éSince liaI ldm' Mr. Russel has beaut in commuta vlth a nuinher of concerne vuit"bam prepsred tu furnlsb a aqitble outi .- sud limitathat'tirougi lte "pe. tîtion the county could purcase. Uic outil et a veryr reaienabiee ot. PREMONIT IONSH IWASN'TAU4L INI Buuday mornlng vian 114v. . itR Wsterbury. paior of lie Cougrama. thouai cbu urc vsdsveragis sec. mon, ho hid a slron eg siUa soMt of preaculmeul la iaal vwiualaui ai home viti bis vif. viognes huluni ho arrive b.oimil nobed sa ho pMrumr.s. eti during bie service. Alicuoua as bai heen perfecthi' vel viea eI .t for chunci sud vas lien geftlug r.ely ta go ta Sunday aciool, io notai fitb abe did net arrive. "I could sot gel my minI' OUf b« anti seernedti te eel tlit souebw: vas vranig; I gaI Ibrough my @Usmms IVIli ditRluli'" said Mr. Watevbty ilant evening, *'sud,.vies I gaIborne froinchurch, tiers i touimdDr. Toio, bmugb mtteuding ber-ah. bal'lieu strIciten Just ai aie wvas getlm readi' te attend seica.- Tl aeems .tbat fie stroke vwa m8ao9 lbe lins c0f spOlsgy, cauMel lya .101 an the brau. Mr$. Waterburym eoultias 414ot Improve sud laten li li te &Wy u4oy Dr- asi a Po C Ahlsuledt. ecoca". lIon. 811 InsMm »brU"w asotiausl lu an unconidloui eoedtim M&adfer thinti' heurs, aie siovel ona a ef rsgainlng icaue ,AMlmeulera of bsefrS 11il bam ea uldbsite isu lad eide but aise ceuldsot ral'le torese aise lima. At lait Mondai' avecl ahe baua t. qbev aigus f e! auuas oacioumae a nd tovad v muillerci ber 0vu a »Sn a eOÇW* limes ft.r viciaeh@ ~ "4 lab«f slovly but ut>tea slit* hoirtauip aite bal sot *tMete 10 cai-, * m-04trqufre hmtOo que 1 1 1 1