LAKE COUNTY, INDEENEN WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XXIHU.-NO. 12. SIXTEEN PAGES. LIBERTYVIIL-Et LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRIDAY, DE('EMBER Il, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANC.L OEON6 REWED ER W A MOVEMAÀDE TO CAM9PAlIGN OPENED OVER 4000 ATTEND ECESNWYWS AG O"ES MS A EE PIE O ABOLISI! GRAND TO PROTECT MJLK TUE POULTRY SHOW Mdilwaukee, Dec. 4.-- ýiiI mriGREETED TUE NEW PHIONE W À R TAX NUAL CORN SHOW JURIES IN ILLINOIS A anpaign for fie repeai of the D Ù) R I N 6 SESSION du.a> ie adjtan bla ldl i ae to COUNTY OFFICERS Wau'iegaul, December 3 ARE NOW AWARDED huteflaw bas been begun hy di- Pu________ Ito cr' ýr ax Thot the Chicago Telephone con-____ -o, rth-ubi health exhibition, i riiae pany inends to exact the amount ofSo nI asHl nW u Court Recommends Law îaw prohibits citiez from requîring a Times as Great as That of padtftlý reguar $1 t-e, ihii :', fufr Deputy tJnder Sheriff El- distance telephone cali, amounting to kegan This Year fi Said to ti-fl vin Grifinrqtax.j îver 15 cents was the notice given to Hv enaSces Changing System. tuberculin test of catie frotinwhich Previous Shows. cvinx" _______ Wakeganîeavelsuugh aalces ______ thi iksuiîply la received. __________houh dyce "eTheîtarciage licnsetheire î-,ofea luded in statemenfrts of accounts re- CALLS PRESENT PLAN Teiwednestelvso TWO PHEASANTS DEAD. Wiedîîesday and the confit% coliected OTHER DEPUTIES NAMED. ceived by patrons of the Company in MANY PRIZES WERE GIVEN. mIllIon baies to put money Into the__________ A M ST SELSSONE m l $lti waukean heco îtchclas City toîiay AîOTUELS N.Poekets af nhik ahi ppers, whose Influ-Ms. H.$1Ini Carkgntecunvckla ence put fi on the statute book.,-" s.J.. Harnley Makes Clean flot exacted tilleaddiItIonal teui cents No Changes in Office of County There wss sPeculation throîsghout T. A. Simpson Who Directed Urges Statels Aty. to Prepare reads a statement ilued yesterday Sweep-Takes the A, P. A. for ilcenses and there iii riteugenics Clerk-Treasurer McDon- the city whether the telephone com- Show, Is Entitled to Large Law and Ask Legisia- artitre t'ty Club. "Whle we are Sweepstake Medal. las ho bcbng a faee.) ough Qualifies. ttany woulii exact the arnoua of the Share of Credit for lit. _________ IL iliease here la a law which keepe us toit harge or hetAU M<IVECul tur t Pssit senin lmean tony a omatWaukegan, Dec. 'AA EUA11 AOVES Waukegan, Dec. 7. f t airg es or ishther thves ofould Prizes for the second annuai Lake Ib radjuyI rom protectlng ourselves against 0one The nintb annual exhibition of ftle Ii iheilthe uewly elected counonit- ingthe tx. ul no thnselve nI ly County Cocnoshow have been an. 'Ii rn uyo ýk o of orthe terrible forimsof fih" -FO iU7'aisitth ta hwstouthrd> whhilntshed its work this lifter- Illiniois Poultry Fncem'associationtA 11W41 A cecrseflteceîltheir offices In tiecr rbbeIbttelî re Co h e ted. $orne art-be Prixes go te nos eturned aseventesen indiettments TIl]ut cc asOrgdÀt acofer wlt loe iSiis>it bougbldinrg4YVItI a.I ' luiiiig histsrnig iti weerechoenby hecorortio auhtebtccorrpoaroarteien.n ILon o etheen asfres petedfoine beldma n ish.t eat te hbtlntemoasccsflshsee gvn DA E ' UT R îeascd te ind large bouquets of Allier- The measure will afflict Little bard 0 f the blue ritions for their displays. lu n the wrds fr he irt tmeAldrmn 'llisO Nnc accdasthe association. The spilendtd exhi- RATEI N FU URE îcailîeaiîy roses and carnations on sîia nteptoshwvr u fThe distulay fti year was al excetlent in'ys. an Indictinent was returned chalrnan. Among the speakers were bition was cxceiîtionalinb many f_____ terdekau ieif- lt fcae hili brngfie coaetrons oeer thepoe0 ILvryhn osiee h fuolry boery.s rsntdt h - rtthrA...Crsn fteUi e r eat diîiay of rs eultcy was s iere .as fitnfornîaiity about assum- raIls Imb a matter ot cents, instead show Is said b have been a splendid ,Wbile the Indictinents naturali>' are 1 it>' of (bi1cago, Pr. Carl Alaberg, ythe grateoat i. Tmea ter sofnMayvor Bidinger IsAuthorized îng the offices, but ail the officiais o ikl a eeooe.Teeaesuccesa. Important, thé jury dld one other chief of the IUnlted States bureau ;; fb>nithelssociation Tu rinalit>' c the displaya was Ilile beat and the at- by Councoil to Act With the uit-ce îsitcd by their frienda wito con- na arrangements lui the phone luoths It Wa"s held in Batter>' C armory thlng which la fac more importantl chemistry; Pîrofpeasor John H. Long o ndancefl nures ere îbcee timon as 9î.~nadbnrd f etl ro i ot and ?ar-reachlng inlits effect tban the as in n>'ofeviou exhiitiones. a. jfo gc-,tuaied thein upon entecing tîpon rit present for the receiving of henne tnltet.Nrthwestern University and Dr. John great asin_____ of the coxnibiioogetneeswand hundredsetpulefoaiprs Th@. grand jury recomm.nded the L. Whlte of the municipal laborator- Il la estifatcd lfiiti vec 4,000 passed aitother four >ears' ot wock. asteprWaa olcinfra hn ft cuey gapethrt hnrd bex.heCpsiîown ieding the sixo SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Cali. That separate boxes wili have or0f gn epie availed thean- ilelhetoftetr n uy;yte eebrethops cc ewding the six00WHOL .SOR CI E lin GriffIn entecedrupounfils duttes to be placer]foc the extra antu ntla and requested State's Ator- D .adyu sevsoth prutyofein to prepare a bill whIcFýhah. huld .sf da>'s. one of the. legiloltoru fron t th dis- t isuraet iiaeildthat o aSt2,0000 f' ai siieciff with-out any specital ,c-e lieiced ho he certain. the finest samples oI grain t-bat Cel trcf li ntodceInSpinfilde YI Y dr ,monecoln fota hefa- iferent Cii.IesAr ak1 gUjInions.He tonk tite oath or office a The rates of teiegraph messages ersdInLkCoty r ict, tollintgra nd jry syflernIn hhEthermoet eods or tire count>' visited Matter and a United Stand weelc ago. There bas iseen speculathon out of the city wilhe Increased to Te T, A. Simpeon, chairmaof the Illhini an havetii cassd jury ceytm i the ponlhry show, lPrida>'. The aisles st BeM d.p otdya w ou lep-mnthwrLi.gnrlco itsmetoaget Ihliola nd hve C... iiic core upNI Awece pst ked tbceughout the entire_____ iuto icitcourt fo rgtria ite cf I C U B L NC S daywitililte efIlidren. wbo found îîoirîed irai deput>' b>'Shecit! Grif __________part of the praise for makIngMeIthea. taoraircitirourt ftricgal nd juy. dwof 1 ~greatIintecest in viewlng the vaclous Waukegan, i>ce t, in. Several reports hadt1hit-bat lhe faIr a succensfit was very appartent Ilnder the present procedure. a Tman N À P N exhibitu, The novelty exhîbits ti-N\ivoc J. F.Bidinger bas tee-i ap- oIapin l1101,W MteheD U TE S SAShtMrSmsncridahavpu laarsegynahaIgbfr icludlng raithita. guina' pigs , pigeons pitdacm te foer afrPostluit the- sitciff declared toda>' of the hurden an is shoulders. He Juie affd then. if deenhed guitty, lm and p heasats proved espe rereenatîesaaothr un titat lit-. son wsili conduct tbe garage hd hrg f h aragmet, h houndit t îhe grand Jury te have flthat iorSims SThe show >"0~ia dy iPll>'11te 11" n o r 1ar(]BfliBER 15 erhadecharge 0ftetne orrangement15 tha bc L eI Wlthlv i l i hwwa xeddo dispia>', etc, and naturaily he ia on. gulit>' enonghi to stand for a trial. If port t o the Supervisors at IOo oercitie the possibilit>' of many (onjunchion with thtrnIf lie aees fit office iexpires, isili be lts icat deputy, A E r r nr crtitied to bis juat share oI t-he credit he la £0 beldi. the> rîtorn as indici l of te îaluahle exhibita belng Iorced Oitte niatier aIfSsekn,, 1,, secu.e 1Tiiece ai be no changes ti itht- list HAVE 1TUE IJ EAS lifor t-be aucces that attended the ai- osent and he îles gt10trial to have' Session nere Touay. to cemai In transit or In bhggage riducîd rates Irom the Nortit Shore tif deltut> sbeciff.The tollowing ce- fair. There wr ay -h e 'mecond jury decide whethe.r from ri coonî vec Sunday.iCas coispany'. Titis action was lattesr mnY wo e aI ecIdne fbath idles, hb1 la ~Two of the pheasants of the groun i an oficial vote of the (ILt> ouncîil atîintnents have been made b>' Sher-oPerated l wth Mr. Simpson, but 1ev, .f lhit carge. ffleorefile grand jury K ________ AED.of eigbr furnahcd b>'the gatsede-«tod>ingb. a1h t.s eao tfGrffn ii ac nsaneth taeVetrerytGrysfiniiseh.aand n th noîlnlng but the sastes ide, that las1lîsciment ot agriculture te the asso- iitttsisicuner Orvis brou,itt' h t.(In i(, tlPOIntee la qualitied: West Gray>' udy eae Slaughter th vdne anttedeedn. Adio .E ima basscomîîieted, citih avedied, to dat-e. one et matrier 0f dîclaring (a e tsle -iftiornet-, Fred Rudolpb aI Highland o ieHr fCti The prizes were awarded sasfol. île~~~ evdthage h dlnat Adtr~birdit wam take oeut of the cage t-d taithe (Gan Company' cas iteenofFn ed fCat. land , ail lbboeaideof ed buls sardit ofailte county treasurer's, dead upon tbe archnal af the displ4y 1t ited io ii aîlar belore the P'ublic i Parti, Homer Cook oI Wauconda. AI Iowa:N evidence lheard, îhe av-erage mn whe books and bis repart was submltted itece, wiîle ose Cas kiiled by the oth- t'tiiitie ommtinîssion and presenli a Berry- of Waukegan. Densin lmberryCON prtheaiants In titeir cage durisg the cheduI. if Il:ier lusets to be used ini if Libertyville and C'harles Thayer ot MOUTHS SORE-HOOFS NOT Growers' Cia-lO Bar Samplea. gea hifore the grand jury lm indlcled it1it- IBoard ot Suitervisars at the nuurbi delermîîuung tfteic roper raie that'uaueanCASi b.-eIw grand j on. whicb muet have bad the session %londay lis report i5i tteslal id nds loi u hre o a mglte Gr (repsli as moved out orftie Plan us tw neturn on Si L. 1-f-A. Huebonh, Area. tac-t Impressed on Ibeir minds a. auuwsis)l3i-ru- bai-e chatnged]bande sînce entîre nrtrtishore frotta Wau'it-gai lu rsra that Instead 0of bavlsg a hait bearlng tuwot-eeahouid he a cash balance the i.egisnisg of fle show. Sales of \\ inneuka a ~wl as Into the western r co)urut> jail building sud Sher-nf Gril- Next and Hold Postmni4nm 2.Harry Flood, Warren. belon- a grand Ju. a man elli ba tur $4794i34 li tht- hands of Carl hbirds ratigitg liprit-e trom $5 10 $40 pator ciiei- uttunt>'. le said (liaite1,0i,,la nuovhng in toda>'. -orge White, Antîoch. justice aboutit go right to trait In one Wetprlleld, tbe ooîgoîng treasurerI ee requent.uifferu-nu niitîtiipalitics whlch art-i NTESRR PIE Over One Animal.4-.SelVrnn of he lJwThe sweepstake medai, presesteui te 5crved wtutu as bave- the f Ioption etFIC. -.Itel Vrnn aI heutuie curs ad hu doax>'This amoant tailles ho t-ctn a penny the exhibîtor otfttheat cooster w ent preu'eiutin1u -i idence at illthibean- i t Cu tt Treasurer rLee Nlcl)tonough jC[.ASS 1, Suh. 2-Wbite Ca- daion blegrand mc>-. TeecommIn i lth tht-repart of \Mr. Westerfield to \îra J.(H.iarnie>' of Zian cttt> if theydisirr Ic uredcharge oethie treasurec'a Or- tt vtrnalsae o ur ht -Ear, Preman. Benton, sil» daton a wthot peceentin a'i Itbe foot-mouth dsease ts really the champion lu Ciae«. ('ount>' or the satae. In tact, It îa wbe Ibis morning announced hie Tht- medal la rresented b>' the Amer- Thet- holis(tif Libertyville and Area. ice vice Carl Westerfiehd and Bruce aliment ln the bord of cattle on the 2-Auguat iladloff, UÀbertyvijie. tne its aciton la b in e witb a be- mnyoe oMr. Mcl)onough as organization and goea te the tent matt-r. altd haie apelnted Attorney'Sees omr> spo'da h ilHtenpaea ryhk.A- 3Lsi anr arn tanwic a rêald fca nn moue>' ulifov.Thr wto erooster onuiapla>' 51 the show. 1 aul fNicaGtii asnjher legal repre- Se-curiiy Savinga batik, la litsa eput>. cordingi>' no siaughter of the fteen 4-4arl Crawford, Newpont. rleforhibcbb a rs ev ae 8 sbeqaile il The roosterfla of tire White Or- sentatit e. The ciies of Highland' Ai tlcsdee. ceunt>' cierk of Lahi-count- "YrBouleforrmanndyears lu LakliCoun-d, head Look Place Monda>' as Vas OS" CLASS 1. Sub. 3Ohrclr u b>' r sonue time ibis atternoon, the onli' ipnton variety. Il was a part et tht-e r n iituek.lesilntended tv previous t3tlsse wo s lOrrneus>orpoteownltb duesudd Tic jurya *sreport insfutfoiows: I preliminar>' being the approvîng oaI sîuendid dispia>' af that type enterait to art on theitinatter Monda>' nht-.b'Ms br. He e'r mdea frils sonn h ttosgt hatt-ea-l-lacbasben usaled u it tea- u rtht hestted man ps-iddbie Lae coliey grndt curt-sof le i t- iresrr on > h- u lnnsweep or ail prîzes given in local icouru iuIitid take some ar trera office tenîitorarîly.fis experi- second visit ta the farmtSaturday lest 2-C. O. RCkeeenbhernonti. Decem ber term , A. 0 . 1914, wo i it-ri. o ra a h arety . the pries r am firsh o [on. 1 tPce In cotnt>' m atters cause d Treas- ad, aller exam in ng t-e cows Cars- - C . H. Cheever , L ertyvIL e respectfuhi>' sublmit the toiiowing filretiuired considerabie aock ho fourth helng capturcd both b>' ber ie aalit tht-ru- tclling wbether ur-r Mct)onougb 10 feet that lhe would fou>' admltted he waan't sure t-bat (LASS 1, Sub, 4. Pop Coruk- repot: . Cs unsainsden The tac mt th d resiowerae for tat rll eais he hefo-muhdiei ,eot e i te carlous accoura ilto shape rotr s es h civmn tt utsn aefrcswh r ais luie able to cender vatuahie asssace Borne Symptoms, 8cm. Net.2WlimHka Wihrp al During cur deiberationa we . -suuulcnieigtetatfli do oee.FrtataitnIHnyRvr akg haveexaine lno 1 caesand art that Ihe andiior couid proceed, tht.-e a--ccother large and splendid thonchi Waukt-uan should Jonuwit- at this timet- ud Mr. Hendee there- 1h devehopa, according hoet-be state -ila HnkW tho f[r herewith return filthe court 17 .wîth the work witbout dela>'. tndec dispiays eoI tht- towls. tie other mrnicitrulit-ps in empînyîn& titre aillci-matitiIn thle treasurers marn, t-bat the Catie bave but partial bon. indictmente as true bis. ritriitar>' condttions the- audihor would InIiegrnpexubied lu' ca a xfeort nak tss ndberedytifriofirtire tîuîiî,orrntl esyptin o IisdseseeT > 3ButEdsraAnloh Wefrhr eotthtw ae f xecett o hsbt nodrliarsie>' -teebirds filat baie talsen 10 testty btfore t iii-Public Utilities bili >'antw u rnngt lt rn h av hwsr auh uo eogre the. 4-Heur>' Rover, Wauliegau -usited the ceuni>' jail and have i hat ftic reprtrîmicîtu luecompruîeuî lutpr7anut iostiilesotesai urao ite gau caistaîtui- rouce gas.ot- irAnlodease hla rion ahd ho make ClansCorn, Singie la,. examuned lis condition and have1Imotn hmasfi tt aroffi a opnt rduegs.H lrd. inquired as 10 lhe reatment of and lsuhimulld rt-ort'liebe WtOolnt oftI-a. Ilil iiiîrîi ~soniiiu, NIinnesota, said tuiai this Ciii l-iflite oni> tns sThe Treasurers Bond. known more than In the mouth. CUASS 2, Soli. 1. Yellow Cern- vrisomers and findt that theit ali s rîtuce fr. Wt--teriieil aaw fithi ts Indianua, Nesaila attn(tuOio.Sînce St-pt-of dcii nding 5-aii a possible naiae Mi«.- \l) luttirugîtuîinnîtieil lit outt1 Wuli Examine Carcau. 1-Ra'mondilbent, Veruon. Cham. kept cdean liat thie aheriti, Elvin ,atrit-sisdont-, lits bookas an-, letlticober 7 cf ibis YPesc bt-r btrds bacc tri rates.,i r1IolaWhcn flte state man ft Saturda>', pion luaso. J. riffin, gives tiche bstof at- î it- ci- i tionittua-tordlui1ng i7pe IiO u aoî>'c 'n ntsOi r iiiiie - t-ili],>rti i - ia^ aTle ut > tu arit-l a ewudrtr att Iarry Flood Warren. tnintth aeothprsn iin-ttbu-ligwoaot theii'Minuunesoutai. Ilti asuuluas ir- uuî-îter or public 1i 'i iI ri nd ileutii-iuur- rtrtSoittura> Dec. T2tband kilte u ent in thie care andlicpri Jrtci0citht- audtor. - uer ciiitandtlilitnois siate tairaut buttes cootes inl;rwtutafors deparh i.î t u ii-it-ts usftr $4OFTb,- ire-Wor a es-hf ssud rnke a- b -aýmC # . - shernlf furnisbues lie necessar> ' lite uniYthtît in abtir te audtori, cludedcri ftite disuila>' Casoneuienht-n ietnIlitibe a, t a acommittee or;t , lbîi .- saliatuIuîce tht- aBornt' utc hntd Tt- mn. f ha e ollisu 4-C.SF. SEddy.WbNewCort. food, lcddung, ciolhing snd medi- hiners stittuchat sith Nfc. West-erfieid toc"ahici rs. liaruile>- wss offert-ilnuie uîil power r tri til taking wbaî-fi ed hu fteps hol LS .Sb .WieCr- cal aud toc tiec pnoners conflned us ouir titeinuîoueuh quetihonof inter- $1.o)u aun it tcok Ii-h irise St the cuir action lue id( r tus advîsabie. -n rlrttf li el-iutleti un taxi-a' show the- silmhtoms aI the feot-mou'b 1-A. G. H-ughes, Anluach. therein. -('itrage ishow in lt i .Tht- ht-n a-os The tayor c u ho a-as herfecîlti.y u i s cui;r îiîas$340t,0ouiat iIbis dlsease, the whole berd wtIl be We turther find that noue oft hie eT1Il utuds .and commnissions on in- ir-I îîri-e bse A bt-n that tooX w a liisg h tri cýuit zlihe did not lfke %, Lr*t utiiitll)lit- abouut fle sanie. slaighlî-reiî ah once, flut.IrIf in lmosane I2 Leslie Banner, Warren. statutes regarding laits are being heiîîrance a. 1h ls tht- opinion oftiret- tirsu frizc autthe- Chicago show in îo conte in ai he ii'rtîinlg off" Place. i unr uI iiie tri lue led bt-fore -r allaent n10 o side Piona- 4 WAgutarrn lo. Wabrre . ioaegofiaswcense- auditritai Mr'utc iitserleld sbouid ti921Con steond ht-rt- A ht-n titlie iLook tile -uuia itat as Commis it-c - i. r'i ucloitgu itasiaitihi' th e nImais wIlbele to- 4-arren2 Wta cominla.udhgi- biebu vOn u muutb h- siecond place ah tht- Chicago abois sint-r Orvss l a l e hn an Individus-i - -glla bbltth nmiswl eletCASL' u.3 We ecomed tat nlýtl.s- hav i(luedthi amuit I te iuîtb of the years of 1912 and 191% stand on tefluc ut lumtter fron the firait ui... t iituttuit bond fillt-d out. wibout milate guard t-be saine as an>' 14 ation he enacbed te rsetai tarniitgs ot the- office white Mr. Wes- won thurd tru/e ah the preseni show. that lhe sboutdt nlit;ft the finish. So THE CLERK'S OFFICE. ht-rd whirb might bt-came lck ia on-: Greweri' Claus. Osîs criminrai charges b>' Information, tetheid aisa>s bau salid he afood Tht- rooster of Ihe grouplitînar us-ukflic as lhe hintu.iui as cancerned lhe 1,1pru îi-u l it. tttItt.e siuîtra-disar> tulmes. t!-.A'SS t, Sui). i. Whlte Oast.- Inst-ead of b>' indictrnent. ta> od iisa ona o slrsi price therse ta ason of tht- i prizi, saud lbe tId tutt1 i tuttI Lufair ta utîmacif 1l t Saine veterînarica who visiter! tht - Ralph Effinger, IUluertyvîlle. Titi- d iisasscutas-ewaui1aig flchsofocfo Cliterkrualgranudhedieae ajurfiet îTheiît ot f ti r r atîs oindofryshown that surit aas tht- lawv.Tht-'nIrotuai the- Ibicagtt show lu 1913 snà Io0 setttht- ro-tssilt>-ot figuit i iui a iîrtitr o 'nhy lt-' rk urdiaentbu thtdses is th ot - W.H rwNwot hi tk hirdclpstnofwiiciî Cas soid thcn for $5001. ng tht-mltier lf lie rates aeT e Lut hu-brrc- 8i bsTeîpîiuudnoulaimtbtotesnsttal -V.l.frwr e r ci> nt utuîtuflit esr-ent grand jury imalter eaIissue la s 1111e lt-s than Other classe-a aihbscorrd iteâvyraisedt. After cuiir le~ rig the muattcr 1i- thiir--i, ultitrurtua foitea- -ft us not. Orsysiake firineraare sox- .1-llenry C ,Aines. Newport« sii ,uttsirt-: $15,000. ;il rutc -iiiow were tîtose otutI. P. Dii- a littie further iuo%%î i-er lue agrecd ho J. BilNuIt-SE bloits to findt oui for certaint>' and tle CL.ASt.:ISuit. 2. Tellow Oaa.- Johtnu Dotîuglas. toremaît. Waukt-gan. I c-r.WiI Lytins, Chart-a Crapo and laie tht- reaponsthtiîtv and do ail in .101N . B LO nahurai hbope fat that It ha se minir 1--0. A. Reihb, t-euton. E. G. A itîtrons. IJentonu H.u]Il lonnol>'. is power ta i-ur-liai tht- rates are aliment rather than the- dreaded cattle 1 E We\!ylit-, Benton. cases wîicîr lave cerne up !rpolice 1 r__________ educed rallier titan beosted. lis MISS IIESS BOWER. fidîsease. CLASS 3. Suit. 3. Black Oas-- Jtalplit traisfond, Newport.acjutc cuttua n i hpint ar ut-a, ita Ile explained IL-, 'tfi-. iiudt-t-reciied minu>'cougnatu- ' Grcwers Clams. Wheat ara justce court bers an n lie asavanDoc.iant-ra Jothnt MeGuire. Anhioclu. c-uriîy ince lie aut îerrn et ceunr <fIL 11 11 i was t-bat (ommissloner Orvis bad -tiiouustoduy.ttfr sofiewaIIeean l. o- .Fderali- CLASS 4, Sub. t. lRed Wlnter WhSt- Mari Pitins.Ant-locb. i- 9re are a nuNeRTo= trijIo-y litsaaofficeJaaaa E. hi re recetube.ofGrantyandbrought t-betaner ho this point and a iniri> tlace.sutaos oa'bndcsso- iWilliam -t-asrd, Bariagîo. E. A Wllon. Lake NVila.T-ie ndicî retucncd îfoîîow' r E T F TIE CT blmnite respessihilit>' (if omet-bing THE OTHER OFFICES. fo n ot ies ntehr I 2W .Bnî-? etn E.I.Nvhe vi.Edward WbIle-burglarv and larc, fr icI he was otlitaine in case Juuice Persans and Count> Superis-ModiHlsencteofCak ar 3AFrmVro. ,oumes Whaleo., Waren. Pe e lal-brgtare.ratessMAIweAV e m o nsued thtreendenutt-t of School Simnpson were bat-h ris. lie bas thlrt>' cattie and 150 White Winter Wieat. ,;li haeu aueV EPte eit-ul'ry he cilles immned htle l>' ndiiuducti-d office foranuther four years uogs whiu luwil be slaughtered. 1CLASCunngh. Warren Ira HoldnIdge, Waokegas. Frank Shrbec--ssault wilh aduHd AVE SMALLPOX get Into Comnmunication wihh officiaisSpngW a*. Fr~iank Graghly. Shields. îy Ceapon. train the other cle m dityan wlio n sca ert-mon>'. Lle-CAS4 u.2 pigWge John Tahioti, Shields. Williamn 1-annsand Frank Turlap. wil les-rn juan aitat co be done about tit,ileuiur otiIciais, tht->' ceceivcd inu>'large îucenuuîuunîî. le wîîî male reparla 1-L. A. Huebacit. A-s,.. 1 S. GrIdît->'. Liberh>'viiie. alias Ttrip-p-assault. Four Homes Develop Disease t-be finater. lie declared t-bah he VIII congratulations. to capitalisîs. nîorhgage brokera and! 2-.tean Ilfinger. UAbertyvIlle. Richard Duddles, Freinant. William Hanna andl Frank Tuniap A ogCidrnadAe exethevery effort ho secure a la-eoewn ferrk ou3soiain otledipsto l -RalhbEffinger, Libertyvllo. A. J. Raymond. Wancenda alias Teniep-aseault. AIi tut utuandAre gagrat.ewne waamdoda> th Inxs uasstosaLentr istaian îî, oroes ha. ai Heur>' GiI>', Cuba, JosephIF. M eredilh--embex'zl"etnt. Under Quarantine. Wr rngas..\iitiepin asmd orate.axssdasiisensadwIlT-GowreCar aly Emil G. Nikohcy, Ris-. Frank Mickier-bunglar>' andl lac- The cierkui and treasurers reparlastaille-s lepburn. tformer deput>' count- ceuve isInformoationu freontht- count>- CLASS 5, Bob, 1. Sli-oed Barey- Charles Gas,. Vernon. cent>. for the monthtatrt- prusenleal andl tuicuasurer, liadit-ntered business foc ru-asnurers office. I .-L. A. Huebit, Aires-. G. H. Gtotter. West DMe-Til-d. Eril Tuirneuu aoncCharles Lîndi- ISTATE OFFICER PRESENT. îlaced on fit-. hiuutî-u-itlbbcliaitapcned t-be Lake Thtis la8tnle lirai. office of lite kinal 2-Milton Eflflugor, Uborty'vile. Robent W. Buckie>', Deerfiehd. roither>' and lmccci>.i Commission-r Dietnueyer decianeal- Ansan C. Mu.ogan, Deefileld. Garabeal Avjean-assault withhlu- . t-bat- Ulica cteet hadlbt-en apened on toulttur Taxpayeca' Information Bu- r-i tr lauichedlistlit-h count>', but Mn,ý 3-Ethel EIffnger. WHITE INDICTEO QUICKLY. tent ho inilich greal bodil>' Injo Dr. Crawford With Supervisor Monda>' and thai Washingtonn treel resu uiih tht- main office located atiulu-phutra stiyuulhe lias stenlat-be necal CLAS . Bb. 2-Tlwo-rowed Barle« Tlhe grand. jury relurued ahorti ' aI- Augush Wienke-bnrgtay ndba Cnrd tttiemnt-Hol- lfrom thIe Dhitlsto Butrick st-nett-Is lîiclanui Park. Ht- wlll deal In real tuf fhfor s long fhnme. H-e says t-bal 11-Area Bebool. Iemont.