Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1914, p. 11

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LACEOUTV INUEPI)ENNT F '!DLEEMER 11, 1914. MENWIIO MONDAY BEGAN TENIOF FOUR VEARS' I<,ENGTH.IC4WTIL I AS LAKE COUNTY OFFICIALS. VICTINMLUiER OR PECULIAR FALL 1.1W A. HENDEE. Couniy Clerk (Ré.Elccted.> TN*ETS TQ SUE DON'T STR OHFI. CORS LEAST BIT T. ARTHUR SIMPSON. SupI. échools (Re.Eocted> t as, thie local authorities. are seem- ong] tierfectlty sate, ln tact, coulti do nolhlng but ssbat, tliv have. It 13 een vatti any such suit woutti bave to ho dItrecteti againsi the state hoard of ircothl rather than the local authori- tes Those Vaccinatcd. One of Men Who Claims He In ail 75C pu-pis bave been vaccin- WiIl Assert Rights Is Said aieti or ba; furonîm,ýet papers ta show to Have None. lhey are,oed ta bc Inimune. Thei wee fftee puilâbestd§s Uic 1. Inbquortion, abisent frorur chool DOES NOT LIVE IN THE CITY. today an'1 iether tOc>'ee wa liecause of thé -vaccination ruie or Meurs. Liohty and ViNer, Op- btYvarra of stekurc-as.was ntotinown ponents Are Ziontes - Dr. -tî-Ila-i bu s, Indtento tl.It lalroo Crawford Issues Orders. týase compîhed i wth the ortiera and anme uf the -S lîket>' wcre away today commîssionor Of Public hcaitb andi bec-aune of cannes other [hon the vac. aafety, Carl Atterber> [iis morniogle inationr roe. reéeivyed Ibis formai notce framn Dr" 1 Crawford. sate huard uf bealt in Ila Ua MA t U I spector wiro la icharge ft thelic amatI113 pax situation in lienton and Wauirc- V S. SOHOOà LSOuguARD? tntownshlis: On accounit of the outbrsak oft Waukcgan. Der. 9 OmalIPOx In Wsukegan township A report prevalled about taten and the boy from the Marcusg laie Ioda>'ta the éftect tiraI par. famiy sttending scheeJ at th enta of children Who have been Wa9uksgan townshilp high achool réf used school priviiegea on aG- during the prevaience of the dis. count of thre smalipoa situation. as. in the Marcus famiiy, Yeu are quotly taking siteps to brlng a aire horeby nothiled to close thé mandarmus action in circuit caurt @Cé11001 or requirs &Il pupils who ,t opltéaho uhrte attend te show recent évidence o! itodertain lth cngs. uhoite succelleful vaccination." ajouert îaa tn at iino PERRY L. PERSON8. County Judge (Re-Elected.) Lakie cliunt-v's fiscali terii ELVIN GRIFFIN. Sheriff (New Official.) Dbcgan ýJon. whcn rîew offi- .'jitlg and rc-eiettcd d fB rnalti'AfTEMIY MADE TO egaliî teir îîew ternis in orvears. Th(leii(.\\-îmen-E WT S9 t<ok hoîd nand the o )1(111 iN) OI3RCE WT SS wh ( weeteilpette îiercly O I E EI kept on goinî as tisial, .-P LI E lLE thev st epp(-te iirPta the bcgin- ning Éuf th(-]teu' teruts. Say They Are Convinced Et 'riffin knows thue fort Was Made to Stop the Popes (i 4îeriff beceause he Prosecutions in a Case. Mi.~ieoîtughaccrd-THE POLICE AUf INSISTEN7 in~~i1v tt. liteucl NFW0 As Result Witnesses Are Mac tfi~ ii th(.dt i f iof- to Testify Aqainst a Man fic( t' iiIat whe hi sîeüed- Charged With Stabbing. Tra"1vi W i 'î*î tttfth.~autîegail, Di.9. flîctîîsî of thte fart the(re The securlng ofthe[hotdlctmer X hU1 lfI*le flew"iiaii who 'tgatnst Frank Shbrc charged wwl v rat intto office, the advcnt baving stabbéd-a countryrnan as th f the nuew\ttrni did not cre- resaIt ot a frlendiy rcti. bout, a ate i-tiali interest or excite- cordlnig to the police was secured iu ment at the court house. der difficuit>' for It appears the pri ____________________________secuting wtnesé anti the others wl are sali ta bave wtnessed the afta M~AN WliOï NEYER ba CîPMC iCM  E J Ithemselves and not prosccute hb Mllai Jtl) 1imirla. IN CO. JAIL HURE 1lors matter 010 flot corne ont unt rT. le enI lth the ac- un- *0o- 'air ind tec. atiI the 'wttesses were e>ubpoenaed te titfy before the grand jîtry. Thon [li ma wbo ad heen stahbed andi Peculiar Long Haired 'Prophet ' res, ,f Sbrbec. decired hh hd in Zion Once Held an In- ' hie r ,,, andhàd Il is fltîccé that the urdrtr was 8cîiorîaskillîtig ,- i ,irt iiicomtîct ttiPstonerveue h anwoatadentm mandatur>' andi Mr.Atterber> at once board [ te tidrait tn1 ui. erîs.r cidetas ief iis xcluet bein turne t [t ver to Principal Knuoeik of cilc te prositie for the Carrh irg on oif WAS LEADING ARCHITET.,cdn n i Im> xetdta thé bigh achool who at once retusedti Ielr educ-atiori wlihout being Inter- admission ta the achool to thirteen rupted b>' tlîe ompuisony dsri sa students. In ther wortis. tIrteen oui rcîooîl tesjuave heen atutiénta wcre sent borne bccauae refus, d te vacetuate. thé>' hidnut complied witt the kn own .Atty.W . FWciss, une of the men ordér ut the stateboard. 0f the thir- tho atdresîeth îe \tocday mectilnc teen two are kruwrr lu bave hati a t sstîihr.tirrasfard oet thte state smalipoi preshuusty andi been vaccin- board vus t resc,n %va,; asku-d about stidiroperi>' but ir was In anoîher it iii a stetlî eîîg coi:t;ei-r!'ien. le oit>' andi the>' have not Yet secured declined t di'-us; [le ictiuation hn- thé necessar>' patiers tn show tbatl ferring tîtat de.olmonts would the>' are conoidecd Immune. T-ey I peak for thc.m; iscs. are now aecking nali papers. Thlus there were Pleven alto bai refused to PIO ES RAGE corapl> wilh h[le ninier prtcfcrring toý RSN R RAG E rreain oul of scltoo' insîcati. .1 otnefrtpaen) Or thec elénen. P>rhnrIpal Knoct-k osnutfruraene knowig of Ove whno are wiliirg tbcm seivés [o satccîrratin'andi desire te re. 1c rs rmade bcarly tnspirln-, tew min- main honscirool but tîreir parants ob- u te.% alits. z ject, àrd. h l'e irs 'cen toîdt tat tbrce Cudrie Saitli at the plana, andi ailiers teed th, saine way about Il Chartes W. SiLutts dwo oporateti the tut thpirtparen, tls léct. xylophbone, snare drumn, Itrusu drumn and cymbats ssîîh rare ability. rontierlng Zion Men OhJect. latent popuiar airs nt lotervilj durln.- Il is ltîtrestiirg te note that the oventrg keIpt tho audience In Mtessrs.i-hîly and i Mller. residenta gîow of bat il gond Ihumer. of Zion cliy art, anong thre moat de- An o>stcn sîtppcr sers cd In a muet termined i olistea tuheevaccina- I appetiztng way and turtirer lhappy i urro andate out flicstaté buard. ul speeches concludeti the evening. tacti tla saiti that 'ir. Licbty la sald i. egt meeting n iI ho hetti at Lib- ta have statptd thatlihé wotld loaitetyle in1.19. on lnding ont wlrat bis riglita are __________Jn._IL _141 _ The faut e irai t ebî>' bas n0rilita ICéfosha wiilbavé reanIm=riaY [ su far as the Wntikgan high schéol i spenti for Chrstmas. Thé Wrt Na- lit concerncd. accordlng tu officiaIs tiorial bank Baturday> announcéti thai liere. lis chi la hero merel>' hé- ohecks totaliag more than $30,00 cause the W'aîikean Étnthoritiea havej woulti le forwarded Thursda>' to more heén willing lu accomoadato lier anti thari a thouanad gersons in Kenosaa baie accepîed lier tuillon tee. But. il wbo bave been mombers of the sas' is now sald Ibat lire tultion wilhe, ings club et the banIkc. F'or a year -ettirnedte lirer if sire doeant care 1n'tire>' bave heen paylrug la weekly suma eomply witir thc board's rultng and frém a few Cents to sererai dollars. thein Lchty> cars senti ber wliero nu Thé amount la b>' tar thé largeat ever suqir a situation prevails anti wbére raid out b>' an>' Christmhas club in tlie vaccination nutsi elat hlcng en- Kenoulia. forceet. Thua. as regards Iwo oftheréWatch Your Stop. strgageémt oppurintelulie raie, thé A pruainént counntry priesl. Weil Waultegan officialIs are Pot mîtoli wor. kiiowri for hie humer, in gpéaking ut a riéd oven tire asserleti "ighte" Ibe- tant accident that bafél une utounr cause thé>' are oîtaie réstilente, t gond cccleslast[cal digallaries thé le thé Waukegan township retIdenta ther evening, humoroisi> remarbeti: whoe cse ine.rt§ an eocen te Thé man svbo pues aiung Ibis mun- 'e* tirset cassnne atat - Osi t dane sphère keepilr* both éyea on - ord ira ntbat. .avein ail the lime le fiable te trip May Sue B0ard-~Maybe. andi [andtI[n heaven pretl>' qtîck. Bol Tihe report le out [bal some Per. the man svhô always Iteepa one eye »oU ionelludlngg MnI. Llehlv plan an on beaven andi thée illir goond one on action againal lire aullioritîes for ré- carîli ta [table te gain thre béét ina fiaailrg te permit 111cm ir ittinuen 0at-.licavnanti canil." tendatiShuél as a resuit outhtie vaccin- - Mton order of!the tate huard, t i Alcohol From Nipa Pain. tfeaà-té< la semni-oflial cîrcles hia, ý Thé Philippine isiamb prédus. dilçb a tép wuulti trotbe une ,vh Iiairprouimatll>'10.000000 glullof @kiai wCait caomus éeu oru-e.ri amoug- oo ery ien i ftisj jgçÀ lent c sfor, t tE madie freim tiresamp otthe nîpe al. anthoitié. lIi tie sUt [at grun'a lu greaI abondance in Vu, ut, 4 u hwth -aulg tire Ottiét It rions éwampa et thecounry. Sank Most of 14s Fortune ini' Zion Estate When He Casi His Lot With Dowie. Ivaukegan. t)eu 9ý Behtnd tbe arreat ln Z1on ('il> on Tuesda>' of Chiarles liringa. a long t haired -prophlitirere ls a qstory'u toî;siderate intereat. Belirings waa' arrested ai the Instance ut Dr. C. Ft. Crawford ot the tate huaM orut ealîli chu, complatocti that Behings paiti nul the sligbteat attention to te îua r- atne ruies as lidî down arrd wel ulienever bc picaseti at ahI. Dr. Crawford feareti the feltow iglit le tbe rucans ot spreadtng ilie econtagion andi lias lnformed the Zion lity îpolice tic will appear anti prosecute hior. Ilelîrings lu an archlteet antd engin1 cor b>' profession andti atone lime ha: saIti tu have heiti an exceedingl>' hinliV position [n the cIl>' of N'ew Yorli lie !a saidti luhave tiratteti man>' o! the- plans for the construction o! the Mar -hall Fietld lace worisa, In acl [s salit to hrave practlcally deaigrict thé plan. Wben Dorvie concelveti thé plan ut Zion Cilty Belitog la satd ta have becomé a convert at once, muving to Mlon City' anti investlng thé buik o! is fortune la thre proposition. Hé be- came so thorougll>'satitédwith the religion ut thé deceaseti leader Ihat ho nover lias atrayeti ay frorea bis teachInga. On man>' auhiecte ha ta the ahrewd everyda>' proteai a buan but on thre subJéct ot religion lit la saiti bis views are snopruounceti tIrai hé cannut blié cisatg Despite thé tact that ]Eeriaav le saidti téhavé a corralderable aum of mono>' [n [he bank ho la saIdt! tbli averse to signing bis rinmo andt trs- foré cannut cbhecout an>'ofuthe1 tunis. In tact thua aversion t l îrn en [han a mère idlesyncracy; with hlm the nule ha Invielaté anti no One Car ho foonti wbo éver aaw hlm aigri his naine tu an>' sort uf a document. Thé -aaon for ibis la not ki nbut fitla' oelleveti b>'tbe peuple who know 110 ,aaually [bat At orne tial hé ma=y nase been tictraudeti throuzh aigri- Ing bis rame ant i aI Ibat ime tformél a solemn resulve qevér lu do se again. Behring a' une o! thé boat knoW charaeters In Zion City. He wéars hi hiair long andti [is gives hlm thé e peararscé c a "propliet." Juat .what will hoé dune wltl i hm shen hise amu cornes rip Ia not knownl. 1 he state wouid imrnedlate-ly drop the GrIGANTIC ]RE has proven what f u LEE McOONOUGH. County Treasurer <Newly Elected.) prosecution. But this disp)osition if tMe case did not jîlca. tIhe stnotes aztorney and [heic ailire and theyý, In ssied that the lirosertution go on. t rnwhait tivv lad tearned ut thre niatter tir>' ey (ri i iris ii n cît t tit Sirtîc shu d lie luitiislied for lts cnume. As a reititIt [lii Isi,.tîriue oftII.. i:lice and [lie stati s lit torney teUic w tîesme liasve liec-nt Ioiioea 0tes- tity saben the case iones to trtal and lie piice sa>' tieY Iiuterial tirsec the men are liresent. "Il mokaimlike a niatter oni erctorr," tAssistant ('ief TI rrell salid. "Iarn convitinud that I'ionds of Slirbec lirougi: liressure lutîcbar and p[erliapa ruade tareats ln case thre proseention was taken np. These fellows wlll be abown triat, [li la nul the way mal- ttera anecc ble setlleti and we Intenti lu press the îîrosecution." Shrbcc, andi a tîrîo ler of other meni haall aIliert4 infle front yard ut a house on tine outh aide lwo or Ilîre wecks ago. A wrcsttling match was sluggeuted and .Shrbiec was thrown. Immedtatel>'. àcordtngg lu Uiclesîti rmon>' lrouglit out at the hcaring andi 1accordlng to Srrrbec's own admission. lie Icapedtio lis'et andi stalibed iIr opPunent ln the chest over the lreart 1andi ln tbe arm. Culture. 1Ta>Ing cultr In tht Indivîidusl as emeaning a dcvelopcaent ut ail tha lac , llies It foliowi that thé mont cul- Stureti nation ls [bat ln whlch there la [lie greateat number ut ail round men. DAnti If thîs lie truc, ne muai ai once realue bow hopeleas laIlite task of atlcrnpttng to estirnate tlie extent ni culture la varions nattons. .MOVAL LI rniture val s es nme 1 tu the people of Lalie county. Practica1 and Useful Xmas Gifts soi-nethlng thevvhole family csn enjoy *tN IG REDUCTIONS". Your Heater is -Here Buy il at Your Own Price A medîum s'te Base- burner lUy ni'ckel timnred A fuel saver, regulaf 35.OQ ony ....25.95 Cole's Ongnal Hot Blat keeps fire for 48 houri, the quick heaters. ('p firom 17, 10.00 Fulllline of SaJby Doli Carts and Rock. ers at big reductions. Our 3.00 Comfoiter to-morrow 4.98 i' rnit-Îuretarpts ,Rueâtwes HAVE YOU MEEN OUR NEW HOME? Well Knowfl Resident Picked up in an linconsojous Condition on MondayEvening. CUTS ON SIDE 0F HIS HEAD. Appearances Indicate He May Have Been Hit Wîth a Club -Can't Remember. Was Nicholas Wetzel, well known reuldent of Waukegan the victim of a elugger Monday evening last or did he stumble of hie osso accord and sus. tain injuries whichahave caused hinm ta be laid up at him home on Counîty street with severe injuries to hie The tacts are arllicr tuzzlItOg ad esen NMr. Wetzetl IiinsýIr fcannot tel] lion It ail haplienedt I 4fnsthat. about 7 o'cloçk, M~r. a-.toujilOnt I luttY street by Tlioi, i iniîihert v. hIyig rostrate on tIt ssi-wait It ,lkiîîg iton, , fr. tlt'î,îia an iuij~tI>ing on the nAalk ,and,. gîiticto iestlgate, lie touild tt was %Ir. Wctzel. [le picedt lii tup i aer seeing that lie mas semi- ctiiou, anti leped hin [o iis borne lirther ii the street. There lie was punt to lied anti a doctor was catteti. Itwas accu lîy Nr. l)ougtrerty that the victiru was Injureti for blondi streanieti down lits face and head. Wben the0 doîtor arrtved, lie exam-~ incd the sîctînà and found that he had lwo liad cuts o on the lit 1 S tor Thsy ne shows .ude examilàohébse asudôur V hundred&of étercbsiaii- 's' ng gift a ggost o ra the Holid:r*»Àlmo?- V7auastore la ue A tiaisctyrieil~s4* Soi, HaIM amobs.Il Mtore line i *, Ib sur lm é U = th-"-Ë se ssls 01, e i st This moanto yu bull.. geis, bélIer srvIce. belter val"s,W'hoa Cn=iW5 LIU yuýerba At thissté"é Jewoer anid Opticiam his head, une about tWo InOch ýIUg. the othbor an Inch iong. Both "-z s deepî that tbey penetrated to the 1te" and. on the rlght aide of bis faci aispears a big bruise wbIch wouid las dicale tbat lie bad either sui'dflS on [bat aide of his face or tbat IL idb haii heen pulied acrus i, resuflao n a sort of humr. The location of the wounds, the itresence ofth[le lruise la the sa it i., lii, Plc lçad to a possible coclf. sion that jierliapa someliody wth a Plu!,, slugged Mr. WetzeI as hg *58 ssalkrngbomne. Canit Remember ItL But. the atrange part of it ls tbat Mir. Vetzei caorrot rernember any. Ibire about it. Ir he was bit, he iln.t. ltnow if: If he fell of bie *WU 5dfE lie duemsot e'en ML t. he was hurt In sote e CUllar mafr bce surely knows by thé iineouft iàI In hie head. It la admitted tbat there ane Ïd ta. dIcalions tbat ble sustalned Iy1 of a struke as was st first repo<d1 base been the case. Nat Robbed. Mr. Wetzel hall bis watcb ago î [Small sun rtf money and. tbe tact ta hîs pockets were untouchsd wiM- argue agairst tlie posibillty of' lieing slugged for robbery mo41Ïie, llowever, there ta the -barée a@ that someliody slngged hlM witb 6 dca of rohblng hlm but that tIsy were scared away liefore they fiwibd their job. On the other band, it la »dàotW. that somebody wltb malice teéý hlm may have elugged hlm foi ether purpose, robbgry motive e ltelng back of their attaek. 1 . WANT!0ý-200 or 300 busheis orf le>'; biglict cash prics pald. Èli&* Waukegan 58. 3. C. Merçballt&. Brus. Waukegan. the

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