Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1914, p. 12

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LAKX OOU}TTY INDi sai ARHAPPY D*k ient Boarder Deolares Nié .I Sue-Cale Man for Xlse Imprsonrnent. "DOK'T COME BACK,' POLICE. -'01§mi at Contrat Station Say BolcAgnt NerîytaIk1- ed TemtoDth BOY SLAYS F ATIIER IN ROÏI ton *"eor* Fq#'g *pareut e MurPhrsboro, llf.'Dec. 8.-FMI Mc Hugla, sged forty'-eigbt, was iled bi lis son, Phîl McHugb, ag»d evexl tter- shartly alter miduiglat, folIovlim chamtlseuaent *rvbu the s» a r thi fether for yisitiUK a malcon. The boi @bo ' v fng ltl belo' ~ 'l)«&& q atk ls instan taLeos ts'3araruck him, thu bo, mars, then vent oIut fthe ron BOP the boy cdaims vas retunOW4 vlta a poker vhen hée ahat vlth j gui lat founi <n fi'te rom. The mther' slorr do«s Dot correspond. 5h. mer the boy vent up stain sund secur& the gun ater bis father chastisei Waukegan. Dec. 9. aH -uegunva aoeovari t "i a th gat'"formerir ln the saloon hI Ita the above declaration, repeat- Wast a prise Oglter yearsi oS NU hlm mierable number of il ~ n tht uiOe patience ai *ecognlffl Word e t1 attaheme'Central police station. A 1111. uoine.year-oad boy 'fae as thain thal, too. in riously looklug up his spt fauw4be cftOe ofiors vaslu thm dictitnary vheu lie stmy - af n. vboae meanlug vasDE es iz ae oil et the a u ers ahlm. He dashe vu~s omi tramlIasoeilat O e-tnce cootaining tme vor t eaPied hi Jerome Baker, vhout sud pasmefi t0 the naxt i. 06 ~iuo doClare'le "the muet talk. t«ehhers amusement when *#vr eMm wev ever met" gliblv. "My cap aise ls m "*W'y." snld Domk Songeant John Unetor. -aenard. "if varda yene bulleis that Oui. Oequld annihilais Oie vholo fGer. Yeu gt resui9s tram Iýax ýMy la 168 fiteen minutes. Whec u te omée te a flow ai speech, that gent dOatU msuie Aia or ,Demoshenes UIIp 1k a atrmet car borae.". arome Baker la a oiciton. He bas WNU 'ýoomiug ai Oie Fox Houes and ~itIsof hie meas aetliae Klodike t ~ thappent liait liereualnedasÀ 111e,01s1,1lq taea *bis m Sla etS orulie Istoom bill. Xel' ýheýOMretompf teotab- th tuOt owu tIMng for a ý-Tho check falled te came. J3èh, teépropiletans decldsd upan act- so1. Iaken vas arretted snd placed Vu-pa r;IÇ son Baker did nual lke tbe 'lepmo4àtions" af the Cty J l, ttpf fsunttr ,camplained about the tbere. Beaides that, ho often -ALa9. Oie local police dopant- *âàacutglu Oie capacty oi a agener The Mont trequent induised la during hle star OW MU vas alk. lHe iaiked Gond di Heo ouversed vith everr- faction at hiMmliL sud t1he Orie n'the leotI Te temd tir'uraofcou- ta pretir i nearlr save Oie attacse c 'Omct luai Pt esksegmt lu sella a secam e en taela. pi- hen buriug >, ona hovever a chieck be rtogBaer. The check cvrAdctefns 'jjUamucienîtaepar Oie tva imperfections n4T e voueé department bis- pomîion ofc W.*ed th Oe credîtors of Oie tact affeceS. s h.SoieieS Dauiads and wuOJ55crOeafcea n n Christmas giv th'sgOe oucf^ i sîs e t io i te celq ~kO~Utéine 10h1 Adreakis lia- ffered yn *dtO. pf Oie Kondike café. and at *"»e iistance ls vas arrested. that » weçu tgu elMsfor faJs.arreat sud 111RM eutTher o y antoia nya t"that ho told Audremakia. STATION ON - ~-Pertiv MlkDopot Waukegsuu. Dac., 9. 'the Co-Perative 8<11k Campany'm 4"u~ at 1li cAlister avenue vas WMrÈ enSd rglarised name lime dur Oie liaufs ai Oumorane ,IllwemM>InedS entantance 10Oie ab pen the laeek Scat. ïfmpuuney vassoecured by 1 -slbe ta robbery vam ir .,>muel Karjais. mansger l'AS. ~ u, I. ho arriveS ai ~s4~I4met Uils morulas. ~Oberg4 araater entertng Oie ~ 'tiraugli the rns, aniranceu thé structure until ther ar- Ith Oe office I nOie front part. = syritleS the Sesk of the mma- 86 t~slg$ u bUlL Ther tlisu 'amau ibox oetaing a&bout ~o Vhici vas &IBO taken. MrU. Kanjala arriveS t Oie 21ismaxing he nated W da M va ansd that th - b aStoapepar»S Ofeaicgn rifeS. invesdgatLonL qIevos mbaS ranmaked Oie tpW la as attempt te finS mare A1WS 'Imlam A a cbatlr degparted W'Appr vUs op«n la thair melt. Ihm (jSvSve.evdtyla arcia às athbag eb* la Oie rer. and vai mainense. Ht 3ago. marks about Oie tZcs ilit bepaoke of an$ 8 d ivolin toltigio lis ise. Nihr a. cf theoMmnei -ommber sun, or, ~John Anderson Arrested onate6ape 1 . fO~niglat before. Intact they' l o xif Tha Diode Charge Believes how 1he5 14 01,eary.l tow.,lf Ta HoWas Robbed. aver, declared iwl)a ',éieV49 Dot en- t Officers Answer SummM onstadronk, UMt Oéie vddl qmet a'Fi~t In rouj-'Roud ~ ent* fs4ai" tbil.Io~trrg afgh i Gou-IIMun b is home as Arma, vhlle bauicm i hree cf the Roiters. t t i 1ict rmL b «r ï cam~ eve in mouilha &go. ' 1 onWaukegan. nec. 9. Wlien Anderson vas bsoeé and ae A burry up cail sent ta the central searched $8.50 vaU ?aund la i's. cloth. ýpolice station at 10 'clock Tuesday ing. Whenuarrlgned beforiD,' Judie id evenlins. fr9M the Horen saloon et Taylor thia mOruîng. bc ue@a*ed the r. te corner Of Water aud Genesee! amount thatthIe officers remev f rom ka streets, brouglat a patrol ful af po- bis clatbint and then deland. that eo licemnen ta the scenea. Weu the of- bc bad beeon robbed lii$8.He itaiei ficers entend Oihe establishment they he had the moner vlien hee eutered touad John Anderson of 1Xrauxegau the salcon. It vas coutainied lu a tenderly feeling hie battered couutte-. popkeibaok in hie luside coat pocket. >- nance. lwhiie two, ather men, "Miko" He sar'the mansy vas in bille. Hi 8 flanaltmwty sud Fred OLeary ver. assena ibhat he did nat use any ai the anurmlnsthair Iljurlea. MOIeY but that bought lie- dlnn' -Tile tlirte men vere loaded lnto t-ram an auount contained.ln-aaohèt *patrdl'Uad laken ta the station. Ail p0<cket oaielm lothing. ThJe police are ,ai iliem i ere' fulîr "soused." Atr lnvestlnsatni. i bein# booked tbey vere placed lu a Ail vers arraigned 'oua s dmrderly F ceil. Tblai morning when they appear. couduct charge. Tbeyworm fined 110 cdbefare police magstrate Taylor aud dcons. Daugborty paid hie fine ther were a on-y looking tria. Au- sud deParted. The ather men were den*anbail ans oye clased and ailler seul bacla ta jeui. Quality Diamonds liamonds auen b bougbt tu greater advantage and with botter sain, t a atore that mselse diamonds and jewelry exclusively, than elmeu<fhere. that the QUALfl'Y JEWELRY STORE la an exclusIve Jewelry ptore 'ood evidence thst youri nterests In buying a diamond wlll be consid-. mrefullye ag yen a diamond wýe are just as particular about [ta, quality ai' wta are 9that smne Ideutlcal atone, fol' wç waut you tu 15.1 that a dlamond pur,~ Il store le as good-an luventmeut as putting just that much fâouey lirk.tho, et se. t t#« suan inverisiir known for their 'fne color, freedom f rom zand that tii wonderfu scintilatlng value la eXceeded by.none. Their, cuttlng gives them a brillancy which out-rivale 76 par cent of ailtailier lamonds. - 1 Il M in -dfortuu*o able-ta cali, attention ta these Wesselton id the extremély low prie ai which we offer theni durins thls season af vlng, and ve Invite and urge rau to examine and çcompare them with d yau ehoose, and rau viil be convinced that ibis beautiful pradui iabrated W.ssalton mines surpasses iu Quallty and Frics anything et.r et ru before l Igla-geradeDiamonds. Frankl H. Krebsi THlE QUALITV JEWELRY STORE. L. W. Lewis, Watchmaker. i 2il N. Genese St. The "Combinola" is a G ift ot Quality. - AN IDLAL PLAY:ERuPIANc> p LANO music is interwoven withthe siole fabrie or Americaz4 home i Every man, woman and child is born wîJth the love of mugie. It refkrWs' Moldm and develops the best there is in us. The piano is esscntiallya bo* institution. You c'ab make no better gift than a "Combinola" Player P",~> It-is a gift that cvery home should have. We believe the "CombiJola" to b.' excelled by no other Player Piano, and we invite you to our big show-roaiei to inspeet this and other* high-grade Pianos of -Quality, and to let us expl&iný our Easy Payment.,Plan of sfig VICEU RO" o s r »OLe » FAMYHE "The UHouse of Quality Musical, Gifts" EVERYTHING IN MUSIC 209-211 N. rG w -that is brimful of gifts of a prac- tical nature. -Do y o ur selecting1r early. iT FOREI "t .i PW do pour holi- pdaysh;W'ýpjngA pUrchaa f$5 eniisVon t o -.?r om te e Se lection o Hloliday Merchandse'We've Ever. Asembled T h*aTeCrsmssiitabo,cýnds .herç in everysection. The ' tremnendous stocks of now hohiday Zoods is causing u 3uual oIp ]KaklY intercst and ulupt-eedented -early shopping." We want [art y LJ ou to visit us tomaorrow-avoid -the rush. Corne earl Our, lest .ioildai Lbrieî of EKqusIshe Neckwear Apro. Fancy flandklerchleft prlatelY Doxed A maî.c I... Dainty cou- Sec ceits ini hand- The nec w wide-end eknbroidered hpsitw ln S and lace-tiïrii haes iii ttern-. medha drcd etels. ekc r c h i efsPetybe. b ave arri'ved. [iiECIAi. Christmas Lathetiqslkre'l 3~ in the LatéetNoveltieS ther bo .,,,nP. It is flainly a-season of novelties in band- bags, and our hoflday seleetion displays the vlevei-est styles imiag- inable., Pretty mesh bags of Gerunan sul- ver, also. Emb. PiIIow Cases, Sheets, Towels audiSpr!eads Ex cellent for Gifts XVe eau oîîîy hit here of the iminîeîîse v'ariet * vof pi-aetit-al gift things shotNn ilt our fancy linen section. &elQt early. There's NothlngI'ore Prac- 1lcal 8b a c,.a Utàrella Herc over two lhm- dred styles of the j I latest in handies. At the m a n y prices yoii cannot equal the values offered. Men 's, women 's and chldren 's umbrcl- bis - The Globe is headquarters. A4 Gift that Will Liv. Long i "ler"" IHeart-aUtiliW Box shirt waist boxes -the gift invin- Regular $6 Utility Box, $4 î'ible. Travelin7g Dags Neyer. Fail- to, Ple Se. In bags and sûlit cases the largest se- ecetion is herîe. cer t laes49 six bandsome deep deaig-4s; frosted silver i in s et. Remarkable value at $4.98. ".uçi3.'-,.- AnecK werat 75e and $1.ff Mufflers, 75è to $3.98. Uinbrellas, $4 to $5._____ Boxed initial hand- kerchiefs, 10e, 15e 25cf Christuas "Jewelry la .Latest Novelites the 1 a Vmt-A8- and tîseful gift' .jew.veir at niodorate- pî-iees. Exclusive-deuisIsj4It received. £ary Dlrush Setsflee ini the largest. selection shown anywhere in Waukegan. Eh- ony, si~rand "ivory" sets at Give a Pretty Picture.- They're Always- Acceptable - ** A pit tîîîe îsthe 'ioItodý of that perpflexing gift pi ohierri. Our Iow priced selet tion i Unequalied. Ail Neffeerk nm 3corq, of Pretty New styles "Royal Society" a rt needie work cannot help but please. Appu-opri- ate' a nd useful gifts f o r ýmen, woînen and ehil- dren - al inex- pensive. 4 UNDE.WE.AR,. SPEcIALs I Women'a $1.25Woe' os Unions, 89c-In- (25P kind), at 22e ter- 1 oe k %weave Boys' 2ft ]Houe, High neek; long For Saturdey 22o s3leeves; an k 1e leng th. Sizes 7, 8, Boys' Unions ($1 9 only. gimde), at 89c.,, Our tqaunzez b ShW flsg Aiàôt ýoi;mi4 So..cltlo of, SPECIAL XMfAS- FURNITU Appr.opri4te gifts for father and mother are the things you -eau gi* for the home. To those who would like to make a substhn- tial gift and are unable to make the éxpendltufte, our liberaEl< tended-payment system is especially recomme9wd.' FOR 'MJLNj FOR WOMILN IFOR CUILD4 i An as.'ý4rhum- A kitchen cabinet, IA* mu&ic cabit ider, ~~ ab-picture, lamp, bl n oking chair, c~ net eilIoebqok- I ets, stove, writing picturlw it i etc. et. dek, etc.ý, etc. J. dà, dressr, , - cm ?Le tcw R1. ak t .S e

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