Rev. ErWUiic 4~~er Tells et Atrio-p- Worlc. -ATCHS@ Ù8JGf FOUS.TY WIDE CAISSFRUN. Urges Waukegan Prtestants te Cet ?R*mîvo0lItion Au urgent 940 ilfoi- -orehan mia dionis h b, aithe T. %f. C. ý Puemea>. éevi n thle openlng mégIý lid lit E e freàcg conductoti iâ Watpàgaa 4âmln d Wladnesdý b>. t-c'-e , Sonary ioil moént, iea ii"* t t cihch mb"m~ ai protestant citurches of lie coié à*I ieu]>.la coriti-cîie n ia ascope andi plans. AM a resuit o! thé meeting htinh I 1101>. liat a bouse-to-houeuécévass wfil bfi.made lia asîmult"eoo u ant -paiM toame Sunta>. atternoun chere- IP cicri honte of eomiprotà*l bh it cl ciiho vitiltat ith aeito tàt a ,e4r outI>. fiing bh *" deb>. a"b' npMberof te fainli1 l0 enme chut-oh 1ltii t. i Bitly-fivé gfiesté, aul men. parto of até dinie- $è board idlomg ave-,b, lg. H. Rîciie41à, làte Mht Aittieblon, o ChIcag. Despit, lie subet-chieb tan>.peuple *aulu consider a rathér "uniatéresi- speakers Wald ïÉthéai- =of Zr anilelce 'uty Inatc:l 9W *ver g6 itidr'go &I glf. WIWg di., bats fi& *t.liré *aan't a iâh adeaý bt imfd hIcS idbard béaid g aUSen!théefune: thé> cére piâtt 0< chrlmne in Ai-b'" ad » «e*Mcp in l ,f~aanu chatho sa #îýintensaly inlemettoa.- 1 1» -pith 0« bis laur eas thal, no zwëeýhere mre bMo le I afnd t * amre ge e! t4c**et O<~cag lié of àIm minés at Johannesburg core 0"iee Mcrs andi yoarm &go. Rut. auý bedr 4 'gâ * « oe thoitt 'e de y4b*etng ltoi nfiattoýr te cord of " ed ireache&i liai country. am bua ta ardie Isnfluence. Plia t» poopie eho anto ho Sait for é*atil.>. do â **Lbega poil- tu «C t oir PO(W IIWI hofimt litg t« -a Wti e ijld'a ratroW te, haiq oum i dr diamiendaanti goit, eu lât speaker. -14, trouble te;' ho i. "titt nmy, peuple dbu't cant to do anyi ttgga e P. I paya. Hua't ipM -vin la imfa Sabeatetshe W*U qw»? l" i tai ht ua le, tole.hem thé country? 5., chata boaifbl ceélu>.1ftle.- éi-CUt .itcat e d t 4 génenaa sfntotg of Ahm a hlch. li e iblainet. fco é«S a Iourth of the land arao! the glebo-- utih climast. conaicve tu s4v&Bénent le ail lInés, especlaliy si-IcéWre. Spoaklaofthew the ariiiai oetth ospelin Africa cas thé occaslinfi OpeolinÏop ls lltntléas resourcer. Mr. Richards saId: "The Mohamme iama ai-ivet long fébéfthie dÏr'lr ias. Thé>. triedt o gsin uthere l li>hey tthéemoag tInt Wa sbible * Cut dulit ivae thenthtie right te>.te lot !ito that lande !prOmIs.. Wtti lie i-tt lé>. cas uset, thé country cas ObMlet intathe carîtianti hahei sxpandiâg over aine.." 'Re lien shoceti iow the peopleé Bn __-the generai conditions have Improveé aie suthlen. hec i-cl estaté bas bonm et auts bacthé country lu fasi-bécot Mag o000 o!thé important onesoe!th( wptbt. ail tiutIng ftrohie arrivai ci 1h, gospel, is impression behigAlbts tlod bail loctéti uP Africat untlilthÉ bihble reacheti theré. Hé urget h * bearéva 10 do théir abare hn forelst - -esssiéOaiy coi-k. ciîig up wcul "Toit ffluot corl for Christ ai boai-dlyoraéi!." Mr. %icht-ti.. Mr. Richard spolie on -Thé impac et a Protestantisin on Proes Rêil. àplayed a shéét on chîcithi -bwe alecwhat he deents la necéssar: tu ogretu, mmmc permanent. Cel -giiidrgllai suppor fl thI dbWqo, lditâot CMfitexpense t Dl tUiP cois eunteratét as bt ---au seqpmfe edneational cau 0~ YiAXU <~fl't7W'!'Y' TIiflh~-mt fit t» i';nî -r. WRIDAT. i i 'i T'ir¶i î~ - ' - - Il B, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V -, r JtoartP>.55flu* a EM Uia1 te ilQ iI e>h cioo it a -IL Fs-oa muasc i mm o fCbcg rs r é = =ottiso ataulr éc ~a apflemm é~~turci. ~ 10 thé h.W vaItti. t.1-Ypnci i v box n tod o -.--i-n t te poi t- 3--.8tbsctp1ons for boneaCIont MWt aaédalir ouirent exp.naoe on a weokLi.i ly bMau e-tabé use of a' uhrtoret coiéten de staf aU 'ie eii4*oelople' 6-:MIe>.Cit~ted fàr b4" leno. za rmtiutltiie S ApprAn ao r t th at n o'operatm ili <hWau-f . a* Proteotion, ta i tpisSV cbrlt eant oh uï Health Board. -era IWaukq»ti 4t ploient. The en- - veloilepelait W oi'londt splenid-1 VACCINATE OR STAY AWAY. W tu the ElpIsopalchurci amotig adnit a andti l.y the chltirén aise havé talen envslolues ant iute a That ls the Order Issued by the mgular weelly contribution. Board to Prinoinal With No 1fr. Atchison ergeti the neti of thia Qualificationls. pran of gtvtng ta cur-ént oxpensea and n i5fles i0RU7 anti siowed how ie' The WanIt.gailt io hpcool board ittie cbttlIUl<igv4à MgulrlY-- 1uesday evoaialM l Ip#aI anti de- tu iktsr aIUfb >. ttc gijver. 1(0 ýcîsîvé acticW aloilà j e tt eiiae t ilUtton'wyhi-re popiq h oard of niW) uii~u nlt *ü a'Iâd%ésI tb - J ve liii iis pbLitt ater of "~aigthe géooorus Wiet&Bk aouW flot t' la a litii1'alpupli.v&oélnatet.* .ce é iom%. CNVÀe SIùàëýcétasfurtbér fed ta lt* ht 10î creitoagénoral condition actloftbe ltée tact titat there eau ne e & Waulegan chère ail thé Protestt t iseusslou betore or s'fier thé préee- churches are gtting i-épilai- offerings tation. adjourninent heloz tlen lin- of tiIs sort tat the spea'oter said' he médiately. béed a CMPagb ln thé ciii, Thé résolution as adoptet, olloi: startéti siinnitaneouali tu aU thé Whem.a. on thé 2nd. day et Novem- - t-urtbéacouti h woth hue Héber. 1914, at a regular meeting of thie bcat'h anti Mr. Richards coTé roady Board a? Education of WaulttP,' ln conter Mohé tesubjeet anS titt.fTownahip HWh s chool district, pur- l le desinel atvisahie. a smltttneou sunta' i sioofhen'tr campaisu iilhéd gai-ted somn. untiay osun o ' itustionaai thé mahler yafiernoon iniilai nar future ai chich o ugit bienttabvthr bti very ý be ofever pro ien vaccinaieti. l appearing liait tât tintée er>.moo o vrypoes- esdents of titis district are ln greai li tant churci ciliihé calléti upon te agro netemeo ialpx 1'piéta. a *.eely offering. ino ntttei- moion cas dm1>. matie anti passét as te how sntall, ta soie certain cburcb. floi 'ft le teif tfilt ithe plan dBl ho put ITa r.Kihiat Clwl intoi opératinhèrse-andt al such a 'htDa ngtadKlwk le canvasa ciii bo matie ere long bé- b. requéstédta 1 conter euth Dr. tioley, l- Paiétéea- aycece bctlealth Officer 0f thé City of Wau'ie- ,-are nol gtting offeinge froin 40 par gan. andtat taire sncb stops as ln thei- [y cent of tboso eho cas tiemuelves intigment muy bc necéssar>.; thai au ont mbers. ibe>. hé gven*power anti authorhty ta à Mi. Atchison lnsted thal coatri- uep,,,,nt thîs Boai-t ln thé matter of Id butin ta lich doit 1 laOff tueif urging précautionur>. measures, anti 7e corship, It'. not merci>. lie aitung eft laI chatevér Instructions or ti-ec-- thé chus'h-it's corahip oft îtséît, tions May hé given b>. mId Dra. ¶Ifte sisaket mid liat. St dala Col- Kolghtanti Kalowsky shallho con- " Itli hl> Sut ine bing in tien. mdél-etiandi treated as instructions. Ln six churches. thé péople ae givlng directions anti orders of thîs Board.' m êIlttIg pet capta for cburcii Work ADr& Wih.iand. atécarsk, m<hosl aiti mlsîry cork. In the six D.lngtat uesy ébr cburoheal, weh 94înéinhçrs. ho bati or Ibis Board of Education, purauant cempilic t îeee I&R" poucapîla. t10a confereno cwiii Dr. Plle>., Roalth curétepnasSt0.Oficér o! thé City. of Wanlegan. tir- MIgionaio-S223.ecteti Mr. W. C. Knoell, Principal oi - - théetilgh fichool ta r«ie iéal atm- ~ rg~poople ta rem"lber that dents atténding thé figh ichool ta ***'te c ~Iâa pn 't% e show suilîfactor>. elenoiqo! récent h, U s iàerotÏ a 1111e aiie, fuvacclhatiân anti uon ierflué Ys w~to ta do ta' refuse 10 'réceive sncb pu- ro ' ti îîkw ere itéit ii môoýinki, -lit théeqehwol until the futher or- (> tis aftirneen ant i lihob elt ibih5dem eft hla Board. a. joveling lte Htat cbercb v#bereat ANDO WheIoesIhappears te thîs attla slcu»ssions cii liei board. B rdsetthat théré le anti ha héen for SEverybody. met anti contén ai-e ta*veral inontha lit asi t ut splie mi 0vted. ýtt-W!irnlipox in 'hé Tawn o! B ento Ir on thé Noth of tbis district. e i. ~ ~ Andi Whenees It furlier appears ta 19 ýlsiiBoui- t tat they are ai présent ta î WORTI±OmOAGO. Isolerai oaeIs Maii-Pox lu Wauke- gan Township clhin this School Dis- 0 ~trict. kt 1Anti Wherni it turuiier appears Y* Possîil. thé mont entbulantic ihat en lie 2nd day o! thi Manth a, etilig 0f utea C U iiel 1 pir ont ' 1 . alant . he e There céré over thrymmbr r- sait Hlgfb achool comlng directi>. * ~fî> ,j teasaYmmbr P tramasodtl&oli itit thé patient, te . e d. bei Anti Wh.reaé It aPppurs ta tiI or ocga&ngpls" fer thecommnuity BorIc ai t aIIbre ls greîaniiger of an gitltntIrâes chIci ti th U"rY semnic oft sil-pox ln titis HIgli 'laum h e Av de9s hiie ailutr- chool District uniesa strict p-eu, in h ylgafé bhié uiliohaisé ?etaieta10prevéntlits dévél- Sthe magnitude et thé éntérpisé Ihey0 ta agenttpét lttéétih m ient, y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ý té.dplytIaévnnlacran AniWhenosaibihlBoard ln Inforin- 'y heydisiayd tst venng a crtan-éd anti veril>. beliéves ibat thé perioti 1>. equal te aty. tast. Attiltional go- of lncnutjson e'! thé umaul-poz germn ta Slicit.ltsg conmiltteca cène flapîloi ro twIelve tn tcenty-two tiays%. Or- cho wcli ori-In théeihomea of North Anti Whereas tDr. Cractord. i-épi- te Chicago. Donations of ciothlng. par- etn h tt Bado elho te ticuluri>. aloclîngs anti ihons cliib sninhoi taeBor- fHelit s'wéréoned as -cel as eutables'andtihe Pitate a! Illinois, bas tieciai-étithat it mae>. riteé ar ~ 'ulesa vaccination in enforcéti ln the le. gry chiltiren lu Northt Chicago tota>. suli High Schooi (bat héctlii causel te ebo wcliihé matie happy on Christ- thé sainé te be cioset toi- thé remainti, mia sa~thuhugi th efort o!theoi- 0fthé ppriot o! tweilly-two dayqp ig naniia-yalý )nti the dins olti front thé Inti day of thîis montb. ry axilaryandthei frend. Culd Andi Wheness ahout titrehundret t nte et bcmIseflduthwhèrus cs vhetandt ienty-five o! te threhundre4, nameof Mos'gdft Moris as vtedanti1 seventY-tive puplîs sttendtng liii ad ousionanti shé da accpletabment- s.u<1 figh Schoi havé b.en proper!y ed b.rship. At the clouée0W the husipeussvaccînatet i ctitithé et-lred e! rive M- meeting daint>. retreshménls. cere yastn atadieteooe o m- servéti b>. te contmtt.e, conalsting >.I-5 idasthoatmmanae ttro r hé d- b g qth li ettiao uilhor, StroOt. Vic- iees1 éimn rn atds àt tor, Atktlýimon, Tatta anti Relit. Thse ea"', lits Boardi ha désirons o! con- et auiliaàr>.cbalrinàit Mise Marpret tieulpgthé Instruction lt..te SCIiooi1 ié Wl-dtesevésmmci crdit or hé ilioti nterruption for thé benéfit 01 hé éfWbt muiaer inc rithfoi the loue cha p"y saft.]>attend, thoe tu poséti of thé large amount of business, Deoi-é. ovd htte cino h:- Thé Royal Neigbbors héit a vér>.y . i iliiat ao0> Liis9tCsdIida-f pri. t eu a0010t>. roposentung thîsf"ordi l i li= hall In the auditorium. mcii direction ta the Principal Prf tillé E. A. lteddlng cho has boos visittag schaiioi it reoeénce ta vaccination t ha Not Chicago»téiWUfàtéd hi@ 1handtIhitesherebylnall9tinE Mt'- lut coul in tesouthérn part of thé mb liietd, conlirmoti anti Bpptved. 7914éitaY. .-he Andi ho ih fulésodtthut I ha the ho 'lh. Progresa Club itéitia béé t . es thésBar httiogete r>. boù tanub t eévnîng fer the purpos es ftî oittu ieaéti xy fputjn wethratrip aon blprecautions shonîti hé talon 1tapt-m- Final r U BDautifilr:.d r~;.O fl4IRO PRIZE-BOY'S AND GQUIS dm PEDAL-MOS îLE Fovrtl, P.:-v-Tlsi# Dgautlfu1Ladies' Si-ao. let Waich or - nt =44P, oGoIdIlatch For the Correct, or Nearést Correct Solution to tîbilswe. %%ill give ablsoltuteiy PRIE~ the $300 PIANO. Thc iiextliest, a geilie Danond Ring. The next best, a Pedal m-tobile. The ~6 îîxt best, Lady's Bracelet Watcli, or Cientlcînauit's Gold Watch. The next five nearest correct solutio ns will receive s i ~ Voichers for $115. The next five Credit vouchers for $110. The iet five, credit vouchers for $105. And ail persons answering these puzzles will receive, a credit von cher for at least $25, good only ast part payment on a new Piano, also choice of Lady 's Gold Brooch, Watch Fob, Jewel Case or Vase; and should there be more than one correct answer, or two or moire £APasa1is-g~..<.,,tie ibe'i.n orect in their solutions, awards will then be, made to the contestant presenting hs or lier solution displayed in the niost attractive manner, and of theý greatest value fromn an advertising viewpoint. Only one person ini a family un enter. AUl contestants will bé, uotified by mail and sîl preniiumns must- be called for w ithin ten days from the closing of the contest., We ikant toassure you that' every one entering this contest hait an equal opportu.nity of securing ,tie. of the largest premÎunua. The judges wMllbe three dis i.nterested men of this.eity. Don~t delay answering, but send in your solution today. CONEST CLOSESDEC.-15, 1914, at Gp- m. Mail or bring your answcr befre this date. ~4 O U E ' BRSNÂIE L-7 yearlait pua i ether by the, produc- '" rtidt ti a i bu tien of a p4y8ic1an's certifict. show- -FbtVý 9ýeMPrbth al Ùâîuc sochycIûitiYnor If this cai h ~ ~~eDVbu .waI toic UIof BahUflyte lot to the 'mii %eplutisà tuthe tact of . JIJ À I 1 "'z o ifi ure4; as outilt co asolilbutil ffbelTehoha chance <oanswer ber. Real we * I da.slacts evidence tiat tje dont know whetber they are ntarrled PL N - SDY 1ae hall mmallipol ad npon tq t. jy l r e. val" f ilyDuor ilsOr such b aPan oko teVoutrI e 1*JJurdor tnyhowsuépipîfl ~a~~ia o h oulea i-Leggett & Platt Bed Spring Ce, 01f acolnation or of having ha I MSIa17 0 elares bie la firu in Ilile bellot that Prepares to Opn Its pox sucb puplI shah l ot hée permtt a Yt the couple really did not get maried New Plant Here. t0 continue In attendance ai te. .levéen thoûgh they obtained the fi action] until the close of the sic î SH CénefiSé la underotooti tliiet (her session on the 24th dey or Decembor, HE DENE$-HE'S SILENT.. la no*parental objections on the Part MACHINES ARE INSTALLER1. 1914, the end of the twenty-two dey o f elthot' famlly as the young people perio4l for Incubation silice thée Po- Parents of the Supposed Brider have kept constant Company for over Concefn WhiCh l8 Located là~ qur o tht s ebool on thte 2nd day et Declare They Feel Couple two years. The only thing whivhi Muller Building, Was Es- December u hgrein set forth. Have Not MarriedJ. aused de y<>of eharrla tti - ý tablihdi 87 ias teti dlyoaith Brtmailà;agerp 1l1;din187 wfake4, Dc. . 1but LerOy was but 21 Tuesday. akg. e 9 WUéa.Déc.9* il la reported among bifrl'-îîds Wucgn e.9 .4. is ias Bertha Cook reatiy SIrs. that, saine time &go Itittranti went t The Leggett anti Plaît bedaprln4 heo y sea lot nla e t. Chicago te gel a llcený.e but ai Vertha a"di nianufacturlng Company wl; She.aya he' et. titi not accompany hlm, hée did no throw open t1b. do .ors of lis factory af. And' h. won't say uîythlng one get II, the ClermI isstlttglho was flot ter Januar>' 1, for the ,lnployment ot wes îe sauthler. 21 yoars olti. 1*1er hée returned i wth workmen la i-un the many machIne Tbst 4 tb* situation followtng the Brtla and gai the ifcense wl thout of the InstItutlon. ýThe announcemenlt oui%'*e sf1010 i»t evenlng to the Offset difficulty. 01 the openiuz of tIe w Colf which bids fair to become an import- that, laie Monday a marilge lcense Ift the; wére flot married Iin Chi- ant addition bo the- Industriel Ille of was lasued ini Chicago 10 I'Leroy E cage. Illkeiy thé!- weddilng wili bie the City, was made totiay. The concern g44d.n11 îh ooofNaue anone r ol i Vuksgan. wiil occupy the easatero hail of thé The oun peplethoght for theilose bt. rientis have known rof tranitlyn R. Mueiler Company bulid. Theyoîn pepl tou h the hir engagement for sorte tîme. Ig could get the license wlthout anybody in WaUkegan knowlng about Il. They, Neari>' al] of the machines ai the had..a friatnd whp was marrled and- RUSSIAN LINE 15 Rt-FORNINC lant liave. bten Ifltalleti and thé fac. secrt fr si] pcîlî>. f1try ls ow îractlcaiiy awaltlns the kept the matter' ertfrsx lFclt fGermen Transpertation et Coml-tg ut the lirsIt of the-year. which Montha. They feit théy couid do thoe malle, so, islipping offt b the City, théy Tmoopu Amazes Petrograd. wlllIl rt with lt the' worknién and got the license on the day before Ek. - Londotn, Dec. 9.-An offiCiai tatelreate activitles; of Ilite to the ma. COM .artc-unces thuit Lodz aili bie evaeualt it la estimatei that the plant wlU Who, at WeGfieàcduy evening meeting -Fu-they deolamé thats t ri as! andi that the Russian fines wil hi re. rlhure nelé a hundred mien ln thé of Lake Camp M. W. A. wu@ ce- they got. They asay lhey didnl conr!fcraieti.Thii la confirmation of the' stai-t. ch t is l belleved tl lii. I eetdirk'fthe camp. This s0atuit a miltér but hurried hack îGrmnoj aeen nSudy t reaaed In tinte. There are about r50 eiçced ent f ha ben eecte Wakega heausethe did't ant undY tht Imac inesintaietInb the main ma- ths 9th lime ho. el lce akga eas hydd' a tu e clty hadl boca captured. aithntugi chine room alofle. Thére ai-e tul dent eof Lak. Camp. 10 gel home iate and, thus revati h la elleved thal part ot the City la roomas now equippet i wtb machineiy. -theIr pans. Perbaps they Intentiedstîi lit Russan banda. Thé ne Rua- Thte main rooul dimensions are 80 hi t*ke Camp Mi. W. A. 174. Wauke- mallng another quiet trlp in te city' fliai lino wiii prohably extend throtirsh Al tfe.Whill the dimensions of the. gan, electeti nec tffiers Wednesday anti get married at a later date: or. Koli.aki, an Important railway junc' amtaller i-nom are about 80 by 40 feet. evening ai foliows, George Monk ré- perbaps they thoughl that, with the tlin ilfteea miles seof aI . The Work of the mnulacture of the A reiew0f he seralots lt ~ piodu<i of the firin.spiral cou b.d tlring voluntarily after tour yeara in lîcenseo çuedlnicao hy Art eo h iirain nP- prings iwlltlhé toliowed In the main the hai: coitihe rocued hicao, heylancn for thé haut tavo weeks In NOv@m-' machine i-nom white the other roem the cair:coul liemariled In Waulîégan quiet-, bel and the firet part of Déecénther, li te utilîzeti for hte making et Venerabie Consul-Chartes; Ci-ah- y and, through failure of te pubi- given ot hy the ar office n Petro- otse andi repaira of the machines. trée. ration of the marriagelilcense. coult gi-ad aya litithe Cermans escapedti The nmachinery Ilai natalied on î Atvior-Jobn Aliansworth. keep It quiet hère. 'Pbey dli'nt know freni the "ring of steel" whlch aimant, lecconti fluor. Thé Oirsi flour oft t Clerk-Conrad Holstein. that, a marriage 0t téluelace InI éncompasseti them by an "unbelew-1i building wiii hie use dat storage and Banker-Wm. Daiz!e-i. L Couniy muet have a Lakte Couin- abie effort. The. revtew shows ttauî ulipping roina. 1 Tht- gréater part tuf thé machinery Escoi,-Chas. Willerton. ty permit andti tat thé lîcense oit th(.faIlitofnithéeCGerman n ittmra ns-inli in thé building lu the Pro- Physaln-.L. (oui-iey. tained In Chicago ln gooti anly It Cook pii-tlng reinforcemett la accaunýtabI* duttof the. Inventive genlus of Mr. Watcbman-Hari-rî Hamilton. County. foi mont of their successes. 1 tegg.ît, tîret'ldenî of fi-m. Thi-ougli Setiy-John Wiierton. omny It. lis in entionîs the. poduct of thé ftsm Truste. 3 years-Wm. Farmer. When Beithéai-tui-ed home Tués- NEW OWNERS FOR YANKSicontaîna adratîcéti feani-es oft maDti Paî <7nuu-G L oit. ______ 'acture, Thé many pointa includl PastConsl-G.L Mnk. ay eenig. ele *s cnfroted irhIln thé rodurt ci-lties a 9004 ai $a many nec members have been dyéelg h a ofott ihFarrell n Slibl"Dvr ips o h ril thé Sun contalnlng news of Ithé issu- I nd of aii" oyn. DI Thofe Jotht at. nlae I comlng In of lais that the. regular fin-une ofthé license. Natut-ali> site ' 1 'Télcaaiatiiicld i oitiation bau lissa dispensitiwith for eali téqoto hc o r New Yoi-kttec. .-Announcément' thé machiner>' tornuériy contaînéti sme tinte- the obligattonne moelie le prnhé-etl.Bu.tmth lematie that te New York, Ampriu-uy11 fcof ùtheconcerfi, locateti ai - her parents tréaYy.kBut.,tran theerLoulsville. It la understoadti hat thé Ing sdngtistered. The regular initia, start elle admitteti they hall obtainetilnu cuté ake, a en ncernintetntis ta love ail Of the toyc1 olstteeéti l a-téicnébtcr ui -~ soldte t Capt. T., L. Huston, a million- niachtnv-ry ot the. Carthage %Io., Plant on ereonis tereôjý fo th va- te lcone bt wre oa.7ntrécto, antidJacob Ruppert, now liiioperaUon lu this City intu th ions candidates cilitseplace et one She explaînét they got the. licenie té ltnai-e hi-écer. uîuai- future. whlch will more lima limés et tome future dtlé hen a big fount i i was iaté and Ihen hum-ed Tht. sale of thé stock tbelli b>. lFrank double lte size of thé plan hère. The ]tit lhéîandto-téam. home n as flot to arcunse sul9picin Ftarrell and William Deveriy cas n@.! i-ut hegs anuter fat-tory !n operatton --o! héing home later Ihan ortiinarily. etiatéti by PrésIdent Ban Johitron i et Walkerille, Onttil. Canadai. inspiration. Thé Inféretice la thé>' îtendéui 10 use -Tht- compti-oneottof thé pioieers aIIIII!the ie ulYof iS a BY in tht-mnufîac-t ure-of led aprings bilé o acophb n'yan the licetise laler. i Division oftl aigeiabllted ilttéya 8 slevire atts oraccoplibing9 £morchant It Mantato w«as akedi wha lnu. est bard tank vanlabes chen a manfteélb In thé case of gictlrand. lnqui-y et*Are yen andi your son Colr> ozn The,1 A. alpleau rîtend"t. tIhat lhébas coi-adesAtaistéaide fght- hie home this ifoi-ning dévélopéti thethe< ,business togthor "YesJ. h AiBell~ey tas s-upe etciir nthiatenla i. attalh iino at wreohi lei an.1trnaithduies oet ti iy otlé ntét oe. &oftose lhe lovés are upon hi=, folte about thé malter. Hie moîher iadSe<oaltrartn n-a uie 1 ue-nînitéoertos and thér iraits praying for is vie.w n ode te-r r z"Kr uet ueitndteolrtoso tory.-O. J. Pt-ciy.ta aethé tbi ise, ntalklng "à i C1 Star, thé factor>'. teteSun today satl iiaubstance: 4WiHl be give n absoligely fro in order to advertise Our manufacturera' pianos in tis Vicimity. vy i son lias an equal opportunity of securing one of these valuable preniiums. Think of getting absolutely Iree this beautîful $»0 Plan, or oUle of the other valuable p remiums. OnIy a ]Fsw Minutes of Your Time - Costa *Vôn Nothing to Enter. Send You1r Answer ini Today. , 2, * iâ