-'tri c4te ai al t UiIony IIaery Most be sold ai onlce, end cial prîces quickly. Ail flower. ribbon and velvot trimmed hats ftOw haif pri.e Ail Plume or Feather Trim3ned Ras NOW ONE-THID 07T. TIRS5 GREAT CHRISTMASISTORE--IS FUL GIFTS TIIATi <1oreat assbrtmente art 110w.t; and-we have pi!ced them,,Wir e- S markably low, AUl are in pretty pinks, blues, l4venderý, etc., anci have dipity atterns. Speexal val- uepst9~~ 9 Ful 1ength heavy 'quallty flanî- nelette kimonas'xi ood practîcal eolors anid combnationà;, ail .szes; ,regularly sold at $1.2- and 95 $ 0 , pFa This great store is ready, as neyer before, wlth large stocks of Useful ýGlfts for'Chrlstmfts. Mor thn eer efoe te tndecy , syear Is to give gifts that are USEFUL; and what c ould be more pleasing or useful than a Iovely -COAT, SUIT, WAIST, DRESS, or any one of the scores of thlngs we have here, and best of ail is the splendid low prices which are especially created -for the Christ mas tUrne. The. Christmas Sale of Suit: Wonderful v alues axýe offered on A i s, in m our store in thiýý,pecial Ximîas sale-. Invilud- ed are ail the xewest fabries and the nost sthlshi garnment.ts thatve Ihave ever shown. Biming a suit ini this zreat sale imeuas saving at least haif. Sizes up to 46. IRegular $15.00 68 suifs- e % Allour 20.00 j Suin 1000 Suies Worh to 29 $35.00129 Yeu tUan ie a et KIR, - ingIt WiiI Pliss Svovspii j 1)11 svores of <oats foi- the great Niissale are rcady, and the prieea are the best \' e e'r nfcred. liovely new imater- iaI1 l ii 141the 'latest itvles. izes for F ,r get lot si>tciaIIy pi <et $10, $15, $18p $22.50 EXTRA SPECIAL 1 ,, ea ts tliat alw a's sel] up to $11>)speviaI ut ........59 Olle lot ofLt W'Oies andi 118C5 rucais, wortIi Up to $7.50, now.. 2e85 Gîvig a Dress Neans Sure Pleasure Beeaî:se a drï-ss is praetical and tiseful it alwa.vs makes a nire gift and these lonw prices wilI please ~~v : mnen"e deses (\VU ~OOs'ikor serge dresses $3.95 /'1 'ihsai o vlvtdrs.s ~~ Childem il ?i' ~ New Waists fer Ghislan (~~î~ Oui 'aisk tsths 1prie 1.0a the greatest valume 14,J»; voii1i ind anywhere. \ew s'tyles i/IW j~~ '~,1~reeexsed daiv A BeatifUl sik valsa.... 1.95 Crepe de chine waits .....$48 I.7ee waists Fmd wit of sfik........ 3.8 Ail are e<iiste stý les and new "'o'.with e'ffeetive trimxnings. Gratifying, Practical<& Inexpens-îve Gifts Maike your gif t selections from the hundreds upon bundrcds of practical, usef ul articles that art ready ;n this great Christ- mas Strv. fHac art a kew suggestions. Xmas Handkerchies ... 5c te $1.0 XmaaM51k osiery, 25C te *$LW Xms Uxubrella....$1.00 to $5.00 Xmaiewelry. 10e to $250 Xrnas Toilet Sets ..$100 to $25.00 Womm's 1mai Nckvsr 25c-1.40 Xmas Glovea for Women $1 te 3.50 jClmldru's Xâas Shois 5Oe to $8»0 Xmaa. Neckwear for Men 25e to 50e 1mai Btatlonery. 25e te $1.00 WOmnen's 1mai BliPpers 98C te $2i Children'a 1ma, Glove. 10e to $1 O.-hldren'a Warm Blippers 48c te $1 Wommn'a Sweaters. -2,00 te *7.50 Infts, 8Wear ...... 10e te$500 Infants' sweaters .. 59e te $29e IYou can safrlv buv ait y-our CIristmas Gifts at Hein'.. knowinRthat vou are etuing the rratest sekcton and the -very Iowest prces. The Coat for Your Girl Low Prneu The lai gest anid best assortnents ot chli- lreîui's and girls,' ('(ats ir, at this store- ever %-kxuott'ii styvle anîd colox' are here ini great arra.v-and values are the best in, the coui itry. Specfial Values 1 .98, 2 98, 5.00 EXTRA infants, Whlte Sweaters-" AiI-wiool; regular Women's Cape Gloves-In hrowu only; e xcePt- 79c ioui value ........ C WomenIs Flecd Vosta ed Pants-Iu. wldtè; ah 9 extra speoial 't. 2 B3oysMa' ' o tid L S hoot- (*un Meta]; but itf style ...7 Ob il Mo Sis -patexet and dxii -leather; s 65c Patent asd »_:M!> Liatier s -210-212 NORTH GENiSEZ gT., WÂUKEGAN, lU SkIs l ri hll~ I 'Hein's ix the place for ski rts;" au&dwe mnert this phrase by reason of the %von- (ler-fui values we give at ail timnes. Here are a few specials for the Christmxas sale: $6.00 Sklrta $6.50,Bkirtu $800 Sklrt 2.48 &,98 5O0, 105-107 N. 10 - 107Wt. Geneses st. The Gs t. Waukean -Waukegs. MR. OSCAR RUBIN, Maam Christmas Sale of At 'SLSITSvales Saturday aind Next Week At HaIf PrIo,'Z Ail mir1 heautittil suits (inciudmmmg tamuous Pi ntzess Suits) now on sale at lialfftormer pices It's youi oIIC oppor- Ô tuxiity of a litetime to get sueh splendid garments at so low a prine tis early Al aie brand new aud the most approv- ed styles and mewest tles-ail at one-haif priee Elegant Coats at $10.75-Coats that cai lic w ex e PrIced flhll(h highei go ini this sale as well as many new styles just ret eived Thev aie the gi eatest value ever of-t tex ed xi oats at anyw hem e iear fiprce asked 10*75J SPECIALECONOMIESNOW Women's 75e Union j< Warm GauntlmOt loes Buita-Torxow.. For boys and girla Gi Wemen's $1.00 Ur-ion Of0TV....... Butts--Toinorrow. ... 19C Gloves and MittUe-For Ohidren'Io Fleece Lin- à women and children ed Union Suits-Only 50OC at ....... Outreat'Cbristmas Stocks of Gift MerchandWs>&re, now at their best. You -can catiy andeconomÉ*cII c ~oeGfa o evxbody from the.!! nidulcioshe :ess.:~sz:ee------------ SURE TO- PL-EAS--*E, FOU /i v»ieit We point to our great col- < lertio n of beauti5ul furà with 7 ' a great deal of pride beeause 1 of the remar-kahle combinia-/~ tions of splendid reliability and the tixceiitionallv IOW , Separate Muffs, $2.95, $.8 $5.00, $10.00 up t4 50O Pur Seta: $1.95 tà-$7#.0 Chffdreu's Fur Setj.i -f.c to WOM"LN Werefund carfart on purchases of $5.00 or over