Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1914, p. 4

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- Waukegam W4.iiy Sun Office Telophone Number 8, Libertyville Exichange. BaIard a% tise Postoffilce et Lbertyvflle. li., au second Cl&@& Mail Mattor Official Paper for County. [m.e" livery Priday. Adertialng Rate@ MAde Known on Applilcaton. BSORIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRIOTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ý...................................................É.......-..... ....... ditor F. 0. SMITH ............................................................ . Manaer M. J. WESER'..................................... Retidient Manager, Phone la -J T1= WAE TAX. fyreveautamps now-aad do it without a mur- ~ur-orlti~iibe*worse. The kind of!administration of public business in evidence at Washingto>n during the. pae t wo years iB responsible for the, abortage I govern- mental revenues and façing the. abortage, the burden of a delicit in revenues always faUîng upon the. people, thé only remedy le for them to face the music and "mû.e good"l louses austained as a resuit of experiments attempt- edb h owr i control at the. capital. e vrymich doubt if, under a Eepublican adminis- tration, a wur tax would have been neceaaary just now. In *Sct there are maay reasons to warrant the. belief it would lot But- A majority of the. people-at leaut a controfllng min- ority, if flot a inaority-wanted a change, aid no decreed. TIieygot it .It'î aoand ere with avengeane. If yon have ajob, hang on toit. AUlthe big cities are sending out warninga to the unernployed to keep away. Th.y are having a desperate trne to take care of their own joblees. Tihe Iodging bouses are fIlled aid labor bureaus overwelmebyapplicants for positions. go auiyone hold-1 ig ajob of any Idd,be it bigor small, ahould cllng with the tmacity of abull dog toit. "AÂbird inhand is worth two i a bush" maut at the. present writing. -Tii. accidentnear Milburu Siaturday viierein a couple had their ýUto tipped into the ditch viien a dog got under the wheel .taon. wbich might happen to hundreds of auto- ista-because every driver daily runs across some "Inerv- oua pup" who Just delights iu ruxinfig along and barking at the passmng car. One would not tink that a dog would be able to do such a trick, but the. accident of Saturday proves it's possible. Tiierefore, in future, local drivers wili do weil to BEWARz THE DOG! There are other things as dangerous about hlm as bis bite. The. wa tax should be o! great service to the assessors in getting at the. actual consideration in real estate tra's- fers on whîé.h thue a.e.wn..+ zin ...t Don't mise lt-Nortbwesiern UnIver. alty GI.. Club-Botter tisa ever. The Ladies'(Cd club went ta Chcago Wedniesday visere tisey attended a mat- luese performance of "Poidis and Peri- munter.", Thse burnlng out ofai B ismuey calledl tise Ore departîment , t10 the houte of Hler Davis un Broadway Tuesday aiternoan. This le e noie of thanka ta ail tisai Whoa go geuerousiy maasted ait tise bazaar given by tise St. LAwrence's church. Tise auccesa 01tise bar la due ta tielr efforts. Attorney B. B. Miler and Id. I. Miller atbended a meeting of tise BSrine la Bockford mverai deys tise ee. Qute a number of other Shriners from thse county attended. 0. C. Gridley attendOd B banquet tsudoed ta, the County Éerm agents of tise United ltai.. ansd tise Moenda ai tise boter rural M11.mavement by tise Ciica. go business men et tise Sherasan Bénue W-J.»dây eveng. -. -%- M A very lntsresting basket halIl gae la Promlmod tise lovereaiftisai @port on Tlùréday evoniug, Dec. 81, when tise Lbertyvilu. Boosters vlil piay th iseTIe ai the West tide (iymnaélnm, Chicago, at tise Liisercyvilie M. E. Gym. Tise Tigaame coualdered one ai tise strong- est teame lD Chiscago. LJbertyville la ta iaveaesecond maviug pleins. boum about ttiet osim auary. Frank M. Buydam ln ta, be tise avéer ai tise new theatre and Ik wlUl be iacated lu tise F. H. Just building wviiiwova vacated by tise LakeCunuty ludepeudeat tise lait af Navember. Mr. .Iust le having tise outire iloor remadeled for the tiseaire, puttlng lu a drap flaar and new front. Mr. Aydet l8 nov aperatiug a imilar show house lu Lake Forest. 6. T. Huean'a vinige t tise panltry show lu Waukegan vers au loliows: Biliver cup for beot diepiay, counting pointa, B@as im won a nice string ai riisbons an tiret, second and fourtis cockereis; tiret breeding peu af yaung birds; eecand ou puilet, sfecond beu aud tiird cari; tiret cockerel aima won shape and color speclai offered isy tise Red Bred.r fP10, sof thp Wrid. J. R. Aile- ou -.h!,r ussd seonu XV&o U &Uo UV a"eMj.T .!S éSUOt OU lU UU idisUÂ.heu and frsi puilet lu tise Wlte èWyau- Uncle Oam does not propose te be cheated out o! aîy reve- datte verlety. nau by the old " one dollar and other good and valuable Tise bazaar given by St. Lawrence@ considerations" bluff and deedsanad mortgages to b. valld Epiacopai risurchis ist veek vas a big muat bear stamnps for the full amounit that changes bhands succesa lu ever>' vay. It demoustratesi la anv transactin Heavy penalties are provided for an tise fart tisaInlutis cammuni>' Bt leaat T .~ tisere le no iack ai Chrstmas tsnyiug. attempt te evade the paymet o! thia tax, and it js certain Ever>' boots reportesi large profite froru that the federal officiais wMi enforce the law t6 the~ letter. tise tva days aaie. About 300 people partoakt ie riscien pisdinuer. Tisere The corn show afteraSU cr.teid mnch interest and it vas not a large rrovd ou tise second proved that farmers CAN b. brought te Waukegan if the . h alTuaa vnn aI Inducement preparesi for te dance. Te dancing takes a littie effort aid urgent invitation. Ti am jcounsinuouihl tise vee@ma' isoura vsen tMte O! the Mercantile trade-iîf the mrchaîts mû.e th.eut.eihal was cloases aud tise si annuel lieauary effort, they cm n et back much o! the countybverva i ueid trade 'whlch left Waukegan years ago. Tii. continuoUG 1150 University GIse Club, Dec. 17, under of advertialng fithe. veeJklies by soule stores already hm auspices ai Epvoriis League. brouget a inrket effeot along tu in. h lcbal stores houaeit b The onlythingis teNO MM AU TTEE EF- CHUPCH NÈWS YORT. hesno reason vby Wauksgan 1ke cities slm- lI~ylocated fi astern and Western Bstate ould not MathodîstEpî.cop,î. be stn a trade proportionate te vhat they are getting Preschlèg services wyul hboîsi nexi trgb hing the big city o! theïr respective couity. S3unday bots marnlng ansi evenlng ai tise usinai Urne, lu tise moruing ai il In thie retirement o! Siierif Green and Treasurer West- 'clSck 1ev. T. E. liea vwill preaci an er"ed, effiCisMnt and popular mnu stepped aide 1Mendths ie subject, '-Dr..u ansi Vision Houre."l froin public Office at l"au for th time beig.4 fý ronlé tise evoing ai 7:80 tise toplc ai tise hm mde vey ce&tble ecod a Shria. Mr.g am ero n 001vii ho*, "Eyeâ Tisai Can &Se.." has ade vey crditale ecor ausiieif. ia are ! ipeciazomeslceatise eveniag servicee. the prisoners aid the jail generaliy bas been irreproach b.Tier. vîlI ho an Etivort isLA*gu ermv able. Personally the siierif bas been courteous, frmand vice ai special Intereet neuf; Sunda>' alvau vilun tedo vat ue lv sys aabelft hahdo.eveuing ai 6:45. Subjeci aiftise lOsson, alwai wilingtO o wht th lal sas a herif shll o Sw Mucis do ite Love th. Christ?" 131 bas nover abuaed bis pover-he bas sIways atda .Deir agood, judicious sheriff, ever ready to fulfiShis dutie ise Snde chaml&lanngt gv eVen thougb tueY Might beu unpleasaut at tiuues. In the ae iendîi Cirisimas exorcise tis yoar Mai O! Mr. Westerfleld, the aniecan ho said. He bas been ou Christmas eve. A Chrismas ires, a au bonest, efcetaid capable officiai. The. matter o! au at& Clan., a Christmas part>' and ail efficient tise gad tinga of Chrstmas lime vîli tereit on public funda, iniieritaîce tai, etc., doesn't enter ha Iu:evldeuce. flito consideration in classifying lm at ail. Those quest- unuda>' achoaleis ield ai tise m. E, ions are merely ponts o! law, aid Mr. Westerfield merely elsuris eisbe Sanday mnoring ai 10 conducted bis office lu tuese regards the sanie as EVERY Tk iseAl are cordially luvited. VERY TheFîrot Qnarterly Contereure wlll ho *OssUrOr Who precoçled hlm. Others disagreed with the isels.,neti Mnda>' eveuing, Dec. 14tis et inteyrrtation of thie lav, and noie but the hlghest courts 8 oriaciû. DriJ. A. Malock, Diat. Bupt. eusywho is rigbt. Mr. Weaterfleld aid bis counsel oi Bociford ditric i vli ho promunt and mnthe la rlght; othera are equaily posît4vç tht inbico.ducitishe conlerence. Allofibclmet- taae aid in the. cae o! EVElt R Zv'Io)Ug TRIAS. bes re urged ta attend. UI , fous have hein retafi.d vbicb do not properly go Si. Làwfssie Épacopal. c te the. treasurer. Thuua, !orgettlng tholse mooted questions HBoly Communion ever>' Sunda>' 7:456 aud Mers Points o! lav, It cmn be said o! tàeretliin-g trma. t. FireSufnudaylu méDIs 1O:0a. a Uw« 1 tho basconducted h)s office lu a inôst ~eént aid bornlu ryreeyOua'ec hlomachabile manier, ho and bis force havealvays babove 10:80a.. ve bee yso> cisaal 11:45 a . oeetàousaid caeful in dealn& with the public, and, fi Ail Holy DBe. Bli>'communion wo:0î »Utktgho can take vltb hlm te realsation that ho. ha. t MWs the Office vith distinct credit te uise anMai ev. nauS W t res4.iag Ù10DU a.There are tuoe. vo msy question hie iniatency N BIC lu t.kln¶ the firm stand hie did la the points involved, but Tho annuel meetIng uftise siareholders i t h t cai bu Sal.d: "Would't you bave don. the sane ai tiseFirsi NatIonal Bani ai Uiberty'.t thhgrf' Who vouldn't? 1Tieres possibly oie mai vbo vIlle vilI Wh sls lu tise Bank offices au 'wÎ1da'-but be'î deadi Messrs. Green aid Westerfeld Tisessa>, Jeu. 12, for tise purpoée oi la" vorthY succeBworsin the persona o! Mr. Giiffin and elecilég Drectors for tise euug yeart and for tise trauaactlng sucis atisr bnui. Mr. 1(cDonough, Who viii surely fiM theïr respective duties n & rpry-oebfr h wfIM oedt to tii 'umievesand te the coouty. mi n. . . DE essy, Cesiler. CAS TO PARDON Tise basrt,,lIi ulcLlhrary la BOARD> FOR RULJNG 'jlhtô i s týse publie Tusedmysapg eâturdaqq front Man Convicted in Woodiock 2m 0ta) 58o and 7 to 9 p. m. as of Selling in Prohibition Ter- ea.auneed. CRases have bien latoflWd ritoy I th Isse. nd re flle lvhsover seven isundred ritor Is he Isue. bolekh, skcomprise tise ibrary. Thse Waukgan,»~ ~ nntfflhrs of the Alpha Club, visa founded Lakte ctsunty saldonkeepr üd ansi odvé ntise library and devote eo mucis - WIXO have *atcbed the ai 4tor t tuikeoPlug Ils modemuand in, boléro Jusige an e r* c" neqftdlUéoa, isav.ope@i tise room ta thse thelaie cuat curtw'i'lb .Publiceaa4-wiah &à vould scomBd ou. tiseLab coustycour w e lite r- h. Tb@e sbscrion for a card, WhIsei esied Inlu earing tisai ioday' Bt 2 b. l.' Maires a very acceptable Xmau gli, le before tise siate board ai pardons et t10 per year sud le veiy mucis appre. joilet, 4 moat important malter, .arcltda heptieCuadaiame ing ou tise sale 01 liquor ands 85b0-tuepaya Itis e l anr. o mr qisent in"ue for violation ai tise local Tise fallawlng Buti 0I books, wvici Option law was up far cansideratiin. 'patrona are requeeted ta clip for refere It vas the case af Adrial COviUn bas iseen added ta tise already larg of WOodstock, an ati-ealoon terriior>'. numier: He was iled $100 each on even Alteieler-Gune ai Bull Run. counis and seniencesi ta 30 days i Barcay-Wall 0! Partition. Jahl, Judge Smlley imposed tise fiue Beunet-Price af Lave. In tise Mclionry count>' court. Brady-liward Baud of Napoleon. Cowli' friensis gai busy aitor ho Brawu-Rted Blooded. vont té laul and Iimnediateiy laid tise Buckraae-.-4ay Marnlugr. case beoéro tise state board of Pardons Cave-Boys Camp Book "Jl'. visici hears thse evidence ioday. Son. Couper-My Lady ai tise Cisînee Court. ator Oison andi cuber prontinont mon yard. have Inioreaiesi ihemeelves lu Covlln's Doyle-Advecture ai Gerard. case, and a boi flght vas expecied Frber-Pe-raonalty Plus. isciore thse board, htepresentatIve (iregory-Undor Handicap. Shurileif belng reporiesi as assliing Hay-Rnlgisi on Wheela. tise ue vois lt on tise sentence Hilllls-Story ai Phaedrus. being carriesi out, lu case Cowln Jaisuson-4Balamander. baa ta serve ouitishe sentence, ho vili Klng-WaY Homs. have ta iboard out his fine aitishe rate Lee-Wom n lutise Alcover. of $1.50 a day vhich is i bave ta be Lewîs-Our Mr. Wienn. worked oui au tise iighway vork Inlu Ucalu-Rent Kuavîse, Qnaisang. Menrym count. Long-Jaulce Day. Tise case bas etlru'ed up more inter- tc(arter-Wiluulug tise Wîlderueus. est fi) McHenry county tisSu any otiser àMouigomery.-Ioiden Boad. liquor case tisai bas corne up stuce tise Norri"-atnrday'a Chlld. local option 1ev becarne effective. O'Brien-Nev Meon for Olsi. Tise points luvolved are Important One year ai Pierrai. ta Lakte caunt>' because tise tan>' Paixer-Lait osa. liquor cases tisai have came up isere Rirismond-Twenty-fonrtisai Junue. are quite aloug tise samfinhes and Rineiari--Street aiflibyen tiserefore imuilar conîditions wiul arise Roomeveli-Hunutlug tise Orlzzie.. Iere iu due tue. -1105gb Ridera. -Wlldernjesa Hnnter. Tozier-Susan lu Slcily. L16HT 60 O T; 1,auDi'ke-Lost Boy. AUTO DASIIES FROM : AdiorItUlŽti Sor O lO Se 7 ROAD; TURNS OVER Blieoma-Tri ol. Two Waukegan Men, B. 0. Clarke-Hawtbornie's tCountry. Ka1.r,-Langlilow«t Countiry. Bestor and Wm. anr Cramis-Germany and England. Victims of Auto Accident Crosnp-U. 8. lIsiary wsitlSynchsronie- Tise front lighs ofa a iaurlng car, Niapa. containlng tva Wau'iegan mou,wviîcis Lamplougis-Cairo. vas speeding along tise ianely caun- >lartlu Mfexlro'a Treasure flose.. try road flear t6secrafla, ai a bite Umnond-Liege and tise Ardennes. isour lu tise evening, susdeni1 fi kr Our Nortiseru Lomaln, Alaka. ed tison veut ont. deverni moments laie ietamn Siarleton-Heari aiftise Ant rctir. vere cravllng oui frat underneatis Silberrard-Dnicis Bulba and Usrdens. a vrecited car, wiscish ad sisot into 1 Von iternhbard i-Ger many and tise Next tue ditcis ansd urned turie Tise men War. suter emerging front tise vrecisaeI shool, hands over tiseir miracuions eq ~aDo. Heur tise NoriswE Tise tva meu vers: ('tub aitishe M. E. eh WILLIAM KASNER B. (). PESTE&.Tise furmer wa: 811910YIy unred lu tise accident. d Tise Independen The>' siate tisaitisey hasi reacisesa peint ln tise roasl a short distance out. aide af thse village af Rosecraus. They vere Passlug aver tise roasi ai a fuir rate af sPeed hi ihelr eagerness té reacis bome. Wthont an>' varln.g tise ligisis suddenly flickerod and veut oui. Mr. Besior visé va driving tihe machine vas as susideni>' handicap., ped vutiste overviseling darknees tisai caveres tise roasi. 'D'a machine saSsed Inié a rut, tisonoit? Bliddefi andi ln auother montent vae lylug up. aide dovn alungalde tise rossi. Afier emerging fronthtie accident, M tise tn galaed heip ansi replacesi use car ou tise visels. Tise var was érongist ta a garage hore,visera ht vas fouInsito ho badly damagesi. Tise vindaeld, lenders. steering viSel and body w ere broiten or crusisos la lise accident. Upon hi@ arrivai hore Kasuer Imme- diatel>' enlites tise aid cf a pisyaïian. It vas founs tise tan hads ssaiued severe brulses and a badi>' wrouched isact. hIs laprobahi>' htisiho may have sstaned Internai Injuries. PKCTURDE 0OF VOLO WOMEN 15 FOUND; LOCKED UP IN SAFE Deputy Circuit Clerk L. J. Wui- mot Had Caret uIIy Tucked PhotographsAway. 'amen raîlides M ci vsreore on Mouday ta have disappoared front thse court honse, flot onlin lent met but lnstead, Ih vas ln exceptlonally' eafekeeplug lu tise recordera office. It seenis that Doputy Circuit Clerk U. 3. Wilmot, aiter tise criminai trial luat year, took tise ivo original 1>10. titres and carefnliy locked tisent up ln tise safe. There tises bave repoeed evor sînce. it see tiat Attorney Orvîs. visen iuqulring alter thseipic. tures for une ln tise darnage case of' Mrs. Richardson ai this tort of court, neglecied ta asît Mr. Wlmnoi about themn and tisai's hy ho vas lead ta. believe tise picînres neoded lu tise triai, have iseen bust. Wisen Mr. Wilsnot rend ts ril, lu Tise Daily Sun Monday, ho recaied tisai ise iad caroftuly tucked tise pie-' tures away and accordingly ai one notlfled Mr. Orfle. Indepondont ado-read Dy3M,000. eseternUns:iversity( sursis. Dec. l7ti. siL leadsaail. Stoves and Rani We have a complete stock of ""Stewart" and "Red Cross" Ranges, Cooks, Miot Blasts and Base Burners Big Stock-Right Price Schanlck Bros. Libertyville TEN DAYS' FRETRIAL 19 You cas try " bbeu. tiful Victrola MREin your own home. Jly making small inouthlv paymntesu yuwll oon oan a Victrala -tise greatesi, of ail msuical instrumente. And jî brings ta >au tise very bemi o music af every kind, eunug ni îslay cd inIlltie very Isemt way bv tise ve.ry lest artisas. 'Illitile- ai place ta jeans the. new lan-. oss imin the hiomîe :mId sere the, Vijctosr se abmtsissely rndis- >en-abl.r rise S$5 I -m- Try the New Dance Records H. B. EGER -The l'roof of tie Pudding is in tise Eating. 'lise lude- peîîdeut'H Clas*sified Ads have been provenl by lîîîîidrs'd, of satisfied custoiers. Ask any tiser of tlîst.- hlittie seirnescît. iFi (A0 Job Printing CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT -M A MONTIIY INCOME Any man who is even alightly imbued with the spirit of industry can, whie living, provide for bis faînily a nionth- ly income. But the real test of manhood iii whether or not he wiIl so arrange bis affairs so thut they ny eujoy the benefits of a regular monthly uncome after he-tbe wage earner-is gone. We have a policy (and we call it our Monthy Incorne Poliey) that wiiJ pay $680.00 in cash at death and a guaranteed incomne of $25.00 per month for twenty years. The annual premium at age 81 is s100.80. Thisu poliCy is equally well adapted to the rich man wlîo wisbes to provide an annuity for a stated period for tho8e dependent upon him; to the mîan of moderate meanss or solaried man who realizes what it would rnean to bis fainily to continue to receive a monthly salary ttufficieiît for a coni. fortable living after hc had beeîî taken from them; and to the Iaboring man who, momt of ail feels the need o! placing bis family beyond the readli of want. This Monthly in- corne policy will be issucd providing for monthly payments of from $10.00 to $100.00 with proportionate imnuediate benefits and for premlurns in proportion to the amount of poliCy. This is the poor man's policy; it is the rich inan's policy, but moat of ail it is the wives' and children's poli. py. Don't you think it would pay you te look into this today? JOHN IIODGE District Manager. Michigan Mutual Lite Insurance Co. I l 1-

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