six LAI COUNTY INDEPENENT1', F!RIDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1914. By T. F. SWAN Coss.epondont and Agent edh4la it fu ODabut our r a mnaq. s"oa0f Bog i »l.. Wis., 1?lew dqeluit wrek wiqh Mm EL .A. Kramr. lira. kSrqe Joue. entertainsd Mr@.. Church of Barrngioe over Sunday. lir. L. A. Mure s peut Bunday wtb ber parents at Round Lake. Mm. Thon. Russland son Ralph vieltied esveral day. ]ait wsek witb r.lkdm te Lu i*kForait. Mm. Auna Latbrop returned tdla wsek from a visit i th ber daughiar ini Chic- go. Mm S . A. Kramer entertalned lir.. Peck of Evauston, Thursday of lait weak. Mmra A. D. Anderson of Winnepeg, who tue ikng an extefided viait witb ber peuple lu Chicaga, @peut a few dave thia weik witb lMr. and Mr@..B. J. Cropiey and Meewed many acquaintances tiere and ait Ubertyvilis. lic.. fiarold Kramer and daughter of Joliet, spent Tueaday ot ta@t week at the S.A. Krsmer home. E. C. Ceveland ot Wieaton and Mr. WhieOf ene&eo, Iii., spent Sunday wltb WiIi Knifgs and tainily. lira. John ticBrtde bas been seriouely liitfor the. pait week. fier advanced age and entsebled condition combine to maks ber recovery doubtfui. fier daughter, Mc.. Russll ut Waukegan, ta with ber. lir. and Mc.. Robert Lammene are entsrtalnung Miss Marie Delmst of Rogera Park. Mise DeSmer bas been in Europe studying munir aud was enter- tainOt by Mr. Lammenti' parentseat Giient, Bsilum. the war broke ount as attemptedtu laleave the cafntry sud wai arreateti ai a apy but alter a amount ot officiai red tape waa tlnally relsawet and matie ber way to the cuat wiisre abs w«a able tu secure passage tu the good old U.S. Tii. basket bail game lait Friday even. tug between Aria and Lake Bluff resulted lu a vitory for the. former by tbe veny lop-aided score of 34 ta TU. The home boys hati a decideti atvantage over the vi@tora in the matter of wigbt and garY a fine exhibition of speeti and the gsme wai neyer in doubt. The. lineup: Aria Lake Bluff Rouas............L G......Geraghty )Shasdie ...........aG ......Burrîige iKatap ...e....... C .....P. Rouie Johnson ... L ......... LF hoiz Fr . ......... R F ............ iller Bak(i-D. Rouas 3, Knigge 1, John. ,ôf 7, Fry 6, Shalz 3, Miller 4. Free îiirow Shoîz. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Sixty-ului regular meeting af tic Board of Trustees ai lis villag, ot Ares at lhe vilage bail, Maptisy, December -Î, 1914. Prenl, Watson, preident; trus- tom., Welus, Irving, Ruell, Knigge anti Murrie. AlSent. Alirecit. The. minutes ufthle prevluos meeting wers reati aud approved on motion ai Irving asti Weil@. Tii. treasurer lien reati Iis regulan mouîbuy report ahicli teseanditeti iy the. fiuance committee anti sccepteti mn motion ot Russell ant Ilrving. The tollawlng bils wt'ne rend:. S. L. Tntpp, cruebed atone....s 10 Laie Ca. ravel C., grand.......20 Lake Ca. lutiepentient, prIntiug anti pubisiing................... 10 78 C. Dreen. Street wonk ............ 'o S W. J. Wiliam@, Street wurk ..... ut) T. P. Swan, typeyvriting ....... 2 5 0 Bent Chamberlain, Street teark .. :Si75 t. Il. Studer. tinawiug epeciica. houe................................ 40 R. Voelker, Streelt wor .... ....15 30 Public Service Co., street liglitS... 435 8 Edigar Godwin, etreet work ..... 500 (feo. H. Smith, siectIon service ...3 0 W. J.Williams .. .... a300 Clatie Drien " .... B300 RalpbBRoue ' .... 300 B.B. Bubi " .. .... 300 T. . Owen ". 3.00 fi wai movati by Wells aiud Irving thai ail bille be allowed aud warrante dan the tressurer la payaient of aiU but thai of 8. L. Trtpp. Motion cared.1 Moved q Muiuell ad Kalgu lat sa waropt b. drawn on the tex levy of ça19 ti .pu i1.1 Fpynt -"- Improvemint W& ouedasim psst on motion of Weles ad lMurrta, ail Prissent voting «Oye." It vas movati by Kuigga andi Ruil tuat a notice oif tiie l.tttng of contracte1 for the construction and erectIon of an éevatsed tank and lower. puuipiug building and sation, power pumping pla.nt complet@ vtth the necesary piping, lboss antiradjuncis for aa ystit. of water von. lln the village ot Ares, bie publiched for hc.. conascuiv, wsekea@ c.qnlred by iaw, lu the. Lake County Indepaudeut. Motion carrieti. The boardl tiier went tuto a romnilîtee ufth swhole itoesaivas the. returas ai the. special election beld lu the. Village Pall an Tussday, December 1, 1914, and tounti that un the question: "Shall bonds or obligations for tbe purpose ai conotructiug and erecting a Bystem of water works in the Village af Area con. aistlng of an elevated tank and toiver, pumping building anti station, power pumplng plant complets, wltb the ucces. sary plping, base and adjunets. lu the sumo of $6,000 b. iesnd by the Board ut Trustes@ ai the Village ot Area, Lake ,Couaty, Illinois, lu accordance witb the terms oftan Ordinance passet and ap- proved by the. Preuideut and Btoard ut Trustees ot eaid Village ot Area on November 9, 1914." "Yes' recelved 45 mens@ votes, 37 wumen s vote.. "No" recelveti 43 menes vote@, :14 womsns votes. Accordingly the question wae declared carried by the. affirmative iv a majority ofthree votes. Tii.*board then reconvened and ad- journeti on mation ut Wells andi iurrie. T. F. Swan, Village Cjerk. Cames lu anti let us tell vou about î,ur uew Thrift System for saving ianey. Lake County National Bank. el tins R. Hinton of Berwyn. 'peut several days ai lait w.'ek wilt h hen mother, Mrs. Rattie Holt. Lloyd tineuber was a Chicagot visitor Sunday. tire. E. M. t mbach and sou Robert loft Monday to epenti a monti witti lier parents lu Marion, Kansas. C. B. Eaaton and neice, tiabel Schaffcr ot Deerfilld. bave been vistting at J. A. tiason'. Hermon Albrecht anti fapnly bave relurneti irom a two weeke vieil with bis brother lu Gtenco, Minu tir. AI- bright bas etarted ta builti bis new hans. Blanche iVhell bad as lier guets Sunday Eloig Heins anti Mita Nlckersoa irom Waukegsn anti Diei Lyons af Lake Fore@t. Mirs. %V. Scar and so.n A.Xhur w,te Chicago tieutane ou Monda(,. tir, anti trs. Eddy entertaineut coin. pany tram (Chicago tact week. Wmn.andi AlfrediStanclii acre in lue icland lait Thur8driy. tirs. S. E. Kuedier andi daugliter Flusie were Chicaga vigiturs Monday. Fraues8tancîliff, Arrthur Kîneger and (lia. Stanelili were ini Waukegan an busince@. Moianîla A. G. Maether le attindiiii he enlper. visors meetiig at Waukegeià tlîîe we L.. H. Krueger andi Julius tetiiiers baught ten carloatt et tle in iset um sin laslweek. TII! PATIIWAY ..TO SUCCESS. heginis right in front of oui. Savings Window (2oie down to the batik and ntart your aceount for $1.00 or more. lui our Sav- ings Departmnent your mnoney earrnî 3% Compound Interest. THE CITIZENS' BANK< AREA, ILL ,"MmIrmeT E" Bauk Yoi u" ZDeerfie/d1 At tii. Poreait-Teacher Assocation m.sting ltst riday ev.nteg the patron. of the. Drerfiold echool enjoyed jkItt in the. lecture of p.aer 1Batik t Ob9aCo. Rie .ubjsct, VocationalIdeis, a Con orp Mm," wes bý*dad.p * m»Oerful qîpw wGr Iag g fo*e tp work ioulit. added inuct h e10ii. veataW entsatlafsmt f*ad dellictous cakeàad culaiw on uved duritn e. soialbour by Mre. Oscar Buscbam aiad ber cons- C. B. Baston »ud atmc, Mabel Id. Obaffer, are vlelting at the. home of ludion liaon 0f Prairie View, tuaé week. Mr@. A. Wlnt.ra .ntertahned tiie Ladies' 1Aid of tii. Bt. Paul'@ Evangellcal cburch iTburudaj. alternoon. lirmWin. Oeliliste quit@ iii wtth the. grtpp. ' Msl ildred #Whuting returned home Tueseay roxa Detroit, Mich., whsre she bas bren viditlng the past number of weeke. 0. 1. Rockenbach ie spending the week In WisconiMu on business. Raymond Meyer entertaiued hi@ Suu. day seai olclasp the. 'Rover Boys" gaturdaylevening. Misses Mabel and Elda Horenherger entertained the Tatttng club Tnesday evening. Mise Mînnie 8chv4ngle of ltavenswood. was the week-end guest ett hebomne of Win. Schils. Samuel P. Hutchian and son Roy are vimitlug relatives in Missouri. The EPtesbyterian Sunday Scbiol lia@ purchased a new piano and are very much pleased with the instrument. F. H. Mayer and family were the Sun. day guesto of E. E. Fritschi andi family of Everett. SDIAMOND LAKE Corne in and Jet us tell you about our uew Thrift Systemtn or saviug money. Lake Couuty National Bang. CI Mrs. Minute Rouse le on the siî-k list. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lemker were Chicago visitars Wednesday. Several troa Lere iaîîended the tCorn Show at Waukeganý Ouests at (jeu. Mitcheil'm Sunday were tir. andi tr@. Fred Thici, Sr.. Fred Thies, Jr., andi iamily otf(jiltuer. Louis Knigge and fau'ily of Libertyville. A baket social ci l llie helti ut the tiridley echool Friday eveitu, Dec. ]M<. A good program le hî'ing prepareti hy Miss Weiskopt, the tearlier. Ladies bring baskets. C Mir. and Mtrs. Earl Kause returneti tram their weddting trip the iret of the week. Richard Sebroder was the recipient of a surprise party Suuday afternoon lu honor of hi@ blrthday. A. Lowetllbas a set ere atcuct of rlieu. matisur. tir. and ttnî. H. Kan@ gave a receptian iTuesday eveaing iu bonor of tMr. and Mir@. Earl Kane. Ili LA=XEPOREST Albert Eninark le iii vitn pneumonia, ei Ailes hlome hospitai. A baby boy vas vaicme t thie bomne of Ilir. sud Mr@. Merle Tuiieti, Friday, Dec. 4ti. lic.. Tbboeswva form.riy Mie Helen Mure.. Mabib£len Burke b.d a alligt attaci 0f ParaI7alu on Tumdsa>'. Uir.sMd lira. B. S.Moore gavsidiiner for "tffl t ithe Blsekelonbotel Ane li Sesr bha hetiliiLance" faiin et Rondout. L. Bar. form.rly a rosadent of tht. ciiy, now a1 Racin, vitisi tii inond e be Baturday. Ferdinand Ro.b.r, who bas bein ai BagIe River. Wie., for a tew montbe ratunnsd homne lut wrek. Mir. sud lirEl. M. Hubbard sud 1-11lY dopartesi lat week for New Tank. E. E. Brown gava a dinner at the Biacistone Hotel Tuedsy evening. SOHOOL NOTES Tii. umualmuuill lprogiram vai belti ai "Derfiaii lgh" Moaday nuon, Tht. vrek tbe boy@ favorite wai "-Now ta the. Banquet" sud the. girls, 'Drink tu ie Only witb Tbiue Ev..." Tii.a rai annuel meeting of lth@ Parerts aud Teachers Assucation will b. heiti at tb. igi achui Frlday afternoon, Dec. ilti. The prugram willl Le turnisti by the. Dramnaîle Club. The lilgi sehool wil los i'trtristmaa vacation Dec. 1Sti. Tii. 1914 Senior Claie propoe t,, buy a mu1ving picture machine for the ,cbuîot, wicb may lie useti for enitertalumentse Ms Weillas clasm use, lu arder ta obtaîn muuey tar thismoti Dtr. toberti ta@ ta gîve lwîî lectuîre@ utthie scholîîîîtore ta .be taitleceuiber, th, . ther ta tale place lu Januar.v, date. rît yet decideti tirs. Paul Schallerikanimer antiso vislmed with relatives lu (hicago lait week. Thi. Consumer. Ice Co ile ziakîn na iny changes about tihe iuîîce Tbeyae salé building a new car loader. Ueo. Prnria oif cpanscalleti un i i. parents Sunday. Phtl %Yuung ani iri' attendetithe aefdilg aoftiir .',ai.ind at Chien- gîî llnday. whre h.le, ii hie employ ot the I irblic Servu,,'- AIlbert Hoîîet las rî-t i mcd îrîî a t rip thruuli WrauiltHe bas besu lk inrg up Pcornu' tandlrieur ith,.Flambeau river. A giati marie ii rîîr young peuple ai- teudet the .twut tPalatine tatucîluy night, MisNettie Hililuian t nýitcdin lu'biiago a tew tisys la.l seck. MNrs. Blanh.en1ierq bas returne t ti lier summrer uitttage foîr a tew da.ys Miss lte l'rhîrî retunnied hoîme Sun- day- Foa ai-elite utfNîriai anti Netw -n carde caut ahFirank ,Brus. store. tir. andi trs Irvinîg Beil, spent Suuday 1with relainvi- utah iicago. Att Linile iii usAji X muse preseolts lu KnMtheli Nupiais jetve'r'ou1î_,'s suýplies, staliiracr3 Tuesday evening. Docr. let, . 30 1 ai rdfcnt-y.lx andies nt Frank Bras. Laie Zurich pansunage occuretid s marriage a! Luchla, aîîiy tianchier ai tr. sud tirc. Ueo. tMitchell, to arlan ue. TOM McCULLOUGHl nage tea, emltîu/ti u l'Hiuiil. DIS IIB M ) )aN118atdUs bricsnîail andiA INL I hee Kane. bnîttier oft hie gnuoml, w as WA R NT NS I ,)est man. Tii' br ide mus uhti rcdin u W RR N O N I white crelie rut ,,n. trirnuiurd svuî laie aud teare a neukace earri1-vli, sr greal et V nFrmrScu b gnanduiatlrrr. SIr ecarleti s bai1itt oai -11*noflOW rerSccr bride'. rases. Tire îrldesmaîi sare prik After Long Battie Agajnst chiffon aven satin anti carrîcti plt. rosi' Uisual Odds. (lithIe irumeduate tatuuilie, aie 1ttc.- eut. 'Tie svetiung suppter as sr utla LIVED IN TOWN ALL HIS LIFE tic honni'ofithiebride. _____ Tic bîride anti groemr are niait piurar Trhomas MîcCuingi, anc ofthie Yauntg people, alîaa.r livinig it i s vunin- best known reettients ut Warren totem. ity, icuce lhey prepaïedti liisurprise shili died t is i' home an the. Tho$. thein iicumis, but iy 'rueeîlay aflernuoon MlcClure farm ut Gurne. Suntiry nîgil th. effair bati ierîîn unown Ali ater, ut hem o'cloî.k. t-Us demis. followed ni noua telephuncs acre kehît iusy anti long Itattle rigainýt great otits, cul- ticin fientis jrepareti a s'urprisec aIg. mimating in an operation lu EcAlister Wisn %lie autos eonlaining tic wetiting bosPital corne weeka ago wien sur- psrty starteti homesa thirti car appeareti geons entiervoredti t proloug bis lite4 sud accompaniedthern They seeustieti y .losinrg titi main opentng o! bis lie couple anti eiuwered them siti rire ilomSaci anti forming a uew one. anti aId ehues. While this tas going on Tii. aperatton appearedti luche ur- tie Diamnat Laie tadi-. es ene tinig ceceful but ItlaIter 'sas reportedti al doors, etc.,@suthie party wase unaile tu ulcers set lu anti closeti np these im- enter lie banc,, untiu the second cbower aci comîleiely. tif rie.. At auy rate 'Mn. MCullougi was1 A large cruset partieiluateti lu lie taken home lait week andt ten it was cbarivari sud ail wieh Mr. sud Mr@.. rduitteti it likely woulti nol sursivee Kane mauy years ot halîpinese tiMot lu long althougi be was putttng up a yesra bas there becu as mîrch exitemnet bard igiit for 1f.. bers aversa wedtiing. Earl antI hueila Mr. McCullough hati livet Inl War- bave tiecideti it is ipossibule ho outwili ren att liie lIte. He teas a brother of the.-boys. upervisor George 'McCuliough andsi o WII llîcCullough anti Mn.. Ray Dîxon. Laite couuty was represeùteti iu lhe He leaves besities them, hie wl!, and succesatul candidates iu tb. organiza- four daugiters. Mns. McCullougb. lion af the. freshmte chas of the Western Coliege for Won etaIOr- fonmerty was Mabel Obîttenden. tord, Ohia. wben Milse Mabel Hughes daughter of former Superviser Ralpi o! Gurue. was electeti eecret.any. Chittentien. Mn. McCulough was a member of FEEO MILL NOTICE the, Guruee Wtiodmen anti hast heeni Ater Nov. lti, 1 viilgrinsi teet every praminent la afaire lu Warren town-9 day util tuthar notice. 1102 aMp for msny yers. Me hasi con- Dvigiit S. Doiph, Ar&, Ill. ducted the McClure tarai for aoaei years sud vas regarded as a very succesatul fariner. Recause tiiere la a certain amount of nncertainty about Mr. McCullough'a datii hie relatives bave decid.d to bave an sutopay perforndInt uonden liaI they Mray h. aure, mat wlat It was. Thia wlll i. perfonyued this et'ening. Funeral Wetinesday mornlng at the bouse at Il o'ciock. Many Fires Are Caused by Ov- erheated Furnaces and Stoves in Winter. The ire records of Waukegan show flite prescrit j.eniod of the year ta lie the worst seasani for lie occurrence of tires in residences. Tii. maJonlty of the resîdence tires aire titre ta uver- Is-tt unnaces and ti 50es. Wlth the cîîrîung u ofelern rîgbts lhe liremen prepare for tIie maît dîsagreeaile anti niost disastrous conflagrations. Oflen asturtirig wlti ami aterliesteti furnace or stave as ils source a blaze usuaiiy proses a difhlcult one ho subdue. At the seaten wonks soume outhtei records of pumnipage for ires la the, uast lew years show. that mare water sta,, useti duning lhe \Vlnter ses--- ftir ire tlglî ting tîlariai amy oahi-rfper- iî,d uftheii' ear. Tiîre are cme tiys dîîrtîg the year seheir tater tiits beeîn uetlmoran exhensively for tire pur. poses. but tueet s 1no oinllarisoiî fori thu si-ceun. Intiependent reatier? BE O'4i?« Notice ofLetning of Contract or Con- tracts for the construction aerd erectioni of an Elevated Tank and Tower, Pumrping Building andi Siation, Pover Pumnping Plant complet., wîth the necessany Piping, I-os andi Acjuncts for a System of Waten Wonks in the. Village ofAnsa, Lake County, Illirnois. tieaieti propueaN i.tlh e recerted th Ie Preenîlent anti Board of Tnumteed ofut he 'ililage ut Area, Lae tauiity. Ilills unatif S oclaci 1) ni. ut tIi,. 4r h ay ut Januarc, A. D. 1915, at ther% iiage Hall inthe riellage ut Arme, Lake County, Illinais. for lie cone§trutilloiranti eretilon ut an elevateti tank andt uwer, pnimptog building anti station. power,.pumping plant comiplets, withtlhe necc.'sary piilg. httas.anti adjincts, tor a i@votera af wattatînwokb in tice'iillage af Ares, Laie County. Illinois, un Lot 1:1, ut Btock :1 of tii' Plat ai lhe hiwn rot Mol- rami, (tas'calleti Ares, ) asbtowi iiy the plat thereot retondearinu Book A of Plats, page m5 iturted inlutie village tif Ari-a. Lake tounty.hilinuis. Al ia accardane niththeteleanire tf a ceýrtain oiniirance fiassa-il by ths maidi villageotf Ar-a ,îu tic 9ttday iif Noieor ber, A. h. 1914, anti approveti 13thie vt ers af the village ot Area at an elev. tiîn listaditiieretîr un teceniiber 1 1.014. Said ysteiiaif ater a'orke le tu b'. ereçted anduod cetrucltetiandtitîrniliîet ir aiý- rtiauce witthe ternis of muid ord nia,anatiht icliai'. riiti c;-itlia.. iono t%on iiilii. tir ie rhl'ii ieoidîre t. i tai,, \ utagi- Ciri mît util sillauge-ut Ares. Lake 1i-'tunty, Illinis. Propasahis ît he niaite uluitu lanks itîrnîsred i rt te office o ai u itiIluge ('jerk iif muidi village ofAI.rea. eniaormect -Propos.ais tue-yt seur oft auter wolLà andtmutîîte tw' iiiaiired l t,.a vi'ehtii pii'.îay aIbl-tu, tiiur,'r iotftte Treîîc tirer ol sail s ilitge, tiras a tirucae reiçions ibleblarit .. tar ail auîtaînt e, ial tii 10%Soa tié- aggrzate irisposai. .tiîil ceri ed ai ,tck a il tic tretti as' a gutîirtutvth(at atîY tidîer ortir îdîens vat o ci proposnai ,,ripro[posais tir,- ac. cpted, 'il I cii hi-ri')ita colitractflit hie construto, i i-il ereetitu f utaidi waten wuriî, ant iai fuirîsit sa(tond lu t wiee tie anitnt uf surit ci iiitract, w it b murettes tauhi- appnreti ity mauivillage board. cotiditianeti fui, tIhetaitiful ps.r- farrîrances aftIrstenius u ai c ritact'i. Propiosais will Lie receiveti fîr tire construction anti enection o ud siystem of wtserar i sas aviole tir fonr any divisible part tiercof. Bis awili be operîcti iy the Prepidrint anti Board of Trustees rf esit illuage, lin apen session at S o'clock p. m. on the 4ti day of Janusry, A. 1t. lit15, at maiti ellage bal lan hie salai village ai Ares, Laie County, Illinoie. Corntracturs e lîl hi'paiti 75% of the amount afsiti contractin ucash, uponi the completion ofthtei work andtihte appruval ut the. same iy tihe ut saiti village sud the President sud Board of Trustees tieneof, aud tihe balance ut 251. will be pait i .ity isyes aler lie approvai ?f caitipwork as@sareaici anti upon a tunther test of saiti teter works by lie engineen ut sîi village, .buwing tiret sait]iwork te tounti eatisfactoni'. Ail conîraets mustIlie completeti iv tMay 1, 1915. Saiti President anti Buard ai Truste@@ ai tiie village ut Ares reserve the. igiit 10 l'elèctmay'siialbii.i saiti watr wankit !tey sýes fit ao ta do lu thse intensat ai saiti village. Campante. or firme bidding seul give the. Iudividunal naines tif the memberi cumpoelng the. ctimpane or finrma. with thhsr respective veli am Mb.naine suad asidresa ofthIe frmn r ComPsuy. THEOoOUE P. iaiAtt, Vfatae ler n'ycorder of the Village Board. Datasi Dec. 7. 1914. 'c-Dec. 11-18-25 Théodore H. Ourst. Prookdep. W. 9.S. 8.1h, Vie Préident. F. W. Churchll. Secretarv and t mqsier Hon. D*Wift L. Jones, con. Couneel TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE- & TRUST, CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLS GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN - ILLINOIS R Wisconsin Dairy Land 1ZZ*__ Hi. D. BOY D Libertyville We have a number of good farms for sale in Lake County, rang ing in size from ten to three hundred acres. SNow is tiîe time to buy. Tflinxk the. inatter over anid lse il you doi>Dot agreü. We lîan<iie improeti and unimpîrrîveî farri and îity propertiea andtheit attractiv.e el- ernent ta yoîî is that it camse vui rothiîig ta look over our listings anti if yaîî int1conethlîni. to suit ýýau we wil mnaki. vau a liargaui an the same. Ou (tîreiitalI i it ier iiîlîear.iig va idilIy. hiu ire for our tertn. îi, nd itey Meti..fN Yoi, sec sejfl l ie a.C.3tUdî,) lisi your îîraserty. C Bath union anid liot inioli fire insturaîice inithie b.*.tloard cohl1,anîi e.,uîas e il ase life insîinrce. :1se-ilý Durand & Durand Telephone No. 2 Ekectric Appliances èYOR CHIRISTMAS Portable Lamps, Chafing Dishes, Grills, Toasters, Culrling Irns, Shavn MUguTe-ktties, frj= Washing Machines and many otber articles at Attractive Prices AT OUR DISPLAY ROOMS Public Service . of Northern Illioi The. hnEependeut 1.1de au. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public Noilc t, hi-nue len triai ie Sub- sentier Ezecatrrrîtichert rl iu-d 'resamesi of Jonathan KlRrýardsss. deceaed. stilti tesd trhe County tCeut ot Lake Coasty. St i ters tirireho tibe oudes at thneCosart Hanse la Waukega,.in lu ad COuati nul thcert Mondayn of Febrinîse Ot, 191-5. ren-sîrd shuireai itenýoi s aviug sisims againrr sald l'state are notified Sud ii-iiasteiî to preeut. mihi-M turt raid Court for atiludicatlon. ELIJAII RICHIARDSON, . eu-came suthe Lait Will and TestalneUî t 1Jsnstlran i hlmlanilon Wakegan. Ii.. Noverohur:10. 1u14. 1-iii.. 4-ilni.. BEN Ml. MILLER. Attorney ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Prîtrlie notice lleretir rt.en trialtic Ssii- srier Allmiasteatoe et tIre Rtale or Joliei L. Hîries. dieeased. wilii attend the. County Court of Lak. Corrsty aIat Ici-m t5e'-oi tuii bé oiden ah hhe Court Hanse is WaukeRan. tu sald CountY. Ou le ie St Mnnday of Fi-hi-ary neXt. 191t reeu d aber. ail]tersoos having '%Iàims against raid Etat, are notlii-d Sud reuuest5d houereent lie same ho raid Court tor adjudi-ation. ROYSL. BHUOHFES, Admnuisheatc- Waukegan. ii . tecembuir 7. 1914. Want, For Sais, etc &de In thse IN. DEPENDENT racoh 15,000 persona weekly. pre t he ech the Pr, et] t Th, at I aMik fer the from prod aho olt but a ne nont bigh wbil Tl day prosi wert sure the as t cour Whlc vace Untir bers te b ah w Dr tram that dient for b Schot days te vs 11pon that dC t.t'u force(tt Aie tilt tih' tii' tit pani ' rmnt phoeo tat b baver1 b.veha creii . lnbo o aretoi Mayetit f0 la'.'. 'v