Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1914, p. 9

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/ LARE COUINTY IN I )BPENiEFjNT WAUkEOAN WEEKLY SUN 1 vUtLt. .,±L~8V - INTMRST MAlTER Commttee Submits Mo oom- mendtlon t. AOOePePr Cent from Westerfield. LE FT OVERTO TOMORROW.' PART TWU. JURYf ElVS MRS. A. B. DAVENPORT À VERDICT 0F"$109000 Long Drawn Legal Baffle Ends After a ittr Fight Last ing for Five Day. IN COOK COIJNTY COURT.' LIiIul<"Y~11..1' 1.1 ~ttI~ v1s~'uu'ax~'» , 1514 EDIKARDS ANUDADY FAVOR CJIAN4iE1 IN iRAN»_JURY LAW, Circuit Judge and State's At-. torneyDeclare Prosent Sys- tem la Combersme. EMERGENCY fURIES NEEDED* Board Divided as to Policy of Wifle of Capt. Davenport of Both of the Opinion That Reg-' Aoeptg OnIy Pant of This City Gets Big Verdict ular Sessions Are Not Es- - Funds in Dispute. - at Hands of the Jury. sential as Geuleral Ruùle. LATER: Altormq e>' aublen Waukegan. Doc. 9. Both Juige Edwards andl tafo's appared b.fore.the Supervbaora Affer a perioul o! Ove dnyai session, Attomney Dady helieve the recommen- Thttnay eioroleg and ln behaîf the jury in the case of BMr. A, q. dation taken by the recent grand jury cf former Tramauror Waatcffeld, aepr a hcg yrlw, Tuesday In urglng the abolisbment off fiori>' vlwthdrew Mr. %fauer; Dvnor s hcaoct rivy the grenci ury system lun Ilinois,.lts golda cife te tt ile wth th« returneul a verdict Monday evening, ttmely and shoutd lie detne. Preoutlenss ubmtted te lhe granting the complainant $10,000 Jaige Edvards satl when asked bord Wednesday, ho said <bal damages. Mrs. »avenport te the vife about bia opinion: "I have favored lieauae Itiora wu$ fnt an unsel- uhacnginteIloslwfr ORM oldoire on the part of the o! ihe lighf bouse keepen. The cieci-suhacaeunhoIlnsla fr *MWi te Sui.e settiemont tilt hc 0on f the jury closec one o! the a long lime I1 dont quitte agree if hý > s$i$te bout course would b o not liiiterly f.uglif and long uravn the Mdeso! entireîy doing away Wlth - te pelMt lhe courta to aettle thea out cases of!lis nature ever recorded the grand Jury buit belteve tt should oblOtter fiially. ln the bitio f the Cool Coanty ble imnangeul for ln emnergency cases. court. The suif vas hboard before If could bliearrangeul f0 have tt caleul Wauoga. ~ Jucino Brentano.*liy the court or liy a petiton of a An efor wft moe bforethesu-certain number o! property ovners. An ffot as ate hfor te 55- The suit gew OUt O! an accident 14 reallv t. farcliraif0 ral n grand P@rlso8ra thisa ftertito btinn about vhlch ocearreci Nov. 5, 1910 andln1 jury together tnder the present sys- a compromise settlement viii Oz- wvibich s. Davonpot *as sotoualy toernecî tenui, for ofientimes Ihere Conti Treainrer Weforfleld overthelienjured. Mrs. Davenport vas throvrc are maltera cf ver)' mincir Importance allater of $14.919 la dispffl on the lu- 1 front a stret car aIi tbe corner o! vhic-h coal the county much monev heritance fax aiintereatf malter. Tise NInefy-Oirat streel and Buffalo avenue. and toies up the limte o! a largo booy malter cime up tn the shape o! a.ý South Chicago. NIm. Davenuoont haci o! mon vhen they coli bh adleusit reefcflmendatlon f nom Ibm commttee stepped icyn f0 alîglif. Bbc Placet! anuther imanner mat as veIL" eoasirnourn ranihe rnenot vin fthlone foot on thse pavement vion the States Attorney Dady sai: "Asi a aI rsae.Th eotioulint car whîch hied topped again &hot general propostion t he grand Jur hiy:forvard. Mmi. DavenPort vi» throvn r The underutgned commît tee on sei- ta, tho strwetet atning on hem hbad.systeni shoulul lie ablilthe 1 vefeit Ut-mut vitb tie coenty troau e i car contimied Itae vay acrosa the that vay a long limie. The tresent voold Piepctiuîly reprement tint fEy treet, vbeme Il aaiJn stoppai. Mr . plan i. useles. cumbersonse andi ex- bave beau approacied hy .Er. Wastam- Daveapont had bega ta company vlth piv.Ocoretr aene- feld. fermer couat)' tretanren. vitbi bi vile. Whou tee car stopped the genry cases to lie tnvestigated .15mb b.PMtciffocte sctis hanwg&seodtmeh ritbc ewee Sunday ltquom violations. Illegal a bevoa tee ho cconia1secnd ime o in bci t vleresale o! liquor. etc vhere evidence ln àtda aw«t he ~ gcounty o! tale lits vif. iay. He then had ber emov- the shape o! grand jury evidence Md Cal P. Weaicntield, county treos- mi 10 a hospitai. Partial paralyossboululi e possible. Thus, II voulci le settle<d over ber lbody as a resaIt o!f 1hohv a9mmgnyarag #Mtpaes atorney banStarted two the lnjury. She sufforoci for tvo year ment, one whemehy fthe jury could ble omm.lnat Mn. Westerfield. one anvItis the maiady. calleul when realîy needeul but It "eapoit a! tic iterit on the publici .00,7 fer the anu. of 87840.0.Tii. trial JuSÉ, ciosed vas tise Ilir would avold thle regular sessions as auii tee suer On, aecount of rnW - ar tb le cas&. At lthe Droit trial nov in the rate." alle., on Ihbrttime taxes. ansounting a ddm aiosvlr«4@~red in fajor o! Mr. uaciy vw»dira va bilîl vbie #0 l'M the treot car comPany. At lie sec- viii be preenteuî to the ceiltr ne j4 aMr. . I.trteld le'the 1 trial a verdict of $1.00 iangug covorlng the point mentionaibY thee r ll 1 wu s aatss iigava iven ln favor o lhe platif, grand jury. Likoly nom e lenilator =nyattoempt bai boen made. W collect The. mireet car company appealed. tram ibis district vili preseni the <hme Itelus,.ssana Inmuc s as t ivli b1hto tisnext leglalatume. Thero The recent caseovas markod vitill a Rnisteonl lattle la on many bitter trades and clashes on the a a report foday that the state bar .! ý fthe county hoarnni o heatresinovd h association even nov bas the sainef vO»r Mesawvin.the commitl.o recoin- Street car companty praduceci 12 ytt questions up for consîderatton andi may Illend tebat a setliemont ho entereai noses. vhtle the plaintiffs hall but! also la>- the matter bleore the legis- lino itb Mr. Westerfield on accounit tva. one o! ihen i eng Captaîn Da-' lature. c! theege moltera. Mr. Westemtleld bas ___________ offeoreci theecommttee thse su o!f 1 enpoDEt ffl.8. and ftho commttee reommend Atorneys Kehoe andl Robinson ap- BREWSTER IS 15 thMtisatb@ un ho acceptai hy tbe hoar peareci for the street car compgn>- laf* etinin o alacSnt f while T. J. Paian. a man vroll known TR D A IC .0 th« oany'af Ue agins Cai P InLaie coaty court ctrcles repre-l InL, 'S E Y.O Wéoatehld. county freuaumer. sentei the plaitiif. 1 K~ ~B UEL Di Dîffer-enco of Opinion. L A L El N If vas-evtdenl frons the siart thatAY ' *1 II tiare vas a dtffenence o! opinion ns À ERILL a.EAU6) The feature to the annual election L la the hoard tÀkng the stop, s0 finally o! fie Bluo Ladge of lb. Waukegan litait W& k*togwTIIFAouASN Masonic order held Monay evenxsg vii be preaont a" elIa.'. ttornoy au secretar>- o! the locige. Mr. Brew- Dady viiiai aal» uf Ms àopWnon Ltliertyviillt, II.. ot.9.-Tho Aver- ster leng succeeded hy T. Artlurg roSis-ding tise offer mg"ai. Me form- 111 ticket von out eathie annital Sien.Simipson, count>- saperintendent o! r treainrer la sottie tee m viu te- tin et the Lako County Fair aaaocia- pcbools. out lengtlsy litigation. Iion bhl today. A iis covi cItand- Tt des-eiops tbaf a hot scrap vas put, Eger fait ltat the board ba igh t ith~te meeting, preetisi osier hy se. up for vhtch Mr Brewitorý te aept à compromisie. uhal If I dii cond -vice president Passl MaGuMfn. isas belli for a great many ysars, lnd thee b«OIgM i as t ho e lentitleci la Thereporta o! tresuen and seome- tact, outsiders declaro h'.Il yns1 the money nover vili ho settioti;filta>voocepibnscrtr'ilngs tisoay cn . tiat t aiould bo settled inta ourt nov e.o aoiedig os lii letting the Ivo pouding cases go Thse votai stood as foliovs. the fOve 'nmme oPaoledin oe tiroani lao a finish. iigh directors holng elocci: During tise year a largo nimber o! Balrelav-"Mm, Westerfieîd ettien Prosient-C. H. Aventl 67. thlie younger element isas boon ta*ienC oves la&l. or heowoes tee ceuni>' Preidnt-li, B. Swift, 47. Into the order and tisa annual meeting nons. Ltsa bave lit ailon noue." Vice peslliot-Anir.v t-Snger. 68. tiorefore brougisi out a hig roprosen- Welch <Waukga)-'LIetla decis Vico-preatl-Byron Coliy, 46. talion, It being admilted thhat over 100 I definitel>- one vay on te eothhui-toan. Second sice-prealdont - William mon vers tnanttenianS wvion the Ifw v ot, la compromise, Iat'e niae Vlckery, 68. vote ennie for nev oflicors. It vas, if finial; il vo vote the other *ay, Jet Second vie-presidont - lierman tise secrslarysisip ovor vbdcb a.con- it ho §i.LFil salaelin future on tua Bock, 44. test bal honn yaneiand ln tise count Question the, saine as tee majorit>' Secrtary-J. B. Morse (unopposoi). it vas jauni liaItishe secretar>' o! vote Ioda>. Im Unaj of having thia Treasurr-Roy Wright (unnppoi- mnny yeams ball been defeatoci ly Mr. d mater up evor>' tin. ve met. We'vo mii,, Bîipson by sopsetitn 11e four or avitcied back and forth o oflen test Oirctore. IOve voles.f ve'li as lie publiecs conUtaden." W. B. Smith, 70. Than Mn. Brewster flore Io perhnps Il M. Wlch tison iugnested tint fie Fred Battorsisali. 70. un man ta Waulegani botter lnovnw board look into tie malter o! tho lerk Robort Roue, 74. ln Masontecicrcle tliouglsout theed iire ln Ilie tr.asurer'i office durtng Eci Bulterfield, 71. state. Having maie a special lIai>' il lie pont year bavlng Incnsaaod from - ..Adami Titus. 69. o! Masonmy, holie anegamieci as author-fiG 18,500ta 85,500, declaring ho fait tee H. J. Catir, 46. ity on tise varions branches o! the or- inei. vas ouI o! proportion vite R. W. Ball'iey. 47. -der and i. on, o! lb. lîrd doge. ,the general Increnie o! count>' huai- Wiil Rosig. 49. Masons. HiaI.ntification vit e iE noua. J. W. Svanhrough, 41. omien ha. beon a! itate-vîde Import. h ,Br6bia moved ta lay lis malter oit J. E. Bammot. 45. ance anci oven nation-vide. according j the abl nitil Tbusday ai 10 o'clock. - la snme Masona. r Cgprai aked the board's Permission At thie take CounlY faim aucia, Theo afier. olecloci vers: for, tie buildings commsite to arrange lion meeting 4ld a in berty. Dr 'W. A. Fitt, master. te 4âpo theo court bouse dcSk ligileti Ville WedneaiaY. lier. voe amvous B. J. Yeoman, senior varden.' nitghù.. t vas almoat left to lie vomen membors proent tu eu t tsir Lello> HIil ,Junior varden. \, . commtte vite pover 10 act vies votes lor the. raI 1t tn.vtelte r. John R. Pulton. troaSurs. 7 P White et Grarelake tried ta table It. momirance o! many of lie olier T. A. Simpso, scear' . tu bat. Ilaur> o on Mis u4ge"*tlnitlmembèh so! the.asiciatiop. They W. IE, Baylesenl iorinEen,' visMb,« t'eerre th e commitan laegel disilayeci leen interesti ilaise Se.- igar o aeott, J=nir imassu. lm 4!111c14 mite - hoim bo ii ho>' vote tfor. AuR Thooola mm'c am11ele uiEE ______________ m taýMugi aaO )', . :a - 1 - ï, 1 FIIUIT PAflFR silfidi PI~k VEM< [N AI>VAN$ -- - -----~--- -. -.-... -,-.- - - -;--__- IIARRETT SAYS: SEE W1IAT NEIHIJORS EIET FROM THE SOILI President.of Farmers' Institute of Lake County Points Out the Neglect Here. LAKE AVERAGES 26 TO ACRE OTHERS GET 36, 37 AND 51. A Most Important Citation o! Facts la Made in Urgent Ap- peal by J. E. Barret. MAY NOT BE -TAKEN Off' FO0R MONTIIS lthough Partial Trade Rela- tions Are Resumed, Food Products Are Banned. MEREDITII'S CASE INVOLVES $ZO,M Former Libertyville Agentof' St. Paul Road Indictêd fer Embezziemwet CONTINUES INDEFINITELY.IFOUND)ED VEGEABLE CO-."' CommIssioner Atterbery Says Finale to Career e n la..i Constant Breaking Out of1 ditment-à, Ucm 1, Cases Shows Necessity. Is toS The partial rnlsing o! the ban on Twofo the Indiemtet retarmel b- (BV JOHN E. DARRETT. ZMon City products bas caused n,,,_Ithe randjur on '" a' r J0ý4 IL BARRETT. (Pré&. Lake Co. Farmera' Institut@.) what of a' resuimpt of tradte relations ýInterent to Laxe County ver. thile Préidet akeContyFarnes, Thts improvement Coas to show between that clty andl Waukegn a returned against J. E. Meredith, fom- 'nsdn ii Cut amr' ~whta a littie instruction ln using the a W-,elagnfothS.Pult ÀlF stitut* whoi tn ltter to this Paper score card andl forethought ln the lu. gens whlch have not been allowed ult ville and tormerly bausd uftth IIIIIIII- complimntd récent corn show,I dvIduaIlin &élection of!crn, so much travel hetween the two citiles for:dtth Illower and VegetableOqqco é pointe Out bY comparisonuWt o h etn oehr fear of bringing the contagion to ts and the one againat 'WIlsa UN neighberinq nounties, that tLake' ndFan ur8p ee to O County la fer behindc others in quai,- Should our corn show be encourag- ctty are nos, beginning to akeitei chargeul wlth attamb<ngthéiti otal,~ titY Of corn) produceci per acre. e iteratne 1Isvm to-rgla rp.tien recroît. recently on Tenth stret. ,otetonphatically. yes' I wtll flot say vy, Tht. does not mean, hbwever. that NrhCiao Gan guresakeprovntyfames tut will give you the report o our normal trade relations have been me- SnI urgesD Lae COuTy arer. t adioining county on the piroduction sumed for foodi products *wbich are The Meredith case InterestaI Ub.r o! rm l 19:1:recognized as ra-rters of the disease tyvIlle peoeple ospecially. Meredith te. C ook planieul 51999 acres, average are still onder the ban iln Waukogan. the man who atteunpted to fIy bih%* t y1el pe acr, 3 bubeli. Fr eempl th waons riningfinance and eventually left Lub.rtg PRISONERS WERE iupeare0 uses oeame h gns rlgn ville suddenly and bai never retuwt ge yeld37 uRbls.are still under the ban and will flot e.Hewnsat'ndawSk B<# yteld :17 oaliels. le allowed to make thelr trips ber@ word came th&' . v if Who Ih4 McHenry prlanted 82,718 acres, aver- againountil the state board of health joinod him aler ho let*, had died. ave Yield. 36 buahels. anu the Waukegan board of healtif Meredithivaa ag"eut for the.114. lake plants .1.51 armes, withan re on'neltath atvtiePuatU ryvleoronetê. Ed. White, Through Attorney lin ?,eragp yieid of 26 bushels. an oreamlonvned hat te tanmoves tigePlai te tii. comfortiy's *191oy» Moe aHae nicmet Now should vie ask ourselves: cani Zion City. stant the floyer and vegetable Cl-. Hgis i l uashed. : : eincease aur av.rag@ yield? Ttesc uihwln hvl aei o hc o prtai uiri W IFE REACHES THE CITY.' alove counties as given 10 the as:e: mown 'for Dr. Crawford adroits there :uhecriheci ta stik h lnrm and lit li _______ sr.are stilI many cases or the diseaso in a -fine businessg. Then Meredithi e*. I WfgueIis for yonrseif and ose Zion. He declarées tuai stoco the be Ceived the. Plan o!festabhbing ,ao Decare Sh Wi Siokto er hlt one stall< o! corn Planteul 3 tet Igtning of the'present epidemiec there. ond plant at Union Gro, #Wa., . Husand Pahetc cen 6lneesapari lioth ways andi yield- havé been fully one bundred casesof~ It vas that vlitch hrouillit tUep=ho n the County Jail. ing one Par weighlng one pound ulvîi the disease there. Some of these cmsyttua IOnanciaýlitià y teld 50 husheles per acre. casses have been lght but i many vbComopan avyreiid Wukegan, lier. !I ay ve sait oursolves or our fellow- cases tbo disease has been vory viru- pîetely, had flot UnionGoe if Thoigorl(uers Indicted bly hme recent Ifarmera why conditions are thus? lent. viobà enle6ataut grand juiry were arraigned (hii af fer-J la the soit lu the adjlolnlng Cotin- Commissioner Atterbery déclares Complany flnally ouae ~ 00011 h«ore Judge Edwards. vamio t ies botter than la*ke or ls thé selec- that lie dosesont Intend to rocade oser 11e .undevoll4 là . 1 pleas~ ~ lîîu neeia olwtion of seoul and méthode o! farming nTr=m4tii Piter Lngest-Brglay.asif l $100 beter.o hePosition bo bas talion vItit un a athns roliman t u, PeerLestRrgar. ai 1,00bete.regard to the ban. He stated at the people «) thoir.,»~ii1yA~ Bad nonattorney butW*a given outil Wiiy le the countY that la uner thefirsthat ho purposec to osee thatt he Ingly thé. tvo litsi. Frida> iiornig tû ~t cunsel. supervision of ne of the béat solI bain vas enforeed untilt ters vga I ehci therero lu bdap Edward Whft-B£rglry and jar. imen ln Illinots produciiig double wb*tt he sllghteat Chaceo! bavlag ti.isvute'lohr Ceny. Bail $1.000. Williama A. Deane, miany of our nortbern coontios are do. dIasase braugit bers tbrongb Zion Com1%%n ?»Caty busia attorney. Motion to quash lindlctment, tng or an average of 60 bushels ln Ctty praducta andi h. doclaretint and tabean stops tu lisUs lit te be heard tomorrow at 1:3» p. mn. l1913 on an acreage of 138.074? No. the. fact that nov, cases are hreaking carry on the buuines, Peter Stankewich and Michael Ker- ttce the difference in the acreage o! out ln Zion constantly convinceq hlm For some trne reports bil d vich-Horse stesling. Ball 11,000 each. these counttes. Pigure how many that the ltimate remavlng of the ban floating that Meredith as Have writu,.uuIo the Russian courisel dollars more Lake would have wlth le stîll a long way off. WIth regard to bis accounts vith tie St. PlaU M for la yr the same average as; the other coun- the nrdlnary products that are recelv- frnt vben lie vas the. agent 71s'j~ Christ Lohink, Jr., andl Sarney Lob- tie. Fti l saici it vIl! take 25 lui*ell; mi bere he doos net thinli there ta an eryll ii eot i fink-Rohhery. Ont on hlai. 'of corn at 50c per bushel to produce apprecialile danger. currency viien thie vog"tble C Henry Behlng-Burglary andi]ar- and market a crop pf corn; aitta pany's affaira eve, betng tigked a4o" eny. Salul 1w was cdught wîtîîItle rate boy inany farmers are ralslng rILIr'and oven then fbe'-report v as ltqt goods lnIn l,, possession and that lue ucorn with a very smal profit? ODD FELLOW S lu the. total Meredith vas 'le m on1 je rnught au s virl lleaci gutlty andi s:Ive DeKalhle i the 60O bushel county rlna o 2.0. Ti u, the couîîiy the .expense of a trial. Satul Inu hushls per acré more than any H Vrajl 4a rmed bfonr eas0001 Tbocuo lits home was "aruwhere" Stole two olher county ln the state' Uif Eç eee eyn ran eaV h razor sIrops ofthue value of $2 from' I ask some one that bas a remedy Tgsai.i? question aronse as la boy a blig cP- to tell u; throughthe Lake oSnty In-tion 1k teliirroed vouid pomit Vinnedge's barber slîop. Was druiî elu trbteLke -o 'ly In IONj ATj yyjU JfU1U a,n empîye 1tu et lieMidt la to and trleul b uhave htmuselt white I- dependent. 1-aon.To h m».1111 toxicateul; cut limseli four or live Our Institute gsson wilI soon ho-aont htté opa Limes. Burglary counts of tndlctmneît here. Flow cmn wp create more Inter- W-kukegan. lI). 9. CI.mU OUMb la teé ousa. la *VWMit were nette prosseul and pIon of gulty est? Lake ('ounty Odd Pellows associa. from the fact that lits reiteuO*Wtb f0 taceny was entered. Sentenced to fuolul Prieuce meeting ai Waukegan tien mot with the local laine lait ver. Able tO PeOoace. s UBo eet 30 days ln courty joli and a fine of $1. 1 amn pleaseci toeInow the Hon".- eventng. Fitvas an open mreting and dsnce for the. 5armid jury l te r Ivan Betrca-f.arceny and bur- was welI attendeul andl mach Intenest many frienda of the members tooli ad- tiie indictment charglil br eu mI 118 glary. Bail $750 in each c»se la to taken, this beîng an auxillîary o! the vantage o! the Opportunity ta learn bezaling that amenalit frorn tee thI get a iavyer by Friday moring. Inatitute. 1 appreciate the co-pera- about the objects, atm. and practicil TOad. Auguet Sandeg-Burglary and Iar- tien o! Waulcegan Ladies for tbe sa- von o! the oder. Président Judge Meredithi le supposaitd 1. ho la tbo ceny. Bail $1,000. Representeci by sistance they gave, ma'ing Mms. Perry L. Persons hetng nnavoidahty sait ail. aetaig fiat th* iiteba E. V. Orvis s homfotlone toe quasi in- Harding and 'Mr. 'Payne eeel the 1alisent, andi the vice president 0. A. h«au en nturn.d, thé. r51i5OO& à dtctmoent. To be heard tomorrov at meeting vaes a success. Hathorne belng 111, the, meting vas viii push théo cas and ovm es, 1:30 P. M. Those flot present can nuit appre- naturally at a gréat; dlsadvantage. oxtont o! demanding hléi. greiSh Auguat Wienke-Burglary and Fer- clate the generoslty of the Waukrenan Past president Dr. R. H. T. Neslitt froni the eaiton étate. brbntm ceny. Bail $500. Ray Fowier vas ap- people, for everythlng fer the c%1- L as aaked tu tais tho chair; andi the bock to Lake CoanttY l tu ni sU pointed to defend. ,I fort o! the visitons wu aa é videnite. Ibhlâti ct«Ing8110 vth happy Odd Foi. Me edlth tn many lttlera afler hoé~ Garabed AvJkun-Out On bail. lAsI liut flot toast the, tmii.county iovu mU0fetnthuç:Wm iIt turneout Iàbertyvillo promised la tr Captas forthwithlîordeneci, Bond $600.1poultry exhililtion voro aamotitat la ho O ohébéahet meetings o! stralghfon out tie affairaeorthte *MF1 Emti Tielinen and Char-lea Lndi- won't comne off as the rewarde voro the. year. Ltters vero rend froni the or Company but ho bui »eVe dosé M Robbery anud larceny. Bail $1,000 each. theirs. superintendients o! the Odd iFllov; Much o! the monoy Inventai by 'w Bnci no attorney andl ver. given ountil Yours for btter !armlng. Orphan's andi Olul Folks' homes thanli- tous persona in the. vegffIISb OII 1ray ningtuhlere .e.r ad an'JOHN E. BARRET.In' ig the Lake county association for pany vere handlei aMi iauWei 1M Ferink Bail $1.00. . Smtb and S -Fer. r recent large donations, such a mannen 1haî1 Il vu usoi1eit cey.Bal$100.ý .Vmthw"S Y -- IU W 9 The presîcient lnnbis.openîng me. the lime the. disloaure. vaseM 10 itd odefend. ~lJI~ I4~, Marks potnted ouf the duties o! Odd out tiaï; otockhiold«e s vooli ulie 1Motions to quash yl lie beard Fri - Fellows andI ail good i ctibens in Ibits bave Meffi.ediicalai e oeW 10 îay Iom tcda tornnyng Jane I E INQ IVORCE I4Present cnt icaI stage o! the vorld'aée ociitIal 91court hommite c bu l: for Id. Wite irely atAtoneDeanegh 'V transformation in political. reigiaus tiaiS. Hovetver, thoIi. 180thili 1ISO rom d. Witenîerly mvedla qasb A pétition vas Ilued in circuit court andi social affairs; vith the fulIl as- ditment wuva rot m'us t tt s the indictmeîut agannt thse young man liero today liy attorneys reprosoentinq surance that Oddc Felowi thnough lndtt*tea i<ii t" Mr 1 -poetbo whose Indiciment was retumneci Tues- flue ptatîîtiff, in a case knoyn as Anna tbeir superlative instruction la thse clarliost iay. followtng hua arest Monday on Bote Wtckos vs. Pero t. Wtokea, asic- ihiest idéale o! ail that concerne ha- NAVAL STATION flATTRIS. te chiargeofo! luglarlslnt the Mc- tng an alisolute divorce. The paillton manity in the strenuous tente o! in- ln theme )t allasMam Haa Guire saloon. déclaréesthe' plaintiff la a résidenti o! duranee tsaitaIlclasses Of society are These are the.mmnsvi ea ii- 1Mrs. White Arrives More. Highland Park. It avers tint the cou- shomtly 10 lie Pot in, and ihors cor- wite iavlng atincliai t» recruttt11r Mmi. White, ln resisonse la tile mes- ple were marrieci la Chicago Joune 2. tain triumph over ail difticulttos: bq cenlly vhou tiey vr.vahinkings l sage front ber busband test lie founci 1902 andi that Wickoa iqiWt" ile ICcausée tieir lôanMiton' t abeason thea iicnc hallcmTesahtitroot. loi simoel! ln soiou' trouble, CaIne fron i vie about Ivo years age. Tho plain- unalter)tW*, luat a»I bonighilavaof tem la charmselthite ifg tsat MW JoieI to Waukogan tbf. altrnn, ~tiff asha for tge CuaaodY c> alu a o-gr thé oujuc ie lmer of tic voleer»e. nian shoglMhb a mei la vom't rtvlng shortly alter noces. U. at old son. Robéît Dole I*ou , f- s.of velgomte. 17 V. C . T. Roy- 1s illa a - once made hem vaY tO thé court iOfao H. Bol. of (Ihieago ttu IIIIIeàmii ornuu . - aere in the 0coun1ti JU théabslqutrod Mn.. Wicina. ~iaEOle5Ei m iu~1¶ pa~bo* p .or Whiste;and FI; ntu» De vo sRo s #«JIB5 ,ftk. Doter 8imfose.N ou M* «the. roorvilis vho parenUly the e Ëf. tôj b e !R"d gawrose l posi J~ . ÇYU%4~ivfl O sut eves thOegIol -- thé,yv SSIe( . Ilium ~X I..UiJJ 6.o1ý UJWei t.hb4 $1.50 PKR . liFAli FN 'ADVANé. EIGHT PAGES.

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