WIlIem YUu~Wiim 1 e luw- i è ý . i Pnding -803M AT. BMUET FR-lfn -OOONY EN, OP EVMI3TON, WEO WILL OPREATEC A SAMARÂIUM. WAR CTiITIS lAS IIOTS FIXED ISliIFTEASTWARD! F.OR SON WiIICII Allies Claini Advance a? Every Point But une. Local Tinner PuiÇ~ edly NovelC'rha for His YeLnt:i,.(sn .JOfiw 14NMESF ýWaugn. De 7h. Sapa-orna couvet ISî teZ"t.d ep i utio aoUf rl*yr? petermmeb saiOf Wl 4me a VrIt ci ara-or aSI 1k itb onaei" etW"Vi L"UodbeitW4tribu >11e daoIp~ ut ln ee biu aU.roadts i* îhtat h4 lmpWy hadb be t b. cmen Lo de S Mr. -1C.o p giy às qça- bhl sourt amd Xe sWit ikustil 5mwturre. )*à 4 L4M my ?bMs goff l4 nm. but cIaIid lter. vra Somag elmatimema. litd ~~3t.ce Jug dwards infoir up ~~oelota. pTUou » ' euzetbig lnfue toa lr4 qturntiea.aftir h. lu i4 us me n Ila prisn-At Mr. Joremeaa. 414 mat ulnlW toutimn.Later ho. 4.014.4 appeal. dectarlug that Yul Iad bemrna ribmodd Wta selle. takte. 4y th. upa-uno ef latereut It Èevounga, lu 4àq, bays' ~te Y.hX. . A. bufidig.Lst *à. pa-mettil ita heRatai Iâddg ibi VUa sarffl ta AUpW-t la-bmor- et bit beoc Mv~gT* lte W a aYaUMgle ga theLb.waters of L4ke Mieb *WM * yrou0' atUa u smude prg..Èè. t the lb.*eM of smto a b.pe toi, mord paemit aàertain Vals lsAfda .U"l a sr"~t -fot a -ma duEl. laut the ued.lropreme ,P M oU xtwid 4aa-.udA4 felasctirn«a aiIkosIé. ait ta mr te flhs bobig. The"i as sUa-sdllvebroabe pnce sh ~taeauuqmd by Loqt.rWVNaya PiFualcn a ivrecl.tlcn. êhtrowdl.t Bos Ppenthsha ,T. ub m, onfLb.elIter 4pte the bY. M. C. A. beartlmg a pay .ntlff.d "The Trait" a very ln~.tlug part "pp t?!,, sbch swltî e Pr alme ,me nexitmntIt. FOR SALR-Woe bos thé. I PRO& L .. à sS - a PIS Wl t Yus. ~o lau Wà - BAilLES IN NORTH OF FRANCE RGSBCC4Lij. German Counter Attack rrustrates Forwai-d Movemnent of Alines at Mametz - Germnans Clirii They Tiiny Boo4 tmi i;n ,ind Are 'Good for Lots ci Wear Yei,' Hoe~u~ ~C ailHave Captured French Tranche,- Pieuse I-lit tapq on t lIOi ki IP aiBritain Ha@ 2,000,000 Men. tûtaa ( d in P ob 1Pr t rrie VIMOINIA MOORE. Parla, Dec.23-The scone of ga-thihll. woeîemar' wa tlvity St the front which hart remahîîed a kid and flow 1 want them fli i 'op x~- ho lake lîk th aboe w e ronaîstentiy in the FIanders districts for rny Iýttie LOi'ed Irving !,u!rtl, IF i "., 1 for suo tiUre han changertniarkedly as, ho enterea Anton Erlck,,on's !'.pair = er- '~Fouaid*e Awmi.Srt Fruit, Caony, lI- drn h attody oteds ~ eu pisideLat. Ccuty, whcu d.d sxBejîhart estabilshed Spirit Fruit Col. drl nthepatwo dyRheim thendfile ahop on Gonesse Street thls Morning. c2btin y"eaganmd wio.e Loi4 Cunty tes-t cuse, ewhoeenumbelsoandloie toAnd. pon epcaeh hw wit ny ad who @Ince has grown t . M ae eranubrovoeted twO îluy little boots, with ti,' Un- lt, th*. Mletl«o .now ore .nd.d by thei sale Ab@o'. eut show@ foun<tîî. 4k t w- eugagements bave bean tought. nost oayedojfclg UMa T114- ut wook cf hie "taofoy n>" d a Il that on lte big communit>, rocidon« tif of thecm reaulting In auccesses for the iRrreIOfang fI tu' hgbt pth.re-exioea the iioce- theSeilhart colan>,. manhoad and le now preaident cf the iallies.'lTe officiai sar reporttaglien .SurPrisiIpglY, lliey %ere oin line ho.ouai CM*lt oo>. u eed n:Idctea ak shape. The soles wýre flot ovet fora hiti nia. wcae amaet Cifc-tprogress as lte communiques firme- 1 Uî i xetta nîe tl -~ ' Idlatety preceding ad net forth, but oould flot have 'gallon0 alonc- wîth ,4 -ý Ça In the opinion et mititar>, experts Ihey tliem for a rime. su tlt~nare entirela- encoursgIng and in ai, Wort, 27 '(cars Age. decM-pdcordance witb the reiîtly deveicprd ThnLaidtl xlo;c lzl,,, iait 4t -thetplans of attacit. ontal ltektswe lP;-ia %fdabIt tl'At Only one point bavethie allifs or li otuti entiiî i e a be làa,q faied ta sdvance in the many attaclskidaot43cr it er i i Ithea- have made durlng tie pont thir- Ileraaid hl, lizo l iways Pi(-i-veil r~ Yîî I-six boua-g, Including !londay uni tht-m aROa ri'meîi:,rniîte or h L-&thIJpart of Tuesday. That was St Ma.-flood, tIi tact, bc wolild fot -> j 5ut le,1 mets, sitere a Germen couater attai- tilera for anYthlng te(aise týi- 441T-s EL:e frLtrgta a £forward movement ,hth c d wproiîd lie w;19wt M ,'54~ ~ Ut'l' loe ##*a e ra-Paaug. althotagli It Word givoll tahlm. Tîyirî die, nôt sacou2pfl ib ii other purpose. flratlie t ot-7-anc$ et iman î9 aet, arilIn fi. vlellity cf i'âuanlt htn -h an0roacerowt ft ban lie" a a«anà off and ia contlnulag wh.An ho was givfl irgwe lio evian :~ther fv edoetcharges by aebotea~fti-i~ &:inaeapparently cencentratlng onMhi orvisnmrl Pf! M.feris ta the .Sntof the Argonne for-. hnh ottt îoura est. twehoto hof;trï otael SOM. et thefine tre whidh ls.lped ThisI.picture plsm ~Jacob Be lîhert at work In hlis o.hop on Spirit Fruit In the, alterncon communique ' h0e ian lodity In bave Il-e:ý. v-- Stbat h. mait. Up th. si. cf Spirit Fruit col- fat-m just befere ho dued à few yearsagc. Laest numbea- cf operativea are re- piared. mi* u% oy.cordd. mc.t of thera hntihe Argenne! Further sentimuentallty was a .r tea ferv- district. 10 If as the ftar iroîîdlv to'l :'s, PoPni Fench Report Progresa. ha hhlended ta get tht-m ;oeh >1bsi-FORTY WAUKEGAN MEN DE- hall brought threa Armenlans ta thea opiia PART AT NOON FOR ROUND haIlto 0gat th tia tred for Round 4IIFTS O f CIOTHz '600D EL OWI Paria. Dot. 23.-The officiai rom-; his tittJa son woutd bc »ahi,- t, «U aLaite for Ihir ire johs. bNone hud theiNa o TO tiute lesaued Bt 10:43 o'clock et fiera on Christmas day andI14-ti la To LAKE WHERE TKEY HAVE necessry 20 cents. The malor qug- II OiLM D tP N ilO T nlght ws as afoliows: fathea- dhd 27 years ago, qw"!j ln CtTh BEEN GIVEN EMPLOY- gastei that, as they were frientis of Nstse c umlie.snl iprlde as ho atruts about In h!sfio tu- s MENT CUTTING ICE FOR Onan, ho miaht psy thair faretî I '- ÈnOO iILDR N B I RiDNoyUel, enemy miade violent enoua., real boots"Ad'atl, hth ertyville. Hie deciined. P O onL R N B If R E ON tei attacka yesterda>, evenlng, hewillt be wearing somethlng that pp ARMOUR-IS FIRST ACT_- BtJuas .tha men vere starting wse il, e a fc.otu eteofda ewoeve h01 nsua hpgWe oeaoa UAL RESULT 0F SUN'S'But, ertedilàeulaadti th strdof areeMoresthn .sas a blwey" Ioneîy aid ISAND MAYOR BIDINGRSaa o t ar nn daaaîgHumane Society Plans to Give Several Men Have Voluntarily ling.tila Laýurtuillea Oua- attaca ha ionaraDtag bots, aetse tchavlaquen- te mayor Saili: "Say, Mayor, one of hs rice sWlla ruh1Mnyt un cnludtodsy. They' aipear to avelo.Dess a t have rm PLAN TO GET EMPLOY- thalle falows osas me soma money- ThetcesrasGift s B to Dispese. r, un ei.'illsunand m1 a uuola.sI ensbthd os tamalte prograaDiisperse.-down fa-eM genarathon ta generation, IlA MENT FOR WAUKEGAN'S cant you gatIf ifor me aoirert ilhta ______ ______n d e1ho h qoi.but, BOOÔT9! That'a dtffernfr UNEMPLOYED. Ice bouse afttr ha esrna It?" "Omig bas beanaeported tramin o ve-1eadefremnthvlng Nayor flîdînger, in dsgust, turrnt TOYS AND QANOY ALSO. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ABROAO. i1he rest cf lte front.'"ubset n8tt0ait . arc WVaukagan, lier.. 2l ta Onan who professes ta ha a "les 1. French Rîpuleed, Sa>,.s Brlin. mc etMn tahdt. aro Boerlin.Dec. 233-ByvîeUst10L ie111,bouts 1a keep.thena fora- aperfod --ny wreesstaLon,0f over 25 Yeaa-s? The ceesastrioat ThetiSrt actuel and visible a-" seý mongbis natlonsllîy In Waut:ê- Street CrlvofM t sW ill in Eacr Case Donor Lae f-dol,-Thfe Germen Officiai reporl* ot 0 fr te Sansa racent suggestion ad in a nd- eald: "Of allthe a--ry Be Pald so That.Thqy Can fiCe With a Feeling of Satîs- îe u a b !e-oo ed ithere mman, ilaosire aher and qulckly devalopati by Mayor Bidinger tibnga! INa got troubles of my osa ie u nteatronmd s teewl i rue ale n flt effort ha made ta gel emplov. here getting these men off 10 Rou"d Attend With Cbildren. faction in His Heart. follcWs:i ________ - ~"At Nieupor-t and in the raî ion lirouder son hiii Christmas than the, 5 ment la the Ire fieldsaIn western Lake L.ake. 1 sureiy ranIt bother with wbat1 eounty. for fille Wsukeganites baca-you ara asking. 'Vaukagan, Dec. 22.WaegnDc.v arquoid Ypres the aituation yesterdgy lalrd place on Lucha aventie shen, on A errangements fer the Christmas! You'd lie surprisaul to sec the imlli' "as generally quiet. Christmadey. masea- John Laird ,«. 2Z apparent at 1153 ibIi nooin hrn Under bis breath the Naor mused tea etralmn1slhAb Wu r aifulrnwbîht-itsmrth 2node 0a-cpîr b.pslln dn toebot 22.ane aoi rgoms orfofrt>, min who WANT WORK, board- 'Horeshh-o go Ibrea of is country- gan Huane society le ta gîte ta the lo h ytem Dec. 20 at St. IluitrIthtbuesalg These boots sare trWray id the south-laound car for Round men ta us for jobs; ail are broire, ha poor chîldi-an of the clty niaI Tues, face of flite average mran or wonian and Gisenoby the Engliah forces, re- Sotin bY Papa shen ho.toc, sas a lit.-- tm er Lae n espns t Suerntndet efsestaadanc terday aftea-noon in th ii MII.Theater, wtiO tomes ta the ifun office and laya nfOrced bY Fraench tearitoriale, made le boy" And, ipapa ii losli MM h ae. Feadmean'a requeirt from the Armour for carfare andtilohn vanta e 0m oie l ta crolo-' bllv Lta ta eîîsodssoelintlt ttI: Pu nat.aI osbchdhsve-,vet e.b flthqelya potiasbanydig le sut la, lehouaes, hat h. bc sent it>,mon il àet, on s bill ha anys ont Owen hlm!" youngsters vîlI h. alten car.of bihat sr etil i bing thsmebouy uiaed.H o'wIn , hegln rund r e- hstrohn.Ul] sPou shi on cign a sThnswakmceng ean thLIe lak. TwosWant Me.nmaking gIfte ta tht.. pour chil- Christmas cheer Ilvil ntmuch but bourg the. .nemY aucceeiied Inobtalt.' i an iter th. man snt . ed t the -! . C. Tests or tht Waukegan Ira dren tae morubers of the. HurnaDe su- every tîttia hailpa.- 111g a fI'm fooîhold In bie old post- Incldentaiiy ift la itîterastlng t Company announcedti oda>, that, thte lty will0 netOIY gise arties of Onteiman came In a rew oays aga. tiohas. kuiosfihat there la another pair cf lit, *e In the Paul and taken ta Round Lakte, t- chances are he yl naad 75 or miore clothîng but will aiaogri ve 11111e tihe la- iag bouaed for the night ln the conl- men S addc' at, Wl. Hthing s hlrb appeai more ta à muý ant hetp nuuch,nul liera's $2. aile "Fa-snob attaches yeaîamlay In the tît boots whfhhoha ore shen n sïaeayCral omn:buepoie hr tar Christmas flima. Each chilti for the oruihanage, one frCp.nisbaho fAiet etencî-yugl r bin mtaurt hehn ioetaery te leromalagbus roîitt m attedtat lha would ha abeta t aate sho0 attend tht tntartalnment vitI r- Cook" sala ha. euft ofComplegneet BousIn and nt aabout a bah! Inch shortar than thons mall.bleoMpany Ap. .positlvel>,fSaturda>, boy many.tata ceIv heelhjplllng articles "ay Ù ,- estht us Iow'9zt« e flr*P11laed 1' 4tk biîay ha la nos baving i'ep&hed for bts auli not Mn>lAie'.hocao use, for, lha axpacts to stan f"One' stocluhng cap astyoStLiaIs80l. i'-is tetie. f'ucit. son. He dotant recal hen ho got ,bove hle Whlle, dua-lng tht mornlng the r- Ont lair nittans. spahtilit a wa> Ibatsatine needy toIts 'In the western part of the Argonne thair but ha muust bava baen just a a a ae- quanta matie to Mayor idinger ) them Sat sort Monda>,. Thus, if la Ont piar sitictinga. iiiWXgn wilI gel advautage or district se captured a few tirnches. lttluerta hnItssgs ~ -e bnsi ane jbsidlatdIhlapparent IbrIthose men sho reali>, Sonie Ilîitî oy. nllnioioo t hvulan hlrnc iooI ieem.- nne h o t nth oer hb Jhn ie s >nto h JW it e- ên ho antd jbs ndiate tht ant wo c an gel iIf ifthey resîlly! Bags tifcandvnt n aeri t'1hvntaycilrno yonI h gtr ront hePri ntos-ihJh sstnt i 0sinean threwold o an mre ppicnA an I 1Miss ltlmmalrelrh bas c n l'ndl'ti iltui iiket10ale as lîttIe pleasume AndIl tie-tslof Vea-dun, lFrnch nt- seamlng, Theme allseart in vog "lea tho thee mmold be anyrmOre plianss I*ber viils t10thebai.o f tht poor ta sotnebody."saaId anaiher man' tacts ver. repulaed wshbheas>, losges _ effamiatheDelIt camtetysthet fre sen oty Te Iccuttrsai tRound ba'îie art hilrno h iyand bas md lt(n h isI h cuty o arh rC. ondition. IIOd1h aor am, hea et us frtpat ibtiIs sage: 17 1-2 cents'an boum tdlst of thoesbo are t-ntîtied 1t ato h i- i h ouly oIn eMothor Savd Them. othie h o iaappearati taodaIm tickets on ltIi'for 12 houa-s vork a day; thetr board eurtilipitte filtihe antartaînnt-or Wauteitan tînt he aaked Ihal If bh! EaGimnd teRuth 600.00 Mon. Asked bas the boots haPPened 10 ýprouhate. eleeta-ir th go ta thetfaike. at o.I h opns htllah fteeilde. In O lnIlt, arieTlt InWatkegan.tLnon e. ifWa er shave bean prtsers-ed ail these yeirs. qw lite Ccuting up later, Mayor Bidingar contetoa $450 a veat. Thug, figur- hve h iiuitpoIde tltti c"a0~ This lîllia soi liell) sonie; it ilgleen a lth@ London repreaantatlvc of NIlr. Laird replita: Mother d.d ut. Metia it ouad fihatthara sert jusl fort>, mt'o ng ibat lb.>, sort ses-en daysa a eekthlIta taPr. Arrangements havaetut a oeslt aohrma she h'Pal liraîsDMi l Y inmithr lives In Mlwlaukeand ,Ilch 5îi tLago0ta tht ica bouge. buter. bow (andi tht>, ually do 1u ice cutting matitfor flica chiltimen taîut ac-con-handeti in $2 tbtht- Sun today vhlh George, citancellc-ofethle exchequer, sho has aîssys tapI those lItte as an ex- sver, aller tht rare hati gone, ton seather,) a man sho puteain full tfin, taniati Ire Ihieirtmothhrarnd ln oriî-r the suggestion Ihat If be uaed shereleau: iin a!amiîo rgtbot.Ispoeter a oesn mmappîheti anti they silI ha sent o'hat ail uîy atltidtht Humana ýo c> e-r vassiet.5eaI oreItsrintsa.bvoi jlon Ihose bolmetattachapose them. wshre sn ~ I>.Out tomorros. Iheîr lardînefso Ioda>, nets about $1030 aoirer bhoard anti cîeîy viii puy their treettcar tartJ Iaineeln at tabPrance anisod ee iglu i nln titsI lIte ot h rt air l raShe ot huag laPa.preventing them msklng connlections room pit e eat.The tehie aulr manageamenltea e- (i e ti-lgpr ntat nFac n 09U.Enln a iteohrparwihsewntjtg armediate W hile Il tont tht blggest PSY binbe arrangaîl ta Iresemil a fine prograi iratia. the dollar went asy tlacm presont mors titan 2.000,000 men un- of. Laer-for Roundl Lakt LlbarlyvlIIe. sorîti, ils fer botter than notblng In for the oocsion. One rr-aI iii bu-(tri tht- Son oifice vih aa mle Of upPra- ilerara. i1 had aflime geitîng thîs pa-r Uppe- Ma>, re "rake" tase epresedlima. tistius iaîclrts. AI the rOIîr tri clatoti tf lit oviteffort shirh mumst i"À.though Oura- rmy Si the front la' sbîcb John 1haBurin tawear but aihe siUpr Mn r Boe" hs erse ie.qon of te pragram tht curtain \ti llhave nmade bis heurt lta-oh. Not onesacl n-ItI Iegs !te -ud' e ien -.Bcsne tra7al of f '1 sii cost you each 20 cnr ani10iearaalsai andtihle Chritnias Irea tutit creyO"t h l@O h wud' e hmF,.Sewn ýreseatetiride ta Llbertyviiie, shere ttrl-ie n cr uwus areveateti. Tlîe distributonîoru- 0 f ihesa mnît-i now Iros much ha)jil F'aench army, Our montiily sar ex- thora hersaîf for sentimental a-ssons ob o,-DSE NSErri rWII tsenta wlli Iben lha made. nets wyul bha :ttaîiedily carefuiiius.' per.diture la S22B.M,0ooo. shich 8la 1 guetns. But My boy hegan la gros pany wslt take charge of y ou, ai wof'o 4_____ ~ ?tiosa dollars shîrlu tht Sun sîi lfrger ameant titan IFrance'@ total. In anti abe sas that ha coulti star my Maycor Bdinger to tht men as tht>ey ~g ~ I laelvuarblt. ste are usedte t the hast possible ad,- sidItton ta Zbe enrmmOus resources fOtOlslg appted i athlIe clLy hall for their Job., Ci UIII PE )olln' nunrblt-ltl otai g dt e ehv III1 fluk andi ha gave ltena tickets t10sowHEs lU IER slclanda aafety Ia lime cf var Il-s vaiiiage. whihb e $hall Commandi through lteJutle botspair t ele m bart va In ber abiiity ta flood great tracts ot And,. donIt forget: Thasa donations ces hncarne fax. se are îumnhng loto ja n arbtsesa atst Nst tey seresent troua Wautegan atladti. ilam o! Orange floodeti the cama voluntîariy-not tha-ough an), îthe wrnrue cobaa. l grom f n.0.theor. 1081 sich, lhey In tua-n sut prescrnt to Mr. Lateness of Season Leads the ceuta->,i'n1674, and by no doing drova coicerteri effort to atafond amongI t a h 000."ü o i.0,00. Fenderaon. Management te, Decide to aut the Spanish tasaders. Te same "gnod îeîtrws; th-yre juifthtii.a-aaîlî 0. ToaIia sua-ra-e.. just about haîf of Risk Possible Trouble. policy was adopteti on tht occasion o? the " Cristasusalîlmîl' shîIt -s' te men repliati: ' o.' o ____ fUaFaîhIvsoe 02 lolintiean. BANKS' GAIN 18 $M9,OOO,OOO )a5vcent." j1'he NortWesern il sîli si"-'III gis-a $5ta ha osati In a5mway11 0'Oii "Well, be up on te corner at 1:-15 sith he services o!etas"night draAttar of Rass., Ilat il cao help a nemi>, famll>,," galaiChicago Depouisa Grow Fa-cm 570,Wo this liL anti Foril see thatiyouagethetrosebgardyr-eof_________ MdI1 stat ie yor. t antib tIbeth es ora ny t e ars ta s 'lBhnesrse akAdenm te! . Gh aor, 000te *1,00Ci0,000 la43'(sare. !JAMES H. HAWLEy DIES, AGEU 91. .Wlyr i ville," sl h Myp nd odd iloy mien sho, lu pairs, taaveleti oser Damaecua and Lie Ile o? Cashmereo Dc S-*Dpstei h hoite nd: He purchaned teoir Lickets ceatalantdistictsaIn apeedera. absatiof produce the famous Siall -gui, attar or HeNsDldn't Wora-y. <icg ait agon trom $1,-. i5ier ait.atPllr-o baimnelf as far as' Uiberlyville, so, ail âaIl fast trains re-parilng suJIt damIe aoses.'l'so tbousand rosleste. yîid A Membar ot tht Providence bar, Oe,000 In 1871 . $1.000,000,o00 laBarrington, dieuStaisierestIdenceWr who o w i er. "broke" got there botthe an mml<bl esuit front .paeadig amabto.da ?Str d50pataodymat an able and'consclentîeîie 1914,' sala Frank W. anhh err- tda>,of cUti sgt. He vas 91'-cuti-. sau s ioleviobt04Ie17esam and aolier trac'î troubles. '1 .., tubget hantee uirmercurtbftiilaanridand u500ti Itlcgod sbonaendey35.SImith.Lme ts pr- Ofley Lgi te lIte bia-teapo! esTk hn5a oa>,. t e&%Jg pa-dw@ at ue.aaute. 01-1"84eon Ithe Street and dtia l ui: tl9rY t te Corno kvcbange National- Old-fthd.I0LlBaxmt t u. T a e Cn e o D ot isy " ssrear. boy- lite purreckInabouss u '0d cliShP iic 18. t ietdîeh! pr eta-etp ar tefrt a f t arIliuIiowlag la Lbiser, tenpesacf ilbauoverruleti yeu in tie case of A hefoethaIe Cook couâty roaisatents came ta Illinis and bis father ~'lit ~ Maa. a Pqud. lte sintar, IhtINviiihacheaper la ftetversus Z. bot lrou nadtestat no con- board ea t Ise eey Iliauiceon in 1he 0Itt5,llt rain the gov rument ia farta Mborcances of delaylng te tr1aIn itaS- He Wculd c. Sotter ite. i Cea-n about yotur rettutalion." "No. tîctel Shermian. Pt 142acres. shici Ma-. Hawley imibei-- Mayor r, Bidlngerbecamne justîs tre a large force o!f e rovl.er ë sonea boneth bokagent ~~ ~ Iateed," answeredtihlb utie Camille- 'Thet iraitaSoolbougo In Chicaga tlad tioperated foravoer ý5 3-aura. St edaiont Incident In tL ite éa> C ati saem. Ail section toremela Cla atgail dosa and r**lthis favorite cently, 't dont; Fin only concamned ceat $7,800; nos se lItt esaeral ia- aI> a o- ui 4 8 "' 1 w hall hb. eady ta raapond ta otertîme sortks insteati -of puttlng ho hlm lime about Lb. relîulation ofthle 5iina-ttn4 hich ost close t10Il75L,000 each." r alywnbr ui 4 83 Jof he hal nnla.ei nw Amn callm sitItthaîr gangs, shite tht Hall i.îîîng ,lem., î.ourt.'-Lltîîbocctt'l., al*ic biteAmherstrMeas. JhOnna el'nw reii.Signal sillilÔ oaway sith ail danger.I iali.j -7 - i - y.: Page , g, 1914.