SUC al l 1.We oar!y ,varlonu L ou tryuàoi 1Mr Don't bny a cbeap 4wbad for yqçt -»Ièr ot drink it at 'aIl. tmrU la mn hl* »»Mepertecty pure a»d I.Try our o*ee i a I plMDId. in deijhI aU pn:a moat i.$1mu b orexthr uthý qUo Tbbs store aIi , b seil &u , youstomeroamthUfu proves tbat I.e are doiug The*M-Cwsh Grooery Phamo 3«1 W. LINDR OT H suOCasSOA TO aMS.M. PROTIKK MILLNZRYand DRY GOOtbS Labsi 51y4Witer Mats at Reduced Prices - Novelty GQods for the Holiday Trade = Mm.Stephens' Beauty Parlors OVE OAS OFFCE LIBfETVILLE Manicuring, Shaimpooing, Haïr Dru- ing, Facia Massage & Scalp Treatnmnt ay APPOINTMENT ONLY. Pisone 100 SILVER LAKE BRICK CREAM For, Your Chiristmas Dinner B. BeLOVELL GO* ~y eepa Good Machine Poor Place?, We San poVidea an and Convent Stob.7rag 1 1'number of Machies. Drive &round and Ual with us &bout iL L.BI3RTYVILLE GARAGE jeu Sc Dord. Pro>p. HONE 2mUbectVili hd#ependemi Classuied Ads Pay. Ask wNg user of tMi (NPPORTUNITIES, Iikeeecle, are lippry and ýhard t'bO 1ô, une. firmly seized. Thoy cilde tÉrou,<h the ingersansd are gons ere one je aware. To make the rnoct of opporanuities that may b. . gràsped by advertising, ut. The I.,dependenit'ac las- sified pages. It ie a iighti elusive.opportunity that escapes thoee who advmrtîcc in The IndepeudeÎt. tt istbiiessudcaofrmodéra T hé [udopendent le pretty onre ta ufford the edvertlsér mt tiheopportunlt esthat ho là seking. DmeurRauyý W* srrived smtIr Gi ht 1#w~ vlsfet c. wàà 8 vs een ud Got IwM afl 1 le hW ti 0f Go coupe coau- for, I h arvue lae rvom e iai. ur thle »job wu tuisoru t uau lu t be i a- On a drormb o omor e wfCheu opn andthteGohcoula ft tIc ina laudrgu& fogti te t suicie. tas w Go fatal re 11. OdI eMWon he etoe Ms. m i Ofithetdesr. atero h Mrs._EiCou l abolngdeaawuy fa tale of porces14laTb@cogcusion- Alr te VICTm WASre4 ISI&»N«0 thetDathe un vuato ablo rin dovtu .lstlty of"Nomn Fia Théie I bou rn r, eSa o vned o M- sor tis ainsR.Mme. 1916ox aio sMmollISmola ong dman e 1hevl Walsb plia enofa M. qstion-c vho uroe i mniyMFxLi vori MI oruthe vilale vriosua- aY* n ouua vmmdid orntatvol 7ars wo. e asag evdo jure nDairuit curtvaa Go lia no ay nàee no f'c.tag lsht villaged is foaie.t fretaiey roul ntellevaoui.t aab as flot ldur b village Hu bariosese- lagifes, re t ary noalf Uic trég- imvold ho oroebk ho.o Yotngla lrued Wcisomehad Te daed u se ai*itoneCou Curin lbof Wresut trtole ent not i40,the vilae. Hedd ot drav G louay orhie vov onheuythe vil- lane are b arnewn the roseciv juy oe- fromparents, hot Fox Laie. houéd e orldamrningtbefsoreitva It lnovue thatlhil ealsh and l lecteed thry$40viceh v ae Coins WAulîghe ans on vtortulithe FaxtLaie g iv 4 , e l h irn o e lf b g o t a h o tusto icouwom n tl uryuestonan bbter u o o the roomlng boume. ' Wal.1 a a elgnd a it Fore jut ry fe a pada the court buewt e Laseie a vhenin efeS. u therb akoh vonde Walsh borovedondbIs Jur letesthbe$o0e ho id eaed m nd. Wlshapeuton artco! the Foes befre e man callectned lanlnemert mthe Wauieg oauDlny quesnandi ha Ite rvomng fousd edl . wthh Waleli, reavas. Itatatedn ouqueul hatlb aci ove sct eo Lae cae. n eclld n t bavenum, Walchago ienued o bi jug teeasa boehoh!er anorha anTb youug voulupast fapoent a groaerort daony aeroo n nfla üh wobthcagomapolicd10dabavebeau w* t alshteaetermin It eGor e couple, fourni del udGo rondn - shepbbo Blggo 80 thet Lue are.le acdual frs.le ai fum or 37 efir lva wolIl vas brda ateron at tThe DiYon un,-cob-voelngth Wte an' of te a-ereonheGalhhooteo 1*ke, laid ber@.vbmrm ecud ii 0 rooni aenS ho friy toce1. hcac 0goptlceGo cte tobaimeIe h oisof MliJe aun mon. 1,8vll Westoguizte ded s aflv i leS a fax Lhe azfue r whehliedcorne arsic. Th eeaInitos a Geil aon Ger ody.itr b roolSn, boue conudt 1v Me. site oMephielgoghpornI10 ectai Fx hs oy. OiaoTbulcdangi st bisslo goto he ltin Usai Luth.u romWaiufthe 4 Dsugman, $te isuconducita el o pair uli. via- gotu ealrass iO blv ears. t about voxLc aec te e b5101d 0 i suteh fo iauuisLUET PLAN& TO lhe START SUITS TO =o oth - COUR3T BACK FEUS tr-W. IL ewamivit. To ber I " bor mue uuuco <Contnued Prom Page one.) Ih AM SIGNUES: NO?, Ig'A John M. PFade. ne Islm vuen 1ht1 Go George E. 1400n(deceased.) on utUu ~ Savaiu M. ILV (1Ot <hcu .) avare S fera M utleesly, fiaI CUim9b-T. Gansa.U the ulstre u4ce bai b-enfor MSEN. GRip4.Uy' TrM.j >'eurs a snla eamong botel àr. ýWIUeysucceelied 1fr. Fogte clmie tl Ôi thé Gmcountry for B ml;zyM sy 4., 1901 Hebcd boon deputy ohn*ia s t 10 the rom treanrsuréad tGorofore suceafle lMr. fflday uiiiu A rouse lb. lut. Poot. for Ghe unexpired tmrra; ho sepers Md ffoia =OUleli0f,38! erefore turulsbed Ivo bond@, on. Mo lster im theG and vonsn ai lu oaci Ohier t-OI, sItlred u is it for Gotexpired year. the olier for clothe.suad vhtt.w et aspbyxlafjo Goe fll Yser, ai fallova: dii aite notictou t trece oontsn PliaI bond-42.000. lu Gh o ut" -,SIONBIU- In ha, report top »e police . Gobeoy-idey over,@h sicatlci *16* kici iss been GOg .Oily comingba er e obIm nt fur morne ClareucoeB. Smitb. lime bn coupa vç another vom, J. J. Puge. aand8 Gt eho 1.4 elvys reglstered B.D. Talcott (doceased.) unior tfeic n r R0*~ . Notmsu and .Gobu It'a a joe fitat vO go clovwnlt. 0000111 i ond, Jan. 27, 1902, for *6i cg"e or as lc5 ai imroaty $89.000, signoe ami.sabovo. conticuie. x It uma used innurner- L CPRICE'S TERM. abi le ms, M eluD&vatcbfnl botel 1i.aaebndJn.2,90,'o keepem and viiioôàtinue tM do n, 5 stsaebnd a.2,.93 o unlesa Ghey siarpm thoir vits. $74,000. It la old and timp-vorn but seen- SIGNERS: lngly .1111 prachicai Ouly occailonal- 1.. C. prce. lv la Il eerrdeot tan d thf, la only Gog l yn dcae. In cases as tGsI provlously sdateS onr ereR yo dcae. afier corne pouduenc on the pîart Charle.sIM. Gorbaju. of Ghe hotdlieeper"or bis cierk. Chiarles Wbihuay (Secemsed.) VERDICT RAISES QUESTION. Stslbng thal be vas under the lmn- pression fiat bis me. John Walsh aud Vies Rifzel Ludline ve0marrieS, M. 5. Walsh of Fox Laie, the grief- stuicien faîber of!tGe young man, via with tbe îoung lady In question vms found Sead lu a bed ln a rooming hante at 1801 West Lke street, Chil- caoa, festifled beforethe eocroner'a jury bielS over the_ renialus o! the couple lu that-clly, Saturday. Prom the lestimauy oaItGo fatiier 1h vas galned liaI lie youag lady. via re- ciScS ai 1537 Cauroll avenue, visileS aI Fax Laie, tbrougbout the greater part of lait sommer. The father iuew Ibat an infatuation existed belveen the tvo sud lirough dmre apparent mtou helleved tGem marrieS The coroner's jury aller berng the tes- timony returued au opefi verdict The point that the jury coýuld nul Secîde was wbetlier the Ivo ýàung people commitîed suicide eutled accîden- Lally. i A point brought out lu the inquest, lu iegar'd ta the oPén gai Jet, added, tu the ponderauce ut tlWl Jury. Il vas thougbt bardly possible that thene cuI le ýuMfctent draftt Iraugli the mous to blov out theoflamme wben lhe vindovo were closeS. Thon again t*h50 manner lnn wih t*5 he bdleaawere Fîrat state bond Feli. 9, 1907. for $102.100- SIGNS2tS: F'red E. Ames. Leslle P.,lianna. Charles M. Gorlam. John R. Fulton. Charles Pbllllpa (deceased.) J. J. Page. MÀ MA SUE TIIOSE WIIO MADE SEAII 0F lû isPREMISES (ContinueS Prom Page One,) For a long lime lhe formera of veat- cnu Laie couuty have suffered the las .! hundreda. perbaps Ibousanda cg cldckens. lu addition to Ibis, grain, farn produce and other articles baya besappeareil wlhh nagrltregularlty.r Finally the protective assocatian cou- posed af 26 farners vas organized and E. V. Orvis vas retained as counsel. He secured the services of a pair «! bloodhounds about a monîli ago and the doge foloved a trait. Stopplng lu front of the Hertal gate anS refucing -- tu~~ s- furttr. fua .. nar attireS vlen fonS overcom ejfali. Hetz la a d teh livehec lief tint the-, lad sougit self-deoiruc- Signant ah first but flnaliy InviteS lion. % 1 searchers ta eearch hts promises.7 Ih hIs tated tht the romaine vere they were afraid teo do for the ses shipped tothIe borne of lie voung mianl warrant liey baS vas for Say I aI Fox Laie lu preparatlio *1! ti' anS not night, anS tley feared holding of the uerai. osqee. Heaih oices o Lak contyare They neturued the next dayj keeping thein cars ho lie ground for ruade a seancli. Mn. Orvis saiS hcw thie fIrst ecorng ofmen froni olier lIat Hertzel invited tlem lue maie states ta vonk on lhe le. lu Laie searcli. Wbeu tley lad gone aven caunty and are golng 10 a.. te l that promises carefulîy they coutld fut good sanlary provisians are ulme fon auy oIfise. men vho May b. lefItirace of the pnopenty that wae b' vithin hls juriadictioni. Sinailpo bas sougît., bien pentiful al aoveu the Country Hertzel. , acconding te report, dec Ghls Iear Md Il infeared that nomet OS etîntt he vieil of the Party of i tie meu *ho may ho brongit mb Glui counly may bave beeau exposed to the among whom wac Onvia. anS disoase. For this reason a careful searci thal followed, tbrew reflecti vatob la ta ho ieph andIfîîbiggan»igs ou hlm anS Ihis saiS lie plans ho of men aon brought In frcrn Cbkhica aegaoarsut Ghey viii ho hurniidthouhLaieSangseareu. counuy as rapidly as Possible. -Tovn Mn. Orvie diS not Siscusse c officias lu nl lie laie tovus bave aI length furtlien than ho Sonyt = $»e o c-op.Orate vIfi th'sa cty Offl thc ardblng parly biS dons anytt cdais su fferthoprevontt fie.uen vhIch vas wesa. bWmxsftï isma* luin, the cOunt7y l u-1 MS idx ela e ito cal thi ti PROPOSI3D LAW ASKS TuÂT STATE PAY CO1W OWNI3RS Many Cattie in This County Have Been Slaughtered to Stamp Ouft D.onae. Lakte Oounty *armers who boat heav- lly as a recuit of the claughter of cattle sufferIng of foot and mout.h diseale, are to bc compenated for their losses, that le, providlng a hill that la to ho lntroduoed Into the sato legisiature at the next session, bc- comea a law. The heaiet losors fromn the cattle disoase live at Our- nee. Becauce there bac been corne doulit about the fermera- lbases bo compeusated the following dIspatch from Macomb, III.. vili b. read with interect: Macomb, M1., Rec. 22.-Tho 811-six counties of Illnois vblch bEye, been congratulatlng tiiemmelves upon their escape from foot and mouth isase. and the large resulting tosses nced do i3o na longer. For nov the cousUies which suffered are to bave compensa- tion and the lmmlIfsbs aie to pay the. MIL BStte Senstèr WUllfsu -Compton of thf, City vii ntrOlut u00 la iecoin- Ing seccion of tbe Iogllature j bill provifing that the "0 W:ey Ic clamie of the six bundrmd d fttbolcabd dol- lars la chais Simed by ts*0erï bode stock wv a csutored istyle cern- Temorrow la.bdncitiaen bee r-tha dik i in Tamporac. g= r veofbid tlg4rsek die welthe f.epnnp of proibiionl. Prohibition has ""a mwy the maealr dether.smloaad hmtoi.. *g! Iceodpublic thepenue to vinom Imt b ded smlhmt ibur«d itea aato. It ofrelttoItiadio mn o uI o for I b cital a earndtea prh bition oai e Give Gmhea ie' ve-o r.lgt 10 drink ersley otf limr ndjsas l tcephdIùm et Te epuné prohiitio k"oe&bm îg en IN UUMI W~CHIAGO lie -CUITa.. o Diaq,., me ns50 o tO .fr. i.. budai, Ite -Ma Alil This Wa.k--ThIIE RMNDOPtRA RI Nake RuwaliomfoS New ie se HRIO paign of the federal e uag enlier mIes t10 preveut Initier aprd of the epidomie. Compton repirccents a sec- tion of the clate vhich suffened beai- ily-Hancock, MeDononugli and War- ren counties. Perhapu no county In the satouat more than Warren coun- ly. The, daims agaînat the afate-ognqal ta a *Imitear daim ta be païd by the federal govoramont. lncoice cases ai- ready palS-la. accordlng ta tbm lateet comuilation. 832l.555.04. lThoe. aims are regarded aà no auhsatual Git lu My mmsosthe claliuaufs. f arer anS stock ralsers bave discouateil Ghem at Ibeir hsnks. 801h tbe farm- ers and tGo bankors consequently fc,1 gret blorost lu the passage of Camp- ton'o mossuro. Mi. Freu'c0. Defour sud Dr. Ernery H. Dol oubave sold ta John Griffith of Loi. Foroat their tract or 97 1-2 acres adjobing lbe village of Grays- laie. Lako County. Illnois. The prop- rty les b.tvoen Ormyalake, Taylor, Druce anS Gage laies, surrounded by the bornas af tha late R. W. Sean,. Albert Pick of the Albert Pick Ca., and c. m. MeFarland of Morric & Co. fi la Mr. GrIt'. Intention tecua"- vide a portion of tib land luto one acre tracts and put came uGthe are kel next sprlng teaitlasfor u Me homes. A nominal conalderationla chovu lu tbe 10.1 but tGe revenue @lamps attacbed thereto IndIcate à selling price of $12.500, or about $125, an acre. Job% J. Flscbor vas Goe broier reprosentiug ait Parties. PAUL MAC GU*W vl"um I 2w DR. a.P. EfT.D.U DR. r. V. M"T? PI4YSICIAN AND suRôOON doursa te 10a. . 2gtiMA O a . m "40e. er Bay PW*"am m. 8 LYV«in F i . 5JmM u* âWW uouu:-l to 8:80 ère t» 8 'ltdna ii onivF.oppoob sP"d Hourloi s.m12to 6 .m. Ofce Phono 194. Me. Plue 114 DL IL M. MHTHO DINTIOT. om»-Ulbc 12 i.. M. a 1 Ito 6p.m Ub.rwtyw bàufa .tMAS. N. sTfPEI45. . O PHYSICIMS culSUUGON Ph...100 011cmovot Osu Ce. Libertyvile. DIU. Dr. N. W. h.,o Whi c mmC. S. me<see t IL*oetyvlA. ml'u. fi. J DR. VICTOR C. 0010iSI OSTRO PATMIC p$IySI@IA Sundays by AieoaI0 J. LRtP*w~ U hatl1 Talkig #mçcIÎnpu K"d Frencht. GossiasItgkm ensd J I aeow5om uhina or cacrda, eaU u a14£ ved r. W af Wor oesiaalim. Wb.~uM. oedl Truined &Winteredm-t.Ï "1 AÂr RXAONÂBTZlE nâM W. a. A""", Have tbe beut 01 acooMO -_________ dationis -aU box u"ais, experience4 help, etc. ::PUBLICA 1moltjê Âd d r e m a u mîton o e o S l s s 1 I-ARRY PUTNAMincae Mile Tuack, Liberti le~hrestimI mm.cagetI s.[ phoie. i H R SU Phomos 148 m 48 - xT L. DIAMONO Li AREA, IL ChronicD M. A C RA NE,-M R. B.1 0 E > AUCI Dates erraIo au salin Plouc 267-M-i LAKE SANITARIUM T..lepbon. No 296-Pl. i. Dyspepsia and DiseasesTreated. . b SliP-. E PKE R N E R AL ,IONEER ged and ai emade slmfctory torna. 1UERTYVEJ.. NATlANE.QAMIZE Auctheer LM m oâ amd FsnuS"le Phono 46' U~#'I inopeaSent roaben? - - - - - - 5tValues im PiCturesj 3H Sale on ail Picturea Saturday 1 DFCEMBER 28 Huadreds of the= 10 pick frop E -BOTH STORS- E The New Ya r$èe - 1 - Offce ln Kaiser Ulodi. LIBERTYVILLE. ILNOS ELHANAN VCOmU Money 10 o fa o SdAif 5100* Rea LIBERTYVILLE .'YNO8 LYDI L H mC Libertyvile - Unola Luos Bam. Z81MM Phone 8a4. au. pbif. ;* NOiRTH CHICA6O. IILioffl AM