Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Dec 1914, p. 6

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r. FSWBAN rnaa1~AanaiM. W. »mucýai basrSBhop. Abs st 04%WM dPark. vadkiq10bJa. Viethome. Ïr. lireM. A. L Lak o0f' EC. MuaiMr. 3~e8%Ui Wuia ho ta16 U~tt Mlaaept1le peidl dajuvIS m B.A. Dean. wwaadMMn. .Cropley »4*4g a couina. MIrsi 040c; i Auem. "*dg menathe aid dausg maNs. iriKnlgmepea W~ah at Sndai moi iMhS i huabrought trom ie i tbDr. Shaxer. Im a b l w,wlih **à 7 -, 1 iboi, lp. ,95 4w 4nDd go li week wli sela* * Ea.. 8*mtimsrbas returmed &tra UiMesCatit. Dock epq it Ae vesheni iii Monde la chile. A.m Maqe m ort Ith.uetF a* o(Ey. MaIý. avnM". h vtbig beredote,aM. Fiai VaW" el A dmughte v vae bore ta Mr. and Mms aChitfoga Ue r Ra N e., id. Mn. 8. IL Kuaiter vag a Cbilceg ivia viitar Ous dm1ai MweSk. nigel MmUe.L. H. Knusermam axant 14c1 IiMa. 'by aid atusia7 la Chicago. are.rli.e Fiannoi suian of lt ai eek ta B. M. W. Kiadier B.d eau Ted voe , ankaga- .bieffl viais Maaai. Mn. Mmn. . itanclihi pedi Mndai and rom. l !ee yaIt ts bornaof ber elelar la ~ 40~ MWs Relier of Lake Zuile pen lt 5 vaek vith ber enuie, Gladi Wehera- arwe enter beig. Penniy ai Chtiatm*A exerceas vHiiib. beid tn ihe chumulion Obriaimm aigbi. rhier af Mrs id ,away ei rulng. Tii. tRacine ler 00u Noay oai it v.k acun-ad iii det cMMn.lairai Radolgtan ai the buée of ber dauglter,NMm.Giennu ai Cbilasp. Thea ecins vos. broughita UbeflOi" Soislaimént. Obitman "ybslad had a vri-ynerra CARO 0F THANKS We dosire ta expree aur thankaa»d Appreclatian to uelzbbasm mn& friande wha so "aby aualed inaaviitha barn tram burnlng. The. mlk houe as em .ionpietoiy de.trayed by Bre vhli vaa n~ ar ii.bain. E. E. Reutau extendahie thauka and appreciatilon elso CI Mr. and Mta. E. R. Mama. -mêe Wro, eatious uujry one umy *... weekW»b ioling became caugbt LA"E ZURICH u tas i s#lofa feed grinder vhlcbL . We w.. Lsping ta apearat tÏei&i. . Ca-me the. Annal M. W.A. umaque loues lru. Wm. Craplsy who wa* Bal i tiie Libertyvilie Town Hail, elorkhlm nier wvueeed the accident Friday, Jan. 8, 1915. el àaÎire ff athei driva hat and avorter] Nr. aud tMr@. Harris of Aleda. lit.. are whel ,lgh eeiiy bave bien a tragady. epeudns tii. hlidaya viii the iaatte Mr. briody auemed a ew mnor parente, tir. and Mm reBromnWuersten- brutome , berg. * Word wu@ received hon Maonda of thiseli. Mamie Rokemear attended a leldami deaili of joe .Nevon at party ut Palatine, Saturday eveulng. L4imgdon, Abera. Pull derailiemae mt Il the caid veather continueiit ee »at ObiIele but It eam@ uat Jere ctting wilîcammenca belore New ler'u. w(*,bbhi brother Ra, wa. engaged lu lire. Aug. Froelich bam returned tram ftiâo. %a es vblch in nome manner tell Chicagaoviieresehe noderveni an apera- on hlm and Iltst dfatal injuriai. Jars lion fartetmor Sle la iniafaut. Ibd *bout of frisad. lbra vha îeup a tom vua»Waoiu Jitu ie nimliensd. Fred Scbunnug hba returned ta towu ______________ and te weiinlg a weak'e vacation. Re w haseita contract puttlng davn vellu *vIE alterthe obaldaje. Mrad Nrs. F. P. Clark and daui<hter baedfldad toa. esud the. wtter at Bot "te it» Ooutieoce and othere vha father tht. week. wote n Natta Sheridan w<ad ut the , jo bu Matbisl wv@as aCryqaaI Lake lAine zbWotIr afier 2 O'clck. *unday itotàd&r entuâmoa er.treated toa abit af aid varrNtdy fasbWMsoi aclmg between ine of ti5t Mr. andWroa. i..W ndrevs vil] imaiut bor» a.. the eity, wielc ve eave tho firot -of the net moutb fur p6twffl to cutters. The. tarting 0tec aaona VMM t ~ ithe.race vas Rldgeland a,. oe- uCluona ý*%% the orsese tumulussoutb th -OmanSavenue an the. tborougiiare. wqalngadistance 01 neariy a Mlle.; DL*AmoI.D LAKE i'arcscomprimai a prograni of'L..... COUdS bj ats.u T iii rei no 5.8 a t e masn or Praire ye î@put Sun. im,«e i.races, buthIt vas couald- dey ut 0, Tiatciier's Proed « »à»Li Jim Mitchell of Cbcago vied hi. 'moeue oved lry the falliwg men oncle Oea. Mitcelel the. firt o the. week J., . Bvmshugii. ýParl lRay recurnnd bhrna aturday UW quler. - iie wv*ac coempantad by Lloyd [tai and fline aou el he tii. owing mon ah vohfSIlâ the *rees, ail et wbam vacation aitG..LM. Ray@. à»,a We#i Inovm local bre.lanciers lire. toweil @eat ithe week-end iu Chicago. nibv* tabruon. Mr%. B Weirnberg and dauighier o CWIf »eIl. Ubetville are spending sevral desau lr.Gerbere. T'b@ bekteaciait titheGridiey echore wuveil attended. 043 belng taken lu, Fria". oaheoui andtiler lmproveuiate. The teacher bh wqirq rvidtib ibm eute u a »MMli-mwlkpand puptSia vanta thask osant « ts lau. v hé i eaged uhoas vbo belped mnai. It l umr. *$* aW BueberBo", oned by tI* *igteua. 1mie4 to develop lits h dM «je«a A PRIESIENT IFOR VOUR BOY Thei bes Christmas preidut you can givri vour boy ila an aticount in our Saving@ Departmnent whleh 3% Interest Colte in> and have a 1)488 book mqdti out in hi,4 a Ime . it will pheaite him murm 'aid have a greater Infiuene, On lis. future titan aîîy presetît you can get 1THE CITIZtENS9 BANK AREA, ILL. "Malëte IBmnk Vour Busness Home." SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT COUDStole eam" L MW. A. Mateus h *rtjiTW. raraa a"mle aithe Uito*t fls TovwnIlO., le Nte *e 11*ig<ursihome tram t l"40Mssa . 4_86Bas4 of ledh Aîtsgi on beWtiB> Vbse a lle b eau ý -' vial1m~t ut, Ma. ~ Jredibè. Mle $.oiiaAm~urdauphinr of Mr. Nia éà A1 gi9 a! ga sud , Our. viii have me irYlb Ègl piWI th CINlé bi-di e4 Yj "g« dai. MieAà%'" vaut"kMab " ei oMesfit* lie UlI. Blow ai loUlais, Ï9, and MieMarotte veaty t !IMMILos.Cal IÇ Yo. Miesne " &n md, Baije »»a*on vili uv id M' ie, i~. Paul Mai"a il imevaSabordai for Ow»oonuoc, viere moe logo *"eIOh*iaegahume ihia vak. uhaji vii bd thé gsue, uof NUlmMria Mr. aad ia. ALtier . Aldte gava a DiSch for a-veeii. innob*aSoady lu honor et Mr. sud Mn@. J. A. Sinjhp maYa a abover for M». osa AMia.îý mi"s amuase ok.a"r>. eeubnf. Ms 1dolse atrofCiilkfm ua Tb* Paw"epmms u,upamnvas ale Inlb.thé vIN Mn. Edwad -Atte- l oi , F r ehd a n u e h T u o e dal a e . B . p u u -I4 muo W.d eei.y ereulla theor. Mn.0Tr4k S. ar a. bere.idatob lu ibe qý ek*piacêln tbé doy tre. la oit wbaioho boai bise n t*tiLlr viiFoei J~. f vialilmg teimilv8s. aud Ie4 MI'Sit are mairiesa Saia ClaMs lltedC. *Antaa 8o00 A amobil tour of ths Facil eaut Co., stlore Tileudadm mroan mch ta pww omime e athe principal cestT tILés w i the. dligit of ths cbiidnen. Eacb o»ndamd aeor C&oiOMlglii. recived a box ai candi. John 0" Conei, ho vas 1a velikuovu Capt. Walker flids Il:Impos- A number aliended tie Clriimbé mmste L«ie Foet and liraugliaut te Sible tao(let Service on the progran. ai Nrthltaid Tiiundai aen- cu S»ty, diad boesFrîday, Doc. lOti. Woman Ho la Sulng. log. Tha funrva s baule WMonday tram 8t. M. and Mno. Floyd Guchel and Ieij'e churscbTiihe rWtlag of hi. $10.000 dum- daubiern md Mn. and Mno. Bey Gunuka Thi. Lake Fonast Coilge, Acmdem, mge suit agaimat Mrs. Robert Put- are vsitlng Mr. and lMn. A. M. flunkei Ferry Ranl, Oaond Bant Coný'at, nom hy Captais A. A. Waiksr. ciief af Gaishurg. Gartna. bool. Rlàeay .chaoi and Dea. af the Mon City poile. epameni, Almon Paver. ai Chcaga, vasuthoeld-SbWede Bila meeb_3oI t iand bhi-lugeOnt a ratier unusual condition Suudaî guetami ahle homne oiW. A. Parkeoaesd ior lb. blidaya Fidy,. of affaire, tor ne maiter boy deslrous Wbilug. Du. iSija Almnot ail af ton oui of Caxtalu Welker maehe, the msu# la rammar @cant iei oui Thusada lovu etudenta have departed faot their vilci haoa&siedamages for aliaged- alteinoon fan ibeîr Chiet...progrmm. haes.- ibeil May nover bc irougit ta trial. AiaStock; vbo ha@ benuemplayat by -Litutiaias ianlmude adsud et.unhar lu tact the chances are aiment eutii- Bort Boston, retui-ued ta bis homa lu areaeiia h otgoahaîa yThiarecuitte ramthe tact uhai Mn,. Fraina, fil. Lake Forest, vitub carirt lever. Putnam reide. la another slate and The toboggan ai the Winter Club le berote lie case couli came ta frial ___________bing remod.iadand vilii outé b. read i t vouid bc uucesmary for Captain for the winters ltac.. Waikén ta gel eervice on her. Tii. 1 ~~The Presbyterim u.nday erbool Christ, shein! ae no jurladîctian ta go lto Came ta the Annuel 3M W. A. Masqua mas .ntertatnmant and Chritmas Iree another mliii. tb serve papena in a Bal ai the Lîbertyrilae Town Hall, vane grsatly sjayed by the cbiud ren on civil action of ;bis nature, go unuese Frilay. Jan. 8, 1915. '.1 Wdaaday attatunon. 1îNir. Puinain voiuularhly ratura» ta UmIseBelon Harding te aututainiug a ZIan ty and permt. Captain wallc. >friand feom Madson, Wla. L& TEdbtUNI)DiMl et ta serve lier viii notice. lie case Wond vas remived hors 1mai week ut Ml.JI i r GRI1 Ur fl cannot coine up for triai. the. occidental destb ut Jarry Newton la 111r7 re 'iur Mn. Puinanilate iii ofa aeaI.! Aberta. Ce., ho batog kilied hi a tiéNa 099 , ÀAII>D UIBU66Y tiy Cincinnati candy mnanufacturer. ialling ou hlm. Jarry'@ home wva snear -21The.aileged ilbei cbargei liy Cap"ah hors for a number of yeaie. Be vau a ÀJ~ O4 N C .Wïlkor vas tie ouigrotî af a triai, brlcht, livaly îoung manu, oeivd bi ail, h nvilci Mr$. Putuam wuva, a ituens. sud evaryonseoxtonde daepsiaynpathY t Thoadon Vagie wva atestei dur. tu the bereavedi lamly. Sherff's Offièp,Find'à That the lnk lie iFouat ai Tabernacles ln Zian The Watunasocietp met mtho .churcb . Statun Oufit Boul o City lait July en a-charge af dIalurli last Thnreday aud packed tva barrele a Chca * t, Ing a parade vlilti vas ieing hl of lothug fon the Batey lition lun !.~"*atound lie Temple Parki grounda.9 Cicago. They aise sent a box of fruit Word racelvud tram Cbic«4d lir lie Durtng tiie bearing aofiitheae, Mn@.. sud venetablee. siarIrf re ine hr aicatee liai the Puinam na iappened te bc lu Zion Lltiegiadyq Pavu. eponî8aturday mmd boane and buggy onud lu ithe western City ai tic time iurned ta Captais, Suuiay lu Chicago wlth ber @itravis. pari et the. couuty about tire. veeks Waiker and la alieged by itm ta have Thioms vi attend the. Bighiand Park '890 WL" Staien troin a man lu Ciii- madce t ollavlng remrk: and Liberty ville tigii enjoy- cage.:lie la exi.ected to arrive boee"I saw Captain Wiker drunklu tram Chilcago iodai ln onier hhat lie Waukegaun ashort lime ago sud reel- iug a tva veeke vacation. may mahe aunIentification. ing intheii. treets. H. nas aiea emai- George Bralmnd and Mite@ Helen Bard- Tiie biane sud buggy yene discov- n la. l ug vere Clcagto vistora Vriday. ceoîtabout tiireo menthi ai-a but atinacgr. Ti.rad auo aktwidely separated pints. Tic buggy Walker sayoe h an ample evidence Th rayelakeandIvas tasetwo ound lunLIÀentyvilie sud the ta prove the aileged statement untrue. bail teata piayed a close game ai the hon,.ln Vernon townsiiBip. He noya that sucli a tatemeut vauid bal1 t ayngithe score bhani-0 Aluiiough It ta net huavu dellnteiybc.rfeInnbich- jtu 12, inur of ai taboe. Tihe people by the aianlff's oaice. liai tieuhef uaturali aarfetina I ir star driving front Chicago muet have acier and espuclly as an ollIcer of Iare becoming grestly Iteretei lu um heanged hors.. ai smine ta hou». Zion City viiere auei charges meua &rcame@suad hop@ the young people viii aioug the. way ini order tiat bc migit mare than lun ny ailier ciy 'n the keep %hem op aIl violer, have a ti-esi stesi. Hieaid iorn. TIn comultyeis eoctulNnu~yprobebly vas turned base sud tht. vand. bsanTh t lirie. Wlli flotadi bai pamasaccounted tan lia tact tiLt lio vas The Puiname have afliue nummer ta bea htM.Wl otlbdpe ond in Vernon townsip. Tiiere are resideuce ai 822 Sui Boulevard, avay. Ail kmev ubat hor, "hea md Indications thait te second botae rau Incl Iitlily c»iaIlt dbeau iailir.g for some mouthe but no on Lwta n 41ertyville and tuls voli sommer. Thie; @pend their winters accc1ut for te fiudlng of the buggy ~Cnîut.Sot n.Pia thauuit the ecdiwvautanear, oe.baving tiee.inCcnat.Sol r Pnr. Cbasenop arouni thé hounesoutil SugdaY. 1The sicrifre ornie buispent muci raturn ta Zhon Ciy nex summer: dh. leave a ýàub&ud,lile iaugtte, tires lu trylng te lacalete sovuen ofCaptilu Wukur vouli lien hves. in parents, brother and,. iter in meurneuthe iesentod ril sud t ltStbas ta. t itsrieo e a thi l« adtbyha heacSecuirai Information tiLt mint, tae e portmaityluetevcoaurbt udr aie am uhy hva he iner t t hi . a îetalon MChaiagos» . ev tu t efirhave taken MaY if @y Mpathy ai ihoir iany f riands. l)e'y gberfnionqeasWtoiay thlaibavaeliaheeui iilareportai. tIti ho tbint h v ould stop mmsai liai-rn. Pattemi i!romain aay ft OBITUARY alinsa It s ev iomofrtet ii.lbe, szio iniemnltoiy. vsOIUR er, ta hocagfdi uhe. Captais Walkur tamtliuted suit >1 Fred Brockman vas bora lu> Hanaver, agalit lin. Putna sorily afier the ~*Gei-nn Dc 23, 1886, sud ded 1a l@ home lu Vernon urvuahp ar 29, 1t, 1i*. itatemnt l.alle<sdta have b..q S.La ce e aA morl im eltee o5 f iverve ~. mad".Mar eliupraecipe Off rsi k wb bas parenu t. Aslng wlub ibm la 5 Y IMe notice oft ulW suit vas lIed. Dotons Laa cunnty, vieho-r ha maseade bis cauma ego ta trialitlta nec.ssry for home amecs st, e - l.doclasatom, oltiftai l the lu 1868 ha wv a ired ta IUmllyRobbery WhlCkT@k tèC. on Parllculs-rofutheii. paota hbe led. *Rodermuni msui Ove ehkren vesbore -SatUrday Afero àonWa ,ThU& vasot donsa ind it tva i.. ibeni, thseo son,. Barman, Wuliam, aM s u~ * tortes of or a asi hloa Bd «ari, alaofi LIe out; aa er, tt".Sdn. ii. nlsaa 11 Mn aibnt riDyer 01fàli-ad&lk. gSeai. poua ore hntng lthe conîni CSMoattorneyW, 0xercised bis lega] Pie- chacuàn, C"n, Who aiéthe imolles %roulnd B"erringicai mm i uIollcetaingative and demandai tiathle suit survive hlm O. chili dieh luia c«. % mie oreeorobiuW lag1 atrains bc diainisec., Ths vas doue. Nov Tuaoaule .eebrtedthuOtiat an1.for tva bandts '*heon ludai of- hoaver, Wai'jer banrestati lite vs-ary oai lir marciage September son Hart, huai tWo 0<tou rtai-msoit amnld mlxstolevnlac 18 ti .lulet yeur bande, as u acped wtv iii 1luid.,belon.eliahetld. Tiie.floerai vas held ironi lb. Long. ti foat vrklua ai 118». The baudt o vUily v *ers vateh. Micael P. Umbeci, a Young mman Grave church, Rov loni el tullciatiîg. logthe hou". li-"anaom 01&asnuiiey vo as sttested ln Lake Forest ami, lirii..toug tiove cenitry. emta loyr Minutesaattrtvo ftaWm bande vent ta tim.ainhvia as toumai oyer ta lie Riglilan CARO 0F TIN8They appesredi éiai v ben cou- -Psittpolice via tiduglit h iilittha W. lsht..iliulaurnaihboe.ffSated hy lie tva remnaining ta-ingulty aI one aoraai"of heburgiai'. We w.1,t.)tbnk Ou noghbrsbande,, oua or, wlom triai ta s4iie the les viici bitd talion place liera,vas ltt.-nd. andd ail who.. mii.rd un dorinbg tolihore viiia echai. He vwu qlck- c th- ecii, d ipturh i ouiarhuani 1v Woverpoeni hbozaiïaid assed giron a boules; bêeon.Justiceithl aqthe. . Fd Btxo.kmon mmd lie bonne nanecia. Thein lMHgilamilPark ThutadaY Mdl vas boucud nen voeelounda u-bout inter sentenced ta 20 ismst'a tiec cunti J99 Mo î,i i,.k<., n atolly, ' îy thein coimpmIons. teca1seo arpHew lThe ioiii a eone aitithe lolîet ui.ciraovgrivH v, Thones Rubtevati eauai ti-n er perpeptratedta titi, part oaithe Iadga'in Joli han. TbursdaY,9vÇuug. Thoas eckenwld on etforercouit-y.Thecstint lt Wv"snom- Tic Higlnd Pak police ai- e Itthe Policeman Fi-auk:fleoktaiwâld 0 mitted ibroaida"Y lhght shiows the Opinion thit olie latementalli de- ibmta aamictia Te ~eaîu-o4l-eaa-s ».le let- is ipp anudant oi hav ne ta le d at avl PW * uhU .WO andMésujEer N4e. gom " o. m SECVUfTYTITLE &TRUST0. AMSItAC1S 0F iME TITLEGUARANTEE Capital *125000.00 1WAÙKEGAN - - ILLINOIS Wiscon sin Dairy Land ID. BOY D Libertyville Lake County Farmsý For Sale Cheap L28o acres for sale;ILake (o îinty, Illinois. Two mite@ to poil town: onc mile to station. Two acta buildings. WiIl divide into two farme if du.ired. Au Estate. No agents.. Also oëveral 5-10 and .5o acre placea, that are real bargainsaBt_ prives aeked. Hl. D. BOYD Libertyville g. M Notiçe 0f Lettlng .fCesitract or Coi.- respem.eible bool, for - amonsi aqogi tracts for the centructiomi mndi eecti. of au <levatai Tank and Tower, Pum*phn ldng mmd bastion. Paver Pumpi.g Pianti opaete, *illthe ..ecasa.ry PipIe. M ois and Adjuncte for a system aof Watar W.rKse in the. Village et Anme, Lake Qounty, Illinois. hoaied proposea i ilhonemeived by lia PMaidntami Board of Trutmaaofaithe Vilage ofAria, Lï. Connu. Illinois, ountil 8 'ck P. i. of lie Au dci f lona, A. Àv.191L5, ait ta,VI«eIs Ii la tha villstof Aiea, LaIe Uonniy, Illiois tocneelrsn no morentia o! au ilvatai tank and taven, pomplu buiildit ngad eailou. Pavmer. pumpng plant complet*a vlth the neeanry pipins,boma ndmjouacte, for a aystein of vates varie lu tie village of Anas. Laka Caunti, Illinois. an Lot 18 of Stock 8 ai the. Plat ut ibm touoa! oi. comb, (nnw calied Ana,) as shovu by the plat theri-econdea lu Book A'ai Plate, page 58, shtuntui tu lie village ai A rea, Lake Cuuuxy, Illnois. AilInu ariane wvltheLb.termmofai certain ardiane-poseoi by the ead illaéeta!Ana& on the Qib day oaINoveni. ber, A. V., 1914, a&W approvci by the voter. of the vilifgo ui ares ai au edcc. tian lîeid thareonouD)eeihar 1, 1914 S*14 af vater voile le to be ectai mmd conetnictod nd mituruishci lu acoontdane vî1àth he tenai.01 said aidinance iaithe pians and spicifica. liane sno Oafile iii le office af Thenîdurs le. Swvan, VIllage Crkoa! sali vllage o! Aresa Lake Canoti, Illinois. Pro posai. muet be ma upôn blanke futnlahad at the office of sali Village Cerk oi raid village'o aiAria, edaned -Proposai..for ai einof vatan vilek" ami muet h. .aceonipmied -b? a certitlild check payable ttheia rien of the T-au.. urer of. sali village, diav aun ouas tu 10% et tho mgriuaae piopoeai - dlicertiff icbeSk viii ha ll ut guaaul? bat smm ittddsi-as o ur vhoas xuopaealor prooa @Wii h construction ami eteetiolk codd sMrM woîku, md viiiforntei a bondis Olke. tha amcont M0sncbhontrw4sél, hi mrstils tobe a£proved by MaiW IUa boanieoedowaud fanor .st hM-'*Wýp -- tanm aeaof lthe terme o!fsnb seaipai- . PrQpombaia viiho rncuieladotils eanstmuc*Sn enid.saetloof » feel ii of vaxen vorla as a viole or fr.a divlabla partbiemu. Bel ip luha opened hi the Pume"n and board of Trstceas nt eMd village, te opeaalse 8 *18ocioek P. M. as lia 4tu day <af Janutbrv. A D 1915, at-ail vtlage bailla ithoe aid village of Aras Labe roniy, Illicale. 0.nrutctre viii ho pali 76%p 41 Iba amauni a @iad cputiCt lun cash, U"e the. complouion of the o vos Md approvaloaitic saniebyhonliam @*Id village sud thc Prafiudent and Iei nt Trunieea uberpnîf, and thée àluget',. 26i% viilb.oplald estydais alle v appravai of cati vork aimleami mai:,. i-pou a furthor test ntf ai al* a*u by tiho pungîneer nt ai ilge 1 Aah" tbeti a vrk -le -muni w qâ 4- contracte muet ha ompleti i yMAY 1915. Said Precliheni and IBoardet t dlthe iageot1 Are.. =ar'u th. r1eat mmv aî.d &Il bide for a v,,rks Ifl iev »Ae t g e op, al luteroet oi sai VIllg Co0 e firme bicidint iigvoten c..npauh.-s or firme. villa thaI addrse dten rié a io of' sa Teo s. oteF 1Oviu, iio By orie'r of th Vllage Board, Dec 7. 1911 -e. 11

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