Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Dec 1914, p. 9

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P ~AKE' JYUTY' INEPENDENT, WAUKEOAN, WEEKLY SUN___ PL4N ïeoi,-Deys, Meeting. OEBKELD IN FEBAUARY. yKdPant gHold "In i, KWY Date Jae .Barrat. preeldent of the CeunIers, Inatitute bas ~iiItd efilovwing article out- 0't Pl1. afr the insfitupe 1. uin h aid! ln lAke vlounty INhM eVIII lé a >onr tisys meeting ' * onuy t>PrMers Institut* lis firat two weekm in FD'ohm- ià-bm tolloving tovns: Nortb »um,, Laies Villa and Prat- lhIbv. il had beau Intended ta tInstitUut lu lanuan>, butfit tMoud'advsable to change lie ~tler e.. rIl M. Rangs vilii peat onj Id Sience." 'Nir. untisay, *11apeal o oina" Te sin commimail Viti attend he ~ilVievw meeting but wlii not ho wit th ne vice-preaidenî neareat Pieor meeting te ta'te charge of i wouid avaciet that W01 a"tbaetepremium = DM the comnshow rend at U0itmeeting, t think fil wu "6uàdUt*8diug Ilat the boys Who WoiW.ithe lIae fir mdccl vere te, fflobtos'. the Furmers Intitute. tetift 0f bt trie: etc. 5Au Nfteit Oxmum spd. haore tbe ýýof 0faPOaios. of bis exper- A!Md&t1vente ak' the prograni coni- Wittl @t10 M.. lIai ihe other boys s~ i elinatittrie searest their 'leidak Portland Cernant coin- 1 ag>o,.ImI. ustbik lb>vil! *" ,M l rIee turptim elc- MMS O lithe P% 'aras.'Intitet.outhe 00jSot O e p.'asent sud "hmiary k>'iM ~ ~ N eamtoii.hcharge viil b t«d tlisse lectures, nie coui>,pro- =-.o bains "tatthe intitute pro S. the lanterna andi entrent. Wti M', afaureil 1101 no particular branil W i~l tla advart»la intio le- *fi&. lIe>' aredoins fil impi>, ta Otumue the use of cernent for con- Moutbg.oors. slo.. trougla, foces Me e~ls'permanent farm tructures. e wowd mt tuâIlt unirons vtabtng $blave Iis lecture communiale til ,,aC$sb G. Raid, car 0f lbe Lahigi Ibfthma Cenent campeR>,. Conaum- ** eiuia Chicago. t V1a*Mteveryou* Inerestedtu in htter - "ttutestfeethat niesanecees of piO ar eol ipnda au hlm. For mmu>'98 dmau c or 'liete bm ogram Ulit... Mr. T. A. Bimpoo uA- PmB age r LAeî ~the nirtt et co<*eration that ta ezul t e efolowin> paem, B eip ao»eantler. the. maavfiskes bail; Ou&e of nM bora vulti not ha faIt, ba of una hée wouid quickl>, melt, 111u l'l elp Feu andi >on help me, iué îles vIat a big whitie drit w'l Nelp ona anotiier. the mapta spray, said 10 bis felov beaves oe 0"e sua voutil vuhes me haro atone. lon g e îlela le o. B ut 1'11 lelp' yon and you belip me, andi thon vbat a sptendil bade tbereit le. nslfres other. nie e 4edrap ail. some.tug muoler ilrop ctose to TUa Varan soîfi breeze voutti driva maa>'. A"i I slonli b. toue or.ncoan Ioda>' ýi' lut niit, Ipyou and you lp me, PART Two. &NTO BET AIRSHIPS IThm Con etAlmed Vertlealîy.I rWflt~ AD M %p. JJLKFW»JL L V à&Jljj! AJJJ., £jza" MM.-il1111L 7- v EU AP VÂMirmag s ~fls nlm ARM4ED POSSE IN SEARCII FOR MEN N E A R DÈERFIELD Sohermerville Marshal Leadsaa Posse of Farmers Search- ing Reobber of Women. HELD WOMENUNDER GUN. Beld Robbery Near Deertield Creates Profound Sensation 1'uesday Atemnoon. Deerfielti. Dec. 23.-An armed passe ieaded luy the marsial of Sebermer- ville, Ill., mat nfew bloinika soutît of tJeertild, Lake ('ounly. lea earu'iing bhat vluliuvty for tva ien who hai<1 c up anti rouetfouir ersonsblnte "<i home of Fred tV. Itoluuu., one and eue- hnif milens saillifii[loetown. Tie victime vare Arthir Itoiste, Tiea fitoate. hlm aliter. tirs. Naud Hutebin- son, andt Miss tIile-n lAftus. n achool The Hotle home ta ln an lsoiateut y" tob, AmesbosaPresAsoctatlua. section. White one of tic men alooti guard over lie vomen tae other STOCKTO V LUE earrhed tiec muse and bound young SO AL E Iolot in the liteien. Gotdwecs vere laiton from Nias i.0ftus antilitrs. 0F $ly1,O O.0O-WAS orged bts ad I(III~t II fhIL ltI o10gbanti ran o tehouse for nid. RILLLIF IIN ILLINISIJHe vas Pursued b>,the robions for balf a mile, vien ha feil exhaustod at the door of a neigihor' bon»a. An Veterinarians Sîaughter 3M4 alarni vas given andthle pomme .uek. Herds iniState to Prevent 1>, vas formeti. Spreatici Disease.J Catie anti avine of an appras8 E E t 1l E S R valua o! 4991,M0, contiuitg 24F W L T L a R hends. have baea ,ianghtoa'ed ln I111- nois wo comt thle foot anti mouth dia-1 aie epidemie umon>' cloven.ioofed E C O E N P R s r .l . i . o , s a e v e e t a l n E C L S O S T IN P A R we confine, their settylties 10 the' C L O T <JT morhotmupordon o f tllinois sud ha h-, Ileves lIai tie Oral o! Januar>' vilI * see Il. pepimge mYe>,obllt@matatiLast Year a n cxamination of la thitstMate. Two.tbirdm of tIe sage iPacicages Showetl Many tawile nvfe ofia>trc 0!Violations of the Rule. Jotulra are scourna>theieBtte - mala>'a tsaiinaocton nilaressj Ara the people of Waukagan becom- tiierin>' minute data as go the Ia~si ati affect o!f1.he disease. Geoir gag more bonet? Dunne la expecltmdta foisard tlta m'- Postinater Daniel (tuad>, Is of the port goth li ellature wvin it la aedto vote the fand taureimuus optnion that nie>, are. Lanft year lie ownans of lie siaugitared catile. Il"a postoffice force found man>, pea- The $991,000 valuation vas placet b>, *tic faderai appraiserm anti repre- pie endin>' out pariai pool packages semis pul>' tbe beaf mar'taet valua oi ai Chrismias Urne violatadtihterude the animais. Coma of the. borda de- st;4,yed- contatacti prizat breeding vhici prohibils tiair eitclosing a ]et- catlle. viosa value can hardi>' ha ter in tbe package. Thitideas nat ne- coibputeti. The faderai goveraxment yUl: p, ovons half o! the atuprateti fer lo a latter ta nie strict ena. of value, and the stale maies up' tbe lte vorti, but go any l tli missive. difteleonce. > The ganenal bllefte s Iat Mt io la- SAL RIE 0FP M. 'lion vas uninîentional ratlbu than an SÂL uir 0 eforitaoavatie the pnyment of pont. MO T DE CUT ago for a toiler. OL Tii yar ilia beon foundtht House. Mis Recommnendations et -Postmaster General Sur- leson for CUI in Salary. Waallin. D.aC.. 1D4e. 2.-B>, a1 vote of 148 ta 131 th. hanse 0! rap- reqsutiivem l te epeclatlogis- lation lu lia postlece appropriation bill vhicb vauld have grateltbeie raeao! lie country' an Increase a! $200.000 annuaIt>, ta their remua- aration fer carryta>' lhe maits. Theaie votaeinial aal o! il. tee- onimoadations et Postrnater doerali Burteson for econemias ta tle seevica vhlc heniabeune posloffice commfttea av dit In approve. Chie! amen>' hhese vas one caal- ta>' for a nov buai fou- posîmantersa pay,. viich voulti bava cut some o! lha alaria. In tha postal systém, i.n- thaugi not sit of!hem. Had Ibis pro- vision bien approveil nie salaries o! ail iraI. secendansd t1ud clama peal-1 nitors tin nis, outalia of Chicafo1 anti Peorta, voutl have hoon reducet nIl the av>'freni $200 ta 81,500. P111 Die Whin Dusyn Prom Depîhe. ln the trat leotheof the cesa the temipérature la lilel.abov. I'easlng. no malter viat il nia>' h at lthemur faoce Wiéteiedragnetswvicit are. usaI b lute varl ara brought tu Ibm surface contatans atecimoaa o! nul- almast vithhit t xeeplton the packagem are freeofo!ait sud missives. Thea postoffîca fonce are supcoed tu apan aven>' package andi assure ioiselvea ltter le contMDinILkbut vian liere are ao mati>,packages 1lii. voulti la an almoot Impossible 1maI. ao packages are picketi out Indiscrii-1 bnat.!>, anti opanati. Unter a strict In- terpretain of lhe lnw thase packages cenl hasent on ni firat-elasa rates nqd chargeti for aI the rate o! 2 conta 'an ounce, but In cases viera possible lie sentiers nu-e notifiet ant i gven an opportuniti>,10comp!>, vIii hlawm. "The people o! Walegan seau to unauerstnth e rula latter tlii.year, and va bave hbnd practicalt>, ne trou-, hIe." Postmaster Grati>,snid. Wa have openeil a number of paciages but fattat tn find lettera In temr. The govemnent allava qut. a latitude tIn tie matier a! aneloolug wvIIng in parceta pont packages. It in possibla loeoncaae Christ-natgreetinga. ta tel vio the package la for andi troni vion ,anti, Infact, aayMt lat 10e. net partake of a regular missive." émuOiE RUE@ER MARRIEDe LIVES ON OLD KRUMOR FARM4 Man Who Spent Some Years in Prison on Charge of Dou- ble Murder, Is Wedded. RECALSS FAMOUS CASE.j Krueger's Friends Cîaimed Jus- tification Under the 'Un- written Law., A tact o! Intereml fnot generanl> knovn ln Lata C(ounIt laI atGeorge Krueger. the man vho yeur: ago vas found guitty ù? murdaring is vife andi mober-In.iaw andti vipeminant .j MRISES PHIOENIX AS IDI3AL SPOT; RAY IIIBBARD_-WITES Former Employe of Lake Coun- ty Independent Is Enthus- iatic Over Arizona. HE ACCEPIS LOCAL DEFI. Declares Weather at Phoenix Was Just as Fine as in Lake Countyin November. Ray, Htubbaril. formerly Libe.rtvviiio m-anager nofthe e,u'mol'îîîî ngle- t'nu a ttk o uuys lI uli wiu, iv nov iouaiei d a icetAi zona,ac ts le uîiee- ')f t, oral >ears li thle Joitprison. bt im'per ta a iomntntiy ltta raulea vas pârdoneti a yeara agio b>,Govern. 1 ner Tiattksgiujiitgtanr thill Lake or- Dunne,ia stin Daita himsis at! ouunty bad ltiis yunr, vife. He marrieti a man W1v,îi' le wrîitis iIiîereuuting liter ta et nean Long Grave sdthiey- are liv- leeîo tng bapplliln iDtiit ocalit>,, on tieth dor Knuagar fam. Kruegar. tbrough b.- Phoenix. Ariz.. 12 i '14> tng pardoneti, vas restoredte fuit cttizMaliP and bia votdati thlie var- EDITOR lNi)EPENDENT- loua priniartas andi lections aine boDurîn>' lie unant eeki>, process o! ratuineil te Lake Citt>, th e vi- engr> eorn'li otnso i clat>,o! Long Grov. thie feeling eldvorgthcnetefte aema pravalenitntaKruegerm clati Lake CeunI>, lndepandent, My eyesl of *'the uurttea lav" in coartectio e ltt upon >,our challenge to Californln. vii the avful tragmdy. vne vitalot1im-da. Arizona, New Mexico andthle resCa m" c heImCris» e ho lacammit. iemds t rtiueaTnkgv ted altbougI Itueet'linsisaîfalvateBrua. t rdc aTakgv alti>, ydeÈtledîis <ugt. i n>' more idea t tiaitWaukaran en-, Itlta recallail liai the vifs anti Ien Joyeti Thunstay,, Nov. i26, l914.' motier vere ftonaldesd inta 1101Nov in justicet10 Au-tzoua andti tt home one aftgyoiao u e mmlil' r ni, rint votvor tnllcatiug botsnia>, bai l teud. Yfins. anti otiers, mn>, couceive Tt vas concluded t a traitntat ne of soma ides o! the superi uimate we tem sitot lthe atlarsuId thon Sco- nre ileaaed viit itis sectiono ef i milteti suicide. But, emre ta>. afler grant Unted States, t feel (,allait upin lis'>, ere huricti muipicion tireciedte 10anaver your chatlenge anti an- lovant Kruager, the bodias exlnnied b>, Coroner P. C. Kirýlgît andthetin- deavor in my feabte manner to "go Iveestigalion rasultati taKneugar hain>' you one baller." chanietib>, Bttes Atorne>, C. T. tonsîte mercur>, regitlredt a Heydeckon. tien publie prosacutor.îgha: 7 n nkga n i dyl WthI lb. crime. He vas arreseetiant igas7InWuenontedyl tle triai provedthe t.mcMi ensuoatiilquestion. Here Il mouniedtiatothe 16 urden trial ever beard th Lake Coun- mark. ty wbere? a Lats dount aI> nn va People vere nettonl> se en ýsiltin> K'ega.rasonisuyanimn on ibeir porches in shirt steavea anti lt Mbi -vhem s blehavior vas of shitrla.'but il vas a catmeon lia boit. anti a coupla. of yeara om. ii t t ses themt tis Attirail enjo>,- heaidil b>,Mr. «Heyisekoe« bis lti = ngauto rides througi Our atreets nad stantîhé lettiana vuIl all>' eau« i arkm. îielevearnor ta vaudou - ils. primner ant b. rturaseto10Late'Cont>,. In teevening band concerta vere liing guicîiy and haro aver sined enjoyeut (as ta tie custom ln Phoenix enci Sunts>' evenlng anti on helitisys U~W5U4U durlng lie violer Juanths) fromth le BOOST AWXMtK alcon>, o! lhe Ford hotlIand tu-ct S lte cil>,hait pinta, lu>,residentsannd NftfA5 À TO S tourista clati ln nommeor riment. in addition tu lie aboya lpermit me DEI>T.COM. F ' ta i tate tint plcnic partios la Itue DEPT CON OFwis.rounry ere tîte prevaleitî order o! the day, yours trul>, anti faînit>,bain>'1 W. J McayWhoWaSFor ni nembers o! one patry. "'e vent by> W.~~~~~~ JMKaW oW s or-jauto Io a n et point soMe 9atleen er Methodmist Preacher, ls a mites vest o!thie cil>, on the banks Candidate of the G. A. R.' o! lie SaIt river Ifamous ln mnny vays, flot tic toat of whitcita lts W. J. MucKa>,, o! Madison, Wiscontribution 10 the grent Roosevelt once a Maîbodist pastor ln Wnukegan. dam, lrrîgnUn>' waters f rom vblcb la bein>' urgeti b>,the soldiarso!fWl.- maie successful farmin>' a pessibltltyty cansin t0 allov bis Dame for atection ln the vatte>,) viere va campati. for depnrtmant commander of ltae G. The lndies anti chittiran 1f the pan A. R. Ha vas commander o!thie Lu- ty nloyedtihm>', etc.. vile "w. cius FairchUtd post for si>ears anti jMen foks" shoultared our trust>,lire.- vas assitent atjulant ganaral of the arma and hieti ourseives te the more1 G. A. . dopntmenl o! Wiscensin fer. vilti regions ln searci o! gamte. Maoti.t ana >er. Thie Milwaukeea Eventa>' est>, campalla Me te refrain from Wtseonstnsanys tint ai lie lasi au- rironicilo>' tie resuits of our expedi- campment Il, vas desred to etacl hlm lion. Suffice t0an>, va baggat i stale commander, but ha declinèdelle'n " office, nttrin>' ln fat or of S. A. Cool. vîo vas elacteti. Attilu- ii'sirt slevas anti shirt, vaaiss" ve aie our Tinnksglving dli- lnteresting Phenomnenon Ap- pears Which Attracts Atten- tion of Local People. Waukegan. Dec. 23. A peculiar Winter phenomenon vas Wtnessad ln lie sky lta is orning at 11:30 vian two ver>, distinct rm- boys appeareti ln lie mIt> a lîtîle te lhe soutivast. Anti, net fan froinitia sun vere tva ver>'diticti"sua doge." The rainhova ver. Invrtel. ltai le, tnataad cf runnin>' lu an ovni chape tavard tha icrison.,.,limecunvedtinl tbe opposite direction andtihliahall cîrcle tiescrîbet vas not neari>, 50 larga as la usuall, sean la Summor vian the boy folteva a rata. Ttla tunusualto tese a a rnbov ai lits tua of >ear sud mny >'persous ner andt supper from n table sprAad upon lie vnrm sanda of the u-,'er baok. The uelurn trip vas male b>, moon- ligit (or by nuto ln 1h" moonigit) tic almospiare beto>' aI na tmpera- lure Just cool enoughi o makuz the trip btisly enJoyable. In conclusion lai me ja>,tia n case an>,ona enlertains lie legsIt oubt as1 ie eautienlicît>, o! aboya ne- marks regnrting lie vesiban, a card te aecrtar>, e! boardi of Irade. Pbi.nix, Ariz., vilI brin>'b>, relurn mail am- pIe proof. Agate, shouiti In> Wauke- ganita, liberlyvilitan or I.ak crouet- rasidenl ha ln possession e! anti pro- dure '"Illinois" ideat veatier argu- ment sufiieni 1t0 prove Ils neits tiesenve more coositieratan Ihan lie farts set forth aboya, lien off contem ni> bat anti bencaforti ant i ~rever" v'lmaie a brook ttiit te lsai bh *iatablitag e deep.- stretchsdetir etnecka vatchîn>' it. mat viii I keap ni>,peace. 1es maet of the coatnres are dei.la00000000 Q00 vint voul brin>' On muet au aimesa- ours for Phoenix. ae anaiher, a grain of sanut act, Il those frani the deepep SDoute 0 0 pienie conditoa (unIes. Il mgit ha RAY L. RUBAttD 1te anoter gratn uai et kare ud b>,reniovia'tn ft n M' e MARRIAGE LICENSES e nie van ta Europe) cannot ha igurate________ tl; esof ureat i>,iromîatteeprreut. oui b>' local people vie are net "up" VAGS ARE 'UP AGAINST mn>,inoul cai eoe i edecreuilai pruwmrason suci bîinga. .Maycury m ovr te se, 0 000 000 000Il' IN KENOSHA NOW. . Oh viat vtll becomme! M9 1 _______ 1 Nturel ifk George H. Loblov. ZIen Cily.... 25 The carrent viicltas beau furn. 1 àe pqy brother. give me >our Ll ld u as uver>' tnof ' Mtrha A. Robinson, aa.....29 ibati oves the btgh pover Iue frait Keaoaha Wts., Dec. 22.-"Worlon .-Maîhqesra itoal Un@. Ctayti4o .Wauiogau for nie operation 0f lie the tce or go t10lu asvag rans." Thtis a. mouaisn tae e 4hi toppeil in for a fev moments 0on Edvard Iiel!eldt, Milwaukeea....234 elvtdr.e leéc i lgilis>' 1 wu1Vasvasthi al 05 r e«0îe crtc à aMoutan ad ter wellber 'ha: 10an aflernitea Party,. @heGusta tPaul,sanme......... .....26 turnad off aInoon Baturday an t*d nen lents fKenoeba ioda>'.-à i. vas vgelag a beautiful neo gavalocal pant atanteti n in etft lpe de te snovilaiîes gnev te Liti. l]unte gaxo tbeI ior sfos" John Olaen, Racina .............23 entrent neeed lise snd also te M:p- vak &go lIe Consibulu.te oany» y p e h o o a l u .ru t e C c ha & >S c us5 Rm e . ... .. ...... . n d er w Il a op m 1» okft » 4 L Oa «t sMd LtO Mountains, u h abret Mt deliglloJ>00114 atbri" no..Ilt a ly tis i t Clblu Kenosa la to vot o vMaI*cMs -eaplegNMeeI a,& l.-Cleytan, >'oa looW j esttl" a boeph F. JelesiCiticage...... 28 netoualiavier ý5MOI'UIIII ba nebae ,beau p,~ m ~bib hbo la1 n eno.- agrtliuennne 3 o.u be Iomin . MM- . - - c. . - ' . . - - - .-= «........ =I -Z lad, wu5 _______ ____0N RUSH FOR IRE CONGRESSMAN bN JMWIYNOTfi? Chargeoi 25 Democste Were Influenced b>, Rail Lobby. FEW IJf14MLWILIJ( Or Is ht Because It la Not the l'Kind f Work' the Meh j Seeking Jobs Want.? PERTINENTQUESTION NOW. With But Forty Men Havlng Apptied for Aid, Question Raises, Where Are Rut? Waukegan. Dec. 23. edWlth but fort>, of the Ilfty mon Bah- for for work on the tee Oeld at Round Lake responding to the appeat made front the country district, cas of three tbingm le apparent: 1.-Thoe are ýew unaniployed ln 2-The>, don't want to woric. 3-They're flot natlsfiud wlth 17 1.2 cente an hour po>,. _____________________ ;a_ Witb ailt te tal of unemployed of the City, heard about tovo aces witb à SI4iIETON0FA demnand for 60 men for meét B16 BOND ISSUE IS b onW imet frantiet e hi BEIN4i DISCUSSED tYOf aith- 1h>, askeil for- applihi nt camne alan>' ter and wore tolt tbey Some Are Opposed to It, Whille <'ouid go out tomorrow. Others-Think the Plan Would Bu.wa about "ail the rai" t. fthe Be an Excellent one. i.Thed sueihat « b. ots o' t>, unemptoyod iWaukelan Mmuhwo POINT OUI ADVANTAGES. ara able to work cutttug ie; whosee servCesare oT'b 171-2cents*-u bour and whoee, familles neoil 10ud' One Man Declares That Com- eî itsio aas 0noîIcaa" -,todatha. la parison With Othlgr Coun. the ljat 01 mesVX6' tuWiI1, 011 ties Should Be Made. Jb.TPttj2WME IV*. woom f&mlte'%r IntIs larito ui. oek The suggestion of Chartes Russeit t lili, reittts-a»î" * Count>' auperintendent of good -joad r ré chriabe n Lakte County thnt tbe matter of Toe"ed u. bàI ~0 itostIn>' a l$rfO000 bond issue for the thesepInp ttOsts-a a"lte oie- ur Os f tiProvin>' the roade fortablte taaittb>'a o tWr *là pu tbrougbouîtbe county. bscuelvddbobetW rt dlveUlittau' constderabie discussion. Wle therei are many who oppose the move- on the go out andvwofton a CoMdhi6f ground tlet it- would be plactng a! e@wth pravisiotwSufuaslât «Va beavy burden ution tie cOunt>, vbau boardtng houa. vtth the 00.1 et.bfav* p)ORstbiy there may lha soine wB>, 0or e ui0 b a, neoea escafftng l. there are man>, w taie u flt a nelceet thtnt the passage of, surit a bonend of the season. isue woud be a good thing. The>, Thea proie bsben uend ou point ouIt tI tbe roads of tie county ltée chréiel needy oen MW.ssi *4 are tn bad shape and the>, are wtîtin>' have coine book wtth the su er te accept the statemient of Mr. Russett thai a bond Issue la the onl' logicat sithIr t1h51 lthe>, ort.g tee iieuh way te raise the money. worlc or that their servie» oa m o 'Goodness knows, the ronde cf the *ml at ho fflto heloilt*eogre i the count>, are sadty tn need ot repaira." babies. one man @&lI, *lfyeu doubltts lte Alte hs alw r glg a trtp to sorte of tbe otber coqutte A loofte teeam oi#e ln thts portion of the stale and ses mt ln lied with the VIa.. us rèl the extensive repaira tiat bave been mevomaentseoft h. oit>, and If thé>, ui madie and tien make a trfp through that t.>, are ton .11 ar tuee ias, tu Laite Count>,. Naturaliy yon witt net ha able to gel suci n g6od idea of, the work aon t1 litl a prubobl condition aI thia season of tbe Yser the authocitite wil demeni île, île> buit In tbe spring or fait Yeu wtt! ha short for tlomisVes Impressedl witb the comparison. Tetrueo!tati.htIs n ..Mr, *Ruasell la rigit wben hie sa>,s Thtruloftailahttenei thai ta1le County Io bebtoti the other siiffenlng in sncb' c ase .f11thg ou D counities in Iceeting lits roads ln shape. Hottie eidren. We have unolmb b Tbits condition sbouid net heansid vbicb vs can force theso feole te wautd not be tf Lakte County vaut about Il lie sainie as other ceuntes go out on the tce and wokl amI f île This count>, bas Just as mucb moue>' supplies are eut off . the emblir as thte other uounties. The ont>, tif- vouit sufer frein coud and som, of fer bildtint tde slntither on- i them starve te death." said uon.he te o îidlu od n te on officiais tuis mornins. "Thes e mn Anotier man, one vbo ta vermeiln~ have been feadin>' fronitbe public% rond building. heare out lihe statament hand for se ton>' that tbey bave coine o! Mr. Russell tiret Lake Coitytinetet e latte It as the dut>, of the cil> te two roati building outli. He Rays support tbem go long as the>, areim- that If Lakte County hadl purchased bet idepoaete hi w one outtit a few years ago antd at tlieepdyetailai v used it te good ativanlage tbai the tiarticular traite and et vafflvhlol condition 0f lie ronds lhrougiout tbe tiey betieve te a le aptuag yul county might lie muich better nov their talents. There ma>, be a bat! a titan it la but tnder the ctrcumstancee dozen of these men Who coutil not be says il yull le difficuit 10 make much of a ahowing unies. lwocottetsstand the rigoraus vor on thle@,cm are purciaseti. but there are scores <of lIeu otl;tea Stiti another man says thnt white stand il and tIarle saoudti e someWa a bond Issue of sncb site voulite oc hmhag e or eate ratier large for one ut>, to haar to oc hm og00vitrgtl would net be large for an enttre of tbe Itind of work oeffr.." count>,. He points out that counties ematter than Lakes County bave float- 0" W»s pare uslng. eti murh larger bond Issues. A frilad vb 1 vImiti debl ___________ att>, ad a hrilM t b VMa y7»i mié.é "F'atber George TYole, Kenosha's Hi@s tler bb louMI& -in a it grand old man, president cf the Bain sud the boy va u i b. » -Me fie Wagon compan>, and thebe lstof the wu1 10011128forvavi'60 tgoellag11t11 fanionuscoterie 0f manufacturera Who o itO"O @311913 ti" à ». mMier made Kenomba famous il the home of of veeksaltler, ou caRima u *@eali big Industries, bas hean strlc'en vln f5aiu7tly, 1 al I boy >'Vbet Ishi paralysie at bie wînter homte lbLon1.0. bi tin n i 11 Angeles. He ta ninet>, years of age Cbange, and la severatotea. a millionaire._________ His condition la mrious. pam Orme-il taOMi"Ma Witbit tv0iw élie mwiÉ Conreman Thomson, of toit.the C&Uta smsama& Sbt*~ 101h octgresaionsal district voted lu bas beoon*a atol ldUhixM w fayotr of the fobmon prohibition rama- oupori tat"et 1MMO*ton. ltion at Whatbgton Tumada>,. The imove toi bave salmiesvole for su auoudmam te lie natiol coutilu- i... weéw. o, )l*t 19 oula sin pblla. .5A lu > bit - 17 s h. ~ 1111N0'q ie m dsql U040~~US é0P?~~ klaSiastu LtIBERrYVILLIýK ILL.. PRIDAY.1)11,Clý,-ýiliMR25.1914. sud 1 the a one mid M-M,.Pza

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