N1J~t 1, 1915 tochw is ftom à Dli For. le19o 0& tsmive «0ese *~ -~ lava it us r s.t oi le lim a"* icsla a M d opin ïd. u*4 bisias M-# la *Pd$M d*0immi ¶*ber vit* iO MMho us muleMai 1 ma re -a' eolt eofli piu> Wbmat III4e dmII t ta; eorf ilaslI isJiu lven il by someu - ~W'0<~ usUl tlrouci lie -oe :vaqalbI for met sihW ILee. i- 46s mevt t tussoMs." .putl .f it tuai la ,*Wk mms. tuknev Smaa geffI .uryirtlai <Itii.t uttis veuro l a fnll' vii. vo» Mot l t s e vam& Outm,01 ta. e 101liyla e aesr et prevum oos.1eà«atnivaLWu.Ua> tslae u 42 vfti tuesvorlo: 'Pu t timite vIa.-.Yo«tu*i it vii be apiurode.- Il vas ouly la at asfes"vIre the. am Ue leutte.t. peus$ eiUl i baivw NïàuM.5 ta'ru<- uw~ the W*n tla0< sm s cbeOiut bare bomee aoung*a Cok et tUic Vùlftmieofetmlec Icfle mevr * . Cinotl fls. oui ruer; tii nmule #Mg«Isqe <ha, sMW 5150 ie -WýVixmtaur ,wo- w.Oioiin Waule. Nac dinar ositiI et tI -toliovint.. mt*isroiad -m *iemmiïï ;po u - i Iftu a <ci usas veie vi chullrun t liif Pi,$>. dinar vere W* MWeh;Ove appu l <v issisuen ii tIes versid pu W*. lu li ktaiyo iSeta= ago ot m >11vc gi b ve .mw1le.1 <~pai OaI ootel dfolre*i 1 4wm te b Us a $m bonnet a r «W lut a 4luI lekit*s slw tbel gr r Lttt« erTti- PE4OW*NAL ÈXPERIENCE. mgti~ s NOW Looat- Mrs. C. .3. Juof aiWkaiegni ba% reeed a 10<9tramontMis. Juia Schneilder, fosmegly a nurse at Mo.ý Alisier busptal,, vie ent viii Olisi lied Croi, aum totaEnropea- hattle lla ual ioelooo eber arri*l bas! been vertiag smomg the AnsIpian. l bb lw or,4.1 Budapest, 4Uatro. Hluatuv b«, ioaI81erta 1W miu 4 very tptseoa& behng rigit, trou the. sesam ofut li-..Mis. 3 i; m Permim te hos esbtcs tebe lakes trous thc lotte.luwbich nomie inter- estlg tacts about, t>c gr.at ver arc alven, the itcrbeflng dated Nov. ti and recilvel Cbst,*mas mum: W. lave been vry busy ainoo the. trot of lie tatb l if the var cont- daiainus v vl mte ýonnsix mtbs xul rbabi oneras February andi Waewýi bct.p tatraveL. - ame bav<og 4 setier, vin- rdows andlopra open ail the. timo,' anI li1m1 oesare In full :We.ba v.rn o Impatient& tu nov aMW Vm<dgy ve s*Mto get shout 30 more. *bed. bo wilE be fel. Thi ~et nmv.Vt onone lioeirald We bave 49 Dmpatins Thé Sam 1ç1 cf 35 patient$s tiat mm u law.a4 er, trirbitan l itreber Oin sD*«Itbipy bail travee Ivc niaà" fW i44IS ta get >iru. Ometo 104ft e -way and v. tsar vUS dl..M &&Oh!'fit vos JouIter, rible t. sus 0cm.L Pne ila " *LiedNov. 22 recemv- .1ed.' Dè&. Yo rlceme lattera vcrc »reosie i eei. 1%0e .et Ooit «»0c Thirday and of Nov. pwàonte*& .7 <guaaay> Todar 1. "4 a ltie.- trou oCàe of ste TlsF hW<are la4&W trip. a bâ u f0»d< f' b u *9<l Lv~j~ub. Rev. H. W. Reed, New of Rock Island, Tells of Plan Put Into Effeot There. IT MIGHT WÙRI( OUT HERE. Men's CIasi o0f Baptist Church in That City Inaugurated 'the Plan There. fatie. et ~ O Meredtb lui. i .m erocfbisfauli. lmg lied su» .11M-our q% Moody vs a bieter eof âaài Moody eoftii. Nortiivetum ro*4, lives on Marion hat. Frank W. Moody vie >pm t!1 ceP. DolS. Couaty' Wls.j3917 29, and lied of a umin « i<tiel December ZS, 1914. Wben about ton yeare clit>. lly moved tD lýenton towvasM, Couaty. llil. .a"aime tâfi b. bas been a cotinuoustssiuh tbis county, comteg to Wýal* the spring of 1881. ln 1880 Mr. moody at5 IN CHIST ciI. IAS Communion Chalice Made in Russia Over a Century Ago Now Used in Waukegan. DATES FROM__NAPOLEON. Is One of the Articles Said to Have Be«n Confiscated by French in 1907. The hundred -and ltity persona via too'i communion In Christ chureb. Waukegan Christmnas eve and ippel vine tram the. sîlver chalice beld by Rector (lanster. <111 met lnov ubat tbeY ver, using a chalice viicb bas bitorical assochatièns of unusual ln- terlest. Tii. cialice vas usel -fer the first trn. on Chisaoaes'andl fa nov ta b. usel by the. recton Bt Important communion servflce. Basides the. chalice, a nov paten (the i liver ,.eptacle vbflciicontains the breal ued In communion) vas ai- se asel but this bas ne particular hutorical connections. Ulst.ry of Chalice. Thie cballcefls a very rare on.et stering si rand fis band Mal,. It vas mad. lùPRassi.a oven a century sgo. and i. neputed te baLve beom tak- en te Pranco trom uwosIn lthe. time of NapolSon. t vasplacel In the. Souluomne In Pua&is t 1*0 eouiaoat- *a 1w thi e ci aovesamitlu 1901 anl vas bougit by an -Amrun âmal brougiit te thi coanty. The. base et tthe chailicel.a&Il: bammered vork and contaix - a nepreewtation or ev- ery IhmUre tat as oued fln tie cr cifixien ef Christ. The.paten lsaa beauttul sterling oliver one, made by Opadit & ACo., .speclly for Ibis obalice. On the. bottou et tii. pktn la sugrv$deli. Paisesi . Tiiobalice, vii.. It came t A me.' lcs vas iu the. possestion of a port«S- ai friaIa!d or iiop Oite eft le cplscow icous.etf ond ce , las Wls. Tus fiem la s.&ilta bave Paul a ibilous puis for fitbut. homaue of blmodMip, bo cave t te Blao rf t- e.. leill . iabos." a' 4u6I 4sm Vl*r*a4s~ e0.e oflu bats*n : go s r"ie@ et Gnt ost*» Gti- r*e Md~r a. tie - ~ o. li jo7l"m uros inis cbw M cle d a koeu lfsw Nt usW. la- Ies Ai» kffl amun nso" al th lmtt * '* b 0d f thec lite. 34 seuw o mlortlic tbbsc "d duimot mwu. 4gât *0 malt..' 1 e tatkom Ulme nee -àw&fer l-e b prs teair beboSoasofe Aitlsl - o liethé là wore~A am omw is umu. 'asu.lam" vs*mm sgsb, oaedalrti rW"vsaIe *olngou l »&a s e iooa t. <e caeva uutatlsiCf eNtiersat oitaJ, ic.nw re ib dtbeSa. pA vnt Ori lu t tg Mi " m a aut aut usi ittP 1t<5 oin mal lis cto to Ati bt ofa1 eenu. bwuue MM ÏoCbo aId, t sais ~ ~ Ib mm ort.- r to ees tlirn daim*m~toe «md vo âPeur r t te. leus t ist be. - - l -e r a iga l»oW et.. 1dont- Cap" laook 1g dde&Ils. o m 'ua ter lie peu oaeI.<a,% ftc a ref i. 00S1 I et veabbeseu aop"rly so m bea7 iva C ba lmet hein for mne a Smroeity fli Peau. xWa. Aeciel sciraik serbs.- dolaen ys Icive airot ilmceat Cae prt. o bldcbare. 'Net mare bcause e b..-010 erst bonoa wu se~ muc rge ha tlC&t freind itpo tbr vosmggr ut g;ia limer apte ot e a' fah laWsmi« dhfollar andg itvao mua but tbtfi as llk h, 'ioi mite.' thoe slirit lu i 4ci tsse m10rtahe ieuts mtoare l:PIetMl'as. 'Rlcauetic linora tuyeavers ma e mmlrertinosokCptl to a0kthBal s rthrastlt'di moo te deo.Caas cidaml tai moi celi 14bimett la i gaet fiticl 9ail liii, âcme ML v. ii..va~ . oka fie et ~~4teMr If aie .7 Our t postle.la aD ia% Asvo e ue1 atbffs »S ira** thrtirs. ft ~IaL*x amisogel taraos Mi *"d"ublt la o a tbo I&i 9ii ILitton. amId *#"Meh.lahV" mua phelany a vem ise * 1bas a ýv.y kWaiteous. wI m es mev h ieve 10 yen and »içoe al .-&i ctizen$ e iefo tpter e of TeRfm SLEIGHING. 5 P»PULAR. Stroeet of City kA rCowded Wittihrles- ~Igand After a penid of seveW i Iis, dur. log the Ume th. City dsilyeIln a tomp erture vilci ievt nar the ame mari. t varions t ae lmlng ft 1.1e il. Waueeg" n siimeig- edfrom the *tires. tt o eilavi limoai loto veathen r nlut ot *I@e k ummer ick, lit baimy lu euUss te the. marooiddllmg et- **tUepibsof lie Pstt *»eek The sos Mwuy vbleh regiWsi.d elow utow *01lïiwe past tssui inI thi boidunI l ftreaciiià i jolint muai 43 &WIreS &boe Soem .IS or ~ e tie "Ménr eati-. »é ikue h eguo 06" ai "duradia <S he i as e.for utrolia lie cirai.lns'fviOtte 1 .io B Me uub t. *0 n tw * m bfOw 04 . o moctu e . a. .a uîui aReotw .t w1eti, bte a's alaiS vai temedaIve.' te tbe Msowe ow.,mimofor nos.in chrlot Cb. a The. O.gevflng len vas orleed by the. Obloe bu&MBAl theformat blen&. tmg or tle cbal$taok pièce et the. mllulgt *iMole ouatutý.s Waukegan, Dec. 28. Witb the begluning of the no Ysear et teot, om.etfWaukegans Important Industries viiib. operatlng to the humit o!ft. capacity. The, M. Aishuler Company bansoSnt word ta ail of lis employez vbo bave h.d temporary positions during the. boUday season that comncmong Mon- day, January 4tet b totii the Watt- kegast and North Cubage factorise, every lopartment vill employ a toit force dh regular ochedule of heurs. This mmii, that emnlloyment viii b. given ta a large adlitiomal force. Their former employezs vlU b. givea Preferemo.. but tii.y vili aise gve vonk to iany viio have mot bad ex- perlence on power mnacinues. tmi; rides over the. City streets a country roads. durlm the. bouts et the aftaenoon Bal .veafla,. atN a vas aise on. of the recogmlselpissa-t urs. viii. the ymatii e ity touu mnch .eyme.it in ocoasting cet*A varieus bills etftth. Citr. The »lS@. fet tii uny sielgihbelle adb.< stsadyly te the. vinter semea of th* commun.1 fty. 1 1 The ris. la t.mDtun.tg conll until today ald rou préaWMchlpsq tiens tt omtlU»ý or L'damest u Pl é u t. balls.tW w Ltams*sLýamu , W» ««M w bas-»,"yIM. Fm *W *b <s.55. snb". 1 mon Met tuul à, 'bt .'TrtRpiiCU i. Weil Known Waukpat Uma Dies Suddenly WbIlM i, Cal 04 1Rlative. HE'HAD FAILED FOR YAS Deoline In Mils CoûiçMWn Dated from isas IýO 140 ald a Fali Upon- in loy WaIk. *Waukegan fpeob .monda'y evcalog wenu siockel to heurth. report liaI imai W. Meody, veU kimevu 'Ulle g4eit, al dreppel luI vbhieeil- lut on Un. r.Tsak Ors.. a relative of bi$ vldev ln Hlgblsad Nai. It bal beo m ovu tbal >1..,UMc bal metboom lu pied beglUhter & Ious time but neboely 1.1 laI bis on, dition mva such b i ho. i.vuutdis vithout an! vomie. 19 soff tb*t; bal dui"aI lego toehiSMR I PlAi te emuEtua eoulti hem'u, Mier rnohimg <bur abot à ..'pgbç4Md, gut m lela the chaIr Vei. abaout t. o glis o> MUrsalanregarllm C&làitMas.t>. gie!qg, Yeur, etc. le 1kw 1, bb.ds e*to&e o~bs<t .~e qe.,vs a Tu~ I cutis lu M. a..t, - troutfien sio ,c unsaas U w4= 1 tve ocloct <ton fi e i ter, UTe. J. H. Waaerbug, asloe 1 XvT. M et 34li, ni. ,torbe- fil. Bfla b auy la cuet.teM&,zoouiloa bmptlaeblé .c cfa lUlF.eOu"' Suggestion has been ma. that pas- 1Jesafle Doub et Lavis. ?a eà" flbly the eliurches of Waukegan mlght were bain tirs. chisen. a pertarm a raluable service ta the pon dyhng fin flfancy, L-ester Q.. a people ofthe ti.cty by funnlshlng dlth W, vbo survive hlm, ]ùts. breakfasta free ,thte moen vbo are having passel a-iay la 0«W ont of employaient. If snch a plan 1910. Lester, the. eldest eoon, vere ta lu adeptel ber. it vonlpro- C,.AA secretary Bt Hollsul, vile a Place for the unfertonates ta bal came bhomme te apql soeur. a varm breakfat beoe-.séart- aldbal plabaul ls.ving&ffr tmg out ou tbelr searci fur .mploy- Tburslay e tl4 vose ment. The.Plan bas been foliove& it seoi.appmed tUm)ý bu vss viii suce.,.lanome citiso. wlieu vord l 1eýo Rer. Il. W. Reel, torner paotor cet tiat Na sfatbh" bl 1.1 a i the ïPiret Baptint churcb ilu, Waukoi" w viii mev 11. 7remais a eau and nov postor of a churci la Rock vuoeo t UlrIgtdBa ot mai Island, III. commende thé. plan that Of bis ffatlra,<mui of lo bas been put mbt effect tiiere. He lien ubue romaluel t» »"Iô commende the. nevifiapers oft hat aty osrvive bis Io@% Mm . ALj1 t the support 91ey bave givem. ElvarI O, Lad Res".W,'ëi1 Folloving la the letton h. sent te son and Cugsal ofM., ? 48 thie elfitor of the, Rock Island Delly Hale .. f rem*w, e Uni.on: .Ubortly astr »«ig te ,U Edftqr The Dally Uion-Dear @Ir: ho recsived ta o s --l vont ta, tisai ionfor your bial United gStt%. MoU t lqpç aunmâcemontad your ilios ei vu tssIma ei , ferlai o mmmdlg thé elaace «"M s e eolma breakfasts for bongry mien,' vblci aident llàIs. T thc Xens Clmose tthcie t MBapiti " lu"eas b. etersB aburob iiil uangrat. muaI Tuesday tUc *M@ M " motiag. Tb* pion evldeutiy stri. W"y cous". a po#çMar claI, fur mua am omn la Isage umbis are exiesias 1.1.' Fr tyý approval. ThtUa 9 viimuet &% meal aavtiv la $hio"nby t<bu couins e; Ub" mu "bi ummg 1the »ia ft fot Olx4tm-ai Sblku i.seve fmi vlie, meu O09 Weineia1latsleaprM&a&*tems aMd a lady mi&d.11¶ la sme ti ts v9o .u.i weP fl tbi e ou mayef Mmtonc ï *4 odg 1,, mtAmiu tuow* tâteamai be otno t a a mv e 1W b«» W0000 * bo M» QawOO& 1Inno ua 00 or ?lan 14