Are You Ecoaù;M.k*l? i&M'q.oueoOf Ouir cuatomers yeunr. Ia ifh ilorder. n ot i ve ans-J ................... ..............le SAO5 .1 lmdocl.............................7.118 .......u.........-O . ou.. s.. ... .. ... ......... ...... .SieSf= rom ehiro .u..u...... .W«19" 1.001 ...oIf~~V 8 hhO 0....... , .... ..... 6 OMI ........lorls li ... ...................... . . . .28 .7 ............................ 5.4. mie 52ffl.5 foui uS V. 5 Trocarer <sl oee assO eu ces. -e.cau O)_2J0o ............................................. ... 87512 LIABILITMO. .... ...... 1...... .. ... .8 0000 i .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .. cSesud hecreet b ... or 00011.iO o nerflt sd tai* *s .......6. 312211.54 ast nsh poqg fm rsoe. O.Jg,415d41bJOIu17 fo& t.U8dOOr tm mtLO5 4.0 Sy APPU<TMENT ONLY. Phone 100 BUT yWIRE/ENOG NOW, 190 Ifl~9p~SoIutIon 4% pr*tWo1 tntlon of 1870 provides that th ise rk of ail courta 91 record, the Ireaurer, etc., *hail rccelv s Ibelr only cern- peusation for thir services, salres to b t ed y 1ev. isicii&halllano casa te as muci as the levimi coin- pensation of a ledge of the circuit coutan sd WsUitMepald ,ooicvely only ont of ttcetes af lie office ieu- esily colected. AUl f 0m, perquislson sud enolmoîntasua sve the. amount of sali salarié.sshali ho paldi tôtathe caenty rosnury. sectios 10, Article 10 cf the Cousti- tution of 1879- providea liaI the coin- ty board, cxcept ai provlded ta Sec- tien 9 af this article. uball ix the couimman teBaiUilcSnuty Ofier. wiii Utheanount of thir uecessary donr hIre. Madoicory, fuel sud plier expeniai aaid tu sU cases vice eeu are proviei. for; vii cocpenisttMn shail ho ps u o ansd lu nolaInsace exceed tic fees actuaily colImeId; Provilci, that tedmecupe.iatlmof » n omfcersaan afiho tcreauotior iluiuimht ed iuring their tormi aioffie: sud aSU teou or allavancea -by tom rocclved in excsem'ft hein mi ecrpensatiam. &all elihpsu tanta thc county treai- n'y. Parsamph 8s etion $7. Chater 67. Hurds Ravisai s tatutea, prevldos mu5 KiU tees, prqnlmltem aad eiolumenti reccived hp .eii couty oflecerg, lu conuties of the. rsI sud gecocliclamses steve the amount of their Jo*mpens- lion lied bY Uic couy board sud for cec i hlm.asd allier ncceisary ex- penses, shall b. pald luto Uicecouutp treasury. Outies of centy Officeru. Couuty troasuror: Recelve and ieop rennesud oh- cm Public ameys aifcouuty sud ail monepsansd luniss aadmrzei ta ho imli ta hlm sundd ibure mam*epu'- Mat ta, le. Sec. 4. Ch. 36. Keep propor books ora count of aul moueys, revenues ani fonds rooselt by him. st.tiug partlcuiarly ai lise uni oftufnds recelvod - * *or oUier fends authorlaci by 1ev ta ho recelved as revenue; tisetime vuca. a ofo nsd Ou visat account eaci particular aurm lu moncy or other f unis vas reeelvei., soc. 6. Ch. 36. ihoPort ta countp board e ah csreg- W"r terma Uic amuout cf momey * -Oç, sud allier fends recelved fromt cvery bource,* _* *stating iy -vwrom, ou - vIt aeunt aud ah visat tUmo peuà Itt tho county tresury;*- * aise tise aiout ai money sud other tends i is banda. Sec. 10, oh. 36. der saneount sud maie ettiemout vldm the Juuty. Sec. 11, Ci. 36. At bcds everir six montse county board saallexamine booksa0* 0 sud fmaie settiement viti tise ca unup treas- urer. Sec. 13, Ci. 86. Keop book for perpose of cntenug eail tees recelved by hlm. Par. 9, Sec. 52. Ch. 53. Charte hiraself vldm amount sisovu lu monthly repart to Coenty Cleri sud sucis oticr emounts as may coics te bauds as tressurer. Sec. 290. Ch. 20. or Tresaurer shah ho ei*rged (by coun- ad .tir donk) vith tic aannt ormuity e- 0* 0* reportci ta montiiy statèents, )U sud ail amompsu toe eontytrees. nier atisqr tissu revenue. Sec. 291, Ci. 120. Caenhy Collecter: On ihind Monda>' ai Jue.county N board sil mnettie viii sud silow ce- ta leceor credit for sucheisaiowme as he may b. enttitte. (on taxs.) Bgec. 233. Ch. 120. lie Ou n tcf everp Moudi report 10 q. cunuty Clemi lu vftj ti e' U ic anunt Of cotntY tex recsive i îp Mm ding preceding manth. Seo. 290. Ch. 120. Ail offiero: Keep ful sud truc account ofai nl feesud emoîuntus of effie, duit.- b ating lu correpuitag oblr a liter Iàount of ail feo ut d',molemue îg-âe. ~ .ke a i eueirecel iii ou -,AN WIIW !'ENJcal THE ÇOST 1F~ekemter&ls 8 hghe tha evr 'very wo- bmi nows that, pnd no domithe huabaud who goestic bill. wé vhy more sensible vomen %han over buy their cakes, pas- brea4 an ther thiegp from dhii bahery. IV'& cheeper sud o0h07. Prices rtem»nthe. ane. Obr high qiiality »eroivaries. IBIRTYVILIlEBÂKAXZRY PlE 1x OOHEE1N5Pro>~ l'e have a number oi wouaty, ranglng lni size fma,î rNow i. the tirs. to bny. Thihk the matter ove a aid »eo if you do not agrb.. W. handle iapruioxoi Pa miimproved latmmn a4 idt 11propeýrüies aid tbe estuacve e ient to you n atait ecola 011 othung ta look ear ao 1"ag6 Lad if yen u i semethîmg to suit yo e w maka 7011 s bargain on the sane. Our rentalI lot in Increa slng rapidly. Inqui for our ltermsansd if tbey sstiify 7011 we viii b. pleaiet lunt your preprty. r. oth union andi non-union àreinourance ln th boit bdard oompsaien, sm veil as@ fe insurauce, a sell Dur homne No. 2 iOfG SALE 0 s Wc.&C«mmmna Ioc Dust PanN ...5 OnZ andi Saucer. .. 7c 10e Pfctume, 4 for.. .25e 25e -- (-r) 2 for 25c 1 SC *lIUnmU Kit. .........10ec 15e sué« Oannisters 80 10o CeReWi& 1ea do.. 5e orneidt UseLtocà entamer. Service Home of al Kn..........10ec Thremd, Notions, Drug San. dri.., Qsam aeu d Tioware, Glas wm i WStationey. AcOSulit diereat. Par. 1. Sec. 51. Ch. On lIratI Monisy ai Decomber Sud june of ccci per maie te chaîrman ai couty bosti s reternulu vrltiug cf &il fees.sud ernolummetsof every char- acter0 * * ~pwg 2. sec. 51. Ch. U3. County Iesîrd uhall audit sud exam- ine suehi rèport 0 * C sud order tuat cucis officer nhaH psy such balance ta couny tregorer, Par. 3. Sec. 61. Ch. 63. Tho queston vbetlior eouuîy treas- urers msy retain.teret received Ny dmom on public lunditeoming ta Ibeir banda as such treoinrr bas nover been cquarely declici ln thia smIe.. Mhere ls a t atsIdlverlity of opinion emong courts hIatier Statos wth rai- ereuce tteua silticu. lu the case of Hosties againatt ho people. 82 DIl. 18. viicii as su action of iotaon le be emifs bond, thie *ar- IX beng ez-ofido.county cotiectr. tic curt oupage80 ou: "h ppar eppelbaut reMieivd trom s baklug ln. stltution the smno f tventy-five hau- dred dollars, scompensation for the depoolha henmate therein ai money vhicb came te tm is 4is as Short«. sud Il laelalmei Ny hMm h. ia net aecountable for tus msm tae c u- ly. Tic moncy vas receivcd by hlm as a-peaqulsltc ar emalucucut of bis office jas sierif-this la neot questipuei. Tic statut. on thia subject leaves tic point Ifree from daubh. Sec. 62 of thie Act of 1872, tille "tees sud imiae pro- vides as follava: "cli tees. perquiiss sud eolumeuls receivei by salddoir- ty offIcers, steve thse anut liedhp tise couty board, aud clerk hire and chier neceesry expeubl s albah paeu loto the couuty treasuny." R. S. 1874. p. 622, Ch. 53. "Thbis belng a perrîuistte or emole- meut scqulred by officia postion. ahouli bc aecounted for te tise cou- ty.1" The leaiing case on this subject la that oi Stalo sgcinst Mfeeaige, de- clisi by tise suprerne court ot Wis- consin. lu 1893, tound lu 54 Northveat- cru report, cammeucing an page 1. This ls a very exhaustive opinion, me- vlcvlng tise opinions oi other staie courts upon hiii question. The final iernatlor .4*5. - -,rt iys Up- i ns COR04-ru~- qns upon the viole cae'arttî.-e er~ me f-Ldai tisAt the funis -"hlu.? Trois- nier MeFeîtrige depostet vidm banis were thc propcrty o! tise state; tiet lu making such> deposits as treazurer, sud silpeleting for and i ecelving lu- teret therean. or r(ecei1lxinlternet lieron vitiiout auch stIbationata, ho dit Bat vialate cny law of the state; that suchis lterest so pait te hlm. ho- lug au aceretian or Increment ta tise fend, lncesslug 1h isy tise arount af Intereci lies pailisereon, belougs la thie state; tisat Treasurer tscyetridge rocelved silc i terest b>' vinte.ofaisl office o! statc treasurer, snd tise same belonga ta his sai off li; liat hiea failure ta accauni therefor lo the state, or tô iclîven these ame ta hie successor lu office, as 7equired bhp 1ev, ilea lireacis oi the conditions 0f hie officiel tend,aid tiat ibis action çun masin- ttai on sucis boni, a"mat hlm uni hia suretlesthore, ta .over thie iterncat lises rec elved isy l», coi un- acéoùeted for. - -4 The imect tisat count>' Irliurers are absoluhe Insurers o! fundq-,cornlng lu- te tilibande as sueis, Ny vis-tuc ot hicir office. dae ual maie toem thse begal owuor oftishe fuud. ,r: Ttlela ontended 5>' te. icteurdaul thaa ltatte absence or cîcar loglalation rpative thIn lternest, cautocngiory con- s&tIton mli ho resortit te and the ame of C~ok County matstHealy, 238 ]IL. 10 delies lu support of thîs Proposîiti. .latat case 1hisasaid, "Wbere the 10tds e asconstltutios*.* provision Lad"itoftdoubt, courts miet udconalder I înttOipraueUand eut ral lnn gblutU on f suci Provisions givon Ny 'Use .flolathia ni 1h05 ose ccouod ta thé adminiatration aofUichev, and sisa thé - Injurtotis cousequences whlch venu Idollav a difforcut construction; and if sucb construction ban beon long coutlued sud acqnioseedinl by the publtIc.l ms hoqual lu force toaa udictecntrcio. lu tlis came the varia of tise cou- stltutin are clear sud explcit, as by rotrece to Sec. 9, Art. 100of thc Con.- sttton of 1870. It Io provided that Hi te1u prutiies and emoluments a1*ce helamunt ai cald sa"ries. 0*Il ho paldInto Uic couuty trucs. The lutereat ou depositi migbt te emiioed as a porqulsite and as much spart cf Uic fend ai the principal r aont iepasited ta thc baux Un. Mmu It eau be mald tisai the legal is ta Uic monop rcelvod by thc defen- isut as eounty treesuror la In hlmi Poesonsly, thon It follaws tisatiInter. et on thse fond muet helong ta Uic ýowuer of'tise fend and flot ta tise county troasuror. 'A betveen the. plaintif! and thse de- fendant lu my opinion thse plaintif! ýaa sncb su luterest lu the property ýà entitlea 1hta s ue luauanaction lu Proni thc farogolug It le nay opinion that plintiff la entitIed ta reovér frrom the détendant the mcm of $7343.90 0.uad It viii be no ordored. ARTHUR H. FROST, 1. Judge. THE INHERITANCE TAX MATTER. State of Illnois, Lake Caunty. as. Cauuty qi Lake, lu thse State ofIlli1- nois, vu. Carl P. Wosterfieli. Gen. No. 042. This le s suit brougit by thse Cauuhy of Lake against Carl P. Weterfleli, t., ircover dme aum of $7630.89 recelv- ed sud ealiccted by defeudant, bp vîr- hue of Section 21 of Uic inheritauce tsi set. It Io stipulated tisat defendaut, as counhy treasurr, rccelved sud bas nov- er aeeoe nted for Ual. maney. clamimng tisatIt1hbeloug o tahim lndiviualiy. 'Et laenuoeoary ta make anp cx- teuded discussion ofitho 1ev lau IIs case. inaumuci as the aupreme court. ln lie came of Joues. appellant, agalint1 O'Cmnol. county tressurer of Cok County, s eac recmniiy decicid byi Uic supreme court of ta claIe, has deelici liaI county tresinrera can- mot reisin Uic Ivo per cent ailoved hY 1ev for thie collection oaithUi hberi- tante tsI. Il la provldei by Section 9. Article le of the constitution aifi1810ith"tic ciri aifsU courts of record, the tresurer, otc., siali recelve as thel cnly compenation for tdieu services calals a o lied iy la'v, vilci uial lu no case ho as mucis as tise lavinI compensation ofa s Ige af thxe circuit court, sud shail te palu respectlvely i anlir out of tisetles ai thc office set-0 ually colcected. Ail tf.eperqulmtso. sud emolumeuts above the amount of sai salaries, shall ho pali Itotith coenty treesury.c Section 10, Article i0, of thse Con- stitution of 1870, providea that tic county board, exeept as.provldegf tu Section 9 ai this Article. shahll ix tise2 compensation ai ail couuty affleera,( witis the amount o! their neeesseryt clerk hire, stationery, fuel sud other expeumes sud lu all cases viser. teea are praviioi far, sisiciscompensationt Mli hopel u ofansd ln no tastance eîcoed the teecs ctusiiy collectai; pro- vldei. that tise compensation af ne officers ealli ho Increased or dlmluimh- ed during their terre of office; sud &ail tees or allowauces by thbm receive lu excesaf thoîr sai compensation. ahissu hopali loto tise county trcsc- ury. p1ar. 8, Sec. 57. hap. 57, Huri's'Re-t vised Statutsi, pravidesaa sutees, perquiltes sud omolumonis rccclved hp sai eoumty officers, lu counties 0f tic Omrit and second classes ahovo tiset amount o! tiseir compensation lized iy the county board and for dlemi bine and athor necessarir expeoses, sheli ho paid int the couuty treasnry. Itlai clear f rom a readlng of tise constitution, tisat the set o! tise gen- oral assemhly proviing tisat connty treasurers may retalu tva per cent of tise amount collectei by tsera for lu- heritance taxes, Is uuconstltutlouel sud voli. Ths beiug the law, as c]cariy ap- pears from a readilg ofthie constitu- tion aud tise decision ai tho aupreme court lu thse case of Jones versus 0'Counell, supra, there la no course loftibut ta order juigmnut lu lavaer ot thse plaintif saaIsînt the detendant, for tise amOunt atlDulaled as holug reeelv- ei sud eollected by him ai aforcoai. Il la theretare ordemed tisaI judg- meut ho entered for pisintif againut tise deteniaut fer the sum ai *7530.89. ARTHUR H. PROST, Juige. FEDERALQ(OVTOMAY STOP SLAU(iITM 0f INFI3CTED C«WS B (Coutued Prom Pae Ono) The xlec vasmai. acoranlgl, tat avucre afinlfoctod bfcii hopernMited ttý Isolat, the liifcted cattie ami up ta cure tbem insteci of being forc.d ta Immediate siaughier. Say Cures are Posible. Dr. ilelvIn and Mr. Vnomau vould ual give their Indorsmeot ta this plan but they pramisei te give it cou. sidensulon sud viii sendI t thic iiry district afI llinols a speclel expert te study the situation fromsa new angle. Tt te predlcted that thc jvholesale elsughter of lnfectei cattle vlI ho stopped. 880»W00 Mrd Destroyod. Tva buudred brovu Swiia catile, Maid ta be the mont valuable hond et Ias iainluthîs country sud valned et $80,000 vere slanghtered and their carcasses buriedInlulime an tic moi- el isiry fam oaiLoosa. IL iston ut Riialo yectcrday. The bord. whlch vas coniomusi a meti cgoatcter the animais beesmo lufectei vlth hoot aud moutli disease, was killci altor cvery icruier sud cattle ovuor vitiu a radins of! Ove miles of the Barton farni bai slgued s potitian aikiug titI dmecattie ho loti ta quarsutino. Tmls vii promeut. .4 et Washinugton hy Robert W. Chilis former assistant district attorney aud nsm.nlav of Mr. Bartan, but ta no avail. SALARY 0f TOWN COLLECTOR ILS TO RE14ÂJN THE SAME (Contluued Prom One.) Imreguiated by any ruiez or conditions wbether isuch 1ev shall be onforci ia cli th reference taidlviduaié ln the,' me clans, la puroiy crbltrary. Bnech arbliarary power in, under the botUled rmes af iaw lula ti., and oUi. or Iurisdictionis, a ielog&tlan by the 1egisiature Of Ita legMUltlive fundions Wothc oMeicala lu question. Thia pro- vio cave tau theTown'Boardse ofAu- Iita.s 4eab"oute cutborlty, accord. tng to their ovuwhiwm or caprice, 10 leelde wbat tic maimum pM'*o b. li otch tern, regard1me0fî cii er It wuvas esnble ami witbe.t MW reference 10 the caedsiac sn tics. Buck aiawiaàueeoest*- valid. W., are net here holding *M tb. logiature caumt, by sàgcieral 1ev. give te, te vnsh bip ticcome "don of toevu om u Suthootl the. paver te reguitte lu acerdoïce wiii the clasalflcatlcu af icomds. Such Iaw, howver. eau ouly grat to. the ton sblp authorities as liaicd dia crition vitin Weil fixed audidlinei rula by which the law cau be lim- partislly enfarcd aud tins carry eut the plain aud obvions, purposes cf the eonatitutionai provisions herelu under Seoàadcction.,, For the purpase 0f fixng tice çmý penastion of tovwnship offcrn, tic conue« 0f the stte are dividai laite. tiaree clauses: Firut.thoo mot ce- cecdlng 25,0M lubabîlaxti; seceçmI tiaee contaiulng a population or ovqé 26,000 sud uot cxcooimg 100,000. (Lake couunty la tu Ibis citai);- and thiri. those over 100.00. A provision af thee cs sud'Salarios sot limite the compeusatiou that may ho retainci by township Icoliectors,, roviiug "iliat al oxcess of comisilons, and tees over $1,500- lu countieof' Uic tint sud second clasm, ani over $3.000 lu oouuties of the Ibird el"@, midi b. psu iloto the towu or district troas- nry.' Henry county La lu the secoud clame and thorefore the comÀpen«act of the townahip collector" of Uls ceai- ty la Ilmited ta $1,600. Mnr. VickMo'@ eý..nV Suet commission amountei Wo more than $1,M0 foi..tli or the tva years aud ho turned thee oies. luto the township treasury. At a meeting cf the Genso Bard auf Towu Audiiora it vas decied ta ssit the Somrme court for a neer. lng sud Attoruey Waterman vas lu. stnucted ta taie stops ta securo a re- boaring if possible. WISCONSIN Fuagand F*= umads A fow Laim. C., DI, Fanifl Mii. D. BOY») !Lib.rtyville '- i»iul1 BUSINESS !MANAGER Culel, reilbie mta »luproOst o u iii véry oo. W Ulg10 er gooi wokr& aotu » bcqea bosseu tablibl fr oe tia tut j Office linKa"»r Block. LIBERTYVILLE, lI.LINOI& 4Cccitla#un ipage hase.) j»Me #mssdecilon sutdaecinse Il; OIlIkaii nusd olmevierlu Uic 0*51 .1*5for sac i n out treas. ,,b*Utxtt bisl* uflug la THE IN-iteuRT NATTMR .hat t Ihico Couat> of Laie. s. Cowatr of làbitheic tate ai III. woPlatantif, vs. (butP. Wootçr- IL ei.Ne. OU0. ¶Tiela aàmiat brougit iv thc Comaty 09 Laie âSgaiotithedeltoiat to Y* ed as Intereut on cocatiy fondi viilc au setrosinrer otfLI&e Couutg Il la tiplted liaI prior te tic 'cotniecement of tiisuit detoudaut re1clvod sud coilcted frhilcertain bauis, theum of $74390 e astin- eut or compeomation for the -dopouif log vi104 or '»0 Ny aucih ouka, 0f public fondas =d momey lu tie banda of the defeidant, as county, rsrer; liaI d.dsut bas nover aicanals for t1ila moey but rofusez te do se, clalmiuig that lu belaugs ta him mdlv. iduehly. Oection 9. Article 16 of tUic (lnsti- U*.su te OtmPowerfi 2vua L*88 M0l'la0 PhecoIfl Llbermptli5. iia O*TEOPATlIIc 9*~ 215 matIes. SU.. WhuiM4 Sunisys Ny AWoUMbOMoi J. L RMMCN% - - TebmpOco."*l-a m msqm. tir caOu.U.40imes 144 EtMmi e.V.hWsr 1 à&"-Wmee uo W. la. »&PLU Pbeme 3134JL~s Cosoat tteni dtovla sube scsWucmibout rom"* W HEgmaNe. . i Il Pkomo. 148 or 48 DIAMOND LAKE SANITMO &REAý, ML Telis p, èý c»l*Diem T*L %A,CRANZM.D . Ta4Uig MIcNkmSAý FrnhGtucthImâ, àuo lie 0*AU' a bardPtbp etfced in a ,- 1 ELHANAN V. COLE Money to Loan an Good Approvod Rut piste. Office ln TriPga ufidig. LIBIRTYVILLE, - LN0 LYE l K ME Libertyviflo e- limode Lue. Buldlingr. Resî%Pbom 152.3. OmficiPomolà MANTIN C DOCKE Uflice Upp. leu etB. Elocirluseoe )iie Phono 8M8 a». phone 18*8 N03TH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUVMI Â1'1ORM TAv LAW. DLI 0. F. UTrEsiPID. V&TEMIAIT SflueUI* UàbswgVvlâUDfad DR.L Y. SUI Th PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' doun o 0 0a. M. 2ilo 4m&i 710 1p on« es EcMI umun et Sqm. DR.L-.TArLoe . OfficeI ie r..1hkSld souc-1 t :0 &MdcaOte 0ai, ln im oimv¶ww lU a 1 - tc VI ti vý u 'à 10 ti ti 0 r v