LAR.E CO UNTY WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN DEPEND EN Tý PART TWO. _________________________________________________________________________ I Ly ONCE -RULED FORTREAS. ON INIIERITANCE Reoahd Now That Judgmenti of One Judge Was Set Aside by Mutual Consent. NEW STATES WERE BEGUN.1 U0dIgof Judge Donnelly Was jO,- efnte-I4nferred Samne Stand on Interest. It la recalle tbtat, vhen Uic coun- ira luberillecétax malter vas tirnt Ssterteit lu the circuit court, tiat Judge e Dc.neily ruleit IN PAVOR of couotyf Tremsrer Weterfieiitand against Uic Seouuty of laie. Re rulii that the Inherlt ance lai beiouged tu, thc colin- ty tregaurer. Andt, at that lime. ho Slafeercit be voulit aio ea nis lm-a 'Voasmaune n the intereat ou funds mly~ve. *W Msme resson or other, Mrt. Wantietae attorney ait State'se AtwUy Dg& permltted thc juta- 7 ïwu t Uiualloveit, ta ta ciset t witi lhe subsequent reguît that bothd De labeltance t«ansd Interaet caLsés ver. aab started snceut»d del "ic.wWap«u t ptaJudge Pront. Bei tic Judgment of Jiadge Don-t %c ai1 oen permlttad ta stand witi-1 ë« being vountatriy set saute byt icoasel for bath ides, the appeal, kv itd bave hâd totaho taken by the lcusis sud Mr. Weterfieid vouidt theuppr ourshave beent oppoitepostio bhanov -iii bu la vbcn the questions lavoiveit are casrled tbero for fiuai declelon. OPPOSITE TO FROST. Itl [t us uotlccd that Judge Donnai-9 ly's decision oni thc lnhcniancc tax matter vas exactly opposite ta that1 Me by Jude Frit and thc lufer-1 hoc l made as to bis lilY Inter- yaeimof the interest matter vas jpIsodmctly opprote ta the Rock- iŽW llatsOsirulUng. dlverslty O! opinîi o j«Ils. attorneys for Mr. ff~$ticMuetuallyhave a Uugerlng that thc supreme court msy) emtUl*y aree vti Judge Donnellyt ti Im tbritsuce tai mater sud pas- file «Ireeviti hlm lu hla lunfer-et q> p4lcelon aueUI tterest matter. t NORTHE PRAIRIE. ,8 UDiay. Jan. 17th Rev. Wills (of RepMssa and Rev. rook of North B lcvili cîchange pulpits. e '~?esurprise ou Mr. snd Mrs. 11h-t son durlua thc boie"s vas elat-t teid. Ticeflfty cf the. party re- porte It tu ho a big success. Everyone spent su enjoyabie Pen- Ing at the R. N. suitNi. W. ofA!k-n staistiou of oMftors Wedncsits7 ove et Rtussell hall. Tie memies aud gueula present uumbcred about 300. i go&iï-uumbeebmro- No,¶ Pi-sîrlét *tUmd e leehct>pie suifer et I YÏork Bouse- ebuch Prlday eveuiug.e ri'tdsy Jan. 22uit. North Prairie vil give ticir annuel chilcicu pic 3 diüw nde sisupper. Mm. 'ervilile fil ai the Wsukcganl S SISTER OION'T H-lT HlM. à Mis. Wm. D-uonill, aister of Jobn lobrdson declare i report vhich Vus circulateit about thc court bouse ta thc effcct that sic bat Ma"s a rush at ber brother, vie le a odSie, le unfoundedinla fue, tieré I isolutciy nothing ta il. , Ëlb ,vomeo presecut atthe tîme 7 il8~s occurrence, bear ber es. lr.Dunuila"mite thst shé &W lmber bther bad a salit srgu- swM about thc relative truUifulness 1 « oeaeif. and Mrs. Rchardsan, -but,0 te@ oda: "I neyer eituck hlm. 1 mcg truet t hlm ad it never en- baî mindtotado sa. 1iave no- tlUa against hlm and surcly voulit met 1" my bauds ou hlm." èote Represcutative Pi-sui R. Dai-t te c .uora vili introduce abihlu Urne lislture asking an appropia-i ",b i $3000 for s state ai-mary at à petition signai by marei Ilm300Elgin persoas as malledi SmAurore reprcseutatIvc aet1 _e wfgOcd saulua tiat he itrotuce1 lIe liii. Thc Aurors state ai-moi-y la1 "w iflacourse ar crection at Uie &" « oot e f tic nov Ilaautaddition. L1BEIiYV1L1-.ILL,.iiî]DÂY. JANIJARY 15, 1915. APPEAR IN COURT -s e AND 61IVEN FINES Jud?e Persons Assesses a Fine of$75 and Costs on Ec of the Counts. S DEFENDANTS PWIIATES.]S -A--RAIL? - 'Neyer Again' They Cry as iW À IÀ ÀL They File Out-Some Counts IS ITAÀ POLE OR IS Not Disposed Of. ' T O L ÀSIK Thc seven North ChIc ugo saloon. eicepers againut wbom InformiaI ons lnteresting Point Raised by the for kýeplng their places of huislncs., Counsel for- Volo Women in ope on Sunduy vere flIait ly Statest Court Tuesday. Attorney R. J. i)aty, atppar-d heêforeý 'ouuty .ludge Persoasthis morn lng PICTURF SHOWS A LONG sund receivet thein blues. Judgp Par- AND ROUND PIECE OF WOOD sons asssssedsafRat i-att- 9! $75 on «chc count ta hilci taesaloonkeei,-'Attorneys Endeavor to Make ars plead guilly. To this wus utteil Newspaper Man Say the Rail thé Cos of tic casa. Tire,- liîtsriil Wasn't a Rail at Al. WOMAN PLAINTIFF IN VOLO DAMAGE CASE ANSWERS ALL DETAILS ABOUT NO- TORIGUS RAIL-RIDING AF- FAIR-DEFENSE UNABLE TO TANGLE lIER-COURT PROTECTS HER IN PRE- VENTING HER ANSWER- ING DETAILS ABOUT HER ACQUAINTANCE WITH WM. DUNNILL. 81M0 PER YBÂR IN ÂDVANC&E :sm::shb- ---------m ATTY. INFERS COLLUSION IN DAMAfE ACTION ýAtty. Forrest Smith Says Mrs. Peter Stadfeldt Made a Sug- gestive Remark. OEVELOPMENTS U N - 0LO RAIL jDROP SUIT, WE DROP OURS.ý DAMAGE CASE. 1. Mr*. Richartion on stand for about seven hours; subimîts 10 grill- jrg cross cx&minàtion ln irrti- and un.1 swcrvablc manner. Tells Counsel to Drop His Case -Effort Made to Keep Girl From Witness Stand. tiens vere fued aguical caci of thea luIn <ro-.s- ecainiitîng the aditlon of 2. Judge sya ncwepaper doesn't Atorney' Forest G. Smith, onueof tefeud:.nts. the Sun Tîtesia>. atto-rnays for lia have te reveal source of news. ithe counsel for Mrs. John Richarduon, Tic flues were aosseac as foliOvs: i'Volo woriPien, endpvonc'd te make l 3.Attorney' Porresi G. Smih for the Vole wvttman vie la suîug sit ANDRO FI'CiN-Plesdeditgullty ta ap-ar thal lite m-ansu- si-cilu gving plsintiff Insnuates tisaI collusion vornen cf tie hamiet for $100.000 lu tirce ceunIs; fluet $275. lrs. hRichardseon that farnous rite, W'asPlanned ln suit cf Mr& Dunnîhi baer ciairn for damages, cialma that te ws nt wht popely nigh be érn- v. Mr. Rcharson 1Ihe suit of Mrs. Wr. Dtinuiii agaluat1 JOHN ANAS-leade guilY te i-s oRichardtson for $25,000 use lu- tiicccenIs fua $259. d a rail. 4. .Quetlon in pertinent au o Wiaî iv a mli'finedd$275al5er "what la s rail?" spiret b>' lhe Voie tefeudants lu thé PETER WE.NBER-'Pleadat gulîl>' ne>'. 5. Mn.a Aichsrdaon asthesic leti largar darnage action. te titi- ocunts: flit 8 275.95. Tic nevapaper man tti -1 Icle,;Vole bccause sie !earcd for her IlItH; Haes b ia dlaim on lie atata- JOSEPH ]KO71L-Piaudcit plît>' ci-li one. "Tt bas tii-ce ,r ',[lrlattribute her neck affection te rae1;i n n nrrnemdeb r.I la tvo counIs: fluet $185.95. aisdas,' sailit ha riding incident. Finma Sladfltt saîf-prociairnet les-t- STEVE CVETK-N-Plcsded guilt> Mr. Weieh insIstait on more de 6. Neurr ilot creâied as court ad. P fteri-ieso hteetu te tbreecocunts; fluait $25. tallait cyplaîîatiou, ashiîng whuî th,- joui-net Tuesay as Attorney' Smih nîght, Juiy 15, 1913. BEN MACHNICH Picaiteitguilty acribe bat ustali> si-en ulien lit' tricd le talit te Clara Deutchstette, : Mi- Sriti ti1es that, onuMonituy le one couai:fluai $9595. lookait ut a rail fi-n Vra o woenrurround her and try .' Of ibis wceit uhen ha vas near "('apt. joHN JHaFtienIGAi -, i raded-i,_ iipi-c ent: deputy tssciif callet: court FEmma 1in tic court rorn. sic sait le gulily taeue caunt; fluet $95.95.- ete hm States Attorney Dat>' Ioda>' nolle istata sawl hi t ;wýrv lilopae t."fyuIldo ht$1000dmg posdtooth unsaantlu their bitOfs tiii 1! .îwîîý 1i itre- I * '8trptht$0000dang iscast io ! he ouns gabslrt-aIl> s.i..adrp-i-I.or -- ltWatSuuiegan, tan. 12. suit agulust us. veli trop tic $25,000 Itachulci sui thle saaoonkeepei- was Tic eâ-i- . à, uît-l - . îiî -O ie oniiluiansit ugainst Mi-s. Richardson." fluet on but tic oua count le wublitWtt-ie iài ra,1a1 oi a ii-i-I-si îie1xof .leatonaRishardesolu"" Wiy, you have a case ugainat Mns. he plesediolît>', lu theotier cases or a rcid,; l, ulctir i wîce aft-nrec iail. cîir-jîlit tîri ihis Tuesta>' marnlng, Richardson, lieu?" akaitMr. Smithb viere lie saloonkeaperf; piea Il ao o-.o-sîi"llg e-t i u- iitcba cutlIn lusurprise ut ici- inférence. guilt>' te but oua or two of lie tii-e euggcstiît-t- f - i-t t- iî, lýttv-ld liiday ttc-i I asolova: "ai a n unl is counta lia>' arc sîilli tnter $50o bond il iu)okcî c îesoirnatttg niaie froîn A i-gui-I \Niers-FreamOnt. salit Mrs. Staitfeldtt ccorting ta lié and vii hé abigedte10aliliaur iu coutr odci i. io ii oi io ~etîaiuy uaa.ateorne>'. A letltaSaes Wo thtewmn altl ii Fe'(alwyWuea«wel e'Iil tdrop Uiceitamageq 1 s stand trial. A elifieStt tatPetfilîi niglt ulît-ihIe Iirture 0. Ilu.tuct yu penie e aheit o lit Attoneygay hethiks e wli akewas takeu, hlitticn tisaite ie out .1. H.Fiye--Becton.sutady fl egoha nte1 tuas course. %Irs. Richatrtdson upou tatîdgi-e lier \t'ari-ee DaMtth-%\'ukegan. olici-." salit Mi-. S'ntth. Rame afthie saiooukeepers ltleaddet lite ri-elie ltî ihirrtigh the- rîllaci- Joie Puutt-Waukegan. Guai-ds Girl. hrd tbis mornlng.iteciuriug thut I if tr,-c i-itî-r-i ldtlnat raFi-ukNoiac-Wuukegan.Seralmsii-RnticIs.i ticy vere iet off Ibis once lie>'uolitltj wiitlîr i le tai-u a rail, a pole, J. Gordon Bannai--Lýaie Villa, triait te tlitet Clara Deutchasteiter. ncri- open tlii-*-ssuions again n a lt-k -tic-k, ir tîti)hîii i ýIl sem- Theo. Colsitsnth-Wauueguc. tic girl vho voriet lu the lRichardtsanc thugiy.Thefiat fa attora ney -s- tl ittglv wais rang ic ttugltIo i-nsvcr liae iai-ny Ford-Lgité Foi-csfstore aud vie helpait Mra. Richard-1 in ugh teatasa fonleîp oreamîcit i -cv1 wfý ,»I.'flif. J. A. Etlllg-Waukegan. -sonc ean thé muit frmeri-body unit ý n hee ass L oud ei t rmi i rs Richai-dvou calleit Il a rail. Fred Paimer-W'aukegan. ilotis aflar lie rallrldlng Incident. Uase uten of taeir stateni-enla lii XMr. Itlardson bus calatd il a rail The tefanitants uto are baing suait Wicc hé tiret Lstaitedte1 taiktel orne cf tli. cases ha pointait outIli;, tI(i-ra Dautchatetter esîleit IL a rail. for $100),000 by Mia. lRicharitson on ('ara. hoelsttes liat Mns. Emma lia itefeutants ara od offeudter'ln Oua of lie Voie vomen, lie nigit lie charge liat thety rota ber onSattaifltI aad: "Dont you tlitet lia cse of i'iacrigan bh a i lie liaitheliapclure vas talcen, sait: "We ri aunditmpaire,> liai- ealti ai-c: ber; kaep avsy fi-rnii-." icen flit Ivtice foi- telling vilieut -an sent ait gel l'cc rail weue oai" MRS. EMMA STADFFLDT. Mri. Smith toidthle earatwbile leadt- a liceuse andt once fer iteepiug bis sund, sald it lrument" (if yoîîu wsi NIRS. ANNE STADFIi-IDT, ai- of lic vigilantes liat: "If yout saloon open ou Suda>'- te acsil fitaI). uasa piodorat. IL MRS KATE WAGNER. dont t eap sîIl suad mind your ove if anc ls ta beileve the statemeute tien vus photogapiet unit. uhut NilS, ALMA WALTON business, Fil reliait you te tie courti rne yeropnhe lonkepd tean o Ruuaysaoys ln lie piclura la ltier a rail, MIlS, LAVINA RAYMOND andithava hlm bhaul you nup foi-con- nevr oen her dorson un a apoe a stick, a vagon Longue, a M71lS, CHRIS SABLE tempt." agalu. Tic states attorney' thilais ual tpIcýor, uhutaver you wunî ,î ir.Wger Ll rcle, a e Whiie ibis stoppait Mi-. Stadfeliti the examplbe that iras icea madee! oftlIpLcK, - i- Wane Jry otlu'rcthe i va otfrom arIkng any mare, IL dit net' thesemefi iii erve s a Iason10 Mis, Rcht'rson Isist an 'aUln iaitoy Ib jureouvletci-bring sereh10hnlnglie DuteitettgigIr tjise en HI erv'asa lsso te %ir. Rch-4so Inist OR'%ItDgcharge as triait vian lie tate lirovai te toime. for ,;epite ?iequènt effort@- lit he s slcoukeelre-t u NerliChil- It a rail sait Insista Il fal i huanec tha olien fivee omen guiltY of riotiug fSiht akt efleeoe cagoit and hosys ho expects the- te vian she at alrsILOne egOn lo! Srniti ta lait tee han, Iiciceost observa tic lav ln future. Thé de- ilier ite. as sic vus carild Off Howvea rg. n, gnar le maea te- u lk lm n eue esy fendantesu llpal t hem fines. luit bar tact town tic street oc lie nigit fendant lne liamnage ec-andsutihe vont ay hl mith avus iteaIe vietic triais of thase via dit not of Jul>' 15, 1913. plaintifs allege tlia>' lprove liaIt J ia M-umlhpunt asi _____________te___________________ aie actusîl>' too t iai-I he la ffui-, îuga Etarsts 0euh li te girl for hearit slalet uove. Mn. Dat>' baste lapittiffsa sa acourt viluesa, hils exptert detective evîdeuce fi-cm Chi-iUITW OH Jurert Sicitd New Man ln. er bigtgtbrinohepa- caga te prefitnt agaitthle saloon- tiff'a sicfi o ibryvllon ite of lie action unit have lien' keepers R ULES AGAINST WESTER- of lia jurai-s acceptait livboti sites 1t'so vilpraetocînîtri- FIELD IN FEE MATTER. laie Mota>' eenhng. us la'ecn sick - iiing incitent, IL lai-reallait hal _________duricg lie nigil uni t hua ror-ulug waa s Rcans t otPn i.l b 'WÀUIRfiÀN 14ÀN IS ~unabie te ge an uithî taecase, A Ms Rcadsnad-r WAU E@ N M N .5severe attact of stomeels trouble was -tic girl trIidte10gel lia vaLuinc o lease Mrs, Richardtson sane andl aen ELECTED IIEAD 0F th lmn n ewsptt e riait te trag hanoff tise rail. The in tic grand jui--rye-tmre ieéha- voman, tic ginl toit reporters afIen COe ASSOCIATION ~ ~~~rananed ail of Tuesitay, havtng bilslienienttirfse W. Litchilitof Wautcgun vas vithiîîng te har, wîarecîpon. sic nicye-i TicLateCoul> OitFciow' s iemch f t a>'. a-ra ralîhougi aie latar 5¶ant oi)- The akeCouty Od Plloe' A- Wen L hacarne apparent tual staîrs unit heipat Ni-sRichardsonri e- soclation hait theli- reguisi- anueîtl L.dhchleit couli t clgo an vili lia meeting Monda>' elgil 51 LIbertyvilla 'case, Jutgc Eduarits swore lu suothan arrange hensaif afler gattlng out of ai vici lime ofcr frteyca eWarrn liho Wakg.te hanta of lia vomen. officcedad ete.ers oliersjuron. eed. .Cura luter, bovever. seemeltetaas- forthuesung-ea ae:The finastucatnsfor the laIntiffes.îmeau aunti-Richaritsan feeling I- Presiet-S. A.Hathorue, Wue wsW.Rxso e liea teat o! syrnputizing uith thhevorn- lien. nepicu *of Mrs. Rcharitson. Hé tes- an. Since a feu taya affler lia inci- dent. ahenbasnuppaenW.>SibeauallIai VicpcietJWRmnHg-tîfiet as ta Mrs. Richardson'% condti- dnst a§aPrnl enal lanit Park. tiou follewlug the farnous rail ri îli ithte deuse rallier tian viti eci-tary-Willlam Wieélei-,Liber- 1wîg isRcirin tyvIlle. ~~~~~ePisoda. andt furîher itaila about ber Th -n il e bu 7 a Tressurr-Louls Hubiarit. Wau- healli as a resuiS o! sait experieuce. tic oneWho'aung grlco aot 7.hal couda. JUDGE ARTHUR FROSiT. Editor on Stand. acîzet Nîra. îtlchardsoc, la sait te The nnul rpore wre rnd nd ockordjurit fom hisciruit W. J. Smith, editor of tic Wauke- have rushei tle tic platfarm ln front aftr te lletio o ofices ibes as ho asruid tatforerTreasuner gan Dal>' Suc nitndLake Counl>'nle-f f ilunit aboutait a message from a aupper served b>' lie Liertyvilla Carl Wcslonfilt le not entittcd te the -Te piaienlîfas co eond Fi-i-cal . "MnRle JhnRicharsona as cul tisa lodgc. The evening vas apent ln iav- lnhcrltsnce tas nor te thé Interest on Theîî o? ilscuo. o foCaîvilsud.',M.Rihrsoeuste'utt lag a général gacit thnte. A large téla- public fends. Thse décisions wce rn ith oexaminait, oflm Tiuila t.,, gallon attendait frorn Wauitagan. Ttied in cii-cuit court and manited tise 1_____________________________the__uTic girl, ultiici- father. vas ex- vas decîded tetabave tic next maetiug 'finale 1te elocal endt o! thie long Il- cCoutinucitht ourtpage ivo)n at Higland Park ou Fa.i. 9. Cîiteit i-ouolicpcart nomturin tigation covcing thèsle points. lia examinatioe of other ulînosca. WRflOF COURT STOPS SLAUGIITER 0F MA N Y IERDS Elgin iudge Grants Temporary Injunction Against State Veterinarian. ARMED CLASH IS FEARED. FARMERS' INST. STARTS IN LAKE Co. FEBRUARY nuI Sheriff Orders Patrols to Shoot if Necessary to Protect Infected Herd. Wiaieae slaughtcr cf catlle. sheep snd hags atfiicted vlth or exposed ta lie hoof sud mouth dIseasé vas hait- ed Monday afternofa b> court oriter. Judge C. P. i-vin of the sIxtcauth jutîcilcircuit, at a court session held ln bis home lulgin. Issueit s temporary Injunction réstraInlug State Velerluarian 0. E. Dyson snd ils agente from- Maklng agreements for compense. tion to be paît out of the public tres. ur>' for animal* 10 bca killed becose of thcir affliction with or caposure to Killinqasny animais' cîther siflîcted wlts or salid to have bccn cxpoeed 10 the dîssse». Simughtering catile bclonglnq bt ch Illinois State Home for Girls, et Omo- vs, or an>' stockt bclonging te Mme HuIds Hennîngeon o! Slt Charlea. Thc vrlt vas grautéd au application af Attornay Charces . O'onuor, vha appeareit as counsci for Wallace Nor- ton, a farmer aud taxpayer résldlng nea- Ocueva.Mv. Fermer*a ack oe Norton la talug backcd la bis fiait hy a number o! caIlle ovucresuad dairymen living ln ticeFox River Valley, vich la a veritable hathet of tic scourge. Iutmediately foiioving the Ilauaes of the vrit il vas piaced lu the hants i Sheliff Richards of Gatieva for service. Wlth a force of deputies ha made the rounds of boarig-houses Iu Kano couuty at vblch faderai sud staté lu- spéctors hait beau stopplug. but fait- cd ta fiud anyoue vho vouid se- kuovledgé ha hsd authorlly te accept service. At one boardlug-house he corralicd a group of men and rea thtic docu- [ment. 'ihen, fearing a coup migit hé attemptait sud the Ocuéva cattia killet, ha organlzad a force cf armet daputies sud plaunet te bave them patrol the gi-ls' training school grounds sud tic Henulugean farm et dayhreak tliimornlng. .Ordcrs Guards to Shoot Ha ordered hie men te sioat If nec- essa-y lu order te cuforce tic lujuuc. tien,. Reports alqo reacbed Geceva liat State Veterluarian Dyson hait sent or- doers te bis men to disrear the lus- juuctlon :vrit. Whlite this cç.>A -nthg -onfirmaW, D. H. Ounsni. tic maîler lu ciancery. b>7Ing Jarisitiction l ae ity vas te accompauy the patrois ta gîva. them legai aditvce If trouble started. Tranchas airady have beau du at boti places for the carcasses cf! thé harts, viosa valua la estimatéi t a Serve Wrlt Ovci- Sat. Prînleit copies of tic lujunctionai onter viii hé sent broadst over tic state te cattie ovuars sud daîrymen. who viii ha Instrucltdta obtaluici-ev. rIca ou ail fêterai sud state inspecteai-. Thé organisation backiug thé court maya contempiates lustltutlng cau- tcmpt Procccdings agallost any oin- cil i>'dsobeyiug thé mandate. A man viii be sent ta Springfield te obtain 3service an Staté Vetenarlan Dyaou. 1 On thé iceis of thé drastie lea action, vili htémporanly at toast halte the siaugitér of catilé found te ha afflîctéd itht or exposéd te tic Piague, Il vas anauncéit ln a Ice-e gi-susraceived from Répresentatlvc Ira CI Copiey lu Washington that thé Departusént Of Agriculture hait dis- patched Louis Hucit. chief expert of the bureau of animal luduatr>' ho nortiéru Illinois te inveatigate the ait. nation. The patition upon vici Juitge XIr. vin acteit recîtea Ibat Dr. DYaon snd -.. ,.gaur Meo Rier pofl'cy au an set pssad on July 1, 1909, entitiet, -Au Att ta itevise thceILaw lu Relation le tie uppréaioan d Preveution. of tie Spraitof Coutagicusansd Infectious ..AIMMZDmenie cAnimal,"~ suad liat untor this set the officies claime the>' aan alutorzait te pledgo Three Evening Sessions WMI Mark the Annual Meeting of This Season. OPENS AT NORTH PRAIRIE. Closes at Libertyville Feb. 13 -Prominent So11 Expert and Wife Are to Speak. FARf*ER INSTITUTE DATEI. Fcb. - --orth Prairie church. Fcb. 1O,-Lske Ville. Pcb. 11.-Prairie Vlcw. Fcb. 12.-Wa=ons Fcb. 1-.Llbert yvlll. Aboyé ame the dates for tié annuel Lake County Parmeri' Instituts, for this ycar. and, ollicers are working hard ta maie the affair a succe.tu year. Mr. and Mms.Prank 1.Man of On.i Man, Il., are ta be the principal speck- ars Mr-. Mannu la considered the greatest sali expert lau dinchand o perbaps ln the middlie veut. Ta la- terest the vomen Ms. IMana eserv- icSg have basn secured and ase vii speak on domestie science. lu arder te Intbrest Uic datymea, Mr. Jameà. à promiunt datrymen of IicHeury eounty viii be proiveut part of thc e kas viii aise J. P. Msasor Elgin. The latter la a promineut dairyman and an authorlty. tate Mon to Attend. The state blghvay comînlmalc i wi have meni at the North Praiule aujd the Prairie View meetings la tà», evénlng for special entartalumemlt. There wiii aima ta an evenlng eS, talnmeut at the Waucouda ae@.sla, luit vbat bas net yet beaun saouhoci. iThe management eftiC lMgile has tarude ttcmetim oa cru *» local officers in thc varlous giaccc se they expeot tic,. te àwec arter the local entertaoment. OBITUARV 'OF MIS E. Ce Yom ,JI Misne iuma C. Voeburg vas borauta' Muscatine. lova. sept. 2nd., 1867 am dled Jan. Stu, 1915. Soon after ber blrth ber parents. Mi-. and MM. 0. B. Vacburg wiii their family movoit ta Masomanle, WIs.. where she redi util e came ta liva vlth ber lster, Mrs. N. P. Lux. remalnlug for about elght yeara. Rhe then returnciteta.Waso. manie sud accepteit a position lu the telephoné cilce of D. L. Bestor hait. lug that position forar loyv eams when ber heaitb failed and aie came back ta Wadsvorth lait July to viftt ber aiter and ti-! ta regain ber beiti but al efforts proved ln vain and iba *a-aseIlëid tabei hea-venTy loôme. Ih Bbeiaves W.mourn ici- loisber father su&t mother M1r. ,d i. O B. Voshurg of Mazomniue. Wls., two brothera and one uliter. Chance m. and Eugeue and Mrn. Minois A. Lux bosides a host of friende bath in Ma- zomananie and V'Wbdswarth. A CARDO O THANI<5. We desira ta express aur be&rtrlt thanks ta Uic déar kunitfitnds sud nelgibors vho asisted us durnug the aic'iness and death ef oui- ieiovci daugitér and liter-Mr. andtMM . B. Vosburg andt Mr. aud Mrs. N.?I. Lux aud famliy. the credit of Uic cutire state for ail animalekIllicd. Cites Sume Promlecd. 17nder this set. the 1metition avers. an agreemeuntvis entend lonto viti Mrs. Huida Tenuingao of li. Cher?.. ta kUlIi fty badof cattle al ne0 pet hbad, oue animal ai $6, thirteca besd cf cattie ai $60 caci, ivo asec st $10 eacb, elght sheep at $4 caeh saud a nuniber of hogsaiat$7.25 per husa- dred paunds. Il aise rechtes that thillffels g» about ta kîli foriy caitte beionulag te the Illinois State Home ifor Ob*1. valueit at $4,000 andt purhascit 'vw monéy collectdIt rom your orator a"i other tarpayera" Il alec la chirgeit that tiey bsec kilild a large number of cattle le- ionglng t a U« M. aSa. cfitfImm dale, formerun e ern Electrlc co »es = to psy hlm 849" WfQ. f