Y, JANVARY4 j~1lià~ OAS bas tbreatei not o0pl te 4bPffl0 ! j ail hie property but alsa ta take theIl N IL ~ IrI e, hildren out uf the juriejdletioD nt thS S'ort. Phe asks that the court grant W Â l R 11tY THE~ Y~I TiIJIui An elght and oas-hait pound 130v an Injuinction retrainlng him front ru>U8M F s aas orn a M. an ts. . \Vdoing this. This liijîtcton wae, '%%,rebarnCa Mr.andoNus. J Wt1tornnpi. sheahIoA PkI4 llaL lipLh C IRISTI AN CIIUR C1 Plauz, lo ottavene Tesdy, an-given a divorrp A.ih alirony and m e.iAr C o î M DO 40-u r 1 t .suffilent eum Lu caefor heref anà ~~ti am$resar lilburithe -deuil bvins StO Say& She Thiflks JU fth0îe serlaus 1Hîness of V. Il. llateîy er, A$ks for a Legal Separ- uaillet work alti oi . îe.nîîuil!Sunday Sohool Were Eleci aes Wcese buOfaelY*e.r Chkeb.. 8;of- Evanston, NMr. lateiy formeriy ai - - O Hm.0o rd forîsupld o ogr ed for the Year. ne acuedbspas l Cecon ived on South Park avenue Ibis citiy galiery on South fenç-sue Itreet t The' annual tunner aiid bu' Iiipse: abot Wil LyoW w klee lbioln uti uml .b BACK TO FIRST HUSBANO? land bis many frlends wil l e shn'ked ASSERIS HE WAS CRUEL. Wuseîî tihý ii.il uith ii wu it .tîî Il t ue' i- r Wou a*of hls own whieb he desreta taharo blIlne. hcaotn "ga 4aellise mn Who hbasp0" work eut. lhoe fana la 00»4«" ---- -ditot hear 1f hlm iIluiess.Aoui -,4 ~ettarhe'e reduoe 0f te f ngthen b.oeusty and basThis Is the General Belief - %Ionay eveîng Iwenty-fîvp t'riênds Court Issues Injurictiofl Re--h ht~ltiir'tIs ltt Marte Nqip o i. heta- Young Mani in Case Consid- ,,..iyup isdr. and M\rs. straining Sale of Property or ILLIN4OIS FARreERSo WAflNED ',"' h teLdea rhtiu ii *8*7 ho ba e oerng It a ltf peaanîy urpîsd .t ii 11the a diglea U ionofiiý ni...i.. ~ Eft Wb ba bee lueUh erably Broken Up. G. W. James et thsîr bomte on Soutih Removal of hlrn J".k0wstreet.éoù. heseace nocnanes awae ie cogregation. After tht. dinuer ia f. w% boo mde y he ewownr.¶utrick sraukeThan. Ian. asSecretary Houston Declares They May îîîieîswere occupied ta clear 'tie ij thse chen WMshow beflgba aeb, h e w . "J tbiuk just as much of you as I muet enJoyably @Pont In PlaYlng Utkga.Ja.ý 0 ring Quarantîne on State. taîlt. wMile aIl retainei their seat. W Wstoc k aai % . lem hu a o ii. b e tvt r uypt ormed one en ever dld but tmers are resors whv card s and daity retresbtteflts vra Tbrough ber attornieys , l{eydeeker C iîagu. Jan. 21 . 'Iii (te thhe far î',r>îîoaîy wa s inth e lhanîpie%, litaI bi OBtitjied ln the Country.lHe dled aâme yeasI1thlak iL would b. unwîe o slsrvt.A eot OteybE ndtIlîeydecker. Mrs. l-annie. <lid, nir r Illinois co-operatewttha iuLereoefotctrc oicr &goTha" qs de 5t~ and untîl tbe mieetfthse fr, a rre.Plase try ta forget Yetevening. e ht ieof Samuel aoid. a North (Chi- ge'ernnient a quarantitte against iit eo f iir tie rioscietie weilnù L I <~~harles BiaitoW today tat dta îestati wiî 1e îieclareîi.' sait! serre. tria'gsi uarrId~...was te te t h ie LaIeslde cotige at Drtkce' laite cage photograither, bas starteti suit tary of Agriculture liluto o l eIisEl-uwianare ~h 9t4Okuhl Utt-0.",Opropetty. hie le 'MrCookés frot TiIs la effect wste x faiwa et noticuded InUte saesofprop- for divorce lu circutîtcourt. 1914 e arilaInlutheicity t'rom Maison, tWit e. eis annoaetita h rie t *Uc 'te qaiturs ln ra ima. £Xforts te Snd letter recelved on Tueaday by a weilî erty ta tihe obeago auscolation hiei tanes that tbey were marrled un(Chi- "Th. department uf agrulture i over preceding years. tf the echeol ebllirea. qut *,at h b ludài ong witb lit, fxnownWauksgaa vouai man ftm plan, a Summer aettlemçu oDloor'ae nOsebe ,198 at ivd i()aa4 ogot tIlle i oar maltifci a atoioCdat 4oste 4 t ry 01110wr* unavaling teda S Mr. Cooke Young noman wiliho baip.cted Ibaye andi girls. Rp stitsu lhe tract M Of gather untlilDecember 29. 114 tiii!egraitioln otefoûtdrt ot e.Belo nan II-WM 4PlStWAom d 19 Sasoula gulrau*iee uhere ho dsllvered te umale iswlte. Thse weddlng date landi on Lise vent etde qi Drucq'slake Aaong aLLer Llngs ste relaies !nl "ea ed iIo raise ebcutt1125i ta cover I.L In et U» PWtM Ai dresu befoesmeeting etf Ùsa- wîh a e st a etaise pa "Opposituion ocurlîrîuv In ftih- lette tittt 20 minuite a.$140 eau raist'd D.tar ~qa ~o opitehe sus4 ag.laclul- ber bill thse folle Injl:i ;ihe tlocase ail toiti1 tort-etCs t() e D. smnm o 4j g .in cash andi tleigeit. .Mu~ cblIO~t1t ~ a un. Cche foiaerlyvas c n the near future. Naturalî the lux that portion wbI*'eont#lns tht. That ber hushanti le atait of Vin iis.the aotsrigid invuans i car 'iacinti-cionuofce. yooag NnWtaHarristof Chicagbroane. loa.hause. as sold.but <at lbhe<cOt- lent andi ungoveruable lamper wblcb a 1 Fnne-ian'tutiaidr N. . Hrri etCLîagoant la- aveoir he affain. Ouvt fconifer-te eand lot vere unet luîdeti Ac- thse alighttbuiness trobe isi , il itiîaîîof UBIktgto îit.f0nu.u t( uch an trusteeg. eiders. deacotisati <o b. ~se eu blac ~ ~r a. a mmber ordurtly or er initpectOectttepate ýîuM Stintduy echool officers. Tie nanmés t o iP'it54P va gfi e1wi.Lof a Ibm vLicL a i tn te blEu tireSun refrain% frei, n- Ct15* ly theB 4 LkesdeMrClub. Tppoit L aie teen garully exieecl;pelta lsitIîet î n -tiitt nialvr'etceIa e l~tUseUaied taLe. ris .eted fornme two or tbree reIs. jli; Lia nome for Lo luàcteettneofteat pier stili wtie BaAidOWsanideMlu. 1-Jar-a o baent viii arouse xts.Tbrelecnyuetl"(, ai.r îeetdb u otîaii ~te.40808eovr <o tb. R nsbt atroadtfer a tinte and, oluIjO)lied ad boat knowa Young mens In A few day. s WRSaMEnglaL vwar sud repeated cnielir. la aii hieryiltunuifUti none As nelihliers mOO00-,bis rauru lis aken up special wr heC. . mr.*, th hnfu lyrfsd p itd ihted;fieý ItEbey canneS fly .14 a tii. e ty la fnancil a ork h.1,orrhlp suk the RlStl mIl0 e y Tanho d ret Mrbatiht t- d~t iiteitOUI B ey. Unelos foîow.edwitb brief re- bgao isedo iglA e erâgprasfuorsteamshipit aie, off Lb. Coasut moue> marks, toucbina upon thte appy atate itecaume. Inatud M vins,, <erilve. a Cameir youg voinan caneCtae5u< outh AmelO&a. even on elgbt ta extenti ber cedl ILe Scrt.o!mmao a pesntani1htfgne a tpat of featise. .Wien f.ub, Wauke<a endi "eunet emnpioymeft yeans ag Lt. i. YOmU an as- That Le bas wlped bIs bande on a t e o u . b - C - d -A u c l r k l a a s t o r e . S b e v e k e l à I s e n g e r o n t L i N. i e l d e n t h e b . v a - t h e t a b l e c d to L r w m d o v b n g n g i b c - W s t t t o l i - d AÊt c r i i r e w a a L t e a d l c t ff i sa ol It e@ fteG l ico he ceuntenauce. andtî te i.udiy V. c-(ifunes. and thie fforitearentier a larg- mninChicago. steconu ta , R~ ev. J. P. Biler*, e t Chicago van That he often Lrew food! ant i tiltA-A OIE i~pWeapoagt piue i Mo e br ledeace InWaukeuan, liv- theo etof Mr. s hr.HU7e§o h lo asorhie tiispleae CHANFINTCE s bon mthenqSebenemna oVrt.e dIYdOeaCircuittCourt of Luake ('aly.Marrdiolo t thtie iappiàst meetings of thi t nISE Frances Lye n IE v e Las ieaten. struci, '(ckeît Tr .195 er c~1uBLS botter han Mtt Um arrled before but bat!ecre a di- tvsinFxLakeo oer La. n ho er on minu>difeet, :-skv.(laesW 'al, Otcr lcei DA A once frou ber busband. About tbree Mn. andtiM. J. W. Itovusenti leuve casionu. lu Chancery. No. 7180). rse3-.VitrC lnrJ UIO Us 1111 cslceu, ter l yersos sh bganteb.see l tedtva ocaelous s struc The reulsite ffidavit Itavîng e eenTute-n îto .iofe, iM" thehadoCckeni hat d.. lotW ,M vîsNp@hît n e oluaiSt. P.tsel>tiIgEla. il. t.dfl fice of the ('Ierk of saii1 il.- McMartin. ~~Ii4 0f Use Il km loalut'i E1s ~fc Il hi@tfini kiocktnqg court. notice la terefore lsereby given I Elders--Michael iBrown, Dr. Victor 'EL Ésuke a myterlous0uSd Young man above referreti ta. For eon e deuta fe elIrt! irdou athe olti Charles W. Clark. titft.nt C Hoeeuer. ~ei~Oo a"ee. nt apLI. -mvealmoth t ast'. crrntth it'.moh re a. Jame Tien- Thot Le bas neglectedti a funuhahnuL aforestelt. that fite ubove tami inuanti rw n oeZw, ldpropen lothin.- fur. bernelt andti htComplant heretofore flet! ber Bh DaosHtr'M y.s tn 41e la absolutely ne quack Uere.. lareport anti neither of hem srsayndevani ]ILe iltiof Complolut In saIt! Court on the ShultIs. E. D. Yost. C. tL. Persoa, ILraaye eluitt o'clock aitthLie two cbîltirsa. Cîancery aide thereof, andi tbaL a sura- Christian Deyoung. 80#WSUleitlae k.Mcmos uka cuiY Tamaraei camp M. W. A. and the that hey wve.soca te b.hio MTiSi. Lame of ber dauiter, lMnm.Tiernn ht h a e 111traee esteepnise u fatd Coitr-alSut 4M» T". ' "iSe -«»MIlsusyUt.Royal Nelgbbeo! ofNorth Chicagoe1'16 ouna in lauemoi t obave <Of 255 SOU" <is a qtasuet. olt h atIaoLsn buI> hetebasdmourt is te o sse at ot de- Conlgte-E$oa i Schlt. S, uw t lu sfameti for boving 'oued Isalt Seu nul s. TMatie certaInlmpi'ovinnte te Use followed a nther jlong Ilinesaant islaber lite an Man>' ccous babsCor.aaftLeaOe meid Ornl-MsAuaShtz SUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ usals odkes Ton. lPt. IC Ti. wli srvn oocp. atlueipIctO th aid age. ins iroatai'ti ta bave ber Plocet la on fendant, returnble on the tireit day of' àwtp l on yprhom wbcb hey er@te 0cup. atriute PriiciiCounyt tera o a the rutCourtouae Sunanteutlfiei-. .sL .TIi. m Ins a utt at domsne e tatnieer on<ho ffooatingeu In- Laut SotiÉraiF mlt Use Young vo- brtfel akil.u bel kntst aentHrehrMWk<. cis i-Zewe Lad ajent t tiiLer Part of InSan,&asyltili. Cthe omtLse baincaitheCourto Lae Supetnd scbao D. Yicena lor h cdu and4hm s nUs 018ds bristInoy evel . 1 --Use mana1 -or Thît ho ia aiaposessIon eo!1lIn Waukegan In sait Lake County, oin Aee1ta t-Iherl Shultîs. @WWaet.wit spots hem alis body. Mn,. Bert" J.oley. Past oracle, for tosetellephone fo hcgOat nRacine telephôued Mibohial I.labeMrythein tv childasu, agedt our ant Ilfv h. trat Nota fMrh .11.SceayMs irnefo u T»s fur of lheuge skunks I la"t <Oite UeRoyal Negitbors. Fe ei a oneita h olintL o Lbertyvîlleaking hlm ta appre- antI refuses ta allow ber ta scte sLeb aIe~lnd iwtl AssuitAstant-M155 Myrtie Browa. goéeo by ouest vomen fur mufs andi beati one Charles Schultz vho vas ne- That he in posesseti o! nmisatLES.t îso ROCKWAY. Trpasorer-MrB. M. O. Persans. eoum«tes &Mougb hey am et ndescot for tise Woodmen anti that nbt. Site didt hi, nn1vugprtedta teho vonhloSt lise Inguli anda bu 600sd__ lr. Ogns-%lsMyBetn colrete atsngs<10 rentMary .itknson for the Royal NelgL tiat Lh o oltigo Le calan ber ifiplce SouUt fLitertrvlie. H. vas hvna teti aI bout e of 0 nti Lisat Il.. 'IenkA. D 191. IOranstr-Nl . MaBt. avarof StIThon Usre je a Belgan bons. ibe tIinet. lvantet inlaRacine ou a chtarge et pur. Lsaaahy ueJo 05Wekt. K .. isCmlan.ltt A. D le. 1.ICottrli ) ot baile gibet bha à si Uk a b.aveg'. ' ffcscis4ng ttrniture andt Uen *ell!Uf iL ýMn,. dold auaerta <bat ber ithuais .K.OveCnpîiaeSicîo.Orchestra tlnecar-Esnl Shultîs. ta ê 'y ch. bue art cf iuSsDOd..Shlo iId net return. on Suiay andIWnth Ut ji als teOrliginal wkit-Jan 222 e i1 i~o a. OgUMIIAIU<ti. onjs Mn a àmeving vans baeked p!i r.Marihail mberYvent ta- - 3 uto" ~rin . *ï t io «Wg ColuliH. S0.-lboit. a tfront doon of ber home andt ie tar. located Schsultz anti set- 1, ase luteei Moeu.u - ~ --C - LMOV@ ve6ay aSU he furmtuare. I~ t ! sa pwax bal tevlag h lutd t omne Md 44q- d io înonilgwhem L e t hck otifllr 10 tis ha. îatret s,è -cita. ortey. net until Tseenday vissa Use Young vieebiieithm uu 'gyI ( bai bâtin14 Incisgo jo an&4 lu ch'Wt.atrs.Dmreceliet!a latett heLb.eBluffJonction.- oas tise Ra-u _ t111t "a cant tel-W i , osS*.Baker. tailla ver. explainoti te hlm. clne chief met hlm andthtsa mn vas _ _ _ _ l tion p Wk a Rcin tufac th Msnqei-J. L. Vetider. lis okL aiet a.ts or 1thet la isnilUi yog q» il B. Jlle.Tise rouai vonan in Quston hoascitrge. lHe clanetihLet'n prove Ilu-I Thff Çe itbave bainm, spgameote leva. IL lanlMId, wvisem- nocent Intentions. %ié*a-i . Sonemberg. - by the 1NatioalPet stock AM I~. cording ta te report &aisbe r hayus- -obaud are saIdt!atehave bea Oi nea-EN. FIELDINIG OFFICIATES.e t __________ -clegi are ta Le mrrie ad 55 Ch Waukepik, Ian. 19. Vice onaclle-MIlnil Uler. Tbarstmy avenlng laitt ai egbt Rh"odr-CsM W11uro. .oaem-Remmber. Mr. Kewspy. bat churcb, Chicago oecurredtheUt.Moi,~( p pr u n AU CIaolom-Ua4lflealsU. "eliuter(cigo la isn' ak i. cf of lmLBrhaV0olontelsfamgelc Marsha1-«thel dkuMey. nontlou hans A MR." X011067-aofCapi. anti Mas. .. W. Cook of thse laner Uetlnei-Mate RUES. "Wei, tisorve got me btruuotid, -Waukegan Volunteens, te Urey Bk- OU «tenitne--leno Poel. t0 Oof1i.- ,îu N v twakegan. gn ggtM. m< 0 Jury l ls sée 09 ort T o. Measerlara B. moi. )V~sItavç i n agea, oee-pUSriclnL Jlm.- - -, i WDT TII! HRUDSON CARS AUj5 OPLR &11 n al 4 ueqA1 oib. Aiur Use cereaoles <the instal g fd.wr ut d *,-jwmww o e and orclboet. get losete er.N-~raât to IuY a wa! TII!- DODGE CAR D!?AND WILL se iîwîce as iîrte aS their OUIpuI mitr o~oqVets ea erem oufl maet deniit er i14*UandC! <2 5 - the first yeas'. i' 1hqiw iisp4panteti Plateine Maglior C. T. >EA&t'hIVa ,4 te. dsl01 0- B.ydecker Save a ta*WIsvlcb s'Wax' 'E, tire enjoyrnlent of an automobi!e cornes thru a good car kept by GOOD te b 411, lo ia se. cu 'ii'elyt > i roa. -b v o m sin to pur- EVIE elvr OOD cars, ad our pr i ulservice SYSTEM goes with l* se tk u tralMd escb dînasMr.Guatafsa n l aklmg the saxe&-,efr n fo r lensaevery Car we selt. _____________ bitlîih"s on 510.C u ty o e oformcheikFsya want a car that gives you an enirey new idea in motor car satWs >014.9 oengesier$îpti onahe Lb.,Ho e witk n o te'n t faction, il ycu want a ar that is alwas rady o use, corne and es us-n Wau- ~~ fm.Gerge ler iaIvner t eny ars f lûd aed o -kçgan or at the auto show. P0~~WYUiP0sudma m rati A sivertihsen - < r a- c res011 ofiw l and , lm a e JIS-on c«e the ter 0- 'dauto road from Chicg, Tlm à&Ge mjiSie Powell ! tisete on soîst.n a .a - la u.yJg fage 101 goptiis on tisç ccluba sahtmtâibeta etche I& caustY M eke.se-IL1ni san'n,éùhbohood. e will'pay .mP.OO for a place that sieits. Strctly cash -dial. Send full de- scrjpltive detaJls. Pi ,locatio, im an4, 1 stat once to ~'~Y a»d~~Gr!.: ropertlp 118 o~thLa a1108tret fChicago Beach Garage Tau, gdanePhns12,o34 Our representatives wii be at the' HUDSON or DODGE exhibits at the show, which opens Saturday, January 23rd., ie ChicagoCollseum. Wabash and i 6th, streeti. Take any South bound car on Wabash Ave. Alil cars stop at the Coliseurn. Go to the Show, It's the Best Way to KNOW. vW s~. ~ divorce T j Ç~P caholle'u ub154, De.'Jm anl~ a. lUEPfiY ,~oe-~~< <opayibm it 0 Adatmit~~l. leniUada panvasreuiered. .* Now Open for K46e9 Wauke.gina11Ut' ~rnp!~1ely Equfpped $ TSSO.