W ONJAN AN KSA OCCWTE. DIVRCEDECEF Oh I1 van remeuiber saune 0fth À DIORC DEC EE imnks chîlbyou t up beu Y.u - vere living lu Vol," sneeriugly sai John Forbes of Fox Lake Ob- one af the defeudants In tbe Volo tains Divorce Decree on tdaage case vbcn taklug tb the adI. an Unusual Plea. tor 0f ltaeSu., vho, singularly, for- HAD UNUSUAL ARGUMENTS. Both Forbes end Wife Are WeII Known at Fox Lake-He Is Saîd to Be Man of Means "I have leOtPhrFaS-FETAOlNON,\' -1 an] lagving Ille ibm" of My lire" Dont bave 10 hostie dishes." "I aliauld varry vben 1 arn bavlvg n fine oId tume." Tbese and ather notes of sinillar r'baracer. wrtten on. pcttre poolt rards lit varions summer resorts, la- gether wilh a charge of 1"too màeb ,Ytepson" won for John Porbes of Fox Lakte a vltory lu JUdge Charles NI. WVallers divorce court. Chicago, Mon- jlav. rs. Emma Porbes, 819 Sauth <a'lev avenue, wha sald ber busband vas wortb $25,000., sued hlm for sep- arutlemiantenance. Ttlel ber son,- Chlarles ,'elubard, wbo la sald ta bave 4een "too mucti" for bis etepfiaîber. i"rbes, who wafi formerly vault '.c'rk InIte oMoie af the clerli af th, Cr,iîl* ourt and la said la bave as'- cumulaed a comPetence by ludustry and ecouomy, îroduÇed a number )r 1.OSt cards, on vblch bis vîfe bad jittedIaltLY messages tp hlm. They ,baro the Postinarks et Fox Laite, Lakte -tionw.s PIsas Lai.e, Ws., ai M.' Lowe aud Sanata atallua Island, Iioth l'orbes and bis vile are welI alogg lu Years. %Ira. Forbes' son bas i ched big msjorlY aud mniîntaina eleetritval, ittin beatdquarters lu bi% mother'a home. Jeigo Walkor held that, inasmucb *a Porbes sud bis stoeffOu Sconot, M el Z s gtozther ta th s"me house. lit vau 'Wr. Porbem'duty 10 lustruct beor Rflpta Byve elgewhere if abe dosîr-, ed te iv mlii ber huslisnc. ludge Wftlker dlsmilssotl lirs. Fontes' bill a. vsutlug equlty. Her' ttOrieY, T. P. Larasue, szrnounem 'ltat ho vould take au appoal. tunatelv or otherwise. barpened 10 have been barnln that burg. "Weil. I1lîresumne ynu van, but at that. 1 guesa they didn'î aniornt b MUCh," Raid tie edîtar, uddlng: "Ir your nieniorv. la so clear, ,'ou noa dottbt real! thOt nMy fGl'.s moved fror n Vo wben 1 waS flot q1ilte aire years aid." M h eretiroi the defeudant ln ques- tion bn it hr 111) and changed the sub- _« FIC RS L AVE OU--Ge, 5B »wyOtaa.eeH dld huselas., t one 0f the ! ~before,' replied Rock. lbauts. The banker called up a n. D M tW'n 1 WITU APIAS M he Tloal men were ual dîappolt- tarY puibc sdasked hm hat bailOU WITHCÀPÀS; MAY ý-d forthey bardly bat! expocted un- bacome the Adler, the. man for vhom, uU -CFip der the circumastances that the tel- lie huit slguedl papers. Thie uatary~ BR1~ iBI3I(IJA K ow wouldadmit lho hr ailseni'publie dld flot recalleet asu s n;-SA S ____Asf__a__e tem v aethe boalker susPected tben thet Adler't <yeAdTo ! the threle .,-j as a crook sud lhe palnted the fman fj Ila jsa.'Were -'!Pnttnuod r0,0 Onze on.' aoluloly uo maim for daubt. TheY out ta a detectîve a@ lhe oulered a ho- Peftto;teofficerstee a trn beietiiaio rbec'i. o n of Adler wNorond aI.e adIaes volver and the paliers h adltmu;TUTLGL A athoveyer, they kre ual plac- torney Dady biai accompned Mesaira. and tirowu into a water clonait. Plum- 1 ht er hopes ton ltigb for they know Wedgo sud Parker. ta Waukesha. bers were blre-d sud recovreffl tthe Admission by 4ho Roy. James Moi. taIt theoloficiais la the tva score or T'noy vere armodth a l scapy of lte papers snd patched thin together. rsu aul.l.Knsapao b Mre of othor clU., vhore Bock u: luulctineut agatuat Bock, s caplafor H.VstdE.yCuir. le ris n bis heKosogroîio f1r bi eratod are oquafly aurions ta set is roturu hers and s warrant for 1ledI iecnflatoIstr i Win, In ameorn f Lb. other cIties bis arrent. TbeY hail hopod t sf tsa bt Ame a rnotietngeinsbc large revards have been offered ta slhly the Waukesha authorlties migbt vlsited eVry Cuntry ou the globe mslr.i ho vise thleeufta ecs..th aayon wbovoul capure ock.Tho lru le uoed slnilr ovr .ta and opersted lu mont cilles. 't. J. W. nvta~lev;Uc ahro h *Mue who wouldcapturebocmacherucn the ntaiheswPnukortoer ta thora f Rulth Supier'of Ovatonua, revarti lu WsnkegaLn le said ta hi lneY wdeteSumctîerser, lof tb inern il luwhlcb case vth ldhave dt ' e gny 'Ne ha de ilun., witb h ho vaesW"lviug iu so~aIîL, snountlng toa about $50 broigbt hlm back ta Waukegau vlth vas under arrest ati KansasaCty i Kofosha, vag folloed by a statement t'W 0100. The Wakeaha atborltîes, tbem. from, the Young màse' fathor, Mil- It la belleved. viTT turu their Tprtaoner But the obstacle tbsy bai ox.Pected, 19a nd W i cuabe aldton Darneil, of Poorla Ibat lbe vanld ove,'Lat h cty vhlch offers the larg- Preseuted lisaet..lbe authorlties af tbe rete i ukasha lait yestorday, Adler lustat that bis mmon returui ta Minu.- Zetdhlm cordlally, ossdpaiefrteyugvfs *otlWroarg At thst, bnv"ver If Lbe Wisconisîi cty bavelbait gaverai 1aloi. ,aiGrdaud Chicag suferrnthe'Ysudngb. baby W«kegan men are able ta Identlyfviear requests ta turu Bock over toaeut.f8theGornCaollverIagenyan, heba PegttlVely Uiceman 'ing beld asi Bocki othr cItles but bave out yet mai1 ~plcked Adler out froimomng forty The minister,. bis fatteorsud Attor- Il *WI alet greally lu is prosecutiop hi al ini vbich vill e lve z ýtbe ailber prisouers and vbeu lie yelied ney Richard J. (rooney, Ibis couaoL, Word'As ta the suce.., 0f the îofmI Preforence. lu tbe end Ttl a exPoetd 1 "Hello, Jack," Adler shoo libade met lu the office of Aasistant state's OSC .mcer îlieb.awaltoil esgerly. tlbqL the ciîy vblcb offers the blggest w lth hlm beartlly. Attorney Charles'C. Case, Jr.. lu Chi- . 13cOaneetIon vltb the sfair Depu- tewari viii get hlm.1 Altbaugb tbousauds of dollars lu evage, today. Darnell déclareit to tbe' tY Ilerit OGreen adds afiother andi Il vas considerable satisfaction ta reai, ae euofee for theotProseclitor that h.olied hean marrted hitherto uumeutionedan Bgle ta the Heanry Wedge ta one e bmfan vbo arreat of Adler, DeputyBShérif John ocly ouce aud that bis vîfe in Doria Case. He sayst thal vblle bie vas bad swindîed hlm arresîed ai Test af Sullvan of Waukesha, vîilot b. I 'augbu of Chicago. ahoriff îwo Years sic hoe receiveti a fer sevefibeeuî or elgbîeeu, yosrB' crlm- able ta coilect suy of the mou t. My relations witb Mias Soer," lie latier 'frof a flan lu Nbraska vbo inai career. He Bt leasîdt heUL-rirdtait b fl ne rugltlid the assistant saesatro salitiehoknev Bcks vberesliouts andInfelction of kuovlug that mauy alier' ainbe place btw1ore Lb monoy Is cf- 1 a : t"ver. placet, but, th l adyîtatha- offeredta 0turut hlm ovor If the te- mentu ghu-h eauntry have bea e lbH.wllth father of ber chut!. VWe arranged, wr ialreeog.H ugs-md tleouthou"e i farei. Ha lieb0boitd at Waukuhla v r a s l a r e i log h .eH s u gisl.t ai ecvo nvms ot hi e "vî d i e rt a l v , t g e t h e r s d v o r e p a r e d a , .d that -$1.000 vouli bie about the' Althougb the vas reaaouai>ly sure and I tbey faîlne10d coulcuti. or lemarrlage certificatesu d bai t signeil rlght revard. 1Mr. Gen luedita samne man, lbe vishetita lie surebeys'-liy a lnilter c( tb. ns.of Martin. Green looiei slndliug Jutige Snedîug of $3000. lte mater and found uhat sucb a befare tbat lhe ' prisoner vas the ý Kont eeivs The certificate vas madetIe 11 the revard couid notliha ralsed bore and sameeflan, bie visbed to hoe sure lbe- '"de a euPnw au o utsiuo ieSp n e no notlfied the flan lu Nebraka. 5ev- t ond a doubt so thalt Ifueceassry lute blvya"s iovut Belis.finsnt!Utafme Ser puai s e- g*Ml othor letters Passeti betveen can tostlty agalnst hlm.i nover Ver. uariod, sud neyer aven tI .Ion, usPeaklug of the mstLer ta.' MAO 40ALIASES. Imacher. "He bas sn international re.uot as uceus. ta ho flsrrled." "aY Mr. Greoen déelared that hoiesle. Adler, allas Butler, Bock, Klune, etc.0,' 0 amali. 1 bellove thst ho «I uê iet s lic.iqss ta msrry Misa :Omlnffd that the mlan vbo seul the Is a Germenan sd bas more thani forty bas0'00maofoe tbn *0,00i thol Spurgoon «f Avon, DII..-but a letarte lmvasa euner0f oc's llsas H delet tatho at avn'Amerîa alone. He mutI have thon. coesi(y as nyer. perforied. W 9*10 vhbila ZIsoureil on hlm for nome'dIetiauy one' but ba bas beauen it sanda 0f dollars Inventes! or luI banks. ived tocether for à Une la Chloeol reuan sd vas wvlliug ta Tura hlm ied hy Burns sud Plukortou delec- fvevnUn tho lisv ayb n eont ta Ovatonna. Mine1 1ovrd w th:la urg eug . or e t h $60ud 0bI . Hoc uiat o per u pU toi able ta retur u muc b ta bis viitims.1 Opurgon returned ta ber ho um e. 1 lare han*50.00.He asoprated Saîchel Holde ISerotl later met Mi"a Baperthere. I1vas inlu amost every state iu Lbe union A legal Suig yuil center &round a ma1 MetiUd10 MIs V'anug, sud site la L4TE SPECIAL THURSDAY A. M.1 and bas au iteruational reputatioii. satchel left 'by Adler lu thé Klrby the ordy légal vife I have." WEDGE IDENTIFIE* UECK. reil of Amerlos, bouge ln Milwaukee and obtaned by WhaL the paliier Pr.pooem. -Tii. man vhom the Waukesba au-'* Wheu Qiestioned lu regard ta vhstAdr' truy.1tebydLit The eider Darnol frovned durlng tbwltlm 05'<nlov as George Adler. but lha bai doue vlth al of bis money hlue îî laarney . ta1h.la elevil 0f tthe tolng of tbe otry sud St Il$ con- 'vIe le kuowu lu other cItles as John sald that hoe bai lsant I n galublîng Adîer's fortune. lsoMd Oru.John Hoover, etc, etc, Is uane and Playlug the poules. lt'rtbrh Adaan cuaciraetm h " "'dorm'dta ymn ,ilrthan JobuBokn tema ho sali that lha bai benu al hoevan dtotakgabure uso im laik Id Henry Weilgeofo!Waukegsuloi Amerîca. , ldlmetllgiotfman i Ieshah prNo aefrhevoa u e tncrcoks kuavu by torb.bch. f$chu- ctNon et 0 mine usn ho refoon of 3,fl aou elht eas ao, Te mn t oe etak70n fr b' macher s«Id altervard that ho had sibfle or a eld being brouilit, lt ';s soue nWat!noday we ahsaDadsuccossful crimnls fa or -Wedge sud WllIam Parker, bas proven 10 lie, su ta a i e , bas erai ersons vsnted for bit IL. He metproride for lie baby, andI 44t« eltonith. mmn v belped'escapetj the s a n of b nwo s ime.i l e ai ho iedo«.». the, dei on behai? of tir. inent detectîve sueucles of the vorld. 1 un1. Jsepht Broya aof Grand avenue viltilBek a hoWakebs Hie arreat at Wauk«aha vas quite BN hou, la mder lou l eII t ber home of ber e OMU i ntnl.1accidentel. Heoliaitmade Out iepes ivilsatonla the -01mai Umt i ihadEeluo ' e I e c s n a o h u , l u t a t l ' C v i I s u o t u . o f- n z . d a u t o . M i c a d B o u a t o ~~uOo Bock" on 0f t.. creit. ai lier palers for a $2000 mort- j vr.Noi vnej titre in which appears five of the defendanti in the $100,(»0 dantage r ý casie of MI-$. Richardson, the vietimt of the rail-riding aff air.,, Iis pie', tture vaç the one talion hy flashl ight at Volo two n$1*its ater the rail episode and the rail or pole shown in the view ptlYorts to bcte R4Mathr LeW8 sanie rail on which Mrs. Richards on rode,onue of the, woînen having tOftiliflta dv told a reporter that: "We eau get the' real rail used," iud forthih db rhi a boY went down the street and obtained it. IRLP MAKE Boys At the top is tihown iMN..John Richardson, eoilplailant -iii thé 1 4,10),000damnage Suit against the ' . ukefla woJ". RPatl îig front left to right the' w 'oren arc: M rs. .1.11k a n oî , OISIR hf ote Un? M rs. John Walton. IMrs. Eîîna 'Aî'Ït rs. (luis NSable. NM u 'n'w'uige a sBt the Portsh J<îhiiNtadfcldt, 1111-. .aek Flirosi (llgot a defeî1<iaîît'. 'osu , oveuîng W atklbbOi Xtorvnevs for the deft'ndants i aisod .striîiîîîs îîbjeg-tiols 1 s lelg tlle residers of aiseg jili rwInexing into cvideiiee ofthe pliotograpl i fîîî .hîti m î ty atuî dvnts f tn %vis inade, hnt af rni dîraîî iwîsj<î . ttge El w»rds tvîr-Ogi uval tralnlungý ruieti their oh.ýjî'etlOils anud th(' pho tograpîh as elntel-ed as- ,U.t[erd« wuPools reh la thl IV Utaioint un they often do' ux ubat ffoa a mndtheur lbY# ',o Rnoaî longer, as tbe boy ?@*dm f..e age wnore lhe reallypeode ran .0 giala 4'at schoo!? iaPy stio,îid r ffl i . 0 t tly pl n r ion sou Lth llýta lngce ~ "Nwi.prpe l w illho oducatedfor a yr dfa a noir, gettlng the Itoat klud oz u eaucation. andtI rlsiIng durit -narl ime and tnidaîlntelly gettpmg -.isetilfg iké 17 a moufli for thelir Prviez. Ilion. lBt theenid eft~ ui ir uley VIIIb Ito 1.5ve the as". .#yConlbut r 'oir WB7 ouit fsuvÇ ..or ploBand their deffaro haine, . Ï i CâtUAIYear aBU uI IBIthey ha " .o ww *M MOPI-Y. theyhbve Uocurse tlxtwU -.y routa fDot toi lu the odbu4wjI "1001 and they have s start vhIo* i, -.;tny a boy Wo qute sehool" ?ka"ng, 000 flot bave. Th. arouage .*àa i vi îy fmors dollars B weok for b oy Wno Ibs h" s aval trinlgg rr1i monti thon ho vill for ouïa sun quitmat aoi Bthe almane sraitea lor hîMmf" Tho Moos order presgented tbe Dlsy '*The Mach Piýere." lu the tovi hall Bt Libertyvllle Tuesday nlght. ?lfty ive, nelintn he. Ooi'a inaI. ig soclety attended from WBukoffl. e-- - - -.and t. Dmkr rved 10 be 1 I 11fblA8 nom&NST IEDABOUT OUI 'CLEAACE SALE' G;iEAtlEST BAÇ.AIN OF. GEVNT F. uEA FOR INSTANCE And the Grettesi Bar. gains ln Mm m',, W a. SI-IOESmb's ami ChhIdron's SwFeatersi Gun metal and tan Shoes, 3.00 and 2.50 values, now 19 for........19 Men'à3 corduroy and -moleskin, sheepskmn lined Coats, a 6.50 vals., for U.98 Men's wool, blue and ayflannel Shirts, fr25 yflue, 9 -Men's fleeeed Under- ihirts and Drawers 75o and 50 .Vlus..... Children's h igh neck gray,mraroon and navY blues, 2.00 and 1.50 Values, .t.ý..... 98C Boy's. wool Sweaters 'lwith high collar, Val- uesup t t 1Je Men's and boys, Sweaters in ~ y only, a inter Caps for m"Ien a nd b o ys-Leather Caps, Corduroy Caps l3lue'Serge Caps. Iril our 1.0O and 75e Caps on sale at ..........3 c Men's Overcoats, oui 15.OO0and 12.50 values reduced 100 Men's canvas Gau- let Gloves ê at.pair.... An qtttgsilmhé VEND ose Dort c tic et bed b t' Ulm Lte ,u l*, .1w b te tt -mm lxa l'e.. .-u ,tb jMeD "s o ne buokle, first quality rubber rollwe ede Ovei 2.00 3.0value, j at...........Y Mn'stwo huc.k1e 'Bok Rubber à9& Men% i1. 00 Mens ,qwool un-' ,deirwear,,q-ui 1.25 valueat * Our oIxzengo. h*avy, wooi sempo rmge- vae,~ Feit Blippers, anl.ise..