Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jan 1915, p. 5

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- b,*r Dsby sprebs Wek.s ltbahr a« fon a icao. .. iaeCdles of 1Round' Lake, reunbuaUve onda,. t Dock lebonie for tLe veek, bbd lis examnatian la this - qeud lu bcimesa.9 jihg ct fthebla brLansat Round I ~cotpluted lest iiunday audt Mt*# local les bouses tiave bean 01100f oste popularVctrola *1laft vee ai The. RezaU store.t .?~.opropritor cf the Tasylor bole1 b cloed bar plus for the. - Oorlag a taeper ln Charge and »m0Wlgo.on gy 10 satent ber' SAtagut Haussa ai Long Lake, - Mller bersModay. r'lh. mul lre Jay Gamsansd famlly ýé'neoeéago vIeore lioudey. , big buskey Blurlîlo ýéawa daprday aveslmg to est aur boys Vi * basklet bail. Thot msuaged t10 J& atbmie for tbf firs Lal, bt tlb.l# su baiheb.boni bute 4ibavai frain in, hm.lavs« 41 gta4-01 le faror 09t i'e bome 4;. IseNt w.ek îbey yl plv WlUth '10tsi On Jan. 300u tirs.yespe& ta 4M naotad Elgin teair. Y" 41m o't bey the Victor machine jae noa gettWq h bet for iourt m.Coi n lasd bsar somïeof tbs ow jrueorde ai The ezaliltare-Drues ilbsmaaeumemeut of tbe engagement tu uJue tua Miss Jean tIas-farlum ou& ln Saturday Tribune. Mis inIa s th«îLedaughter ut Cha%. wuae ho uvus s fins farm on ~leaLake. The sunouncerneni ut ou engagement of Abir youngstdauath- blafn Melecme ont sarliur l i. e aeon. Mueaso Mr. and Mi. Luwayne Brge, au baby gil.Monday. Jan. 18. 0 $$reraI of thei. Meaus attetudeti au mUi, ai Hlglaud Park bal urday alter- mira q Loffgaugh vas a Cieajo Yb& Etiegr epat Tusada lu Cbleago -Wo e mmotber. SI. Mary Thiomson of Llbertyrtlle, iNtel bn.Baturday. "19,l Mid. traael dbusiness là ~W il atard. kM.S*tiuaBook rlsted ber motber et ta. Babemanboqplt.el llst aturday Weday and reporta ber dalug very Ma L2.A W. ianey, vho bas heen i] *0. peu taro wvesà. e s mcii mproved. Omama Tbomson etertalued iho Ioda e heGuild lut Weduesday. &U&e.Chat. BHokand two sons of Cssgc. aie vlstng t tir, sud Mis. .Mr. *àdIlire ikCoudree sud daughter ouet Usedai ai Eranston. - lceweIefthat ws ieep lescrearn un basiM @il tha-locream soda sud saihsufl ats guod ta you. Tt) oui ad se, st The lisasil Store. Druce lit. ;7liM. . . uRayer are vsiting re bIe en ibis veei. XMe Osto Frank Was a Palatine visitai Niodaày. The. Cnsumer Co. will bave the il@ bots. illed by the end ofl ii week. Me.. sd gM. Walter Plagge amsthi [bappi "Retsof a bely son. Xl t. elier and Ella Feddeler veul tome tiie play 1isy Dowu East" in Oiieaso Bunday ii. 'Mr.aud tirs. CL-s. Andrews left Mon. d4ýy merng fui Calîfornia. VsWr. -Tank purcbaeed a lot lu tha Oak liÏ-red Veh, living abcut on anc çnq>tao mile soutb of toivn, broke ber isgthIcm4it 5onsuthe les luaie Yard. 10040011,silaHlîman 11111 vii an attael u pàIntIa. lie RsesErnst le harlug a uýo»tb'* ,M Qet.o . -. . 1 Ibu&,W. Kohl was ln Cbkcag Mon- def. ~wisth( tca fe«4 Btok and1 W, eam yHesqes, lu I'nu~n-aUrelisbl ted. ov inAie im With t iuh hi AszbbD'i4*r4 noita oie grever. lia for eggs e 9'IT-me 1I Floyd Cur 01 eTIDrIMnn. Wa$m oresuller, lire. Denrytkensdort aud son i lnI of Bligblod Park.,@pont t4luaday ea home of M.. and Mn@ D. L. Murphy. Alvin Kîmbalilandi Ray bMurphy1 McHexiry rleltores unday. Mre. John Riere of Long (Ir @peut Sturd&y sud Rundoy eaithe of Mrv.sud lire. W. J. Souer. W; W. Hughes trausacted businog Chicago W.duesdey. A auninhet ooulyouug peopleattes the maequerude hall at Round1 aturdgày lght. James DeJpiu îeturned boetiatur evenfug iter a week'etay la Wauke wbere h atteuded tbe Volo rail ri t"ia. Rer. T. J. Murphy vas a Chf M r. and liru. Jas', Tomi suad da ter returu.d to their haime ln Caryà e.veral day isvIteI t the. horneof lattýer'.parnts, Mr. andud n.C 'Prat. lire. John Uay of Round Lae, vi at the home a1 i'"IeRoth Brou. Tuesclar. home un d 1 IlLik 2?/ bt the Chicago lent Frlday. er1 WILIr-rAM A. ROBINO E. L Wald attendd the Hiarda are wee correspondent - Agent ideaicre cnuvrentiaon in I hi. ago last Pi. Irov. PONE 2-Wdey. home, UN.2- A fekl ut the frends of Cý B. Bamlin houa .~dropped lu ta @pend the. eveîiog witb il se Wednssay, It beug 4 brthdal "s 'lm The card party gîren 'by the L Ch . c O afuersary. Oamsswere played, t- P. at Mie luty'a borne le Tbursdayey etsbried aud a very plewanst »ii.Id evsulug waa a great sucme,.,&bout 70 evsfiux @peut. "k people hing present. Ti'ete were 6prlzes A tard party %va@ hi-Id at the hm tîuea giren sud the lucky on@ e we W. 1. Mr. and tirs Jervi@s la@t W..dneeday rday Raslug. John Hortol, IMartnheln evening tu honorol.Mr. Millington, who wgaD, Ros Rosing, Eval)oolittle and Mt@r. L. started for hl@ hompiu Ohio the following ridlog Book. day. The sonuai meetiug of the stock hold-j tir, ud Mm. P. R. Arery the nI1%1U ersgof the Blank of Round lake was held ity ou business orne day last wPesk. a t the. bank building Tuesday. The flu i r@. J. K. Crhbb and tirs. Fr.'d Baiulîn augh- laviuig ofllcrs vere re-elected: John @peut a day let veek in Waukecau. alter Hart, Pres., Geo, Auderson, VlPice .,-: tire. Carl $oreneon bas be-sn quite fil. A the E. C. Webher, eashif.r. and Frank i 1Ber savt from Obcalgo is taying wth C. L. W. A. Boasbg, Alfred Mdeade, John Bart, hlm. Geo. Andersoan d B. C. Webher. direct- 1 ritled iheon 9Herry Belsey in ou tbe iek lit tbie week. H. E. tdiîman's bg prelnventory cash clearancessale l e Lelg lergély attended tiIs eek. The. slecontnenttil Satur. dey, Jau. 0tu s" bg redutilous are Lelug quoted ou sil vînter goodo. On ;misa, entsul, Jan. 15, e 1ev segh load ofyoung people from Auioch Camuste Mlburs for a "Bopeflllg 14e,"- ta ses if tbe MMlburutes led forgot ow tu spoi. But Mllburn mustered out enougb no tbat 26 on eseb id vers ready. Rer. A. W. Safford sud Rer. Rester oiAtlocb,pronouncsd the ords. Ater the. épAlllg supper va.s erved aud a royal good time vas emjoed ty ail, ouly Atloch wos not *ô victorioue as îbsy expeci. Mlîbura won vîih sil lef t on the dflor. eot L.voy rturned rom Wautemba, Wln, tootL trentmnent fur rlîeumslieansd Is somewhat improved. iss Vivien Bonner lui t Mouday ta spend seveiiàl das vith relatives lu Chicago. tIsere. C. E. sud J. S. eurnn ran- sated business lun Kuo"ha ovnsbip WeDneay. Mr. sud lire-.. . Bounmrspent Thurs dey lu Chcago. Abrt Penser ha been rery sic dud reiurtied ta bis borne iu Morgan Park ta romain vltb is parents outil Le le botter. Rer. A. W. dafford vaes a Chicgo rlaltor Mandai. Several tram bers atteuded thi intalse- lao! AfbsheT. . I. et Wsdowortb Monday srsniug. tirs. C. E. Dennianhmbase u ick fr the peut tva vesis, but ai preSeut wrltcle sosme botter. . lu rsply ta, Mr Brrette ltter in the [uidepeudeni aI Dec. 8. lu regard to crnm ylld in couuiy, vilI $&y thai C. E. Dearnau husked a pues of corn that Slelded 75 bushels per sce by weigt ibis yeux. W$rs. Jessie tiouteath trsug, boru Nor. 10. 1819, in lfstland, dled ai ber borne Jan. 18. 8h. vas 95 years, 2 mntis sud 8 daye. ilLe vas the vite (f Subi Sirsug. The lueraI wvas atur- day froni thse hureb vitla hurli ai tilhhuru. The palîbere vere @lx graudmorie, tMortimer tiaror, kHarold Bain. Uspvence Yul, Gay Hughes, Vicor Strang sud Carl 0Hughes Ah. leares tai inouru ber loi sn a, J. W. trauga o Calitrnis sud ibree daugbters andI a boat of relatives in Laie eoumty and rlciaity. There are 18 graudr-ildren raud 10 or more great graudebildren. M. Maror sud tamily, ki. sud Unr. Warà Bain sud tamily of Racine, Wi, ire. Frank Yule sud famlly o! Somers, Wi., attadsd lb.. funeral of their maiber aturday. J. M- trang aud ,Are. Wm Maror of CaWjoiua, were umable to attend the uearai. Carl Hughea o! Literty ville, vasbers. dinlun Davis viited iesun ai, Brismt tirs. C D. gaidinier aud daughier of Fort Wayne, Ind., vîeted i i Mre. C. E. Combe lut wse. Glenn u Eoeycutt of Oubleti, Ilis.-l vlstiug bIs- brotber. ffîmoongol of Ma lcHearî called ou A. B. Combe 8unday. * tirsud tirs C. L Thomnson rlsited relative. la Waukegsn ibis veei. The flllg ofthii e.mbonse le completed and the smen have reiurnsd bhome. - - -6 - ---------- -- 1 Pouitry Fond. G4S L U iternationai sud Jas, dlgs r.. of Round Lais, speul le snd gars- severai dave boes uluLhisesou. ime t0 CM" for Tiiarsdey niait a @slelhad of youug âgh prie@. Yen people vet 10 Libertyrlie to-ulme 5 ry a Peokage basket bail ganse. We are giving Is Edua Kapple of Wsakfsn spet a nted cf &R 80011" vti ber parenite.- flple roturned vib ber for a visl. -. ansd, Dorothy D19 I of Biam LL BTO to-pna tie vý eek-end, wMIt ilir par- Gray Ie Ae be. ore. The capital vas lneaeed trom from bis hogue. inLaugmout for a rimt $10,000 tu $15.000, wbieh incresas isitb bis parente here. Be vas a resi- already been eub.crihed for.- dent of Caske eouaty op Ah hie rsmoval A pleasat surprise part! was tend etaLnguni taout le surs ago sud ed ta Mr.rand d lra. Claus Junge TuesdaY abheishmtrot vist bai-k home, Le eveuing. The trne vas spent lu plaîlua ees many chxanges. Clifford ie a Ford progressive suchre. Peter ieyere suealesman. Neatua MeCeudie« won frst prises sud E J. Lehmai, speut te ir ttof the K. B. Kimbalsud tir Shober th@ cou- weet at bis borne boes, sOlations. The Woadmen aend Royal Neighbors The. Arnîour Co. finlied tilling their WvilI hold joint Installation of officers at Içe bouse Sunday. Webber.Gleseie and the Barutable ball Tuesdav eveiux, Jus Amanu are pottiug pteir ire. Jan. 26, taevWh" ail wiioduzs-u sud TheOlt Fok'silaicevil b.hsl a Royal Neigbbore are invited. the opera bouse usi;Wednss&sy esen- Fe Mler*fWaukegau.n-.imitd ie log. OConuora orchestra of Chîcago. prentir ud ir. H.t.4llr i- _______________ L.nB. Grite of nîich, le tearinrg dowu IV.ANHOH the aid dounes hall formerly couuected vlth tbe Lake Villa botel which burued Cas Goswiller c' Long Crove, @peut! lait spriug. BEe vîlit.e e ineîsrisIl i the week-end yuL Elizabeth Kuehier. itbuilding sommer cottages. The. remaine of tir@. Neweomb, who A mass meeting vilIl twWh-1inl the. pamsd avey ai lIhe homne rî ber son lu Barustable hall ltehetrt o th- week. Autin. vs brougit to tbleecemetery fort probably tiouday eveuing ai whicb a burnifau at wek. Durlug ber huebauds nmirtfquestions relatrîrg to the patorate beres she endeared hersîf to e freo our little vilags- iltl e everyoue by ber kinut lovlug vsya sud discoemed.Let aIl attend aud mate ibis ail feel a seuse of peronal lose lu ber sgood, l utereetlng meeting. deaih sud sympathize vittebeereaved A. 1v. imitb ai Wauksgan. vas in our fasily. town ou legal business one day fast Friende tram Chiagoansd Lihertyville veek. wen entertalued aitht. Vickerv Lois. Mr. aud tirs. Frani Hauzimu were lu um. fret of itshe i. the ity the flFet af the veek to conutea There vilIl tva wogames of basket Wbaspeelallat lu sîomaelhtroubles lu regard at the bal Saturday sreulug evem u AMlr@. Hsmiln'a bealtb. W.- hope forae t6s tvotisustof is pluce, sud thois Rond repart. f-uniW aute "à. - a u ,,,, The aaunal buoiesemeeting of ihe chureb Iaad ebleken pie supper vas a dseided uccemes luevery vay. The weathsr vas very unarorabls snd kept nime st home, but tbgve vers about80 lu attendanee. Ater the supper &il1 repatred ta the audiences raoasd lîstenied te Ah. reporte of the vori lu 11914. Thene yene very sncautaging s tbey sbowed the chureb aud ail tLe auxillerles vith everythiag paid sud ome rnoDey lu aIlla! tLe treaseores. At the close af the meeting Dean Wells, lu bebaif ai the chnrch, presented Cauls Radk it vla sgold pin sud Ber. Carniuie vîtb a purse of money [as a eligt appreiatluu 01 h efficient von tbs.y Lad doue on ibm basement wîlbaut any: FOR SALE-A two-satod rubbe tlrd Kimbail trap; ývey tyli8h; beautifly ulp-' holâtered; gbod uaa«~; OBlY xiaed s sort Urne; out $800; wMll OU 4your own price. M. à. Dickiuhon, 473 Grand Bivd., chicago, M. wky- 6t lilpndent r«dier? iM OMiZ. AUCIONSALES reumraio. ev ;amm Po( a Ail auction salisspublithod n the witha fw Wil eose Wod@ 0 thnks Independent are chargedfor att h. for boili. afier wblcb tLe meeting ad- rate of 6 cents a line wheuan ordeç jourued. for suction buils accompanies the ntice, otherwise the regular rate 'DUMON LA"cf 80 cents per lin. yl be charged. i Baving reuted rny latiu. 1 viii oeilI et Mr'. sud tis-Iea. Mitchell vieited 51a public auctlon. 3% miles northeast of R. Lill's, gr., Thurida>'. ilbertyflBe, 4 miles teet olNorth Chics- Paul Ray sud fauily of Llbertyv ills go sud 2YÉ miles south of Warrentou spen Bonde! aiG. M.Rlaism. - station, on Mis Olga Holmes vas a Chicago vis- WEDNESDA Y, JAN. 27 Itor t tifrsti01ihe Leka. Ber @inter, Commenciug ai 10 o.cloct a. rn. sharp, Mr@. Anderson, sud cildren accolopsul- tbe folloviug property. Back geldiug led ber homi@. age 10, vA 1600; biack mare lu boal, age tir, sud tir. Ueo Thatcher yere Prai- 9. Wl 1300'(; laci mare lu foal, age 12. rie View raîlers Thoreday. wti180; hsy drivlng mare. age 7. wt Mir. and lire. A. tovehi epent the 100;back mare colt, coming 2 yr. old; week-end in Chcago. 2 rolt@ c.rming 1 yr oltI; 22_-ows-1O tresh. 10 to teulu Irntvwuweeks, balane Several frontm hers- attended the M. W. gîviîîg miît, Holatein tuil coming 2; 7 W. intallation ai Ivauhoo Thnrsday. yearling heifer@e; ïish Bro@. lteao wagon Tbe yauug people Leld a surprise Par- vilas extra set of low wheels, truck tY at tbe home of . J. Wekopl Frîday wagoîn, narro w tire wagon, j1 palrboleter eseina sud ejuyed a alegh ride ta ,pringe. single cultivator, 2 iiay racks, Long Grave, reiurning about 10Oo'clock. ligbi miii wagon, shal te and pole, cart, The remainder o! the eveing Wvas epeni lguig runaboul, Deeriug gr*tn bluder, lu games and musie. Supper vas served. Iuew Deerng mows-r, uew Dain hay Several tram bars attended ehureb ai lader, ued o.ea"on; ewl"rin, drill Areseuudey evenlug. tir.,Lnnu,evan. yuLh grass seeeder attaebrneut, corn geit, vas ths speaker. planter. 80 rd@ vire; John lise ahaY t dder, John Deere 16-luth sulky piow, sa.4 plaw, 2 stubble plows, 1 3.sectiio RUSSBLL barrov, 1 2-sec. harrow, 120 @g-Incuba- TheLades Idsacetyvi aiet uLtor, viielbarrov. grapss suse.. corn The adi AldsocetYwillmen wit 'zehalser, pulverîser. 2 sulky natvators, Mmr. A. C. Coins Thursday, Jan. 28. lu- set double harnens, sîngie hausse, 600 tead af vltb lMr. MurrIe. lb ee t&eking outôd i vîli100 fot irem G. A. Bîver i @tck. cabk 8.ecilon vagon box, gravsl box. Mir. Dîxon la able ta Le up and &round. double larpo ofri. carrier sud 100 It M.Mervîlle la lmproving. rope, 2 tank eaters, 8 imiii caus,eauldron keltie, mià pale sud etraimnrs 100 MinesVan VisstAspent Abs veek-end lu chiekaei, 4 docks, 2 gnIue, 14 Ïtans MlwaukeeswyuL Ler parente. edorer bai lu barn, 4 toue Almoby bay Unr. A C. Coins attended S luncheon le barn, qustty baied bal, 8 tae st ber cousineslire Fred Orsyfords lnu upland hay, staci todder cori 50 tans Wanken Battrdai. -- pellage, 140 busheis nortLern lied WýesA, about 800 nbelé-isbte natal, lueed uttait uîl adsbrlum '#soMe bsrley,7lobel patatoeuffqnuilty sUN@ beeause tlty resch 18,000 peu- 0 corn. sanie bousshald gonds, naom- sios e .ldy. ,-, erooSer emaîl articles. Fr.. lunch St mou. Ususi ternis. Chas. F. Stîlzmaun, Prop. Geoigq Vogel. Auctioneer. RB.Epter. Cle!rk cel Having depidé,d te) quit faruilng the. uitdersigned wili ll nt Pubuiç Auction on thp. prerriiee kuowii as the, lieliendor! faim. I1 mil. Ws.t ol Wuo si-,ida upar the__ Waq1e.uda Crpam.-ry. on WEDNESPAYi, JANI AIY 27, Comweiciug at 10 a. n. shbarp, »he fallovîig: 27 lis-ad ol mut r-o9ps, uew ilîkeritandI spriirgers, u.l1 îiarked Rleitein truli, 2,yr oltI Holsteinî bull. 4 2-yr.uld liefer#, roininii in 1osî head <f ysa.-iiig# atid vairs. h3trood nows, It. loiat tabout t90 Ibs , epan bay maris. )-yr(,Id t 12(10; gray Irorse 6-yr-old, wt 1500; mats eroit. 2 yr-old black horrn, 12-yr ult wt. 1200;1 2 mare yparlingg, gray hors.-, 4-yr-ol, at 13Mii, sorrel brood tni?, 11-yr-old. at 1600t. wlth f0al, gray brriod mare, i.r9d MceCorrnir-k grain. indi-r, new lh.sririr coin bluder, MeCo.ruiff-k iuower. see-der, jauenville coru planter, puiv.-rîer, 2 cultivators.3a setion drag, hay raite, 2 hsy rack@, 2 walkluig plows., 2 truck vwagaue, milt wagon nesrly uew, single vagon, cornn sheller. teed grinder, bob alelgh, wagon box, dump boards aud maoure plankg. 700 bu. corn in crib, 800O bu. ato, 2 stas-ki scrn, 2.5louse iiuothy bi in barn, quantty of corn fodder, big etaek o! straw. 1JUSalterme. Plency tc est sud drink at noon. C. Shîllue. Proprietor- Kent & Powers, Cerk. John P. linek, Auetioneer. 1 SPI Having ,lscided -to quit farmiug. the uudersigued wil seil at PubliceAution ou tlhe premises kuown as the tkle.oke farmu, 3 miles east of Waucouda. 2 mile$ weet ni im'-r aud 2 miles uorthwest of the Fatrfleld ebsîrches on 1 TUESAY. JANUAItI 26. 1915, Cammeueiug ai i o*elork-p. . m.harp the foliowing: 2 fre@beh i.rm, 2 cming lnuluMarch. 4 eiters. mi 1rluger. boise t0-yr.old, wt 1000; 3 tîrood sowo. 8 shoats. 75, chickeus. 4 tons timothy bey lu barn. etack elougi, hay, 2 siacks corn,. 120 bu. out-, 10 bu. barleyv, - leering grain hinder, Dering corn bluder. seeder, MeCormick moifer. sulky cultivator, walking cultivator. pulverizer, cofli planter, 840 rode wire. 2 Pection drag, truck wagon, 2 lumber wagon@. haLl spring wagon,'buggy. bob s.51gb. sngle harueus. lueubator. 150 gai. oil tank, 5 barrelgalvanized tank. 2lawu mowere, dining table. vood or coal heater. cook store. mauv other articles too jumerous tu mention. Usuel terme. .tirs Gertrude Hspke. Prapietrees. Auog. chvermsun, Cerk . JinD P. Blanck, Anetiomee. 18PI EAT! ;m' .Pipes-Fitinue Thos. P. Walsh Hardware, Stov« and Tinware Plurnbing, Heatins, rmais« Peinte, oit$. Varme Glas, Pully Pues Phtone 1 "The Proof of the Pudding jisi thei Eating." The Inde-. pendent'L4 Clessified Ads have been proven by hundredseto satiesfied custoiner s.Ak any amser of these little BIefleu. *We have a number o good farms for séâle in Lake County., rang ing ini size frotm ten to three hundred acries. « Now is the time to buy. Think the matter over ~ aîi i ee il you do neot agrée. We biandie improised Mdu unimproved faim and city properties andth te attractive el- emfnt to you is that il omste you nothing to, look ovar our -. listings aud if you fiud something to suit you va viii . make you a bargain on the Bmre. ¶Our rentai list is increasing rapidly. Iqquire for our termes ad if they satisfy you wu viilb. pieaard to list your property. ¶Both union and non-union fire insurance in the; beet board corupanies, as val ma life insurane, a eopeiaiy. Durand & Durand ' Telopbone No. 2 Job p~jLCLANl Job iiiA FULL, ]EA T E AT!t TiIIRD ANNUAL 7- CLIICKEN Pie Suppe.r, Olven by the MEN'S CLUB at thé FJR'ST M. E. CIIURCII LIBERTYVILLE, ON Thur., ian..28th FIRST TABLh SERVED AT ô P. M1 Special Musical Program During andA fter Supper Plenty provided for al- Organize your leighing party now and don't misa this opportunity for a good time anc4,lenty of gooui thingq ta est. Tell your neighb;or. Don't FORG ET The DATE ADMISSION Aduits, 50c per plate Children, 14 and under, 25c

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