Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jan 1915, p. 9

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~AKhE Co UNTY WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN_ DTYVILLE LLL., FRLDAY, JANUARY 22, 1915i. U LLI YM~*i1O 8h oSuaiin ffo r t tor li, ord ailvn H e lo. Sp -.So agode.e.Thadotrla now isaisha cdwV. o ping tat he alu,.fortia otegaJ.2 tha* bakegn pomire.d the a Iîa usadr entis tha Mcuss.*.W gwelJ.w.ll @Ivan mBar W Orbe Just aou he * btentwona. iir Semàai ttion, they ver. soorled ha.m Ousdtexprits àon. Many tent rands WMbar ou as mot feling te b buét@V eBl«izad a 8b.abeentalceà eA n o th.',eiîbote icgo bof IIMoqoleîlaPtope Tesdaylnd B« 5 jTat a wek angotodny bat3.ahe VA*IsLorell ta e b.d a dmine W chStber comdton ontBin roing A s Peslisinas Ma f er frm Ch! capmond»ay siteam«anothfeeingWai ab«aitonaa«is nioht. lihm a ent "oue inib. cnslaIn it l ' Vlai wboronanu t Ch. p.-l thW Il uen ngt kT.ed n Votillelsd A pcall wa aldui mmChi- eaf Tmowngt. Euhfoaete Dr. FW aiw18 remalng thothe Pat Tigwtle ves flbtnggas. Th o . aupoositbav We relnb 6i tic brala Tmoay aftsrnoOn and ah'. anercoon Mr§. Barweil vas un- a eqi nad unable in recogulzo rvn el oatives. * orbag the nlght Tuasday, however, @bu. rWigt.nod somswibat and per id ab lu te dlaern objecta in front of Tb - iasnçllist vha vas up 1'ueiday U *hbt lMrm.Barvell b.d the i~~srtefn ae c f pulling T , à" eprea litieroal bffl OU aMeah. v hoibomle te sur- wIv* the trouble vbkhb. unIr mont -lnvsrahlaconditions ln regarded as fahdaniejroum. And. ln Mrs. Bar- vles ase. ber healtb had flot been Bod for a Iong tîme and ber condi- tien tbeogor. vas fot aucb thtIn bal an enal .co v ith the average pornos wbo mlgbt bu taboun as the Vas Inring thu vsek. MM se al!hvice preident of St. Mararts OGuil. Christ cburcb, Waau- ton& . Sie lately bas showu been haimet in the work of the bumana - sodat ce Waukegan and bas beau Seing a sret demi ci chariti Vork ffl1 heple g.eorally bas not. b~ A itto kovathon Sfrionda. Aoovllugly, the on- tIe eorniunltr natcheî vith nager- mm «oamiword thât mer corne from tlm Brveilihomo tellag of a Poami- Ne 4sage ftor the botter. loed for Niew Home. gS atber pathotie te tbink of the VSnulIbelugs tricken oas r U~osluit on tiha ave of ber Bo* hamoeat tbe bond of ai"; «Mont belug iniabed for their e*uWWýy. The bonse Viii ikely ha dosd. lucide of tva Vufle anld ilidne,. III b. ans oft h finet kBIW*4&7y. Thse country homo at 7lmt*,> he flunt la this lacallty. *, Iarvej*IL. preideut of thse Wau- ia Nalqtional hank and president ut eMatehtord Caf Ment factorY, asumtanUr tlyabis .ifa's bedside. sers.,*.tlîerine Sager, vba Vas ser- usai,,t ijuffl ian automobile nec!- user iHightland Park lnst July bisa boen laid up ln the laite For- mooptal, VIIIhb.sufficiently recov- myithe irat Vsek ln FebruarY to yqýmlto ta.oborne of ber brother. et.ý rsSculer Miller, 321 Bel- gon.laâter Mss. linger -sIll lIFADES BOXE FOR OVER TWENTY YRS.S Nonagenarian Who Died Was President of Railroad Men's Home Up to a. Year Ago. 1 MOURNEO1 0 BY THOIJSANDS.1 Me Devoted Many Years of His IFOUNDER 0 F THE RAII.ROAD MEN'S HOME Life te Making the Lot of A IHADPR M IDI O A Ralroad Men Easier. A IHADPR H IDI O A The deatb ai Fort flodge, Iowa, ont Sunday of .. 8, CoSIr,, etter knowiî Pfrharpoasaa 'ather Collin- was leain- ed wiih regret by raliroad men ail over the country and %Ir. C'offin de- voted many years o! filst lire ta lm- Provlng vouditlons under whih rai]- ' road men live. Mr. Coffn who waq fiant 91 years of age ai the Urne of bis death, op Io a year site, Ias lire. aident of the Railroad Mens@ Home ait Highland Park, whicb position ha bas beld for twenty years. in fart %I. Colin was the Inonder of the bomne.1 VFrom the trne lit toast irs Ciria emry onile shape up ta a vear ago when ha hnd heiped ta build Il Juta one o! the ataunches and mont foremoinstt- tios o! the kind ln the United litates ha never ceased bis lahors ta make1 Il aitliehe ad planned Iltat be. "Father Coffin" as ail railroad men ioyed ta caii hlm, waa burnln Alton, Stafford eounty. New lvmrpbire,I APril 10, 1823. Ha rernined atLbomne antil ha became o! age. when he be- Kan ta work for farmers ln. the neigbborbood. He saved enough mon- @y ta tenable hlm to devote nmre time t0 study unt! he Vas prepared ta teacb, whlch vocation be followed for saine Urne. Ha Vent ta Iowa ln the year of 1854, tnki.g a claim wbich tbrough j bis many efforts, beramp a beautiful farm and manificent country place- . F. COFFIN. lu the year 1883 ha was appointed Whfotw tyyasadu aayr 9wsprnit0fh ntod Who forovernorar an hetarîner no ta r"liii ofthhea] va- by Gvernr Shrma ta ill he an';en a nome at Highland Park. He wa s the founder of the home and was Arrest of Man Posing as John W. Kline in Waukeslu on Charge of Trylng to Put Over Farm Loan BeIfteVG 0 to Speli the Finis of "John Beck's" SwlndlIng Scheme -Details of l-ow He Oot $3,000 From Hlenry Widîe in Waukegan Some [3lght Vears Ago. SWINDLER OF HENRY WEDGE NOW .Jîîhîî Bcck1, thé' clever, unassumng, inoffensive, UNDER ARREST IN WISCONS1Ç? s.: ývv anîd prsperous looking old Gerinan farmer wlio, soine ciglit ycars ago swindled Henry Wedge -of Wauskegaîî out of $3,OO)O in connection with a faké farin ban in whieh the LHenry Grim famî at Antiocli w ds îsed a.;thc basis for his swindle, ham been eapm>-aý utîred at last, judging f rom telegraphic dispate5ige froîni Waîîkesha, Wis. Bcck, the man who banfut appeared hcî'e and then there in swindles carried ont in each case ili the saine manner as hie worked tbe Waukegan inanî, seemas to have nm is gauntlet.-- »Whether Lake counity will have a chance to get hold of hixn is nniknowin, but the chances are there are oth- ers equally auxious to prosecute this clevereat of al farin swindlers. This (IisI)atch in Chicago papers tells of the arrest of a man whom Lake county folks are positive is the same Beck who swindled Wedge some -eight years ago, not only because lus scheme as tried in Wxscoii- sin is exactly like that worked in Lake county,ý but romn the fact that it was known hie wO*ed various aliase8 inidifferentpartp iof. the ouutyi- eluding that of.m »i. ýd which name Who uderon o hi alues,"Kin," s e-Wautkesha, Wis., arrested a. man on. a cM ieved 80 have 'heen apprehendeà in Wà- ua î aralvlo agent tth u# é l'kesha, Wls.. whiîe ondeavoriflg ta operate orîrow **2,(XX) on a farîn, and that the deal dldriât swiaidle exactly smilar te that pot theraugh loexactonolv onthesr e. lit'The aslf n vasthe nânâ cancy on the Rallraad commission, ---I n Waukegan eight yeara »go0-wheireby _John 111K'-"UI M I ..-"ltil . I "ilëv c- caused by the retirement o! Hon. dIzdh alodmnaloc h nr. i Beck beat lienry' Wedge out -of, $,000 of Allb)right, protested mildly against bis afreq! James Wilson. lia vas afiervard re- i through s boan on the Grimm farm at Anti- anid said thiat in a few days he.would biov is id.iý4- elecel t II! th poitio fo thei I och, the deed to which Beck fo rged Mr. and- prv elected t (IllOth positioIforTtheMra. Grimm'a- ames. tity and that everytbing was on the square. hecarne Interested In that wbich con- 1 - . - True 80 bis preictian, bis 'feaiftv stituted bis lire work. that o! promot- Ç f' G J' IV IfV DW1 A Ha fA'U~Iriu r1 ¶nag îi soon was estabîlabed. Afttor ho Ing tbem bappinesand Improving the >' S flU M I1aJ1T aiCITY l ii~1I1if' ti O ER " M NWHJICIE JIMIE UIIICEftSLEAVE been ramanded t80 mil for vautsuW conditions of raliront] men in general. ,0 bn.hIèofPlcD :ow He then began ta Investigate mare H A SI R P E 1 D1ED S D E L R NS N H T S W T A IS A e adhmavst b I1ý * s h srordng fteralodl an aid Pinkerton mai. mnof the country andi to aitale theCroe lI Tf JIE TEV RN i E E L'1 Recognilzed nes Old Swirdho. subject and advantage of the auioma- Attorneïs Representîng Late Deputy CrnrConrad Went! AR E TO r 1IENT Y I ,'aÂs F£ "hy hats JhnW.Klml tic brake and coupler, aid aecured Col. Thompson Strike Cases to Zion City Tuesdayfter- claifled McICny. "We nui te selo the enactment of thse lav requiring From Federal Docket. noon-Held Inquest. Qm* Srieing of Racine Sees Party înouiwn frbau. Wo sa hlm the biggest awindîor tu Arnarlcq. tbemn ta b pnced on ail cars-tha ____--------"-,. " ~" "~ Secret service men and leas*t lav vas peanted by the Iowa State Waukegan Man, Then The Contained Sherif f State'..- hndreai conti«, seatterol ai1 avmq legisiature hInTUS. $600 WAS 'THROWN AWAY.' WOMAN HAD DROPPED DEAD Sun, and Says 'They're One Afty., Wedge ani Parker i te United States, -bave b.m atiw He gave mach of bis Urne, labor and and the Samne Man -Ha, Is, Who Hope to Bring Back him for seventeen ysars. Ris 1aut1îe love ta the cause of the ralîroal arn: Waukegan People *W,'te Did Not Believe in Doctors- 1 Positive on Matter - Prisone. lIas total 8600,00. anl 8h. IeVauf 2 plyshome et Highland Park. H-e Money Used inSatn Si uyFid rai Heart Ibis capture agaregate 510,0W 1. laes s a .....eun Strtîng uit Jry rîfuisOrgnlo Kay memthoraena«bele» ad& eniIVyel e vishelfo ta rd en i Had Been Applied toi Bill. Trouble Causecl Death. 'GOT $3,000 FOR HlM WAS INDICTED IN CITY tluso ab out 8he Idontity. Dy carmai as ho tought Tt vas bis mission. 1I JUST LIKE FROM WEDGE. FOR SWINDLING WEDGE.I noveraI sets of fais. testis and VIgo Tii. first home estabilael by Mr-. an tie fedarai court, Chicago. Tues- Daputy Coroner Edward Conrad was -i- and by ieakaolge of forsigu )an- Colin vas but a simple afair but thae.ay, attorneys representing Col. Bui callel ta Zion Cib'ty on Tuesday after- ýPrisoner in Waukesha Court Copy of Indictmnent Taken- guagea, Kline bas beau able te oW Mdes vas thera nid once havlng arous- armpaan, former manager o! the noon wbere ha presided over the I-, Says Ail the Talk About a Small Reward Offerecl Here cape detection many Urnile. el Intereat ha made It possible for masuc theater. Waukean, appaedquest of a wamnan wio diel audîeîîy S d ~~ k * Wanted lai Mshy Places. the fine home that nov stands at befre ulg L.ldi ansla hludi- vthot te atenac o hsiin MUi~ SU ray Balk Plan of Offîcers 10 PInkerton operaUives from Clilcag Highland -Par* ta lie erectad aid bf- - -,Ladi a Others Say He Is the Man Force Beck te, Face Trial in are axpectad 80 go ta Wauke$4h# tp- maltained. aasuse $25.000 élimage suit directed The womnaîin question was Mrs. Ele-,ThyWat Ti City. morrov. Tt la nat decidel Vbéra _____________ aga]nat Mayor Bidincer Of Waukegan nor Hershey. 61 years old. She was ____-Klie viii ie tnkei 80 face trial. 'fr ,no cs e a nd iete Cndomisin a mem ber of thbe oliva faîth and diI BULLETIN. Waukogan, Jan. 20. la a long lust of places to pick frnsl lie lAS A WUIerIIAr Demeerad risI i Some of the towns mer Chienga mse scoua case for s...alount Mm. not helteve litsdoctors. SWINDLER'5 IDENTITY CERTAIN! Thnt the man vbo bas been ara-veeh a prtlaaRd Atteraery vas not a letendant. Tise inquest develorned tihe tact that Milwaukee, Jan. 20.-(Special) adInluWnu'toesba, WIB., la the mai. Waukegan,- Quincy, epringil.fp~ MEENT AT AIJIORA a1na recent death of Thompson, 18 for amnom& lmeMssHrseybqd-eo* sas rea.iized vould btina n end 8OIershey errî o! Adior, opturod la Wsuke- vho under the naineoro!John Beck, ford, Portage. Win.. Divs Wlg. A womah, Mrs Hattie IL. David- uaese suits vhIch vere tartel by Coi. 1 dossawognc'sao aural hemnwo aindîed Henry Wedgeof tWaukeganJacn.Mbuuue a.Pmt soi bas heen appointai actig Au- nuompson ta racover gaiaes sic herttroubl he. For tomne l11881.tima ban bcen operatlig s confidence out tof $3,00about elgît years Moq due Chien, Wis., and Baraboo, Va. ciaiesi ecaue th offciai ofHe vas arrestedl hasauCty tu rue agent o! tise Elgin. Joliet andîe aie eaueteoiril o phd experienced difficîlty in Iylig g sme for twsaty yeurs, la theo p. hn the confident beliat f othe Wauke- 1898, bat escapel after n hattle viti asiei ahrodSu l nv ilhn vau segan refusaI hlm permission to down and for tijis reason îîaually tried Iino! the police. He was gai authoritlea. As s resait State'il detectîves. rasiern ratioaa. tie Majestic. ina sho asleep In a ciair. Monday nîght she11. . the~~~~~~ poiinlf aatve ah au eMnle." aIthetre tshowe etrm 1e raught ta Milwaukee Monady a!- Attorney R. J. Dndy, Sherb Elvin thasitonlsO Ham acinvan . e iero mleIpe s"fit 0trd htsedeemnd terneffn enyWdg n ausan at t7ise enC.teri saropdanigiaiwCri ve h ulsvr o t ed. trnonad positlvely ldentlfied GifuHir Wdg i iiam C, THE LAKE COUNTY DEAL.. -i ws Tlt henthe uit wee 1Parker left thîs moring at alghti Becis came to Lake Couaty se" .eaurt h0 elaste mplear dnciAu-,stare. tmat tbey neyer woulî amaut iiiida rie spermel tis ffel by the Bertillon system. 7The o'clock for the Wisconsin city for thse ebght years ago. He vent to Aitb*é tat nOi elw'tml n Au-anytning but It vs Il. conslerbiy worse. Slip did not get Waukesha authorities wBCO not aroeoetblsig a oIiv hehooa sartriku* rura ecenjY. iaompsan round somebody vIa vas up aid toward noon lier condition ha- awsre o! the reai Identlty o! Ad. identifiation. Tien If tbe mai bell Ha made ft appear ha vis Io*hng Isi x ses, ia true that 1bv aelîîî t u ptencsar 60git rwsot.Mmeso e er auil be wasocoafroated with lîy the Wnukaaiapolice la thse man>,a tarimon vhich to establisl biss«M. Lay naaoanda pinace, but juat nov It * u g tIecae tatdInIe faea amiIy vare In ber bedroom diseusalîg police records bere. Maay detoc- tiaey thnk lhai. tiay viii endevor He said be hnd Juat .011 a blgt-tm ta ani>' temporr. "Mes. Davldsonl eu4tise afair witb ber shortly before bier tive agencles were oa hie traiT, ta bring hlm back te Waukegan Vth ithe south brabgm d t aiunisytbing, justIsay tIn i ae len autal. eoplenvo, whr en a o t eotcurred. Tiiey lift the room for but none o! them were ahie ta thora to campai hlm to stand trial. plainai to Hemry rlmm tut ho imÈ gy any thng aget. I vash a p- awn proi 'omsd h, hnli etiafwmoments aid wiiile they vere arrest hlm. At thse time Beck put over bis fa- concludel 8h. tarm laid vas lutteg appointea actiaglagnt.t4vassbol towgonaoishe pyraiat awaw.s- mous sVlndle on Vedge, thse matter goalhI Lake county aslit tse ,osutOd ?'lday. ro pay bis 'bis In due tîme, îaww ial Deputy Coroner Connrd lmpaiieiled was taken before the grand Jury and southeri part of the stato vison- mes, ilavIdson bas beau an assis- mait mat $600 spent In hlufflng In a jury and the evidrîsce vas recount- o t~tf Tucsdav's Waau- le was hudIcted On a criminel charge. lad obtainel big prie per acmo.' ' m to li er husbandndeveral years. îstnrtlng tise suit ha the faderaI court, cel. From the facts it was showi that kegaît Iai1l- 'Un, w]itvh con- ThiIniahdictmnent estU noîde gool. A "I heliave rny w mon doa b itjo eie orten bal charge o! thse rallroad's îîau aeen appliesl ta offset the local 18 vas o! Mrs. liersicy's own cho lc e d h catr f onIPY Of ths lnîictment lu addition ta vl lare as- t commaithers a wi uuas1nes tire vhen hem huaband vas ibhis Thompson aval In Wauikegan. that Ashe iII ot have us physichaila nat-1 c'kcaptas whlchhaba een hasuel 01oict gt li sm chaspur." 1 outor e cty Whn ali reurn l. sun auseofthemonyIt ouIýlendaice. Under the facts In thie casa * tu litamn i swîl i Wlfl'ot the circuit court bere. vere ta'<en .pli&naI the ve lookiag oIA Ioue oic Tanet Wen she returel o>'sucicaoue o!e oîa e 8 ouldtiorae eamed nul 8hh- siigbteat loaht lQiyWcdge tof Vaîkegan ta Waukesha b>' the local authorttles fermer. O-ui wuru troi tise generaI offices of bt uci'ara got the $600, thse attorneys tiat death bal resuited from organic (uit tif $3,04 IC on the fake Iln the ho that tbis mn> ayb fice e moefte 401lt Iappoint"ei netingagent. araopen ut as vas expectel. aancewitlathis fart wam returnel. (Cotinuai on page tvoj <Continudo a getu.) rtha n M#* IN I.)EPENDENT. f t t IL le a e t

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