Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jan 1915, p. 16

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Omo, - ~ . -- .-- -s~ ~esa. 0f~pçIUo 44,skeQoutY ut t he DeSnib& W~ iwmwe udlu teatimony wheWof, 1 have'iere- ~&.J«O C idre 1. -Bd-lnto set my baud and affiethet seul sumsat fe làuII- of sidCou>rt, atmy oflln Wau. and uouceaaed of Vride «xPer- kegan, ln sald County,*uJils 241h day and excellent abliltYLMd l8 Of of December, A. D. 1#14. Sdoeeded)y judlecious temperSlnt. LIW A. HYNDEE, ?HIIRMFO1hE, Be t Recolved. lty Clerk. tt* bord of Supervicors of Lake (SEAL) tbSnt,. that the hearty endorcemut t Oie Board colectiveiy and ls me-A E F bers iudlvlduuiiy. be acorffliClaire ÀO DF RMER C. Ulvurd for the position of Circuit j~u«e lu the Seventeenth Judiclal Dis- '~ l t$e 4 actc the Lake County candidate. 1IJNISTER DIES IN Suevsr(osa ueved thai. the resolutlon be adopted. Motion carried. ZINU DERV L Supervîsor Gogo moved to adjonirn D NU RV LV Une~lt1:30 P.m.-- . 0tion earrled.- 'Grandpa' Cummings, Unat- 1:30 P. M. Board called to order by tended hy Doctor, SUCCUMbs* Chairman. I 8uiervisor Brooks moved that the to Two Weeks' lllness. Couuty Clerk be autborlzed te, Issue warrants on the Couty Treaurer to, "OPrandpa" Cummings, one of the L lhe several climants for the several bille allowed ai Ibis meeting. oldest members of the Volîva church Motion carrted. dled at'Bethel home. Zion City Mon. Supervisor King moved liat the bill day' nlght. i-is deatb was due tu adt- of Irving F. Avery ha allowed foreda nprssonteui $305.83. vne g u esn uteoi Supervsor Eer moed as aýide of the Voliva chureh naturally autmiumeut that thebblîl be laid over Bay' t was haq;tened by the tact liaI wiaUl the Marcb nmeeting. ' Aye Suad the aged man kad no 'nedical atten. 2(uy vote.belng called for Supeèrvaor tion. misers motion was iôtu-y the. follow- Former Baptist Parson. lut vote. Those votlug Aye areBnp- ervIsors Brooks. Eger, fitrutton 01 Il la stated lu Zion that Ctimlns Those votiug No are Supervîsors îolniug Volva's chur-h. lti.,wlîb fflrstow, Bdngs. Clark, Conrad, r. bigl aged wite, lived at Biethel home Flcýe. Gos.. Holdrldge, King. Kirsch-fo melmh-ngpw eusn allr, Niaether, Meyer of Freinntm oru oel.e ain e m so Mleyer of Waukegan, McCuiougb, which lu gel along. Wluals , elch Wkeauh, Wlte,. Wite Hec Cancer? L Wash We0. ofWakg ht.,It la reported that the aged wldow Voie reçurrink on lhe original o- as la ln a hr.d way, havlng cancer * tou the samne waz carried. 1 wllth whlch she. bas. heen affllcted for Supervisor Welcb of Wlauegan ,Om, lime'. he. h'{e -ber busband. moved tbat lu the future il be lie -peley f Iis oar no luallw d- leing ardent followers o! the Voliva 7 of lisBordchurch. bas Persisîently refuseit med- .Supervisor Clark moved as an test aid and Iherefore l la stated that usmadment that IbIs Board go on ce.-ace will not or eannkîaft long. effd us aupportjus the ftate'. At-_____ tneuàe I very partlcular. Aye sud Nay vote lheng called for Duîîy Titoughi. Supervisor Clark's motion ,al car- Take note of lhe bour ore it slips "M bye th le followlag vole. Tho paIt; o seidom doeu the moment voillg Aye are Supervisors Balretow. coule whlch ta trulY fateful and great. -Bu%,Clark, Ferry, GO- , lodrldge. , _ lr 911ciKirochuer, Kheiher. Neyer &<r? ler Fr«Imt eyer of Waukeau. Me- Rockenaeà4 Silmons, Walsh,.01710, A J4 ? E volsNe are Supervisors E STATE TPAKBFBBS ~5.Stratta. of Labo Villa, Wolch SW*ke&-4. 18#6Co0.Titi. là Trm 00C. *nib aUIeV.ritcCIIou5I. CImrman tbeO Cuftte tewbom certain Skt,5etu Of -tsi. Twi e a"me cf lb.elf t e iio&ld*MWe hoelUI Me-lec Temple Bide. Phmee ,ef* lere ibmitted th follow- leet I3 lale Colty. se. et noeber Terni. Win. Kimas aud wl!e tu S. F. Rak- tk. ~~blebeat cf uPerI s lot 3, block Il, Washburu WW the CoWMattee 10 via. ver. SPriiigB, W&ukegl..W. 1). $2,400. cer"taIn hUisfroU the. JamUsi. Rcoh to Katherine Murphy, beUcer hoUalfal munnli"u alots 1 and 2, block "B', Powell'@ dlvi. 5.sOU beg le 0report liat we clou,' Druce Lake. W. D. $1. dieegued tblé ile etirly J. C. Walker tu L. F. Itrygle u IDORWYI viii Orne exception. and vife. 20&cures lu N. E.'corner cection Pieau e aied iaauld have heen 7, Wukegan township. W. D. $3.000. over to tie Comiy Physcieln br ot doue s.e_________ '"* 'we recomuenili tai a shah of oue li'adred dollars be tLd tle 35w. MeAliter bsi f*1. tkereby cioeing for alil dîne A ii Travel Pister bs liuai c be pff'eeued for cee- tieltu priortla Uit. date. i Respectfully cublmtled, 0. T. MicCulough. iH. W. Ferry. Wùs . tSftrallon. fShervisor We)ci of Waukfçau In*ved liaI Ithe report b, accepted "di udopted. )atIop carrled. 81pervlsor Goec movsd liaI the ,j MCAIs»ter Hoastal Association botified that lu the future Ibis wIeIIyu refuse t- sallow anv buis èrptenta eho are unable to puy, Unt 1k onPhYlcian le not uolified C a f r t i u orty-elgt bours af er they *lltoe the hocpital. Motion carrte. The glorlous wlnter play- lprvlaor lug nioved tliet lie ground. The land of outdoor ~lDeComlte h. auliorlaed and Il!. wlth unsurpasecd naturel « euto-1 make the ueceeeary sl,- adventagel.nececeary for god luaetu 10 borrow sumleut mon- hcalth, enicyment and, comfort 1autilpatlon ofth lax levy for and with the wonderful epool. 114 10 pay bUils allowed ai Ibis meel- tilone ai both San FranciccO and lut. San lego aflorde 1h. trip of a Motion carried. tifetime. Supervisor Wèekh o! Wau'iegau Movsd liat the malter of lb. pur. Fou dhue. o! a Merchaut Calcultiug %ta Fou sFst DalIy Tries rhtne be lefI vllh tie Purnbaslng 0011mintlee wlh power tu ccl.. OVERLAND LIMITEO0 Motion car,'led. - (extra tare) tffprvisor White moved thal the BAN FRANCISCO LIMITEO bOe grauted 10 Charles Cr-ý tb LOB ANGELES LIMITED »Zl Malt liquor lu West Deerfield i. CALIFORNIA MAIL teit>ked for th reaaon thal lhe ho-ý lt=of ilUs place 0f business lq wilh- Moden. equlpmnent-unequal. th Ivo rmles of an iucorporated City. il d dining car service-every Mg thaI h. b. uotihied ofthIis action travel comfort. 4ta ia lilceuse lie returued to Î" carried. Low Fores ý9iPevlsor %foyer moved lu adjouru 101111«tot cal0f the Cbairmau. Cholce Of routes. favoable »0ano carried. I copoverO and liberal retur LEW A. HENDEE, limite. Cierk. *For descriptive bookieta and lu. J1l 'Oe 0fillots, Lake Couuty. as. formalion apply to, ticket &,anetsa [-W A. Hendse. CountY Clark i.* ansd keeper 0f tbe records p ceIthereof, dO'o hreby certlty W e en' . t se u 1ehoa true. perfect sud o 1Eeirnlrpt o! lie proceedingc IDo± Of Buplervicoru of sMid wam up &a.isau u. Ustàs, e ndi For 4MO, N e a Douar, Now pnfor ,3.509, aefM Shee akgamII Ch us qw 2nf qui WC 1 L==r Extra seitqd ONIE GREAT Lèt PFur Neck£ècs Tirg Trimph btW Nowla rres Extr a Special 1.50 GlnOgl iessem for i4ouse -90 Wmar Now ................. fou *<i. ..bueh f.trtnecs ad ch«ei *y-av/igEve nts la Ilachbd'.br ra ventor Sud Hlundreds of womem too k advantage ýof -ibis .opportunity today, and there wili -be Coats formerly pricedc.08. to $,8, nowU Arabian Lamb and Piush Coats. formnerly pricdft.95 to $25, now ..... EXTRA 5PÇGAI THE PRE-Uf 1.50 and2.?Ob Br- WOOL.'DRE' cerlzed Pot; to sio.oo, Is ticoats, be o 59w New lustrie Sata Posltfvely the gre that vears btter atre splandid styli than silk, accordeon Regular 8.98 wc plitaed ruffle, coloris black, two shgdoe of fl»t4 ow.... green, pina8*< nv Regular $10, 12.5 Extra OP.. WAISTS Neyer before lave such prices been known. Regtar $4 Crepe de chine *ains, lin e- e syles, id IRht shades - and dark col- M ose e -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - Nemews Unien Suits Medu in e ak"i ee«e, higb neck, 1.00 gannet, sale )m ..................... mooeem's WooI Union Suit$ One lt,6 DpU sality Unon Suits, lapsysudwcit 00, '2.25 aM i2-50 gmnî,sle " c m hIlrens fleceti lietiveufs andipot ~ ale pie................... i sue.'.s WooI Home, fast black 25C fonte Cashmere Home, black and i ae, 5c quality,sle pice............... 4 blidr@nus Heavy Rlbbed Mome, 5c ulity Dow ......................i suie's Y"t and Posta, in whie c bb&lm m à,i........M I. -~-.---- p2 ChilIdren's Winter Coats are Now' Marked Below Wholesale Cost You've neyer before sten such splendid warm coats at these iftti. prices. Regular 3.00 Coata. . LDD Reguiar 4.98 Coats... 2.05 Regular 6.98 Coats. ... .S Rubberized Capés for ciren, 3:00 value, now ...... .9 Jujet Rmesy 200 Chidrell's BUS- top IronDeessem, Good 75o Val- mes,, Sale P ose........ Dalnty Ifttie dreseo f Linene," ipick, bl'ue, tan, brown, si=es(ronm 2 to 6 years. Ail arttln the. very new Norfrilk utyles, and are prettlly trmumd. A wondeul argain Rk at the pre-inventory price ...... Woe _lsm, a_àa_ a L _ MIMS Un O un lt os, Ileece finepwhite,48 ies 12, 14-, 16, 75c value, sale 'rice ..48 Haiidkerchlefs, matie of muslin anti daintily 2c trimmeti each,...................... Meli. Pettlceats, deep embroidery Flapmluti Petticoa¶m. extra full cut in, stulpet i isigssale p S......... 7c Flannelite Gowns, blue anti plik tri on white, neady.trimeti sle price..... 5 ChIdrn'a Sweaters, oe lotin unsizses à48c gooti 75e anti 98c value, uow ..........§W Un«Suits, fleeced lkact .O ..... .......17c. buits Worth to , , "lUU Suits regularly jl6 priced $25, now Suits formerly j15 27.50 & $30, now 13,6 ýN 86' EXIR1 SnCIAL ed Full L#nqfli 100 been offreti, aHl r,%O a-a1 U Qwn i ail imS 200 cplendid tluckling fornir-,95 fleecè Kîcoons,linght 12.00, en7 sd dark colorc, rem sold 7o98 niai 1.00 kiud; nov 19 Think of buying an AlI- Wooi In this sale' there às 175, regular 2.98 and 3.98 Skirts inewest stylet,, prlced for a quick idf clearance...... ~ Other regular 5.00 a4l wocl serge skirts, now 2448 $8.00 and S$10 skirts, in the yoke effects. with the new pointed i fare bottom, ail the latest materials, two great lotà, 3 mM and s - s s sDfflftuz -op Imm AUl size, but'mostly dark colora Pre-Inventory sale price .......4b Sweaters for Irays asud' in IAUwwie and red, vaàety o! styles, 1.50 andi 2.00 mu values............. .... BOY'$ Overcoats, gray; black, and - brown ..................... BOY$ Sui$, 014 lot 9pIS 8sui ' Isrpam mâxtures, formérlp irIed up t. .oA C Aîîslzs, now.................. Muslilo Gewim, lip oeer style and buu9 front styles, 359ç quallty .... Boys Fecd muSit, agSy, *sis 32 and 34, 7U qulfty(,sale psice .W Glrl' Wight Oownim, ailszeg,.49e and 69c qualty............. 'J n I 'c,. wýHundredttOÀS More Corne Tomorr>w Because the newvs that ein's is sacrificing ait winter merchiandise regardiless of cost or former selling p1 es, wili travel round Waukegan and vicinity like wildfire. The OfàfUridtge lomorrow MVorit >7Our Immediate Attengion I Every Winter Coat Ncit a -Suit wiIU Be .Must be.I SoId at Carried Oer t, Beo ~tPices - These Aazintg rlces Coas orery picd 98Suits'worth to $10, 19 &Oats formnerly priced .98 ~5ou~ to 7.50,. - - -o NVEfNTORY PRICE 01 ESSES, formerly price . . . . . . .. . . . . . 'cateat bargairi that has ever E ls, and the new colora are shc "001' Si kdresses, .... 485 [y 'priced to .5%, 9 SIkdresses, no -9 from$15 up, P!4lAr 100 white Lingerie Dr dad, regularly priced to $10,si .4 Niw walststm lat Ssil at1.50 t and 2.00 are ln this Sale R- et................. Daintydeigns of lingerie vaists, advc, apdng and'summer styles, aillzsdm 1. up to 46, nov ............... =7 k- . 1 - i

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