L'A E ou4TY ,P'RITY, JANUARY 29, 1915. Edtdby P.J. DRUO9, Phono Il Orders Teken foe Job W<wk- d4wisvftlsgr«as on appicantion.-i spetatori and the meinlers 0t the Orayalake basket bal team hbad aeuttle Y&rWey lu tbqlr amusement fot @&fur- day afflât cLeu thé former witemed' the latter go down iu detest t the banesof>1a husky Letafm aRichmond. thi e mecam a faut and bard fougt 6à"tI front the time the tiret wbletle sopuded outil the Ist tolled out the deatb kullonithelogale. The ilesore reSlted ta 24 for Richmond and 18 fr ermyolae. This la the tiret game we harsetlut this jear and IL mure w.. no dlscredit. Net aturday we pIS! Elgin and f ,oueuJoy selua a good fait boW ake algaieelie t the Opera Houe@ ÏImat igt. T ý. P. Waeb le &gaiu &bout alter beiug lad up wth rboumatism for tbhe hast two wteke. Bey. C. A. Mdiller trausacted business iu Chicago Monda. Qut. a uumber fron> bore are c'on- teiuplatlug atteudinge omre taleti p" t lRound Lake uext Saturday ulght. The. pis>' la foîr the beeit of the Union chureb. Amble Moore @peutoverel de>s lait wook citb f rieude in Chicago. Tb* pupil- of the Leora P'ce:Miller oehool wiligivo a publie retital t the Céougeational cburcb ,n',xt Frida>' oerming. Admission ire.. tuahl. 'Save your :hiens troin>dvîng wtb the Houp cold by usug L.o-'s (l.ernexane a positive cure and preveutive, At tbe Rei Store. Drue.. Lrug Co. 1%e coudoing tac tory lied the. lid look to break Ilîre. large i'afiniiioant Friday w eh d .'a>ed tlin-m %w îh ti-r work soin..,bat. lire. Thomns eslnbeu lias t,.'i î, -îy @" wtcth lagrIppe the lisAt lweet Mire. 0. ' . irrou lent the.. ait-eiiîl vis.lgiug fier sun liarry anal leîuîly iu Chicago, MimseEditis Usrby epout iSaturday end Sunday et ber honte iu Wiimot, Wie. The Ladis' Guild wiii meet citb Nîrs. J. Sebloseer Wedueedy etteinoon, Feli. lird. Viators wekome, Mire. label Lyle of l'ouueylvauîa, is boe.vstiug ber dangbt..r.NMr. Ien Peierkort. About $0;M ca* padout for milk ai the udeuing factor>' the pat year. Jout recoved 54)f pounde pure Castile Boap wblcb ce are elling for 15c a pouud. Tb@. Resil Store. Druce Drug Co. Mia. lEmma Turner le egainbu loetlter a two reke nit at Beloit. INGLESIDE The Social Eucbre club le uow lu tli swing. Encire pasrti.e bol& Thur*da) every two ceoke. Wetrumtlugleaid.. wili bc. w4'l repre- seesed et the Firemen niesquerede dance as Foi Lake« Ui. Peter Jobnson wbu bas be..r1 qut III bai tuly reeovered. jeÏk traton bad the iialortune . lip on tbi c>' sdewaat e h omne last ceek. Mire. Freund of tingword, Ili., vieited beraster, M r. William Kiel. at eetî B. Kapiug seot Wednesday aud 'hreday les4t ceek in Chicago. lire. William Stratton le on the eîck flot. Aloo William, Jr,liait flot been Weil. The Fox Lake C ommercial Club elected ai tbelr officers: Mr. Evans, prsideut; Sm.h Bmêt.eretary; H. &ott, treasurer; Idr. Spicak, Hou, vice presideut. Vii hope for mauy good tliiuga for tbîe commiercial body ot men. -Lea Barneteble, wcli..drivîug hi@s ban acrose Fox Lake Finde>'atternoou, cae ver>' near losIig is lite dieu theiec gave way. Gluy Hook lied the saine experience. Boti mou dore alsisted out o theo water by Mir. Sorenson. GAGES LAKE OunI'rlday igbt. Jau. 29, tbe Ladie Aid wcl igive a Dutcb Supper at tbe eharcb. Everyoue conne eud bavea gond time. loci ladependent ad.-resd by 25,000 Now isthe TMme to fend Stock and Poulyry Food. W. carry Ilesses, International aui P,'usian-all reliable and gauran. t«u4. Now je the time to care for With eggs at such high prie. Yeu eanut offord not ta try a package cif oui' egg grower. We are giving 45à à dozen for'egge in trad of all Poulty foode. THE REXALL TORB Dem. Deu Ob. Gwsydah _.2ae /da IRNDAKINi 0F NEGIONOHONOR EI L. EED 6RABIU1 IOST hue11od1111r raeateSalurde>' f r"m i 5 und ca e e v ll several dtyevilit witb rlyaietinl D_-_______ ZON CELEBRATES l'Paris, lai. i tserJulie Rigard, BliSILVER PRIZE Chicago,- . ii _Le__ _______________loj fIl) asacig s ur i Barry Osear out lraysialeetcnt tihrse u..but ii.9711 BITIID Y flt.bias recelved tlie IN AC IC (O F E tiret ofthte week wîtlî Mr. nbd !,ls H.lILi.iLoed iede nrrf î 11011,,iO r for lier valor un I À'CerQ FR E.Mn. i W'ILMIA.X A.. ROSINO bi OCnl t e ' rumsinsrIg 'ie; i. Si ,îu u lavlaeta te Crepnet - Aet îfas rîdav etfteroori il.- iîîîd 1lic Laavilageke Miss Ktt>' urubyîe spndiugtie Crreepnd~nt - Aget les b ! esplte Her Advanced p.ge She îîîriîing an.di rdfood for won drLaeCountyMnSsan woek cîIll triend@ lu Cicago. PHIONE 22W soin..l>.rrowed lide..e ad iii a' e in the Best of Health ed lîlers wni î'. isIate I inderi Imrparable Loss When Firte Mies Nottie Murray otfIChicago îliits.d i________________ Party ecr,,so the ]eke ua n . nlo flm -Is Very Active. attr Guts Big Store. - relatives betre Selurdey. ______Iway bolne, in Comupany withGuy tli*ut Born to Dr. end tirs Colot, eaou, oun L tPo usoteblo ]mot e valuelile teaiin &îren Sorenmou, w di e l~y lrove moi, ziol. l, iv, 111-hin 3,11lic li'greot L IDR NVTE Tire originating i lithe hautement< tiaturda>'. of hortes et L.ong Lake lait lFrdey. Tu-solies hm tee, . len liorisg, iigli andlI poeaîaaliiitb> lc- C HILDRENl betw sorClOtdiTaliii prttier cl iiai, - Illichotaendplace, le-emnytllS lttttte twetsr.ry Ir.iiî,ài ntliap Meuni .J.urse day fom Wuklier ineg te wt okadBru. e el notewtr Srinhl.Suîîday ]îternoOn ut Silloli tabernacle 14I$~ ' L I O iortiweltîi- orner of Wabel ani4u, 3le.M 1.l)ul.yen dugitr loorbis blied et jittiîisled illing a privae!'penied lujuîup on soi e i- wiîbtic tureWareet.('lilcag, Sui-' tirs. Harrison returzwd lest ceek ealle..bueacsrtruiga sdb~ej îald udtl. il.saa.'f eii liii'and hoSlir elil rumd i.~""' and buorned out sixtoeon business con, au extended vimit wihb'elative'iintihe c. bruite tirougb, tel-- hep bis ie.y torturiai.. .civiîîai.ing deacîîîheî s ls , hîrc imur nqureuid tfNAIII 'TiA TE enwt n esiaelbaso 'C" îliroube îlthaihîci.milcrhe -ter.inil'lie uéonrd ,a iisr at li-rn thewFouraniestlmatedelhurtof extudd ist ctireat1.st 9 iîo I i itîIieiltol. atr 'h.Lonr1ei,-ut'iuldtcfigure wut liuaitracla the etti-niiu t n or orlree oe utb Est. Mrui'cintW-iedyNO lie)pwisLeu-r and thie nibail e tuerrîag.. ot MissMai iie. l.,i ard I iutr iadnaVeli g ih eunî heeCîa oiflliig biclks and tîmbers aet the sport- ttsv. T. J. n.srrjw wt W-cnape f roindrowiîing.l'hicago Sfatixrdey mot oingi. gguaaî muiinsoe lu Clilcugo. îleha. s înon wd e it n u or mil. Mr@.IesHermen Witt al.i-iil a >ja>'itoday lilelirates ber iiiiîiî -.ex euh.i Courts Over a Farm Near ',uienek adAbie"'î43 CiagdeTI'rsttaiec. dlien'siiiSunday. Clicago receuly. htiri ialweis atracessoiaiuii'rll,- Deerfiel.Lake County. Wiaiaveu'ce. ('lii-ao Ibred>.Pliîl Flary cas aiîr et the iluty NMr. sud tIre.Frank Iliîî.î1îî usuil etio i lîi rcaiinl îuty-The ftrinen cere flandlicaîpedi Cyde Carr of Gary spert Seiîiriey and seat tiouday. Iudyon accouni of uc theîhte ribe- 'lie The luniiy eoliuirreriiy over fieIîî ui i b. od he rx tiuuda>' st bis béniue bor r u>'tol relve ar s and lcu iemrebauu.$ 20,000 esiate lefi iy thie lat e Henry 1tIlie saler as fest as fI ll.. They aise FI S lama'ebi as ceaacesae Joe Iitz ad e let.îMypr re by A maso meting for tIe isuîcussioîn u of because of lier extreuîle age.- Sue Sclnaut le the "lalk" of Shermer- workeoiitii uerIl of ballots train explo4' B. . Mima'e ig aibi-lerece alepreparing au ice trait ou tbe laits for'villgaffaire cili bpb..liîn te lb é -o-l a pbyslcal and spiitluel woiîder. ille snd t)certield. ln souîherttLakengarrîes i i am utl continuesuntil Baturday e e.nlug, jeu. tbe borse races bore Saturday. nl aOcuere'yad h arig oiunt stlebl bis Frlday e Ciîis oin. 1-er tactîlties are apparentiy Ineler eouty aid iin ttrhingcommuit>' tore 0.Bg crruads are letteuding Lti..gale of taitborseo ar" gel ing réady for Lie land bellp. and as trong as. in lier youllful duîy * roundt about.tieside.. ia somestin iasjtelre. aatdudrti ok deil>' sud taklug advantag. of theb..ilg ueet and lgood tiiarp alreedy enter- Th le Royal Negillore. tilI icr ibig Siie cen sew, Joult. crochet Lnd attenîd îuwîe llîliai. tiîrealciîeil ta a- Tetr tre h ok barlue elu o eed, Tin. i.1, sale ciii d d.lirotiiere.thie Wooidmeîî, tuii îi..aii olficers l a lier hloselîold dulies lu a maniiier îo's ie e urîher trieudi> relations b..- s.ll..r'esbuî uofChalres T. Powuer, postivl> clse an 80b. eodîi't e- The IForest l(34-11 l'î-,'arrirv rereivcd i i hem on Tuceday c% î-uîîîîg and aIliat may put manY womehi saat. iween Certainn mouliers ut the tamil>. 26 East Van Bunren street and the Na. ia xeiut or ur317,a42e..6- îî't-î Ilio. utmili in Dilci eolni vcigsetranier. Tiesîî.udd Site aensers cîuestions wih rcmark- uiec unlroversyliai. manitesled ltaeiftlionel Trîînk camlinys store. 28 Faut ventR..uf he ig rducion. li-I ' eVDiDts flt,-tîiiiîîsut et.inile~El roceedlnga ii liro. courts ot Van Buron streot. vatg ftebgrdcin. 1 thi..largest prodei of utinlît d@n0yýBaidsthe isallation thoe abe facility. rememulirs dates and 'Cook couiity-- circuit. superlor snd piro- erdu taeplara Chcg Tii..Tom Tbumb vcedding aetthLe vil- juin Hart. Lusk Brie - eand Rey 'e adie unee inî-l~ii'Hus-ll.ayl îaîîrta u soll-lie leg bil ueda> eeulire a o.. oc. tlîeper's Orchostra," aim-s. evtrai vocal ig. Sue lias made tliree beeiltili Hciiry Scrixadt dled a tew ycars ega. tle big silver trapliy cbicb Rd Gra- fie mueit intereeoting seen here lu eare. TiejIîld folk@ deîil-e'ait Round Lt eerlib>'talents-il ri,-iîu- Thomn quixts reccctli'tme ot clilcitwereileaî ing a 95-ucre tarintwa mles north hem ut l.ong Lake, teileCaunt>'won Little e iret Repi ces Tom 'rhumb eaosi of ShermerxîIle. s residcnice o'- in e national mismo'acompetitlion, aud1111. (ia ile ca tr.,Tiumb ,pera bouse cas wel attended. carne thi..banquet., r bcltAIC tîe.- xhilted eatthle exhibitlion lield al erix ii Slîrmieri-ille. and $3,000 In e The &flair cas a complet.. imitation o .Gai ead a ietivlev.su asn h ol- iofeemwr JoiCt.He oullateîcur f t dn(tnoe h otrvryl soeetywedinga bdosriil>'enîood. Tueeday.ibtlidby thie Royal N'iglîiors Neigil- ,eetncs,.The cdean wbite cellefrst- rier the tarin and hie $3,000. hdi hrfrsotg n xtto itol ietiîe lilll ii ur -Mary [Ongles ti.-igîuî-.rtailig oiirer diniuilli pictures neati>' traired, and cMsCalteShat h iop-tne.Te etwierpeat Ti.. bour.. rai'...on tiiitle Tliuroda>' ol ifet ian$004Ill -ars kls tii. flic uesale cn..r of bothi u res Thfdolss. tlii.Graham, n cere mon b>' large îrîîcds. Tbres-rac-es ic-ss auan iîi;r.ced toronî iuAvt>on r and Neigiber Ida tulr er îu'oiouiui Ii - air nd tabes covered witli ticftria and lhe moue>'. 5h..Io reaid.r-atng inudeeot e dosta Oran-l c,'re P~,i..~i ~tirant tocnslilîî hii.'s- re0 merslili-Oracle, Fl l'a il î-Ni. eatisanîpîe ut ier ancole wurk. arc iîîg ou Ili Sherînerville property. BbSeatrtaml.osadiou f e-o weeplidIfýOale aliPt-r hn, al. orMlu i iviîi119alld pleasent ta flic oye. llias iliree sous and on.. daugbter. O-a hwtaia cenet hai t irlepre- ______CiReclardert'onnv liWald:'uButt 111.4 lrao-le.IletePttmalles son.,ICharles Seînadtt.10 years id, bas sented. _______ Cîlli Recrder Melil Waîl lt'ceer. ut ilere une îiin flit uîa<c>.aidî' euhbis uois e agenet Io ah- _______________ r ___ lue..Meura; lusde meil. Sarah WADWORH. nezMau8r;lusde ci ranidia' King uniqe above lier age le, auna. Henry and Fred Scbnadt, and lui1on. rDr.biTaa boglittue1arin Speclatln leriteasct thoq«.e ah Mr.itablitigs last Tue@day eveiiîg J ATiia:nleft Niuuuay for Springfield iA ceddîug O ore i..ifaîrîaue. tlit .sic liai.ad a visian outhtj o 600adpt li I esnie. thecpr osld riels lathOavore duces aglu-e urItîrhie.leneltît ut St. hler.. lis' cent ae e d.eeate ot,, eLake Villa> peuple tiiot iIla(iia o'iat and L is iîul ias0sofi-r- Shc claiosahtlihligave If ta ber otit-tePosatEgnalvefordy Patriele hehn-narlieu con-v-,uentioin bs-id tiis cai-t fat Setirdey ruorniîîg aI 0îo,,-î i,. t aed lier liiîîg.anîd the-betief whii i rIgh. caîîaing the de ed ta ho niade dîr. Cicaga ould have on Wautegass < ll i ,-e c. ,-,iliitcgiiu'n I. mies Bellei i-l sîcIall ii n atic St Naitis ehurefi, u-t MNlî%!luii ll a ils ngfeLodcieaai. ii- P1 et ' o lierdleny nl cea d m.Pvednto equ t eneaico ed aael tat $ 1 1.I le,uaiiî li-arn.. lii- bri,- l..1-Eîsi,-ir 1-svo lear tlint >ou eîîuîld airnost Iint u lav eieHnr>'Iludfred gien Ms.a rldanite erlco e ua. lwit 1Stiirday and flnude,. iliîicaî.u 'a ccilemîalydib.ler ln trust for fcthemiyThe $3000'1 7 of 5322 l'ri-elii:iAve. - lo-îîgýoit t ~-odetproal ith theriaîviîk deposit was kept Jolui t u Mr could et onçe bave the effoec of kill.. Mir. 4i-uriver cea a* î,sla ai h i.al-ler hiî% aritn i-ouisattailîCli i ieitsu'ull r'su' u i iîidal-iiîle ua \'euarpotrclldt iîcut-uChrisrt cuaîlsnee.Se,î 81u hs t>s1oualt'a aGou One' deyai' ,.i.. buuhw îin Cicago Moule'. erecoîny waaspert.iriuu -.i i tier h uraday lier face leauncul liete(]au. ne. -ains R as lier owu, Henr>'Green. This cas the effect the pas- MIî'...1,, ii .Mu-ilure uf t lle, epelit hA ligb load frulifilule iem>iiiiitieid Preeluat>'. Mies Katîbri i, l.uuaruî ee.t- the irurilng ,;uî as ah(,' bld the story IFe u n.(lv> a eto-sg tteRgnc a a . mi"-Mie ju.oglli f Cicgo, l te ' fharles i. said l tbe hnasha. Bo n loi îr'i.ea el iir, jIlii21.f, MusAieJue.î»u>au, thes-hliia iu.e tles. outMorizai. Park, wag Idlits 19 years ega and e$eolied teted utbis muuier TIi..culier thibres off- Thon.ere - may people iWhIco. LNý uofN A. il îieelaiiiand the the week-end îtti lIr liereuls. Mr. andigruiomsiieui. The tride'sguuutuwas ut ail ihet day. audidlîîîcflic toluuthuglIsprlngtif tir.aeîd Mrs. Scinadt declare sin cho for varlous reuon. do Dot ollicesreiîstelle' w"ro- lOracle Barbastirs. George Jemipsuin. white Ciuede Chite adenu a.. -rriesl morning, about daybrcak. Isheac Ilie Il l r intention ta cilial tbe trop-carte ta corne under the provIann, of tlietuicci%'. Oracle, Fint leye>dcker. Tii' tco tltv', ci th.. ,unday' c-boolbindes ruses Ahler a sdont weddiug L.ord culer lier raom sud stand aethle Poslusier of omcon ftharlm. ivbtingnmealria aIe. i cues Who P. Oiracle, Emnma Liix.f'haucoluor, Belen gave e hart>' et the' borne î.t Mise hera! tril) tu, Ltgespirt, IndieansIlet nili fot of tlerled.it ocas a rernarkable in one outhtictwo bousseson the land. nme tiar'u ope i Clera; ltecorder, Minnîs' A. Lux; Ieeit-er, and Italpl Miller Finde>' evstilng. P b..i ieet LboneIo tf eir lrieuds et 1.31 viaion whiliîabe sec, sud ta this de>' Fîcd teeses e toc acres and tie otior nmade the journe>' ta tht. iyt>' tIi. Eliza M Straiii; Marhall, Ediia V. Lui; gresi-e garniesoe îyd.Fs1 A-'Tb ia ksclitonItflias impresscd lier to suri. an ex- bouse. wbcre hlie aireso. Hent-y t-. crease inateriall>'during the gM i I ent ol. erth Lux O Siitlei. ht' illîurD adie Aidsuç-e'h. boire beting tuiee lde dauglîter dit tir. agiatout tIliacmiglit b..said taecaliides lu Scberinervllle. errain tieum rcflepê Mstres L.eitaerd aud exefit for Ili..cti tue Chirst dai>Y. As sliîogezed ITccntaee'over ttr im Te. îcued ne that il comparase tarabl tieud.. Clark; Mnisager, Mary Bariltt. îuîd thier treuiller .nitbl> meeting tIsJu sultcd lu a suit luthbe smporter court. lit tisdueîluncas o e.rved ci'ica ird-, c .e teirbi bs uvntarrtwu lies liveil ler lite lier..,on the figure ofthtle Son of God. chicli Antber suif lu tbc circuit court lîl citialother Gretna Greens. ejuyed taothe uttuoet. uvill bo sebry d b>'. J. heh. Di ner 1dj Ny. ixtend Contgrtulations iii tii.. lpp>' sf00,1by tic lied and iookcd docu sotcie aonership of the ltauk de. The state of Indien& baun no gus.n Miss Ehel Dotnieyr spotIletJda>H.IRouVtier Buaercouple. ulminlier citi compassion, He srnlied prasit. I lu of these actions Charles icilolansd the couaty Iselat t a tinberelBeblworo ePon beautîfMi» ivid Rtier.and Henry Scbnadt and Mrs. Clave>'hvyldcC akgnl h ~ aud ger ent abaulutwie dtendman sadtermte aetre IhWu« ntew adSunda>' citihieihonuste ol sMire. J. H. Itonner sud ies Mabol i CARE.sd Bis lierd cas tioclng aroe aticcmllateedIeru ote f dl.s><>ih of uatrisgo, lkml Mrs. Won. Stioie .i.uotî as bf ug Buner ranseted tuiiuess lu ChicaigojINCORRIGIBLE, I chRE IartNc.Iteiglau-eaod a* qlut.. seri.uuxil fIIITbuus-day. i"Grandina" King fiiirelating the Ilu APPearauce u of of and mouth dis- Etngouiez lac Propcued hI the tt Ir A ver>' plceanîr Part>' cas held atZion Boy Who Was Chainedcitlent uays: 'I saHlm aopa n eenlua ubord ut daîr>' cattle noar enounci ufChieago it woul momas tu Insurance Supt. R. M. Potts of tIh' borne ul Ir eîd Nre. Tbîîmeeo Kidd1 Lke Dangerous Felon, Ta- 1 sec yau Ito fie reporter)i eac ies Barrington. III.. today cndangered thie number ut marrlagéenrs..g W the State Makes Many Sen- bthti..youug peul..Saturdaye>'s'.iiig. ken to St. Chares. iauds. aud iven tic naile on BIs ring- $250.000) carti ot blooded stock ocai' oued bers could ta aiofta u m]Co stoa Chre. Atati>' pul and gamnes uer.. tieturger 0f (ra - swHie face sud He smlled jcdlbIl ceal>' Chicago stock raleere. axtent for thon tRere coul bll.Uil ________- WiliamPcrr, a 4 yor oi / n sd pullcd Hie germentslde as mucli IInjunchion prociedînge in Kane c 1n idumet for 'Wisconsin euplois te Illnoi Sat. Reluer t Srlgllld Mrs3. Aes Hughes sud laIs. lef t tbelCity boy, cas taben te tic St. Char- s taisay, 'do nat toucl ime,' tboeu naty wcilchprevent tihe laughter orlu cin_ .. bt-.The>'icoulti elthel un. al:The report et Insurance Su- parents et Irliana, 1I ls eoltoay 1>'Sherif Griffin sudmoetBevusd.Ite î.tmyttdhrd.icecdte arlitegot pvson 0fb.ac t liait it- holli itie tecaeets ber leshsrhsenjboid and got docu au my kbuccanad the diseese dli spread ta tRie thor- titioiiletI tetoor couold do auslth -perintendent Rutus M. Patte ta (loy- M ris. BerthatLaison ismsltulg bluneisetloual evildcnce Ilefcame out et tic prayed. i cas saar vcrjaycd ilet oîgbbrcd lierds. Stops ta hait the couples lu uther nearby stata m enorrEdcard F. i)unne onthie lavent- toks lu Librtys iII..vcîit>.lieli eetrt raîuâ1ucuyaskcd Jcsus to tate me borne. 1î as- spreed ot contagion cero undertaken'probabi>' do-go ta conlettainthe kgation 0f lire Insourance conditions cort n chrgeofbelg dli lu t. a lospitel ah San Francisco and I! today liy George E.\'an Hagou. pirest- statle otIndiana. sud rates lunlIllnois, exprossed mîldi>' Ah thet hume it %vus shocu that f or dhd nul cent 10 go liack ta Oakland ta dent of lie Standard Forglngs Coin- Ttflesceeu reedîl> that the effect OU le e startflng expose. 'The tacts as L A SIN W Eseveral days eliitdlied a 10-potunfd 1live. But aviice came to une sud Party; B. Stilîson Hart. PresýIdeat oaIllinuois couplet cia destred ta e eet flic report lic a rev-~~feetin rde ani led gh tu a d' aea oe auitCrCma>' n ane ol oqi.miei LITAI o ttstltheirverageatblueinegstflot.tea1e ent.' Fron Ibat tîme un 1 gr e ccr 011.,of tlie Spéucer Otis Coin- iac might have th.' affict of derrt- T h frntyard ut bis bone19 Supertutendent Puits, lu hilg report TOTAL $44E.,103 The clut could acarcel>' credit lula e. heSetlouri, voire utas . ansTe sr cti augcbmlg ho nuinher ut marrlages for thet-l ta tb..governor. goes extensively inta uiarlng wieu e colnan cia actcd asi correct. 50 ditict sud ase dean as a lhcdisese cas rouadtare vaiued et PrObably could ho inu>' h. cou I Ib ieIsrncbsnsaeyig Buieso i eudraale.trhousekooper ton ticelio>"s father lesti- bell. He appeared ho ne tchce,." $4.000. At s couterence Vau Hagen,. not failel ahI 0psy lhe $10 .neddeak the business Irain>every angle. TheledtttueldIcnRiou>c>'ui uccupie 35,000- lb..he etendlng Januar>' 23. 1915: chiclithIe lad could lirestrained. Sli 15adtesleltedu tM .. u 111cu1ntIk os reort ocplsnearly 3,00cordeliedsldlico a incorrigible and lgot fart's rais ~ Iodc.. dta guaranteeat. he C r ouit>'Pbgcl.îlaa -andsalir fer j t sprbbî'lb.mutanllle ad Nber uftraI 1 mb6. itail biuds of miclilet. To provent LJfI.JJILIJYTlEN del r3mau effectcdl compensation fer charlty. Tt mac proadich mn nayal adevorroftous Ilascc ald. site sud the boys tatieri bs cetîle If lie watld permît their lin- Waukegan peoi esitrliaat j oui rnuac eprtn ssicdb>- Total nunier ot Instruments ile.d. couceived tue ideu, ot eccurng tliehall H I E AIII idiate sisuglter and burial. TRie er, people ail over the 9U-,3 croIbabl I ~luuracedeartnet.80. jand Clinlu hîelu cua ,attaclied to one HE is LPII iU potstindG Je ed olnt'cIRcthct nara b eetp Thie charges made by Supcrnteud- Total amotint out ines, $4410355. lceg of tic boy.prostn at lemdtufmt.WITwthwtItratheeeo, llent Potte calmant go b>' înnatlced. Bens liiîc rtirque u- Judge Persouis reiiinded thie.bouse- A L aî U V K de>' sud fif Isbelueved lo ie lîl gre... me t n hie minat B; e Insistse atthîe tire lusurancecom- Bsns a[be a rque u-Iectier filait tIc iayrouthtRe dark ages ÀS U HC N E O ing the cccl..tRe folloclng tariro deals ls pact sud thbcl e are other way ____ rpanles lu Illinuois have tormeou "com- lieing the ouI>' one of Interesl, tic of restrainlur ehildren. Be selid lie a bines" hroughi cllitie>' iaîntaîn ea sale of 146 acres lu section 93 , Cube cauld continue uIclecas.. untîl Jeu. 16., oxLae "a ips icng suooy olc xotint iea onhp b ila .Briga d daddcd that lie did net wcent tauRiar 1FX aeIsS cene of aSad tinstes Gir.. fue permlio>,oletenoet e rm-tculip >'Wlla S unl ntoftheRuchbol and chila eîug uced agaîn. Tragedy, the Frst of Season lume.permi merkdidscriminaiotln jwîîe o tr Ina J. Conrad for $10,000i; Ou Jen. 16 tie loiyn-as arelgn ed again CfigW sud enfonce oppressive business me- aiso thec cale ot 70 acres In Lie norti- a nd frontî flue te. imouuy the court le-; un Ice utn Wok tiode. neat quarter ot section 27, Grant tawm- t-smo coru-inîcîl f liai periape tIc St. le Te rpor stlle flet tre onnr- hip frm Wilia P.GorineandCharles scbool iusa the iest place for fohît Carguer, a laiorer abuut 30 T S.PIw lanc.. raies lu Illnois are bighuer rates c-ice ta Andnctv A. and Amande . _film._______years old, sîîsaaiud injouries et hbc Hardware, Stoves lt lu adjacent sietes. notistandiug Nelson ton $6.435; 84%. acres inthie, Mrs. Mabel Boggess of Wau- 1 Mori'.ou tce bouse. Fox Lake Frida>'adTiw r fi tc fatllîos assoc tvnjurthliest quarter of section 1, HEano i t rulue o'clocb clie sutan Tiwr arable tire baes. Accusation la made twsipta unL eieet kegan filed Her Bill for a edli u dal atri1i- eut tiet lnsurance companles do not dread sud cite ta Leon L. Bcbblcvcite for Divorce in Court. iabout 4 aclIocb. Pumî,n, Meting, 'Tinans tirnos but Chir business la more prof- a nominal cousideration; 61 acres Iu i Carguer lit ed ecu rklug et lice Paits, Oillî, Var"«he fitable chouthe ires are lammerons. couticeet quarter ot section 9, IFar- Tbougi ber attorneys Bevîlez ier ce biouse for corne days. bclpiug gel Glss, Putt s The relief tor the conditions tiat ren tocnsbip, troin Peter Johnson and sud Heydecker, Mrs. Mabil Barea, 'uptce for tic cînter. He had been- exit. ccrdig C M. Ptte l pa- ite ta Fred Bloin for $1.600; 80 utf Weukegan hi v iled e it' for iii- sent ta repeir a chaun on tic tce con- asible b>'thie establiihing a e>'tem Of, acres li outbeast quarter of section iaots alaganet er linsiand, AIIîir j veyor and ut cas chieeRie cas flous stale lire lusuranco. B>' Cils systein 22, Grant township, trout Math Weber! Boggess, a former resident or W'aukie- engaged fiat lie man lu c-lirge of thie Phone 1i Ttla Istated tRa tRierates con be ut Burton, McHenny caunyt>' OWil- 1 gan but chou:îî3 iluaans...... i. .machine, tarted taiti. Carguer, brought dodua somecb#re near tRieliem Tanyau for $5.800. '1 MI'5,Boages9q-,'V a decree ai> ti cacugit lu the cbalu. cas crusied lun rate cirgedla oregu cunties Waukegeu propert>' le stili quiet tRe gratiude tRit -en iusband bRsies lusucliae ce>'ilIo.. as kuacu tloel chici are ouI>' one-"t ut lite aven- ani>' deais belng tie sale ot lot un cuuvlcted of a flrony and that et tie fatalîs' Iulured. A docton cas celleut aecharge lu thl tale e deeadWt tret train Cathi-proet finie lie le faciug pra.eceutioui and cverythlug cas doue ton Cie vic- age s.Belîden su os esl Theodore H. Durai, Prosident. W. 8 Smith, Vice Prealdnt. Buperltendeait Petto recominende traieSpellnan te PRilip and Margaret ou a charge ofzt f."-,cn>. thu> but lie dled latter 1he dey. F, W. Churci Sl.,cre ansd Manager theo paeuig of a lac b>' the proeut Sheridan for $1.500; a lot on Blvlderej Mr. sud Mni. iogess forn"elre; nE Coroner Taylor Reid an luiquef et.l-Hart. DeWitt L. Jones, Gsu. Counsel Slegilature, estabutchtug stalle lueur- strotaet, ceaI oof Jackson, tronSarah clded lu Wiukegr for son",. litie rd> morning, the verdict belug ac- ance. If thie egiaatune te unwllliug A. Palmiate« sud alliera e o NahiS.Bime, About thtroce or tour yesrs ega, cideutal deat h. TELEPHONE8 1 1