cm t» cat lufflÉrmalwoort f la l. a11 SnlO Pm.vMou *mer1état wu cooiea teu <onlne PomPstOn. Nue minFake b AerhowuInicedb th. uts if thqye epoted theliconu»vhfld MurfW Srea, Vaud Ju-7 bISbond wv al turnqney 10carne lni. If thoy continue coup th* way 13107are they vili have the r Tht feorai Iuqectors have nru.Wh« ]»»D îcarne ta WSUEOgaS, sffl nditions tq m0ient eer. la% ~~ *~. ~ hé uatl2iaavstLi tu ','n.. offlIum tuai. doa ot seern ta h difrst ppa teS~O1 ltlS tuj$uamnt about mrnordns eotoed ila Whkmm aundor the1. marne ',*»% v omiesway tii>eyOMfl -1 b1r"e tils Bot oni>' fromtobser- oUt bi eaim Rowrebua 1>01 5m 51mune latetlir *pare iWommté vIMWebut aalof rosa commienta of vil d "p >. a number àf i" dm,& amia lliar Vos'kln ol hlm. Whoui tho>' anavo»- e".The ibhîg conat and la »Uny vays te the on ho PW104 e d Wthe. alvOrirornt he reqeeeto 0» to;,b"mpie. 'nred ye&rs go the p'vem hv# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ae up1 h ieh o ns. ioi e5l l 1Cii~au villageboard vlilch va. made up afth sevfrai months oo the ifiormi- fui "boumkol atide aidm ri@tl5severai men Who 0a0 serv"gon the th OI., that ban boa ogéeclysed la Wan* boy te vorkfor hlm. Tht. mnst»penat bar, igeda tonjear con- At . 00- ad of Coing ta twtyitv$ Of tholit act vith the Uubtjc Service cou. te *Obrtly atter hayon had benr- friand. Md urgwt gthom tu nMd 25 pou>etaoyearly rate of $1100. Vilfor It veffd the federal o*fcers la Chic« oftet t hlm IoIna PCkaEeOf Odu Jagal ateintme thon. aae more bt deçlred that hO voauan01l4ioff*eder. (hoefattirticle) mosulra »Oa fht blab toare needed, espaciafly con-.8 Trer declared tboy coud bov vhore îthtthi e die's tevli v'Ortl ins sideflng te mi population. Theore ho 1,d opeoatd In & number of ctles. morne>.UMO& et«tetU-dIro vo- percaiita ,pu Y-r t.but$.5 lr «a tbat Rovan vea mlmd vag lna ceivel &-Pagffl >« ffles. Worth 0e oemnpaimom la obviona. a MOl ,j»Xe màrlago burea a in, "m Oa abaral>'a oMtt 451lastr*«elou ta gl 1"hre l no eason vhy Mr. "s~Wholbowor mol ho viiite>0 roé- ttY-1* 11tM ORID fltu do OW imoyle ohonld bave been present t He Mu% taIo iso cborMo ia îe knovu. vine.TiaUS 014 if the viCtiawu1the meetting.H. did flot cause the ptt j& rlvai tiof th ant that' he Vaurglel te amOUVO tyetY*'VO Mm ~Yk6town ta go dry. As far as the deficit ficebc 0caughot vitb the goas" ln Wuke- tirna, etc,.M, gtc & la a iaerfOcllYe gi la concernedi t wouid not have been Bal ga i ltai the ballet liat ho viilplend chat%. the rarietius01 ai ha r thore if the affiera bad retrenche oue guilty whon is ça» efcores lip for aimai incancivalgo. properly. Thete l8 ton much thore H triai and loko a sentence, toking the I Itov u srocovlng os lbe aven- lbat saoamorfthe saloon element." lirai chance h01 t i ilbe shorter thon If â ge feat O ti01fdl etloa a d&Ya" id ho fongât the case.. 1t1 .t s ttact wvhc cuaod Pont- &TOO And incldomtally there are mony mater GradIT te 93010 suspicIous E IRL FROMEd p.opie vho have boon vandernin wvbat filoliY te rePot the mtter intetC E %mgéme of *Ran for atter ho lot t federal d$PartmIOUt. Tho e mlt vas -Lw Ck.; SUP CT. cant' W.ukugan ho seMed ta drop trou that Inopet*r$ vase snt bore sud landi P glabt eamploeoy. 'ihere voro va ont ainspa com»Pit ded-arrest vien lr! U a A Y'ld oua delays encounteredlin gtving hlm ho veSt to the postoilice vlth a suit- UE IIAU BÂSIS 0f la relmlnai7 aler ho vas taken tram case ta coliet Ide mail_____the1 Suprenne States- Both The tra CouU4 ~ta' kee, Wln.,0 later arr.s h" .'.v Mine. Stephens' Ueauty Parlors tbtt.- OVX GAI OFFICE WRTVLL iththo ma tors. .Maniuing, Shampoing, Hair Dress- A teloeva ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatmcnt Washlngt Court of th BT APPOIT9ENT ONLY. PhOno 100 clded thst 01' OMM mmoral pu opanarvitl ber te b. The den '01% SIAbearing on iovauder ~wuSlaEt" wi clotSn'and uderWeare me MM W8 GOGOSATr Ment . I T. A. ltleyolds Clothing S re maen0 LA.stUe.IL ~iave oct. Mis Sal.wWin Cotinu. Iutil M&rcdl5 t L 0»11ltrtani Ot stock is large and coorplete in aIl linea. Thanking aur isorn Bai patrons for liberai patronage in the poot, we romain Win.. and Yours îruly,are d *T. A. REVNOLDIS rtCot Je. .28, 1015. anthe wou - tpon berc dictuienta I enumre System YçogiNaMie la the F RIENDS and acquaintances find you easily wvhen your name is in the telephonàe look. It is the best reference list for names in your commuflity. Order a telephone -at once and your name will appear in ,the new directory now ini prepara- 4tion. Chic 1agoTelophone CoMPaq iA. E. AawmM% uo thol hoeoi siavel aud Ion hall . U. The gov pool t1 tlb Irint Cour volved did bas beeam transport cipator. to ton vith ta ho tra tion befor case vas of the Its BUN eiudges of the United -DecLare Conviction Of th Parties Proper. enportation, tram o Leke )n, Barrlngton, ta Milvon- , f a girl hy a man vbo vos ested unlor the Manaanse, ,d lb. basin for a ruling b>' Ouprorne court vblch soya aman la equalby respanailbb mon lu *'White SBavery" mat- reu trou lb.e easl smye: gton, Pe.. .-'Phe Buprorne tho United ISoles Ioday de- ,a voanan transportel for purpoaes lu violation of lb. Re slave act, If a gult>' par- Ma>' te convictel sa con- 11th the. porao« bo caumod transted Isbja. vilci bas a direct M the practîcé af hiackmoil- * the, vhittosaove statute. bidictel for cousplrlng vlth * Lgu4nschloger ta violate slave ant. m orlglaatedl hansaInîlie- must Chester C. Leaadenuffl- Clama HaltlanoooS»Iairng edratlng ta commit aots offense unlor the. white The indictrnont atoo chorg- Laudenncbloger did "'feoai <sprr" lihe Halte, ,voman minglon, niI., te Mhlvikee 1 tbaothIbo olle omran diI 1consent ta hi transportedt.» chleger pleaded gult>' anl sent ta prison. The vounai nulty, but the l"ederal DL>- ,r rofused ta accopt tb. pieu, woman vithdrev It. Thore- caunsel ,lerurre od theielt- and tbo court upheld the r.The district jndge hait 2uld ual regard ber a. "both ri slovor." Rhe vas rebeaao4 j. 8. Takea Appesi. overninent then bol an.aP- te Supreme Court. The Dis- ir ruiel that the Statut« ln- [Id not permit a ouora.nWho n lhe subject of nnlavful tation, Ibaugi a guilty parti- .0 o bidîcteds a canspira, L te porson vbo causeil hor trangporled. The sole quel vor the Suprome Court in thi La the vabliit>' of this ruain MâIrietCourt. M ERNE <OYTI Polftical Rows-of OId Days Are Dropped in Drems o! a BtffeCity. Highland Pak bas visions u ofb- comlng a molel lovE. The eut and vomi aides, BsectuIC divilel bytlb, Chilcago &WI NatI- western tria-aid b> the, Plitica Imolui»anad amihuOnao! .oh- sonl Ule nted la eue 1.mounieu vhoue. Tiéc«sIaL dte f«oth*liýiosu lion hbu boom mt. Il bse r#oqLM ît. dm7u MOIW -&MMMi - AV est" !la al The, Àb Iraw Hii cou: The tour JIC xk vik rout of. i ijice vwii»nVer retu-n. At ttbl i. labth r«M or0fbout nov. Whtba of Hlghlaid ParI's popula, . lts e u»-ew ghth remaine asi wa2la 1ciday ln ltc norti neburh. It aimo la the loy * marks the end cof the cOmmoR ili faim of tovornmont and the h f the comlission form. Dr yeara the four vards 0f aie i- lwo oueh&aideo f the tracks wo mirUagiolagainst each othen. rd& NM. 2 aid 3 an the east aide fflarat~Wiad the veoithior mure fsl$OUble section of thq ulace W"rd Nos. 1 and 4. thie nt aide' inluded tbe malority of poUitica1ly ambitions. tl]eut thta la the contention of neveu.eWbghi. The other otabtb x assistic commission plan and theold faim of govornment -ai0 othe vWcoriou sesven-elghts are enlng thein.lvsg for what tbey do- ve.ilil.e h. greatest coup de'etal ho bustori>of ai nols-tbo birdi ai koiel tevu. Liet et OffCe Seekers. lrors mbtheIvethe Mihng of vhoae laim ba.s Me thelh potential ai- aoider. aofilIXkbool Park. amuai ifastian, secretory af Uic syvelgit Sonté Company. avward iltchcock, vice prei lont SINational UOlk. ord W. Wflits, pres!dent Adams estilcocompany. yward Huber. ot Zfnn'r &Ilubor. trcto. niu Udoli. 'auperintenlen. Iigh- dPark Proswî,ý ethese theo Ont bhre reside on fashionabie "East 3ide", the ci- ma of vblch "neyer 'o.anIter- In poiilico betore. 'i r. IHastings aler lie nomination as maya?.. office peys o saiorv or $250 a year. ih or theotalers, If "ecwd iii rW $100 a yegr. liand Park at prescrit bas ai amon couacli of elght rnt-nbers.I gnov Highland Park wili have rcommmiters and a maya?. M"REMEIICAN NOT PUTSALONo KUI'ERIN JAIL Ver>' fe te thie cîîv or counîy'vev UNiqDi .~ -- Ibi ths prelicineul. HM% 0 M u F Until sucb a change, or sometbing Office <n Kaser 1lock. rITv À ANb i AITMTV h lft t1.aa usctel, propert>' nwvors LIBERTYVILLE, - LIOS %011 à Ail U WMLI11 1 Many Unes Down as Resuit of Steet Storm Sunday Night and MondayMorning. Wankegan, lob. 1. The sicet Storm of laut nigit and ta- day vorkel hayon vlth the telephone linos of the couity aud City. - Brigt a" earîy Ibis morulng start- lÊg ouIt ram oevéty village in the coun- t>, men vont 10 patrol the telephone Uines and oS e.vire vires vere dovn. Tboso mon continued 1e, the next vil- lage and orrlving hore, phono ta, the Wakegan 'ain office, reporting thir fandings. Then gangs et repoit men veresesnt ont ta tke caoe of breaks, Uio taitlinos especiolly heing lookel &fiter lmrnohateiy. The vor-si trouble vason the lino hotveon rayalake and Lako Villa. There vere rnany local phonos ont of service but Uic trouble vas not so g15.1 as la rnany proviaus shot alarma. Hover. the continuation of ite Stormn cauaed officiais bore ta varry over the prospect. of more dire reanits are the day ciaol. The teiograph couponles aiso sus- taled the usal damage as o resuit of the sieet hearlng lowi the vires andi breCciug them. The lectrln iigbt vires are strang- or and no damageo resulted there. The leot Stormn today resultel In the court bousecloek being *"froxen to o otandetilll.'Tho treos lit the court bouse square vero covered vltb aleel In sncb a manner 1ha1 they mnode o moat artisti eaffect In the Sec- tion afIthe lty. Intact, a "prettior" Stormn coul nat ho Imaginol thon ltaI WhIcW hit tbe coumuhity tody. 110v- eovor. mauy troos vere laaed as the beovy velgbt of the voigbted- dovu limbs brake and fell ta th. vouks and streets lu varions parts of teCity. Reports comlng lu fromn the vcin- Il>' of Waukeaaishow 1ha1 na many telaphane polos bave talien ocroas smiorn f the roadO leading ita te ot- thatI t ilaImost Impossible ta gel tutu or cut of the. city. TbiI.t. ospecaly true on North Sheridan roal near Beach and l aie * the Mil-, State's Attome*y Dady SaylaIt ,is the OnIy _Way to Teacb !IIO ARE SLEUTHS AT WORK? Officia Declines ti Answer thé. Question as to Whetber a" The Faci Tiiet Nany Plemesof Investigation l-ufiOn. Prpetý . @SIW Ëw $M- "la Il Irue thot yo have lnveatiga- oals rguesa Change. - tors aI von lun Wankeg»an d- No-lb Chicago, seeklng ta detormaine vieth- A one bl c miait oido i tlni alpoueta or or nat the salonke" o ey- heY-Ib counnl> treasurer of ail countios lng lhe boy." States Attorney Dol>' af the stoto sabat b. one ta collent vo sked by the Sun today. ail the taxes ln the conuty. "ITat la a question vhich 1 do uat Sncb a boy af cours vonl me» cars ta anver," vas lie repîY. liaI the affice of tovnship collecter '«Whetber 1 have or havenut, f vould vudh a.oavtbut. lie malte the same epiy. Saloon Inves- turne le- coming vhen soarehlng IlIke tîgatlon von must iehocarriol on se- Ibot vîlI becorn o aerolivo lu IllInela cretly If lbIt la ho o ffeetie" rogarienssof lie font that it v-fil "Wht bave you ta so> about tbe elulnale bundreds et Jobs bell b>' repot thaltva oPt yaur tevesutors township collectera. vere beolon te a saoona tev nlgbîs A Lakte Caunty officiai vos askol âgo," a. reporter peraal. the other loy: - "My anseor ta thot question muât *"W]yln'l Ibere a vny sa Ibat tex-. bie thosaue ai la the flrst'" Mr. Daly payera Bach year eau ha sent a Blate- repliI. I bave notuiiag te say." ment tellng tbem the total amount of The reticence of theo ates attor- taxes tboy muat poy for the year-' ney ta liscnes the motIon bonds cal- HIe onver: "I can tll you why: or ta the reports thot have heen cîr- itlais hcouse of the operation o! lbe cuated for the iast f 0v days that s. Isv provlding for township calectars. boon Investigolors are koopIna close "Iff thore vos o boy vblcb provil- vatcb on u nety011Y he saloons of i ed for the countY Iroasurer ta collent North Chicago btit aiseora Waukegan. ail taxes, thon thaocutil ho doue. This belua the case Il voul oppear N 'ot uni thon" tha 1 K1 r. Dady doos not place mach The need af sncb a iew la oppor- * conience in reporte thatt ho North ont. There are so mony spectilas- -Chcago saoonukeepore have lbornedaeagiesmta ln every noumunily that 1 their leeson. the av-rage praporby owuer coult 9 "You vouhd think 1h01tbey bodi keeoitrtack of tbem. The resul la thal enoughb t Iis time," lie said, "but, frequenle very frequontiy, mon or thore la no leliing. Tho>' have pol vamen go ta poy theîr taxes oud lbey thouanîs of dallerastInli u ib te 1neglent nome mnor epenil assosi- laut ya but tbey aîv.ys soem ta ment wblch bas elîpped Ibeir mnl. have Pienty O? money ta corne for-. wisat'e the reanit? 'word aid pa>' fines. Tffra muet ho The proporty la salI for taxes. lot% of moue>' lathe O siOn businessj-_ ThoY vere roady andl vling ta pay My regret ls that the lay vhlcb pro- liio specdlibut, bait no notation of It 0 ibta tie Opeulng of *&aicn o n .- Sud o overookel il. loy has no luprisaîment penalty. îit Nov, If th. counuy Ireainror col- la.. snet ceeu ta ho much of o bard- ecled ail the taxes, il vauld bha pos- slIp ta nomeofathe mon tu pi>' fiues sible for hilm ta Isue a stalomenl nov- but if lbey vore iocked u in joli for erlng ALL THE TAXES a certain a time 1 th;it lb vonîl tlah Im a Place of Prop.rty bad agalust II, mail lossan the>' voul nit bcamforget." Ont a bihll te oneo vaeenoune the 13 9cme Ui tîlime ago U~D d e-.proerl>' vas hebI aid then, wvtt clarod i. vas confident 1otoeafthat billlahilhs baud. lte aier W t4, womkeaan saloonsiau. 4,lisobey- coulgo0and pay salI taxes &Haili h- %Da lb. loy vith rgsdiô *em4lalng once ail know Ibat h. boi pol Ibsu alcl t M mi Sunla>'. W lBelûU=tl &IL besth. matér WOM 'laid sS. Vhatpiopert>' auner hlister. lin . »"-a t * eporte t"b* itr 0be paa WaakegonWho hamnt bol a plane af *Me a cotigan m'*-tdbo i ii Woet? Bel jImmbecoumélet, i % -ooàbe. eo*ad liiÉMur on lo"h~am jmett aiiiiiii i"ib"te*Ps' I or' conlinualiy viii face the porbviity of boving properly soid for taxes, flot because they tried ta escape pa3 lng those taxes but hecause they ~~o ta pay one at a dozen or more ope- cis Ibat staod against il. For Instance, the gracerynan ar the dry goods man doesn't biante you for net paylng a bill if ho daesn't send you on ltemized bill. Thatsi part of bis business, ta collect In his money througb sendlng ont hbis. Wliy then, It le argued. sbouid the ta\ý matter be handied any differently? The aid pion with the townshfi c- lsctars ln office, wasaial right when there were net sa mony speciai as- dsosments ln cilles and vIllagei. lb ls al l gbt for the farmioz conmnuai- tien vhere there are naoue but, It le a rm aniltire so for as clies xnl villages go. None dispute tbe stabe- ment vho pays taxes. One Hundred and Five of Them Ask iudge to* End the Inlunction. Aurora, 111.1 Jan. 28-One buadred and five dairymen vba came ta El1- hurm yesterdoy ta deliver miliitram Kaoviile. Blackberry. Compton, and VlgIl signed up o pelitfon ln ten min- utes addreso ta .ludgo Irvin asking hlm ta dissolve his injunction "re- stralnlng lie siaughter of stock vhlch bas been expaod ta or afflicted with the bon? ond moutb dîsoase.' The signer@s&acaadopted o resoiu- lion declarina innfovor of ca-oioeraing vwilh the state and faderai officers. -The obmnmittee caileti upan Jndge Irvin and ho told' tbem thot they vould have ta gel the cnlsent of At- torney Charles OCnnor of Chicago, repr.oentlng Wallace Norton af Gene- va, on empioye af Coi. George Paby- an and Mrs. Huida Henningson, ho- fore the lnJunction conl ho dlssoivedl. Stock Mon Censure Dunne. Springfield. Ili., Jan. 28.--Critictom If G0v. Donne or " Meged fellure ta appoit lractical live stock mon ta the. qtate live stock commission vas made by B. C. Stane of Poorle, presi- dont of the Illinois Liv. Stack Breed- ors' association, ln his annuai ad- Irons. ln vhlcb ho iacusmel the vav- sgea ot the foot And mouth lisease ln thîs satt..He osserted Illinois vas th. dumping grouid for catte ouI urged more rigidlalovoprohibltlng thelir lImortation. I~ i iln c Le Get your cataiog tromu nu md moud &H your orders tb nu, eibr stl bortjylUs or Area,'on mm econdition. segliena est&-. log. Write or phono jour andu la or caIL .W. viiiaend jounsasi ta yon by parcel.voit If dsegred. shab.c.t"u. "m for &Umiimga- timée or gam the. oséam"a Langworthy Stores Not too early to take up plana for improveMnents If they contemplate ini- crease in ff iciency, cou'- fort and convenience, as Of Course tloy do, they should include the Wiring of Your House for Electric Ligt whicb amean» aléo Househojd Powe that wiII operate nmny labor-saving devices, a&l sonail user* of current We wfre houas.@a&" prsd the c"m mea i iL...applianes. on easy ELHANAN W. COLJY 'Attornoy.t-Law Money to Loan on Good Approyed Itut1 Estate. Office in Trigga Building. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLMINOS LYMLL HMORRI ÂIORT-&T-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Luce BuIdJnir Res.Iplione lji-R. Officorphom m MAYTI C. DHCKER '.TWOEY-AT-LAW oitice Opp. lesist,. licoci Ualaooa illIco Phonoe8M8Romf. Phomffl8On NORTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC OUFFIN AIOBNUT AT LAW. Ubertll, IMKOUt DL O. F. DUTTERPIBL. VETKIIÎARY B SUONU. uAAI ITATU EIUMP UbertyvIla. Iinois. DR. E. V. SMITI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. dours 8 to1Mia.rm. 2lIc 4 »d 7Ioa mi. m f 010e ov..rSay Furottur. 510r..I LISERTYVILLE. ILi*401 DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office l ina irg atioimal Bek au ld *ooa:-l ta 3:30 sid to 8 m. inBroodwey. oppositeP** ulorqvIIie. iluois. Di COLDIN Bonnm 8 tI 12 sublirSI.' Over Tirs: NatIonl n 1Office PhonoelS1.9. ILdm. IU Ltb@rWlb. l'Alo 3vou Lsa coGuo AIh A CMtA. N. 5STEPi00 . > paya WAwfou J. .(Ié. AUCTION~ 144 EhaveaiA.. oéit PUBLIC AUCTiON5Ev1 tioommi atteutonpdoOq4 auetlon sole mmd bitraglo. ta a lng @me. Ail kinda ai hon», vWoo bae orna.»anma or ozebpha n Ml HENRY SMN DIANOND LAKE SAMIAR 4EEA. REL. Telphono No. w wmmatlna. Dyqiepelo a Chemin bilnam sTnit 1.A. CitANZ . . IWISCONsi Fana and FImm Laau Wlsooai. Dbiy Làn A f ew Lake Co,.I « H-. D. BOYD lie hieM fr. a"m mm PI Wa*aavt, Win, Llnm O. TP u*c 7.105, $mi, id oaettIclboFirot mS m Rf ASON'S IBARBE1R sSO figsT CLUL yP.TOc.DATm dSAU dry Bell